Humanity will become more humane, wiser and friendlier, girls will become more beautiful, boys will be more sober, and boys will become more kawaii in that sweet moment when there will be more sites offering beautiful websites for Facebook, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki than daily users of popular data social networks.

Yes, these networks interfere with doing homework. Yes, because of them, tomorrow the boss will give a box from an office paper press 80 ge per me. Yes, last night I didn’t get a chance to go for a walk, because in the happy farmer his virtual double was barking at the thieves and biting their legs. But that's not so bad. The real trouble creeps up unnoticed, but clearly, at the moment when you, your cubicle neighbor or spouse, who turned on the laptop instead of a vacuum cleaner, suddenly has nothing to write on the wall. Well, at least kill yourself against the wall of the cubicle, breaking the HP panels... The day begins to seem like a black night, slept in vain.

And here an unusual site comes to the rescue - with another exclusive (God, how we don’t like this word, but we need it) selection of statuses and quotes. Read louder than books, Facebook. Be creative and creative on VKontakte. Odnoklassniki, higher flags and diaries with deuces! The sweetest moment in the history of the world is getting closer and closer. A moment of piercing status happiness.

Facebook and VKontakte on the topic of happiness:

Happiness is the ability to properly scratch whatever itches.

Happiness begins with awareness of your capabilities.

What doesn't make us stronger can kill us.

Being unhappy is a habit. Being happy is a habit. We choose for ourselves what to get used to.

Fortunately there is no way. Happiness is the way.

Statuses about life as such for Facebook, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte:

Living is simple. Sleep. Eat. Drink. Change statuses.

Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.

I think that life is not a joke. Because I didn't understand her.

Some people spend their whole lives waiting for their ship, not realizing that they are at the airport.

I said no to drugs, but they didn't listen to me.

I don't tip my cat. Because of this, he never serves me coffee.

I became a vegetarian not because I love animals, but because I hate plants!

There are three types of people in the world: those who can count and those who cannot.

Statuses for curious people on social networks:

I wonder what blind people dream about?

I wonder why bra is singular and panties are plural?

I wonder what will happen if you cry underwater?

I wonder why they say “in the movies” but “on TV”?

I wonder what the male ladybug is called?

I wonder why airplanes aren't made of material as strong as their black boxes?

Let's say we know the speed of light. What is the speed of darkness?

The most truthful statuses for the first of April:

That's it, with today I do not smoke!

That's it, starting today I'm quitting drinking!

Your entire wall is white!

Statuses for collecting a record harvest of comments:

Today am I: a) sleepy, b) drunk, c) mischievous, or d) all together?

Today I need to: a) get a haircut, b) get a tattoo or c) get a piercing?

I'm thinking of learning new language. Please advise which one.

Unusual and simple beautiful quotes for every day (including quotes with pictures):

A small “non-” is the whole difference between ordinary and unusual.

Everything truly bad begins with the most innocent.

Lazy people die when they become too lazy to live.

Never look back if you don't mean to go back.

Are they making fools of themselves? Demand ketchup!

There is beauty in everyone, but not everyone sees it.

Having a roof over your head often prevents people from growing.

Laziness makes everything difficult.

The mind is like a river. The deeper, the less noise.

The continuation will not escape you and me. Happy surfing. Smack.

I wasn't a freak; and, more importantly, he was an orphan - and any walker knows how unfailingly this affects women. My “method” was to come across as weird, cynical and insensitive. And then, like a magician with a rabbit, I presented them with my homeless heart.

When you lose your balance
your mind is tired,
when the steps of this ladder
disappear from under your feet,
like a deck,
when he spits on humanity
your night loneliness, -
you can
think about eternity
and doubt integrity
ideas, hypotheses, perceptions
works of art,
and - by the way - the very conception
Madonna of the son of Jesus.
But it's better to worship the given
with her deep graves,
which then
for a long time,
they seem so cute.

Better to worship the given
with its short roads,
which then
will seem to you
will seem big
strewn with compromises,
will seem like big wings,
They will seem like big birds.

Yes. Better to bow to the given
with its poor standards,
which then to the extreme,
will serve as a railing for you
(although not particularly clean),
keeping in balance
your lame truths
on this chipped staircase.

When the pain has completely subsided,
And fatigue will spit out the last verse,
In which I will say goodbye to you
A banal and hackneyed “sorry”
The watercolors of fragile lines will disappear,
Tenderness will fall silent, hiding out of sight
Of course, I know that everything has its time,
And that protective layer is too thin,
Saving from someone's dislike
Like a fox, I'll sweep up tracks with my tail.
/They usually sigh here: “ce la vie”/
And someday I will breathe again
About something that has not come true hundreds of times,
About the strange weather of December
Well, in the meantime, please color
My every day by the presence of myself

Once you fly away, you'll adjust the sail.
The doctor was Latvian - as fair as a lily of the valley.
Let's fold our white hands like this.
Life doesn't bail us out.

An angel stood near the bed
Like an orderly in a white coat,
August stood right above the morgue,
August breathed sun and sea.

I floated away in white lilac.
The trumpeters' lips turned grey.
This is my mother's weirdness again.
I asked - without orchestra members.

And over Moscow the chimneys were smoking.
The hippodrome was frozen in foam and soap.
For the thousandth time it was exemplary
Children's performance at Obraztsov's.

And, tired, from the summer stage,
Those orchestra players tormented the waltz.
Whose anger or disgrace is this?
Nothing has changed in the world...

I floated away in white lilac.
The trumpeters' lips turned grey.
This is my mother's weirdness again.
I asked - without orchestra members.

How do people become lonely? After all, life is in full swing all around, there are a lot of friends, work colleagues, and you are all alone. Strange, isn't it? Although, this oddity has a clear explanation - you are lonely when you were abandoned, when he, or she, left you. Well, you immediately get the feeling that everyone has abandoned you. This is a very scary feeling. Your space asks only one question: “WHY?” Why did your loved one, who just yesterday was nearby, whom you heard, saw, looked into his eyes, suddenly move away? And the worst thing is that not a single answer will suit you. But now he is doing something somewhere, eating, drinking, watching TV, maybe even having fun with someone. It would seem much worse, but it turns out that there are worse things: it’s scary to feel abandoned while still being with the person you love.
Don't be shy about telling your loved ones that they are irreplaceable, don't consider it a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength. Life is a very short thing, so don't waste time. Talk to your loved ones, because they deserve it. Everything in our lives would be different if we learned to listen not only to ourselves

And I will never write under the windows “Sunny (kitten, fish, bunny), I love you!” I don’t like vanilla or menthol snot on the windowsills, Teddy bears and hearts in different places. I don't like constantly talking through a dash or underscore, pictures with winged girls and sad suicidal texts, and I don't care about all the blueberry nights, the heavenly smells, the wool socks and shirts, the cups of tea and coffee, the curled legs, don't care about scars. Oh yes. Also for eyelashes, tears and martinis.

And all because I want children from you. Because I want to fry potatoes and meat with you, and not read statuses on all kinds of Internets. Because I want you in an awesome dress with awesome stilettos. Of course, with awesome breasts and ass, with hair styled or unstyled on your head. Because I want you, and not what is wrapped in arafatka and photographs of cats in the first paragraph. And I, like a normal guy, want to fuck you, not hug you New Year, with a blanket, tea and candles. I would like to give you not soft toys, and not mittens with a fucking rose in addition, but, perhaps, Dovlatov’s collection, the first snow hidden in the freezer, clothes and shoes, cool headphones or a painting. I don’t want to hear “purr”, “smacks” and “rose dreams for you”, it’s more pleasant for me to hear how you hate me and moan from kisses a minute later, how you don’t let me sleep with conversations about politics and hit me with a pillow, because I I'm not listening to you. And drink vodka, after all. A little. And break the dishes, and cut all the laces on my shoes, and throw a hysteria - normal - because you love me and you can’t bear to see my crap. Because I don’t change a damn thing and I don’t understand you. Yes, because I love you too, fool, and you love me exactly like that and exactly for this. And no poems about “love-blood”, about, damn, “he offended, he didn’t see tears”, no poems for you to “remove from everywhere”. Tell me. And calm down. Because you are a woman and I am a man. Because I want to have sex and eat, and this has always been so, and so it will be; and that's natural. And I want to eat and fuck with my beloved, not with a nervous girl with “brittle fingers” and all sorts of “cutes” in her room, but with a woman who knows who I am and who she is. With the one who doesn’t write “good night” via SMS, but comes to sleep with me. Who talks to me and does something with me, who makes it clear that I can be better here and there, and not “I’m tired of this and that,” and doesn’t fuck off - just fuck off, quickly and definitely with song - into the night, into train stations, into girlfriends with alcohol, into a noose, into a bath, into disordered tears. Being a growing woman isn't just about being able to drink and fuck as a teenager, and being a man isn't just about telling stories about beautiful life. And, by the way, a relationship is when you made a big ASS together, and together, holding hands, you climbed in there, calling it your HOME, terrifying your parents and not intending to get out.

You also ask why I don’t have a girlfriend... Yes, because I’m fucked.