In the fall of 20 years ago, singer Igor Talkov was killed. The artist, who was called the symbol of Russia, left behind many poems and songs. And he took with him to the grave a mystery that has not been solved to this day: who sent him to the grave and why. However, the saying “To each his due” seems to have worked in this case, even after two decades. For everyone who was involved in the tragedy, life went awry, and many even went to the next world.

He predicted his death
Igor Talkov was not only a controversial figure, but also a mystical one. Fans claimed that he looked like Christ, as he is depicted on Orthodox icons. The Son of God was crucified at age 33. Talkov fell a little short of 35.
“Of course, he had inexplicable talents,” says Irina Krasilnikova, who has been storing and collecting everything related to Talkov for many years, with tenderness in her voice. – His poems – read more carefully – were prophetic, he predicted the future of Russia and the whole world. His musicians, I talked to them, told amazing things. Once everyone was on a plane going on tour together. The plane hit a zone of turbulence and began to shake. The musicians were afraid that the plane would fall and everyone would die. And Igor calmly said: “Guys, as long as you are with me, don’t be afraid of anything. The plane won’t fall, I won’t die like that.” “Perhaps you know how you will die?” – asked one of the musicians. To which Igor calmly said: “This will happen in front of a large crowd of people, in a large hall, and the killer will never be found.” 10 people heard this, isn’t it amazing?! How did he write his songs? On paper, as a rule, without a single blot. And he himself said that it was as if someone from above was dictating the lines, and he only had time to write them down.
Igor asked his mother Olga Yulievna more than once: “Mom, when I’m gone, put an Orthodox cross on my grave, and nothing else is needed.” It was as if he knew that he, a young man full of strength, would leave before his then elderly mother.

Will Lenin rise again soon?
Talkov is survived by his son, Igor Jr. At the time of his father's death he was 9 years old.
Now the guy is engaged in music, although not as successfully as his famous father. Friends and colleagues of Talkov Sr. note that Igorek is a talented guy. But strange. He created a certain philosophical movement called “Mirimir”, which seems to unite people who want to develop their superpowers. He also named his musical group. The lyrics are entirely religious. True, on some Internet sites “Mirimir” is called a sect.
The illustrations on the musician’s personal page on one of the social networks are more than strange. An icon of a saint with the head of either a dead man or an alien. Flying horses against the backdrop of explosions... And the phrases he wrote and the phrases of his close friends give me goosebumps:
“My love and beloved, 69 is the number of Golgotha, 666 is the number of abrasions on the body of Jesus, 78 is the number of the Altar...”
“May my power rest on my blood, that my children will be shut up from evil and destruction, and may my mother shine over the power, having passed through all 15 plagues...”
“ will be Lenin who will be the first to resurrect. Leningrad – the place of the Second Coming of Jesus – the city of Lenin’s altar..."
Some of the symbols depicted in the photographs are Vedic. For example, “a white head in a circle” means the head of a defeated enemy. And flying horses mean success in self-development...

The killers got paid!
Be that as it may, after the death of Talkov Sr., many strange things happened.
“I heard that Igor Malakhov, who was accused of Talkov’s death, died, died hard, cried in pain and asked Igor for forgiveness,” said drummer Igor Javad-Zade, who played with Talkov in the group “Lifebuoy” in the mid-80s .
This summer, another participant in this story, Gennady Berkov, died from a protracted serious illness...
“Berkov acted like a provocateur - he cut off Igor’s most loyal people, weaved intrigues,” says Igor Talkov Jr.’s godfather Andrei Blinov. He was a friend of Talkov Sr. and worked as a manager in his team. It was he who introduced Igor to Shlyafman, who became his director. And he either shot himself, or deliberately exposed Igor to the bullet.
“I think a whole “operation” was developed to eliminate the singer, in which many participated,” says Irina Krasilnikova. “They were all paid for the murder of Igor by those who benefited from his death. The beggar Shlyafman, who always had no money, left for Israel after Igor’s death and opened a store there. And later the investigation found out that it was he who shot...
The traces of Shlyafman, who fled to Israel, and from there to America, were lost. It is possible that he, too, is no longer alive.
Finally, Irina Krasilnikova told how the singer was buried back in 1991.
– For the first time I saw so many people crying. Someone in the crowd said: “This is not Talkova, this is Russia being buried.” He was born on November 4, the day of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. And when he was buried in the church, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God fell from the wall! The priest's eyes widened. And when the coffin was lowered into the ground at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, the sky turned black. Granny, who was standing next to me, said: “This is what happens when saints are buried: the evil spirits cannot stand it and spray blackness into the sky.”

Igor Talkov was born on November 4, 1956. During a group concert in St. Petersburg on October 6, 1991, an unknown person killed him outright with a shot in the heart.
The guard was initially accused
singer Aziza Igor Malakhov. The scandal allegedly arose because Aziza wanted to go on stage before Talkov, but he did not want to let the woman go ahead.
Then a version of a contract political murder arose. They say that Talkov spoke too actively against those who came to power in August 1991. And then the name of Valery Shlyafman, who was the artist’s director at the time of the murder, appeared in the case...

Friends' opinion

Andrey Blinov:
His father took him to church

– Guys from St. Petersburg, who call themselves friends of Igor Jr., write that he is in a sect? I don't believe. And how can they know anything about him? After all, he lives in Moscow. From childhood, his father took him to an Orthodox church, taught him to believe, they had a spiritual father. Then, however, the guy stopped going to church and said that he had to rethink a lot of things for himself.

Igor Javadzade:
Why doesn't he sing Talkov's songs?

– Igor and I have known each other for many years, one might say we are friends. The guy is good, talented, but he often disappears somewhere for a long time. And then he appears again, but I’m already used to these oddities of his. The only thing I can’t understand is that he categorically does not want to perform his father’s songs. Although he was offered more than once to perform at concerts and sing them on TV. He says: “I don’t want to speculate on memory.”
Or maybe he just doesn’t want to attract his father’s karma?

Margarita Terekhova:
He’s in another galaxy or “used” something...

Actress Margarita Terekhova was the last love of Igor Talkov. Although he had a legal wife, Tatyana (she now works at the Mosfilm film studio as an administrator and refuses to communicate with journalists), the singer could not remain indifferent to the delights of “Milady”.
Terekhova was at that fateful concert where the artist’s life was cut short. She also believes that the singer was killed for his too frank songs and poems.
About Talkov’s son, whom she once encountered on a television show in memory of his father, the actress said: “A strange guy. Either on his own wavelength, or in another galaxy, or “used” something like that..."

On October 6, 1991, poet and musician Igor Talkov was killed
I called Igor Talkov on Friday to arrange an interview. He promised to give it on Monday, immediately after finishing his concert in the Kiev Ukraina Palace.

I called Igor Talkov on Friday to arrange an interview. He promised to give it on Monday, immediately after finishing his concert in the Kiev Ukraina Palace. But the conversation never took place - on Sunday evening the musician was killed in St. Petersburg. And then, 14 years later, I entered the hotel room and saw a living, smiling... Igor Talkov. True, with the addition of the younger one. The son is an exact copy of the father. The same appearance, gestures, facial expressions, manner of speaking. The same feigned sloppiness and open smile. Meet 23-year-old Moscow musician, composer and arranger, author of all his songs, Igor Igorevich Talkov. His father’s son... He did not fail to note that he hated interviews ever since they wrote about him: “Talkov Jr. is afraid to repeat his father’s fate.” “I have nothing to do - every day I sit and am afraid.”


- Since I was nine years old, I’ve only heard that nature rests on children. Further - more: little Talkov earns money from his father's "backing tracks". But I have not used any of his arrangements and do not intend to. Although already at the age of 17 he could become a very famous and rich artist. Serious companies offered good contracts - only if you agreed to re-release your father's albums. But, firstly, in my performance his songs turn out much worse. And secondly, it’s much more interesting to sing about what you yourself have experienced. And if you want to listen to Talkov Sr., please put on the disc and enjoy the original.

I'm trying to become a separate creative entity. Although not without the fact that people often ask me to sing “Summer Rain”, “Lifebuoy”... But I sing them only in my own arrangements in the reggae style - my father, by the way, also loved to experiment. I have been writing since I was 15 years old. I recently assembled a group of musicians, and this process is quite painful. We released the first album and - let me also boast - we shot the first video, “The Seventh Day” in Kharkov.

- Why was the video filmed in Ukraine and not in Moscow?

Because meeting such people here is a fairy tale. But in Moscow everything is expensive, tasteless and unprincipled. The people wrote themselves off and began to openly hack.

- Did your father want to see you as a musician?

How much do you have to hate your child to wish him this! No, my dad loved me and dreamed that I would become an athlete. I have been practicing Tai Kwan Do for a long time. But one day during training, the teacher paired me with his daughter, and I accidentally hit her in the eye with all my might with my heel.

- Knocked out?

It worked out. But I was kicked out of the section. I was offended and... seriously became interested in music.

- Do you even do exercises in the morning?

I'm trying. We live on the 24th floor, and every day I run down the stairs and then run upstairs at the same pace. Over time, I hope to increase the number of descents and ascents to 10.

- Do you live with your mother?

With my mother and wife in a one-room apartment. Nastya and I are two creative units: she is an artist, I am a musician.

- Why didn’t you take care of yourself and get married so early?

I used to think that this would never happen to me. Well, over time I realized that every self-respecting man should go to the registry office. And do this primarily so that his girlfriend feels like a normal person. Otherwise they treat her like a fool. Say: “Who are you?” - “And I’m his girlfriend.” - “Well, if that’s the case, then you go...” A wife is different, it sounds proud.

- Nastya took your last name?

Yes. Now there are exactly 10 Talkovs throughout Russia. Half are our relatives, half are namesakes.

- Did your father have any other children?

No. Although after his death I was constantly presented with daddy’s illegitimate offspring. There was also an invasion of an incredible number of exalted ladies who condescendingly explained to my mother and me: “I hope you know that Igor dedicated all his songs only to me?” (laughs).

His passionate fans are still on duty at the grave of Igor Talkov on Vagankovsky. Doesn't this bother you?

The place there is very convenient, the neighborhood is good - Yashin’s grave is nearby, three guys who died during the defense of the White House are buried. Joseph Davydovich Kobzon procured him for us. They wanted to bury my father much further from the entrance. But I go to Vagankovsky extremely rarely, because I think that there are only bones in the ground. But the soul, the memory, they are there all the time, and I have constant contact with my father.

- What childhood memories of him have you retained?

After 1987, I rarely saw my father - he toured a lot. And before that, they constantly frightened me with his photograph: they say, dad sees everything, he’ll come and kick me in the ass. When the photo stopped working, they began to threaten with a voice recorder: “Now we will record all your show off, dad will listen and tell you.”

- Did you sleep often?

Once. I broke the player and blamed it on my younger cousin. When everything became clear, my father spoke like an adult, like a man. It wasn't a spanking.

- So you, Talkov Jr., grew up naughty?

Very much, especially after my father’s death. Then they lisped me, squeezed me to the point of impossibility: “You are our little blood, little orphan, ah-ah...”. I spat and left the house and went outside. I found some strange guys: “Hello, I live here, my name is Igor.” - “Fuck you!”

- Did the guys know your last name?

They didn't care. In general, I get very angry when people address me by my last name in public. Granny loves this thing with passion. She tells anyone that she is Talkov’s mother. Even passengers in the compartment.

- But at school you were clearly singled out?

I was seen there so rarely that even the annual magazine was rewritten so that because of one slob, the overall picture of attendance would not be spoiled. Although it wasn’t particularly difficult for me to come and write an A on the test. I just refused to understand why they were hanging around for so long? Well, how can you read serious classics at the age of 12, in which real adult passions and emotions are seething? It got to the point that my father took me away from school for a whole year so that I could study at home with teachers. God, how I had a blast then! There is no need to get up early, there is no need to study lessons. We began to philosophize more and more with our teachers.


- Why did he take you?

I studied very poorly, but that's not all. My father saw the textbook “Native Word”, on the cover of which (just think!) Alexander Nevsky was in front of the army, proudly raising a red flag with... a hammer and sickle. This intrigued him greatly. And after reading the sections about the exploits of revolutionaries, he became so angry that he tore the book to shreds. I tried to write a refutation to the publishers, but quickly realized that I was doing nonsense and simply took me out of school.

In addition, the father was fed up with teachers complaining that his son had long hair. He constantly gave me explanatory notes: they say, excuse me, but it seems to me that hair length has absolutely no effect on a person’s intellectual abilities. Let's remember Turgenev, Gogol. They didn't have short hair either.

After my father died, I missed another year of school. And then he went to a special one, with an English bias. When I told my former director about this, he was incredibly happy: “I thought that you were in a special school for the mentally retarded. It’s also surprising that you’re not in a colony for juvenile delinquents. Congratulations.”

- Has your famous surname really not helped you all these years?

Probably, I received such an upbringing when you don’t take credit for your father’s laurels. When they said: “Thank you for your father,” I sincerely did not understand why they should thank me?

- Did he have many friends?

To be honest, he didn’t have them at all, except maybe a few from his childhood. But in the first years after his death, absolutely all the famous people of the country visited our home. They swore eternal love and devotion, promised my mother and me any support. There are still many articles at home where they cried about their feelings. But now they are trying to avoid this topic. Nothing can be done - the fashion for Talkov has passed.

- I hope this does not concern your father’s good friend Andrei Derzhavin?

At least he didn’t do anything nasty and at first he really helped. My father had excellent relationships with all normal people, devoid of pretentious show-offs.


- Is it true that he had a great love with Margarita Terekhova?

Yes. And more than one song is dedicated to her. But then I was still too young to take everything seriously, and now I don’t want to speculate on anything. My father poured out all his feelings in songs. And the main ones, such as “My Love,” are dedicated to my mother.

- Your parents were not officially divorced?

No. Although the periods were very different. Sometimes they lived under the same roof as brother and sister. Well, what to do if you fall in love? This first of all causes grief to yourself: you are drawn to home, where everything is dear, where they are waiting for you, and to your beloved... By the way, I am the same.

- What kind of women did your father like?

Oh, there are different ones... And there were models, and not only. Okay, so what about this...

In recent years, he had no time for that: he worked a lot, improved his relationship with himself, and found a certain internal compromise. That’s when he and his mother really had a real family idyll.

My father had only just been officially allowed to perform - before that, he was often removed from concerts, he might not even be allowed to finish singing a song, he was kicked off the stage. Some money appeared in the family, we could finally dream of a real apartment (we all lived together in a one-room Khrushchev house, and my grandmother often stayed overnight).

In a word, I achieved what I dreamed of, there were a lot of plans. By the way, Vladimir Kirillovich Molchanov helped a lot. The creative team of the program “Before and After Midnight”, at their own risk and free of charge, from archival materials, edited a video for the song “Russia” and showed it live. At that time, such a clip cost 10 thousand rubles. And the “Vzglyad” program was the first to invite my father to speak on its live broadcast, and the people realized that Talkov was not only a “clean one.” He opened up in a new way.

- Were you very angry when they asked you to sing “Chistye Prudy”?

Satanel! Now I also suffer from this at my concerts.

It seems that Talkov Sr. dreamed of opening his own theater in order to help young talented guys who do not have the opportunity to break through?

Yes. After all, many of us, even at the age of 40, are all listed as “young aspiring artists.” As soon as I get back on my feet, I will definitely bring his idea to life.

I often think: maybe this is some kind of conspiracy against those who sing songs with meaning, ones that can influence feelings and mind? What television imposes leads to complete degradation of the individual. Editors at radio stations and television channels are mostly former commissars who have nothing to do with creativity and see in artists only envelopes with money. It was about them that my dad sang: “The Komsomol members changed their ways - they went into show business...”. Endless TV series, talk shows... Scientists have proven that all this contributes to the development of Down syndrome. And how, one might ask, can music break through insanity?

- Tell me, what are my father’s colleagues in the “Lifebuoy” group doing now?

Some write arrangements, others went to the States.

- At one time, your father left to work as a taxi driver out of despair, when his oxygen was completely cut off?

- (Laughs). He never worked as a taxi driver. I just made a joke somehow: “If I don’t have enough to live on, I’ll become a taxi driver,” and so off we go. Although he drove his BMW expertly. I inherited this from him, although I don’t have my own car.

-Where is your father's?

My father was a “cool” businessman, so he was easily sold a car that was eating up so much money that it was cheaper to buy two new ones. Bandits drove it until my father was about 15 years old. Mom kept it for a long time as a relic, and when she realized that in a year it would simply crumble, she sold it for pennies.

- How much money did your family live on after the death of the breadwinner?

What to remember about this! Sometimes my mother just needed a few kopecks to give me for school breakfast. But we were no strangers: even under my father, we often lived with an empty refrigerator. It's good that the family is friendly. Grandmother, for example, brought her pension.

- You didn’t want to contact influential people, including Kobzon?

Mom cut it off once and for all. She only allowed small gifts for me - sneakers, chewing gum... She always had the idea of ​​fixing me on my feet, so that I would be the most educated, the most fashionable, the best.

The situation was complicated by the fact that at one time my father forbade my mother to study or work anywhere - she was only a wife. When he was gone, it turned out that she didn’t know how to do anything.

Today, she and I could do everything competently - release one single a year from our father’s unknown songs and live comfortably. Well, then it was easy to fool the Talkov family. “Kind” people arrived and told us that by giving them the copyright, my mother and I would be in complete chocolate in a month. She signed up for this whole thing.


- Did any of you have a premonition of a future tragedy? Maybe you had prophetic dreams?

Yes, they all need to cut out their tongues! The family did nothing but lament and squeal: “Oh, where are you going? Oh, they’ll kill you! Oh, you’re coming back late from concerts, they’ll attack you!” Over time, my father also began to repeat: “I myself know that they will kill me sooner or later.” But bad thoughts materialize and attract trouble.

- Talkov Sr. really interfered with the authorities?

Oddly enough, he did not interfere with the authorities. In 1989, they called us from Lubyanka and invited him with a guitar to give a concert there. Grandma immediately rushed off to the kitchen to sob. And it was possible to understand her: she remembered the times when, after such calls, people simply disappeared without a trace. And he said: “It’s better for me to go and figure everything out on the spot. Either they’ll flood me with the program or they’ll put me in prison.”

He came out on stage and announced: “Now I will sing what you scare me for.” The applause was restrained. Well, when the concert was over, they shook his hand, approved the program, but finally warned: “Of course, from the stage you can perform whatever you want. But if you blurt out the same thing somewhere else, you will be immediately closed. And for a long time.” .

- Igor, excuse me... Is it true that the case is closed and the real killer has not yet been found?

To hide as many facts and evidence as possible, the investigation was structured very cunningly. What can we talk about if the main suspect immediately after the incident rushed off with the investigator from St. Petersburg to Moscow in a black Mercedes with tinted windows? It is clear that along the way they agreed on everything. My mother and I were not allowed anywhere near the case. I let go of this situation for a while, although I know for sure: when I get back on my feet, I will definitely pick it up again.

- Was the singer Aziza really involved?

By the way, she is still afraid to meet me. But in vain, I treat her normally. Well, what can you take from a woman? Here the matter is different. My father sang political songs that debunked the past. This was beneficial to Yeltsin, who had just come to power - by the way, he really liked the song “Mr. President.” But in his interviews, my father often repeated: “Now I will talk about today and I’m not going to stop.” But you had to know Talkov - he always went to the end. Therefore, his next songs would be 100 times cooler than “Mr. President” and “Russia”. And I do not rule out that this was precisely the motive for the murder.

The Black Hundreds also had a grudge against him. In the spring of 1991, they began to invite my father to join the Memory society. He had no intention of joining, but spoke at the presentation of their Democratic Newspaper. A photo was taken. The next day, the media trumpeted throughout the Union that Talkov had become a member of “Memory”. Our phone immediately died. Throughout the summer, my father wrote refutations, proving that he was not a politician, but a free artist. Apparently, the people who started the dirty brawl wanted to film a fight in which Talkov would look his worst in order to discredit him in the eyes of millions of people. And there... Who knows, maybe the shot really turned out to be accidental. Everything is very foggy.

Perhaps my father had a presentiment of something. When boarding a plane, he always told his men: “Don’t be afraid, I’m with you, so we definitely won’t fall. If I’m gone, it will only be with a large crowd of people, and the killers will never be found.” He joked and finished the joke...

Mom said that shortly before his death he had a terrible fight with someone on the phone: “Why are you all pestering me? I don’t have more than a month left to live anyway.” At the same time, my mother claims that he had no intention of dying at all. There were a lot of plans.

- How old was Igor Vladimirovich?

Almost made it to 35.

In his book “Monologue”, he talked about how one day, returning home, he came across the dilapidated Temple of the Beheading of John the Baptist. And he found a knocked down, abused cross lying on the ground there, brought it home, and put it in order. Has the shrine survived?

Yes. And I want to return the cross back. Dad saved him - he didn’t want the swear words to be scratched on him and the bulls to be extinguished. That temple turned into a public toilet, filled with excrement and rats. My father said: “If they start restoring it, I’ll return it.” He cleaned the cross, painted it with gold paint, and varnished it.


- How did you find out about his death?

I came home from a walk, and everyone there seemed strange. Mom explained in a strange voice that dad was no longer there, he had been shot. I didn’t understand anything, I thought that he was in the hospital and they would definitely save him. But mom said: “No. This is the end.” To avoid getting in the way, they took me somewhere to spend the night. And when they brought us home, in our tiny room there was already a coffin. Then pure hell began - funerals, crying, nailing the coffin shut, a million people, everyone saying something...

- Were there many actors and singers?

Wrong word. The farewell took place at the Olimpiyskiy, where my father was scheduled to have big concerts in November. He never felt like a megastar who would go down in history, and he was still worried that he would not be able to gather such a huge hall. It turns out that I collected it, and how...

- What does your uncle Vladimir Vladimirovich do?

Uncle... Have you read Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard? So, he is the spitting image of Gaev.

- Are they similar to your brother?

Those who want, find similarities, those who don’t want, do not find. This, by the way, concerns me too. Mom works at Mosfilm, where they love her very much, so they say that I am a copy of my mother. But the majority, of course, thinks that I am the spitting image of Dad.

A few years ago, after a concert, an elderly woman rushed up to me. And he joyfully says: “Igorechka, dear, I haven’t seen you for 10 years. Where have you gone, why don’t you write new songs? And you also shaved your beard. It suits you so well.” I was, of course, shocked, but I didn’t explain anything.

Well, now other stories are happening, more and more funny ones. After the performance, the girls, 15-16 years old, surround us: “Oh, you are so handsome, you are so talented! Is it true what they say that your dad also sang a little?” (Laughs).

Tell me honestly: does the trail of a famous name, talent, and terrible death that you inherited really bother you?

This is a very difficult question and there will never be a clear answer to it. It's not a train - it's a cross. And if every person has one, then I have two. One is the father of Igor Vladimirovich Talkov, the second is my own.

The death, or more precisely, the murder of singer Igor Talkov, is one of the most mysterious crimes at the turning point of the Soviet era. There are dozens of witnesses, but who pulled the trigger is still unclear. Contract murder or fatal accident? Almost a quarter of a century has passed, but the picture of what happened has not become clearer. The musician's son voiced his version...


When the country fell apart, my father was warned which way to go next,” Igor Talkov Jr. tells his version. - But he moved from historical songs to topical ones - about today, as in the song “Mr. President.” He made it clear that he was not going to remain silent. I realized that it’s not about the communists. I realized that the signs have changed, but the essence remains and people are still being fooled. As a result, it became unprofitable. He was at his peak, filling stadiums and enlightening people. And they began to discredit him, and then physically destroyed him so as not to interfere.

- Do you think this murder is not an accident?

I am sure that there are organizations that can pull off any task without you even guessing. There are many ways to kill. We lived in a Khrushchev building, we could have just laid in wait and hit us on the head. But no - they did it demonstratively, so that others would be discouraged from singing like that.

On the other hand, there are higher powers, spiritual ones. The father himself sang in a composition dedicated to Tsoi:

They leave having completed the task,

They are recalled by the higher worlds,

Unknown to our consciousness,

According to the rules of the space game...

He completed the task and left. He left when he had to leave - not earlier and not later.

- Did you foresee, had a presentiment of your death?

I believe that a father is a wise old soul. A spiritual soldier who came to Earth with a specific task. With another feeling that we simply are not aware of.

Of course he knew what he was doing. And he also knew that he would be taken away as soon as he completed his mission.


- They say there is a version that the group administrator Valery Shlyafman (see KP Help. - Ed.) deliberately infiltrated your father’s work in order to one day provoke a conflict and quietly eliminate Talkov. And he and singer Aziza’s bodyguard Malakhov acted out a scene...

Nobody played anything. Shlyafman is truly a scandalous person. Previously, a childhood friend worked for my father, resolved all issues, and did not allow conflicts. But Shlyafman managed to get his friend’s father fired.

If he had not succumbed to provocation, he would never have known about any Malakhov. If the blood hadn’t flowed, I wouldn’t have gone to fight...

Order or no order, it happened as it should have happened. In fact, each person is responsible for what happens to him. The brakes didn't work. So it was necessary.

- Yes, but all this contradicts the version of a contract killing.

If this is an order, then those who wanted to remove it were simply waiting for a favorable situation. And they waited.

“There are a lot of people around, but we still haven’t found out who shot.”

But certainly not Shlyafman, not Malakhov and not Aziza. Imagine how much rehearsal it takes to shoot a person to death with one bullet - right in the heart and “accidentally”. Maybe they shot from another place.

- But Talkov had two wounds. So there were two shots?

One in the hand, the other in the heart. There is an assumption that the father saw who was shooting and defended himself with his hand. That's why they shot both the arm and the heart.

“It’s surprising that the crime has not yet been solved.”

One day I was talking to an ambulance driver who was working on this call. He said: “They kept us for forty minutes. There were calls from Yubileiny, but they didn’t let us leave.” Then someone, under the guise of a doctor, approached my father and did something like a chest massage. But you can’t do this with gunshot wounds! Essentially, it was a control shot. They pumped out the remaining blood from the heart. He came up and finished it off.


- How did your father raise you, remember?

He brought up in a concentrated and tough manner. I can’t swim - he threw me into the pool. I bought a sled and broke off the back. When I saw that I wasn’t involved in sports, I “pounced”...

- It’s clear: I wanted to raise a man.

Yes, naturally. I wanted me to initially understand that the world is far from a kind fairy-tale place, but a hostile and complex one. He wanted me not to repeat his mistakes. But I didn’t have time.

- You will soon be the same age as your father was when he died.

I'm exactly a year younger now. He passed away a month before his 35th birthday, and I will soon be 34.

- Aren't you scared?

No. The only thing is what to do with the prefix “junior” when I turn 35. I will become older than my father, physically I will live longer. This age is my transit point.


Before his death, the singer asked for personal security

According to Tatyana Talkova, shortly before the tragic date, her husband contacted the security forces with a request to provide a professional security guard. And it seems that even the issue was resolved positively. And on October 3 or 4, Igor received a phone call. The conversation was tough and ended with these words from Igor: “Are you threatening me? Okay. Are you declaring war? I accept it. Let’s see who comes out victorious.” It is unknown who called.


Several performers performed at the group concert on October 6, 1991 in St. Petersburg. Talkov was supposed to go on stage after Aziza. But she conveyed to Igor a request to switch places, saying that she did not have time to prepare for the exit. The singer invited Aziza’s director Igor Malakhov to the dressing room. There was a verbal altercation between them. Talkov's guards took Malakhov out. A few minutes later, administrator Valery Shlyafman burst into the dressing room shouting that Aziza’s director had taken out a revolver. Talkov took his gas pistol and ran out into the corridor. There Malakhov held the singer’s guards at gunpoint. Igor Talkov shot the armed man three times. Next is mysticism. A fight ensued. They say that Malakhov shot twice - at the floor and at the concert equipment, and then dropped the gun on the floor. A moment later, another shot hit the singer in the heart. Doctors admit that the artist had no chance to survive.

The prosecutor's office immediately opened a criminal case. Malakhov did not hide and arrived to confess. But two months later the charge of premeditated murder was dropped. And a little later, an examination showed that the fatal shot was fired by... Shlyafman. But the former administrator had already left for Israel by that time. Now he lives under the name Vysotsky and assures journalists that his departure has nothing to do with the criminal history. The murder case was suspended. The killer was never found.

The talented poet and musician Igor Talkov came from a noble family. Igor’s parents were repressed even before his birth and lived in the Kemerovo region, where their eldest son Vladimir was born. After rehabilitation, Vladimir Talkov Sr. and his wife Olga Shvagerus could not live in Moscow, so they settled near the town of Shchekino, in the village of Gretsovka, where Igor was born.


In parallel with his secondary education, Talkov also studied accordion at a music school, but his main passion in childhood was hockey. The boy trained seriously, as a teenager he even went to Moscow and tried to qualify for the CSKA and Dynamo clubs, but to no avail. In high school, Igor independently mastered the guitar, drums and piano, and organized the school ensemble “Gitarists”. It is interesting that Talkov did not know how to play his most favorite musical instrument, the saxophone, but loved to listen to its sounds.


It is also worth noting that that magical hoarse voice, which the whole country would later fall in love with, was due to the fact that the boy lost his voice and developed chronic laryngitis. Thanks to special breathing exercises, Igor weakened the effect of the disease, developed his ligaments again, but his hoarseness remained.

Another hobby of Talkov was the theater. He was not a member of the drama club, but loved watching plays. Having received a matriculation certificate, Igor goes to conquer the capital for the second time and submits documents to the theater institute. But this time Moscow did not open its arms to the guy: he could not pass the literature exam, although he successfully completed the creative competition. The young man returns home and enters the physics and technology department of the Tula Pedagogical Institute.


A year later, the guy takes the documents, since he has no interest in the exact sciences, and becomes a student at the Leningrad Institute of Culture. However, even here one year was enough for Igor Talkov to understand: the Soviet education system did not suit him. During the same period, Igor criticized the communist regime for the first time. It was only by a miracle that the case did not go to court, but people from the military registration and enlistment office arrived in time: Talkov is sent to serve the Fatherland in Nakhabino, near Moscow.


In the army, private engineer Talkov organized the Zvezdochka ensemble, and after demobilization, he decided to make a living from music. He leaves for Sochi and gets a job in a group. But in 1982, Igor stops restaurant concerts, because he believes that it is humiliating, although commercially very profitable, and goes on the big stage.


Igor Talkov began writing his first songs in his youth. His first composition was “I’m a little sorry,” and he considered his own creative debut to be the ballad “Share” about the fate of a person living in such a difficult world. The singer called this thing his first professional creation.

In the mid-80s, Talkov toured with the group and worked as an arranger at Stas Namin's studio. During that period, Igor wrote such songs as “Vicious Circle”, “Aeroflot”, “Looking for Beauty in Nature”, “Holiday”, “The Right is Given to Everyone”, “An Hour Before Dawn”, “Loyal Friend” and many others.

In 1986, Igor Talkov, together with him, became the vocalist of the pop-rock group “Electroclub”, which was created by David Tukhmanov. Quite quickly the group took a leading position in Soviet pop music. In 1987, the song “Chistye Prudy” performed by Igor Talkov was included in the mega-popular program “Song of the Year”, which was hosted by. At that moment, Igor turns into a very famous person.

But this lyrical hit was very different from the hits that Talkov usually wrote and wanted to convey to listeners. He is strongly drawn to social and civic issues, so the musician leaves the Electroclub and founds his own group, Lifebuoy. In 1989, in the TV show “Before and After Midnight”, a video clip for the song “Russia” was shown for the first time, and the singer went from being famous to becoming a legendary performer, listened to by tens of millions of citizens.

The peak of Talkov's popularity as a musician occurred in 1990-91. His songs “War”, “I’ll be back”, “CPSU”, “Gentlemen Democrats”, “Stop! I think to myself!”, “Globus” sound in every entrance. During the August putsch, Igor and the group “Lifebuoy” perform on Palace Square in Leningrad and immediately after that he writes the song “Mr. President,” in which he expresses disappointment with the policies of the first president of Russia.


Igor Talkov got his first experience working in cinema back in 1983, when he starred in the short film “Lyrical Song”. Also, as part of the “Lifebuoy” group, he appeared in the crime drama “Hunting the Pimp.”

Igor Talkov in the film "Tsar Ivan the Terrible" | Cinema

After the release of the “Russia” video, the director invited him to play the main character in the historical film “Prince Silver.” But as filming progressed, the management changed the director, the genre was transformed from historical to farce comedy, and the new title of the film became “Tsar”. Talkov refused to continue filming and did not voice his role as the silver prince, and later even asked for forgiveness from the audience for seeing him in this film.

Igor Talkov in the film "Beyond the Last Line" | Cinema

At the same time, Igor managed to play a racketeer in the action-packed action film “Beyond the Last Line.” It is interesting that the singer was offered the main positive role, but for this he had to cut his hair and shave his beard. Talkov refused and appeared in the form of a negative character.

Personal life

There was only one great love in the musician’s life. In July 1979, in the Metelitsa cafe, Igor Talkov met a girl named Tatyana. At that time, the man was playing guitar in the ensemble of the program “Come on, girls” and invited his new girlfriend to participate in the crowd.

Igor Talkov with his wife Tatyana and son Igor |

Interview Talkov (junior)

Talkov Igor (junior) - musician, songwriter and performer, son of singer Igor Talkov (senior). Founder of the musical group "MirIMir".
Interview Talkov (junior): Until I was 6 years old, my father was closely involved in my upbringing, since until 1987 he could not “break through” to the big stage and worked a lot at home. His song “Chistye Prudy” became the “key” that opened the door to the world that he passionately loved and tried to infect us all with this love. For the next 4 years, my father worked very hard, toured constantly, and I involuntarily got used to life without him, since I hardly saw him. Now, of course, I understand that the power that accumulated in him for 15 unrealized years spilled out completely in these short four years and these were the only years that he lived as he wanted. He only really punished me once when I told a lie. I remembered this for the rest of my life, and since the age of five I no longer lie. The rest of the punishments took the form of a male conversation, where you need to look each other in the eyes, always be responsible for your actions, never be afraid of anyone, think, and not repeat mistakes. In general, his entire upbringing was directed towards developing a masculine character in me, as if he had a presentiment that in the future I would have a deficiency in masculine education. “Goodness must be with fists”, “honor of Russian officers”, “justice”, “protect”, “stand up”, “faith”, “freedom” - phrases and words that I remembered during our rare conversations with my father. Unfortunately, in this life we ​​are no longer destined to talk to him. But I am convinced that in the universe there are higher forms of communication than conversation, which we use and do not even suspect about it. I feel the presence of my father in all my endeavors as well as the presence of God. I don’t consider it necessary to describe any everyday incidents here; the only thing I can add is that the atmosphere in our house was unusual. I grew up in an anti-communist environment, where everyone was brave not in the kitchen, but in real life. We lived poorly, but, really, I always had everything. In the yard and at school, everyone considered me strange, for example, when I refused to join the pioneers or told the guys that a tree hurts when it is broken, and fought for it. In my life, I attribute everything that happened before the death of my father to the period of “childhood,” since this event forced me to grow up, although I was only 9 years old. Of course, after that I didn’t become an adult, but I had new difficulties that I had to cope with. But more on that sometime later...
Igor Talkov Jr. began writing his own songs at the age of 15. Having graduated from school with great difficulties, he entered the Institute of Contemporary Art, from where he took the documents two months after the start of his studies, then entered Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, who also didn't finish. In 2001, he appeared on the big stage for the first time, opening a concert in memory of his father at the State Kremlin Palace with the song “I will return,” where he was warmly received by the audience. On June 26, 2004, at the LG festival, he performed the song “Lifebuoy”, performed by his father Igor Talkov (senior).
In 2005, with the participation of producer Vasily Kozlov, he released his debut solo album “We must live! ", published by the recording studio "Nikitin Records". In 2006, together with the groups “Slide”, “Golden Age”, musician Pascal and a number of other musicians, he recorded the album “Pure Works”, in which the famous songs of his father were performed, as well as songs recorded based on unreleased or little-known poems by Igor Talkov Sr. . In the same year, he performed the song “This World” with Aziza.In 2009 he founded the group “MirIMir”.Organizing concerts of Igor Talkov Jr. and ordering performances on the website. The official website of the vipartist where you can read the biography, watch photos and videos, and using the contact numbers indicated on the website, you can invite Talky Jr. with a concert program or order a performance by Igor Talky for your event.