The article talks about what types of etiquette rules exist, as well as what etiquette rules children should know from a very early age.

Etiquette is usually called the norms and rules of behavior in a certain place and in certain situations. It is very important to teach a child these rules, then parents will not have to feel embarrassed for their child, but on the contrary, and more than once they will have to hear words of gratitude for the good manners of the person they raised.

Types of children's etiquette

Exists a large number of types of etiquette. However, there are slightly fewer types of etiquette for children than for adults, these include:

  • Day off (this type of etiquette includes rules of conduct in in public places such as cinema, theater, museum, etc.)
  • Guest (norms of behavior when visiting)

IMPORTANT: Instill good manners in your child, make him well-mannered person Only those parents who follow the rules of etiquette can do this. After all, absolutely all children learn, first of all, from the personal examples of adults.

  • Passenger (rules of behavior in public transport)
  • Speech (rules of verbal communication)
  • Family (rules of communication in the family)

IMPORTANT: In addition to parents, his environment is also a role model for a child, so you should pay attention to who your child communicates with.

  • Dining room (table rules)
  • Telephone (rules for communicating by telephone, including through messages and emails)
  • Educational (rules of conduct in institutions preschool education, schools, etc.)

By the way, for adults, in addition to the above types of etiquette, there are also the following:

  • Military
  • Diplomatic
  • Corporate
  • Professional
  • Religious
  • Wedding
  • Sports
  • Mourning

At what age should you start learning etiquette?

Many parents may be surprised to learn that etiquette rules need to be taught to their child from birth.

  • While still very young, you can easily begin to teach good manners with your eyes, intonation, and certain phrases. For example, you should wish your baby a bon appetit, thank him if he handed you a rattle, etc.

IMPORTANT: Already at a very early age, it is worth praising the child for good manners, and also using the intonation of his voice to show when he is not doing exactly the right thing.

  • From two to four years old, parents should begin active learning child etiquette rules. You should tell him what to do and what not to do, motivate the child and not forget about personal example

IMPORTANT: At this age it is worth using playful forms of teaching a child etiquette. You can already stage situations, use story games, and don’t forget about funny poems and fairy tales on the topic of etiquette.

  • From four to six years old, a child must realize the need to learn good manners - this will help him in communicating with peers and with adults. Important role training is given not only to parents, but also to teachers of preschool institutions
  • Etiquette training is also carried out in schools, but by this age the child should already have some knowledge in this matter

Children's politeness etiquette: lessons

Children should be taught the rules of etiquette on an ongoing basis, using play forms, reminders, examples, etc. - this must be a continuous process. Constantly speaking and demonstrating good behavior by adults will certainly be crowned with success.

As for teaching children politeness in kindergartens and schools, there are specially designed programs and lessons for teachers. It is not difficult to find the necessary materials and video tutorials on the Internet.

Table etiquette for children and schoolchildren: rules

Teaching your child how to behave at the table should start from a very early age. While still very young, the child must understand that food should be eaten in a strictly designated place - in the dining room, in the kitchen.

Table etiquette rules that should be taught to very young children also include the following:

  • For eating, special cutlery should be used, food should be placed on plates
  • When eating, you should use a napkin as needed.

In the future, as the child grows up, he must remember the following rules of etiquette at the table:

  • You should sit down at the table and start eating with everyone else
  • At the beginning of the meal, you should wish everyone present at the table a bon appetit.
  • You should eat food in silence; you are prohibited from indulging at the table.
  • You should eat with your mouth closed
  • At the table it is forbidden to slurp, crunch loudly, or remove food stuck in the teeth with your fingers.
  • Large pieces of food should be divided into smaller pieces using cutlery - do not stuff your mouth full of food
  • It is forbidden to lick the plate, even if it was very tasty
  • It is forbidden to place your elbows on the table
  • If the desired dish is located at a distance from the child, then he should ask that the dish be passed to him - it is forbidden to reach across the entire table
  • At the end of the meal you should say “Thank you!”

Video: Presentation Etiquette and table manners

Etiquette for children visiting

It is very important to teach your child how to receive guests at home and how to behave when visiting them. To do this, you need to remember just a few simple rules:

  • Do not come to visit without an invitation, but, in case of urgent need, inform the hosts yourself about your visit. Unexpected guests almost always cause worries and troubles for the owners
  • You should not persistently call or knock on the door - no more than twice
  • When going on a visit, you should definitely take a gift or a gift with you - going on a visit without a gift is impolite
  • When visiting, you should behave calmly and discreetly, it is forbidden to make noise and run around
  • It is prohibited to touch the owners’ things without permission, look into locked rooms, open cabinets, etc.
  • You cannot give a bad assessment to the owners’ home, including the existing chaos, unpleasant smell, etc.
  • If you are invited to the table, you should eat carefully
  • Don't stay away for long
  • Before leaving, be sure to thank the hosts for the warm welcome and refreshments.
  • Guests should be invited in advance
  • It is mandatory to pay attention to everyone invited
  • Before leaving, guests should thank them for their visit.

Etiquette for children's behavior in public places

So that parents do not have to blush because of the child’s limping behavior outside the walls of the apartment, they should tell him at home about the rules of behavior in public places.

I would like to pay special attention to the rules of etiquette in public transport:

  • Before entering the transport, you should let everyone exiting it pass
  • Men and boys should let women and girls go ahead of them, and only then enter the salon public transport
  • It is prohibited to push passengers with your elbows when moving deeper into the cabin in order to take up an empty seat.
  • You should give way to the elderly, disabled people, pregnant women and passengers with children.
  • When entering a vehicle, you should remove your backpacks and backpacks from your shoulders so as not to disturb other passengers.
  • Don't crowd at the entrance if you don't need to get off at the next stop.
  • It is prohibited to eat or shake off dirt, raindrops, or snow from clothes in public transport.
  • It is prohibited to run, talk loudly, or dirty the seats inside the vehicle.
  • It is prohibited to closely look at other passengers in the cabin of public transport.
  • Animals should be transported in special bags or cages, and dogs should be muzzled.
  • In transport, you should prepare for departure in advance
  • On the street, parked vehicles should be walked around from behind, only trams - from the front

Etiquette for children's behavior on the street

On the street, as well as at home, as well as at a party, certain standards of behavior should be observed. Parents should pay a lot of attention to ensure that their child behaves well outside.

The child must clearly understand that:

  • Garbage should be in the trash can, not on the ground
  • Walking on lawns is prohibited
  • It is forbidden to make noise, run, or hurt others
  • You can’t point fingers at people or point out their shortcomings.
  • To avoid collisions with passersby, when walking on the sidewalk, you should stick to the right side
  • If you stop, you should step aside so as not to disturb passers-by
  • It is forbidden to eat while walking, it is better to stop or sit on a bench
  • It is worth remembering the traffic rules
  • You cannot leave the place where your parents asked you to wait.
  • You cannot give your address and phone number to strangers.
  • You can't leave with strangers somewhere

Etiquette for children's behavior in the theater

It’s so good when a child has the opportunity to develop culturally. Therefore, parents should pay attention to this issue and at least occasionally take their child to theaters, cinemas, museums, exhibitions, etc.

At the same time, parents should take care in advance to teach their child good manners. For example, in the theater:

  • You should look neat, it is unacceptable to come in dirty or torn clothes
  • You should arrive early so that you have time to get yourself in order and put your outerwear in the cloakroom
  • It is necessary to take a seat, especially if it is located in the middle of a row, in advance, so that you do not have to disturb other spectators later
  • You should only move along the row to your seat facing those sitting, apologizing for the inconvenience. Don't forget about words of gratitude
  • During the performance it is forbidden to make noise, share impressions, or talk on the phone - this can be done during intermission
  • It is forbidden to eat or drink during the performance
  • During the performance, you should sit quietly so as not to disturb those sitting behind you.

Video: Rules of conduct in the theater

Etiquette for children interacting with people

There are also rules for communicating with people that absolutely everyone should follow.

Younger schoolchildren, like preschoolers, must learn the rules of communication with people; for this, if necessary, they should be reminded of the rules of speech etiquette set out in the section above and reinforce them.

Etiquette rules for children's behavior at school

There are also certain rules of conduct at school. These include the following:

  • Respect the teacher
  • You should arrive at school 10-15 minutes before classes start
  • You should come to school prepared - do all your homework, don’t forget your books and notebooks, don’t forget your sports uniform
  • It is prohibited to leave school on your own during classes.
  • During class, if you need to go out, you should raise your hand and ask the teacher for permission.
  • It is permissible to skip classes only for a good reason
  • You should turn off your mobile phone during class.
  • At the beginning of the lesson you should greet the teacher standing
  • If you have a question or want to answer a question, you should raise your hand and wait for the teacher to pay attention to you
  • Keep your workplace tidy
  • Eating is prohibited during class
  • The bell at the end of the lesson is for the teacher. You have to wait until the teacher finishes
  • During recess it is forbidden to run, shout, swear, fight - disrupt order in school

Most schools have their own additional rules, which must be strictly followed. These rules can be found directly at the school.

Etiquette for children's behavior in the family

Rules of etiquette should be observed everywhere, and family is no exception. Even the smallest baby should know:

  • With parents, grandparents, etc. should communicate respectfully and politely
  • You can’t argue with relatives or quarrel with them
  • When entering your parents' room, you should knock
  • It is forbidden to swear, fight with brothers and sisters, or snitch on them
  • You should adhere to all the rules and traditions established directly in the family

IMPORTANT: It is best to teach a child the rules of behavior in the family by personal example.

Telephone etiquette for children

Parents should explain to their child that during a telephone conversation they should use all the rules of speech etiquette. Along with these rules, telephone etiquette also includes the following:

  • It is necessary to limit telephone calls unnecessarily from 21.00 pm to 08.00 am, and on weekends from 21.00 pm to 10.00 am
  • A telephone conversation should begin with a greeting, and at the end of the conversation you should definitely say goodbye
  • In places where etiquette does not allow talking on the phone, you should turn it off
  • If you told someone that you will call back, then you should definitely do so.
  • Etiquette rules prohibit answering someone else's phone.
  • If you dial the wrong number, you should apologize
  • Etiquette rules do not allow talking on the phone loudly in public places
  • It is forbidden to play around with your phone
  • All messages must be written correctly

Teaching Etiquette: Talking to Children

Teach etiquette to children, in addition to game forms, it is also possible in the form of targeted communication. There is a huge amount of materials and lessons that will help both parents and teachers correctly structure the conversation and easily convey the necessary information to children.

It is worth remembering that the conversation should be:

  • Not tiring for children, and therefore not long lasting
  • Emotionally colored, not monotonous - children should be interested
  • Two-way - children should actively participate in the conversation
  • Vivid and memorable - you should use various visual examples in the form of pictures, audio materials, video materials

IMPORTANT: Teaching the rules of etiquette in the form of a conversation is best used for older children preschool age and schoolchildren.

Etiquette games for children. Competitions, quizzes for children on etiquette

Both parents and teachers can easily find detailed scenarios for games, competitions and quizzes in bookstores, libraries, the Internet, etc.

Etiquette books for children

In all bookstores, as well as on the Internet, you can find a wide selection of literature on etiquette for children. These can be both books as a guide for adults, and books to be read directly by older children.

Here is a list of just some of them:

  • Rules of conduct for well-mannered children. Galina Shalaeva
  • The ABC of Politeness. Lyudmila Vasilyeva-Gangnus
  • Polite words. Olga Korneeva
  • Bon appetit! Politeness lessons. For children from 1 year. Sergey Savushkin
  • Etiquette for children of different ages. Andrey Usachev
  • I am growing cultured. For children 4-5 years old. Svetlana Pyatak, Natalia Tsarikova
  • Lessons of Politeness and Kindness. A manual on children's etiquette for kindergarten and school teachers early development. Elena Barinova
  • ABC of etiquette for kids. 33 rules of good manners. Natalia Ivanova
  • Etiquette for the future lady. Antonina Eliseeva
  • Sociable fairy tales. Conversations with children about politeness and communication culture. Tatiana Shorygina
  • 1000 etiquette lessons for the smartest kids. Valentina Dmitrieva
  • Tips from the politeness fairy. Victor Kudlachev, Irina Fomenkova
  • We learn to be exemplary. Vladimir Stepanov
  • The ABC of Politeness. Natalia Chub

Tales about etiquette for children

In the same bookstores you can also find fairy tales that are designed to teach children good manners.

Poems about children's etiquette rules

I say to a friend: “Hello!”
And he responded: “Great!”
There's nothing wrong here
Both words apply.

The eldest, if we meet him,
The first “Hello!” We are speaking.

The clothes are in order - everything is clean, tidy -
It is pleasant to communicate with such a person.
And the dirty, shaggy, ragged look -
He tells his friends to stay away.

"Hello!" - we talk when we meet
To all friends, acquaintances and relatives.
And when we leave: “Goodbye!” —
Let the parting be short.

Talk rudely
mockingly teasing -
This is bad, ugly!
I need to apologize.

Mom has a lot to do around the house,
Dad is busy day after day.
And we are ready to help our families
Let's put the games aside for later.

If grandma gets tired -
Let her rest.
Well, the grandson won’t make noise,
There will be silence in the house.

For help and support
Thank you always.
And having received a gift,
"Thank you!" we talk.

Adults are talking.
Important conversation.
They should not be disturbed -
This is the agreement.

There's trouble in our yard -
A sneak has appeared.
We don't offend her
We just don't play with her.

There are such kids -
They praise themselves wholeheartedly.
They usually say this:
“It’s indecent to be a braggart!
Be good not just in words,
And in actions and deeds."

Laugh at friends
Discuss them behind your back
Only evil people can.
There is no need to offend people!

On the bus to the old lady
Give up your place.
Sensitivity and attention
Show it to your elders.

Quietly we enter the transport,
We don’t run around here, we don’t litter.
We don’t shout and we don’t sing -
We behave well!

Let someone's thing you like -
Be able to contain your desires.
Forget it, or contact the owner,
But don’t you dare take someone else’s property secretly!

In public transport
Be calm, be quiet.
Behave politely -
Respect others.

Don't lie and slander,
When you yourself are responsible.
Decide to admit your guilt -
Children must be honest!

Lessons on politeness and etiquette: cartoon for children

There is a huge selection of cartoons, both Soviet and modern, that can teach a child politeness and that clearly demonstrate the rules of etiquette. Separate series about politeness and the rules of etiquette can be found among such modern cartoons as:

  • Malyshariki
  • Smeshariki
  • Luntik
  • Lessons from Aunt Owl

Pay attention to your child, teach him the rules of etiquette, and then you will be able to raise a good person.



  • Formation and consolidation of intragroup communication skills with an emphasis on positive motivational behavior;
  • Formation of stable positive self-esteem in junior schoolchildren through external positive assessment from elders;
  • Cultivating, through the rules of speech etiquette, a respectful attitude towards oneself and others


  • Board;
  • Projector;
  • Screen;
  • Signal cards;
  • Album sheets, pencils.

Progress of the lesson-game

1. Communicating the topic of the lesson, clarifying the content of the term “topic”, communicating the objectives of the lesson in an accessible form.

TOPIC is the subject, the main content of the narrative, image, conversation, conversation, that is, this is what or who is being talked about.

Our lesson will take place in the form of a competition between teams of different ages, each of which has an equal number of first-graders and fifth-graders. We introduce the captains (5th grade) and cabin boys (1st grade) to the participants.

2. Familiarity with the rules of speech etiquette.

ETIQUETTE is an established order of behavior in any environment, under certain conditions.

In our lexicon there is a new word from the topic of the lesson, try to remember how it is spelled and what it means. Let's repeat it out loud, syllable by syllable. So, the most important task of our unusual holiday lesson is to learn to treat each other kindly. And let the words become the epigraph to it:

  • First grade team:

If someone is sad,
Don't leave him
A kind word, a kind deed
Comfort and help!

  • Fifth grade team:

Among other bad luck,
In the middle of a sad day
Tell me a kind word
And the word will comfort me.

Listening to Bulat Okudzhava’s song “Let’s Exclaim...”

Team competition.

1 competition “Let's compliment each other...”

(The meaning of the word “compliment” is clarified.

Guys, do you like to hear when you are praised for something? Do you yourself know how to say friendly and kind words to people? Now let's try to do this.

Imagine that we are now in a fairyland and are participating in a praise competition. The jury consists of fairy-tale heroes(we present the jury members in the masks of Kashchei, Baba Yaga, Cinderella) You probably don’t like all of them, but your task is to choose from the proposed compliments for each of them in order to tell him (her) pleasant, but at the same time, truthful words. You will all answer together using cards with numbers: 1 – for Kashchey, 2 – for Baba Yaga, 3 – for Cinderella. Use a card with a “-” sign if the compliment does not suit anyone.


1. You are very dexterous, fast, always on time everywhere; (2)

2. You will probably always be happy, because you are so clever and hardworking; (3)

3. How good it is to have such a friend, you can always rely on you; (-)

4. You have lived in the world for so long and you have probably seen a lot; (1)

We hope that now you understand how you can speak pleasant and, very importantly, truthful words to people. Try to say words of praise to your family, friends, and acquaintances at home today and do this as often as possible.

2nd competition “Polite criticism”

Surely, you have more than once had to express your opinion about a person and his actions, and this opinion was not always positive. Let's try to do this politely and kindly.

Imagine that the heroes of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane” were invited to visit the Hedgehog. During lunch, they express their opinions about how they were received at each other's houses. You need to discuss who owns the first statement and who owns the second.

The boys of each team will answer with cards depicting fairy tale characters.


All was well at the dinner party. And polite treatment and good food. It's just a shame I couldn't try it. The hostess did not think about suitable dishes. (Crane);

I don’t know why they invited me to dinner. It was impossible to get a drop out of this dish. Don't ask anymore, I won't come. (Fox);

What do you think the Hedgehog could say to this? Select and show the number of the most polite remark. Justify your answer.

Polite remarks:

The crane was kinder and more polite. Little Fox, he didn’t offend you with a single word.

Lisa, it seems to me that you are not entirely right. After all, you were the first to invite the crane to visit you.

Well, guys, you are both wrong, and I will not reconcile you.

We hope that you understand that criticism can and should also be friendly. By the way, let’s remember whether the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane” is a folk or literary tale, what type of folk tale does it belong to?

Well, we touched on folklore, and our next competition will be related to it. What is folklore? What genres of folklore do you know?

3rd competition “Comforters”

Imagine, Kolobok ran away from his grandfather and grandmother, and they were so hopeful about him! And he doesn't care about anyone. He rolls through the forest, sings his boastful song (the student sings Kolobok’s song and dances). Grandfather and grandmother were very upset. You need to console them. To do this, select suitable proverb and show her number.


  • Grief is not a problem - no matter who you were with.
  • Every cloud has a silver lining.
  • The cats also ate our cakes.

You probably know that kind words help calm and comfort a person. Folk proverbs also help to do this - these are small springs of folk wisdom, if you know, remember and apply them in life.

4th competition “Yoongi, go!”

Dear cabin boys, you have received a note for the donkey IA, who lost his tail and was very upset. He needs to be consoled, but the problem is that the note is torn, you need to collect it. To do this, write on the board (and all first-graders write on their pieces of paper - the answer will be useful if the cabin boy of your team makes a mistake) the numbers of the sentences of the consolation note, separated by commas.

Comforting note:

  1. Don't be upset, dear donkey Eeyore!
  2. Stop being sad, things will get better.
  3. Is it worth worrying about such trifles!
  4. I will definitely help you. And all our friends will help you. We will find your loss.
  5. There is no point in looking for a needle in a haystack.

The correct answer is 1, 2, 4. We are sure that the donkey will calm down after such words, and you, of course, will fulfill your promise to help him. With answers 3 and 5 you will not only not console IA, but will also offend him. Thank you, dear cabin boys, for participating in the competition, for your courage and determination, for not being afraid to solve a difficult problem one on one and write numbers beautifully. We wish you to grow to captain status as soon as possible. Guys, what fairy tale is the donkey IA from? Who is its author?

5th competition “Captain”

Your helpers have now demonstrated the ability to comfort someone in trouble. For you, as the more experienced ones, the task will be more difficult. You have to politely refuse a request that you cannot fulfill.

Imagine that instead of Sadko, you ended up in the underwater kingdom, and the king offers you a treasure chest so that you can stay with him forever and entertain him with your playing the harp and singing. But you don't want to stay. Which opt-out option will you choose? Write the number on the board, explain why you chose this refusal.

Failure options:

  1. I don't need your treasures, I want to go home!
  2. Oh, underwater king! I would love to take any of your priceless treasures, but I can’t stay in your kingdom.
  3. Thank you, oh great king, for wonderful gifts! But I can’t take them, because my family and friends are waiting for me on earth.

6th competition “Congratulations”

Papa Carlo decided to write congratulatory letters for Women’s Day to the heroines of the fairy tale “The Golden Key”. But due to absent-mindedness, I forgot to write the names of the recipients. Help me to understand. We signal with cards: 1 – Malvina, 2 – Alice the Fox, 3 – Tortila.


  1. Inventive...! I congratulate you on the occasion! I wish you to remain kind, wise and generous. Just like three hundred years ago, you are still charming. Keep it up! Your devoted friend Carlo.
  2. Inventive...! Congratulations on Women's Day! I wish you to remain as smart, crafty and attractive! May you be lucky with an honest and enterprising friend and be able to earn a million! A fan of your talents, Carlo.
  3. Darling … ! Congratulations, dear girl, on the holiday of big and little women! I wish you a happy and cloudless life, to become a theater and film star. And also - to maintain friendship with old friends - Pinocchio and Pierrot. Kiss you. Papa Carlo.

(After the answers, attention is drawn to the fact that in congratulatory letters and cards the pronoun you is written with capital letters as a sign of respect for the addressee, addresses are highlighted with exclamation marks.)

Non-competitive task

And now the last, non-competitive task. It will be creative. Imagine that each of you is not a student, but Little Red Riding Hood. You have prepared a birthday present for your grandmother and are going to visit her, singing a funny song. Introduced? So, on the way, you are thinking about how you will congratulate your beloved grandmother.

(fifth graders make up congratulations, and first graders at this time draw greeting cards so that Little Red Riding Hood likes them)

4. Summing up.

The jury sums up the results. Several of the best congratulations are read out, and the kids' cards are examined.

So, today in class we played, remembered our favorite fairy-tale characters, learned to communicate politely with each other, learned the meaning and spelling of words. We also drew wonderful postcards for grandma, convinced ourselves that we can think, fantasize, help each other in a common cause, and all this is simply necessary to become a polite person, a true friend.

The song “A friend will not abandon you in trouble…” is played.


The culture of each family is made up of the traditions of the people. It is carefully passed down from generation to generation. Politeness is a reflection of our inner culture and our spirituality. Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin wrote: “In the world there is only one opportunity to emerge from the dust of life and resist its whirlwind: this is spiritual life. Life is an art, and like any art it is designed to create harmony.” By telling and explaining to our children why, for what purpose, how a person is obliged to behave in the appropriate environment, we try to encourage and develop in children moral feelings, their spirituality, teach them to live in harmony with their surroundings. We open the doors to the world of knowledge and science for our children, but we must also instill in our hearts and minds kindness, politeness, and the ability to interact correctly with each other. A polite person never gets bored. He always takes care of his friends and loved ones. All good people in the world try to help each other. Builders build kindergartens, schools, shops. Doctors treat diseases. Teachers teach children. Tailors sew clothes. Why don't we be polite to each other? It's not difficult at all. You just need to follow the rules of etiquette. It is very important to follow them at home too. The polite words “Hello”, “Thank you”, “Good night” are pleasant for everyone to hear. The morning greeting “Good morning” is a sign of attention and respect for a person. Good wishes They charge you with energy in the morning and bring good luck.

Both children and adults want to have many friends. But not only friends, but simply acquaintances and strangers who would treat him kindly. “Human life rests on self-management and self-education; the art of living is the art of educating oneself,” said one of the Russian thinkers. Adults can and should help launch this “art of living” mechanism for our children. After all, it is not difficult to give way to an old person, a child, or a disabled person. It's not difficult to help mom wash the dishes. It's not hard to clean your room. A polite person always follows all these rules. And not only these.

Frank instructions and edifications are difficult for children to perceive, so the book is built on teaching the rules of etiquette through fairy tales. Fairy tales are periodically interrupted by rules of politeness from the magic book of the King of Etiquette.

Tell the guys about World Day greetings and celebrate the “Hello, friend!” holiday. This day is November 21st. It was invented by two American brothers Michael and Brian McComack.

“Learning etiquette will come in handy in life,” “If you don’t learn it in childhood, you’ll get tired of it in life,” they say in folk proverbs. And proverbs are folk wisdom.


In a distant country there lived a sultan. And he had an astrologer who fulfilled his every desire. He served his master for many years and did many miracles for him. There was a fountain in the palace, in the water of which all the cities of the world were reflected. A garden where birds of paradise sang, a mirror that could make anyone laugh. But no one saw this. The greedy Sultan did not show anything to anyone, but hid everything behind seven locks. The astrologer had a book. He wrote down in it the fairy tales he composed, wise advice, how to make people happy and much more. But it was not an easy book. Each time, in a surprising way, new pages suddenly appeared in it with fairy tales and advice that the astrologer did not write. In a word, a real magical book.

One morning the astrologer woke up and realized that he had wasted his years on the Sultan. There is no benefit or joy to people from his work; he has not truly helped anyone in life. And he decided to leave the palace, taking his magic book.

He walked and walked and came to a small house near the road. The children of the poor, a brother and sister, lived in this house. Their parents died and they were left alone. A boy and a girl sheltered a traveler.

The children got up early every day and began to work. The boy sculpted birds from clay, and the girl helped him. Then they painted them together and sold them at the market. That's what they fed on. The astrologer also began to help them. The toys turned out beautiful and they were well bought. There was a strong heat that year. Many birds died. But trouble did not come alone. Voracious locusts attacked the fields and began to destroy the crops. Hunger has set in. Nobody bought toy birds anymore. But the children continued to work every morning. Soon there were so many birds that they filled the entire room. Once two old men passed by the house, and the astrologer heard them talking: “Yes, our affairs are bad. There were no birds at all. There is no one to drive away the locusts and save us from this scourge.” At this time he had a finished bird in his hand. He said magic words, and the bird came to life. Then he revived the next bird, then another and another. And so on for all the birds they made. The birds gathered in a large flock and, swooping down on the locusts, quickly pecked them off. The gardens bloomed again and the fields turned green. Things have improved for the children. People rejoiced at their salvation, and everyone tried to buy toys from them. But the astrologer was most happy. Finally, his dream of helping people came true. He opened the magic book and wrote on its pages:

Love and hard work do wonders.

The world rests on mutual understanding, love, friendship and respect for each other


The old man planted millet near the house. It grew thick and tall. He collected the grains and knitted a broom from the stems.

Good! - thought the old man, looking at his work. Then he took his balalaika and started playing cheerful music. The broom suddenly jumped once, twice, and started dancing around the hut. And the faster the old man played, the better the broom swept the room. All the trash was removed and put back in place.

“Good!” the old man repeated again and took it to sell.

A pockmarked man bought a broom. I took it home and threw it under the bench. The broom lies idle for a day, another, a third, but they don’t even remember about it. And the broom decided to run away from its lazy owner.

There were a lot of mice in the house. One day they climbed into a man's pantry and ate all his supplies. The man got seriously angry and decided to catch them. I caught and caught, but didn’t catch a single one. He got tired of the chase and, out of frustration, threw a broom at the mice so that it flew out the window. The broom returned to the old man.

The grandfather was surprised at his return. And the next day he took it to the market again.

A merchant's wife bought a broom. But he felt bad for her too. Wherever he sweeps, there he will throw it. One day he was left outside in the rain. I got wet, caught a cold, and completely forgot how to dance. He also ran away from the merchant's wife.

For the third time the old man took it to sell. The girl Maryasha liked the broom. She straightened the branches on the broom, carefully tied them with a string, and placed them near the stove. Every day I took it, swept the hut, and cleaned the house. And how he danced for her! How hard I tried! He didn’t leave a speck of dust or a piece of trash behind. Everywhere is clean and tidy. The neighbors called the girl “Maryanushka the Hostess” for her hard work and kindness. She kept the broom forever. It’s not for nothing that people say: “Where there is desire, there is ability.”

Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

A little time passed, and the astrologer was getting ready to go on the road again. He thanked the children for their shelter and went traveling. For a long time he wandered through forests and fields, and finally the road led him to beautiful city. All the houses there were colorful, the windows were painted, and there were weathercocks on the roofs. It was obvious that hardworking people live here. But the residents behaved strangely. They passed each other angry and unfriendly. There was no laughter or friendly conversation to be heard anywhere. The children quarreled among themselves and threw stones. And it was all because of the evil witch who settled in their city. It was she who bewitched everyone. The wanderer immediately realized that the residents could not do without his help. He went out to the square, sat down on a bench and opened his magic book. People began to stop and come closer. The magic book attracted more and more people. Soon the entire square was filled with people. The old man began to read page after page about amazing rules that could change life for the better in their beautiful city:

Good morning they said to you.

Good morning you replied.

Two strings connected you

Warmth and kindness.

Greetings: Hello, Good evening, Good afternoon, Good morning, Greetings.

All over the world it is customary to greet each other when meeting. Residents of Italy, for example, say “Chiao!” when they meet. The Japanese bow deeply. Residents Latin America They hug when they meet. In Israel they say "Shalom".

It was invented by two American brothers. Michael and Brian McComack. They sent many letters of greeting to different parts of the world and received answers. This idea was supported by state leaders and ordinary people.


*Guests are invited several days in advance.

*Everything in the house should be clean and beautiful.

*The festive table is particularly solemn.

*The table must be covered with a clean, ironed tablecloth.

*Cutters are placed according to the number of guests.

*Delicious treats are prepared for guests.

*Each guest needs to be given attention.

*You can prepare small souvenirs for guests.

* Think in advance what games you can play and what surprises will delight your guests.

Dressed hosts greet guests. Greet every guest with a smile. The guest is pleased to see that he is welcome.

*When seeing off guests, you should definitely thank them for coming and rejoicing with the owners.

*If some of the guests meet for the first time at the holiday, they need to be introduced.

*The boy is introduced to the girl. When meeting a girl, she is the first to offer her hand.

*You must say “Thank you” for gifts.

*A gift is a necessary thing at a birthday party. It is given to someone they want to please.

*You can make the gift yourself. It keeps the love and warmth of the one who made it. But you have to be sure that you will like it.

*The gift does not have to be expensive, but it must be neatly and beautifully packaged.

*Girls are always pleased when they are given flowers. They should be immediately placed in a vase with water.

*The gift is accepted standing, not sitting.

*Smile at the donor and thank him.

*It is advisable to consider the gift.

*Gifts must be new.

People liked everything that was written in the book so much that they decided to follow these rules, and made the astrologer their king and called him Etiquette. Life in the city has changed a lot. People began to say greetings to each other, visit each other, and wish each other good health when they met. The rumor about the extraordinary king and his book spread far across the country. The evil witch tried again to quarrel with everyone, but she did not have enough strength to cope with the wise king and polite residents of the city. Then she decided to go where they don’t know about King Etiquette, the magic book, or have forgotten about them.

At the edge of the forest, near the city, a mighty oak tree grew. There lived on one of its branches a spider named Frosik.

The spider was friends with the old oak tree and respected it, because it knew and kept many secrets of the forest.

Frosik was an excellent master. He knew how to weave strong silvery webs, with the help of which he went down.

Good morning, grandfather oak! - the spider screamed waking up

He did not forget to say hello to his old friend and to the frogs from the neighboring pond. So today, as usual, I went to them, but did not hear my cheerful friends. A shaggy old woman in torn clothes sat on the shore and quarreled among its inhabitants:

Hey, you bug-eyed one, don't let anyone sit on your sheet! And you, green one, give it to him properly!

The little frogs sat on a shiny lily leaf and, forgetting about everything in the world, quarreled among themselves. The sun hid. The beautiful, clean pond suddenly began to become covered with swamp mud.

Something is wrong here - thought Frosik and quickly climbed the tree.

Grandfather, oak tree! Some old woman quarreled among all the frogs and turned the pond into a swamp, he shouted.

The leaves on the branches rustled restlessly and the old oak said:

It's been a long time since an evil witch has appeared in our area. Apparently, somewhere the inhabitants of the forest began to forget the rules of King Etiquette. After all, the witch becomes stronger when someone behaves incorrectly and offends others. If we fail to drive it away, the forest will die and turn into a rotten swamp. We must fly to the king. Only he can help us. The road ahead is not easy. Can you handle it, my young friend?

I can handle it! “I must save my friends and our forest,” the spider answered confidently.

Well, good luck! - rustled the oak tree.

Frosik pushed off from the branch, and the wind carried him on a cobweb to the king’s palace.

Two dirty wolf cubs were sitting on a stump near a hazel tree.

“I’m the eldest, so I’ll take the biggest nut,” one said.

No. “I found him, he’s mine,” another shouted angrily.

The dispute turned into a quarrel. Then the brothers even attacked each other with fists. Frosik realized that the wolf cubs had forgotten the rules of King Etiquette. What should I do? We must hurry, because the witch is becoming stronger and stronger every minute. But he could not help but help the wolf cubs. He went downstairs and began to play games with them from the magic book and remember the rules of Etiquette.


Games for teaching and reinforcing the rules of etiquette and polite communication.


...A verbal game to develop imagination and reinforce orientation towards correct behavior.

1 What will happen if everyone stops washing their face and washing their dirty hands.

2What happens if they stop greeting each other

3What will happen if all the children tell lies.

4What will happen if people stop saving nature...

5What happens if children only eat sweets..

6What happens if people don't follow traffic rules.

7What happens if everyone quarrels?

8What happens if you don’t turn off the water in the tap.


To solve a riddle means to perform a mental operation, to find a solution. Children consolidate knowledge about hygiene items. Cleanliness, neatness, neatness appearance necessary for health.

Players receive a card with the center of a flower drawn on it. They solve riddles and receive petals for the correct answer. Whoever collected the flower faster won.

*Bone back, Slipping away like something alive

Stiff bristles, But I won’t let him go.

Goes well with mint paste, foams with white foam,

Serves us diligently. I'm not too lazy to wash my hands.

(toothbrush) (soap)

*The rain is warm and thick, He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn’t eat anything.

This rain is not easy. (comb)

He is without clouds

Ready to go all day.


The path speaks

Two embroidered ends:

Wash yourself a little, looks like a hedgehog

Wash the ink off your face! But doesn't ask for food

Otherwise you will get me dirty. Runs through clothes

(towel) And the clothes are cleaner.

(clothes brush)

*In the Land of Linen I walk, I wander not through the forests

A steamboat sails along the Prostynya River

Now back and forth, and through the mustache, through the hair,

And behind it there is such a smooth surface - And my teeth are longer

Not a wrinkle to be seen. Than wolves and bears.

(iron) (comb).

*I will smear your shoes on one finger

And I’ll polish their sides. The bucket is upside down.

So that you won’t even recognize (thimble).

Two dirty shoes.

Promise me to take care of them!

What will I put on it? Guess!

(shoe polish)

*Is he an eccentric or an ignoramus? Girlfriend holding on

Look at anyone: For my ear,

Clothes are worn on top. With one stitch

He has it inside. The century is running behind me.

(cabinet) (needle and thread).

*A warm wave splashes, an iron fish dives,

The banks are made of cast iron. And the tail leaves on the wave

Guess, remember: (needle and thread).

What kind of sea is in the room?


I serve in the locker room,

I hold my coat by weight.


If there is a river through a pipe

Comes running to your house

And he rules it -

What do we call it?

(water pipes)

*I am related to Moidodyr,

Open me up, open me up.

And cold water

I'll wash you quickly.

(water pipes)

*Duck in the sea, tail on the fence.


*Not a moth, not a bird-

Holds two braids.


*Elastic band Akulinka

I went for a walk along the back.

And while she was walking,

The back became pink.


On the poorest thing

Not even a shirt.


*Experienced tool-

Not big, not small.

He has a lot of worries:

He cuts and shears.


*Cranky sandals

One day they told me:

We are afraid of tickling

Strict shoemaker...


*And it shines and glitters,

It doesn't flatter anyone

And he will tell anyone the truth -

He will show everything as it is.


*Waffle and striped,

Smooth and shaggy

Always at hand -

What it is?


*Thin-legged Nenila

Dressed everyone up.

Strict shoemaker...


Game "Guess who it is?"

Many mysteries indicate that animals also groom themselves. This game can be played with forfeits (beads, cards, postcards, etc.), which players receive for the correct answer. The one with the most forfeits wins.

**He washes his back and ears. Uses trunk like a shower. Guess who he is. Well, of course, this is...(elephant).

Lives in the North, swims in the sea. It can roar loudly, eats fish, and is called... (polar bear).

*Licks daughter with tongue. She also feeds milk, who is the mother? (cow)

*Drinks milk. Sings songs. He washes himself often, but doesn’t know how to use water (cat).

*In a cage, a motley head cleans its feathers so deftly, what kind of bird is it? Guess? Well, of course... (parrot).

*I can wash myself clean not with water, but with my tongue. How often I dream of a saucer with warm milk (cat)

*Eyes, whiskers, tail, but washes itself cleaner than everyone else (cat).

*I swam in the water, but remained dry (goose).

*No arms, no legs, but washes itself (fish).

*Splashes in the river with a clean silver back (fish).

*I respect water in any weather. I keep away from dirt the clean gray...(goose).

*They get into formation without a command, go to the pond, who walks in a long chain, who loves discipline so much? (ducklings).

*An amazing child: he just came out of diapers, he can swim and dive, who is his birth mother? (duck)

*I perform in the circus and wash clothes better than anyone else. Who is this? (raccoon)

Game "Say the opposite".

Playing with antonym words. Enrichment of vocabulary. Vision for alternative behavior.

Prepare chips or forfeits (pebbles, beans, small cubes). For the correct answer, the player receives a forfeit. Whoever collected the most wins.

Good morning - Good night. Having fun means being sad.

Neat----sloppy. To love is to hate.

Hello---Goodbye. Laugh ---- cry.

Generous - greedy. Faithful is a traitor.

Hello - goodbye. To speak is to remain silent.

To be friends is to be hostile. Kind angry.

Healthy - sick. Light ---- darkness.

Allow or prohibit. Kindness-cruelty.

Joy---sorrow. Smile - frown.

Day Night. Giving is taking away.

Bitter --- sweet. Peaceful - warlike.

Scream - be silent. Clean - dirty.

Game "Why do they say so."

We develop logical thinking. We teach children to understand proverbs.

Learning etiquette is always useful.

If you don’t learn in childhood, you’ll spend your whole life practicing it.

Eat rolls, but less babble.

Eat mushroom pies, but keep your mouth shut.

Place the pig at the table, with its feet on the table.

The owner is glad to have a good guest.

The ability to behave decorates, but costs nothing.

In someone else's house, do not be noticeable, but be friendly.

The gift is not expensive because of the price, but because of the giver.

He knew how to invite people to visit, and he knew how to greet them.

The guest does not stay long, but he sees a lot.

When you go to visit, you also need to take them to your home.

Cleanliness preserves health, and abstinence strengthens the mind.

Everything is sacred to the pure.

He who sows peace will reap happiness.

Don't be hasty, but be patient.

He who does not love others destroys himself.

Game "Magic Tree".

Let's learn polite communication. We enrich our vocabulary. Learning the alphabet.

Game progress: look at the tree. It's not simple. It grows unusual leaves. These are kind words that help in communicating with each other. Find each leaf its placeletters of the alphabet. Remember these words and they will help you find friends.

A-neat, active

B-noble, peerless, grateful

B-generous, attentive, loyal, delightful

G-genius, heroic, literate

D-kind, worthy

F - cheerful, desirable

Z – caring, wonderful

And - perfect, interesting

K – handsome, cultured

L - beloved, affectionate, kind

M - sweet, soft, peaceful

N – gentle, unique

O- original. great

P-wonderful, obedient

R - decisive, vulnerable

S - modest, brave

T - hardworking, talented

U - smart, smiling

F- fantastic

X - brave, good

H- honest, sensitive

Sh - humorous

E- energetic


I am bright, clear.

Game "Guess and name."

Develops logical thinking, enriches vocabulary, consolidates knowledge about “human assistants” - body parts and organs.

1 Which organ helps a person see the beauty of the world around him? (Eyes).

2 A sport where players throw a ball into a basket. (Basketball).

3 A place where people go to watch sporting events. (Stadium).

4 Which animal is called “man’s friend”? (Dog).

5 Which organ, part of the body is most necessary for work as an artist, cook, musician, or football player?


* The strong help the weak.

*Give in to the younger one. Compliance is a sign of strength, feeling self-esteem, good manners.

*Always share a toy with a friend.

*When passing through the door, the boy must let the girl go ahead and give way to her.

* Etiquette expressions: please, be kind, allow me, allow me, please, if possible.

*A kind word always works flawlessly. The tone is polite, not flattering, even, not rude.

*Cleanliness, neatness, and a neat appearance are a sign of good manners.

*Clothes must be clean, ironed, buttons and hangers carefully sewn, shoes polished. You should always have a handkerchief in your pocket.

Thank you Frosik for reconciling us,” the wolf cubs said. “We will never forget the rules of Etiquette again.” Have a nice trip!

Goodbye, friends! - answered the spider and flew on on its silvery web.

And while he was flying, King Etiquette wrote new fairy tales and rules in the magic book.


A hare was running along the road. Suddenly he sees a big stone lying there.

“What a wonderful stone,” said the hare, stopping. - Whose is it? Looks like no one's. So it will be mine. The fox has a hole, the bear has a den, the wolf has a lair, but I have nothing.

The hare began to walk around the stone and guard it. A woodpecker flies past. I wanted to sit on a stone to rest, and the hare screamed:

Don't you dare sit on my rock. Shoo!

The frightened woodpecker flew away.

Eh, hare, hare. “It’s not your business,” said the spider, landing next to him on his web.

The hare felt ashamed. And why is he greedy? Suddenly there was a crunch of branches and a bear came out to the edge of the forest with a large bundle of firewood. He walks and groans. It’s hard for a clubfoot.

Mikhail Potapovich, sit down and rest, the hare suggested to him.

The bear sat down on a stone and rested. He thanked the hare for his kindness and continued on his way.

And then the hare invited the squirrel with a basket of mushrooms to rest and brought the basket home.

I helped the hedgehog collect apples and take them to the hedgehogs.

Until the evening he helped forest dwellers. I got tired and sat down to rest on a stone.

Then a magpie flew in and brought him an invitation to visit from his new friends. The hare washed his face and combed his hair. Then he picked up nuts and berries and ran to his friends. He knew how to visit properly.


*Guests come with flowers and gifts.

* Guests are always smartly dressed and bring replacement shoes. When visiting, it is not customary to walk barefoot or in slippers.

*Guests come in a good mood, prepare congratulations, jokes, riddles; if a guest refuses to speak, there is no need to force him.

*After some time, the guest invites the person he visited to join him.

*You can’t be capricious, shout, quarrel, call names.

*The guest should not touch with his hands the things that interest him without permission.

*Guests thank the hosts for the holiday at the end of it and the next day.

One of important features A cultured person is the ability to behave at the table.

*At the table they not only eat, but also communicate: they talk, listen, smile. But they talk quietly, a little and with a mouth free of food.

*They sit at the table with clean faces and hands.

*You must eat and drink without leaving traces of food on the tablecloth.

*Do not bend low, but only slightly tilt your head.

*Only the hands are on the table.

*You cannot speak loudly or with your mouth full at the table.

*If a fork or spoon falls on the floor, we are not in a hurry to pick it up, we will ask for another one, but when leaving the table we will pick it up.

*We don’t rush to eat, but we also don’t sit for a long time at one dish.

*We change paper napkins as needed and with a new dish.

*We hold a knife in our right hand, blade down, and a fork in our left, with the tines down if we need to pierce the food (meat, sausage, cheese), or with the tines up if we put a side dish on the fork.

*Hold the fork firmly when cutting a piece, and the knife at a slight angle.

*We only bring a fork to our mouth, not a knife.

*We always thank the hostess for the treat with kind words.


In some kingdom, in some state. Many fairy tales begin with these words. There are many different kingdoms in this world. Among them there is also the kingdom of flowers. So, unusually beautiful flowers grew in this kingdom. Each flower was unique in its beauty, its aroma. And a rose grew among them. She was terribly proud and boastful. She believed that there were no flowers equal to her.

Fi,” she said, looking at the modest forget-me-nots, “how ugly you are.” I'm the most beautiful here. Why are you needed? Anyway, the gardener only loves me.

The gardener loved all the flowers and treated every plant with care. One day an unfamiliar flower appeared in the garden. Nobody knew where it came from? The gardener didn't plant it.

“Who are you?” asked the rose angrily.

My name is dandelion. “I flew here and grew up,” answered the yellow flower.

Only you were missing here. “I don’t have enough space already,” she said.

Don't be angry, dear rose, I won't stay here long. “I’ll fly away soon,” the dandelion justified himself.

Rose didn't believe him. After all, flowers cannot fly.

Days passed by. And then one day the rose got sick. Her luxurious flowers began to fade. Every day she became worse and worse.

Dandelion was very worried. Despite her difficult character, he loved her. He turned white from anxiety.

“I’m ready to give my life for her, just to help her!” he said, sighing sadly.

The gardener, examining his flowers, saw that something was wrong with the rose.

Well, friend dandelion, help the rose, he said and began to dig it out of the ground.

The white head of the dandelion suddenly crumbled and the seeds scattered throughout the garden. The gardener made medicine from a dandelion and poured it on the rose. She immediately came to life.

And why did I offend him? He gave me his life. He was the most faithful and devoted friend - the recovered rose cried bitter tears.

But spring came and all the flowers suddenly saw that several new dandelions had grown in the garden. Their yellow heads stood out brightly in the flowerbed. Everyone was so happy about this that it was decided to organize a holiday in their honor.

Thousands of lights flashed in the sky. It was festive fireworks. Chamomiles, asters, and forget-me-nots gave the dandelions their best wishes. The bellmen composed music for them and played it on their instruments.

The dandelions smiled and nodded their yellow heads to all the flowers as a sign of gratitude. How beautiful the world is when there are many friends in it!


*DO NOT always try to be first.

*DO NOT get angry or jealous when you lose.

*Don’t be arrogant if you can do something better than others.

*Be able to give in, don’t argue over trifles.

*Be able to accept help, advice and comments from a friend.

*Try to help your friend do what he can’t do.

Time passed, and Frosik was still on the road. But what is it? He began to quickly lose height and fall to the ground. His silver web was torn from the long journey. He sank lower and lower and finally found himself near beautiful small houses. Skilled craftswomen recently settled there. The azure flowers and emerald blades of grass seemed to come to life in their embroidery. This is the fairy tale the king wrote about them in a magic book.


Many years ago there was a village near the river. It was famous for its skilled craftsmen, and especially embroiderers. All the girls in this village were wonderful craftswomen. Everyone in the area marveled at the extraordinary skill. The khan from the neighboring kingdom also learned about the girls. He decided to kidnap them so that they would work only for him from dawn to dawn. He called his faithful servants and ordered the village where the girls lived to be burned and to be brought to him.

One day the girls went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. There was a girl among them. She understood the voices of animals and birds, and spoke with the wind and clouds. How did she do it? It is seen native nature she felt it in her heart.

Meanwhile, the khan’s warriors rushed on fast horses to the village to carry out the order of their master. Girls are walking and don’t know that trouble is close. All of a sudden the girl hears two little birds talking to each other: “Fly away from here quickly, sister. Evil warriors will be here soon!”

The girl started calling her friends, but it was too late. The clatter of horses can be heard very close. Then she picked some unknown grass, uttered quiet words and waved it towards the girls. At that very momentthey turned into white birch trees. The khan's servants swooped in, but they couldn't find anyone. So they returned to their khan with nothing. And on the site of the village, a birch grove grew.

Since then, birches have been compared to girls. They call them slender beauties, they decorate them with ribbons for the holiday and dance around them. Since then, craftswomen appeared in the polite city, decorating the houses of its residents with their works.

Feeling nature with your heart means loving it and taking care of it.


*Don't destroy birds' nests.

* Don't leave trash behind in the forest.

*Don't break trees.

*Don't destroy anthills.

*Do not throw garbage into waterways.

*Don't catch butterflies.

*Don’t tear up the cobwebs, because this is someone’s home.

*Don't take forest dwellers home.

*Do not light a fire in the forest.

*DO NOT pick wild and forest flowers.

* Don't trample the grass, walk along the paths. The grass cover retains moisture and provides shelter for a huge number of beneficial insects and small animals.

*Do not pick up unfamiliar or known poisonous mushrooms. Many of them are medicine for forest inhabitants.


In one nice city there lived a boy. He loved to read books about sea voyages and dreamed that one day he would go to distant lands to uncharted shores. In his room there was an aquarium with fish on the table. The boy took care of them and watched with pleasure how they frolic. He especially liked the goldfish, only lately for some reason it didn’t swim with the others, but hid among the plants.

One day a boy walked past his mother’s room and suddenly heard the sound of the sea surf and someone singing coming from it. On the chest of drawers in the room there was a large sea shell. Sounds seemed to be coming from it. The boy took it and put it to his ear. Suddenly everything around went dark. Multi-colored lights ran along the walls, and the room suddenly disappeared. The boy found himself in the blue hall of a magnificent palace. A girl was sitting on the floor and playing with colored pebbles. She turned around and said:

I've been waiting for you for a long time.

Do we really know each other?

I thought you recognized me.

A golden crown flashed on her head. It was the princess. The boy suddenly recognized her as his favorite goldfish.

How did I get here? And why are you so sad?

I called you. I need your help. My beloved goldfish sisters are in trouble. I know that you have a good heart and you will not refuse to help me.

Of course I'm ready.

There is one person in your city. He has fish in his aquarium. He doesn't love them, doesn't notice them, and they slowly die. This man works in a museum

Take this old coin. She lay there for many years seabed and has great value among people. But I know that the greatest value is love and life. We need to hurry. Put your ear to the sink and you'll find yourself at home.

The boy did just that.

He quickly found the old man from the museum who had an aquarium.

“I’ll exchange it for goldfish,” the boy said and unclenched his palm.

The old man grabbed the coin and examined it carefully.

This is a rare thing! I agree to change, but where did you get it? Stole?

His hand trembled with greed, and his eyes gazed intently at the boy.

Give me the fish,” the boy said calmly. “I can’t tell you where I got it, but I didn’t steal it.”

Within half an hour the fish were swimming in his aquarium.

The boy became even more friendly with his fish. He used the shell to get into the palace whenever he wanted to play with the princess. He had no idea that the old man was watching him. He was hiding by the window and saw how the boy first disappeared, and after a while appeared again. Having waited for the right moment when the boy came out, the greedy old man grabbed the sink and rushed home. He locked himself in the room, leaned his ear against the sink and immediately found himself in the blue hall of a magnificent palace. The sea king sat on a high throne, and next to him were girls wearing golden crowns. These were his fish princess daughters.

Who are you? Why did you come here uninvited?” the king’s angry voice thundered. The old man was unable to utter a word out of fear.

Father, we know him. It's greedy and Cruel person. Because of him, we almost died if the boy had not saved us.

Ah, that's it. Well, then you should be a fat crab and guard my treasure chests for exactly three years and three days.

At that very moment the old man turned into a huge crab and lay down near the royal storerooms.

Years have passed. The old man returned to the museum. He never deceived or offended anyone again.

The boy grew up and became the captain of a beautiful ship. He gave an aquarium with fish and a shell to his son. A little time will pass, and the sea will rustle in it, and gentle singing will call the brave heart on the road. But that will be a different story.


*We are responsible for those we have tamed.

*Take care of your little friend, love him and take care of him.

*Do not harm homeless animals.

*Mutual assistance, kindness, nobility are the traits of a well-mannered person.

*Coming to the aid of someone who is weak and defenseless is an act worthy of respect.

And our traveler, of course, was helped by craftswomen. They gave him a colored string, on which he flew to the palace.

Morning has come in the city of polite inhabitants. The weathercocks opened their wings and wanted to shout the morning greeting, but the sun did not appear in the sky, and they froze. Frosik flew into the window of King Etiquette's bedroom.

Your Majesty, Good morning! Wake up quickly! I beg you very much! Trouble! - the spider began to wake up the king.

Good morning! Who woke me up? Why are the cockerels silent? – the awakened king asked in surprise.

It's me, spider Frosik. An evil witch appeared in our forest. She bewitched my frog friends and turned the pond into a swamp. The sun has not risen in the sky, so the cockerels are silent.

You are a brave spider. Thank you for coming to me. We need to quickly drive away this uninvited guest. You can save not only your friends, but also all the residents of the city, because without the morning greeting of the cockerels, they will not be able to wake up. There are magic words that she is afraid of. Listen carefully.

The king leaned towards Frosik and whispered magic words to him.

Then he waved his hand, and our hero instantly found himself at an old oak tree and a pond, near which the witch was sitting.

The spider boldly landed next to her and said loudly:

Get out old woman!

The field and forest are our friendly home!

Let's live, don't bother!

Let's value our friendship!

The witch suddenly trembled, fell on the grass and turned into a dirty puddle, which immediately dried up. The sun appeared in the sky. The water in the pond brightened and became transparent. And the little frogs croaked merrily.

Hooray! Happened! Never come back here again!

The old oak and trees rustled, gratefully welcoming Frosik. He climbed to the top of the oak tree and heard cockerels crowing in the distance. A new day has begun for the polite residents of the city.

And new pages appeared in the magic book.

Fairy tale "PINK ANGEL".

Marusya was happy. Finally, the teacher praised her for her academic success, and she managed to make peace with her friend Vanya, with whom she had quarreled the day before. Her parents noted her efforts. She had never received such wonderful gifts for Christmas before. New toys took up all her time; she didn’t even want to go outside. Mom looked into the room and said:

Marusya, it's time for you to take a walk. You can't sit at home all day. Be a good girl.

Marusya went outside. It was already evening. There was no one visible in the yard. She rode a little on the slide and sat on a bench.

The girl turned around and froze in surprise. Two snowmen stood nearby. Black eyes looked at her cheerfully, and his mouth smiled.

Not “Fear us, girl,” said one of them. “We won’t hurt you.” Help us. We were recently made out of snow, and we still don’t know the city well. We must give a gift to a child who did not receive one on Christmas night. It’s very sad, but this happens sometimes and it’s not fair.

The snowman took a gift out of the bag and showed it to Marusa. It was a pink angel. He looked at the girl and smiled. Marusya's heart began to beat. What a toy! She suddenly wanted to take it for herself so much that she forgot about her promise to her mother to be smart. She said:

This is me.

The snowmen were happy and gave her the angel. While she was looking at him, the snowmen disappeared.

Suddenly the angel stopped smiling. His face became sad.

“Okay, you’re mine anyway,” she said and ran home.

At night she had a dream that she was walking around the city, and only toys were coming towards her. They are all very sad.

Where have the people gone? Why are there only toys walking around the city? - the girl asked a passing puss in boots.

You probably don't know that you're in the land of toys. We are not simple toys. We are Christmas gifts. Our main toy, the pink angel, got sick. And now all the children will not receive gifts. But there is one girl who can fix everything.

Marusya, be smart!

Marusya woke up immediately. She jumped out of bed and ran to the tree. It was empty underneath! Her Christmas gifts were gone. So it wasn't a dream? So, because of her, all the children will be left without gifts? We need to return the pink angel to the snowmen. But where to look for them?

Marusya quickly got dressed and ran out into the street. Snow was falling quietly in the yard. She approached a bench, near which she met snowmen and saw a girl.

Hello, my name is Marusya. “Have you seen anyone here?” she asked.

The girl shook her head negatively.

I do not know you. “Which house are you from?” Marusya asked again.

The stranger answered quietly:

I'm Taya. My mother and I recently arrived from the village. Here in the city the doctors promised to cure me. They say I have a bad heart.

She turned away and lowered her head. Marusya quickly took out a pink angel from her pocket and said:

Well, of course, they will definitely cure. Look what I have. This toy is for you. She will bring you happiness.

The pink angel smiled again.

Two cheerful snowmen looked out from behind the house and, nodding their heads contentedly to each other, went to get a new toy.

It was snowing quietly. Christmas has come to town.


*Never lie. The truth is stronger than lies.

* Never take someone else's.

*Take care of your toys, don’t break them, don’t scatter them.

* If a toy is broken, know how to politely ask adults to fix it.

*Share toys with other children.

Spider-Frosik, by advice old wise oak tree, opened the Forest School, where everyone could learn the rules of King Etiquette. And, of course, there were plenty of students. No one wanted the evil witch to suddenly appear again, and this can happen if you don’t know or forget the rules of Etiquette.

These are the fabulous stories that happened to our heroes. And you, dear reader, have been to fairy tales too, because we get there when we read them, when we listen to them, when we draw. Our fairy tales are very useful and you can return to them in conversations, in drawings, in games.

Etiquette is such an ancient thing that most people do not know where it came from on our land. Even wild, wild monkeys in the Amazon jungle have their own specific rules of behavior - a kind of etiquette, if you like. We are not at all advocating learning monkey etiquette and following it.

The fact is that the rules of good manners of monkeys and others inhabiting the jungle are strikingly different from the etiquette of homo sapiens.

From this section, schoolchildren will learn not only how to introduce themselves correctly and set the table perfectly, but also how to “blow off steam” in a civilized manner by telling the person everything that is on their mind. this moment you think about him. In our age of technological progress, rarely does anyone turn to the epistolary genre, but nevertheless, sometimes it has to be done, and in order not to lose face in front of your addressee, you need to learn certain rules. Of course, the history of etiquette in general and each rule in particular is very complicated, but with the help of the materials in this section, almost all the unknowns in this equation will cease to exist for you.

Teachers will find here scripts, notes for extracurricular activities, cool hours and conversations on the topic: Etiquette.

Lesson notes for the preparatory group. Cultured man

Lesson in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution on the topic “Who is a cultured person”

Target: the formation of a conscious attitude towards the role of man in the development of culture.


Enrich initial ideas about the role of man in the development of culture;

Cultivate cognitive interest in the culture of one’s own and other peoples;

Develop ways to independently apply information in gaming activities.

Equipment: cover and sheets of paper of the same size, different colors for the design of the book “Who is a cultured person”, board-printed games “Place writing utensils in order”, “Lessons of etiquette”, illustrations for a fairy tale (“The Frog Princess”, “The Tale of the Fisherman” and the fish" by A.S. Pushkin, "At the command of the pike").

GCD move

Educator. Guys, a teacher has turned to you for help. senior group Natalya Yurievna. She wants to talk with the children of her group about who a cultured person is, how a person became cultured. To do this, she needs a book that has a lot of pictures and games on this topic, because small children love to look at pictures and play, and not just listen! But, unfortunately, Natalya Yuryevna could not find such a book anywhere. Then she remembered you guys. She saw in your group a lot of books that you made with the help of your parents, she knows that you were told and read a lot about cultural heritage, about who a cultured person is, so she decided to turn to you for help. Guys, do you agree to make a book for kids?

Children. Yes.

Educator. What will it be called?

Children make guesses.

And to make the book interesting, I propose today in class to remember everything you know about who a cultured person is. We will start making the book right now. In the last lesson you learned about natural and cultural heritage. First, let's remember what heritage is.

Children. Heritage is what people pass on to each other from elders to younger ones.

Educator. Heritage can be different: natural and cultural. What is natural heritage?

Children. These are plants, animals, mountains, forests, rivers, lakes, seas.

Educator. How should we treat natural heritage?

Children. Carefully.

Educator. For what?

Children. To ensure that the water in the river was always clean, there were many beautiful flowers and plants, birds and animals.

Educator. That's right, if people treat the natural heritage carelessly, nothing will be left for descendants: clean water, green forests, bright flowers, chirping birds, beautiful animals. Guys, what is cultural heritage?

Children. Dishes, paintings, songs, fairy tales and more.

Educator. Who creates cultural heritage?

Children. People.

Educator. Yes, guys, cultural heritage is created and appropriated by people. How should you treat him?

Children. Carefully, because a person creates different objects himself.

Educator. Yes, guys, a person not only protects cultural heritage, but also increases it, creating various objects himself (dishes, paintings, songs, fairy tales). Why do you think people preserve and create cultural heritage?

Children. To know how people lived before, what they liked.

Educator. That's right. By cultural heritage, left by our ancestors, one can judge how people lived before, what was valuable to them. Just as a person develops and changes throughout his life from childhood to old age, so culture has changed throughout its history. Guys, I suggest you play a game that will remind you that people's culture changes over time.

Game "Place in order"

Children arrange in order pictures depicting writing utensils of a person in different times(stick, quill and metal quills, pencil, ballpoint pen, typewriter, computer). If the children complete the task correctly, the result is a tape that gradually expands from beginning to end (if some picture is out of place, the tape comes out uneven).

Educator. What did this game tell us?

Children. About how writing devices have changed over time.

Educator. Why did they change?

Children. People want everything that surrounds them to be comfortable and beautiful.

Educator. What other games do you know that talk about how objects, machines, and equipment change over time?

Children. “What happened before, what is now”, “History of dishes”, “History of various objects”, “What runs on electricity?”.

Educator. Guys, do you think it’s possible to put these games in the book that we are making at the request of Natalya Yuryevna?

Children. Yes.

Educator. I also think that the kids will like these games. The more a person knows, knows how, and the more careful he is with the world around him and with himself, the more cultured he is. A person develops and achieves a lot in life when he learns the culture of his people and other people, he himself is cultured and creates culture. Guys, how can we tell on the pages of our book that a cultured person takes care of his health?

Children. You can come up with stories, pick up pictures, proverbs, songs, talk about our games.

Educator. Guys, why is it so important from childhood to be kind, caring, not to frown, not to be capricious?

Children. Everyone likes kind people, they have good mood.

Educator. Yes, a good mood prolongs a person’s life and improves his health. Greatest Thinker Ancient Greece Aristotle said: “To do good, you must have it.” How do you understand this statement?

Children. If a person is evil, he will not do good, only a kind person can do good deeds.

Educator. Yes, you need to have good feelings to help others. Guys, what if someone does a good deed for us, gives us something, what do we say?

Children. “Thank you!”, “Thank you!”

Educator. Yes, we thank them, as if we respond to good with good. And this is right, this is fair - good must be answered with good. But is it possible to thank someone, i.e. to give good, not only for good, but also for evil? Difficult question! To give thanks for evil means to respond with good to evil. And if you respond with good, it means reducing evil. What do you think: what can make a person who does evil a little better? What can help him more: our evil or our good? Of course, good. If we did this, there would be less evil. Guys, remember in which fairy tales the heroes thank someone?

Children. In the fairy tale “The Frog Princess,” the bear, duck, pike and hare helped Ivan Tsarevich for saving their lives. In the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command,” the pike thanks Emelya for her kindness. In “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin's grateful goldfish fulfills almost all the old man's wishes.

Children's answers are accompanied by a display of illustrations for fairy tales.

Educator. Guys, do you think it’s possible to put illustrations from fairy tales in our book that can teach kindness?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Yes, a cultured person loves to listen to fairy tales. What has always been glorified in fairy tales?

Children. Kindness, helping elders, ability to work.

Educator. They always glorified kindness, hard work, diligence, modesty, and patience. This is what is written about in O. Driz’s poem “The Grain of Kindness.” Listen to him.

The teacher reads a poem.

Let's continue the design of our book about a cultured person. Guys, how can you tell that a cultured person knows how to behave with other people without upsetting or offending them?

Children. You can put the game “Good - Bad” in the book, proverbs and sayings about kindness, poems and stories, talk about our games.

Educator. Guys, listen to the proverb about polite people: “The ability to behave is decorative and costs nothing.” Why does the ability to behave adorn a person?

Children. All people enjoy being with those who know and follow the rules of behavior.


Game "Etiquette Lessons"

You will need three to play large cards, in the center of which there are images on the themes: “In the theater”, “Away”, “In transport”. Children are divided into three small groups and distribute cards among themselves. Small cards with story pictures are shuffled and placed face up. At the leader’s signal, the children choose cards on their topic and lay them out near the large card. If the characters in the picture behave correctly, the player places a small card next to the large one so that the halves of the circles on them match, and if the characters behave in an unacceptable manner, the card is put aside.

After all participants complete the task, the teacher invites each microgroup to analyze the plots on their small cards, as well as evaluate the behavior of the characters in the pictures set aside. The teacher rewards those who were the first to correctly choose the plot pictures and best explained the situations in them. Summarizes: “If all people always do these important rules, everyone will be in a good mood."

Educator. Guys, you’ll remember what else a person’s good mood depends on, what gives him joy, if you listen to V.A.’s story. Sukhomlinsky “Beauty, Inspiration, Joy and Mystery.”

A little boy came to the forest. I met an Old Man coming from the forest. The old man walked tired, but smiled joyfully.

“Why are you smiling, Grandfather? - asked the Boy. “Perhaps there is something good in the forest?” - “Yes, Boy, there is Beauty, Inspiration, Joy and Mystery in the forest. I saw them and I wanted to live for many, many more years.”

The boy ran into the forest.

I looked around me. Everything is beautiful: the mighty oak, the elegant spruce, the weeping willow, and the white birch. But the small violet flower seemed the most beautiful to the Boy. He raised his blue head with a violet eye from the grass and looked at the boy in amazement.

“This is Beauty,” the Boy whispered quietly.

The Boy listened and heard far, far away the quiet song of a wild pigeon: “Tur... tour...”. And at that same moment the Boy remembered something affectionate and kind. The boy remembered his mother's hands. He wanted to sing a song about his mother himself. “This is Inspiration,” the Boy whispered quietly.

The boy looked around him even more closely. The sun was shining brightly, birds were shining high in the blue sky, green waves of the forest were floating to the very horizon.

“It’s so good that I see and feel all this,” the Boy thought. “The world is Joy, living is Joy.”

“But where is the Secret?” For a long, long time the Boy looked and listened, but he never noticed the Secret.

The boy went into the forest on the second day. Again I met Grandfather coming from the forest. The Boy told how he encountered Beauty, Inspiration and Joy, but did not encounter Mystery. “Grandfather, where is the Secret?”

Grandfather smiled mysteriously and answered: “If you live to see gray hair, you will see the Secret.”

Many years later. The boy grew up and became an adult. He got married, raised children, and his children became adults. He became a gray-haired Old Man.

One day the Old Man went into the forest. Many years have passed since, as a little boy, he heard words about Beauty, Inspiration, Joy and Mystery. And now he remembered Grandfather’s words.

The first thing he saw in the forest was an amazingly beautiful violet in the green grass.

“This is the flower that I saw here many years ago,” the Old Man thought, “is it really eternal?”

The Old Man listened: the grass also whispered, the leaves rustled. He raised his head and saw: white clouds were floating, crane wedges were flying in the blue sky...

“So this is the Secret,” the Old Man guessed, “Beauty is eternal.”

Guys, do you think this story can be put into a book? Children. Yes.

Educator. What can he teach?

Children. Take care of nature, notice its beauty.

Educator. Why should every person from childhood learn to notice the beauty of nature, to be surprised by its incomparable colors and shapes?

Children. So as not to harm nature.

Educator. That's right! If he appreciates and admires the beauty of nature, he will never harm it. What is beauty?

Children. This is what brings people joy.

Where do we see beauty? Where do we find her?

Children. In nature, people's actions, works of art.

Educator. Yes, we find beauty primarily in nature, art, thoughts and actions of Man. How can we talk about this on the pages of our book?

Children. You can put in it pictures about beautiful nature, illustrations from our albums about paintings by artists, theater, architecture, good deeds of people.

Educator. So we talked in the book about how a cultured person knows how to behave with other people without upsetting or offending them; knows a lot, cares about his health; loves listening to music, fairy tales, looking at paintings by great artists; treats nature and the results of other people’s labor with care; strives to create beauty, restore order and cleanliness in everything; loves his home, kindergarten, hometown, his country. Not only every person, but also every family, village, city, country strives to become cultural. Guys, what determines their culture?

Children. The culture of people.

Educator. Yes, guys, the culture of a family, village, city, country is determined by the culture of an individual. Today, after a nap, we will continue designing a book for older children. I think that it will be interesting, useful, beautiful.

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group. Topic: Etiquette

Lesson in kindergarten for children on the topic: “Etiquette and its history”

Target: the formation of a conscious attitude towards compliance with norms and rules of behavior.


Clarify initial ideas about the norms and rules of relationships acceptable in Russian communicative culture;

To promote the manifestation of the need to comply with norms and rules of behavior appropriate to one’s gender and age;

To promote independent application of acquired knowledge in gaming and communication activities.

Equipment: video letter, petals cut out of colored paper for the game “Flower of Politeness,” printed board game “Etiquette Lessons,” voice recorder, video player.

Educator. Guys, a video letter has arrived in our group, let's watch it. Contents of the video letter: “Hello, guys! Your first-grader friends are turning to you for help. We recently read a poem about a boy

Petrus, who decided to become polite. Listen to this poem.

The teacher reads I. Kulskaya’s poem “Impolite Politeness.”

We began to think together whether Petrus could be called a polite boy? Our opinions were divided, and we even argued: some guys think that if a boy greets everyone, he can be called polite, while other guys disagree: they think that the boy Petrus cannot be called polite, because he does not know the rules of greeting. And suddenly we remembered you guys and thought that you could resolve our dispute, because you kindergarten We read a lot and talked about the rules of behavior. We know that your group has many different albums, pictures, books, and games on this topic.”

Guys, do you agree to help our friends?

Children. Yes.

Educator. And in order to answer correctly, I suggest you remember everything you know about the rules of behavior. Listen to how similar the words are: correctly, rules, according to the rules. If you know the rules and do the right thing, what can you be called?

Children. Polite, well-mannered children.

Educator. Why does a person follow certain rules of behavior?

Children. To be pleasant to others, to treat others kindly.

Educator. He doesn't invent them himself. Do you think Petrus knew about this?

Children. No, he thought that each person comes up with his own rules of behavior.

Educator. Who came up with the rules of conduct?

Children. People.

Educator. That's right, in order to better understand each other, people came up with rules. Each of them has its own history and serves to good communication. Listen to a poem about this.

A child reads N. Krasilnikov’s poem “Good Morning.”

What does the word "hello" mean?

Children. It means “be healthy”, it is a wish for health.

Educator. That's right, when we pronounce them, we wish our loved ones and acquaintances good health so that their whole day is bright and joyful. Why does the establishment of good relations between people begin with the first words of greeting?

Children. This means that people are pleased to see each other. Yes, in the bow, in the short words of greeting, an important message is contained: “I see you, man! I like you. I wish you health, peace, happiness!”

Educator. Why does the poem say that upon hearing the word “hello” said with a smile, “everyone becomes kind and trusting”?

Children. Everyone is pleased when they are greeted when they meet.

Educator. How do you feel when you are greeted when you meet?

Children. It becomes joyful, it’s nice to hear words of greeting, the mood becomes good.

Educator. Yes, polite words spoken from the heart, with a smile on your face, make you feel warmer and more joyful. Listen to a poem about this.


Having bowed, we said to each other,
Although they were complete strangers:
What special things did we say to each other?
Just "Hello"
We didn't say anything else.
Why just a little bit
Has there been more sun in the world?
Why just a little bit
Has life become more joyful?
V. Soloukhin

Educator. Guys, when you greet other people, how do you feel?

Children. Joy.

Educator. Listen to a poem about people who feel good about wishing well-being to others.

Children take turns reading A. Yashin’s poem “Good morning!”

Why does this poem say that it becomes warm and joyful not only for those who hear good, polite words, but also to the one who says them?

Children. If your friendly words make people smile, then you will also be happy and warm from their smiles.

Educator. Yes, if people always follow these important rules, everyone will be in a good mood. We need to say more kind words to each other and give smiles. I invite everyone to sing the song “Smile” together.

Children perform the song “Smile” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

Let's continue our conversation about politeness. Do you think Petrus was polite?

Children. No, he does not know many rules of behavior, he cannot be called polite.

Educator. Is it easy to be polite?

Children. You have to learn this.

Educator. Yes, I agree with you: being polite is not so easy. From whom can Petrus learn politeness?

Children. Polite people, those who know how to greet others.

Educator. Could you teach Petrus to greet others politely?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Guys, why didn’t Grandfather Fedot like Petrus’s greeting?

Children. Because Petrus screamed very loudly, and at that time the old watchman Fedot “had just dozed off, he didn’t sleep at his post all night.”

Educator. Did Petrus behave politely towards grandfather Fedot?

Children. No.

Educator. Why?

Children. He scared grandfather with his loud scream and did not let him take a nap after work.

Educator. Yes, a polite person is always polite. What should Petrus have done?

Children. He needed to wait until Grandfather Fedot woke up and then greet him.

Educator. Yes, guys, you can’t talk or shout loudly when there is a person nearby who has fallen asleep from fatigue, because this prevents him from resting. What rules of greeting adult acquaintances should Petrus remember?

Children. Come closer, call by name and patronymic, tilt your head slightly - bow, smile.

Educator. Guys, what did Petrus do wrong when he decided to greet the girl Yarinka?

Children. Petrus pulled her scarf, he ordered her to stop, but the girl didn’t like it.

Educator. How could Petrus greet the girl?

Children. Words of greeting, bow of the head, movement of the hand.

Educator. I suggest playing a game during which you will remember how children can greet each other in different ways.

Game "Flower of Politeness"

Children take petals and stand in a circle. Each child calls greeting or makes a greeting gesture without repeating his comrades and thus making a flower of petals in the center of the circle. At the end of the game, the children all admire the resulting flower together.

Educator. Guys, why did the counselor call Petrus ignorant?

Children. O scared the counselor when he jumped off the fence. Petrus almost knocked him down; the counselor could have dropped the books he was carrying in his hands.

Educator. Listen to the proverb about polite people: “The ability to behave is decorative and costs nothing.” Why does the ability to behave adorn a person?

Children. People enjoy being with those who know and follow the rules of behavior.

Educator. Yes, in order to be pleasant to other people, not to cause them anxiety and inconvenience, a person follows certain rules of behavior. I suggest playing a game that will remind you of the rules of behavior when visiting, transport, and the theater.

Game "Etiquette Lessons"

To play, you will need three large cards, in the center of which there are images on the topics: “In the theater”, “Away”, “In transport”. Children are divided into three small groups and distribute cards among themselves. Small cards with story pictures are shuffled and placed face up. At the leader’s signal, the children choose cards on their topic and lay them out near the large card. If the characters in the picture behave correctly, the player places a small card next to the large one so that the halves of the circles on them match, and in the case of unacceptable behavior of the characters, the card is put aside.

After all microgroups have completed the task, the teacher offers to analyze the plots on their small cards, as well as evaluate the behavior of the characters in the pictures set aside. The teacher rewards those who were the first to correctly choose the plot pictures and best explained the situations in them. Summing it up: “If all people always follow these important rules, everyone will be in a good mood.”

Educator. Guys, we will send your stories about the rules of behavior, recorded on a voice recorder, to our first-grader friends. I think that they will help resolve their dispute about whether Petrus can be called polite or not?

Conversations about the rules of conduct in an after-school group

Conversations in the GPD on the topic “The ABCs of Behavior.” Notes

The teacher introduces students to the rules of behavior, illustrating them with practical situations and plot pictures.

1. Behavior on the tram and bus.

You must remember that the tram has nothing in common with the trampoline - it is absolutely not suitable for jumping. The same can be said, however, about other types of transport. If you manage to occupy an empty seat, do not pretend that you are unusually interested in the landscape that opens outside the window. Still, no one will believe that this is the only reason you don’t notice the woman standing next to you. Whether you like it or not, until the gray hairs appear at your temples, in all types of transport you should feel like a hare in an open field, which, although it has sat down for a short time, is ready to take off at any moment. You will also have to stand up if your peer is nearby. Age does not play a role in this case. It is enough that she is a girl and you are a future man. You have the opportunity to show yourself as a knight.

It would be nice if, during the trip, you did not forget that there are people standing around and passengers sitting around, who inevitably have to listen to what you are telling your friend about. That is why the tram and bus cannot be considered suitable places for emotional outpouring. Keep your secrets to yourself. Finding themselves in a large society, young people often show a penchant for drawing. The same thing happens in transport. And it’s not surprising: the auditorium is full, the audience keeps coming. Well, how can you resist and not start acting? And the audience, even if they are not delighted with your solo or choral performance, will still not leave the hall, that is, the tram or bus. It was not for nothing that they sat down. And if so, make noise, clown around, talk any nonsense. Let everyone look and be surprised, but then don’t be offended if you hear not too flattering remarks addressed to you: “What a youth these days! The wind is in your head and that’s it! Children don’t know how to behave!” However, we will assume that this will not happen.

Issues for discussion:

1. How should you behave in transport?

2. Why can’t you talk loudly, shout, or laugh in public transport?

3. What would you do in these situations?

II. Do gestures, facial expressions, and manners matter in communication?

Hands perform a wide variety of work. But what happens to them when they are not busy?

By the way, by the “behavior” of hands one can very often judge the state of mind of their owner and his ability to control himself. Here’s an example: you went to the blackboard to read a poem. There is silence in the class, everyone is ready to listen. You have already opened your mouth to begin, when suddenly you notice that one of your hands is scratching the back of your head, the other, going deeper into your pocket, is looking for something. If you don’t take your hands “in your hands” and don’t stop unscrewing the button on your jacket, the teacher may think that you haven’t prepared your lesson, and the button will come off.

It is very important to learn how to control your hands - “automata”. It often happens that you, while talking with a friend, do not notice how at this time your hands are peeling the bark from a young tree, picking out plaster from the wall, rolling up a notebook, etc. Remember: when you talk about something, your mouth they speak, but the hands are silent. But there is no need to be ashamed of the fact that you have hands, and there is no need to constantly hide them in your pockets, especially while talking with someone. This is perceived as disrespect for the interlocutor. All this does not mean, of course, that when talking to any adult, you should stand at attention. But you need to take your hands out of your pockets.

Using your hands as direction indicators has long been out of fashion.

And now about the legs... True, there is less trouble with them than with the hands, although some of you, especially boys, sometimes force them to do something completely different from what they are intended for: knocking on the door with their feet, tripping their comrades. When you sit, your legs should rest quietly on the floor. Crossing your legs, dangling your legs under the table, or resting your legs on various objects is unsightly. The floor is the best place for your feet.

The teacher organizes a discussion of the article.

III. Positive and bad habits behavior.

Imagine that you rushed from school hungry, like a hundred wolves, and without undressing or washing your hands, you rush to the kitchen, grab a spoon and swallow everything that is left for you straight from the pan. “Ugh, I’m full,” you say, wiping your mouth with your sleeve. How will you feel at the table at your friend’s name day after this?

Here's how: the knife and fork will jump in your hands, the potatoes on the plate will run around as if they were alive, and your hand will bend at the elbow by itself to wipe your mouth with your sleeve. Needless to say, eating from a pan is much easier!

And if you ate at home every day as you should, at the table, using a knife and fork, how easy and convenient it would seem to you! For those guys who tend to play a double game (role) - one at home, the other for show - we offer this game. Each of us probably has a friend whose opinion we value very much, and whom we want to be like. We think about this person, try to be in his company more often. Now let’s imagine that this acquaintance is always somewhere nearby and constantly watching you. It will change you beyond recognition. You will no longer be able to pull your younger brother's ear or curse your friend. Under the gaze of this man, it would never even occur to you, when returning from school, to throw your coat into the corner, lick the plate, or mutter something stupid to your mother. So your imagination will help you behave decently at home, eat normally and be polite to others. And after a while (try it, and you will see for yourself) a crust of bread in a dirty hand will no longer seem so tasty, the bad manners of your comrades will outrage you, and the disorder in your apartment will irritate you. Some more time will pass, and you will feel that good manners have already become a habit and an internal need. Now let’s name the traits that prevent you from becoming truly well-mannered, polite, cultured person. This is the inability to keep one’s word, irresponsibility, unpunctuality, immodesty, and the inability to keep someone else’s secret. Our conclusion can be given the form of a formula, as is done in books on mathematics and physics:

D x U + ZPP = KP

That is, Goodwill multiplied by Respect, plus Knowledge of the Rules of Conduct constitute a Culture of Behavior.

Only after mastering this formula can you safely set out on a journey through life. And your relationships with others will be as good as possible. So, have a nice trip!

The teacher organizes a discussion of the article with conclusions.

IV. Behavior in the theater.

Visiting the theater is a holiday for which we recommend that you carefully prepare - dress better, get yourself in order. Spectators, as a rule, leave coats and raincoats in the cloakroom. Having found the desired row, turn your face to the spectators already sitting there, not your back, and go to your place. A polite smile on your face will mean that you are asking for forgiveness for disturbing you. Once you are safely seated and the curtain has risen, the only source of sound can be the stage. Whatever you want to say, leave it until intermission. Eating during the performance, rustling papers, fidgeting in a chair that creaks, whispering and laughing are under no circumstances allowed. This disturbs the audience and the actors. Various plays are staged in the theater, there are some that describe distant times when people expressed their feelings and thoughts differently than us, and dressed differently. Some things may surprise you and even make you laugh. But to laugh at a tragic moment for the hero of the play, to fail to suppress a cheerful mood would be the height of indecency.

There are, of course, entertaining performances. Their goal is to amuse and amuse the audience. Then you can laugh heartily at comic situations and funny lines. In no case should you “help” the actors with various shouts like: “Don’t believe him, he’s lying!” or “Run! Otherwise they will kill you." The author took care of the fate of the characters in the play; he carefully thought through everything that should happen to them, and nothing can be changed.

When the performance is over, don’t rush out of your seat as if a fire had broken out in the theater, and don’t rush headlong into the wardrobe. First you need to thank the actors with applause. Think for yourself whether it will be pleasant for them, bowing in a farewell bow, to see only your backs and the hall emptying before their eyes. Maybe they, too, should, having uttered the last line, rush backstage, throwing off their wigs and costumes as they go? After all, they are tired and are in a hurry to go home.

Discussion of the article. Conclusion.

V. Conversations “Let's talk about good manners.”

1. How to behave in a store.

— Tell us about the purchase.

- About what purchase?

- About the purchase, about the purchase, about my purchase.

This is a tongue twister. Everyone knows her. Therefore, when I asked the seller " Children's world“Alla Vasilievna: “Tell me about ...”, she didn’t listen to the end, she laughed.

“No,” I said, “not about the purchase, but about the buyers.”

— Our main customers are guys. We love them. But what can we tell about them? Better see for yourself. And we went into departments. There was a long line at the Christmas tree decorations counter. The guys in warm coats and hats were sweltering from the heat. But they stood in a solid dense mass, pressing closely against each other, as if they were afraid that there would be even a tiny gap between those standing... They pressed impatiently from behind: it seemed to them that those who had reached the counter were choosing toys too slowly. A tall boy hurried another customer in a hat with a large pom-pom: “Well, you, hurry up!” ...

The school supply department was much quieter. The boy asked for ten squared notebooks, said “thank you” and walked away. The two girls looked at the sets of decals and quietly consulted. Finally, they chose: “This one, please”...

In the toy department, a schoolboy persistently interrogated the saleswoman:

- Do you have pistols?

- How much are?

She named the prices.

— Are there machine guns too?

Everything happened again. Then the boy left without buying anything. I noticed that there were pistols and machine guns on display. Each item had a price tag on it. Now re-read this article again and try to draw up rules on how to behave in a store.

B. Busheleva

2. How to choose a gift.

Who made the first gift and when? How did this happen? We don't know anything about this. But you can vouch for three things: someone gave something valuable to another, saw gratitude on their face and did greatest discovery that giving is perhaps even more joyful than taking. This is the main thing in a gift. And if, when choosing a gift, you look among your things for something that is worse, something that you yourself do not need, this is not a gift.

And if you went to the store and in a hurry bought whatever you wanted and brought it back, as long as it was considered that you had fulfilled your duty, this, of course, also cannot be called a real gift. There are times when a gift can be upsetting. This is the sad story they told me about it.

Vika dreamed of having a dog, but her mother did not agree: the apartment is small, adults are at work all day... And in general, her mother was right. On Vika’s birthday, her friends Yulia and Olya came in the morning with mysterious and solemn faces. Of course, you guessed that the girls brought their friend a funny and fat miracle with a wonderful name - a puppy. In the evening, my mother returned from work... I had to take the puppy to the owner. From grief and tears, Vika was sick for almost a whole week.

Conclusion and advice: you want to please loved one, comrade with some special, amazing gift, be sure to consult with adults first.

B. Busheleva

3. Student behavior towards the teacher.

The views of some guys on what a student’s behavior should be in relation to a teacher, what is considered bad and what is good, seem strange and wrong to me. And so that our conversation on this topic does not turn out unfounded, please read the beginning of one story from school life.

“At the very end of the quarter, a newcomer appeared in the 6th “B” grade. One day Maria Dmitrievna collected diaries for checking, and he suddenly approached her and said: “Allow me, I will help you take them to the teacher’s room.” The class became wary. Over the next week, they collected information about Veshkin (the new guy). It turned out that he opened the heavy front door in the lobby in front of the director, in front of the teachers, and in the cafeteria he helped the head teacher Klavdia Pavlovna bring lunch. By the end of the week, the information was entered into the system, analyzed, and discussed. The 6th “B” absolutely did not like this Veshkin.” But why?

After all, children must truly respect teachers, take their opinions into account, appreciate their praise, and turn to them for advice and help in all matters. And if suddenly a teacher is in trouble, many are ready to help them. But in ordinary, everyday school life, some people are embarrassed to show a good attitude towards the teacher: let them in at the door, greet them warmly, help carry a heavy stack of notebooks, hand over a fallen pointer, chalk, give up their seat, etc. But this is so self-evident , that there is nothing to think about here. We must give credit to many of the guys: this behavior has become habitual for them. What if you go one step higher? What if we show a little more attention and sensitivity beyond the obligatory? Imagine how pleasant it is for a teacher when bouquets of flowers suddenly appear on his desk, even the smallest, most modest ones, not on Teacher’s Day, or on March 8th, but just like that!

Feel free to be caring and empathetic students.

B. Busheleva

What good have you done

It doesn't come cheap
Happiness on difficult roads.
What good have you done?
How have you helped people?
This measure measures
All earthly works.
Maybe he grew a tree
On the land of Kulunda?
Maybe you're building a rocket?
Hydro station? House?
Warming the planet
Peaceful swimming trunks with warmth?
Or under the snow powder
Are you saving someone's life?
Doing good things for people -
Make yourself look better.

L. Tatyanicheva

“The best pleasure, the highest joy of life is to feel needed and close to people!”

A. M. Gorky

Don't forget, boys!

The month of March, like a schoolboy skipping,
Such a mischievous one came rushing towards us.
Get out the bouquets, boys,
Congratulations to your classmates on spring!
Where there are flowers, there the frosts will recede,
So that the streams ring near schools.
Don't forget to add mimosas
In the morning to the teacher's desk.
The trees have exposed their crowns,
Forgetting your winter dreams.
Freckles sparkled provocatively
There is springtime laughter on the face.
The sunny bunny jumps on the desks,
Bird chirping floats from above.
From the smiles of Merry March
Flowers are appearing everywhere.
Telegrams, postcards, greetings -
March is approaching its eighth day.
Don't forget, boys, bouquets.
Congratulate your classmates on spring.

V. Shumilin

4. Self-control and composure.

A well-mannered person knows how to suppress anger, irritation, and bad mood. Not every day brings with it only joy and good fortune, and a person does not always dance with delight and sing like a spring lark. Nevertheless, turning into a fire-breathing volcano for any reason and spewing streams of swear words - not to mention assault - is simply ... ridiculous.

Some species of monkeys, in moments of excitement, beat their chests with their fists, an angry dog ​​growls and bares its teeth, a restive horse beats its hoof, an elephant waves its trunk. A person must control himself - that’s why he is a person! Is it bad if they say about someone that he has nerves of iron, that nothing can throw him off balance? Self-control is highly valued by people. It's just a pity that it's not easy. You need a lot of willpower and perseverance.

But if you learn self-control, it will serve you well. For example, you sat down to play something with a friend. You're in a wonderful mood. You rejoice in advance at the upcoming pleasure. But then you start losing. You're clearly not at ease. You become suspicious, check your opponent's every move, argue and even start to quarrel. You failed to control your feelings, again you lacked self-control. And the result is a double loss: not only did you lose, you showed that you don’t know how to control yourself.

Have you ever thought: what, strictly speaking, interests you - the game or victory over the enemy? Of course, losing is not very pleasant. So before you start the game, tell yourself: one of us must lose. If it is my opponent, I will not become puffed up with pride and puff up, trying to completely humiliate him with my caustic remarks. If I lose, I will behave with dignity and will never show my grief, I will be fair and say to myself: “It can’t be helped, my friend played better than me,” and I will calmly continue the game, because I like the game, and besides, it is much more interesting to meet a strong opponent than one who is much weaker than you. And in general, a game is entertainment, a test of strength, a friendly competition, and not a duel, as a result of which the loser dies.

Discussion of the article. The teacher makes the conclusion.

Lesson on the topic “Speech etiquette” for children 5-7 years old

Lesson from the series “Etiquette for Children”

Lesson topic: Getting to know each other

Purpose of the lesson: studying the rules of speech behavior during acquaintance.

The child should get an idea of ​​the rules of acquaintance, of the etiquette expressions adopted in these cases: let me introduce myself, let me introduce, etc.

It is important to note that adults and children behave differently when meeting people. Adults give their last name, first name and patronymic, and children give their last name and full name. When meeting people, they should be welcoming and friendly. Therefore, when they hear the name and surname of a new acquaintance, they say: very nice, very glad or very glad. Adults shake hands, and children bow their heads slightly and immediately raise them. These are etiquette movements and etiquette gestures.

The text offered for reading and a conversation about its content will help you remember these rules. Read the text several times until your child masters the correct expressions. He can remember the incorrect ones, but at the same time know that they are not generally accepted.

Reading text:

In one big city there was a large house on one of the streets. There lived one friendly family in an apartment on the fourth floor.

One day, their mother’s friend Valentina Stepanovna came to visit them.


Allow me to introduce myself - Kurbatov -

And introduce my older brother.

My name is Alexander Fomich.

My brother's name is Nikolai Fomich.

And this is our father - Foma Kuzmich.

Let me introduce you, let's get acquainted

The oldest in our house:

Kurbatova Lidiya Ignatovna.

Valentina Stepanovna:

I am very happy! Very nice!


We are also always very happy to have guests.

Valentina Stepanovna:

Hospitality is a reward for the guest.

Dad helps Valentina Stepanovna take off her coat. Everyone goes into the room. Valentina Stepanovna sits down in a chair. At this time the door swings open. Petya runs in, followed by Ksyusha.

Auntie, meet your older brother.

I am the head of the house - Petka Kurbatov.

And the one who hung the firecracker ears,

A loser and a crybaby, my sister Ksyushka.

Valentina Stepanovna was very surprised, but did not answer. Nikolai Fomich took Petya by the hand and went with him into another room.

This is what Petya said when he returned:

Please forgive me, I'm not feeling well

Yes, I didn’t even know how to get acquainted...

I am Pyotr Kurbatov, and this is Ksyusha -

The girl is smart and obedient.

Valentina Stepanovna:

Glad to meet Petya and Ksyusha.

I would like to treat you to fragrant pears.

Petya grabbed two pears at once and began to eat them one by one with great appetite.

And here’s what Ksyusha did. Looking at the guest, she said sadly:

Thank you. And help yourself. Tasty.

Valentina Stepanovna smiled:

Your place is nice and cozy, like home.

Nice meeting. Let's get to know each other!

Issues for discussion:

Well done dad for introducing all family members to the guest. Why did dad do this? (Valentina Stepanovna came to visit her mother for the first time; she was not yet familiar with the Kurbatov family.)

We will also get to know the Kurbatov family: grandparents, mom and dad, Nikolai Fomich and, of course, Ksyusha and Petya.

What words do adults say when they meet?

What words do children say when they meet?

When people get to know each other, they try to say nice words to each other. What words are these? Repeat them please.

Did Petya behave well at first? What did he say that was wrong?

When talking with children, there is no need to sharply scold Petya. It is necessary to explain that the boy was in such a hurry to get acquainted that he forgot how to behave, what is customary to say during an acquaintance. He knows that it is not customary to brag, offend his sister, or utter rude words. Others don’t like it and it worsens their mood.

How did Petya correct his mistake? Repeat the expressions the boy used when introducing himself and his sister to the guest.

What should you say when you are treated to food? How did Petya behave during this?

Talk to your children about how to thank them for a gift or a treat. Show by the example of Petya’s behavior that showing greed and immoderation is ugly and funny. You should always think about others, not just yourself.

How did Ksyusha thank Valentina Stepanovna?

Invite the children to choose other options for gratitude: Thank you very much; Thanks for the delicious pears; What delicious pears! Thank you very much. These are our favorite fruits, etc.

Game situation: guys came to your child, game of getting to know each other.

Let me be a grandmother, Katya and Sasha - mom and dad, and Seryozha and Tanya - children. An unfamiliar guest came to visit us. Let it be Kolya. We all need to get to know each other.

Come in, Kolya. How will you introduce yourself to us?

Now we will introduce ourselves to him. Who will start? Of course, adults.

Let the children laugh a little while pretending to be polite and impolite “hosts.” The main thing is to understand: being polite is better than being rude.

Other options: a girl comes to visit a friend; a boy introduces his parents to his friend; sister introduces brother to her friend; brother introduces sister to his friend.

Games in kindergarten on the topic “Etiquette” for older preschoolers

Etiquette games in kindergarten

Game-dramatization “Ill-mannered Dunno”

Characters: Dunno, Znayka, presenter.

Leading: A magical kind word can cheer a person up in difficult times and help dispel a bad mood. Not only should your words be kind, but your actions should be such that neither you, nor your parents, nor your friends are ashamed of them. Today Znayka and Dunno will come to visit us, and together we will talk about “kind” words.

Znayka and Dunno enter to the music.

Znayka: Hello, Dunno!

Dunno(through gritted teeth): Hello.

Znayka: Why are you so sad today? Maybe he didn't complete the task?

Dunno: I did a bad job.

Znayka: Why?

Dunno: Because I don’t know how to restrain myself.

3nike: Do you think it's nice for people to talk to you when you're so angry?

Dunno: Here's another! Those who don’t want to don’t talk, I won’t cry.

Znayka: Dunno, please answer, what tone do you use?

Dunno: What does it mean - in what tone? Ordinary.

Znayka: Wait, Dunno, let the guys tell you whether you really have an ordinary tone. (Answers from the guys) I noticed that you speak in this tone not only with the guys, but, unfortunately, with adults as well.

Dunno: It wasn’t like that, it wasn’t, it wasn’t... Maybe sometimes I speak a little loudly and capriciously. But I’m a good friend, I help everyone, I like to make everyone laugh. Only some people don't understand jokes. Yesterday, for example, I was walking and saw: The tube slipped and slammed to the ground. Of course, I started laughing and asked him: “So how was the landing?” For some reason he was offended and left. What bad did I say to him? Or the teacher gave Shpuntik a bad mark for a blot, and I, to console him, sang: “Blot-wax-shoe polish, there’s a hot pancake on my nose!” What happened here! He got very angry. But I wanted to cheer him up. He did something bad, didn't he, guys? (Answers from the guys)

Znayka: I think the guys told you correctly: you did something bad. You should always think first whether you will offend the person by what you say to him. You need to watch your words.

Dunno: Am I the only one who talks like this? Yes, I can say I learn from the guys. So they attack me, explain what is right and wrong. How do they talk themselves? Let them say, oh, shut up! Because many of them are very similar to me. Is not it? There are such! Yes, yes, I heard it myself! Because of little things, they call each other rude words, tease each other, do not give in to each other, laugh at the failures of their comrades.

Come on, guys, let's not argue about who is worse, who behaves better, but let's just all become kinder. Did I come up with a good idea, Znayka?

Znayka: You came up with a great idea! No wonder people say: “The word heals, the word also hurts.” Remember this. (They leave to the music.)

Game-dramatization “Telephone conversation”

Characters: Barbie doll, presenter.

Leading: Guys, Barbie called me this morning, she promised to come visit us today. (Knock on the door.) And here she is, probably. Come in, Barbie doll.

Barbie: Hello guys! I haven’t seen you for a long time and I miss you very much. I would really like to see the “Good Deeds” album. (Looks at the album and talks with the children.)

Oh guys, I completely forgot, I need to urgently call my friend Ken. Do you have a phone number in your group? We must congratulate him on his birthday.

Leading: Please, Barbie, can you call?

Barbie: (Rings.) Hello! Hello Ken! Do you hear me well? I congratulate you on your birthday and want to wish you health, a happy holiday and a great mood! See you! Bye!

Leading: Guys, which of you has a phone at home? Who are you calling? (Conversation.)

Barbie: Guys, can you talk politely on the phone? What rules of telephone etiquette do you know?

What would you do:

If you're dialing a number and your friend's mom answers the phone?

You dial a number, they answer you, and it turns out that you are in the wrong place?

Leading: Well done guys, you answered Barbie's questions correctly. And now we will play the game “Hello”. Divide into pairs to see who would like to call whom.

The guys stage various telephone conversations.

Leading: So guys, the phone is a wonderful thing! And what would we do without him?!..

Barbie: But you guys need to remember that when talking on the phone you need to follow the rules of etiquette. Let's remember them again. For every correct answer you will receive a badge from me.

The phone rings. Go to the phone, pick up the receiver, answer “Hello” or “Yes.”

Don’t occupy your phone with empty long conversations - maybe someone urgently needs to call an ambulance.

It is impolite to call someone early in the morning or late at night: you might disturb people.

Apologize if you're in the wrong place.

Ask permission to call when you are at someone's home (if necessary).

Barbie: Guys, you are great, you are cultured and well-mannered children. I say goodbye to you. See you soon, wait for my call, I'm in a hurry to see Ken for his birthday.

Play-game “Birthday”

Characters: Barbie, Ken, presenter.

Leading: Guys, we received an invitation to our group: “Dear guys, I invite you to my birthday. Barbie".

Leading: Do you like to visit? Tell us how you prepare for a visit. What rules do you know? (Children's answers.)

So, you and I are going to visit you for your birthday. What's the first thing you need to think about? (About a gift.) What do you think can be given to a girl? What about the boy? Do you think it is necessary to buy a gift? (You can do it yourself.)

I suggest giving Barbie flowers that you have recently made using manual labor (you can use drawings, crafts, etc.).

We discussed the gift with you, and we already have it ready. Now you need to think about your suit, dress, hairstyle. (Show several drawings of children wearing different clothes; you could use a children's fashion magazine.)

Discuss appearance with children:

You need to be clean, smart; clothes must be ironed.

Don't forget to take replacement shoes.

Hair must be combed.

Nails are trimmed.

The handkerchief has been washed.

Shoes have been cleaned.

Leading: Guys, think about what words you can use to congratulate Barbie. (Discussion.) On the road.

Children go to visit with music. Ken meets the children.

Ken: Hello guys! Did you come to Barbie's birthday? She is a little late, and she instructed me to set the table. Will you help me?

Leading: Shall we help you guys? For now, sit down in the clearing, wherever it is convenient for you. Boys, take care of the girls.

The host explains how to properly set the table.

The table should be covered with a clean tablecloth.

Appliances are placed according to the number of guests.

The stand plate will remain there until the end of lunch; it is removed only before tea.

The snack bar is placed on a stand plate.

A fork is placed next to it on the left side, and a knife on the right.

A glass of drinks and napkins are placed in front of the plates.

Barbie appears. Greets children. Children give gifts and congratulate her on her birthday.

Barbie: Ken, what a great guy you are! How beautifully and correctly you set the table!

Ken: The guys helped me!

Barbie: Do you know how to behave at the table?

You need to sit up straight.

Do not hang over the plate.

Don't fall apart in your chair.

You can't put your elbows on the table. This is unsightly and may bother your neighbor.

It is very unsightly to slurp and wave a fork.

Use a napkin.

Don't crumble.

Don’t reach across the table for the dish - don’t be shy, ask your neighbor to pass it to you.

Don't eat too quickly, don't put a lot of food into your mouth at once, and don't talk with your mouth full.

Barbie: On a birthday, guests are not only treated to food. Let's play your favorite games (1-2 games).

At the end, Barbie and Ken say goodbye to the children.

Leading: Guys, let’s also invite Barbie and Ken to our place and have a party for them. Wait for an invitation from us. Thank you again for a wonderful holiday. Goodbye.

Game-dramatization “Our friendly family”

Leading: In whose family do grandparents live? (Children's answers.) This is such a big family - you have three generations living together. Everyone takes care of each other. It's good when your grandmother lives with you and takes care of you. She will feed you deliciously, feel sorry for you, and caress you. Warm, affectionate grandmother's hands will relieve all worries and save you from troubles.

If grandma said:
- Don't touch it! Don't you dare!
We must listen because
Our house rests on it!
One day we are without grandma
Prepared lunch
You washed the dishes yourself -
And since then there have been no dishes!
Dedicates himself to education
Dad has his day off!
On this day, just in case
Grandma hides her belt.
Goes to school meetings
Grandma is making broth.
She gets it every month
The postman carries the money.

(M. Tanin)

Leading: Dear, kind, a little grouchy, but always fair grandparents. They raised and raised your parents, and now you. Don’t forget to congratulate your grandparents on their birthday and other holidays, tell them kind words that you love them.

Who has brothers and sisters? Do you often quarrel with them? You need to take pity on little brothers and sisters, take care of them, teach them order, and share toys with them.

How great is this -

Here's my new plane.
Take a ride - I'll be glad!
Here are the candies - one, two, three! -
I don't mind - here you go!
Everyone wants to catch the ball -
Let his brother catch him!
How great is this -
Share everything equally with friends!

(G. Satir)

Leading: Guys, let's look at your family photos. Tell us about your loved ones. (Children's stories.)

Every creature in the world, human, animal, has a mother. When mom is nearby, it becomes brighter and warmer, and you are not afraid of anything in the world. Tell us what you like most about your mother, why you love her? (Children's answers.)

Have you noticed how tiredness appears in your mother’s eyes when she sees things, toys, and soiled clothes thrown in disarray? Mom simply needs your help. The more you help her, the less you upset her, the longer she will be young, beautiful and healthy. I just don’t want you to be like the girl Tanya.


Tanyusha has a lot to do,
Tanyusha has a lot to do:
In the morning I helped my brother,
He ate candy in the morning.
Here's how much Tanya has to do:
Tanya ate, drank tea,
I sat down and sat with my mother,
She got up and went to her grandmother.
Before going to bed I told my mother:
- You undress me yourself,
I'm tired, I can't
I'll help you tomorrow.

(A. Barto)

Leading: I think you are good mother's helpers. Let's play.

Who will restore order faster? (Two players quickly collect scattered toys and carefully place them in a certain place.)

(To be continued…)

This article was written after a very uncomfortable situation, the culprit of which was my grandson, and I blushed like a yellow-faced schoolboy, realizing that he had nothing to do with it at all, they simply didn’t explain to him how to behave in an unfamiliar company... In short, all the same necessary on the topic “ETIQUETTE” - poems, moral teachings, and a little history...

Etiquette(from the French étiquette - label, inscription) - norms and rules of behavior of people in society. IN modern form and meaning the word was first used at the court of the king of France Louis XIV- guests were given cards (labels) outlining how they should behave; although certain sets of norms and rules of behavior have existed since ancient times. In our understanding, etiquette is the rules of good manners that will make communication between people of different cultures and social classes as easy as possible.


What is etiquette -
We should know from childhood.
These are the norms of behavior:
How to go to a birthday party?
How to meet?
As it is?
How to call?
How to get up?
How to sit down?
How to greet an adult?
There are many different questions.
And it gives the answer
This is the same etiquette.

(A. Usachev)

A Lesson in Politeness
A bear about five or six years old
Taught how to behave:
- Away, bear,
you can't cry
You can't be rude or arrogant.
We must bow to our acquaintances,
Hats off to them
Don't step on paws,
And don't catch fleas with your teeth,
And don't walk on four.

No need to slurp and yawn,
And who yawns to his heart's content,
He should cover it with his paw
gaping mouth

Be obedient and be polite
And give way to passers-by,
And respect old age.

And grandma bear
In fog and ice
Accompany you home!

So Mishka is five or six years old
Taught how to behave...
Although he seemed polite,
He remained bearish.

He bowed to his neighbors -
Foxes and bears,
I gave up my place to acquaintances,
I took my hat off to them,
And strangers attacked
The whole heel is on the paw.

Stuck your nose where it shouldn't be,
He trampled the grass and crushed the oats.
Belly up
In public on the subway
And old men, old women
Threatened to break a rib.

A bear about five or six years old
Taught how to behave

But, apparently, the teachers
Wasted time!
(S. Marshak)


We wish:
Bon Voyage!
It will be easier
Go and go.
Will lead, of course,
Bon voyage
Also for something good.

(A. Kondratyev)

Good morning

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
When meeting, say hello:
- Good morning!
- Good morning! -
Sun and birds.
- Good morning! -
Smiling faces.
And everyone becomes
Kind, trusting...
May good morning
Lasts until evening.
(N. Krasilnikov)

Your child is rapidly growing up, and the time comes when, in addition to affection, care and games, it is worth spending time learning etiquette. This is especially important in our time, when many often forget about good manners and do not attach importance to basic politeness.
The sooner you begin to instill good manners in your child, the easier it will be for both of you in the future and your child will certainly thank you for it. Sometimes children simply don’t understand that interrupting a conversation, poking their nose into adult affairs, and loudly discussing people’s shortcomings is impolite. In the bustle Everyday life Busy moms and dads don't always find time to focus on etiquette. But if you remember and instill in your child a few simple rules of behavior, you can raise a truly polite and well-mannered person.

So, what does a growing baby need to know?

Etiquette Rule No. 1

When you ask for something, be sure to say " Please».

Etiquette Rule No. 2

When you receive something, be sure to say " Thank you».

Etiquette Rule No. 3

Do not interrupt adults when they are talking to each other unless there is an emergency. As soon as the adults finish the conversation, they will definitely pay attention to you and answer all your questions.

Etiquette Rule No. 4

If you want to attract the attention of adults while they are talking, quietly approach and apologize before interjecting into the conversation. Polite people do just that.

Etiquette Rule No. 5

If you doubt whether to do this or that thing, it is better to consult with adults; they will probably give you practical advice that will help you and quite possibly, can save you from any troubles.

Etiquette Rule No. 6

Try to be restrained and not show your negative emotions in public. It's not nice, you won't gain respect for yourself that way.

Etiquette Rule No. 7

Never comment on other people's physical features, except as a compliment. Even if a person is ugly in appearance, this is not at all a reason for discussion: in this way you can offend or upset another.

Etiquette Rule No. 8

When people are interested and ask how you are doing, answer them, and then be sure to ask the same question. A person is always pleased when people are interested in him.

Etiquette Rule No. 9

When you spent time at your friend's house, do not forget to thank him and his parents for a wonderful time and for a delicious meal, be sure to say that you would be happy to visit them again.

Etiquette Rule No. 10

Before entering anywhere, be sure to knock first, and only when you are allowed to enter, open the door.

Etiquette Rule No. 11

When you call someone, be sure to introduce yourself first, and then politely ask if you can chat with the person you are calling.


For farewell and meeting
There are many different words:
Good afternoon" And " Good evening!“,
Goodbye!“, “Be healthy!“,
I'm very glad to see you“,
We haven't seen each other for a hundred years“,
How are you?“, “Good night“,
Bye everyone“, “Goodbye“, “Hello“,
I'll be glad to see you again“,
Not saying goodbye!“, “Until morning!“,
Good luck to all!“, “Be healthy!”
AND " Break a leg!“.
(A. Usachev)

Etiquette Rule No. 12

Always give thanks and say thank you for any gift you receive. In our time Email and SMS messages, for example, your grandmother will be very pleased to receive a handwritten letter or card from you thanking you for the gift she received.

Etiquette Rule No. 13

Never use profanity in the presence of adults. Adults already know all these words and find them boring and unpleasant.

Etiquette Rule No. 14

Adults should be addressed as “you” and called by their first and patronymic names.. The only exceptions are relatives.

Etiquette Rule No. 15

Don't laugh at people for no particular reason. With this behavior you show a person your weakness and narrow-mindedness, especially since all people are different, there are also very touchy ones. The person may become offended or angry with you.

Etiquette Rule No. 16

Even if you are bored during a game or some family meeting, try not to show it. Believe me, people are doing everything possible to make everything interesting and fun for everyone.

Etiquette Rule No. 17

If you accidentally bump into someone, apologize to that person.

Etiquette Rule No. 18

Cover your mouth with your hand when you cough, yawn or sneeze, and also do not blow your nose in public places, in front of people.

Etiquette Rule No. 19

When you open the door to enter or exit, look to see if there is someone behind you to hold the door and help the person.

Etiquette Rule No. 20

If you pass by older relatives, acquaintances or teachers who are busy with something, ask if you can help in any way. It is quite possible that you will be very useful, and you will also be able to learn something new and interesting for yourself.

Etiquette Rule No. 21

When an adult asks you for a favor, try not to grumble and fulfill the request with a smile.

Etiquette Rule No. 22

When someone helps you, for example, a teacher, be sure to thank him, the person will be pleased and he will probably help you again next time.

Etiquette Rule No. 23

Try to use cutlery correctly when eating. If you suddenly don’t know how to do it correctly, consult your parents, they will certainly tell you.

Etiquette Rule No. 24

During lunch, keep a napkin on your lap, and when necessary, blot your lips with it.
Top 25 etiquette rules for children

Etiquette Rule No. 25

If you cannot reach a dish or item at the table, politely ask that it be passed to you.

What is etiquette?
It's possible,
This is not...
Etiquette like a label
And a good mark
But not only in the diary,
On people's tongues...
It is very easy to live culturally.
Everything is fine,
Which is not bad.

(A. Stepanov)

About the handshake

From childhood we should know
Ancient science:
Must serve first
Senior to junior hand.
Women to men
Girls to boys...
But at the same time the hand
Don't shake too much!

And I want to give advice
For both adults and children:
Needs to be washed clean
Hands in front of it.

If someone begins to drown,
Or moaning in a hole...
You can extend your hand
Be the first to extend your hand
Senior and lady!

(A. Usachev)

The main rule of politeness

At Zmey Gorynych's
Three heads –
And you need to go to him
Contact YOU.

With two heads:
Call him YOU
We are committed to YOU.

And only one head
At the OWL.
But we need to go to her too
Contact YOU.

Contact YOU
I advise you to
Both to people and to birds,
To the seals and lions!

But there are gentlemen,
that are full of simplicity
And they know one appeal:

They are strangers
With these words
Like YOU, YOU and YOU.

Like their heads
And they climb loudly
“YOU” to YOU...

But YOU are even there for them
Contact YOU...
Because there are many of them in the world,

(A. Usachev)

Sooner or later

Who comes to visit late -
He doesn't act seriously.
Disappear from the table
And halva and pastila.

You only get the bones
For those who arrived late to visit!

Who comes to visit early
It also acts strange...
The owner is wearing a robe,
Or they are completely asleep in the house.

And they look like they're looking at a ram
To the one who arrived early.

Try to come and visit
Exactly at the hour given to you.
Or - sooner or later -
They won’t invite you to visit!
(A. Usachev)

Uninvited company
Penguin for birthday
I called my penguin friend.
And the friend did not appear alone -
He brought his mother from the south...
And my wife came on my tail,
And she wasn’t alone:
Her friend and her husband
We came to a dinner party.

A friend also brought it for the evening
There are ten different children...
There was a very compelling argument -
There is no one to leave at home with!

Someone's brother and his wife burst in:
What to do at home on your day off?!
Brought a neighbor and her granddaughter
And with the bull terrier Zhuchka.

There are so many guests crammed into the house,
That the ice floe broke...
And then our owner came into the house
I didn't invite the penguin.
(A. Usachev)

Scarecrow dressed up
In our garden:
The scarecrow was dressing up
After the latest fashion.

New vest
And a piece of a T-shirt,
Yes, a colorful shirt
Sticking out from under the sweatshirt.

Under red panties
Pants with stripes are visible,
And on top of the vest
Two ties are on.

One leg is in a galosh,
Another wears felt boots,
Yes, a polka dot cap
It's pulled over her head.

And dressed great!
And the shoes are cool!
Just don't call him
For some reason.

They call the scarecrow
Scarecrow among the people...
Even though the scarecrow is dressed
After the latest fashion!
(A. Usachev)

Invitation to the snail

I sent invitations:
“Today, at exactly six,
With terrible impatience
I'm waiting for you on your birthday...
There is strawberry pie!”

Friends showed up right on time:
The birthday cake was eaten
And the drinks were drunk.
The giraffe and the rhinoceros came,
Seven forty flew in at once...
Only there was no snail.

She crawled in three days later
With a bouquet of forget-me-nots:
"My friend! Please forgive me -
I’ve been coming to you for three days...
And I’m in a hurry to hand you the bouquet.
Thank you! Goodbye!
But next time please
Call me IN ADVANCE!”
(A. Usachev)

cat and dog

Once I called Anton on his birthday
Vitka with a dog
And Katya and the cat.

The guests did not have time to sit down at the table,
How the conversation, familiar to everyone, went...

The dog growled: “I hate cats!
I’m ready to chase them day and night.”
The cat hissed: “I despise shepherds...
He came to visit me too, a gift!”

They snorted at once and immediately grappled:
The saucers fell, the cups broke,
A vase of flowers flies off the table...
But the water couldn’t spill them either.

In general, the birthday was not boring:
Guests washed jam from clothes
And lettuce was scraped from the ceiling...
Poor owner! And who is to blame?

You can invite me to visit
Any company
Just not together
A cat and a dog!
(A. Usachev)

Unfamiliar insects

Insects came to the ladybug
Not very familiar with each other.

The Bumblebee sat down awkwardly next to the Fly -
They weren't introduced by Ladybug.

I would be glad to chat with the Grasshopper and the Beetle,
Only the Grasshopper and the Beetle are unfamiliar.

They sat down on the benches in complete silence.
Two juvenile Dragonflies.

A gloomy Cricket settled down nearby,
I drank a glass of nectar and said nothing.

The hostess laid out the table magnificently,
But the insects didn’t have a conversation:
Silently all the guests got drunk, ate,
And they dispersed, scattered, scattered.

It can be very awkward to communicate
If you don't know what to do!

Are you very tired or just a little -
I advise you not to yawn in front of guests:
Fatigue, yawning, and sleepiness
A well-mannered owner must hide.

Guests will certainly find it strange
When he starts cuddling with the sofa
And suddenly he snores among the soft pillows,
Forgetting about your beloved friends and girlfriends.

Show off the guests. And then - to bed...
And you can yawn, and yawn, and yawn!

If the owner respects the guests,
This means that the host sees off the guests:
Someone to the door
Who - on the road...
But don’t say goodbye to anyone at the door!

This is not a rule of etiquette
It's just such a bad omen.
(A. Usachev)

Stone Flower

The housewife is rich Copper Mountain:
In her chambers there are golden carpets,
Crystal chandeliers, diamond arches...
What kind of gifts can you imagine she needs?
If this mistress has a mountain
Full of malachite and silver?!

Everything was not nice for the rich housewife.
But poor master Danila came to visit:
Having bowed to the luxurious palace,
He handed me a modest malachite flower.

The poor young man was greeted royally,
Although he did not bring a diamond bouquet.
This story has become a legend...
Etiquette works such wonders!

I hope the smart reader will understand:
Gift for both friend and mother
More expensive is not the same as more expensive...
And the one
What is made with your own hands!

(A. Usachev)

If you don't like the gift

If you don't like the gift,
Try not to yell loudly:
"I don't collect any more stamps
And I’m not going to collect!”

Or, having received a book as a gift,
Refrain from shouting to the whole house:
“I won’t read it... Never mind!
Couldn’t they buy me a computer?”

“I will not drink from this cup!”,
“I won’t wear such a shirt!”,
“Why did you buy me a doll?..
Where did you find this nasty thing?”

May you not like the gift,
Maybe he is not handsome and not bright,
And it will deceive your expectations...
It is not the gift that is important, but ATTENTION!
(A. Usachev)

Cannibal and etiquette

Teaches the little cannibal
Ogre Dad:
If you want to eat your neighbor -
Remember etiquette.

Don't throw yourself like a bone
For guests in the apartment:
If a guest comes into the house -
Smile wider!

May your neighbor be a hundred
Or ten will strike
Help them take off their coats
And hang it on a nail.

Not a guest, but a coat!
Eating in the hallway - no way!
Healthy cannibal
He eats in the dining room.

And remember from a young age,
What do the ancestors say:
No lunch if not
There are napkins on the table.

And don’t forget beautiful
Lay out the devices
Otherwise they'll talk about us
Rumors, conversations.

Homeless people will come for lunch
Or the queen...
Place the knife on the right
Well, the fork is on the left.

Study this firmly.
Well, where is the spoon?
And don’t growl at dad...
I repeat, baby:

Whatever is on the plate -
Poison or poison -
Place the fork on the left
Knife and spoon on the right.

Now you can sit down
And it’s decent to eat a guest...

To be well-fed
You need to be educated!
(A. Usachev)

Maritime history

Boy Volodya
Got bored visiting:
Chair under you
Pumped and pumped.
He imagined
That he is a brave sailor...
He sailed on the sea
And from the deck - a blast.

To be more precise, he fell off his chair:
Well, I doused myself with compote.

This is what happened to little Vova.
This case, of course, is not new:
This happens to the sea wolf too,
If he rocks on the chair for a long time!
(A. Usachev)

Do not interrupt!

Santa Claus came to our garden.
Santa Claus called the guys.

The beard is as white as cotton wool
And a bag with gifts.
Santa Claus said: - Guys!
Come on, who will read the poem?

We learned poems in the garden:
I taught, and my brother taught.
We immediately jumped up -
I jumped up and he jumped up.

- They dropped the bear on the floor!
- One two three four five…
- They tore off the bear’s paw.
- The bunny went out for a walk.

- Suddenly the hunter runs out,
- I still won’t leave him,
- He shoots straight at the bunny,
- Because he is good!

And while we were reading
These sad poems
All the guys laughed:
- Ha-ha-ha and hee-hee-hee.

And grandpa is laughing
The beard fell off.
So he left us.
What nonsense!

(A. Usachev)

Incident on the stairs

The marquis walked to the ball alone
Well-known surnames.
Chagal, of course, was not alone,
And with a lovely lady.

He walked proudly in front of her,
Pushing aside the servants.
And then the sweet lady suddenly
The heel came off.

And the most unpleasant surprise
He brought the heel to the charming lady:
She was rolling from top to bottom
Along a long, long staircase.

- Madam, where? - shouted the marquis,
Running down after the lady...

But, being close,
Was met with an angry look:

- You are an unworthy gentleman!
What the hell for
You walked ahead, sir,
Didn't you walk behind?
Who from the fall of the lady
Can't hold on
He is not worthy of a lady
Accompany you to the ball!

Blushing tomato
And hanging my nose down,
Was forced with shame
Leave the marquis.

(A. Usachev)

About the dangers of shuffling

Ancient people
Act smart
Because everywhere
They walked silently.

What if they made noise?
They are walking
Deer in the forest
We didn’t get it for ourselves.

And the mammoth would run away from them,
And the moose -
And starve to death
People had to!

(A. Usachev)

Wonderful word

Dad broke
A precious vase.
Grandmother and mother
They frowned immediately.
But dad was found;
Looked them in the eyes
And timidly and quietly
“Sorry,” he said.
And mom is silent, she even smiles.
- We'll buy another one,
There are better ones on sale...
It would seem that,
What's so special about it?
But what a wonderful word!
(V. Yusupov)

The main rule

There are games with pawns,
There are games with checkers,
With barrels and pins,
Balls and tags.
There are games with chips,
There are games with sticks,
Rackets and stuff
Other tricks.
There are different games
There is only one rule.
This must be the rule
In all respects:
(G. Dyadina)


Get off this sofa
Otherwise there will be a hole there.
Don't walk on the carpet -
You'll rub a hole in it.
And don't touch the bed -
The sheet may be wrinkled.
And don’t touch my closet -
Your claw is too sharp.
And you don’t need to take books -
You can tear them.
And don't stand in the way...
Oh, wouldn't it be better for you to leave?
(O. Grigoriev)

A little history.

The word “etiquette” was first used at the court of the French king Louis XIV: at one of the receptions, guests were given cards with sets of rules - the so-called “labels”. But the first instructions on how to behave in certain situations can be found on clay tablets of the Sumerians and ancient Egyptians.

Etiquette played a big role in Ancient India with its caste system. IN Ancient China By the first half of the 1st millennium BC, norms of behavior were developed - “li”, in which all human life was regulated literally down to the smallest detail. For example, men were ordered to walk only on the right side of the street, and women only on the left...

In the XI–XII centuries. the rules of Western European etiquette were formed. They clearly defined the boundary between different classes, as well as between representatives of different levels of the noble hierarchy. So, at a gala dinner at the French royal court, all peers had to take their places according to their status - some were closer to the monarch, and some were further from him.

In the first half of the 14th century, the first code of good manners, Il Galateo, was published, authored by the Florentine Giovanni della Casa.
The instructions set out in it concerned not only persons of aristocratic origin, but also representatives of other classes, that is, they were universal.

In the 18th century, the bourgeoisie also developed its own standards of etiquette. The rules were quite strict. For example, a woman was forbidden to be alone with a man unless he was her husband or close relative... Although in reality many violated these regulations.

Meet Domostroy!

In Russia, for several centuries, the main instruction on family and household relations was the famous “Domostroy”, created during the time of Ivan the Terrible. For example, it strictly regulated the rules of hospitality. Thus, guests were received in accordance with their age and social status. If they were visiting someone of equal status, they drove straight up to the porch. If the owner of the house had a higher status, they stopped at the gate and walked through the yard. Those who stood at higher levels of the social hierarchy were not supposed to visit the “lower ranks” themselves, just the opposite...

A woman was not considered separately from a man and almost did not participate in public life. She was only allowed to sometimes go to church on pilgrimage, and rarely to visit, and then, as a rule, together with her husband.

According to Domostroi, the wife had to do household chores every day. She was ordered to consult with her husband about all household matters, who was charged with the duty of raising her and even punishing her, which many husbands probably took advantage of with pleasure, since beating negligent wives was considered commonplace in those days...
A woman was forbidden to eat and drink in secret from her husband, and drinking alcoholic beverages like wine or beer was not allowed at all. People were only allowed to appear on the street if they covered their heads with a scarf.

A la West

Under Peter I, the patriarchal structure began to change. Women began to dress up in European style, walk bareheaded, and were taken out into society...

Gradually, new rules of etiquette, close to European ones, began to take shape in society. Girls were required to be taught music, foreign languages, dancing, and girls of marriageable age had to be able to maintain small talk. The education of girls was usually done governesses and bonnies. Among other things, girls were taught how to behave with young people, how to greet guests, how to behave with relatives or elders in “rank”...

Marriage games and "emancipe"

If in the 18th century girls were married off at the age of 13-14, then by the 19th century. the age of marriage increased: a young lady was considered a bride from the age of 16, less often from the age of 15. At the age of 16 they began to take her out into the world. Usually the girl was accompanied by her father, sometimes her mother or an older relative, sometimes the whole family went to balls or theaters. At the same time, the girl had to look modest: a simple hairstyle, a light light dress with a shallow neckline, a minimum of jewelry.

As a rule, girls met potential suitors at social events. Until the age of 25, a girl could only go out with one of her relatives or guardians. If she did not get married before this age, then from now on she was allowed to travel alone.

The rules of behavior between a lady and a gentleman were clearly regulated. For example, if a girl remained unmarried until the age of 30, she did not have the right to host men without the presence of an older relative and could only visit them when accompanied by one of her relatives.

TO end of the 19th century centuries, morals became freer. The so-called "emancipated" women, who avoided secular conventions and advocated equality with men...

National, professional, universal

Nowadays, there are a great many norms of etiquette - both written and unwritten. For example, there are national rules of etiquette that apply within one country or nationality, and there are professional ones.

In some situations, strict adherence to the rules is necessary, in others you can do without conventions and formalities. But certain general norms are accepted almost everywhere: for example, people of higher social status they call you “you”, a younger person in a conversation should not interrupt an older person, a man should open the door for a woman, and so on...

Why follow the rules of etiquette? First of all, to pay tribute to the social status of another person. And finally, so that our interlocutor feels comfortable with us. No wonder it is said that nothing is so cheap or valued so much aspoliteness …