Russian folk tales are one of the types of folklore prose, which makes up a significant part of the entire folk oral creativity of ancient Rus'. Fairy tales are an important part of Russian culture and can rightfully be considered a national treasure.

Some fairy tales are relatively simple and understandable even to small children, for example, “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip” and others. Other works have a more complex plot - these include the fairy tale “Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo.”

Brief story

Like many fairy tales of the Russian people, this work begins with the traditional words “in a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”. One of the minor characters is an old man and an old woman.

The main character is the youngest of their three sons named Ivanushka. Ivan and his brothers worked in the arable land and sowed grain until the Miracle Yudo attacked his homeland. The three of the brothers decided to fight the monster and went to the Smorodina River.

The further plot develops in such a way that, contrary to expectations, Ivanushka single-handedly defeats Miracle Yudo, as well as his three wives and mother, who wanted revenge. After this, Ivan returns home. The tale ends with the words “they began to live and get along...”. In this case - “to plow the land and sow grain.”

Questions to ask about a fairy tale

  1. How many children did the old man and old woman have and what was the name of the youngest of them?
  2. What did the brothers do before the battle with Chud-Yud?
  3. How did Miracle Yudo want to exterminate people and seize the kingdom?
  4. Who did the brothers meet on the way to the Smorodina River?
  5. How did Miracle Yudo sense Ivan's presence?
  6. What did Ivan order to his brothers before the battle with the monster?
  7. Why did the heads of Chuda-Yud grow back, despite the fact that Ivan cut them off with a sword?
  8. How did the wives and mother of Chud-Yuda want to take revenge?

Characteristics of Ivan - the peasant son

The task of writing a characterization of one of the characters in literature lessons can be either independent or an additional task when writing an essay or analyzing a fairy tale.

Since the fairy tale does not pay much attention to the appearance of the characters, the main part of the characterization of Ivan, the peasant son, is a description of his character and internal qualities.

In Russian folk tales, the name Ivanushka is used to name stupid characters from whom others do not expect anything special. But, contrary to expectations, Ivan turns out to be the smartest, bravest and most responsible of all three brothers. He was not afraid to engage in battle with Chud-Yud, and during the battle, in addition to courage and bravery, he showed resourcefulness and ingenuity, which helped him win.

(Fairy tale therapy and 1000 lives tarot cards)

Today we will continue our fairytale therapy trainings, conducted in small psychotherapeutic groups or simply individually, using tarot cards of 1000 lives.

This time we will draw wisdom from the famous Russian folk tale: “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.”

We will shift things a little, change the emphasis - as all creative fairytale therapists should do. Namely: the main character of our psychotherapeutically meaningful the fairy tale will not be Sister Alyonushka (as is usually customary), but a “minor character in the fairy tale,” her brother, brother Ivanushka.

In my opinion, Ivanushka, who underwent such complex metamorphoses during this fairy-tale plot, memorable to all of us, deserves a separate fairytale therapy session.

So, let me briefly recall the content of the fairy tale up to the point that interests us in the first place.

Once upon a time there lived a sister Alyonushka and a brother Ivanushka. Their parents died overnight and Alyonushka and Ivanushka were left as orphans. We grieved and grieved, but we have to live somehow. Alyonushka went to work and took her brother with her. They are walking through the field, it is hot in the field, Ivanushka is thirsty. He saw a cow’s hoof filled with water and said to Alyonushka: “Let me drink some water!”

“Don’t drink from a cow’s hoof,” says Alyonushka, “or you’ll become a calf.”

Ivanushka listened to his sister and did not drink from a cow’s hoof.

“Don’t drink from a horse’s hoof, Ivanushka, otherwise you’ll become a foal,” Alyonushka tells him. The brother listened to his sister and did not drink from the horse’s hoof.

And again Ivanushka is thirsty, and he sees on the path in the field a goat’s hoof, and there is water in it.

“Don’t drink from a goat’s hoof, Ivanushka, otherwise you’ll become a little goat!” Alyonushka says to his brother.

But brother Ivanushka did not listen, drank from the goat’s hoof and turned around - a little goat. He shook his horns and ran after his sister, sad and guilty...

Then Alyonushka, in her usual form, and Ivanushka, in her bestial form, experienced a lot; they even survived death (and then rose again!), and at the end of the fairy tale, Ivanushka turned into a human again. (But on a different level - I would like to add on my own.

So, let's begin the fairytale therapy analysis of the fairy tale.

Fairy tale analysis

Looking at the horses' faces and people's faces,

on the boundless living stream raised

by my will and rushing to nowhere along the crimson

sunset steppe, I often think:

where am I in this stream?

Genghis Khan

Jorge Luis Borges once said that all the plots existing in literature and art, and invented by humanity over thousands of years, can be reduced to two main plots:

  1. First plot: “Man and Woman.”
  2. Second Plot: “A Man and His Path.”

Before the era of feminism, it was believed that life was easier for a woman. Because her task (the task of her Path) boiled down to finding her Man or, in other words, finding herself in a Man. (Which is also not so easy to do, to which you also need to apply your mind, work, and your heart)...

Actually, this is what her Path boiled down to - the Path of a Woman.

The man's path was much more unpredictable, uncalculated and therefore more mysterious and dangerous.

What is the Way of a Man? There are no ready-made answers to this question; more precisely, all world literature and art give them, but these answers are confusing, contradictory, and do not make the task easier, and sometimes only confuse and intimidate even more.

For example...

Everyone knows how the journey of Leo Tolstoy (not the stupidest, poorest and most insignificant person in Russia) ended. The Church declared Tolstoy a “heresiarch”, excommunicated him from its bosom and still curses him in its ritual readings... Don’t you care? Would you like such a fate for yourself?

Also, everyone knows how Herostratus’s journey ended - his “feat” even became a proverb. Herostratus' glory- means to “glorify” oneself with something similar to what the ancient Greek Herostratus once “glorified” himself with - to burn the temple of Artemis in Ephesus... But before you laugh at Herostratus, answer yourself the question: Would you be able to burn "Temple of Artemis"? Just physically, intellectually and morally, could you carry out such an event? Upon reflection, you understand that even the traditionally despised Herostratus was not the stupidest person in Greece, and perhaps he was more significant than you and me... And you no longer want to laugh at anyone. This is the first lesson of our fairy tale.

As the philosopher Spinoza said (I will repeat my favorite words, which have become the modern credo of psychotherapy):

“Don’t laugh, don’t cry, don’t curse - understand!”

In the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” we see a metaphorical implementation of Borges’s second plot: “A Man and His Path.” Let's look at the metaphors of this parable, built on powerful (almost all Old Testament) “archetypes” or cultural symbols.

The fairy tale begins with the fact that the parents of Ivanushka and Alyonushka died. If we perceive this beginning again - metaphorically, then we get a picture familiar to everyone. At some point, we all grow up and are forced to “break away” from our parents. Emotionally. In fact (start living separately, perhaps even moving to another city). Financially. Psychologically (realize: what your “beliefs” are parental introjects and conduct an audit of these introjects for their overall adequacy and their benefits - for yourself personally).

As we see from the fairy tale, Alyonushka’s period of growing up is easy. This is understandable, being a Woman, Alyonushka lives and experiences the first Borgesian plot "Man and Woman" . Today - she takes care of her brother (without hesitation taking on the archetypal role of Mother). And she has no more worries or questions about life.

Tomorrow, she will go out into society as an Adult (she will go “across the field to work”), society will spin her around, and after overcoming many ordeals, obstacles and fairy-tale twists and turns, Alyonushka will finally meet Your Man, finally ceasing to care about his brother and “playing with dolls.”

Not so - Ivanushka...

His growing up (like the growing up of any Man) is much more difficult. It is divided into four metaphorical stages.

To be more precise, on the way to the last, fourth (and sought-after) stage of his metamorphoses, Ivanushka is faced with as many as THREE Temptations.

Initiation? Or self-actualization?

The fourth (main and sought after) point of arrival of Ivanushka’s Path: initiation

Initiation[lat. initiāre - to begin; initiātio - performing the sacraments] - a change in the social status of an individual when he is included in any closed association, acquires special knowledge, functions or powers.

Initiation - rituals accompanying the transition from one age class to another: knighting in the Middle Ages, first communion, ordination, coronation, etc. In a narrow sense, initiation is the initiation of adolescents into adult full members of society, characteristic mainly of primitive culture, which is the most important stage in the socialization of the individual.

Now let's express ourselves in language humanistic psychotherapy. Yes, from the point of view of our entire world culture (and not just the culture of primitive societies!), the goal of an immature individual (who has just separated from his parents) and who is called “man” for now is only an advance, to go through his own Path and be able to become a Human, Mature Personality. Or - self-actualize. Assistance in self-actualization is generally the goal of any modern psychotherapy.

So, the goals of the brother and sister are different.

Alyonushka’s goal is to walk her Path and find her Man.

Ivanushka’s goal is to walk His Path and become a Human, undergo initiation, and become a full member of the Society.

What THREE Temptations lie in wait for Ivanushka on this difficult and unclear path?

The road through the field... Metaphorical (I would say - metaphysical) the road from the parental Home, already abandoned forever, to a still unfamiliar and, of course, hostile Society.

To contrast with the Supreme Goal - “to become a Man”, the fairy tale metaphor offers Ivanushka three bestial appearance. A parody of the Communion Cup - hooves, depressions in the ground filled with stagnant rainwater.

Cow cloven hoof. A horse's hoof is round like a lake. A goat's hoof is barely visible in the grass. It is no coincidence that in the fairy tale they are located in this particular sequence. It is in this sequence that a person, on the path to his Triumph, encounters these dangers.

Taurus. Slaughterhouse.

Compare the three “hooves” (imagine them in your mind). The footprint of a cow, imprinted in the black soil... The footprint of a horse. Goat trail. From the largest (more young men will get drunk first and more will die, greatly thinning out the male ranks), to the smallest - goat.

The very first Temptation that awaits Ivanushka on the way to Man is the temptation to turn into a “Taurus” or “bull”... Taurus is an ancient, Old Testament symbol. Taurus is the sacrificial animal of the Jews, who gave us the Bible and its symbols, with which we have been operating for several thousand years almost unconsciously.

A symbol of unspiritualized flesh brought to slaughter, to the altar. “And they slaughtered the fat calf.”

To become a calf, and then a bull, practically means: to die immediately, before reaching “the mind.” Alyonushka warns about this, and Ivanushka agrees with the danger of such a choice. He doesn't want to die young. He doesn't want to end up in a slaughterhouse. Under the butcher's knife. To become “cannon fodder”... To die in a “showdown”... Ivanushka’s character is such that the prospect of “bulling” does not appeal to him, and therefore he easily overcomes his First temptation.

Probably the best lines dedicated to the description of the bull’s fate can be found in Pelevin’s first novel, Chapaev and Emptiness. Read and see what temptation Ivanushka was able to refuse, to the joy of all of us. Pelevin describes a certain metaphysical “timeless and extra-spatial world”, similar to the very field along which Alyonushka and Ivanushka walked. Only instead of “hooves” - fairy tales, lonely points of strange fires are scattered across the Pelevinsky field, around which strange people huddle...

“Two people were sitting near the fire. They were wet, half naked and looked like Romans - their only clothing were short sheets wrapped around their bodies. Both were armed - one with a revolver, and the second with a double-barreled shotgun. And both were covered with disgusting and profuse craters of gunshot wounds. Seeing the baron, they fell to the ground and literally shook with unbearable, physically tangible horror.

“Seryozha Mongoloid are fighters,” said one of them, without straightening up.

- How did you get here? - asked the baron.

- We were taken down by mistake, commander.

“I’m not your commander,” said the baron. - And they don’t kill anyone by mistake.

“Actually, by mistake,” said the second one plaintively. - In the sauna. They thought that the Mongoloid was signing an agreement there.

- What agreement? - asked Jungern, raising his eyebrows in bewilderment.

- Yes, we had to repay the loan. And that means two bulls arrive...

- loan? - interrupted the baron. It's clear.

Bending down, he blew on the flame, and it immediately decreased several times, turning from a roaring hot torch into a low, several centimeters, tongue. The effect this had on the two half-naked men was amazing - they became completely motionless, and frost instantly appeared on their backs.

- Fighters, huh? - said the baron. - What is it like? Who doesn't end up in Valhalla now? Seryozha Mongoloid... And this whole idiotic rule about the sword in the hand.

- What happened to them? - I asked.

“As expected,” said the baron. - Don't know. But you can look.

He once again blew on the barely noticeable bluish light, and the flame flared up with the same force. The Baron stared at him intently for several seconds, narrowing his eyes.

- Looks like they'll be bulls in a meat processing plant. Nowadays such relaxation often happens. Partly because of the endless mercy of the Buddha, partly because there is a constant shortage of meat in Russia.

I was struck by the fire, which I only now saw in detail. It couldn't really be called a bonfire. There was no wood or branches in the fire - it arose from a melted hole in the ground, shaped like an even five-pointed star with narrow rays.

- Tell me, Baron, why is this fire burning above the pentagram?

“How why,” said the baron. “This is the eternal flame of Buddha’s mercy.”

Horse. Plowing.

And here comes Ivanushka’s second temptation.

This is also a very complex and ancient metaphor.

Once Abraham Lincoln angrily said about the slave owners of the South, with whom his free North fought: "From their point of view (the slaveholders' point of view), the BLIND HORSE MOVING THE MILL WHEEL is a perfect illustration of what a worker should be."

Where did Lincoln get this metaphor from? Well, first of all, from life. Previously, when a horse grew old and went blind, it was continued to be used on the farm - it was tied to a mill wheel and forced to walk like that until it fell. If the horse was not blind, then they simply blindfolded it (thus artificially blinding it), because a sighted horse would not walk in the same circle, but would definitely buck...

And secondly, Lincoln was referring to the legend (again taken from the Bible) about the strong man Samson.


The strongman Samson had long hair, like all Nazarene men of his tribe, and his strength was hidden in this hair. His enemies the Philistines (emphasis on the third syllable from the beginning) learned that Samson was going to the house of the beautiful Delilah and persuaded her to extract the secret of his strength from her lover. Softened by affection, Samson let Delilah know about his hair; the Philistines cut him off in his sleep and captured him, exposing him for fun in their city.

But this was not enough for them - in order for Samson’s humiliation to be complete, they blinded him and, tying him to a mill wheel instead of a workhorse, forced him to walk in a circle, performing the work not even of a slave, but of cattle...

When Samson's hair grew back, his strength returned to him and he managed to take revenge on his enemies, however, this is a completely different story...

If the one turned into a “bull” dies immediately, then the one turned into a “blind horse” dies slowly, straining himself at slave labor, captive, deceived and hobbled.

Are you familiar with this fate?

Note that if the transformation into a bull can take place immediately in youth, upon meeting “bad male company”, then the transformation into a working animal-horse occurs through a woman - Delilah, who captivates the strong man and deprives him of his strength and can take place a little later, when saying goodbye to youth and transition to adulthood...

But Ivanushka escaped this fate too. He avoided debts, loans, mortgages, slave labor in a hated office, avoided everything that awaits and turns a strong and handsome man into when he meets a treacherous Woman who sees in him only a working blind beast for turning stone millstones...

Goat. Scapegoat

Before us is the third cultural archetype of the “bestial appearance,” and again it is biblical.

Separating the lambs from the goats is separating the good from the bad.

The scapegoat is an interesting "personality". On one solemn day, all the sins of the people of the community were symbolically assigned to this animal, and then (after the ceremony) the goat was solemnly escorted into the desert, where it was left alone...

And Ivanushka succumbed to this temptation with visible pleasure.

In order to understand the motives of Ivanushka’s behavior, we will give the floor to an imaginary character in our fairy tale therapy, calling him “The Unkind Everyman” (This is the one who sees a speck in someone else’s eye, but does not notice a log in his own and generally likes to gossip).

So, the Malevolent Everyman:

“Everything is clear! Ivanushka discovered the following character traits: firstly, he is a coward. By nature, he is not an alpha male, so the prospect of becoming a “cool kid” (Taurus) does not appeal to him, and he immediately cowardly hides behind Alyonushka skirt

Secondly, Ivanushka is both lazy and too lazy - both for “victories on the love front” and for “victories on the labor front”... To work “like a horse” in the name of some woman - Delilah - God forbid! He doesn't need women or work.

Who then is Ivanushka after this? Yes, it’s clear who is the goat! That’s why he turned into a little goat with obvious relief for himself!”

Now, after we have listened to the opinion of the “psychologist”-everyman, let’s listen to the opinion of a normal psychologist, our second imaginary participant in fairy tale therapy - a Psychotherapist of the Humanistic Direction.


“As we remember, socialization for a man is difficult and painful. In general, growing up, emotional separation from parents is not easy for each of us. And for a man it is doubly difficult, because according to “cultural codes,” he “should not show weakness.” ..

Three false methods of socialization lay before Ivanushka.

The first method, which lies in wait for a boy in a yard company or “in the neighborhood,” in his early youth, Ivanushka rejected out of hand.

The falsity of this method is obvious; it, without hiding, promises the one who chooses this method an early violent death.

You won’t have time to self-actualize.

The second method of socialization: yielding to the charms of an insidious woman and agreeing to lifelong slave labor “in the camp of the enemy” lies in wait for a young man when he ceases to be a young man and becomes a man.

The falsity of this method of “becoming a member of society that is needed by society” is also obvious.

There will be no time to self-actualize.

The third fake way of socialization is the most interesting way.

It can be described as follows: “Call me whatever you want, just leave me alone!”

Society constantly requires significant sacrifices from a person. Everyone understands this sooner or later. It requires us to sacrifice - our health, our lives, our time, our beliefs, our loved ones...

And when a person does not agree to any of these victims, society arbitrarily takes away its last victim from him - Good Reputation and drives him out of himself, into the desert, where he leaves him alone.

It would seem that what’s wrong with this way of finally becoming someone?

If you (as a philosopher) are not afraid of the prospect that many will consider you a “goat” and will not invite you to their “parties,” then your existence can be called wonderful.

You will save your life, and you will have a lot of free time...

This is where lies the key to the falsity of this tempting offer.

You can become a Human only when you have made peace with people and learned to communicate with them. And for this it is necessary to leave the “desert” and return to society. As religion says, in order to: “serve people”...

But already as a Man, and not as a blind horse...

So, our fairytale therapy is completed, and we begin the practical part of the training - working with cards of 1000 lives.

Layout for tarot cards 1000 lives based on the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka."

Let's immediately make life adjustments to fairy-tale and mythological stories. In modern society, gender roles are written in such a way that both men and women are now simultaneously looking for “their Path”, without looking in each other’s direction.

No, of course, there are still women who, from childhood to old age, live in the plot of “Man and Woman” and therefore, at the beginning of the Road, they are looking for their Man.

But many modern women have already tried on the plot of “A Man and His Way”, putting themselves in the place of a man, and there is nothing to object to. This is the cultural “response” to the “challenges” of the time.

Therefore, the gender layout about Ivanushka (which could now be done on cards of 1000 lives) will become somewhat universal for us, so that it suits everyone.

In the layout we will highlight the following most important positions.

Position First

Calf (Victim)

While thinking about this position, we will draw one card from the deck. Before drawing a card, we mentally ask these questions:

"Something that will kill me right away"

“A role in which I will die very quickly,”

"An environment that is absolutely contraindicated for me"

Position Second

Foal (Samson)

While thinking about the second position, we also draw one card from the deck. Before drawing this card, we will mentally ask the following questions:

Position Three

Kid (Scapegoat)

Thinking about the third position, we draw one card from the deck, asking the question:

"What will cause me to break up with people"

Position Four

Self-Actualized Man

For this position we draw three cards from the deck at once. These are the most important cards. They are studied most carefully and, based on their text, the one who makes the layout composes a clear story, answering the question:

“What qualities and circumstances will help me on the Path of my Self-Actualization”

In the modern world, everyone must go their own Path - both men and women.

So let's go, friends!

Layout example:

Client, as we said - today women, as before - only men, are looking for their Path.

Well, let's look at the layout and the client's reasoning about what she saw in the layout...

Position Calf (Victim)

The client answers the question: “A role in which I will die very quickly.”

Card drawn from the 1000 Lives Tarot deck: "A Person of the Opposite Sex"

Client's thoughts: It always seemed to me that a woman’s share, in general, is much easier than a man’s. Therefore, probably, women live longer, this fact is objective. And modern society, which literally forces a woman to play a role unusual for her - the role of a “man”, kills her outright, first depriving her of female attractiveness, and then of everything else. I would not like to compete with men either in intelligence, or in strength, or in speed of reaction, to compete - in any field.

Therefore, I firmly know that if I start to succumb to the general trend and “measure strength” with the world of men, I will end both as a person and in general, as a living person who knows how to enjoy life...

Position Foal (Samson)

The client answers the question: “What occupation or what life role will drain all my strength and resources, turning my life into a meaningless and painful hard labor?”


We read the text of the card: “A person about whom no one knows the truth. He has many roles and masks. He gets used to fictitious images so much that he himself begins to believe in his own stories. Skill: to hide his true feelings and motives.”

Client's thoughts: I always understood and agreed with Bulgakov’s phrase, which he put into the mouth of his hero, Yeshua, in “The Master and Margarita”... “It’s easy and pleasant to tell the truth.”

I also remember another phrase by Bulgakov, from the same novel. These words were said by the Master, describing the unpleasant secretary from the reception: “Her eyes were squinted from constant lies”...

I know people who play a role all their lives, wear a mask, a Persona. They lie all their lives, that they, for example, “love their husband”, “have orgasms”, “love children”, or that “the children are from their husband”, that they “love their mother-in-law’s lobio”, and even “love Mozart” , and not, say, Eva Polna or Basta...

Such people have always horrified me, and I’ll be honest about myself - I couldn’t live like that. It is clear why such people lie - they are trying to please those from whom they receive some kind of social benefit, while mercilessly suppressing their true nature (which their “benefactors” would not like).

The card says that: “I could live like this, but I would live poorly.” And I would argue with the map - I wouldn’t live like this for long.

If we develop the myth about Samson, then in my case it would be like this. At first, having believed in my own wretchedness, I would have allowed myself to be “cut” by the comb of my “benefactors” (they are also enemies). But over time, my hair would grow back and my strength and understanding would return to me. And then I, like your Samson, would go to the palace where my unsuspecting “Philistines” are feasting and with the words “I will destroy you and I myself will perish,” I would begin to shake the columns so that the roof would collapse on this entire gathering.

Position Baby Goat (Scapegoat)

The client answers the questions: "Which path will lead me to nowhere?" And "What will cause me to break up with people"

The card drawn in response to this question from the 1000 Lives Tarot deck: Celebrity.

Reading the text of the card: "Arouses increased public interest. I am ready to be in the spotlight even at the cost of a scandal. Create a variety of reasons, forcing people to talk about themselves."

Client's thoughts: That's right. Maybe such a resourceful state is useful for someone, but not for me.

The fact is that throughout my adolescence and youth I spent my entire adolescence opposing myself to society (especially the society of my peers) and being outright shocking. No, I didn’t cut my hair, didn’t dye my hair orange, didn’t pierce my tongue or get tattoos - I had enough taste not to disfigure my body.

What was shocking was mainly my behavior, my way of thinking, my clothes and my acquaintances - I allowed them to have the listed attributes of a “sociopath”.

And although I no longer behave the way I did when I was a student and dress differently, the essence of the freak remains in me and you can’t hide it anywhere...

Therefore, if I continue to pedal my favorite psychological “defense”, it will mean getting stuck in a “teenage crisis”, stagnation and, ultimately, sucks))))

Therefore, the topic of "public scandal" is a topic for me that I need to avoid. Enough of children's psychological defenses already! You need to learn to talk normally with your parents, and with people in general...

Position Self-actualized Person

The client answers the question: “What will help my self-actualization?” and pulls out three cards from the deck:

  • Gamer,
  • Artist,
  • Actor.

Let's analyze the text of the cards:

Gamer:"Carefully explore the surrounding space, trying to use all the objects that come your way (combining them) and characters (listening to their advice)."

Some clues lead nowhere. You just need to brush them aside and continue searching for the road to the next level. Cool and methodical."

Ivanushka the Fool (Ivan the Fool)

One of the main characters of Russian folk tales. Name Ivanushka– a diminutive form of the most common Russian male name in the old days, Ivan (see Russian names).

Encyclopedic reference

Ivanushka the Fool is the youngest, usually the third, son in a peasant (see peasant) family. Unlike his older brothers, he is very trusting, simple-minded, sometimes lazy and seemingly stupid. However, this is just the beginning. The fairy-tale plot is structured in such a way that Ivanushka will have to pass tests of courage (to defeat evil forces), of kindness (to give his last to someone in need), of honesty (to fulfill his oath, not to take someone else’s) or of intelligence. From all these tests, Ivanushka emerges victorious. Without demanding anything for himself, at the end of the tale, for his kindness and selflessness, he receives the king’s (see king) daughter as a wife and half a kingdom in addition.

The image is close to Ivan the Fool Emeli from the fairy tale “At the command of the pike” (see pike).

In culture

The folklore image of Ivanushka the Fool is often interpreted as one of the types of Russian national character (see Russians).

The visual image of this character is created in well-known illustrations AND I. Bilibina And V.M. Vasnetsova to Russian folk tales.

From a folk tale, the image of Ivan the Fool passed into the author's. Ivanushka - the main character of the fairy tale P.P. Ershova“The Little Humpbacked Horse” (1834). Under other names, he is also recognizable in modern literary fairy tales, for example, in the fairy tale by L.A. Filatov “About Fedot the Sagittarius, a daring fellow.”

Russian folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka"

Genre: folk fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” and their characteristics

  1. Sister Alyonushka, an intelligent and hard-working girl, took care of her beloved brother. Trusting and harmless. Very beautiful.
  2. Brother Ivanushka, young, naughty, carefree. I became a little goat because I didn’t listen to my sister.
  3. A merchant, young and handsome, honest and decent.
  4. A witch, evil and insidious, a deceiver, cruel.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka"
  1. Death of parents
  2. Road in the field
  3. Cow's hoof
  4. Horse hoof
  5. goat hoof
  6. Meeting with the merchant
  7. Witch
  8. Baby goat talking
  9. Baby goat's farewell
  10. Rescue of Alyonushka
  11. Death of a Witch
The shortest summary of the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences
  1. Orphans Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka set off into the heat across the field.
  2. Ivanushka was still thirsty and finally drank water from the hoof and became a kid
  3. Alyonushka married a merchant, but the witch drowned her in a pond
  4. The witch persuaded the merchant to stab Ivanushka, and he ran to say goodbye to Alyonushka
  5. The servant heard their conversation and Alyonushka was saved
  6. The witch was tied to a horse's tail.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka"
To avoid trouble, always listen to what older, knowledgeable people say.

What does the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” teach?
This fairy tale teaches you to be obedient and not to play around. Teaches not to drink dirty water. Teaches you not to trust the first person you meet. Teaches not to lose hope. Teaches that everything must end well and good will definitely win.

Review of the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka"
This Russian folk tale was retold to us by Alexey Tolstoy. This is an interesting and instructive story about a naughty brother and a hard-working sister. I didn’t like Ivanushka’s behavior, although of course he didn’t deserve to remain a little goat forever. But sister Alyonushka is a very good and kind girl. I'm glad that everything ended well for her, although she should have been more careful, as she advised her brother.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka"
Listen to good people - they will guide you on the path.
Listen with your mind, not your belly.
Every bad thing has its good side.

Summary of a brief retelling of the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka"
There lived an old man and an old woman and they had a daughter Alyonushka and a son Ivanushka.
But the old people died and the children were left orphans.
One day Alyonushka went to work and took Ivanushka with her. And I had to walk across the field. It was hot, Ivanushka was very thirsty. He saw a cow's hoof filled with water and wanted to drink from it. But the sister did not order, otherwise the brother would have become a calf.
They go further, the horse’s hoof and again Ivanushka wants to drink water. But again my sister won’t let me - she’ll become a foal.
They move on. Goat hoof. Ivanushka did not listen to his sister and drank water. He became a little goat, Alyonushka stands next to him, bursting into tears.
A young merchant was driving past, learned about the girl’s grief, and offered to marry him and take the little goat with him.
Alyonushka agreed and she and the merchant lived happily.
As soon as the merchant left, an evil woman came to Alyonushka and invited her to swim in the pond. The witch tied a stone around Alyonushka’s neck, pushed Alyonushka into the water, and turned into her. Nobody recognized the witch.
Only the little goat knew what had happened, and ran to the pond, calling his sister.
The witch found out about this and asked to slaughter the little goat. The merchant did not want to, but agreed. And the little goat finally asks to run to the pond and drink some water.
A little goat came running to the shore, screaming, calling Alyonushka, saying that they wanted to kill him. And Alyonushka answers from under the water that she cannot get up, the stone is pressing, the sands are holding her.
The servant heard it and told the merchant. People came running, took out Alyonushka, washed her with clean water and the girl came to life. And the little goat, in joy, jumped over himself three times and became Ivanushka.
And they tied the witch to the horse's tail and let her go into the field.

Signs of a fairy tale in the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka"

  1. Magic transformations - kid, Alyonushka's revival
  2. Traditional beginning and ending
  3. Victory of good.
Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka"

What does the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” teach? The fairy tale teaches that children need to obey their elders. Children must understand that elders are more experienced, wiser, they already know what dangers the world around them can hide.

The king and queen die; their children Alyonushka and Ivanushka go traveling.

Children see a herd of cows near a pond. The sister persuades her brother not to drink from this pond, so as not to become a calf. They see a herd of horses, a herd of pigs, and a herd of goats by the water. Alyonushka warns her brother everywhere. But in the end, he disobeys his sister, drinks water and becomes a little goat.

Alyonushka ties him by the belt and takes him with her. They enter the royal garden. The Tsar asks Alyonushka who she is. Soon he will marry her.

Alyonushka, who has become a queen, is damaged by an evil witch. She herself undertakes to treat the queen: she orders her to go to the sea and drink water there. A witch drowns Alyonushka by the sea. The little goat, seeing this, cries. And the sorceress takes the form of Queen Alyonushka.

The imaginary queen offends Ivanushka. She begs the king to order the slaughter of the little goat. The king, although reluctantly, agrees. The little goat asks permission to go to the sea. There he asks his sister to swim out, but she replies from under the water that she cannot. The little goat returns, but then asks to go to the sea again and again. The king, surprised, secretly follows him. There he hears a conversation between Alyonushka and Ivanushka. Alyonushka tries to swim out, and the king pulls her ashore. The little goat tells about what happened, and the king orders the execution of the sorceress.