
For as long as I can remember, I have dreamed of visiting the Black Sea. From the stories of friends, I knew that it was deep to black, warm and salty. But I couldn’t even imagine that it was simply endless. We went with dad and mom by train to Feodosia. He was supposed to arrive there at lunchtime, but I didn’t leave the window from the very early morning. I was afraid to miss the moment when it would appear. And then I saw him! The water was blue, blue, it sparkled and shimmered in the sun. We rode the train along the coast for two whole hours, but it still didn’t end. And the opposite shore was not visible! I was a little scared, I felt very small compared to him. But from the train I could see how guys like me were happily splashing around in it and swimming quite far. I thought that I was no worse than them and would definitely take a swim today.

Finally the train brought us to Feodosia. This is a resort town in Crimea. The station was all green and flowers, I had never seen such plants before. I also saw mountains in the distance. Previously, I had only seen this in pictures, with both mountains and sea. In life it turned out to be even more beautiful.

We arrived at our boarding house and settled in a two-room suite with a balcony. The balcony overlooked the sea, and the beach began right under our windows. How happy I was! After all, I love swimming, but here you don’t have to go far - you can swim before breakfast and after dinner. We had lunch in a cozy dining room and went to the beach. The sea water was warmer than I expected, and the salt water helped me stay on the surface without straining. From the first day I swam a lot and didn’t get tired at all.

In the evening we sat on the balcony and watched the sunset. The sun was huge and reddish. It sat behind the mountains, gilding the treetops. As soon as it disappeared, it quickly became dark around. We went to dinner and went out onto the balcony again. There was now a large full moon in the sky. The light from it stretched across the water. Such a silvery lunar path. The sea under the moon looked majestic and mysterious. Pebbles rustled quietly along the shore. Peaceful, blond waves rolled over them. We couldn't take our eyes off this beauty. And how could I live for so long without the sea!

My trip to the sea

I've never been to the seas. Somehow I didn’t have a chance to get acquainted with the comfort of either the Black, or the Azov, or any other of the seas. However, I still visited the sea. And, perhaps, a better sea than the one I was on simply couldn’t be found.

Lake Baikal. Local old-timers call it the sea. Huge, deep, covered with hundreds of legends, it rests majestically surrounded by taiga and high hills.

Baikal stores the largest amount of fresh water on the planet, although the area of ​​the lake is much smaller than the Baltic Sea. The depth of the lake is also amazing, amounting to more than one and a half kilometers in some places, which gives it the right to be called the deepest lake on the planet.

The age of Baikal is estimated at millions of years - this East Siberian sea is the oldest of all existing ones.

Nature of Baikal

Many people think that Siberia is always cold. We came to Baikal in the summer, in the very middle. The heat was unbearable and the only island of fresh breeze was the lake.

Huge taiga hills surrounded the lake. If you look around, it will take your breath away. Old century-old cedars sternly sway in the wind, throwing down their prickly needles. At the very top of them lurked cones in which delicious pine nuts were hidden. A little further you go into the taiga and you can get lost among pines, spruces, firs and cedars.

Here and there you can see small bushes of lingonberries and among them wild garlic leaves are gorgeously green - finely chopped, grated with salt and seasoned with sour cream, wild garlic becomes a delightful addition to boiled potatoes. Saranki, frying, clover, fireweed and something else magnificent, like blue chamomile, are everywhere here.

The midday haze hums over the grass and the only salvation from the heat is to plunge into the refreshing coolness of the lake. However, the water is very cold and only local residents can swim in it.

We go to the local residents to drink tea from fragrant herbs and listen to legends about old Baikal.

Legend of Lake Baikal

In the very middle of the lake there is a shaman stone. He was thrown after the rebellious daughter Angara by her father Baikal.

Angara fell in love with the modest Yenisei and did not want to be the wife of the proud Irtysh. Not listening to her father, the arrogant woman ran away along with her favorite Yenisei. An angry father Baikal threw a huge stone after his daughter in an attempt to detain the fugitive. Yes, it was not fate. The Angara leaked. But the stone remained.

The old people say that if you remove the stone, Baikal will run at full speed after its daughter and flood everything around.

I will never forget the day when I visited the sea for the first time. This trip left me with a lot of impressions. The beauty of blue waves shining in the bright sun, large ships sailing somewhere in the distance, colorful pebbles, entertainment... all this remained in my memory for a long time.

I was already nine years old, and it so happened that I had never been to the sea before. Usually my summer holidays were spent with my grandmother in the village or in the city. Since mom and dad work in the summer, and even if they rest, their vacation times do not coincide. And then suddenly such an opportunity arose and they planned a trip to the sea, I was infinitely happy.

I took everything I needed with me. I started packing my backpack in the morning, although we got on the train at seven o’clock in the evening. I really enjoyed traveling on the train: you sit at the window and watch trees and buildings “fly by”, watch how night gives way to day. We arrived at the sea about a day later, when we were driving for the last hours, I was already getting a little bored, but the most important thing was ahead of us, so my mood remained “high”.

And finally, we checked into the hotel, and literally an hour after that we were already at sea. This beauty simply cannot be expressed in words; for a long time I could not stop admiring what I saw. With a running start, I ran into the water, which turned out to be very warm. For a moment it seemed to me that I was in heaven. At sea I met some guys with whom I still keep in touch.

We vacationed at sea for ten whole days. During this time, we swam a lot, sunbathed, and even swam on a steamboat, we also snorkeled and managed to try almost all the beach activities and treats. After that, I visited the sea more than once, but the strongest impressions remained with me precisely when I visited the sea for the first time.

Read along with the article “Essay on the topic “Like I did for the first time”:

I was only 9 years old when I went to the sea for the first time in my life. We went with our family: mom, dad and my older sister. My parents chose an inconvenient and long way to get to the sea - the train. This was a necessary measure, since the plane was not affordable for them at that time. Our destination was Abkhazia, which is located near Sochi.

Time on the train passed slowly; outside the window there were endless stations, forests and fields. Finally, the train emerged to the sea, it was an indescribable feeling! The beauty was indescribable! We all stuck to the window and for several hours before Adler we continuously looked at the sea, beaches and mountains. I saw all this for the first time. Many people on the shore stood, looked at the passing train and waved to us. We waved back at them too.

We got off at the station and were met by our relatives in a car. We drove to the border, and along the way I saw palm trees and other strange trees for the first time. There was a feeling of celebration in the air; all the people, unlike our city, were walking around cheerful, smiling and enjoying life.

After checking in with relatives, we immediately went to the beach. The sea up close was even more amazing! We started swimming, although the water was a little cold. Coming out of the water, we began to look for a stone with a hole through it, as we were told, such a stone brings good luck. I couldn’t find it, but my sister was able to find such a stone on the third day. We also collected a bunch of shells, but we were not allowed to take them with us, as they begin to smell unpleasant after a few days.

10 days flew by very quickly. We went on excursions twice. First we went to Lake Ritsa, then to the New Athos Cave. We also went to the cities of Gagra and Pitsunda. We walked around our town a lot. All these places were very beautiful! But of course, the sea made the most amazing impression on me. Now I have already visited other seas, but I still cannot forget that view of my first sea and those strong emotions.

I first saw the sea when I was 8 years old. My parents took me with them on vacation to Bulgaria. Finding myself in this fabulous land, I was surprised for a long time that in that country the trees were different, the sun was shining in a special way, and the clouds seemed whiter. Perhaps I thought so.

My acquaintance with the sea happened in the morning. After breakfast, my parents and I came to the sandy beach. Seeing the vast expanses of water, I was at first confused. Our small river in the village, where we always went on vacation, seemed like a grain of sand compared to the vastness of the Black Sea. The wind fanned the waves, which ran into the sand in small “lambs”. Splashes of salt water scattered around, settling on the skin, hair, lips. And this incomparable smell of salt and freshness... I still can’t forget it.

The first time I entered the water, I was amazed at how transparent it was. The bottom was visible so clearly, as if there was no thickness of water separating us. It was possible to see every pebble, every blade of grass located at the bottom. Seagulls circled overhead, screaming and periodically diving under the water for fish. This was all so new to me. After swimming, I lay on the sand for a long time, just like that, without a towel or sunbed. I was pleased to feel the sand particles stuck to my wet skin.

I first saw the sea when I was 8 years old. My parents took me with them on vacation to Bulgaria. Finding myself in this fabulous land, I was surprised for a long time that in that country the trees were different, the sun was shining in a special way, and the clouds seemed whiter. Perhaps I thought so.

My acquaintance with the sea happened in the morning. After breakfast, my parents and I came to the sandy beach. Seeing the vast expanses of water, I was at first confused. Our small river in the village, where we always went on vacation, seemed like a grain of sand compared to the vastness of the Black Sea. The wind fanned the waves, which ran into the sand in small “lambs”. Splashes of salt water scattered around, settling on the skin, hair, lips. And this incomparable smell of salt and freshness... I still can’t forget it.

The first time I entered the water, I was amazed at how transparent it was. The bottom was visible so clearly, as if there was no thickness of water separating us. It was possible to see every pebble, every blade of grass located at the bottom. Seagulls circled overhead, screaming and periodically diving under the water for fish. This was all so new to me. After swimming, I lay on the sand for a long time, just like that, without a towel or sunbed. I was pleased to feel the sand particles stuck to my wet skin.

When my parents and I had swum to our heart's content, my dad and I started building a sand castle. It turned out to be a little unsightly, but I was still proud of myself for the erected structure. We spent only two weeks at sea, but until the end of my days I will remember the delight of my first meeting with the sea.