Mutko’s famous phrase: “Let me speak from my heart in English” - in English it sounds like this: Let me speak from my heart in English. Translated: “Let me address you cordially in English.”

Text of Mutko's speech in English and Russian

Dear president Blatter, colleagues of the executive committee.

Let me speak from my heart in English.
My friends, today is an unique moment in time, both for my country and for FIFA. Russia represents its new horizons for FIFA. Russia means a big promotion of our game. Millions of new hearts and minds it also means a great legacy after The Worldcup. Great new stadiums and millions of boys and girls embracing again. Russia’s economy is large and growing. The Federal government has stable finances.

Russia’s sports marketing is developing rapidly Just one example: today Russian companies provided over one billion dollars in sponsorship for the Sochi Olympic Games.

Imagine how much investment would be made into football, given that football is sport number one. Our bid is a national priority for the Russian Federation. If you give us a chance, FIFA will never regret it. You will be proud of the choice.

I also promise this, in 2018 I’ll speak English like my friend Jeoff Thompson. Dear friends.You can see on the map. Western Europe hosted The World Cup many times. Eastern Europe never had the chance.

Many years ago the Berlin Wall was destroyed. And a new era for the world began. Today we can break another symbolic wall. And open a new era in football together.

Thank you very much my friends.


Dear President Blatter, colleagues on the Executive Committee.

Let me address you cordially in English.
My friends, today is a unique moment both for my country and for FIFA. Russia presents its new horizons for FIFA. Russia means a big advancement for our game. Millions of new hearts and minds also mean a great legacy after the World Cup. New magnificent stadiums and millions of young men and women are joining again. The Russian economy is large and growing. The federal government has stable finances.

Sports marketing in Russia is developing rapidly. Here's just one example: today Russian companies have provided more than one billion dollars in sponsorship Olympic Games in Sochi.

Imagine how much investment will be made in football, considering that football is the number one sport. Our application is a national priority for Russian Federation. If you give us a chance, FIFA will never regret it. You will be proud of your choice.

I guarantee it.

I also promise that in 2018 I will speak English like my friend Jeff Thompson. Dear friends. You can look on the map. Western Europe hosted the World Cup many times. U Eastern Europe never had a chance.

Many years ago Berlin Wall was destroyed. And a new era began for the whole world. Today we can break down another symbolic wall. And we'll open it new era in football together.

Thank you very much, my friends.

Russian transcription

“Dio President Blatter, Coligs of the Economic Committee.
Lets mi speak from may hart in english. May Franz, Today from E Unique Moment in Time, Bouf Fo May Country & Fo FIFA.Russia Reprezents Its New Harinzitz Fo Fifa.Russia Mins e Big Promotion of Aua Egein.Millianz of New Hearts & Mines It Alsow Minz E Great Legacy Af e The World Cup.Great New Stadiums and Millians of Boys in Girls Imbracing Egain.
Russia economy from Lach and Growin. The federal government has stable phenomenal.

Russia Sports Marketin from Development Rapidly. Jast van exempel: Today Russian Company rightfully over van billion dollars in sponsor ship for thee Sochi Olympic Games.

Imagine, how much investment wood bee maid intu football. Given zyt football from sport namba van.Auer bit from e nashonali priority for ze Russian Federeshen.If yu giv as e chance, fifa vil neve rigret it. U Vil Bee Proud of Wi Choice.

Ay guarantee it.

Ay olsou promise, from in twenty atin ay'll spik english like my friend Jeff Thomson. Dia french Yu ken si on ve map. Westen europe homestead the world cap money times. Iisten europ neva head zy chance.

Many yiz ego the Berlin Wall Voz Destroyd. Eit e new era fo the world begen.Today vi ken break znaza symbolic.
Vol. End open e new era in football tugez.

Fankyu very much my friends.”

Vitaly Mutko has not been involved in sports for a long time and does not speak publicly in English, but the Internet remembers everything. Let's remember the most striking phrases of the former minister and figure out what's wrong with them. So that the next time you meet foreigners, you can say at least a couple of words not only “from er hart,” but also in such a way that you are understood.

Mutko-style English gave us more than a dozen memes. Among the speakers there is even a version that Russia received the right to host the World Cup thanks in part to Mutko’s unique “Russian English”: the committee was ready to do anything just to no longer hear this set of sounds.

So, here are a few legendary phrases that have gone down among the people.

1. Speak English a little

Vitaly Mutko refused to talk with the English-language journalist. He very clearly explained to her that he did not speak English: “ Speak English a little. I'll tell you how "speak English", then - songs on YouTube.”

And his sentence in English really makes little sense. Firstly, it is possible to lose the subject in spoken English, but only when it is clearly clear who is performing the action. This phrase can be supplemented with almost any noun in plural: we/you/Russians/cats speak English. Secondly, foreigners are more likely to think that you speak English not badly, but simply rarely: a little at the end of the sentence it looks more like a synonym not often.

It would be more correct to say “My English is not very good” or “I don’t speak English well”. Although Mutko no longer needs this phrase: he learned English so that it flies off his teeth (“As for the self-instruction manual, I learned it from cover to cover. That’s why I speak with these phrases”).

2. World Cup in Russia is no problem

I wanted to reassure foreigners that the World Cup in Russia would take place without incidents - instead I agreed to host the championship. The second time (you never know, maybe they didn’t understand the first time). Hold the World Cup in Russia? Yes, no problem! We have very good tempo, open new stadium.

No problem as a response can be used in two cases: when you agree to do something in response to a request/question - or when you are thanked for your help.

- Can I pay with a credit card?(“Can I pay with a credit card?”)
- Sure, no problem(“Of course, no problem”).

- Thanks for the ride(“Thank you for the ride.”)
- No problem(“Yes, no problem”).

3. Please question to me in English

It is not clear what Vitaly Mutko wants - to take part in some kind of opinion poll or ask to be interrogated. After all, the verb to question translated as “to interrogate or interrogate.” There is a word please- Alright, the request sounds quite polite.

It would be even better to use constructs like “Could you please...?”(“Could you...?”) or “Would you mind... ?(“Do you mind...?”). Translated into Russian they sound too formal, but in English this is a standard polite form of addressing strangers. And it’s even better not to ask foreigners to switch to Russian at all if you want to impress well-mannered person.

4. I am guaranteed

Vitaly Mutko gave FIFA guarantees that the stadium in St. Petersburg will be ready on time. More precisely, he thought so, but instead said that “it is guaranteed.” Apparently a guaranteed way to throw everyone into a linguistic stupor.

Words with endings -ed in a phrase I am... describe you: I am tired- I'm tired, I am bored- I'm bored, I am interested in- I'm interested. If you happen to promise something in English, speak « I promise that..." or « I guarantee that...". In general, be careful with promises. Mutko, for example, said: “I plan to improve my knowledge English language for the start of the World Cup."

5. Let me speak from my heart

One of the few catch phrases Vitaly Mutko, which is built according to all the rules of the English language. The phrase became a meme not because of an epic mistake, but because of an unrivaled Russian accent. The phrase itself to speak from the heart(“speak from the bottom of my heart”) is not a tracing paper in Russian, as many are accustomed to believe. It really existed in English long before Mutko. It is rarely used and is not included in most dictionaries, but you can still hear it from native speakers.

6. Tomorrow this meeting will be a euro association, maybe there will be nationalisation, recommendation

What Vitaly Mutko wanted to say with this phrase remains a mystery to this day. Perhaps the day before the interview he was listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers on repeat and, out of excitement, right moment only words came to mind -ation - association, nationalization, recommendation. Probably the logic was this: “I’ll put them in one sentence. If it doesn’t answer the question, then a new verse for “Californication” will definitely work.”

Sign up for a free email course to improve your English speaking skills. You will learn template phrases for small talk, analyze examples of dialogue from films and TV series, and learn about the cultural characteristics and etiquette of English-speaking countries. Before you know it, you will be chatting freely with foreigners. And the main thing is not to be shy.


Speech by Vitaly Mutko in Zurich during the presentation of the Russian bid to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Transcript of Vitaly Mutko’s speech in Zurich, at the presentation of the Russian application:

“Dio President Blatter, Coligs of the Economic Committee.
Lets mi speak from may hart in english. (Applause).
May french, today from e unique moment in time, bouf fo may country and fo fifa.
Russia reprezents ny khareinzytz fo fifa.
Russia minz e big promotion of aua egein.

Millian's of New Heart and Mines it Allow Mines the Great Legacy af the World Cup.
Great New Stadiums and Millions of Boys in Girls Imbracing Egain.
Russia economy from Lach and Growin. The federal government has stable phenomenal.
Russia Sports Marketin from Development Rapidly. Jast van exempel: Today Russian Company rightfully over van billion dollars in sponsor ship for thee Sochi Olympic Games.
Imagine, how much investment wood bee maid intu football. Given zyt football from sport namba van.

Auer bit from e nashonali priority for ze Russian Federeshen.
If you giv as e chance, fifa vil neve rigret it. U Vil Bee Proud of Wi Choice. Ay guarantee it.
Ay olsou promise, from in twenty atin ay"ll spik english like my friend Jeff Thomson. (Laughter, applause)

Dia french Yu ken si on ve map. Westen europe homestead the world cap money times. Iisten europ neva head zy chance.

Many yiz ego the Berlin Wall Voz Destroyd. Eit e new era fo ze wold begen.
Today vi ken break znaza symbolic.

End open e new era in football tugez.
Fankyu very much my friends.”

On Thursday, October 20, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev introduced the new Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko members of the government, .

“Well, let me speak from my heart in Russian (English: let me speak from my heart in Russian - “let me speak from the bottom of my heart in Russian” - note from Before we begin the government meeting, I, naturally, must once again introduce you to your colleagues, both old and new: Vitaly Leontyevich Mutko, he is now our deputy prime minister, he is responsible for sports, tourism and youth policy,” said Medvedev.

Medvedev already recalled this phrase to Mutko: last year he began congratulating the former Minister of Sports on his birthday with it. Russian President Vladimir Putin then he also made fun of the head of the Ministry of Sports by giving him an English language self-instruction book.

What is the connection between Mutko and the phrase “let mi speak from may hart”?

Mutko’s famous phrase “let mi speak from may hart in English” was heard in 2010, when he presented Russia’s bid in the election of the host country of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Zurich. The minister read his speech in English with such a strong Russian accent that it seemed as if the text was written in Cyrillic. Mutko has since gained fame as an official who does not speak English very well. foreign languages. But the main thing is different: Russia’s bid ultimately won.

How is the phrase “let mi speak from may hart in English” translated?

The phrase “let me speak from my heart in English” translates as “let me speak from my heart in English.”