• wind tunnel
  • paragliders rope jumping flight simulator gyroplanes hot air balloons hang-glider and paraglider parachutes jetpack

    What length of flight is best to take to get it just right?

    During our own flights, we at “Flight Mania” found out that two minutes is frankly not enough. So, just try it. If you want to find out whether you like the wind tunnel or not, these two minutes are enough. But if you like it, then this will seem very little - you’ll just get a taste for it. Best choice for beginners, we think there will be three two-minute certificates. That is, in total, 6 minutes. During this time, you can learn to perform simple maneuvers on an upward air flow. For amateur groups of 3-4 people, certificates for 15 minutes are suitable. If desired, they can be divided into sessions, so don’t worry, not a single second will be wasted!

    Are there any differences between your wind tunnel on the Moscow Ring Road and other wind tunnels also located in Moscow or nearby?

    Our wind tunnel, located at the 71st kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road, is the largest in Moscow and the Moscow region. Therefore, of course, there are differences - it is much more interesting to fly in it. This is confirmed by Valdis Pelsh, a big fan of wind tunnel flights and our frequent guest. Every person should experience the freedom of falling at least once in their life.

    How to prepare for an endless fall in a wind tunnel?

    First of all, don't worry, no one will fall anywhere. But in essence, soaring on the flow of air gushing from the floor is precisely a fall, not a flight. All you need to bring with you is a sense of adventure and a little courage. If you wish, come with a close friend who will film you in the air when the strong wind lifts you off the floor. All the necessary equipment (suit, helmet and goggles) will be given to you on the spot immediately before the flight, along with short story about safety precautions. There is no need to pay extra for equipment, everything is included in the price of the service. Just bring a change of shoes with you - something comfortable, like a pair of sneakers or flat-soled sneakers.

    I am 2 meters tall and weigh more than 100 kilograms. Can I go into the wind tunnel?

    There are no restrictions on growth. But there are some based on age and weight. People from 4 to 80 years old with a body weight from 25 to 120 kilograms are allowed to fly. Unfortunately, the wind force in the wind tunnel will not reach more than 120. It is also better for pregnant women, people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and in a state of alcohol or other intoxication to refrain from flying in a wind tunnel.

    How many people can fly in one wind tunnel at the same time?

    Only one person is allowed inside the wind tunnel per session, and an instructor is constantly monitoring him inside. No group flights, this is the main safety requirement.

    You can always fly and jump with a parachute.

    Everyone already knows everything about spring and summer: the maximum number of flying days, good weather.

    If it's golden autumn outside, then despite the clouds and frequent rains we continue to fly and parachute. Believe me, it's very beautiful.

    And when the snow falls, many will ask: “Isn’t it cold to fly in winter?” We answer the question with a question: “isn’t it cold to ski in winter?” Maybe better in summer go for a ride? There are and will be winter flights. Come. Until then.

    20 min. on the Yak-52 for 6500 rubles.

    We will bring you a beautiful box with a certificate,
    - we will show aerobatics,
    - we’ll let you “steer” the plane,
    - In-flight video recording is possible.

    watch the video on our YouTube channel.
    scroll through photos of flights in Instagram.
    ask questions in a group VKontakte.
    or on the official page at Facebook.

    Why our clients love us

    We only sell the sky and we do it well. We fly on our own. We want to give you the opportunity to fly and give flights. Our goal is safe flights for everyone!

    We have adequate delivery and our own courier service. Delivery is possible on the day of order, delivery outside of working hours is possible. Our couriers arrive on time. Our couriers know how to use maps and find their way independently.

    Huge range of flights: more than ten types aircraft, more than a hundred different flights or jumps. Adrenaline, extreme sports, aerobatics or beautiful sightseeing flights and air excursions.

    Many different airfields in different directions of the Moscow region. Fly where it is convenient for you. Which airfield should I choose? And anyone! Everywhere is beautiful, interesting and safe: we work with professionals.

    Reasonable prices. Our certificates are worth real money. And our flights are real. We sell just enough time for a person to “fly”; the duration of the flight is your choice, we only advise.

    The information on our website is up to date, complete and true. We constantly monitor the correctness of the presentation of the material and the relevance of prices. We write details on the website. We know them and will be happy to tell them to those who do not like to read.

    And everything is fair with us. Flight time is counted from the moment the aircraft takes off from the runway. We warn you in advance that flights may be rescheduled due to weather conditions.

    And a gift box which contains a certificate for our flight, it is stylish, beautiful and comfortable. A candy wrapper cannot cost more than candy: we do not sell certificates in boxes encrusted with diamonds, but our box will be noticeable among other gifts and will delight its owner.

    Gifts for the holidays

    On February 23(day Soviet Army or Defender of the Fatherland, whichever you prefer) You choose gifts.

    Health restrictions

    Everyone wants to fly! And people who lead an active lifestyle but have been injured in the past want to fly even more. From time to time we are asked questions about such flights or jumps.

    All restrictions are logical and aimed at safety. If you are in doubt, it is better to consult your doctor.

    Remember that flying and skydiving can seem scary. Different people react to fear differently, so instructors have to be “a bit of a psychologist” to make the flight beautiful and the gift unforgettable.

    People are not allowed to perform aerobatics or parachute jumping

    1. In the postoperative period or with a ban on physical and mental stress.
    2. With diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as congenital or acquired heart defects, heart failure and others.
    3. With diseases or damage to the musculoskeletal system (serious spinal injuries, severe curvature of the spine, herniated discs and other similar diseases).
    4. With severe diseases of the respiratory system.
    5. Pregnant women
    6. With mental and neurological diseases, including suicidal tendencies.
    7. With possible other types of personal incompatibility with the stresses encountered during these activities.

    That is, those people who can be damaged by mechanical or emotional overload.

    People diagnosed with diabetes can skydive, but should not experience g-forces greater than 3.5G. Therefore, it is better for them to give up aerobatics.

    For paragliding

    People with diseases or injuries to the musculoskeletal system are not allowed. Let us explain: at the start you need to run several steps. When landing, too.

    Not allowed for sightseeing flights

    pregnant women. No need.

    Inappropriate people will not be allowed on any flights or jumps

    And also in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication. And also people who do not follow the instructions of the instructors. Although this does not apply to medical contraindications.

    A wind tunnel is a simulator that simulates free fall. The attraction began to gain popularity only recently. Thanks to it, anyone can experience the exciting feeling of weightlessness. Reviews of wind tunnel flights posted on the Internet are full of delight.

    What is just entertainment for us is a serious scientific tool used to study the effect of the air environment on moving objects. It is used in many scientific fields: industrial and aviation developments, including training military pilots and astronauts, and only recently has it become entertainment for ordinary people.

    The history of invention, the path from science to entertainment

    The first wind tunnel was designed for scientific purposes and was small in size. Scientists have used it to study behavior solids in the air flow. Later, large prototypes were used to test parachutes. In Russia, the first pipe appeared in 1871 and was designed by teacher V. A. Pashkevich to train students at the military academy.

    The invention became widespread only during the Second World War. At an American air base, they constructed a pipe with a 6-meter screw, which allowed a person to experience the sensation free fall. It was used for the same purpose - testing parachutes and airplanes.

    Man was able to experience the influence of air flows inside the pipe only in 1964. Military parachutist Jack Tiffany entered the wind tunnel, intending to take off using a parachute, and he succeeded. But this experience did not lead to use as a full-fledged simulator for people. The load of water flows on the human body was too great.

    The first aerial simulators for humans

    The first aerodynamic simulator appeared in 1981 in Canada. Gene Germain built it based on wind tunnels for training airborne troops. He managed to improve the invention so much that a person could rise and fall smoothly. But the use of air current forces still remained the prerogative of specialists.

    In 2006, wind tunnels were used to close the Winter Exhibitions Olympic Games. Trained people demonstrated while in confined spaces. From that moment on, the wind tunnel began to spread as an attraction. For many people, this has become a systematic form of entertainment, gradually attracting more and more fans of extreme sports. In Russia, to experience the extraordinary sensations of flying in a wind tunnel at an air park, you need to visit the entertainment centers of Moscow, St. Petersburg or other major cities.

    Operating principle

    The wind tunnel allows you to experience free fall, which was previously only available to those who dared to jump with a parachute. However this method is safer and allows you to get almost the same sensations.

    The attraction is a complex of the following parts:

    • pipe of various diameters;
    • specially designed fans;
    • diesel engine;
    • trampoline net;
    • a “glass”, usually made of transparent material and mesh, limiting the flight zone.

    The principle of operation is simple and is based on the gradual injection of air into a limited space. The pipe operates due to powerful fans that create a strong air flow. The artificial wind speed can reach from 190 to 260 km/h.

    Attraction design

    There are many types of aerodynamic complexes, each of which differs in three main parameters:

    • The location of the screws is top or bottom.
    • The size of the pipe itself - the so-called flight zone (depends on the height and diameter of the fence).
    • Wind speeds inside the working area depend on the power of the diesel engine and fan.

    The flight area is fenced at the top with a mesh and at the edges with a glass made of transparent material, which does not allow a person to fly beyond the outlined diameter and get under the fan blades - hence the name “pipe”.

    The operation of the device is controlled by the operator, who can adjust the air flow. This creates a breathtaking free fall effect.

    Instructors always familiarize the participant with safety precautions, the structure of the pipe and acceptable actions while in the air flow zone. It’s no wonder that reviews of wind tunnel flights are generally positive, as it’s a safe and exhilarating experience.

    After watching a video about the operation of the attraction, viewers are divided into two camps. The first group doubts the safety of flight and are confident that this experience is only available to a specially trained person. The second group, wanting to experience a new entertainment, does not doubt its safety. However, the reality is that even children are now allowed to fly in a wind tunnel.

    Pay attention! Even in the event of a sudden engine stop, a person does not fall, but lands slowly, since the fans provide damped operation and a smooth decrease in the power of air flows.

    The first time in the pipe may seem difficult for a beginner. You need to learn to move in the air flow, overcome the panic from the feeling of free fall, learn to control own body. As a rule, beginners get used to the new sensations within 1-2 minutes, after which a feeling of euphoria from the flight sets in. On your first visit, it is mandatory to be accompanied by an instructor.

    Safety precautions

    Only with strict observance of safety rules and following the instructions of the instructor will a person leave positive feedback about flying in a wind tunnel.

    Interesting fact! The design of the instructor's helmet differs from the others, since this means of protection protects the head from accidental blows of beginners who do not fully master the flying technique.

    The safety of the first steps is ensured by instructors who enter the air flow zone together with visitors. They help you get comfortable and configure the equipment to suit a person’s individual parameters.

    Mandatory rules

    It must be remembered that the attraction is a complex mechanical device of high power. Here you must strictly adhere to following rules:

    • Beginners stay inside the flight zone for no more than 2 minutes.
    • Clothing should be comfortable and not restrict movement. Despite the fact that before the flight you are given a special overall that helps you balance on the air flow, you must wear loose clothing underneath it.
    • Clothes should be warm - the air injection greatly reduces the temperature, so it is quite cool inside the flight area. The fabric of the overalls is dense, but the heat reserve is not always enough.
    • Comfortable shoes - preferably sneakers or lace-up sneakers. Shoes, Velcro fasteners and similar footwear can fly off, striking anyone inside the work area, including the visitor.
    • It is advisable to braid long hair and secure it with a tight elastic band.
    • A helmet is required inside the flight zone.

    The main condition for getting a pleasant feeling from the flight is complete relaxation of the body. Children are allowed only under the supervision of instructors; in this case, the operator reduces the speed of the propellers to a minimum.

    Attraction for entertainment and sports

    The wind tunnel has only recently become a full-fledged attraction, but it continues to be used as a sports simulator for training parachutists and athletes.

    Important to know! Simultaneous participation of two or more persons is permitted only for athletes with more than 30 minutes of individual flying experience.

    The device combines several functional purposes and can be used to prepare:

    • Parachutists and pilots - to improve their skills.
    • Acrobats - to prepare for performing complex stunts.
    • Children - for the purpose of general physical development and entertainment.
    • Adults - to increase physical activity and relaxation.

    In addition, many adults go to the aerodynamic simulator before making a skydive. Despite the fact that this experience cannot be compared with a full-fledged flight in the sky, the conditions are approximately similar.

    In addition, the attraction acts as a simulator. Countering the created load forces the core muscles of the body to work, due to which calories are actively burned during the flight. Coordination of movements improves significantly as the visitor becomes accustomed to controlling his own body. According to reviews from men, flying in a wind tunnel makes every boy’s childhood dreams of flying into space come true.

    Restrictions and contraindications for flying in a wind tunnel

    Every attraction has limitations, and the wind tunnel is no exception. But thanks to advanced safety technology, there are not so many of them:

    • the visitor's age must be from 5 to 75 years;
    • body weight ranges from 20 to 130 kg (depending on the engine power and the propeller used);
    • the visitor should not have health problems, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, or mental disorders;
    • Pregnant women are not allowed on the attraction;
    • The use of the attraction is not recommended for people who have undergone surgery or been injured;
    • People in a state of intoxication and under the influence of intoxicating substances (drugs) are not allowed into the flight area.

    Everyone else can experience flying in a wind tunnel and leave reviews of their own experience on the Internet.

    Who might be interested in the attraction?

    One of the first cities where flight in a wind tunnel was implemented was Moscow. This is an active form of leisure that allows you to get an unforgettable experience. It is completely safe and suitable for all people. Compliance with safety precautions, constant supervision of the instructor and control of the operator make using the attraction an interesting and accessible leisure activity. Giving a flight in a wind tunnel as a gift would be a great idea.

    I told Working Mom about what a wind tunnel is, what they are like, and how the flights work. Taisiya and her husband are involved in parachuting, and recommend flying in a wind tunnel to anyone who is afraid to jump with a parachute.

    Many of you have seen on television professional fly athletes doing incredible things in the air flow high above the ground. Anyone can experience a similar experience, thanks to the modern miracle of technology - the wind tunnel, the “wind tunnel”. This is a free fall simulator, in the air currents of which skydivers hone their skills and body control skills in free fall. As an attraction, the wind tunnel is available to anyone.

    I'll tell you a little about the design. Wind tunnels are of open and closed type. Open - seasonal attraction. The air is not heated. The “quality” of the air flow in such a pipe is far from ideal. Less comfort, less room for maneuver, less height. They are a “glass”, at the bottom of which a very large and powerful fan is installed, so the diameter of the pipe cannot be very large. Air is forced into the “pipe”, supporting the flyer. It is cheaper to fly in a tube of this design.

    A closed wind tunnel is a slightly different level of comfort. Air temperature is maintained at the same level all year round, perfectly smooth flow, large diameter and height, automatic and manual safety control, the ability to fly high, high! When flying in such a tube, you will not see rotating blades or hear the rumble of the turbine. They are installed in a separate room, pumping air through a closed circuit, and, if necessary, taking a new “portion” from the outside. But the cost of the flight will be higher.

    For a beginner, the flight begins with booking your time in advance. On the day of the flight, you need to arrive at the complex in advance, no later than 45 minutes before the flight. The administrator will register you in the flight group, the instructor will give you a special overall, helmet, goggles, you will change clothes and go to the training class for pre-flight briefing.
    The flight time is divided into sessions of 1.5-2 minutes, depending on the total number of minutes. During the flight, an experienced instructor will be with you in the flight chamber itself, guiding your actions.

    Children can fly starting from 4 years old. There are also real flying professionals, they learn to fly with a personal trainer, and participate in children's competitions (the sport is called bodyfly).

    Where to fly in Moscow with children

    1. Wind tunnel “Letarium”
    m. Krylatskoye
    From RUB 2,200/2 min.

    In Krylatskoye, a five-minute walk from the metro station, there is the Letarium indoor aerodynamic complex. You can fly in a closed wind tunnel and experience all the delights of free fall here all year round. Pipe height – 6.5 m, diameter – 2.5 m, speed – up to 250 km/h. Children from 4 years old and adults are invited to Letarium.

    2. Sports and entertainment complex and wind tunnel “Free Flight”
    Moscow region, Krasnogorsky district
    From RUB 2,000/2 min.

    Adults and children over 4 years old can fly in the closed-type wind tunnel “Free Flight”. This can be either an attraction or become a serious sports discipline - athletes are also trained here. The diameter of the Free Flight wind tunnel is 4.1 meters and the height is 7. The flow speed reaches 270 km/h. The wind tunnel was designed by the Swiss company Bodyflying A.G. and was built in 2009 by joint efforts of Russian and Swiss engineers.

    3. Aerostream wind tunnel
    m. Volzhskaya
    From 200 rub./1 min.

    The open-type wind tunnel “Airflow” operates at any time of the year. The weight of the participants is not important, but children under 16 years of age are allowed into the pipe only if accompanied by an adult. For the safety of participants, the wind tunnel is equipped with a plastic cup and a trampoline net that does not allow you to fly out of the air flow zone. The flow speed can reach 250 km/h.