September 1, 2017-2018: First lesson, the theme for this year is about a healthy lifestyle in general. Last year, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which the once widespread norms and standards of the GTO have again entered into modern school reality.

It is for this reason, for the ceremonial return, that the first lesson on September 1 can be held on the topic of the GTO and a healthy lifestyle in general. Although teachers are free to choose a topic for the first lesson, you can devote the lesson to the world, the Second World War. Although, with regard to the Great Patriotic War, this topic was most relevant in the last academic year, if we take into account the round date of 70 years of victory.

Education system readiness

September 1, 2017-2018: the first lesson, topic and presentation are selected depending on the age of the students and the city or village where the educational institution itself is located. By the beginning of the school year, many newspapers sum up the results and provide statistics on how prepared each region and the country as a whole are for the new school year. For example, about 1.3 million people should go to preschool institutions, schools and colleges in Moscow on September 1st.

Many institutions have already accepted and noted their readiness for the start of the school year. Moreover, this year the number of general students in the education system of the Russian capital alone will increase by 200 thousand people. The total number of schoolchildren is 850,000, college students are 600,000, and preschool children are 400,000.

Also, from the educational facts that the Moscow authorities gave on the eve of the days of knowledge, it can be noted that about 80% of parents prefer to send their children to educational institutions at their place of residence. Enrolling children in kindergartens and first grades of schools this year has also been simplified to a minimum, as many parents note. In honor of the holiday it will be relevant.

Interesting! On Knowledge Day in 2017, 22 new buildings will open their doors to children. These are 11 school buildings for 5,000 places, as well as 11 kindergartens for 3,000 places. Major renovations have been carried out in 24 buildings, and all schools are staffed with professional staff.

First lesson on Knowledge Day

In the 2017-2018 school year, the recommended topic for the first lesson is “Ready for Labor and Defense.” Traditionally, this lesson, regardless of the year, is called the “All-Russian Peace Lesson,” but the topic is already chosen at the district level. This year the topic is dedicated to the GTO, because since 2014, the GTO standards and the corresponding badges for their implementation have again been adopted at the state level.

GTO standards prepare schoolchildren for active physical activity and healthy work. As they say, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Therefore, it was decided to return the motivation to young people to engage in various physical exercises and fulfill the standards.

During September 1, 2017-2018: the first lesson, the topic “Ready for Labor and Defense,” teachers must tell students what this system is. For timely completion of standards, students will be able to receive gold, silver or bronze badges. But these badges will not just lie on the shelf; there is a motivation for receiving them: they will give certain points and bonuses for further admission to higher educational institutions of the country.

To conduct Knowledge Day on September 1 for your students according to all established rules, you need to talk about how personally prepared they are for work and defense. Despite the fact that the GTO system was liquidated in 1991, it existed in the Soviet Union for quite a long time. The reward system not only united and helped in life, it contributed to the spiritual and physical health of every student. Isn't this the main thing in the modern education system? Even though this system has stepped far forward.

September 1, 2017-2018: the first lesson, its topic is devoted to readiness for work and defense. There is an example on our website

A few days separate schoolchildren, teachers, and parents from the exciting holiday - Knowledge Day, which is traditionally celebrated on September 1. It is on this day that primary and secondary school students, high school students after the summer holidays set off to acquire new knowledge. And while children are trying on brand new backpacks and school uniforms, parents are checking whether everything was purchased for the beginning of the 2017 - 2018 school year, teachers are thinking and using search engines the answer to the question, what will be the topic of the first all-Russian lesson and class hour, recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2017 -2018 academic year? Every year we portal We are preparing this selection for you. And this year is no exception, we are ready to assist in preparing for the holiday and offers free download of collections of presentations (including with music), developments of classroom hours, ceremonial lines, peace lessons for September 1 for primary schools (1, 2, 3 , 4th grade), middle school (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th grade) and high school (10th, 11th grade).

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The topic of a single class hour for the 2017-2018 academic year - recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Together with you, dear teachers, we go to school every year. We closely follow the recommendations issued by both the federal Ministry of Education and its regional divisions. Everyone strives to learn the topic of a single class hour as early as possible. This year the recommended topic for mine formation is GTO. But we are faced with the fact that in the regions this topic is being changed to another, for example: Lesson of Peace, Beslan Tragedy, I am Talented, Year of Ecology, Safety in IT, Life Safety. There is no specific universal advice yet, but September 1 is inexorably approaching and will soon be on our heels. But, as you can see, we have already learned something, so we have collected an impressive collection of materials in one place so that it is convenient for you to download them for use. We selected material for several topics by grade, taking into account that someone would definitely teach a lesson on peace, while others would not give up a traditional knowledge lesson. The topic of nature conservation is relevant, since 2017 in Russia has been declared the Year of Ecology by Presidential Decree.

First lesson September 1, 2017 - 2018 school year: options for grades 1 - 11

The holiday is not only the day itself - September 1, but also the first lesson that children will remember. Often teachers invite parents to class. Every word of the teacher should be memorable, so the choice of topic is of great importance. Music, bright slides, flowers, bouquets, and balloons create a festive atmosphere.

Unity is our strength (unified all-Kuban class hour)

Theme of the class hour: “Ready for work and defense.”

Purpose of the event:to raise a healthy and patriotic generation of Russian society.

Event details: animators; ball, meter, gifts for winners.

Equipment: multimedia computer; projector; presentation.

Progress of the event.

Slide No. 1.

Teacher's word: Dear guys, I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, Knowledge Day!

Slide number 2. I am glad to see you matured, rested, tanned, happy. A new school year begins. May this year be full of new knowledge, pleasant events and fun activities for you. I also want to see you always healthy, for this we need to follow your daily routine, play sports, and eat right. Therefore, we devote our class hour to a healthy lifestyle and it is called: “Ready for work and defense.” Slide number 3.

This is exactly the topic recommended by the Ministry of Education for the first lesson in 2017-18. Probably, those who have already studied in a Soviet school are familiar with the abbreviation GTO. These three letters were well known in the Soviet Union. They personified the courage, strength and determination of the younger generation. Indeed, at that time, patriotic education and physical training of students were of great importance. Excellent results were achieved in this direction in the USSR. It seems that it was no coincidence that we decided to return to this positive experience, and our President V. Putin signed a Decree on holding the first lesson on the topic of the RLD. The issue of raising a healthy and patriotic generation is as acute as ever before Russian society.

Slide number 4. On the screen is a fragment of the cartoon “Sportlandia”. The boy loves to sleep and wants to receive the GTO badge just like that, without passing the GTO standards.

Two pillows run into the classroom. In total, 3 animators participate in the class hour. Two pillows and an alarm clock. These could be parents, guest entertainers, or children in your class. Pillows are the negative characters of your event. The alarm clock is a positive hero. Friend and protector of athletes.

1 pillow: - That’s right, children, never do today what you can put off until tomorrow.

2 pillow: - This is us, your girlfriends - sofa pillows.

1 pillow: - Raise your hands those who want to get a TRP badge just like that, we have them!!!

2 pillow: - Come with us to our country Lenivia, there you will receive a badge.

1 pillow: - Come with us, highly respected slackers, respected slackers, incomparable parasites (students who raised their hands are taken to the last desk, they are handed passports of the country of Lenivia).INThe class alarm clock runs in.

Alarm clock: - Guys, what have you done, how could you let your friends go to Lenivia. We need to save our classmates. Let's make our way to Lenivia and free our friends.

The alarm clock divides the remaining children into 2 teams.

If we prove to the pillows that we are the smartest, hardest working and athletic, they will let our friends go.

1 task. What sports tests are included in the GTO complex for your class?

Task 2. What are the GTO standards for your class?

3 task. What badges are awarded to students who pass the GTO standards?

Correct answer.

TABLE OF GTO STANDARDS - 3 STAGE (11-12 years old)


Running long jump (cm)







or standing long jump with a push with two legs (cm)







Throwing a ball weighing 150 g (m)

Skiing 2 km (min., sec.)







or 3 km

No time tracking

or 3 km cross country race*

No time tracking

Swimming 50 m (min., sec.)

No time tracking


No time tracking


Shooting from an air rifle from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or counter, distance - 5 m (points)

or from an electronic weapon from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or counter, distance 5 m (glasses)


Hiking trip with testing of tourist skills

for a distance of 5 km

Number of types of tests (tests) in the age group 10 10 10 10 10 10

Number of trials (tests) that must be completed to receive the insignia of the Complex** 6 7 8 6 7 8

Alarm clock: - I'm glad that you are so smart and knowledgeable, and also very friendly!

The next test is sports. The next competition is not new, it is a jumping competition.

Each team takes turns doing the long jump. The total of the entire team is recorded.

Alarm clock: - I'm proud, you are real athletes. You showed strength. Show some dexterity.

The teams stand opposite each other. They throw the ball to each other. The person who catches the ball names the Olympic sport. The winner is the team that does not drop the ball and names the most Olympic sports events.

Alarm clock: - Hurray, hurray, hurray!!! Champions, go!

Alarm clock: - I see your strength, agility, and now let's test your flexibility. As a team, reach the floor with your fingers. Look how scared the pillows were and prepared to escape. (The pillows run away, leaving their captives on the last desk.) - I believed in you, you are the most athletic class. They freed their friends from lazy captivity. I hope you don’t abandon them this school year. You will study, work and play sports together.

The competition participants are awarded to the song “Sports March”.

Rewarding. The winning team receives the balls.

The second team gets jump ropes.

Prisoners in the country of Lenivia are given leaflets with GTO standards.

Teacher. Did you like the class hour? Shall we play sports? Will we pass the GTO standards?

Alarm clock: - And every morning I will wake you up to exercise and make sure that none of you ends up in the country of Lazyvia. Goodbye.

Knowledge Day is an all-Russian holiday dedicated to the beginning of the school year. The first trip to school is an exciting, solemn moment for children, parents and teachers. According to the tradition that has developed since Soviet times, the class hour on September 1, 2017/2018 is held on the theme of peace. The purpose of such a lesson is to introduce children to national, cultural and universal values, to form patriotism and respect for other peoples. The priority of peace on earth creates conditions for acquiring new knowledge and realizing each person as an individual.

Concept, types and purpose of classroom hours

Class hour is a flexible form of communication between teacher and students, when students are involved in a particularly structured activity that helps them form the correct system of relationships to the surrounding space.

Class hour implements the following functions:

  • educational: the acquisition by students of new knowledge not included in the curriculum;
  • orienting: forming a position towards various phenomena of the surrounding reality;
  • guideline: application of acquired knowledge in practical life;
  • formative: developing the habit of thinking about your life, behavior, actions, the skill of fruitful communication and argumentation of your own opinion.

The class teacher is responsible for the organization, preparation, implementation and results of such lessons. The forms of activities are extensive and are determined by the age of the students, their individual psychological characteristics, experience and choice of the teacher.

These could be:

  • discussions,
  • competitions,
  • creative forms,
  • games,
  • trainings,
  • fun starts,
  • excursions.

According to a long-standing custom, the Day of Knowledge in Russian schools takes place in the form of a single class hour on September 1, 2017/2018, at which mutual congratulations are heard, school-wide news is reported, various creative groups and authoritative persons perform, and the necessary instructions are given.

Single class hours are also held throughout the year with several classes of a similar age category on important topics:

  • life safety;
  • Traffic Laws;
  • recommendations for behavior before the holidays;
  • significant events in the life of the school.

How to plan class topics for the school year

Class topics for September 1 and the current academic period are recommended by the Ministry of Education and structural divisions. Perhaps the governing bodies do not provide information, then school directors, based on the general concept of the educational institution, inform the teaching staff on what important points to pay attention to in conversations with students. Teachers plan lessons with a full range of guidelines in mind.

The aspects covered in the September 1st Peace Lesson vary depending on the age of the children. In elementary school, the same theme is used every year:

  • the concept of the Motherland and its distinctive signs;
  • ideas about peace and war;
  • humane attitude towards other people, animals, nature.

The teacher is free to choose the forms of conducting lessons at his personal discretion. From grades 5 to 9, topics become more complex. Famous personalities of the city or region, specially invited to the holiday, are able to inspire with a positive example of excellent studies and leave a favorable mark on the child’s soul. For senior classes, they choose deeper topics about the future profession, respect for elders, current problems of our time, and a healthy lifestyle.

The topics of class hours for 2017/2018 are developed individually by each teacher and cover a serious range of tasks of spiritual, moral, physical, social, civil, patriotic, and intellectual education. The concepts adopted by the state must be taken into account. For example, the standards “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) or the declared 2017 - the year of ecology. As well as recommendations from governing organizations and the school’s profile.

On September 1, schools will host a solemn assembly and several unusual lessons - a knowledge lesson, a peace lesson, a kindness lesson. On this day, children will be able to get used to the school environment after the summer holidays, exchange emotions and impressions with classmates, and tell their friends how the summer went.

Also see: Academic calendar for the 2017-2018 academic year

Knowledge Day 2017 for first graders

For every first-grader, September 1 is a very exciting day. The kids are looking forward to the beginning of their adult life, they go to the line in school uniforms with bright backpacks and numerous stationery. The rest of the guys will have a hard time, they have already felt the burden of responsibility on their shoulders and now they need to try to improve their results, improve their old subjects and prove themselves in new disciplines.

Each school has its own traditions regarding the holiday on September 1, but every year teachers congratulate students on the beginning of the school year. First-graders are rightfully considered the heroes of the occasion; for them this day is unusually exciting. On September 1, kids come with flowers to meet their classmates and teachers and try not to miss a single word that will be said to them.

Knowledge Day always means congratulations written on a blackboard with chalk, bright balloons and real school desks at which every child sits with delight. First-graders will have to master a large amount of material, this is provided for in the programs. The key to further success will be a solid foundation that will allow you to achieve any heights after graduation.

According to tradition, on the first day of school, a thematic educational class hour on a serious topic should be held. Teachers must agree in advance with the administration on the topic of the first lesson; it is very important to have a conversation with the children. The head of state often touches on the issue of sports, which plays an important role in the lives of the younger generation. Sports victories are the direct path to higher achievements, which is why various competitions are often held within the school’s walls. Schools open after the holidays on September 1 and parents should help create the right schedule in which it will be appropriate to combine hours of sports, homework, rest, walks and sleep.

How to celebrate Knowledge Day on September 1, 2017

What to give your child for Knowledge Day? It is very important for parents to give their child a talisman or souvenir that he will carry with him every day. Adult schoolchildren will be delighted with a gym membership, tickets to a concert of their favorite band, to the theater or cinema. At the same time, it is important to be interested in the child’s successes throughout the school year and to help overcome difficulties. You should definitely celebrate Knowledge Day with your family.

Parents should also understand that a good education for a child is the beginning of a new stage in life. Specialized schools with interesting electives, sports sections and clubs require material investments, and it is not always possible to simply allocate the necessary amount from your budget. Parents should think about this issue; they will probably have to give up some of their preferences and pay maximum attention to the development of their children.

Knowledge Day in Russia

It so happened historically that on September 1 in Rus' they celebrated the harvest holiday, and during the reign of Peter the Great - the New Year. Somewhat later, an important decision was made - to move the New Year to January 1, as noted in Europe. Children went to school in mid-September and October, and rural schools began teaching literacy on December 1. Today, the first day of autumn is proudly celebrated as “Knowledge Day”; it should not be confused with Teacher’s Day, it is a separate holiday.

Officially, September 1 has been celebrated in the USSR since 1984; until it was given the status of a state holiday, it was the most ordinary day. It began with a ceremonial assembly, and then regular lessons were held. According to the good old tradition, congratulations should be heard from representatives of the city and district administration.

The academic year in Russian schools lasts until the end of May, it is divided into quarters and there are holidays between them, and a procedure is carried out for issuing final grades in all subjects.

Knowledge Day in Ukraine

Children go to school with flowers on September 1 to congratulate teachers on the start of the school year. The festive line-up takes place throughout Ukraine; everyone can say parting words to students in the new school year. The Ukrainian anthem sounds solemnly, and then the high school student carries the bell on his shoulders to the first grader - the first bell rings for the whole school.

Teachers conduct classroom hours, which are usually devoted to the theme of Peace. At the request of children and parents, you can arrange a sweet table, pre-order sweets and drinks for the children. Newly arrived university students on Knowledge Day are invited to a dedication concert, and at this time senior students are already gnawing on the granite of science in lectures. September 1 is celebrated in every educational institution, and teachers and students congratulate all those present. The long-awaited holiday for those who first crossed the threshold of school is Knowledge Day. September 1 is an exciting event for every child, which is accompanied by a traditional class hour. This day is celebrated by all schoolchildren, students, teachers and educators. It is important to choose the right parting words that will become a guide for each student.

Congratulations on Knowledge Day 2017 and the beginning of the new academic year

Knowledge baggage will always be useful to you,
The main thing is to strive for something new in life,
Knowledge to always replenish,
To actually apply them all!

We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
You learn everything you need,
Be joyful and happy you
And always make all your dreams come true!

Let the light of teaching shine on you,
Lighting up the roads in fate,
Opening the path to happiness for you,
Helping you reach your dream faster!

On Knowledge Day I wish you to study
Life from different sides in order to understand it,
And to become smarter over the years,
And to treat everything wisely!

We all need knowledge
You're not afraid of them in life
Shadows of stupidity on the mind
Never to anyone!

So learn day by day,
We expect success from you,
May the light of teaching be upon you
Opens the way to dreams!

The school year is starting again,
Celebrating Knowledge Day today,
Feel your interest in science
And actually implement it!

With every page you read again
Let the world's borders expand,
Let knowledge open to you
All paths are happy in fate!

Acquire knowledge
In any situation,
Study life in detail
So as not to face longing!

And on Knowledge Day we wish,
So that knowledge is always
They helped you a lot,
Without harming you!

We celebrate Knowledge Day every year,
May he pass by joyfully today,
Will reveal something new to you,
Will show you the straight path to your dream!

Let there be only successes ahead,
You always expect gifts from life,
I wish you never to lose heart,
Strive for goals and achieve them!