Scenario for an intellectual quiz on traffic rules “In the Land of Road Signs” (for 5th grade)

Bestik Irina Viktorovna, teacher of the Regional Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Children with Hearing Impairments, KSU, Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk.
Description: The script for the intellectual quiz on traffic rules “In the Land of Road Signs” is intended for educators and teachers of 5th grade when conducting extracurricular activities and activities on traffic rules in a playful way on this topic. The intellectual quiz promotes the development of logical thinking and memory in children, instills critical thinking skills and cognitive interest, and also helps to consolidate children's knowledge of road signs.

Target: conducting an intellectual quiz on traffic rules about road signs.
- repeat and consolidate students’ knowledge about road signs;
- develop cognitive interest among 5th grade students;
- instill skills of safe behavior on the street;
- develop logical thinking, cognitive abilities and memory in children.

Quiz progress:

Hello guys! Today we will conduct a fascinating intellectual quiz on traffic rules, and we will devote it to road signs.
Guys, what are road signs?
Children's answers.
A road sign is a technical means of road safety, a standardized graphic design installed near the road to convey certain information to road users. In order not to get confused in the rules of the road, you guys need to learn the road signs.

Guess who's coming?
Well, of course, a pedestrian!
Everyone will become a pedestrian
Who will go hiking on foot?
pedestrian path
Will save him from cars
After all, walking along that path
Maybe only a pedestrian!
I'm walking along the sidewalk
There is no way for cars here!
Well, the signs will tell me
Where to cross the road.
I suggest you solve riddles about road signs.

Didactic game “Riddles about road signs”

Task: guess riddles about road signs.
1. What kind of miracle is this?
Two humps like a camel?
This sign is triangular
What is it called?
(Rough road)

2. The sign was hung at dawn,
So that everyone knows about this:
The roads are being repaired here -
Take care of your feet!
(Men at work)

3. I'm an expert on the rules of the road
I parked my car here
To the parking lot near the fence -
She also needs to rest.
(Parking location)

4. On the road sign
A man walks.
Striped paths
They made a bed under our feet.
So that we don't have any worries
And they walked forward along them.
(Pedestrian crossing)

5. Red circle, and in it is my friend,
A fast friend is a bicycle.
The sign says: here and around
There is no access for bicycles.
(Riding bicycles is prohibited)

6. A round sign with a window in it,
Don't rush rashly
Think a little
What is this, a brick dump?
(No entry)

7. If you're tired on the road,
If you go far,
Rest a little driver
Space has been reserved here.
(resting place)

8. Here's a fork, here's a spoon,
We refueled a little,
We also fed the dog...
We say “thank you” to the sign.
(Food station)

Leading: Guys, when do you think the first road signs appeared?
Children's answers.
Leading: Road signs appeared as soon as man invented roads. People needed them to mark travel routes. For these purposes, ancient people used all available means: broken branches, notches in the bark of trees, stones of a certain shape placed along the roads. Now let's remember what road signs are often found in our city? The game is called “Remember the Signs”.

Didactic game “Remember the signs”

Assignment: you need to name the road sign shown in the picture.

Answers: 1- “Gas station”, 2- “Driving without stopping is prohibited”, 3- “Underground pedestrian crossing”, 4 – “Railway crossing without a barrier”, 5- “Telephone”, 6- “Roundabout”, 7 – “Attention” , children", 8- "Bicycle path".
Leading: At first, each country had its own road signs. When road communications began to develop between countries, the need arose to introduce international road signs. In 1909, at the International Conference on Road Signs in Paris, four international road signs were adopted: “Rough Road”, “Steep Incline”, “Dangerous Curve” and “Railway Crossing with Barrier”.
In 1968, at the next conference, 126 characters were already introduced. In 1978, a new GOST was adopted, which established 8 groups of road signs. Guys, name the groups of road signs.
Children's answers.
Leading: Well done, you know the groups of road signs well. Let's remember what each group of road signs means. I offer you a game called “Groups of Road Signs”.

Didactic game “Groups of road signs”

Assignment: answer the question about the types of road signs by choosing one correct answer.
1. What road signs establish the order of passage through intersections, road crossings or narrow sections of the road?
A) priority signs ;
B) prohibition signs;
B) warning signs;
D) permission signs.

2. What road signs inform drivers that they are approaching a dangerous section of the road that requires action to be taken?
A) priority signs;
B) prohibiting;
B) permissive;
G) warning .

3. Which road signs introduce or remove certain traffic restrictions?
A) permissive;
B) priority signs;
B) warning;
G) prohibiting .

4. What road signs are installed in the immediate vicinity of the place where the regulation comes into force?
A) priority signs;
B) informational;
B) service marks;
G) prescriptive .

5. What road signs inform about the location of populated areas and other objects, as well as established or recommended traffic modes?
A) service marks;
B) informational ;
B) priority signs;
D) permissive.

6. What road signs indicate the location of the relevant objects?
A) priority signs;
B) informational;
B) signs of additional information;
G) service signs .

7. What road signs clarify or limit the effect of the signs with which they are used?
A) priority signs;
B) additional information signs ;
B) index fingers;
D) informational.

8. What road signs introduce or cancel certain driving modes?
A) index fingers;
B) prohibiting;
IN) signs of special regulations ;
D) permissive.

Leading: To ensure traffic safety, there are road signs. There are many of them, they have different colors and shapes. This was done so that everyone involved in road traffic - both pedestrians and drivers - could better understand the language of signs. All road signs help organize traffic. Now let's, guys, check how well you know the rules of the road.

Blitz survey “Yes or no”

Assignment: you need to answer the questions correctly using only two answer options - yes or no.

Answers: 1 - no, 2 - yes, 3 - no, 4 - no, 5 - yes, 6 - no, 7 - yes, 8 - yes.
Road signs have a special language,
And everyone needs to get used to reading them.
And at first glance I would be able to understand
What danger should we expect on the road?
And I hope everyone knows what all the signs mean?

Now we will check how you know road signs. The game is called “Scanword “Road Signs”

Scanword "Road signs"

Task: guess the crossword puzzle about road signs.

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Slide captions:

Interactive quiz on traffic rules Presentation compiled by Irina Nikolaevna Byankina, teacher at Secondary School No. 457 in Moscow

Rules Teams answer in turns. Each question is worth 1 point. For a correct answer, the team receives 1 point; for an incorrect answer, the number of points does not change. The correct answer is indicated by Wrong answer.

EH, ROADS.. BICYCLE PUZZLES SIGNS 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SITUATION!

Venice Rome Palermo Which Italian city has absolutely no cars?

England France Ukraine When we want to cross the road, we first look to the left, and when we reach the middle of the road, we look to the right. Residents of which country do the exact opposite?

Flogging Community service Seizure of a vehicle What punishment, in accordance with the decree of 1730, awaits a coachman who violates traffic rules?


answer transition

answer road

answer tram

answer parking

14 years old 12 years old 13 years old At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on the streets and roads?

Stop Turn Right Danger What information is the moving cyclist trying to communicate?

On the sidewalk On the bike path In stadiums, in courtyards Where is it prohibited for a cyclist to ride?

Carrying passengers on a bicycle is permitted... Up to 7 years old on a special seat Only on the frame On the back seat, but with a helmet

Who will pass first? Motorcyclist Motorist Cyclist

How will the cars go? B and D together A, B, D A and C together A B C D

The pedestrian approached an intersection, which is regulated by a traffic light and a traffic controller. Who should a pedestrian obey when crossing? Traffic light controller Act at your own discretion

Where can you expect public transport? In places with public transport stop signs At the edge of the roadway Any place on the roadway

How will the cars go? Venice Rome Palermo

First traffic light, London

What unusual vehicle did the hero of the Russian fairy tale “At the Pike's Command” use? answer

A section of road located near a child care facility where children may appear. A section of road temporarily used for sports competitions. Treadmill What is this sign?

Pedestrian path Pedestrian traffic is prohibited Pedestrian crossing What is this sign?

Bicycles are prohibited Give way to a cyclist Bicycle path What is this sign?

No. 2 No. 1 No. 3 Which sign is called “Pedestrian crossing”? No. 1 No. 2 No. 3


First traffic light, London

USA August 1914 traffic light

Japan 1920 first three-color traffic light


The author of the template is Korovina Irina Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, MBOU “Secondary School No. 9”, Safonovo, Smolensk region Resources used: index.php?act=Print&client=printer&f=67&t=2153

Class hour development

"Own game"

(according to traffic rules for 5th grade students)

Compiled by:

Buchmiller Tatyana Yakovlevna

foreign language teacher

MCOU Bagan Secondary School No. 1

Class hour

Your own game "Traffic rules"

Target: Systematize knowledge of traffic rules, promote the development of the belief that compliance with traffic rules is a reliable guarantee of safety.


    Development of observation, independent thinking, attentiveness on the roads;

    Fostering a culture of behavior on the street, in public transport, in residential areas.

Progress of the event

1. The law of streets and roads is strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks down the street as he pleases, without following the rules.

2. But this law is at the same time very good: it saves people from terrible misfortune, protects their lives.

1. Therefore, only excellent knowledge of the rules allows us to confidently cross the street. Today you have the opportunity to show how you know these rules.

2. And so that none of you gets tired, we will conduct our lesson in the form of a game.

1. To do this, you need to divide into two teams, come up with a name and choose a team captain.

2. So, our first competition is for attentiveness. If you act in accordance with the traffic rules, then answer in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” If not, keep quiet.

1. Which one of you is going forward?

Only where the transition is?

2. Who flies forward so quickly

What does the traffic light not see? (Silent.)

1. Who knows that red light -

Does this mean there is no move?

(It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

2. Who didn’t want to obey their elders?

And hit a truck?


1. Who knows that the light is green

Does it mean: “The way is open”?

(It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

2. And now we move on to “Own Game”.

Your own game

1. Teams take turns choosing a question and its cost. If the question is answered correctly, the corresponding number of points is credited to the team's account. If the question is answered incorrectly, the team receives zero points and the turn goes to the opposing team. This question will not be chosen again by either team.

2. Today the game offers questions on the following topics:

    Road signs

    Actions on the road


    What do you have?

1. Before starting the game, we determine the right of the first move.

2. So, let's start the game, I ask the team to choose the first question

Road signs






Actions on the road












What do you have?






Road signs

100 What form are prohibiting road signs in Russia? (round)

200 What word is written on the road sign, the only one that has an octagonal shape? (stop)

300 How many human figures are there on the “end of residential area” road sign? (2 figures)

400 How many white arrows are there on a roundabout sign? (three arrows)

500 What kind of miracle is this, two humps like a camel? This sign is triangular, what is it called? (rough road)

Actions on the road

100 Which side should you go around the tram from? Route taxi?(Front, back)

200 At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on city streets?(from 14 years old)

300 At what age is it legal to ride in the front seat of a car?(from 12 years old)

400 What is the maximum permitted speed for vehicles in populated areas?(60 km/h)

500 Which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk on?(on the right)


100 What gift did Uncle Fyodor's parents give to postman Pechkin?(Bike)

200 What did old Hottabych fly on?(On an airplane carpet)

300 What did the absent-minded man from Basseynaya Street go to Leningrad on?(Train)

400 What did Baron Munchausen fly on?(On the core)

500 Leopold the cat's favorite mode of transport?(Bike)

What do you have?

100 What is an expressway called in Germany?(autobahn)

200 Do you drive on the UK's roads on the left or on the right?(left-handed)

300 Where was the first traffic light invented?(London)

400 What kind of conversation while driving can cost a British driver a £1,000 fine?(by mobile phone)

500 Which Italian city has no cars?(Venice)

2 .While the jury is summing up the results, I offer you the next competition “Gestures” (there are cards with images of traffic signs on the table. The task of the team captains is to depict the sign so that the team can guess it)

1. Well done, let's sum up the game. The team….scored… points, the team……scored…. points.

2. Dear friends, our game has come to an end. Today we reviewed the Rules of the Road, actively participated in competitions and showed good knowledge.

1. Remember that you must always follow the traffic rules and not put your life and the lives of people around you in danger!

Slide 2

Which pedestrians violate traffic rules?

Slide 3

Slide 4

Which cyclist signals a right turn?

Slide 5

Slide 7

At what minimum age is it permissible to transport children in the front seat of a car without a special child seat?

  • 8 years
  • 10 years
  • 12 years old
  • 14 years old
  • 16 years old
  • Slide 8

    What signal does the traffic controller give?

    a) pedestrian traffic is prohibited;

    b) pedestrians are allowed to cross the roadway from the right and left sides of the traffic controller;

    c) pedestrians are allowed to cross the road behind the traffic controller.

    Slide 9

    Which cyclist signals to turn left?

    Slide 10

    Which of the proposed road signs belong to the group of road signs with special instructions?

    Slide 11

    What is the meaning of the term "bicycle"?

    a) two-wheeled vehicle without a motor for adults and children;

    b) two- or three-wheeled vehicle for children and adults;

    c) a vehicle, other than wheelchairs, that has two or more wheels and is driven by the muscular power of the people on it.

    Slide 12

    Which picture shows an unregulated pedestrian crossing?

    Slide 13

    Select from the proposed road signs those that regulate pedestrian traffic.

    Slide 14

    What signal does the traffic controller give?

    a) pedestrians are allowed to cross the road behind the traffic controller;

    b) pedestrians are allowed to cross the roadway from the right side of the traffic controller;

    c) pedestrian traffic is prohibited;

    Slide 15

    Which cyclist gives the stop signal?

    Slide 16

    Which picture shows a “motor vehicle”?

    a) on 1. b) on 1 and 2. c) on all pictures.

    Slide 17

    What do all the traffic lights on at the same time mean?

    a) you can start crossing the road;

    b) the green signal will soon turn on and you need to prepare to cross the road;

    c) the traffic light is not working.

    Slide 18

    Which of these signs indicates where you can cross the road?

    a) sign No. 1; b) sign No. 2; c) both signs.

    Slide 19

    What is the braking distance?

    a) the distance traveled by the car from the moment the driver discovered the danger until it came to a complete stop;

    b) the distance traveled by the car from the moment you press the brake pedal until it comes to a complete stop.

    Slide 20

    What does this sign mean?

    a) such a road sign does not exist;

    b) indicates a place where pedestrian traffic is prohibited;

    c) warns drivers when approaching a pedestrian crossing.

    Slide 21

    What determines the length of the braking distance?

    a) the weight of the car;

    b) on the speed of the car;

    c) on the condition of the road;

    d) from all of the above reasons.

    Slide 22

    What sign is called "Pedestrian path"?

    Slide 23

    What mistake do children make when crossing the road?

    a) four of them cross the road;

    b) mistakes are not allowed;

    c) are inattentive when crossing the road.

    Slide 24

    Who is called the driver?

    a) a person driving a wheelchair without a motor;

    b) a person driving any vehicle;

    c) a person driving a bicycle.

    Slide 26

    If, due to the fault of a pedestrian, an accident occurs, as a result of which a car or roadside buildings are damaged, the offender is punished as follows:

    a) the traffic police inspector will warn him;

    b) the violator will be fined;

    c) the violator will be fined and will have to pay compensation for damage from the accident.

    Slide 27

    It is dangerous to cross the road in this area.

    Slide 28

    At what age is it legal to drive a bicycle while driving on the road?

    • 10 years
    • 14 years old
    • 12 years old
    • 16 years old
  • Slide 29

    Which picture shows a traffic violation?

    Child road traffic injuries are of particular concern. Thousands of children and teenagers die and are injured on the roads of Russia every year. Every seventh victim was under 16 years old. Of the dead, 40% are children! Of the total number of affected children, more than 80% become disabled, the number of which increases annually by approximately 3 thousand people.

    Slide 34

    In the Amur Region in 2006, 173 road accidents occurred involving children, in which 10 children died and 185 were injured of varying degrees of severity.

    Most often, children aged 12 to 16 years were involved in road accidents.

    At age: up to 7 years - 4 died and 39 were injured;

    7 – 12 years – 2 died and 77 injured;

    12 – 16 years old – 4 died and 69 injured.

    In 2006, 49 road accidents occurred in the Romnensky district, in which 17 people were injured and 2 people died.

    Traffic police officers detained 84 drivers driving while intoxicated, 24 for refusing a medical examination, 116 drivers driving vehicles without a driving license, 589 speeding violators, 162 pedestrians violating traffic rules.

    The amount of fines imposed was 206,900 rubles.

    View all slides


    Road signs








    Traffic Laws


    Our true friends

















    What is the name of this road sign?


    Pedestrian crossing


    At what light can cars move?


    To green


    What are we talking about?

    I really need him on the way,

    Where to cross the road?

    He will tell you the “what” and “how”

    His name is... ?


    Road sign


    Which sign is extra and why?


    An extra “Children” sign, because it is warning, and the rest are prohibitive.


    What types of transport do you know?


    Land, air, sea, river, underground


    What kind of car is this and what type of transport does it belong to?

    Hey, don't stand in the road!

    The car rushes in alarm,

    Why is she in such a hurry?

    How why?

    Put out the fire!


    A fire truck is a special type of vehicle


    How should a pedestrian behave when special vehicles approach and when they give their signals?


    Give way


    What kind of transport is this?

    At first this type of transport looked like a small

    trolley and could accommodate no more than 20 passengers.

    He was powered by electricity using a roller,

    which rolled along the wire. The roller often fell off,

    and he froze in place. Passengers patiently

    waited for the driver to fix the problem,

    and set off again.




    Why can't you play on the roadway or on the sidewalk? Where can I play?


    This is life-threatening. You can play in the yard, on a playground or sports ground


    At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on city streets and highways?


    From 14 years old


    How to cross the road correctly and safely if there are no cars visible on the roadway?


    Stop on the roadway. Look left and right and only then move, continuing to observe.

    Question (own game)

    The passenger got off the bus, where should he go from the boarding area?


    When exiting the bus, the passenger must go to the sidewalk, walk to the nearest crossing and cross the street there.


    What is this riddle about?

    He is both polite and strict,

    He is famous all over the world.

    He's on a wide street

    The most important commander.


    Traffic light


    Miracle wand, she

    Everyone knows it, everyone can see it.

    Visible during the day, but in the evening

    Lighted from inside.


    Traffic controller's rod


    What traffic light signal does this traffic controller pose correspond to?


    Yellow traffic light


    Who should drivers and pedestrians obey if the traffic controller's signals do not coincide with the traffic light signals?


    Only traffic controller signals


    striped pointer, Like a wand from a fairy tale.




    The night is dark. There's no sun. So that the night comes without troubles, People need a beacon - One-legged firefly.




    Going out on the street Prepare in advance Politeness and restraint And most importantly -




    What is this zebra crossing on the road? Everyone stands with their mouths open, Wait for the green light to blink. So this is...




    Captains competition


    What a fairytale heroine

    old age said

    about myself like this: “... and I always move

    street in the wrong place"?




    On what vehicle?

    the lions rode in the poem

    K. Chukovsky “Cockroach”?


    In the car


    In what children's fairy tale book,

    written back in 1958,

    television is described in detail

    surveillance system

    for street traffic?


    "Dunno in Sunny City"

    N.N. Nosova


    At what age can a child

    sit alone in the first seat

    car that's nearby

    with a driver?


    12 years old

    End of the game

    Thank you for your attention


    active participation!!!