Specialists: tel. 22-4-58

Center for Monitoring Quality Assessment of Education: tel. 23-8-53

Elementary interschool methodological center: tel. 23-8-53

Center for psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance to children with developmental problems: tel. 23-8-53

MUDOD "Yadrinsky District House of Children's Creativity": tel. 22-2-12 (82 creative associations)

MUDOD "Children and Youth Sports School": tel.22-5-19 (47 sports groups in 8 types)

Brief description of the area

Yadrinsky district was founded in October 1927

On the territory of the district there are 125 settlements, which are united into 18 settlements. The city of Yadrin of regional significance is an urban settlement. In 12 settlements out of 125 the population is mainly of Russian origin, and in the rest - of Chuvash nationality.

General characteristics of the district's education system

The district's education system has 19 secondary schools, of which 11 -medium, 8 – basic, 11 preschool educational institutions, of which 3 kindergartens are located in the city, 8 – in rural areas, 2 institutions of additional education (House of Children's Creativity and Children's and Youth Sports School).

In general education schools in the 2008-2009 academic year, there were 3807 students: in primary – 1256 (city -517, village 739), at 5-9 – 1981 (city 796, village – 1185), at 10-11 – 577 (city - 259, village - 318) students.

In preschool educational institutions they educate 1050 children, in addition, 15 short-stay groups – 230 children. Thus, the coverage of preschool education is 1280 children or 61,2% of their total number.

There are 2,106 students in additional education institutions, and in the House of Children's Creativity there are 2,106 people in 97 creative associations (coverage is 55.5%).

Dynamics of average class sizes : 2008/09 – 17 19,5 ), 2007/08 – 17 (republican indicator – 21 ). In the urban-rural context, respectively (2007/08): 24,8 -city (republican indicator – 25), 17 -village (republican indicator 17). In 2008/09 - class sizes - 25: in the city - 25, in the village - 13.8.

Number of students per 1 teacher:

2007/08: city- 12,9 (republican indicator - 15); village- 7,8 (republican indicator - 10); this year in the city - 15,5 , around the village- 8,5.





Prepared and carried out

English teacher

Municipal educational institution "Baldaevskaya Secondary School"

Shipeeeva V.A.

Quiz lesson

in 10th grade on the topic

“Countries of the language being studied - USA and UK”

Lesson objectives:

  1. generalization of the studied material;

  2. formation of stable knowledge about these countries in students, development of their horizons and increasing cognitive interests in the language, generalization of the material studied;

  3. developing students' fluent communication skills in English.

School assembly hall.

I. Preface

Good morning, my dear boys and girls! I'm glad to see you. Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. You see we have many guests. They are teachers of foreign language of schools of our district.

Today you will speak about two main English-speaking countries: the United States of America and Great Britain. The aim of the lesson is to show your knowledge of these countries and your ability to speak English.

As it is an unusual lesson, we’ll have a board of adjudicators that are members of the jury. So, jury, take your places here. Now boys and girls, the members of the jury will give points for your answers. So, try to do your best to be the first, to get as many points as possible. I wish you good luck!

II. Command View

Dear guests, colleagues! Here on the stage you can see two teams. Let them introduce themselves.

We are from Great Britain. We are from the USA.

We are young Englishmen. We are young Americans.

III. Team stories about countries on the map

Young Englishmen's story.

Our country is called Great Britain. It is located in the northwestern part of Europe. Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales. Its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Now Great Britain is a highly developed industrial capitalist country. Agriculture is also highly mechanized. There are many cities there. For example: London, Manchester, Liverpool, Cambridge, Oxford, Cardiff and others. They are important industrial centres. Rivers of Great Britain are not long. The main of them are Thames, Clyde and Severn.

The population of the United Kingdom is almost 56 million. Our country is a parliamentary monarchy. Officially the head of the country is a queen or a king. The British Parliament consists of two Houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The main political parties are the Conservative, Liberal, Social-Democratic and Labor parties. The Conservative party is at the head now. The Prime-minister is John Maier.

Young Americans' story.

The United States of America is a large English-speaking country. It is located in the central part of the Northern American continent. It is bounded by Canada in the north and Mexico in the south and washed by the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The area of ​​the USA is over nine million square kilometers. There are two highland regions in the country: the Appalachian Mountains and the Cordillera. In the USA there are 5 Great Lakes and the Great Salt Lake. The main rivers of the United States of America are Snt Lawrence River. The population of the USA is more than 250 million people. Mostly they live in big cities, like New York, Washington, Boston, San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit and others. All these cities are big and different industries are developed there: heavy industries, automobile, ship-building, textile and other industries.

The United States of America is a federal republic, consisting of fifty states. The Congress consists of two houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate. In the USA there are two main political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The Democratic party is at the head now with the president of Bill Clinton.

IV. Musical break

Moscow Suburb Nights”

M: Solovyov-Sedoy

W: M. Matusovsky

  1. Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In a sleepy grove until dawn

How I love these nights, Moscow suburb nights

The caress of the waking sun.

  1. The calm rolling stream seem to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight,

In my heart I hear singing come and go

On these wonderful summer nights.

V. Stories about capitals of countries


London is one of the biggest cities in the world. It is the capital of Great Britain with the population of over 8 million people in it. It is located on the Thames River. London consists of three parts: the City, the oldest part of it; the East End the poorest part; the West End with many museums, cinemas, theaters and beautiful parks and hotels.

London has many places of interest. One of the beautiful sights is the Clock Tower or Big Ben on the Houses of Parliament and near it there is Westminster Abbey. Many great Englishmen were buried here. The British Museum is one of the most famous museums or the world with more than 6 million books in its library. Trafalgar Square is one of the most beautiful squares in London. There is a monument to Admiral Nelson for his victories in the war against Napoleon. There are also fine parks, for example Hyde Park.


Washington is the capital of the United States of America. George Washington, the first American president, chose the place for the city and it was named after George Washington.

Washington has many interesting places. There are fine parks and squares with monuments or memorials. The best-known ones are the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.

The capital has many other famous buildings and monuments – the Library of Congress, the Capitol, the National Gallery of Art and others. The Capitol is in the center of the city. It is the building of Congress of the USA. White House is the home of the president.

VII. Questions about countries and capitals.

E: Where is Great Britain located?

Are there any mountains or river?

What can you say about the Houses of Parliament?

Who is the Prime-Minister?

(“The Americans” answer).

A: What is the capital of our country?

How many million people live there?

What main rivers of the USA do you know?

Who is the President of the country?

VII. A minute of poetry.

(Team members recite poems by heart).

For example:

To a False Friend

  1. Our hands have met but not our hearts
Our hands will never meet again

Friends, if we have ever been

Friends we can't remain now.

  1. I only know I loved you once,
I only know I loved in vain

Our hands have met but not our hearts

Our hands will never meet again.

VIII. In what countries are these cities?

London, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Edinburgh, Detroit, Manchester, Cambridge, New York, Philadelphia, Stratford, Cardiff, Belfast, Boston and so on.

X. US States

(On pieces of paper, teams write the names of states known to them. For each state, one point to the team). For example: Texas, Nebraska, Nevada, Louisiana, Missouri, Carolina and so on. While the task is being completed, you can perform songs, poems, jokes, and skits in English.

XI. Famous people of the countries of the language being studied

Similar to task No. X).

XII. Proverbs

Name these provers in English.

  1. Knowledge is power.

  2. Wait and see.

  3. The morning is wiser than the evening.

  4. All's well that ends well.

  5. It's never too late to learn.

  6. He who laughs last laughs best.

  7. Better late than never.

  1. Live forever, learn forever.

  2. A friend is known in need.

  3. Never leave for tomorrow what you can do today

  4. Don't lose heart.

  5. We learn from mistakes.

  6. Away is good, home is better.

  7. There is safety in numbers.
XIII. Choose the correct answer

  1. Where does the President of the United States live and work?

  1. in Congress;

  2. in the White House;

  3. in the Pentagon.

  1. Which is the biggest state in the USA?

  1. Texas;

  2. California;

  3. Alaska.

  1. How many states are there in the USA?

  1. 520;

  1. When did the American Civil War end?

  1. 1789;

  2. 1865;

  3. 1776.

  1. Who was the first president of the USA?

  1. George Washington;

  2. A. Lincoln;

  3. Ulysses Grant.

  1. Why do the Americans celebrate the 4th of July?

  1. The first moon landing;

  2. Declaration of independence;

  3. The end of the American Civil War.

  1. In which city is Hollywood?

  1. New York;

  2. San Francisco;

  3. Los Angeles.
XIV. Blitz tournament.

  1. Who is the author of “Adventure of Tom Sawyer”?

  2. Who was Tom Sawyer's friend?

  3. What is the real name of Mark Twain?

  4. How many persons were there in a boat with J.K. Jerome?

  5. Name them.

  6. What was the name of the dog?

  7. Name R.Kipling's books.

  8. Who is the author of “Jane Eyre”?

  9. Who wrote the novel “Sister Carrie”?

  10. Who is the author of “Alice in Wonderland”?

  11. What is D. Defoe famous for?




Scientific and practical conference of class teachers

“Current problems of raising children

in the context of modernization of education in the region"
Section: Ethnopedagogization of content

and the process of raising children at school

Serebryakova Nadezhda Valerianovna,

teacher of Chuvash language and literature,

7th grade homeroom teacher

Municipal educational institution “Baldayevskaya Secondary School”

Baldayevo 2006

1. Introduction……………………………………………………3 pages.
2. Course “Education of a moral personality in

ethnopedagogical traditions”…………………………. 4-7 pp.

1) “In the land of a hundred thousand songs.”

  1. “Do you know such a country?”

  2. "The story of my family."

  3. “It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times.”

  4. Labor landing.

3. Conclusion……………………………………………………………… 8 pages.

Education of the moral personality of the younger generation is put forward today as one of the most important.

Morality - internal, spiritual qualities that guide a person, ethical standards; rules of behavior determined by these qualities.

In the aspect of moral education of children, turning to ethnopedagogical traditions is especially fruitful. The first steps in mastering the national culture and spiritual values ​​of the Chuvash people begin in children's educational institutions and schools with familiarization with the language, customs, traditions, and history of the native land. This is how the national-regional component is woven into the educational process.

A sense of personality and human dignity is unthinkable without national self-awareness, based on a feeling of spiritual connection with the people. This is exactly how G.N. Volkov understood the task of education and most fully explored the problem of folk pedagogy. He first introduced the term “ethnopedagogy” into pedagogical science.

So that the love for native roots that bind people into historical unity is not lost, I began to conduct educational work in the classroom according to the “Halakh Pedagogy” program of ethnopedagogist G.N. Volkov. To make my work interesting and to cultivate in children all those spiritual qualities that our ancestors passed on from generation to generation, I set a course “Education of a moral personality based on ethnopedagogical traditions.” And my credo in educational work became the ethnopedagogical ring of G.N. Volkov: “Without historical memory, there is no tradition. Without traditions there is no culture, without culture there is no education, without education there is no spirituality, without spirituality there is no personality.”
^ Purpose of the course: formation of a moral personality on ethnopedagogical


Course objectives:

  1. Children’s mastery of the culture of their people, folklore; study of folk customs, traditions, crafts.

  2. Fostering the need to study the history of the native land, village, district.

  3. Revival and development of folk games, education of a healthy person.

  4. Studying the works and creativity of local writers and poets, nurturing musical culture.
The course consists of 5 blocks:

    1. "In the land of a hundred thousand songs."
2. “Do you know such a country?”

  1. "The story of my family."

  2. “It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times.”

  3. Labor landing.

Each block consists of several lessons.

Course “Education of a moral personality based on ethnopedagogical traditions”
1 block “In the land of a hundred thousand songs, words, embroideries”

Target - familiarization with the best examples of Chuvash folk music, folklore, literature, education of morality using the example of the culture of the Chuvash people.

Task: Collection and study of local folklore material,

folklore and literary circle activities

^ Lesson No. 1. “Athar vaiya tuhar – and?”

Task: learning Chuvash folk games “Yat pelmelle”, “Al tatmalla”, “Serem passa vir akram”, “Sharpakla”. We held a festive performance “Atyar vaiya tukhar – and”
Lesson No. 2. Research work “Games played

our grandparents."

Task: collect material about ancient games.

Anisova Vera, from the words of her grandmother, wrote down a rhyme:

« And shullya-pullya, hornet-pershnik shankartam » or

Vasiliev Valery managed to record “Vaya yurri”

Ulttan, ulttan, ulttan, yyvas cells.

Chalash – chelesh ser sinche vunik ulma parat-i?

Sarina, Marina es te chiper, ep te chiper. Chan chiperry sak acha.

All these games were learned and we took an active part in the “Quail” competition with the “Piren hapha smarter” program.
^ Lesson No. 3 “Scatterings of folk wisdom”

Task: study proverbs and sayings, Chuvash folk

songs, collection of local folklore.

First of all, we learned the folk song “Alran kaimi aki-sukhi”, since this song is the anthem of the Chuvash people. We collected local folklore and published the collection “Halakh as-khakalen pukhhi”. This work took first place in the Republican research competition “Fairy tales and legends of your area”.

^ Lesson No. 4 “From Grandma’s Chest.”

Task– study ancient clothing and jewelry of the Chuvash people.

The game “Sentti and Sarine” inspired the children and they began to study with pleasure the ancient clothes and jewelry of the Chuvash people.

Everyone in the class has national costumes.

^ Lesson No. 5 Folklore club lesson.

Over these three years, a lot of folklore performances were shown. For Easter “Man Kun Sitet”, for February 23rd “Syr samar saltaksem patne”, for the Day of Chuvash Literature, for March 8th “Chavash Peaks”... Although there is no official folklore club, a folklore club is included in the program of extracurricular activities. The children enjoy studying, learning songs, and for the second year in a row, a student in our class, F. Elizarov, has become a laureate in a patriotic song competition.

^ Lesson No. 6 “Asanne kalavesem.”

We hold reading conferences on the works of fellow countrymen, famous Chuvash writers. The works of Gennady Volkov “Asanne kalavesem” and Y. Ya. Yakovlev “Acha - pacha kalavesem” also play a big role in the formation of a moral personality; they cultivate all those spiritual qualities that our ancestors passed on from generation to generation. Drawing competitions based on the stories read are held.
^ Lesson No. 6 We compose our own fairy tales with poetry

Task: stimulate children's interest in literature.

Using the stories and poems they read as examples, children compose poems themselves. The class publishes the magazine “We Write Our Own Fairy Tales with Poems.” For the second year in a row, at the regional conference “Future Leaders of the Fatherland”, 2 students took prizes and participated in the republican conference “EXCELSIOR” in the “Author’s Poetry” section. Children are friends with the Tantash newspaper, get published and look forward to the next issue. We published collections of poems by Sveta Serebryakova “Chuna syvakh kevesem” and A. Yakovleva “Path to School”. Serebryakova S., participating in the competition “Bukvarten Ilemle Literaturana City”, reached the second round and received an invitation to participate in the finals.

Participating in the regional competition “Asamat Kapere” in the category “Author’s Poetry” Elizarov F. became a laureate.

^ Block 2 “Do you know such a country?”

Target - nurturing love for nature, the need for its protection from negative influences, studying the nature of their native land. Children’s mastery of the culture of their people, studying folk customs, traditions, and crafts.

Task: study the history and nature of the native land, collecting material

for the school museum.
^ Lesson No. 1 “In the footsteps of our ancestors”

We visited museums in Persirlany and Kukshumy.

We went to the local history museum in Cheboksary, visited

mobile fairytale museum.
^ Lesson No. 2 “History of the small homeland”

Research work was carried out on the origin of the “My Village” villages. The children enjoyed collecting material both about toponyms and famous people of their village. All collected materials were transferred to the school museum.
^ Lesson No. 3 “Secrets of the Sacred Oak”

A survey was conducted with the guys: “What tree do I look like and why?” They expressed their thoughts in the essay “My Favorite Tree.” The children became so interested that they each drew their own tree, wrote poems and defended their works.

Having presented her research work “Sesenkhirti, ay, shur huran” at the regional conference “Future Leaders of the Fatherland,” my student took 2nd place.
^ Lesson No. 3 Games, competitions . A lot of games, competitions, and olympiads were held.

“Sak sere esir peleter – and?” quiz, “Telentermesh kaltarkka” competition, As-hakal culture” Olympiad. Intellectual games of an ethnopedagogical nature play a big role in the formation of a moral personality.

^ Block 3 “My Family History”

Target - Establishment of traditional, moral values ​​in the minds of children through the spiritual revival of the family, studying the experience of previous generations, studying genealogy and family history.

^ Task: studying family history.
Lesson No. 1 “My pedigree”

Drawing up a family tree of life.

Publication of handwritten books “My grandfather is my pride”, “My

^ Lesson No. 2 “My family’s coat of arms”

Drawing up a family coat of arms.
Lesson No. 3 “Manan Khushamat”. Each student found what her last name meant.
Lesson No. 4 Essay and drawing competitions“Mother’s Heart”, “Ytaraimi Anne Sanare” “My Mother is the Best” photo protection.
^ Lesson No. 5 “There is such a profession as Defender of the Fatherland”

All about our dads.

All these creative works took a place in the portfolio.
Lesson No. 6 “Epe, asanne, anne - piren pit tusla family” competition with the invitation of mothers and grandmothers.

During these competitions, work is also carried out with parents. Parents support everything and take an active part in activities themselves. They even sewed caps for the formation review and song. Our future defenders of the Fatherland are always in uniform. Family and ethnopedagogy are very closely connected in our work.
^ Block 4 “It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times”

Target– Fostering needs for studying one’s native land, village, district.

Task: acquaintance with the nature of the native land, memorable places, attractions and famous people.
Lesson No. 1. Evenings of meeting of generations. We held a meeting with labor veteran Koshkina R.A., with war veteran Anisov M.A.. We published handwritten books - memories of war veterans.
^ Lesson No. 2. Meeting with writers and poets.
Every year we invite the writer, poet, compiler of the Yadrinskaya encyclopedia V. Muravyov. He introduces students to his works and conducts master classes. The children really like it and many of them are already composing real poems themselves.
^ Lesson No. 3 Excursion into nature.

We conduct nature excursions at every time of the year.

Nurturing beauty encourages us to bring beauty into life.

^ Block 5. Labor landings
Target - instilling labor skills in every child, instilling the need to take care of cleanliness, comfort, order at home, in the classroom, at school, and labor standards accepted in society.

^ Task: the hard work of the Chuvash people has not been lost.
Lesson No. 1 Round table “Nime shadows men shadows?” Studying the forms of work of the Chuvash people. Teach to love not only your own work, but also that of others. Make children aware that teamwork is an effective form of work. Explain to children the meaning of the saying “Pechchen sursan tipse pyrat, halah sursan kule pulat”

^ Lesson No. 2 “Profession of my parents.” Introduce career guidance work. Study the professions of parents and grandparents. Create albums with photos. Help in choosing a profession.
^ Lesson No. 3 “Ussen manan kam pulas”. Essay - reasoning. Conducting debates. Design of stands “Who should I be?”

To teach children to love their native language, their native land, their native village, to teach them to preserve the wealth of Chuvash culture created by our ancestors - this is my educational goal.

Various forms of extracurricular work of an ethnopedagogical nature cultivate in children all those spiritual qualities that contribute to the formation of a moral personality.

I am proud of the result of my work.
Achievements of the class team
2005 -2006 academic year

  • Laureate of the regional photo competition “Flourish, my native land” (Anisov E.)

  • 3rd place at the regional festival of patriotic songs in memory of K. Dolbilov (Elizarov F.)

  • 1st place at the 4th Scientific and Practical Competition “Future Leaders of the Fatherland” in the “Author’s Poetry and Prose” section. Theme “Path to school” (Yakovleva A.)

  • Active participant at the regional festival of children's public organizations and associations “I and Personality” in the “Young Talents” section (Yakovleva A.)

  • Laureate of the republican week of the Chuvash language, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Chechen Republic (Serebryakova S.)

  • Participant in the republican competition “March of Parks” in the nomination “Author’s poetry about nature”
2006 -2007 academic year

  • Laureate at the regional exhibition “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​(Serebryakova)

  • Laureate at the regional reading competition “Asamat kepere” (Elizarov F.)

  • 2nd place at the 5th NPK “Future Leaders of the Fatherland” in the section “Author’s poetry in the Chuvash language.” Topic “Chuna syvakh kevesem” (Serebryakova S.)

  • Laureate at the regional festival of patriotic songs in memory of K. Dolbilov (Elizarov F.)

  • 3rd place in the regional competition “Sprouts of Revival” in the “Research Work” category.
Topic "A. Medvedev the prose writer" (Serebryakova)

  • 2nd place in the regional photo competition “Chuvash region, native land” Anisov E.

  • 1st place in the republican competition “Sprouts of Revival” in the “Research Work” category.
Topic "A. Medvedev the prose writer" Serebryakova S.

  • 3rd place in the republican photo competition “Chuvash region, native land” Anisov E.

As we have already noticed, this year we already have 3 prizes in the republic.

We are working and will implement our plans.

“Yuman petsen – chavsh petet, chavash petsen – tenche petet.”