Today we will talk about the popular cartoon "Luntik and his friends" and whether it is possible to show it to children. The cartoon was created by the Studio "Mill" on September 1, 2006. On the this moment 7 seasons of the animated series have already come out: 439 episodes. The action takes place on the forest glade near the pond. Most characters are small animals: insects, fish, frogs, etc. They are adults and children.

Luntik is an alien creature with an insect. He was born on the moon and accidentally fell to Earth. Here, Luntik immediately found himself friends-merchant, grasshopper Kuzu, God's cow Mil. Friends help the Luntik to be mastered in a new place, talk about the peculiarities of life on earth, for example, that everyone should have their name and a house in which you need to live. Luntik is a very kind character with an open soul, he never offends anyone and is always ready to help. His kindness and openness of the world are opposed to conditionally negative characters - caterpillars Putsense and Pupsen. They are constantly unhappy with life, envy other characters and strive to spoil someone's life. Because of the bad behavior of the caterpillars, no one calls for a visit, and they do not want to play other residents of the meadow. Of course, there are adult heroes in the cartoon: Family Pair General Cher and Baba Kapa (future grandmother and grandfather Luntika), Spider Schinuk - a creative and modest person, he helps the children's character to understand art, the worm of the roots of Koreevich - the image of a sage and teacher, Gives important tips to children. At the end of each series there is a voice behind the scenes, which in several words tells about the morality of the series viewed.

The first series of cartoons are built on the fact that Luntik falls into the unfamiliar world for him. At first, Luntka scares this new place and its inhabitants, but with the help of their friends and advice of adult characters, he is mastered on Earth, while showing his friends an example of unlimited kindness and courage. In the 6 series, the authors reveal the idea that the child cannot grow alone, in itself, so Luntik finds grandparents with whom it remains to live. And, by the way, in the cartoon not all the characters children play all day. Beending, as he is a little older than the rest, studying at school. In one of the episodes, he decided to walk classes, and then because of the missed classes did not know from which flowers to collect pollen. Anyway, a good educational promise is present in each series.

What does this cartoon take into account:

  1. Help others

In one of the releases, Luntik helps leech, accidentally turned out on land, return to the lake, even despite the fact that the leech was very harmful. Also in another series of Luntik with friends help the caterpillars get out of the puddle of glue. And when Aunt Moti (Elderly Sea Turtle) broke a house, Luntik with friends built her new.

  1. Be friends

The cartoon explains what real friendship is and how to behave with their friends; It is described that it is impossible to be offended by friends, without talking to them and without finding out what was the matter, that it is possible to stand up for yourself and his friends can be peaceful that it is impossible to consider yourself the smartest and commanded with your friends that you can not laugh at the troubles of your friends, What you do not need to boast, but you need to share with friends, and even that boys are stronger than girls and must help them.

  1. Obey adults

In almost every series, the children 'characters resort to help and advice of adult characters. When they (children) cannot understand something, adults explain them, and when they fall into a difficult situation - adults help them. For example, Koreevich's roots often helps children to fix what they randomly broke.

  1. Family values

General Cher and Baba Capa Indicative married couple, they affectionately turn to each other, for example: "My bee" or "I'm your Kapa", celebrate the anniversary of the first meeting. Cher and Kapa "adopted" Luntka, declaring him with his grandson. Luntik, in turn, asks them to give advice on various issues, and they teach him how to receive guests, maintain order in the house and much more. Baba Capa as a true mistress in the house - prepares delicious lunches, washes dishes and erases underwear. And General Cher and Luntik only help her, without shifting women's affairs. And when Luntik found a bug on the street and decided to pick her up to his home as a pet, it turned out that it was impossible to do this, since the bug had her own family and his home.

  1. Courteousness

Almost all children-characters in cartoons are polite, except for two caterpillars. Other children are constantly taught caterpillars polite words. And only when the caterpillars use such words, they seek what they could not achieve without politeness and respect for others. And Luntik tagged good manneram Toad Klava, and after that it often began to call upon visit.

  1. See one's causal

In one of the series of caterpillar, the Pupsen and Putsense blocked the stream, because of this, he changed the direction and washed away the water flow of Luntik and his friends. At the end of a series of caterpillars and owes a stream of water. In many series of cartoon, negative characters fall into trouble, for example, leech and naughty fry, which appended on land, or caterpillars who evealed a poisonous Mushroom Moomor. It says to children, that if you behave badly, you will get into trouble. In some series and positive characters behave inappropriately. For example, go to walk at night. But then they were very frightened, imagining that it could happen to them (they could fall into the lake or pit, get lost), and decided that they would never walk at night.

  1. Healthy lifestyle

In one of the episodes, General Cher teaches Luntik and do a smoke charge in the morning and hardened. And in another series, Luntik did not sleep all night, and then he slept all day, skipping many interesting events. In the series, when there was winter on the street, the characters were very warmly dressed in order not to freeze. And the caterpillars ate in the cold snow and icicles and soon got sick. And when Kuzya visiting Baba Kapa ate too many candies - he got sick of his teeth. Also in the cartoon it is described that in the summer you need to wear a panama and that it is impossible to watch TV for a long time.

  1. Do not focus on appearance

In one of the episodes, Luntik made friends with the toak Klava, whom everyone was afraid due to its huge sizes and frightening appearance. And in another series of the butterfly, everyone boasted with their beauty and believes that beauty is the most important thing. She then stained and very upset that now, no one would admire it. But despite this, she was able to save the Kuzu from falling into the pond, thereby showing that the actions decorate, and not appearance.

  1. Know the surrounding world

The cartoon is told about the days of the year, about where the dew and frosty patterns appear from the window, who are such fireflies and who live under water. And also tells about our solar systemAnd about other stars.

  1. Understand art

In the cartoon in an interesting form for a child, it is described as painting, poetry, theater, ballet, circus and how exciting and interesting.

  1. Various skills

For example, how to make beads, as out of three colors of paints get other colors, how to play hide and seek, how can you decorate a plate, how to count the days of the week. In addition, the cartoon describes that the magic happens only in fairy tales, and with it real life It is not possible to decide any problems, but you can only achieve in our own hard work.

In general, in almost every series of cartoon there is something instructive and informative, and all this is served in an interesting, gaming form, understandable to the child. All - and positive and negative characters sometimes make bad actions that lead to sad consequences. But by the end of the series, the characters are surely aware of what and why they did wrong. They either receive punishment for their act, or promise to continue to do so much. In addition, the cartoon is made colorful, but not too bright; There is no frequent shift of frames, which allows the child to not focus on the outer shell, and to delve into the essence of the cartoon, experience the emotions of different characters, getting simple life lessons with them.

What to pay attention to parents:

  1. By appearance Luntka is difficult to understand, boy is he or a girl. It seems that the authors of the cartoon needed to better think through his image. Unlike other characters, he walks without clothes (for example, Mila and Baba Kapa goes in the dresses, on the general of Cher and thence of the shirts). Luntka's ears in the form of bows, and the colors it is a gentle-purple - not quite male. It can push the child to the idea that Luntik is a girl. But in the cartoon is still clearly shown that Luntik is a boy: he plays mainly with other boys - Kuzey and the midst, he always comes to the rescue, in one of the series Luntik learns to sew, and Kuzya accuses him that Luntik It behaves "like a girl", and usually, Luntka is not very good, it turns out to be engaged in women's affairs - cook, wash the dishes, wash. It is also worth noting that all female characters are highlighted in the cartoon - they are in dresses, they have bows and pigtails.
  2. Luntka has an unusual ability: unlike all the characters, one of which lives only on land, while others - only in the water, Luntik can quite successfully half the series located on land, and then the second half of the series - under water, communicating with the pond inhabitants . Parents still better once again talk to the child about whether people can be under water, and in what conditions it is permissible.

So, summarize. The animated series "Luntik and his friends" teaches:

A) kindness, friendship and courtesy;
B) healthy lifestyle;
C) anti-sensor and antiagrams to others;
D) respect for the elder;
E) understand art and the world around.

This is a book for children 4-8 years old and at the same time for parents concerned about the moral education of the child. She is written simple language In the form of conversations with children about "good and evil." You will simultaneously read and talk about the actions of the heroes from your favorite fairy tales, as well as about cases from the real life of children. A child can feel deeper to the meaning of such words as conscience, justice, honesty, wines, sympathy. The text has many questions addressed to personal life and the experiences of the child. The book can also be used as a guide to "moral lessons" in kindergartens and primary schools.

The work belongs to the genre of the book for children: Other. It was published in 2017 by AST Publishing House. The book is included in the series "Psychology for children." On our site you can download the book "Psychology to children. Good and his friends" in FB2, RTF, EPUB, PDF, TXT format or read online. Here you can also read the reviews of readers already acquainted with the book, and learn their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in the paper version.

  • Tags:
  • Books for children and parents
  • 3-7 years old
  • 7-12 years old

Julia Hippenrater "Psychology for children. Good and his friends "

Publisher: AST.

For children 5-10 years

"Good live in the world and commits good deeds. From these cases, everyone in the soul becomes warm, joyful, and all the circle is lighter and better. And the unkind affairs turns out the opposite. Or, for example, if a good person, then it's good with him, you want to be friends! And from the unkind - I want to turn away, run away! .. "

In the new book, the leading Children's Psychologist of the country, Julia Borisovna Hippenrater addresses the current issues of the moral education of children who attend the average and senior group kindergarten And learn in primary school schools.

On the example of modeled stories and all famous fairy tales - such as the "Jungle Book", "Cinderella", "Fishing about fisherman and fish" and others - the author offers parents to consider different situationsassociated with one or another moral choice, and discuss them with the child. Each chapter necessarily contains a reminder "Listen to what a child will say." Julia Borisovna reminds parents and teachers that the child is an equal side in a dialogue, his opinion and point of view must be considered. In the book there are special empty lines, which may be filled with parents together with children after discussing one or another situation.

After reading this book, the child will receive an idea of \u200b\u200bthe concepts such as conscience, honesty, wines, justice and others, and will understand what major role they play in his life. The author of the book is constantly referring to the young reader, prompting that reflects on the "moral lessons", the estimates on which life itself puts.

Everyone knows about the importance of the adolescent period, in which independence is approved, the personality is formed, plans are developed for the future - the further life of a person is determined. This period has its own psychological peculiaritiesthat you need to know the parents to understand the grown children. The quality of these knowledge can be determined by passing the test prepared by the psychologist Victoria Victoria.