Sylvanas was originally the commander of the hunters (shooting squads) of the elven city of Silvermoon. Silvermoon). After the fall of Prince Arthas and his defection to the side of the King of the Dead Ner'zhul, the Scourge, created by the former archmage of Dalaran Kel'Thuzad, began an invasion of the elven lands lying in the north of Azeroth. Defense of Quel'Thalas Quel "Thalas) fell under the onslaught of countless hordes of undead, rushing to the Sunwell on the orders of Ner'zhul. The power of this ancient source was necessary to resurrect Kel'Thuzad in lich form.

While defending the Silver Moon fortress, Sylvanas fell at the hands of Arthas. Using the power of the Lich King's runeblade, Frostmourne. Frostmourn), he resurrects her in the form of an undead banshee, dooming her to eternal service to the Frozen Throne. But the fate of the elven leader is not lost in the hordes of the Undead King of the Dead: after Illidan's unsuccessful attempt to destroy the Frozen Throne with the help of a powerful artifact - the Eye of Sargeras - Ner'zhul's forces began to decrease, and a small part of the Scourge (including Sylvan) came out from under him vigilant control.

Having cleared Lordaeron of demons, humans and the Scourge, the freed undead, led by Sylvanas, began searching for their path in Azeroth. On the ruins of an ancient kingdom they built underground city Undercity (English) Undercity) and populated its surroundings (Tirisfal Meadows, Silver Forest, Hillsbrad Foothills).

Feeling themselves a significant force to be reckoned with, but not strong enough for independent politics, the Forsaken - a faction of intelligent undead - joined the forces of the New Horde, led by Thrall, son of Durotan. This is where the story of the elven commander ends and the fate of the dark queen begins.

During The Burning Crusade, the Forsaken helped the Blood Elves, and thanks to Sylvanas, the latter became part of the Horde.

During WotLK, after the death of the Lich King, Sylvanas threw herself into the abyss from the Frozen Throne, but the Valkyries resurrected her and began to serve her.

During Cataclysm she fought against Gilneas. She used the plague and raised the dead with the help of Valkyries, despite Garrosh's prohibitions. She was later killed, but was again resurrected by the Valkyrie. Captured Gilneas and Serebryany Bor.

Sylvanas Family

Sylvanas has two sisters: Alleria and Vereesa. Alleria went missing in Draenor, although it is known that she fell in love with the paladin Turalyon and bore him a half-elf son. Vereesa also married a man - the magician Ronin, and gave birth to twins.
Sylvanas' cousin, Zendarin, gave in to his thirst for magic and became a blood elf. His fate is described in the book "Warcraft: Night of the Dragon".

Appearance in games


  • D. Kosak. Sylvanas Windrunner: Before the Dawn.
  • T. Khorev. The Path to the Eternal Kingdom/History of Azeroth: Part XXXV

Books where banshees are mentioned



Biography of Sylvanas
  • Elizabeth Wachowski Know Your Lore: Sylvanas Windrunner (English). Joystiq (7 March 2007). Archived from the original on March 22, 2012. Retrieved June 11, 2011.

Want to know shocking spoilers about the fate of the main World characters of Warcraft in Legion? Don't read this article unless you're ready to learn some unexpected plot twists in Legion.

This is information from the beta version of the game and some things may change.

King Varian Wrynn is dead

A skilled warrior and leader of the Alliance, King Varian Wrynn is dead, according to the text of the quest called Dalaran. In the introductory video of Legion, we saw that Varian Wrynn was on the verge of death, but survived and fought against the demons with Sylvanas. Did this famous character fall in the fight for the future of Azeroth?

The text in the mentioned quest leaves no doubt: “King Variann Wrynn is dead.” Of course, you can't be absolutely sure that a character in the Warcraft universe is "dead." Perhaps Sylvanas will resurrect the fallen king - although it seems impossible that Varian himself or his son Anduin would allow this to happen.

It is unfortunate that the leader of the Alliance dies at such an inopportune moment, when his people most need a strong and courageous leader.

Video from the chain on the Broken Shore (Alliance):

Anduin Wrynn - King of Stormwind

Obviously, Anduin will take his father's place on the throne of Stormwind, but he is unlikely to become the leader of the Alliance. Anduin's model has been updated - now he is no longer a child, but a young man in the prime of his life. Anduin is wise beyond his years - he played a key role in the events of Pandaria, and also always supported cooperation between the Alliance and the Horde.

How will his father's death affect young Anduin? Will it lead him to madness like Jaina, or will it strengthen him in the belief that this conflict must be ended once and for all? Perhaps Anduin will choose another path to serve the Light - to become a paladin and avenge the death of his father on the Legion (or even the Horde).

Voljin does not participate in Legion events

According to the text of the same quest “Dalaran”, the supreme leader of the Horde, Voljin, disappears there, although the invasion of the Burning Legion is in full swing. The quest does not say that Voljin is dead, but this possibility cannot be ruled out.

Where could Voljin be? He played a crucial role in the overthrow of Garrosh and succeeded him as Warchief of the Horde. Throughout Draenor, he visits our garrison only a few times. Moreover, we don't even know if Voljin is taking part in the attack on the Broken Isles. It is unlikely that he is dead: too little time has passed and he has not yet had a chance to prove himself as the leader of the faction.

Voljin is probably on some important mission and will appear when there is an urgent need for it. The most popular version of Voljin's fate is that he unites the troll tribes to fight against the Burning Legion (watch the video in the section about Sylvanas to find out what happened in the end).

Sylvanas - leader of the Horde

This is probably the most interesting piece of information - simply because it gives rise to a lot of guesswork and hypotheses. Sylvanas may be more than just a character filling in for Voljin in his absence during the attack on the Broken Isles.

Sylvanas is one of the most popular characters in WoW, and her history is complex and controversial. One might have expected that defeating Arthas would bring her peace, but it only strengthened her will and made her tougher. Sylvanas' dislike of Voljin was clear, as was the mutual hostility between her and Bane or Lor'themar Theron. This only complicates the guesswork as to why Sylvanas is leading the Horde attack on the Broken Isles.

Nobody knows what's on her mind. Could the Banshee Queen be on the path to becoming evil?

Video from the opening sequence on the Broken Shore - the fate of Sylvanas, Voljin and Varian Wrynn:

Tirion Fordring is dead

Another shocking news is that Tirion Fordrin will most likely die in the Legion. This can be assumed from audio, found in the game's files - where Tyrion is heard sacrificing himself and giving the Ashbringer to someone else. This is probably part of a quest chain for obtaining an artifact for paladins, most likely for the Retribution specialization.

Tirion Fordring was the leader of the Argent Crusade in Northrend, attacked the Knights of the Ebon Blade and created the Ashen Alliance to storm Icecrown Citadel and end the reign of the Lich King. Tyrion assisted the players in the battle against Arthas and defeated Frostmourne with his Ashbringer.

Cenarius and Ysera are corrupted by the Emerald Nightmare

According to information from Blizzcon, we already know that Cenarius is corrupted and will be the second boss in the Emerald Nightmare raid. It was mentioned that he might die in this battle, or he might survive.

New information - Ysera is also corrupted and will likely die. In the found audio one of the characters says that Ysera must die and that Ysera herself would agree to this if her mind were not clouded by corruption. This is probably part of the druid quest chain to obtain a class artifact.

It looks like we should be prepared for some difficulties in the Legion, because the storyline will see several key figures missing from Azeroth. How will the story develop? What other tragic discoveries lie ahead?

We'll find out in the Legion.

Sylvanas faced many problems. A rebellion within her ranks has led to the death of many Horde warriors, and now the Banshee Queen is distrusted by many of her allies. Sylvanas began to strengthen her territory in Tirisfal Glades in order to create a proper state for her people. Although she insists that her loyalty to the Horde remains undiminished, some are unsure of her true intentions.

After the fall of Arthas Menethil, Sylvanas learned that she too was cursed and would spend an eternity of darkness and torture in the afterlife. Val'kira offered her their service, and Sylvanas was able to return to the world of the living and will remain in it as long as her Val'kyr exist. Knowing the fate that would inevitably befall her, Sylvanas began to value the Forsaken more, who became protection from the terrifying darkness. Sylvanas has led her people in aggressive attacks into Lordaeron, and much of the Eastern Kingdoms mainland is already under her control.

Sylvanas took part in the battle on Broken Shore, where the Alliance and Horde tried to resist To the Burning Legion. She gave the command to retreat, seeing that Vol"gin wounded and that the other leaders were almost exhausted. Although Sylvanas' actions saved the Horde that day, the Horde's retreat left the Alliance in a vulnerable position and may have been the cause of death. Variana Rinna. In Orgrimmar, Vol'jin, dying of fel poisoning, announced that Sylvanas would become his successor as leader of the Horde. At Vol'jin's funeral pyre, Sylvanas gave a speech to the Horde warriors that they should help her avenge the death of the former leader.

Early years

Silvala belonged to famous family Windrunners from high elves. She had an older sister Alleria, younger sister Verisa and brother Lirat. The whole family lived in the Windrunner Spire, built in the tranquil forests of Quel'Thalas. Sylvanas joined the Rangers and eventually became their leader, rising to the rank of Leader of the Rangers - commander-in-chief of all high elf armies.

Second war

fiction in the Warcraft universe.

Queen of the Forsaken

Arthas, summoned by the Lich King, went to Northrend, and Kel "Thuzad hid, pondering his future plans and awaiting orders. Sylvanas and her new sisters - the banshees - had free will, but she was still worried. Despite the lack of control from the outside Ner'zhula, Sylvanas and her supporters remained terrible monsters in appearance.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Varimathras. The Dreadlord invited the banshee to join him and his brothers as they set out to take over Lordaeron. But Sylvanas did not want to immediately give up the freedom obtained with such difficulty. She replied that she had already helped the nathrezim and demanded that they leave her alone. Varimathras warned ominously that those who did not become their allies would be rejected, and Sylvanas should not interfere with the new rulers of the Plaguelands. However, she remained adamant and, when the Nathrezim finally left, she realized that battle with the last demons of Lordaeron was inevitable. On her side there were only banshees and a few other undead, and a whole army was required to confront the nathrezim.

Having explored the surrounding areas, Sylvanas discovered many creatures that could be forced to serve her thanks to the banshee. She ordered her sisters to seize control of Mug'tol, the ruler of the local ogres, Blackthorn - the leader of human bandits, Tangled Mane - the ruler gnolls- And Murloc King of Puddle. Those who could not be controlled were killed. With more allies, Sylvanas easily defeated Varimathras and was about to kill him. But Natrezim begged to be spared, promising faithful service. He knew his brothers' tactics and the locations of their hideouts. Sylvanas knew that trusting such a treacherous demon was a big risk, but she felt that she could control him enough to make him serve her purposes. With the help of Varimathras, the army marched against the forces of Detheroc.

Detheroc did a good job of securing himself by seizing control of the commander-in-chief Garithos and his people. Sylvanas took over the minds of his scouts and infiltrated the camp while its inhabitants slept. She killed everyone who came across her so that people would not have time to raise the alarm. When they finally did it, it was already too late. Sylvanas caused confusion in Detheroc's army and, breaking through to him, quickly killed him. After the death of the dreadlord, Garithos was freed from his control. Sylvanas saw how arrogant and stupid he was, but she understood that he could be useful. She lied to him, promising to cede control of the capital of Lordaeron if people would help her deal with Balnazzar.

The night before the attack on the capital, Sylvanas encountered undead creatures with free will. She talked about their place in this world and what would happen when they helped her take over the city. An alchemist named Lydon asked her what would happen to the people of Garithos. Sylvanas replied that they were only needed for the upcoming battle.

The troops of Garithos and Sylvanas attacked the capital at the same time and with different sides. Bursting into the city, Sylvanas found hiding places left royal family, and used them to her advantage. Although Balnazzar summoned demonic reinforcements through the portal, the combined forces of humans and undead defeated him. Sylvanas demanded that Varimathras personally kill his brother. He froze and replied that the Nathrezim were forbidden to kill each other. Sylvanas continued to press her case, wanting Varimathras to prove his loyalty. The Dreadlord obeyed and killed Balnazzar. However, he managed to survive and later became the leader of the Scarlet Crusade. When Sylvanas ordered Varimathras to kill Garithos as well, he carried out the order with pleasure.

Now all the enemies were dead, and Sylvanas announced to the nathrezim that they were no longer part of the Scourge and would call themselves the Forsaken. They will find their own place in this world and destroy everyone who dares to stand in their way.

Sylvanas immediately began developing her new empire undead. Freeing many undead from the Lich King's control and calling them her people, she broke into the catacombs lying beneath the ruins of the capital and seized them for the Forsaken. They completed the network of winding catacombs and crypts begun by the Scourge. The undercity became the capital of their state.


Source of information in this section – comics and manga in the Warcraft universe.

One day, Sylvanas went to Quel'Thalas for personal reasons and encountered there the resurrected Dar'Khan Drathir, a servant of the Scourge. They fought in the ruins of Silvermoon, and Sylvanas helped Kalecgosu stop the traitor from absorbing the energy of the Sunwell. Although she had no luck at first, she distracted Dar'Khan long enough to Unvina managed to regain her power and destroy it. Sylvanas promised to keep Anveen's secret so that Arthas would never reach the well's energy.

Joining the Horde

The Forsaken, having built their own empire on their own, knew that the next step in their revenge against Arthas must be to secure their place in this world. Although Sylvanas fought in the civil war in the Plaguelands and successfully conquered the ruins of the capital, the relatively small number of Forsaken would not be able to hold the captured territories for long.

The Banshee Queen began trying to gain new allies. She sent numerous envoys to the leader Thrall, ruler of the Horde, but representatives of this faction were not enthusiastic about the opportunity to accept the undead into their ranks. Only the good-natured tauren from Thunder Bluff treated the Forsaken differently. Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem saw an opportunity for redemption for Sylvanas's people, despite being fully aware of the sinister nature of the Forsaken. He convinced Warchief Thrall that the Forsaken should become allies of the Horde, despite their fears. A people of free undead would also help the Horde establish its presence on the mainland of the Eastern Kingdoms, which was controlled for the most part by the Alliance. With the protection provided by the Horde and support even Silver Dawn The Forsaken were able to retain their lands in Lordaeron.

Ascendancy of the Forsaken

Source of information in this section – World of Warcraft Classic.

Joining the Horde allowed the Forsaken to begin expanding their mighty empire. Sylvanas, who freed the undead from the influence of the Lich King, ruled over her people from the throne room of the Undercity. She plucked her former student Nathanos Marris from the ranks of the Scourge, who was named the champion of the Banshee Queen and settled in the Marris estate to train and guide new champions for his queen.

Sylvanas sent Horde adventurers to train with Marris and also to help with the defense against the Scarlet Crusade, who posed a threat to the Forsaken. By order of Sylvanas, it was created Deathguard, which quickly became one of the most powerful spy organizations on Azeroth. The Queen oversaw experiments to create a plague capable of destroying the Scourge - for this purpose the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, whose ranks continued to grow.

Battle for Undercity

When the combined forces of the Alliance and Horde attacked Angrathar, the Gate of Wrath, an uprising began in the Undercity. Varimatas and entire hordes of his demonic brethren captured the capital and destroyed everyone who did not want to recognize their power. Sylvanas was also nearly killed during the coup, but managed to escape with several supporters and reach Orgrimmar. Thrall and Sylvanas, not intending to give the nathrezim time to strengthen their positions, launched an immediate counterattack. In the midst of discussion arrived Jaina Proudmoore who gave bad news - because of death Bolvara Fordragon king Varian Wrynn preparing for war against the Horde. He sent Jaina to get an explanation about what happened at the Gate of Wrath. Although Thrall and Sylvanas explained why the Horde cannot be held responsible for the act Gnilessa, Jaina warned them that Varian would still seek retribution.

The Banshee Queen, who led the Horde army, arrived in the Undercity to return the capital under her control. She rushed into battle alongside Thrall and Vol"genie and screamed because of the fate that had befallen her people. Sylvanas made her way to the throne room and, having fought and destroyed Varimathras, regained her throne. As soon as this happened, King Varian stormed into the Undercity at the head of his own army. Having discovered that the Forsaken were experimenting on captured people, he was going to declare war on the Horde. Entering the royal quarter shortly after Varimathras' defeat, he rushed towards Thrall and Sylvanas and called them monsters. However, Jaina Proudmoore teleported him from the Undercity and recalled the Alliance army back to Stormwind.

All traitors and rebels were destroyed, and Sylvanas regained control of the capital and the Forsaken. But the events that happened at the Gates of Wrath did not suit Thrall, and the leader of the Horde ordered Cor"crown stay in the Undercity and control the locals. Soon, Sylvanas personally traveled to the northern mainland to finally take revenge on Arthas.

Ice Halls

Sylvanas directed the Horde's forces to Ice Halls located inside Icecrown Citadels, to fight the Lich King and take revenge on Arthas for the destruction of Quel'Thalas and turning into undead. The Banshee Queen, accompanied by the dark rangers Kalira and Lauralen, gave orders to the heroes of the Horde throughout the battles in the cursed halls and eventually teamed up with several champions Silver Tournament. When the party was victorious on Ikom and Krik, Krik begged Sylvanas for mercy and tried to save himself by saying that the unguarded Frostmourne located further down the halls. Krik killed Scourge Lord Tyranny, and Sylvanas decided to go to Halls of Reflections. Before entering the halls, the squad had to fight Tyranny, and immediately after his death a Sindragosa, which destroyed almost all the Horde fighters, not counting Sylvanas, her two rangers and champions. The Banshee Queen sent Kalyra for reinforcements and entered the Halls of Reflection along with Lauralen and the champions.

Inside Arthas's private chambers, the party discovered Frostmourne, and Sylvanas again felt the pain of her death by the runeblade. She attempted to make contact with the souls trapped within Frostmourne, hoping that she could find salvation there. A ghost appeared before her Uther the Lightbringer, who warned that the Lich King already knows about the invasion and is heading here, and trying to defeat him here is just stupidity. Uther said that after Arthas is killed, someone else will have to take his place so that the uncontrollable hordes of the undead do not consume the entire world. He also revealed the secret that the Lich King can only be destroyed in the place where he was created - in the Frozen Throne.

At that moment, the Lich King arrived, took his sword and pulled Uther's ghost inside it. He called Falrika And Marvina, two loyal captains, to kill those who dared to enter his personal chambers. As the Horde champions battled the wraiths, Sylvanas and Lauralen went in pursuit of Arthas, who had fled into the inner sanctum of the halls. The party defeated the ghosts and followed Sylvanas, discovering Lauralen's lifeless body along the way. In the next chamber, Sylvanas fought against the Lich King, and the champions joined her. However, the ruler of the Scourge was too powerful here, as Uther had warned. Sylvanas, along with the champions, began to run away from Arthas, who summoned ice walls and undead to slow down his opponents. They reached a cliff and, realizing that it was a dead end, decided to die in last battle against the Lich King. However, the warship Orgrim's Hammer flew up to the cliff and managed to save them. During her escape, Sylvanas realized that Arthas's power had grown tenfold, and defeating him would require an army that even the entire Horde could not muster.

Fall of the Lich King

After the long siege of Icecrown Citadel Tirion Fordring and the champions of the Silver Tournament managed to defeat Arthas and kill him. With a blow Ashbringer Frostmourne was also shattered, releasing all the trapped souls. Among Arthas's belongings, a chest was found containing a vial of Sylvanas' blood, and the heroes delivered it to the Banshee Queen.

  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: So, it's over.
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: I don't even dare believe it. Too many times has the Lich King left me in the cold.
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: In the end, he paid for the atrocities he committed against my people.
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: May Azeroth never forget the terrible price we have paid for our weakness, for our pride.
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: But what now? What will happen to those who are freed from its bonds, but are still trapped in a mortal body?
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Leave me alone.
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: I need to think.

Treaty with the Val'Kirs

Source of information in this section – fiction in the Warcraft universe.

After killing Arthas, Sylvanas came alone to To the Frozen Throne. Although she was annoyed that she did not witness his death in person, she was comforted that the task set before her back in the lush forests of Quel'Thalas was finally completed. Sylvanas could only think about the bright fate that awaited her before Arthas tore out his soul elf and turned her into a banshee. She decided to throw herself from the top of Icecrown Citadel and let the saronite spikes below destroy her body. While Sylvanas contemplated the end of her long journey, nine. val"kir surrounded her and showed her visions from her past, studying her. The Banshee Queen ignored them and stepped off the cliff.

She saw the future of her people in a vision. Without the rule of their queen, the Forsaken army was almost completely destroyed when Garrosh Hellscream ordered them to lead an invasion of Gilneas. There is a pharmacist in Bastion Lydon organized a last-ditch counterattack against the invading Alliance forces. King Varian Wrynn prepared to enter Undercity, within the walls of which the Forsaken lit huge fires and jumped into them so as not to fall to their executioners. When the vision ended, Sylvanas found herself in purgatory and saw that her body was again as it was in life. Next to her were the Val'kyr, who also looked alive. Annhilda explained to Sylvanas that the Banshee Queen sees the mark left by her life. Sylvanas realized that she was in the sanctuary because of the val'kyr, and demanded that she be released. Annhilda said that she wanted to offer her a choice and show her the consequences of her leaving. Sylvanas shouted that she did not care about the fate of the Forsaken, and Annhilda replied that the elf needed to see everything else. The Val'kirs disappeared, and Sylvanas felt that time had stopped.

Her soul was falling into an endless abyss, and time meant nothing here. She saw only darkness and felt only pain, cold, fear and hopelessness. There is something terrible nearby, digging its claws into her, but Sylvanas could not scream. She also felt the presence of Arthas Menethil, whose soul was a frightened blond child reaping the rewards of a life full of mistakes. Sylvanas realized that she would have felt sorry for him if her soul had not been so tormented. Her eternity was to be an endless void of darkness and a nameless world of suffering.

Some time later, a ray of light broke through the darkness, and nine Val "kirs came for Sylvanas, who surrounded her with light and protected her. Sylvanas found her voice, but could only cry, and Anhilda, touching her face, repeated that they needed her. Val" The Kirs said that they longed for freedom from the Lich King, and now they need a vessel - a creature similar to them. Sylvanas, who knew life and death, was worthy of power over them. The Val'kyr's souls would be bound to Sylvanas' soul, and this would free them from the Lich King forever. Sylvanas would return to the world of the living and continue to exist as long as the Val'kyr were alive. The Banshee Queen realized that an alliance with the Val'kyr could delay the fulfillment of her dark fate, and accepted Angilda's offer. She replied that she would take Sylvanas' place in eternal darkness, and a bright light flashed. The Banshee Queen woke up not far from Icecrown Citadel. She was surrounded by eight the remaining val"kir.

The Val'kyr, who sided with Sylvanas, had the ability to raise the dead, although they were not as strong as the Lich King. Thanks to them, the Forsaken were able to replenish their ranks, which has long been considered one of the main problems of the people. When Sylvanas spoke about To Garrosh, he expressed his displeasure and ordered one of the commanders to monitor all the actions of the Banshee Queen. Garrosh and Sylvanas even quarreled when he asked how she was now different from the Lich King, and Sylvanas answered - loyal service to the Horde.

During the invasion and deliver it to the queen. Silvana gave Darius Crowley choice - either the front stops the battle, or Lorna becomes one of the Forsaken. Darius ordered the battle to stop, and Sylvanas allowed him to leave with his daughter and the soldiers. After this, Lord Godfrey killed the queen with a shot and fled to Shadowfang Fortress. Commander Kromush, Garrosh's protege in Silverpine, ordered three val"kiram- Agatha, Arthur and Dakla - to return Sylvanas, and they sacrificed themselves so that the queen could be resurrected. This once again proved to the Banshee Queen that the Val'kyr are the guarantee of the future of the Forsaken.

During the battles at Andorhal, Sylvanas hid under the name Lindsay Black Sun in order to personally monitor the events. After the victory Alliance Sylvanas revealed herself and appeared before Koltira Deathweaver, accusing him of weakness due to the truce with Thassarian. The chain of the abomination pulled Koltira into the portal leading to Undercity, where Sylvanas decided to purge him of compassion and make him a true servant of the Horde, or rather, of herself.

Because of everything Sylvanas has done Argent Vanguard, returned to the Plaguelands, began to closely monitor her and all the Forsaken. Although the free undead had provided significant support to the Vanguard during the War in Northrend, Sylvanas now increasingly resembled the Lich King she fought against.

Assault on Theramore

Source of information in this section – fiction in the Warcraft universe.

Sylvanas attended a Horde council called by Warchief Garrosh, where he revealed his plans to attack Theramore and its destruction. The Banshee Queen opposed Garrosh's idea, fearing that the Alliance might unleash its wrath on the Forsaken and the blood elves if their main base on Kalimdor was threatened. Sylvanas glanced repeatedly at Lor"themar Theron, expecting support, but the ruling lord of the blood elves remained silent. Garrosh promised Sylvanas that the Horde could handle any Alliance counterattacks, and Sylvanas provided him with Captain Francis Farley to assist him in the siege of Theramore.

Siege of Orgrimmar

Mists of Pandaria to World of Warcraft.

When Garrosh the Hellish Scream was defeated and Sylvanas was present at his capture along with other Horde leaders. Thrall announced that he would become the new leader Vol"gin, and Sylvanas nodded in agreement. However, she wasn't particularly thrilled about having to obey a troll.

"Chief Vol"jin." Don't you think that sounds absurd? At least I'm not going to take orders from a troll. However, he brought the rebels together and won today. He also proved that he is almost impossible to kill - and I like it. It takes time to check what kind of dough it is made of...

Hellscream's trial

Source of information in this section – fiction in the Warcraft universe.

Following the Siege of Orgrimmar, Sylvanas and other Horde rulers were summoned to the Temple of the White Tiger in Pandaria to become witnesses at the trial Garrosh Hellscream. Sylvanas didn't like the idea of ​​a court replacing ordinary execution, and she opposed the appointment Bane Bloodhoof protector of Garrosh. When Bane's defense was better than the Banshee Queen would have liked, she accused him of being an Alliance sympathizer, forcing the Tauren Chieftain to deny her accusations.

Sylvanas arrived at the fortress of Grommash, the last of the rulers of the Horde, and saw the dying Vol'jin. The troll said that he had communicated with loa and knows about the coming death. In his final moments, he turned to Sylvanas and said that she should become the new Warchief of the Horde. Although Sylvanas was amazed by what she heard, she gave a speech at Vol'jin's funeral pyre, addressing the warriors of the Horde. She wanted them to help her avenge the murdered leader. Other Horde rulers made statements of their loyalty to Sylvanas, who became the new warchief. Thanks to Illidari, who arrived in Orgrimmar, demons were revealed, planning to attack the Horde leaders at a time when they were vulnerable. But with joint efforts demon hunters and the heroes of the Horde were able to destroy the minions of the Legion. Realizing that the Illidari will play important role V the coming war, Sylvanas asked the hero to act as an envoy for the Horde and closely monitor their actions.

Dialogues from the game world

The source of information in this section is the supplement Cataclysm to World of Warcraft.

Hallow's End Speech

  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Children of death, hear my call!
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: We have suffered terrible tragedies in our lifetime.
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: We have seen our homes razed to the ground.
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: We screamed in pain as our loved ones were killed before our eyes.
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: And after all the horrors of life, we couldn't even find peace in death.
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: And so we burn the Wicker Man as a sign of our victory over our old enemies!
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: We paint our faces with ash to warn new enemies - those who fear us and consider us monsters.
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: To those who question our place in this world...
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: We are not monsters! We are not a mindless army of ghouls!
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: No... we are much worse...
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: We are the chill that runs down a coward's spine...
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: We are the embodiment of unrelenting rage!
  • Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: WE ARE THE FORsaken!

Title- Dark Lady, Banshee Queen

Floor- female

Race- Undead, formerly High Elf

Member of factions- Horde, Forsaken; in the past - Scourge, originally - Quel'Talas

Sylvanas Windrunner(eng. Sylvanas Windrunner, in full - Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, The Banshee Queen) is a fictional character from the world of Warcraft, the leader of the Forsaken faction. A former high elf, killed and reborn as an undead by Arthas Menethil.

Sylvanas Windrunner was once a brave Ranger General of Silvermoon City and commander of the armies of the High Elves. But during the Third War, Prince Arthas, at the head of an army of undead, invaded the elven kingdom of Quel'Talas. Sylvanas threw all her forces against the hordes of the living dead of the Scourge, but was ultimately defeated by the Death Knight and turned into an obedient banshee slave.

Cursed and devoid of free will, Sylvanas was forced to serve her master until the Lich King became so weak that he could no longer control her. Revolting against the Scourge, the Dark Lady and her Forsaken rebels captured the Undercity, the former capital of Lordaeron, declaring themselves free and independent. Somehow, she regained her physical form, but her body still carries the curse of the undead, and therefore her old life is inaccessible to her. Now Sylvanas dreams of only one thing - to find and destroy Arthas, whom she hates more than anything in the world, as well as the King of the Dead, in order to avenge her curse and bring final freedom to her subjects.

Some say that during Sylvanas's transformation into a banshee, some kind of connection was established between her and the King of the Dead, and therefore her soul cannot be completely destroyed until the King himself is destroyed.

Sylvanas is the owner of a unique bow - the Sunstrider Longbow.

Speaks three languages ​​- common, Talas and Gutterspeak.


Dressed in dark robes of the finest spider silk, lithe beautiful woman exudes death and darkness. Her appearance capable of confusing or even frightening an untrained observer. Although her head is covered with a hood, her facial features and almond-shaped eyes suggest elven ancestry, but her cold alabaster skin and angry, yet pitiful gaze indicate that she is an immortal, undead creature with great power. And while her rich robes show that she belongs to royalty, her mud-stained boots and hike-worn leather pants confirm that she is also a seasoned traveler. Her weapon is a powerful elven bow, the so-called. Longbow of the Sunstrider, bow of Dath"Remar Sunstrider, head of the exiled Highborne, ancestor of Kael"thas and founder royal dynasty Quel'Thalas. The bow, passed down from generation to generation, was given to Sylvanas, at that time the Ranger General of Quel'Talas. Powerful composite weapons of elven craftsmanship, like many elven objects, are richly decorated with elaborate carvings and, again like many elven objects, enchanted. His magic arrows inflict terrible damage on the enemy, and occasionally it even happens that the next arrow becomes deadly and instantly kills the enemy. Sylvanas' bow is complemented by a magical scepter sheathed at her belt.


In life, Sylvanas Windrunner was, like many rangers, a proud protector of the forests. But death changed a lot in her character - she became more cunning and tougher. As Varimathras said, her speech becomes more and more like the words of a nathrezim every day. Sylvanas tends to deny this, but considers the undead, including herself, to be monsters and unlife to be a curse. However, although she is alarmed by the spread among her Forsaken subjects of the philosophy of the Forgotten Shadow, which promotes the benefits of life after death, she does not openly oppose this trend.

Her hatred of the Scourge is focused on Arthas - she fiercely hates her killer. However, now she behaves more cautiously and prudently: it was she who made the decision to ally with the Horde, realizing that the Forsaken alone could not stand against the Scourge. In an effort to ensure that the Horde sees a need for the Forsaken, it tries to extract maximum benefit from this alliance. It’s the same with Varimathras - it’s unlikely that Sylvanas completely relies on his loyalty, but apparently considers him reliable enough to entrust leadership of the defense of the Undercity.

Regardless, Sylvanas remains a mysterious figure, with the motives behind her decisions unknown even to her most trusted advisors. It is known that she handed over command of most of her troops in the Mirklands to Nathanos Blightcaller, the first and only human Lord Ranger. Together with her sisters, she participated in his training, and now the Queen's First Warrior is one of the few whom she truly trusts, and about whom, perhaps,

Martial art

Sylvanas rarely uses her magic in direct combat. She is a highly trained ranger whose skill with a bow can be matched by few. Arrows sent by her hand can fly thirty meters further than the arrows of ordinary archers, and sometimes even more - they can cut flesh, and can pierce right through the enemy. Sylvanas herself once said that she could hit a flying bird in the eye. In case of close combat, she knows how to use a bow as a blunt weapon - without damaging it.

Even while dead, Sylvanas did not abandon her past ranger combat tactics - lightning attacks and rapid retreats, in which she was helped by the old skills of camouflage and tracking, as well as knowledge of wild places. However, she is the first Dark Ranger in the history of Azeroth, and therefore can use her new deadly spells stemming from necromancy and shadow magic, and the banshee’s ability - a cry of pain or curse.


Sylvanas comes from the famous and influential elven family of the Windrunners, who own the spire and village of the same name in the southern Forests. Eternal Song(English: Eversong Forest). Her sisters are the no less famous Alleria Windrunner and Verisa. Having survived the death of most of her family at the hands of the Horde and the Scourge, Sylvanas managed to become a skilled ranger, and then the general of the Rangers of the army of Quel'Thalas. Having become the head of the rangers, she was responsible for protecting the elven forests from invasion. The sisters also have cousin Zendarin Windrunner, who became a blood elf after the destruction of the Sunwell.

Second War - invasion of the Horde

During the Second War, Sylvanas was engaged in the defense of the Eversong Forests from the Horde and the forest trolls who had joined them, who had long been the sworn enemies of the elves. During the war, the trolls tried to invade Quel'Thalas in order to massacre the elves. At first they succeeded, but soon the defensive units of the rangers under the command of Sylvanas took over. An open attack forced King Anasterian Sunstrider, who had previously been unwilling seriously interfere with the elves in the course of the conflict, give the appropriate orders. According to them, Sylvanas’ troops continued step by step to knock out the trolls from their possessions right up to the very border of the forest, where, together with the army of the Alliance of Lordaeron, under the command of Turalyon, they were squeezed into a trap. troops of the Horde and almost crushed them completely. The position of the Horde was saved only by the red dragons that soon appeared, enslaved by the orcs.

The Alliance could not oppose anything to the dragons then. The armies had to retreat and regroup. Sylvanas' forces remained in the defense of Silvermoon City while Turalyon's army advanced towards Lordaeron, attempting to prevent a siege of the capital.

Third War - Scourge in Quel'Thalas

During the war, Prince Arthas, with the armies of the dead Scourge behind him, broke into Quel'Thalas, and Sylvanas Windrunner led the defense of the elven forests. But fierce resistance did not save the ancient kingdom - Quel'Thalas fell, and Sylvanas, unable to warn Silvermoon, the capital of the elves , about the impending assault, was personally killed by Arthas. Without allowing the spirit of the proud elf to rest in peace, in revenge for such a desperate struggle - or perhaps as a sign of the futility of resistance - he turned her into a banshee, a cursed ghost doomed to serve the fallen prince. Deprived of free will and the ability to think, Sylvanas remained an obedient ghost for a long time until she managed to regain her former dead body (how this happened is still unknown).

After some time, Sylvanas managed to free herself from the control of the King of the Dead. Soon after the suppression of the last pockets of human resistance in Lordaeron, in which Arthas, Sylvanas and Kel'Thuzad participated, three Nathrezim brothers, dissatisfied with the fact that Arthas removed them from command of the Scourge, plotted against him. Having met in a secluded place with Sylvanas, who was holding their release in secret, the nathrezim revealed to her that the King of the Dead and Arthas were losing their power, and that this was precisely the reason for her release, although Sylvanas demonstrated self-will, insisting that she would choose the form of “help” herself, and decided to take part in the conspiracy. the most active participation.

Troops of demonic conspirators attacked the prince in the depopulated capital of Lordaeron. And when Arthas managed to escape from the capital, overrun by undead loyal to the Nathrezim, the banshees loyal to Sylvanas, pretending to be the prince’s loyal servants, lured his squad into a trap in the forest, where his guards were quickly killed. Arthas himself was wounded by her arrow, which paralyzed him and subjected him to excruciating agony. But Kel’Thuzad’s detachment, which soon appeared, rescued the Death Knight from danger, and the elf had to flee.

Civil war

Unable to get even with the prince, Sylvanas decided to free as many undead as possible from the power of the King of the Dead. From these freed dead and banshees, she gathered her new army. However, immediately after Arthas’ departure from Lordaeron, Varimathras, one of the Dread Lords, on their behalf again offered her cooperation and a piece of power in the Plague Lands. But now Sylvanas saw no point in cooperation. She only needed the death of the fallen prince, and she was in no hurry to part with her newfound freedom. And therefore, she soon had to fight the undead of those Lords of Terror, who until recently, along with her, plotted against Arthas. But for these battles, which later received the name Civil War in the Plaguelands (eng. Civil War in the Plaguelands), she had too few forces. Therefore, she used her abilities and her banshees to subjugate the minds of many of the creatures remaining in Lordaeron - for example, the leader of the local ogres Mag'tol. With her new “allies”, she managed to defeat one of the nathrezim, Varimathras, but spared him in exchange for an oath devotion.

Detheroc enslaved the mind of the last human marshal, Garithos, and effectively controlled the surviving human troops of Lordaeron. At the direction of Sylvanas, her banshees took over the minds of the guards, and the detachment they missed attacked the enemy camp at night, which decided the outcome of the battle - Detherok was killed. After this, Garithos, seduced by the idea of ​​​​conquering the capital of the kingdom, helped Sylvanas and Varimathras crush the resistance of the third demon, Balnazzar. Sylvanas demanded from Varimathras the final test of loyalty - the murder of Balnazzar, which he - not without hesitation, however - did. However, after this, Garithos and his troops were also destroyed - the vengeful Sylvanas had no intention of leaving the capital to the arrogant and rude, but narrow-minded marshal.

Through the forces of the Forsaken - as she called her renegade army - western Lordaeron was retaken from the Scourge, and now from her royal chamber in the Undercity, deep beneath the ruins of Lordaeron's old capital, Sylvanas leads her subjects in their endless war against the Scourge and other enemies.