All information about Demon Hunters - the second heroic class in World of Warcraft. In the guide we will tell you about Demon Hunter traits, class halls, Tier 19 sets, artifacts, and more.

Other class names: DH, Demon Hunter.

Current Demon Hunter guides (Battle for Azeroth 8.0.1):

Demon Hunter: Basic Information

Here are the main differences between Demon Hunters and other World of Warcraft classes:

  • Types of armor - leather and fabric;
  • Weapons used: twin glaives;
  • Resources used – health, rage (dd), pain (tank);
  • Two available races: Night Elves (Alliance) or Blood Elves (Horde);
  • Heroic class: playing for it starts at a higher level (95-100) immediately in the Legion;
  • Two roles - tank (specialization "Revenge") and damage dealer (specialization "Extermination");

Demon Hunter Mount

The new class's ground mount is the Fel Saber. There was also information about a second ground-based class mount (Demonic Saber), but it was later removed from the game.

Nothing is known yet about the flying Demon Hunter mount, but there is an assumption that it will be a bat.

You can learn more about the new mounts from our guide to Legion mounts.

Video of ground mount DH (Corrupted Saber):

Talents and abilities

Demon Hunters gain new talents at levels 99, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110.

DHs tank and deal damage thanks to their incredible agility and speed, which is what the entire playstyle for this class is based on. Perhaps these will be the most mobile heroes in the game– they can double jump, jump into and out of combat quickly, and even open their wings to glide through the air!

Many abilities highlight the individuality of the class:

  • Tattoos protect the character: Demonic Charms and Seal of Silence.
  • The ability to temporarily transform into a demon through Metamorphosis.
  • High Mobility: Double Jump and Glide allow Demon Hunters to reach places that other classes cannot.
  • Demon Hunters can see demons on the mini-map, and with the help of Spectral Vision they can see through walls, see treasures and enemies (including enemies in a stealth state).
  • DHs use split glaives to deal with demons: Glaive Master, Warblade Throw.
  • Various cosmetic glyphs allow you to change the effects of certain abilities (for example, Glyph of Fel Wings).

Demon Hunter Artifacts

The new class has two artifacts available - one for each specialization:

  • – MX and OX (talent calculator)
  • Vengeance: Aldrachi Warblades - MX and OX (talent calculator)

How to get artifacts

After completing the introductory questline, each Demon Hunter will have to choose the artifact they want to obtain. Then you will need to complete a short chain of tasks to obtain a class artifact.

Closer to the release of the Legion, we will write detailed guides on obtaining both artifacts.


From the very beginning, only one option for the appearance of the artifact is available for each artifact, but as players progress, they will unlock new options through various actions (PvP, PvE, achievements).

Video: appearance of the artifact of the DH specialization Extermination:

Video of the appearance of the Demon Hunter artifact of the Revenge branch:

More information on artifacts: Legion artifacts guide.

Set T19 for Demon Hunter

During the development of Legion, the T19 Demon Hunter set was reworked several times. Here is a video of its final version:

In addition to T19 in Legion, each class will have a separate set of class strongholds. Here is a video of such a set for Demon Hunter:

Character Customization

Regarding your character's appearance:

  • You can customize the appearance: horns, skin color, blindfold. A unique feature of the appearance of demon hunters will be tattoos.
  • According to the story, demon hunters will be awakened from their slumber to face the invasion of the Burning Legion. The game for this class begins 10 years ago, when they were sent by Illidan to the Black Temple.

In the past, demon hunters were night elves who decided to devote themselves to the fight against the Legion and absorbed demonic essence for this. Tattoos on their skin enhance their magical power, while keeping their armor light so as not to limit their incredible agility. The more Demon Hunters train, the more corrupted their appearance becomes.– hooves, horns, scars (all this manifests itself in the ability to customize the character).

Representatives of this class blind themselves to secure a demonic essence, and subsequently receive a new type of vision in return. Similar to the Cursed Vision of Sargeras item effect, the Demon Hunter can track demons on the minimap - this effect can be toggled on or off.

The eye mask used by Illidan is available for selection when customizing your character's appearance. At the same time, many new options have appeared, including masks that have never been seen on Demon Hunters before.

Screenshots of male characters:

Screenshots of female characters:

Class history

Demon Hunters have appeared in previous World of Warcraft expansions. If you want to learn more about the history of this class, take a look at the following quests and NPCs in the game.


In this guide to the Demon Hunter in WWII Legion, I will tell you all the necessary information about this class in the Havoc branch, namely: everything you need to know about the abilities, class mechanics, strengths and weaknesses of the DH, build, rotation, enchantments , stones, necessary addons and macros.

Demon Hunter: Havoc

Havoc (Havoc)- This is one of the two Demon Hunter specializations, which is responsible for dealing damage. As you know, DH is a new class that appeared with the release of patch 7.0.3 and will be fully available on August 30, when WWII Legion is released.

This class and specialization involve close combat. Most of the abilities we need require rage. The main task of players of this class is to spend the accumulated rage as correctly and in a timely manner as possible and use additional abilities if necessary (more on this in the paragraph with rotation to DH).

In their arsenal, demon hunters have various abilities that increase movement speed and increase the overall mobility of the character. All this makes this class nimble and flexible.

How does this class work?

Below I will talk about the main points of the class mechanics: rage generation, basic abilities and GCD.

  • Rage or frenzy- This is the main resource of Demon Hunter, which is spent on the use of such important attack abilities as: Chaos Strike and Blade Dance. Generated by using Demon's Bite;
  • Movement Abilities - Cunning Retreat and Fel Rush allow you to quickly move around the area, dealing damage and slowing down the enemy;
  • Metamorphosis is the main ability with high AC, which increases the damage from our attacking abilities and increases speed by 25%;
  • When you take critical damage from the Chaos Strike ability, you get back 50% of the rage you expended. This introduces some dynamics into the rotation due to the unpredictable value of rage at a particular moment in time;
  • Piercing Gaze is the main AoE ability that deals damage to all enemies in front of the character and has a fairly short cooldown.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other class in the Second Legion, Demon Hunters have their own strengths and weaknesses, which are discussed in more detail below.


  • Good constant damage to one target;
  • Powerful cooldowns for a variety of situations;
  • Can easily switch between targets and, due to the presence of rage, inflict powerful burst damage;
  • Excellent mobility, thanks to which the player can move around the battlefield without any problems.


  • DPS can vary significantly depending on critical hit procs;
  • Cooldowns on AoE abilities, which can reduce burst damage;
  • Using mobility abilities as attackers can have a negative impact on survivability.

About Demon Hunter Havoc's abilities

This section will provide basic information about abilities, specs, various procs, etc., which will be needed to master the class. For those players who are already well acquainted with the Havoc DH in Legion, I advise you to skip these points and move on to the build.

Main resource

As mentioned above, rage is the main resource, which is used to cast abilities. Generated by using Demon Bite or an alternative - Demonic Blades, if taken by talents. Thus, Demon Hunters are limited in generating rage, not the name of other passive sources. Almost all the rage will be spent on using Chaos Strike and in some situations on the AoE abilities Blade Dance and Piercing Gaze. It is very important to maintain a certain amount of rage so as not to go down when casting the rotation.

Main Abilities

In the paragraph above, we have already listed some of the most important Demon Hunter abilities in the Extermination tree, but now it’s worth talking a little more about them.

This leveling order allows you to get the maximum benefit from each talent. By upgrading the artifact branch in this way, we will significantly increase both AoE damage and damage to a single target. This order allows you to leave such unimportant talents as Fury of the Tempter and Overwhelming Energy at the end. At the same time, we are quickly pumping up such effective talents as Balanced Blades and Sharpened Glaives, as well as the first gold talent - Wrath of the Illidari, which is very good in the PvE component.

Relics for Demon Hunter

When choosing relics, Demon Hunters, like other gaming classes, should focus on the level of the item, without paying special attention to the talents that enhance these relics. This is due to the fact that the level of the relic directly affects the level of the artifact, and, consequently, its damage. If you have two relics of the same level in your arsenal, then follow the following priority of artifact talents:

For the AoE component, Vision of Chaos comes first.

Rotation for Demon Hunter in PvE

The rotation of DH abilities in the Havoc tree is based on generating rage with Demonic Blades or Demon's Bite and then spending it on Chaos Strike. All other abilities have a long recovery time, so they are used less often, but in no case should you miss their readiness. This will negatively impact your DPS.

Start of the battle

  1. You need to drink an agility potion, get all the buffs and positive effects from food, etc.
  2. We use the Fel Dash ability to engage.
  3. We use Fel Dash again if the Fel Mastery talent is taken and Impulse is not taken.
  4. Use the Demon Bite ability or the Demonic Blades talent to accumulate 80 rage.
  5. We use Insidious Retreat if Impulse or Readiness is taken in the build.
  6. We use Nemesis if taken in talents.
  7. We use Metamorphosis.
  8. We use Blades of Chaos if the talent is taken in the build.
  9. We use Annihilation.
  10. Next we move on to the rotation itself ↓

Rotation for one target

  1. We use Insidious Retreat (Readiness) when you have 80 or less units of rage or to use the talent Impulse;
  2. We use Fel Dash in three cases: to consume the second charge of the ability; if the Fel Mastery talent is taken; for the use of the talent Impulse;
  3. Use Fury of the Illidari Impulse;
  4. We use Combat Blade Throw in combination with the proc of the Impulse talent;
  5. We use Fel Barrage with 5 charges in combination with the proc of the Impulse talent;
  6. Using Annihilation
  7. Use the Tempter's Piercing Gaze of Suffering;
  8. Use Chaos Strike when you have 70 or less rage;
  9. We use Fel Barrage with 4 charges in combination with the proc of the Impulse talent;
  10. We use Demonic Blades to generate rage;
  11. Use Fel Dash if your target has left the range;
  12. We use Combat Blade Throw if there is no enemy within melee range.

It is worth noting that using most abilities in conjunction with the proc of the Impulse talent is only a recommendation. And, if you don’t have the opportunity to do this, then we still stick to the rotation and use abilities without this proc.

For multiple purposes

In this case, the order in which abilities are used will depend on the number of enemies and the selected talents.

  1. We use Fel Dash in three cases: to expend the second charge of the ability, if it is possible to hit 3 or more targets; if the Fel Mastery talent is taken; for the use of the talent Impulse;
  2. We use Insidious Retreat (provided that the Readiness talent is taken) when you have 85 or less units of rage or to proc the Impulse talent;
  3. We use Fel Dash to reset the second charge if it is possible to hit 3 or more targets;
  4. We use Illidari Rage in combination with the proc of the Impulse talent;
  5. We use Fel Barrage when we have 4+ charges in combination with the proc of the Impulse talent;
  6. Use Piercing Gaze if the artifact feature is taken

The Demon Hunter is a melee class with two specializations: Havoc (DD) and Vengeance (Tank). This class is the most mobile and has super abilities, for example: finding invisible opponents and spitting from a bird's eye view, jumping twice. They are capable of withstanding huge tons of damage and inflicting no less, of course, with straight hands.


The Demon Hunters, disciples of Illidan, maintain a dark legacy that terrifies their allies and enemies. The Illidari possess chaotic magic—energies that have long threatened the world of Azeroth—believing they need to challenge the Burning Legion. With the powers of the demons they have killed, they develop demonic traits that inspire disgust and fear in other elves.

Demons have come a long way in the Warcraft universe, from appearing in one level of Warcraft II (and called "demons" in the manual) to becoming the main villains of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Now they're essentially part of the next World of Warcraft release, Legion, and the Demon Hunter class is also coming.

Demon Hunters can dash, double jump, and slide, and have very short cooldowns. After playing with most other classes in WoW, switching to Demon Hunter is something completely different. The only class that really comes close to being mobile is the monk, with his rolls and dragon flight. Demon Hunters can move around as much, if not more, but do it on a larger scale, so it really feels quite unique.

In our interview with executive producer J. Allen Brk (embedded above), he said making Demon Hunters the most mobile class in the game is a key goal for the team. These qualities actually make Illidan the least believable demon hunter in Azeroth: I can't imagine a demon hunter not double jumping.

The Demon Hunters' mobility was my favorite part, but their appearance should have made them popular as well. Appearance customization options during character creation include horn style, tattoos, eye covers, and various skin options. You can look amazingly like Illidan.

Demon Hunter feels the same way they fight. As World of Warcraft has progressed, Blizzard has gradually implemented maximum health regeneration options for each class, so leveling up on your own isn't a waking nightmare. For Demon Hunters, a passive ability called Shattered Souls creates a purple orb on the battlefield after the player kills it, rewarding you with experience or honor. Said orb restores 25 percent of the demon hunter's health. If the slain was a demon, the demon hunter also receives a temporary buff.

In the “very cool but questionable” category, we have the spectral sight. Demon hunters can essentially flip a switch and see invisible creatures or see through walls. The animation for this in the demo was great, and the creatures appeared with an infrared heat signature and the edges of your UI.


  • Havoc (dps): A melee master who wields the destructive power of Chaos magic.
  • Vengeance (Tank): Takes on the form of a demon to burn enemies and protect your allies.

Basic Abilities

General Abilities

The Demon Hunters' apparent blindness belies their true powers of perception. They rely on a magically extended sight

We have prepared a pve guide for the Demon Hunter “Extermination” branch in WOW Legion 7.2. We'll tell you about the choice of talents and build for Demon Hunter Havoc, rotation, stones, enchants and more.

Changes in 7.2:

  • Reworked recommendations for choosing talents taking into account the patch
  • The priority of DH characteristics has been slightly changed
  • Added a path for upgrading an artifact after gaining 35 talents
  • Minor changes to enchants and food

A short version of the DH guide


The talents for this build are the easiest to use. While alternative talents can perform better when played correctly, they can also make more mistakes.

Thus, the build below when playing as the Havoc Demon Hunter can be considered as a basic one.

  • Level 99: Chaos Cleave
  • Level 100: Demonic Blades
  • Level 102: Fel Blade
  • Level 104: Soul Rend
  • Level 106: Nemesis
  • Level 108: Demonic Rebirth
  • Level 110: Blades of Chaos (single target) or Fel Barrage (AoE)

Feature Priority

Agility > Haste > Versatility > Crit > Mastery

Basic household rotation

A simplified version of the Demon Hunter rotation:

  1. Do Fel Dash ; do not allow 2 charges to accumulate.
  2. Cast Nemesis on your primary target.
  3. Use the Blades of Chaos. This ability can be delayed to be used in conjunction with Metamorphosis.
  4. Use Fury of the Illidari.
  5. Activate Fel Barrage at 5 charges.
  6. Use Piercing Gaze on 2+ enemies.
  7. Use Metamorphosis as a cool DPS cooldown. Try to have 80+ anger at this point.
  8. Blade Dance / Deadly swing at 3+ enemies when you have 35+ Rage.
  9. Annihilation / Chaos Strike when 40+ anger accumulated.

Note: In this build, the Demon Hunter will receive a lot of wrath from Demonic Blades. Because you have a lot of anger, sometimes you will have an anger drain - this is normal.

PvE talents/build

Fel Mastery– can be considered as a short-term boost to AoE damage, but overall it is inferior to other talents in this tier.

Demonic Appetite Best suited for Demon Hunters with high gear. In addition, it pairs well with Demonism.

Readiness looks worse than other talents, although he is not far behind them.

Bloodletting– best suited when the DH needs to deal damage to multiple targets with low health when he has the legendary Bionic Stabilizers of Moarg. In other cases, other talents are preferable.

Fel Eruption gives a decent burst and can be used in some rare situations for a mini-stun, but in general this talent should be avoided.

How to level up artifact talents for the “Extermination” branch

There are few options for upgrading the Tempter's Twin Blades. The best way is to level up talents in this order:

Other abilities will complement the Demon Hunter's rotation, allowing for more efficient management of both the character's resources and abilities with long cooldowns.

Rotation of DH "Extermination" in World of Warcraft 7.2:

  1. Use Devious Retreat (assuming the Ready talent is selected) when you have 80+ Wrath or to trigger Impulse.
  2. Do Fel Rush with the Fel Mastery talent leveled up when you have 70+ Rage, or almost 2 charges, or to trigger Impulse.
  3. Use Fury of the Illidari, combined with Impulse.
  4. Apply Warblade Throw (if you took the Bloodletting talent), combine with Impulse.
  5. Activate Fel Barrage at 5 charges if you have Impulse.
  6. Hit with Annihilation when 70+ anger has accumulated.
  7. A piercing gaze, if your artifact has the Tempter's Suffering talent upgraded.
  8. Hit with Chaos Strike if you have 70+ anger.
  9. Use Fel Barrage at 4 charges, try to combine it with Impulse.
  10. Use Demon Bite Demon Blades.
  11. Do a Fel Dash if you are not in attack range.
  12. Use Warblade Throw if
    1. can't reach the target
    2. right in battle, if you took the talent Demonic Blades.

Note: Even though the Havoc Demon Hunter rotation has Piercing Gaze in its rotation, never use it on one target when it can be used on multiple enemies soon. The same goes for Fury of the Illidari.

How to start a fight

The DH rotation at the start of the battle looks like this:

  1. Drink the Potion of Ancient War.
  2. Activate Metamorphosis.
  3. Do a Fel Dash directly at the target to activate Pulse.
  4. Use Blades of Chaos if you take this talent.
  5. Immediately after this, use Warblade Throw.
  6. Use Fel Barrage if you have this talent.
  7. Use Fury of the Illidari.
  8. Use Devious Retreat to reactivate Impulse.
  9. Use Annihilation.
  10. Continue the fight using the normal rotation (described above).

Multiple targets

The Demon Hunter's rotation for AoE situations depends on the number of opponents and leveled up talents.

The abilities Piercing Gaze and Blade Dance are added to the rotation, and the main focus should be on properly managing Wrath.

  1. Do a Fel Dash with the Fel Mastery talent leveled up when you have 70+ rage, or almost have 2 charges (on three targets), or to trigger Impulse.
  2. Use Insidious Retreat with the Ready talent leveled up when you have 85 or less Wrath or to activate Impulse.
  3. Do Fel Dash on 3+ targets if you have almost two charges.
  4. Use Fury of the Illidari, synchronize with Impulse.
  5. Use Fel Barrage with 4+ charges, try to combine it with Impulse.
  6. Use Piercing Gaze during Pulse.
  7. Blade Dance / Deadly swing at 3+ enemies.
  8. Apply Warblade Throw (if you took the Bloodletting talent), combine with Impulse.
  9. If there are less than 3 opponents in front of you, hit with Chaos Strike (with the upgraded Chaos Cleave talent).
  10. Hit with Chaos Strike when you have 70+ anger (or 60+ if the Demonic Blades talent is taken).
  11. Use Demon's Bite to generate Wrath without the Demonic Blades talent.

Note: If you are fighting less than 5 enemies, it is more profitable to use Chaos Strike with the Chaos Cleave talent than Blade Dance.

At the same time, the Fel Dash ability must be used in AoE, regardless of whether you took Fel Mastery or not (it is recommended to take it).

Improving your Demon Hunter game

In this part of the Legion 7.2 Havoc Demon Hunter guide, we'll look at the intricacies of the game that will help you perform your role more effectively in Legion dungeons and raids.

The tips below are not mandatory, but will help improve the overall level of Demon Hunter play.

1. Analysis of talents Tier 2

The choice of talent in the second tier greatly affects the mechanics of the Demon Hunter game in 7.2, so at level 100 there will be an important decision to make.

The talent Readiness forces you to add Devious Retreat to your rotation and use it on CD, which greatly affects the frequency of the character’s movements in battle.

Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the location of the Demon Hunter - especially if the enemy has dangerous abilities. On the other hand, the talent allows you to generate Anger, and this can be a good help while the player is using powerful attacking abilities that consume it, while also additionally replenishing the resource.

On the other hand, Demon Blades replace Demon Bite, thereby reducing the rate at which anger accumulates. The 100% chance from using the ability is replaced by 75% from the auto attack, in addition, the character deals damage from dark magic and generates 10-15 Wrath. This talent adds player-reaction focus to the game, as rotation no longer depends on the global ability cooldown, instead the character sits idle for a while, waiting for Wrath to build up.

Compared to other talents in this tier, Demonic Blades are more chaotic in practice.

And finally, the last option is Demonic Appetite, it has the least impact on rotation. The chance of triggering is 50 percent with a cooldown of 15 seconds. In any case, it is better to favor stability, so Demonic Appetite is the worst choice in the series.

2. Demonic Blades

If you make a choice in favor of Demonic Blades, then it is worth understanding their mechanics. The ability can only accumulate Wrath when there is no global cooldown on the abilities, which means that you will have to be inactive for some time in battle. If the ability triggers during a global cooldown, the Wrath buildup effect will linger and the next trigger will hit twice, restoring Wrath per hit.

This mechanic can accumulate up to 10 charges, but will only consume 2, meaning that if the player uses Chaos Strike many times in a row, a burst of Wrath accumulation will follow upon completion while idle. Managing the resource in this situation is quite simple - you should spend Wrath faster than it accumulates, while its generation is quite unpredictable. But in any case, to accumulate Anger you no longer need to actively press one button, you just need to react when there is enough Anger and start spending it.

3. Mobility or damage?

Despite the fact that it was previously recommended to take Fel Mastery due to the fact that this talent is useful in any situation, do not forget about the versatility of Fel Dash. If you have to move a lot in battle, then it is better to save charges of Fel Dash, due to the fact that you will deal more damage without leaving the target than by rushing to roll back into the enemy.

The same principle applies to Insidious Retreat with a leveled-up Readiness talent, with the only difference being that retreat should be used with caution, since, unlike a dash, it does not accumulate charges.

4. Piercing gaze

Piercing gaze should be used when there are a large number of opponents in front of the character.

If this is not possible, you can use the ability on cooldown on one target, although it is much more effective to do this in battle with several targets. An excellent example would be Xhul'Horak, where using Piercing Gaze is more advantageous to time when imps appear, despite the fact that you always have two targets in front of you.

5. Cooldowns

1. Metamorphosis

Metamorphosis is a powerful ability that strengthens Demon Hunters for 30 seconds (CD 5 minutes). It increases attack speed by 25% and allows you to use new abilities.

Before activating Metamorphosis, you need to accumulate Wrath to 80, since you will need to constantly press Annihilation. In the last 5 seconds, it is worth fully expending your remaining Wrath, this way you will achieve the greatest effectiveness from the ability.

6. Demon Hunter Basics

1. Mobility in battle

In Legion, the Demon Hunter can use mobility-enhancing abilities (Cunning Retreat and Fel Charge) to increase damage and generate Wrath.

It is extremely important to use these abilities correctly in battle.

There are two ways to move around using Cunning Retreat.

1) Lean your back against the wall and use the ability, thus, the character will remain standing in the target area.

2) Before using the ability, you should sharply turn the character 90 degrees, thereby using a jump to find yourself on the other side of the target, still remaining within its reach.

Remember: When used, the character jumps back.

Fel Dash also requires attention to your surroundings to cast correctly. The character dashes in the direction of the view, then can return to the target with a second charge.

Note: Both abilities are affected by GCD (1 sec). Otherwise, the player could interrupt one ability with another.

To minimize damage loss, you need to carefully consider the consequences before jumping or dashing.

2. Accumulation and consumption of Anger

Since Havoc is heavily reliant on Wrath, you'll need to think carefully about what you can do with your talents.

The main rule is not to accumulate the maximum amount of Wrath (this leads to a decrease in DPS). You can spend Wrath starting from 70 units, having previously accumulated through Demon’s Bite (gives up to 30 units of Wrath per use).

With the Demon Blades talent, the accumulation of anger becomes less predictable, however, but you should stick to the same rule anyway.

It is worth remembering that it is possible to restore Wrath through a successful interrupt (Absorb Magic), which gives 50 Wrath and extends the time it takes to spend it.

They will not accumulate enough Anger.


If you can afford it, use Corrupted Augment Rune. Note that it now works in Mythic+ dungeons as well.

Macros for households in the Legion

In patch 7.2, the following macro will be useful for DH dd:

#showtooltip Consume Magic /cast [@focus,harm,nodead] Interrupt magic

The macro casts Magic Interrupt on the current target.

Weapon Selection

In addition to glaives, Demon Hunters can use one-handed swords, axes, daggers, and blunt weapons.

Always choose a weapon with a lower attack speed, and for the right hand, take one with a higher item level.

Trinkets for Demon Hunter 7.2

Best trinkets for DH dd (try to get any two with as high item level as possible):

Did you like the Havoc Demon Hunter PvE guide? We are waiting for your feedback in the comments!

Welcome to our game guide demon hunter specialization extermination (DD) in World Of Warcraft Legion 7.1. Here you will learn everything you need to know about playing in this specialization.

Class Overview

Havoc is the newest damage control specialization in World of Warcraft. It was introduced in the Legion pre-patch. This specialization places an emphasis on melee combat. Most abilities use Wrath to work. He is similar to our fellow Vengeance Demon Hunter “Pain.” The main task of this specialization is to spend the accumulated “Wrath” as correctly and in a timely manner as possible and use additional abilities if necessary (more on this in the paragraph with rotation).

Demon hunters have various abilities at their disposal that increase the speed of movement and increase the character's mobility. All this makes this class fast and flexible.

How it works?

“Anger” is your main resource. It is used by offensive abilities such as Chaos Strike and Blade Dance, and generates Demon Bite.

But it also greatly increases mobility, which can be detrimental in some situations. If that doesn't suit you, take Archenemy.

This path allows you to get all the best talent as early as possible. Wrath of the Illidari is very effective in dungeons. It's best to get the Tempter's Suffering before the release of the Emerald Nightmare Mythic mode. This path also eliminates weak and ineffective talents.

Relic Selection

When choosing relics, be guided by the item level and do not pay much attention to the talents enhanced by relics. This happens because the level of the relic affects the level of the artifact itself and the damage from it. If you have two relics of the same level, be guided by the following characteristics:

Versatility increases damage dealt and reduces damage received.

Speed affects many indicators, increasing auto attack speed, reducing GCD cooldown, reducing Blade Dance cooldown / also has a very good effect on damage done, so use both potions at your discretion. Download
Setup Guide

Deadly Boss Mods

An excellent multi-functional addon that helps in raids. Shows timers, notifies about phase changes of bosses, the use of abilities, etc.


The addon shows timers for boss abilities and warns about the start of casting these abilities. Notifies the raid whenever the boss begins another phase.
For any alert, the addon has many different mini-scripts that it adheres to during the battle. Some bosses will try to “wipe” the raid with the next phase. The addon will warn you and the raid that a new boss phase is about to begin. To do this, he can notify you with a sound or text signal, notify you in chat or in command panels.


The use of this addon is recommended in raids, arenas and battlegrounds. It warns you with a sound signal if you are in danger or you have attacked someone. If they start hitting you or attacking you, you are in the zone of AoE spells.


A powerful, flexible, customizable tool for indicating buffs, harmful auras and similar information. WeakAuras was originally a plugin for Power Auras that greatly expanded its capabilities. A little later, the plugin acquired more and more powerful tools until it grew into a full-fledged addon.

Omen Threat Meter

Aggro meter addon. Keeps statistics and displays the level of aggro of both your character and someone else's. Before the update. Remove the old omen and if there is a threat-2.0 library. They are no longer needed, since the new omen3 takes data from the blizz api"The problem of compatibility with other Omen addons has been resolved.

Equipment, legendaries and the best in the slot

Best of the slot

This list is not the only correct one, since the game contains items hardened in battle and forged by titans, which are not taken into account here due to their rarity. If you are able to collect these items, the list may change.

Keep in mind that the Unstable Arcane Crystal drops from the World Boss, so it may not always be comparable to the trinkets found in Mythic difficulty dungeons. Therefore, recommendations may differ from average.

Equipment evaluation and comparison

Since the game contains items forged by titans and battle-hardened, it is impossible to compile a complete list of equipment. But they are assessed using weighting coefficients. They may vary depending on the overall level of items, so for a more accurate assessment it is recommended to conduct a simulation for an individual character.
  • Weapon damage per second: 0.84
  • Agility: 1
  • Critical Strike: 0.79
  • Speed: 0.7
  • Versatility: 0.73
  • Mastery: 0.58
If we compare two pairs of boots, we can know for sure which one is better. Filthy Worms Fury of Giants, allowing you to use it more often

Loot competition

Raid or boss loot that works for you also works for other classes. List of your possible competitors:

Items from the sets: Demon Hunters: Vengeance, Paladins, Priests, Hunters.
Leather armor: Demon Hunters: Vengeance, Druids, Monks, Rogues.
Amulets, Cloaks, Rings: All.
Accessories: Druids - Feral Power, Hunters, Monks - Windwalker, Rogues, Shamans - Cultivation.

That's all, good luck playing!