"On education in the Russian Federation"

The Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" establishes the legal, organizational and economic foundations of education in the Russian Federation, the basic principles of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the general rules for the functioning of the education system and the implementation of educational activities, determines the legal status of participants in education relations.

In accordance with Article 2, education is understood as a single targeted process of upbringing and learning, which is socially significant and carried out in the interests of man, family, society and states, as well as a combination of acquired knowledge, skills, skills, value installations, experience and competence of certain volumes and difficulties in order to intellectual, spiritually moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfying his educational needs and interests.

The new law contains 15 chapters and 111 articles, while the former is the law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 N 3266-I "On Education" - 6 chapters and 58 articles. A significant increase in volume is not a lack of law, but a consequence of expediency to make it exhaustive and extremely sufficient for the education system. It is very important and useful that the conceptual apparatus is expanded in the law. The terms are introduced: "Educational Organization" (this is a non-profit organization, on the basis of a license, educational activities as the main type of activity in accordance with the goals, for the achievement of which such an organization was created) and "Organization, exercising training" (this is a legal entity exercising on the basis of Licenses Along with the main activities of educational activities as an additional type of activity). Two terms of the term are combined with the concept of "organization engaged in educational activities". Thus, instead of educational institutions, a system of educational organizations is introduced, and the employment contract becomes the only document generating the status of a pedagogical worker.

Article 3 lists the basic principles of state policies in the field of education. It should be noted that in paragraph 6, the "secular nature of education in state, municipal organizations engaged in educational activities" is enshrined, and in paragraph 9, the "Information Openness and Public Reporting of Educational Organizations" was enshrined.

Chapter 2 No. 273-FZ is devoted to the education system. It includes: 1) federal state educational standards and federal state requirements; 2) organizations carrying out educational activities; 3) federal state bodies and state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments; 4) organizations carrying out educational activities, assess the quality of education.

It should be noted that pedagogical workers and students were included in the education system (in the former law "on education" this was not), parents (legal representatives) of minor students. Especially allocated organizations that assess the quality assessment, which makes them an integral and independent component of the education system.

Particular attention is paid to the structure of the education system. It consists of general education, vocational education, additional education and vocational training, ensuring the possibility of realizing the right to education throughout life (continuing education). Professional education levels identified:

1) secondary vocational education;

2) Higher education - undergraduate;

3) Higher education - specialty, master's train;

4) Higher education - training of highly qualified personnel. As can be seen, there is no level - primary vocational education, there is no postgraduate vocational education, and the level is the preparation of highly qualified personnel - attributed to higher education. These higher education levels do not contain the word "professional", there was a refund to traditions and global categories, although essentially higher education is professional and related to the levels of vocational education.

Article 17 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" is introduced by the concept of form of education (education in organizations engaged in educational activities; obtaining education outside of organizations, that is, in the form of family education and self-education) and form of training (full-time, part-time and correspondence). It should be noted that the law does not name the external training form, while in the article "Student" (Article 33), the student attributed and externals - persons enrolled in an organization that exercise educational activities on having state accreditation educational programs for the passage of intermediate and state final certification. This is one of the contradictions of the law.

Article 34 establishes the basic rights of students and the measures of their social support and stimulation. Students have the right to visit their choice of activities that are held in an organization engaged in educational activities; To participate in public associations, including in professional unions, as well as to create public associations of students. They have the right to create student detachments for organizing temporary employment of students who have expressed a desire to work in their free time to work in various sectors of the economy. Thus, the law will expand the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Trade Unions, their Rights and Guarantees of Activities", in accordance with which only working citizens can be combined into a trade union.

Article 43 enshrines the duties and responsibility of students. Students are required: 1) conscientiously master the educational program, attend the classes envisaged by the curriculum; 2) fulfill the requirements of the charter and the rules of the organization's internal regulation; 3) take care of the preservation and strengthening their health, strive for spiritual and physical development; 4) Respect the honor and dignity of other learners and employees of the organization, and others.

Particular attention should be paid to Article 72, which defines the forms of integrating educational and research activities in higher education. The objectives of such integration are personnel support of scientific research, improving the quality of training students on educational programs of higher education, attracting students to conduct scientific research under the guidance of scientists, the use of new knowledge and achievements of science and technology in educational activities.

Also presented the following forms of such integration:

1) conducting educational organizations of scientific

research and experimental development due to grants or other sources of financial support;

2) attracting educational organizations of employees of scientific organizations and other organizations engaged in research activities;

3) the exercise by educational and scientific organizations of joint scientific and educational projects, research and experimental development;

4) the creation of laboratories engaged in research and (or) scientific and technical activities in educational organizations; as well as departments that exercise educational activities.

Compared to this law that determines the forms of integration of educational and research activities in higher education, in the federal law of 22. 08. 1996 N 125-FZ "On the Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" (invalid) indicate the main tasks of the highest An educational institution, among which it is possible to distinguish the development of sciences and arts through scientific research and creative activities of scientific and pedagogical workers and students, the use of the results obtained in the educational process. In addition, it lists the types and names of higher educational institutions: Federal University, University, Academy, Institute. In the new Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" this article is missing.

Chapter 1. General provisions Article 1. The subject of regulation of this Federal Law This Federal Law establishes the legal, organizational and economic foundations of education in the Russian Federation, the basic principles of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the general rules for the functioning of the education system and the implementation of educational activities, determines the legal The situation of participants in relations in the field of education.

Article 2. The basic concepts used in this Federal Law federal state requirements are mandatory requirements for the minimum of the content, the structure of additional professional programs, the conditions for their implementation and timing of these programs, approved in accordance with this Federal Law, authorized federal executive authorities;

Article 2. The basic concepts used in this Federal Law The educational program is a complex of the main characteristics of education (volume, content planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions and in cases provided for by this Federal Law, the forms of certification, which is presented as a curriculum, calendar learning graphics, working programs of training items, courses, disciplines (modules), other components, as well as estimated and methodical materials;

Article 2. Basic concepts used in this federal law Sample basic educational program - educational and methodological documentation (approximate curriculum, approximate calendar graphics, exemplary work programs of training items, courses, disciplines (modules), other components), which determines the recommended volume and the content of the formation of a certain level and (or) of a certain focus, the planned results of the development of the educational program, exemplary conditions of educational activities, including exemplary calculations of the normative costs of the provision of public services for the implementation of the educational program;

Article 3. The basic principles of state policy and legal regulation of relations in the field of education recognition of the priority of education; ensuring the rights of each person on education, the inadmissibility of discrimination in the field of education; Humanistic education,

Article 3. Basic principles of state policy and legal regulation of relations in the field of education Unity of educational space in the territory of the Russian Federation; creation of favorable conditions for the integration of the education system of the Russian Federation with systems for the formation of other states on an equal and mutually beneficial basis; the secular nature of education; freedom of choosing education; Ensuring the right to education throughout life;

Article 3. Basic principles of state policy and legal regulation of relations in the field of education Autonomy of educational organizations; democratic nature of education management; Invalidation of restriction or eliminating competition in the field of education; A combination of state and contractual regulation of relations in the field of education.

Article 5. The right to education. State guarantees of the realization of the right to education in the Russian Federation in the Russian Federation are guaranteed by the right of every person on education. The Russian Federation guarantees the publicly available and availability in accordance with the federal state educational standards of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education, secondary vocational education, as well as on a competitive basis, the free education of higher education, if the formation of this level, a citizen receives for the first time.

Article 6. Powers of federal government bodies in the field of education Development and implementation of a unified state policy in the field of education; approval of federal state educational standards, the establishment of federal state requirements; licensing educational activities; State control (supervision) in the field of education

Article 7. Powers of the Russian Federation in the field of education transferred to the authorities of the state authorities of the Russian Federation state control (supervision) in the field of education; licensing educational activities of organizations; state accreditation; Confirmation of documents on education and (or) on qualifications.

Chapter 2. Education system Article 10. The structure of the education system in the Russian Federation is established by the following levels of general education: 1) pre-school education; 2) primary general education; 3) basic general education; 4) secondary general education.

Article 11. Federal State Educational Standards and Federal State Requirements. Educational standards unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation; continuity of basic educational programs; The variability of the content of educational programs of the corresponding level of education, the possibility of forming educational programs of various levels of complexity and orientation, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of students; State guarantees of the level and quality of education on the basis of the unity of mandatory requirements for the implementation of the main educational programs and the results of their development.

Article 12. Educational programs for basic educational programs include: the main general education programs - educational programs of pre-school education, educational programs of primary general education, educational programs of basic general education, educational programs of secondary general education;

Article 12. Educational programs for additional educational programs include: - educational programs of pre-school education are developed and approved by the Organization exercising educational activities, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education and, taking into account the relevant exemplary educational programs of pre-school education.

Article 13. General requirements for the implementation of educational programs Educational programs are implemented by an organization that exercise educational activities, both independently and through network forms of their implementation. Federal state bodies, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, carrying out public administration in the field of education, local government bodies, carrying out management in the field of education, are not entitled to change the curriculum and calendar curriculum of organizations engaged in educational activities.

Article 17. Forms of education and form of training in organizations engaged in educational activities; Training in the form of family education and self-education is carried out with the right of subsequent passage in accordance with Part 3 of Article 34 of this Federal Law of the Interim and State Summary Certification in organizations engaged in educational activities. A combination of various forms of obtaining education and training forms is allowed.

Article 18. Printing and electronic educational and information resources The training publications used in the implementation of educational programs of pre-school education are determined by the organization engaged in educational activities, taking into account the requirements of federal state educational standards, as well as exemplary educational programs of pre-school education and exemplary educational programs of primary general education .

Article 19. Scientific and methodological and resource support of the education system in order to participate in pedagogical, scientific workers, representatives of employers in the development of federal state educational standards, exemplary educational programs, coordination of the actions of organizations engaged in educational activities, in ensuring the quality and development of education in the education system Teaching and methodical associations can be created. Educational and methodological associations on voluntary principles include pedagogical workers, researchers and other employees of organizations engaged in educational activities, and other organizations operating in the education system, including employee representatives.

Article 20. Experimental and innovative education in the field of education Innovative activity is focused on improving scientific and pedagogical, educational, organizational, legal, financial and economic, personnel, material and technical support of the education system and is carried out in the form of implementing innovative projects and programs by organizations, We carry out educational activities and other educational organizations in the field of education, as well as their associations. When implementing an innovative project, the Programs must be ensured by the rights and legitimate interests of participants in educational relations, the provision and education of education, the level and quality of which cannot be lower than the requirements established by the Federal State Educational Standard, federal state requirements, educational standard.

Article 23. Types of educational organizations Preschool Educational Organization - Educational Organization, which provides educational activities in educational programs for educational programs for pre-school education, leaving and care for children.

Article 25. Charter of the educational organization. Article 26. Management of the educational organization. Article 27. The structure of the educational organization. Article 28. Competence, rights, obligations and responsibility of the educational organization. Article 29. Information openness of the educational organization Article 30. Local regulations containing norms regulating educational relations. Article 31. Organizations engaged in training. Article 32. Individual entrepreneurs carrying out educational activities

Chapter 4. Studying and their parents (legal representatives) Article 33. Studying 1) Pupils - Persons who develop the educational program of pre-school education, persons who have a basic general education program with simultaneous accommodation or finding an educational organization;

Article 34. Basic rights of students and measures of their social support and stimulation. Article 35. Use of textbooks, teaching benefits, training and education. Article 36. Scholarships and other cash payments. Article 37. Organization of eating students. Article 38. Providing non-fermented property (outfit). Article 39. Providing residential premises in hostels. Article 40. Transportation

Article 41. Protection of the health of students in the provision of primary health care in the manner prescribed by legislation in health protection; Food organization of students; determining the optimal educational, extracurricular load, training sessions and vacation duration; Propaganda and training in the skills of a healthy lifestyle, labor protection requirements;

Article 42. Psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance to students experiencing difficulties in the development of basic general education programs, the development and social adaptation of psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance is provided to children experienced difficulties in the development of basic general educational programs, development and social adaptation, including minors learning, recognized in cases and in the manner provided for by criminal procedural legislation suspected, accused or defendants in a criminal case or being victims or witnesses of the crime, in the centers of psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance, created by the state authorities of the subjects Of the Russian Federation, as well as psychologists, educational psychologists of organizations engaged in educational activities in which such children are trained. Local governments have the right to create centers of psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance.

Article 43. Responsibilities and responsibilities of students in conscientiously mastering the educational program, to carry out an individual curriculum, including attending training sessions provided for by the curriculum or individual curriculum, carry out independent training for classes, to perform tasks, data from pedagogical workers within the educational program;

Article 44. Rights, duties and responsibilities in the field of parental education (legal representatives) of minors studying parents (legal representatives) minors students have a predominant right to teach and raising children to all other persons. They are obliged to lay the foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality. Give a child preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education in the family. A child who receives education in the family, by decision of his parents (legal representatives), taking into account his opinion at any stage of training, has the right to continue education in an educational organization; receive information on all types of planned surveys (psychological, psychological and pedagogical) students, agree to conduct such surveys or participating in such surveys, to abandon them or participate in them, obtain information on the results of the examinations of students;

Article 45. Protection of the rights of students, parents (legal representatives) of minors students to send to the management bodies of an organization engaged in educational activities, appealing to employees of these organizations that violate and (or) infringement of students' rights, parents (legal representatives) of minors students, disciplinary recovery. Such appeals are subject to compulsory consideration by these bodies with the involvement of students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students;

Chapter 5. Pedagogical, leadership and other employees of organizations engaged in educational activities Article 46. The right to occupying pedagogical activities The right to occupation of pedagogical activities have persons having a secondary vocational or higher education and responding with the qualification requirements specified in the qualification directories, and (or) Professional standards. The nomenclature of posts of pedagogical workers of organizations engaged in educational activities, posts of educational organizations are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 47. Legal status of pedagogical workers. Rights and freedoms of pedagogical workers, guarantees of their implementation Freedom of teaching, free expression of its opinion, freedom from interference in professional activities; freedom of choice and use of pedagogically substantiated forms, funds, learning and education methods; the right to creative initiative, the development and application of copyright programs and methods of training and education within the educational program, a separate training subject, course, discipline (module); the right to the choice of textbooks, teaching aids, materials and other means of training and education in accordance with the educational program and in the manner prescribed by the legislation on education; the right to participate in the development of educational programs, including curricula, calendar learning graphs, work curriculum, courses, disciplines (modules), methodical materials and other components of educational programs;

Article 48. Responsibilities and responsibilities of pedagogical workers 1. Pedagogical workers are obliged to: to carry out their activities at a high professional level, to ensure the fully implementation of taught training subjects, courses, disciplines (module) in accordance with the approved work program; comply with legal, moral and ethical norms, follow the requirements of professional ethics; respect the honor and dignity of students and other participants in educational relations; developing educational cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creative abilities, to form a civil position, the ability to work and life in the context of the modern world, to form a healthy and safe culture of life; apply pedagogically substantiated and ensuring high quality form education, methods of teaching and education;

Article 48. Responsibilities and responsibilities of pedagogical workers take into account the features of the psychophysical development of students and their health status, comply with the special conditions necessary to obtain education by persons with disabilities, interact if necessary with medical organizations; systematically increase your professional level; undergo certification for compliance with the position in the manner prescribed by the legislation on education; undergo in accordance with the labor legislation preliminary when entering work and periodic medical examinations, as well as extraordinary medical examinations in the direction of the employer; to undergo in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; managing and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection; Comply with the Charter of the educational organization, the Regulation on the specialized structural educational unit of the Organization, exercising training, the rules of the internal labor regulation.

Article 48. Responsibilities and responsibilities of pedagogical workers 2. The pedagogical worker of an organization engaged in educational activities, including as an individual entrepreneur, is not entitled to provide paid educational services to the student in this organization, if it leads to a conflict of the interests of the pedagogical worker. 3. Pedagogical workers are prohibited to use educational activities for political agitation, coercive students to adopt political, religious or other convictions or the abandonment of them, to incite social, racial, national or religious retail, for agitation, promoting exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of Social, racial, national, religious or language affiliation, their relationship to religion, including through the report of students' unreliable information about the historical, national, religious and cultural traditions of peoples, as well as to encourage students to actions contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Article 48. Responsibilities and responsibilities of pedagogical workers 4. Pedagogical workers are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper performance of responsibilities entrusted to them in the manner and in cases established by federal laws. Failure or improper performance of pedagogical workers of the duties stipulated by part 1 of this article is taken into account when the certification is passed.

Article 49. Certification of pedagogical workers Certification of pedagogical workers In order to confirm the conformity of pedagogical workers, their positions are carried out once every five years based on the assessment of their professional activities attestation commissions, independently emerged by organizations that carry out educational activities.

Chapter 6. The foundations of the emergence, changes and termination of educational relations Article 53. The emergence of educational relations. Article 54. Education Treaty. Article 55. General requirements for admission for training in an organization carrying out educational activities. Article 56. Target reception. Treaty on the target reception and the Treaty Treatment Agreement. Article 57. Changes in educational relations. Article 58. Intermediate certification of students. Article 59. Summary certification. Article 60. Documents on education and (or) on qualifications. Teaching documents. Article 61. Termination of educational relations. Article 62. Restoration in an organization engaged in educational activities

Article 64. Pre-school education Preschool education is aimed at the formation of a common culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, preservation and strengthening the health of preschool children. Educational programs of pre-school education are aimed at the versatile development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, including the achievement of preschool children, the level of development necessary and sufficient for the successful development of educational programs of primary general education, based on individual approach to children of preschool age. And species specific for children of the pre-school age. The development of educational programs of pre-school education is not accompanied by interim certification and total certification of students. Parents (legal representatives) of minor students who provide children with preschool education in the form of family education have the right to receive methodical, psychological and pedagogical, diagnostic and advisory assistance, including in pre-school educational organizations and general education organizations, if in them Created appropriate consulting centers. Ensuring the provision of such types of assistance is carried out by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Article 65. The fee charged from parents (legal representatives) for the presence and care of children who develop educational programs of pre-school education in organizations engaged in educational activities pre-school educational organizations carry out and care for children. Other organizations that exercise educational activities on the implementation of educational programs of pre-school education are entitled to take care and care for children. For the book and care for the child, the founder of an organization that carries out educational activities has the right to establish a fee charged from parents (legal representatives) (hereinafter - the parental fee), and its size, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law. The founder has the right to reduce the size of the parental fee or not charge it from certain categories of parents (legal representatives) in cases determined by him and the procedure. For the leaving and care for children with disabilities, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as for children with tuberculous intoxication, studying in state and municipal educational organizations that implement the educational program of pre-school education, the parental fee is not charged.

Article 65. The fee charged from parents (legal representatives) for the presence and care of children who develop educational programs of pre-school education in organizations engaged in educational activities are not allowed to include expenditures for the implementation of the educational program of pre-school education, as well as expenses for the maintenance of immovable property and state and Municipal educational organizations implementing the educational program of pre-school education, to the parental fee for leaving and care for a child in such organizations. In order to material support for the upbringing and training of children visiting educational organizations that implement the educational program of pre-school education, parents (legal representatives) are paid compensation in the amount established by the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but at least twenty percent of the average size of the parental fee for care and care For children in state and municipal educational organizations located on the territory of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation, on the first child, at least fifty percent of the size of such a board on the second child, at least seventy percent of the size of such fees on the third child and subsequent children. The average size of the parental fee for the care and care of children in state and municipal educational organizations is established by the state authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation. The right to receive compensation has one of the parents (legal representatives) who have made a parental fee for the care and care of children in the relevant educational organization.

Article 65. The fee charged from parents (legal representatives) for the supervision and care for children who develop educational programs of pre-school education in organizations engaged in educational activities The procedure for obtaining compensation specified in paragraph 5 of this article and the procedure for its payment is established by state bodies The authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The financial support of the costs associated with the payment of compensation specified in Part 5 of this article is the consumables of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 8. Vocational Education Article 68. Secondary Vocational Education Article 69. Higher Education Article 70. General Requirements for the organization of admission for training programs for undergraduate programs and specialist programs Article 71. Special rights when admission to training under undergraduate programs and specialist programs Article 72. Forms of integration of educational and scientific (research) activities in higher education Article 73. Organization of vocational training Article 74. Qualification exam

Chapter 11. Features of the implementation of some types of educational programs and education with certain categories of students Article 77. Organization of obtaining education by persons who have manifested outstanding abilities Article 78. Organization of obtaining education by foreign citizens and stateless persons in Russian educational organizations Article 79. Organization of obtaining education learners with Limited health capabilities Article 80. The organization of the provision of education to persons convicted of imprisonment, forced work, suspected and accused Article 81. Features of the implementation of professional educational programs and activities of educational organizations of federal state bodies engaged in training in the interests of defense and State Security, Life and Law Enforcement Article 82. Features of the implementation of professional educational programs of medical education and fa RMACTIC Education Article 83. Features of the implementation of educational programs in the field of art Article 84. Features of the implementation of educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports Article 85. Features of the implementation of educational programs in the field of training specialists of civil aviation personnel, members of the crews of courts in accordance with international requirements, As well as in the preparation of railway transport workers directly related to the movement of trains and manowing work. Article 86. Training on additional general wealthy educational programs that are aimed at the preparation of minor students to the military or other public service, in general education organizations, professional educational organizations Article 87. Features Studying the foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation. Features of the formation of theological and religious education Article 88. Features of the implementation of basic general educational programs in the overtakers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Chapter 12. Management of the education system. State Regulation of Educational Activities Article 89. Management of the Education System Article 90. State Regulation of Educational Activities Article 91. Licensing of educational activities Article 92. State accreditation of educational activities Article 93. State control (supervision) in education Article 94. Pedagogical examination Article 95. Independent Evaluation of the quality of education Article 96. Public accreditation of organizations engaged in educational activities. Vocational and public accreditation of educational programs Article 97. Information openness of the education system. Monitoring in the education system Article 98. Information systems in the education system

Chapter 13. Economic activities and financial support in the field of education Article 99. Features of the financial support of state and municipal services in the field of education Article 100. Control figures of admission to training at the expense of budget allocations of the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets Article 101. Implementation of educational activities at the expense of individuals and legal entities Article 102. Property of educational organizations Article 103. The creation of educational organizations of higher education of economic societies and economic partnerships whose activities are in the practical application (implementation) of the results of intellectual activity Article 104. Educational lending

Chapter 14. International cooperation in the field of education Article 105. Forms and directions of international cooperation in the field of education Article 106. Confirmation of documents on education and (or) on qualifications Article 107. Recognition of education and (or) qualifications obtained in a foreign state Article 108. Final provisions Article 109. Recognition of individual legislative acts of the SSR Union on the territory of the Russian Federation Article 110. Recognition by invalid the strength of individual legislation (provisions of legislative acts) of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation

Chapter 1. General

Article 2 The basic concepts used in this Federal Law

Inclusive education - ensuring equal access to education for all students taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities; An adapted educational program is an educational program adapted for learning persons with disabilities, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, ensuring the correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons; Education is a single targeted process of upbringing and learning, which is a socially significant benefit and carried out in the interests of a person, family, society and states, as well as a set of acquired knowledge, skills, skills, value installations, experience and competence of certain volume and complexity in order to intellectual spiritual, moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfying his educational needs and interests;

education - Activities aimed at the development of the individual, the creation of conditions for self-determination and socialization of students on the basis of socio-cultural, spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200band adopted in the society of rules and norms of behavior in the interests of man, family, society and state;

training is a targeted process of organizing the activities of students in mastering knowledge, skills, skills and competence, the acquisition of experience, the development of abilities, the acquisition of experience in the use of knowledge in everyday life and the formation of educational motivation to obtain education throughout life;

studying with disabilities (OBS) - an individual with disadvantages in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by the psychological and medical and pedagogical commission and prevent education without creating special conditions;

the disabled person is a person who has a violation of health with a resistant disorder of the body functions, due to diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to a limitation of vital activity and the necessity of its social protection.

Article 5 Right to education. State guarantees of the realization of the right to education in the Russian Federation

5. In order to realize the right of every person on education by federal government agencies, public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments:

1) the necessary conditions are created to obtain quality education without discrimination by persons with disabilities, to correct development violations and social adaptation, the provision of early corrective assistance on the basis of special pedagogical approaches and the most suitable languages \u200b\u200bfor these individuals, methods and methods of communication and conditions in The maximum degree of contributing to the formation of a certain level and a certain orientation, as well as the social development of these persons, including through the organization of inclusive education of persons with disabilities;

2) It turns out to be assisted to persons who showed outstanding abilities and to which, in accordance with this Federal Law, include students who showed a high level of intellectual development and creative abilities in a certain field of educational and research activities, in scientific and technological and artistic work, in physical culture and sports;

3) It is fully or partially financially ensuring the content of persons who need social support in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, during the period of their education.

Chapter 4. Training and their parents (legal representatives)

Article 34. Basic rights of students and measures of their social support and stimulation

1. Academic rights are granted to:

1) the choice of an organization engaged in educational activities, forms of obtaining education and form of training after receiving the main general education or after the achievement of eighteen years;

2) providing conditions for training taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development and health status, including the receipt of social and pedagogical and psychological assistance, free psychological and medical and pedagogical correction;

3) training according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated training, within the developed educational program in the manner prescribed by local regulatory acts;

5) the choice of optional (optional education for this level of education, profession, specialty or direction of training) and elective (elected in obligatory) learning items, courses, disciplines (modules) from the list offered by the organization carrying out educational activities (after receiving the basic general education );

9) respect for human dignity, protection against all forms of physical and mental violence, insults, the protection of life and health;

10) freedom of conscience, information, free expression of their own views and beliefs;

11) Vacations are planned breaks in obtaining education for recreation and other social goals in accordance with the legislation on education and the calendar learning schedule.

Article 41. Health Protection

5. For students developing basic educational programs and needing long-term treatment, educational organizations are created, including sanatoriums, in which the necessary therapeutic, rehabilitation and wellness activities are conducted for such students. Education of such children, as well as children with disabilities, which, for health, cannot attend educational organizations, can also be organized by educational organizations at home or in medical organizations. The basis for organizing training at home or in a medical organization is the conclusions of a medical organization and in writing the appeal of parents (legal representatives).

Article 42. Psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance to students experiencing difficulties in the development of basic general educational programs, development and social adaptation

1. Psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance turns out to be children who experience difficulties in the development of basic general education programs, development and social adaptation, including minor students, recognized in cases and in the manner provided for by criminal procedural legislation suspected, accused or The defendants in a criminal case or being victims or witnesses of the crime, in the centers of psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance, created by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as psychologists, teachers-psychologists of organizations engaged in educational activities in which such children are trained. Local governments have the right to create centers of psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance.

2. Psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance includes:

1) Psychological and pedagogical counseling of students, their parents (legal representatives) and pedagogical workers;

2) corrective-developing and compensating classes with students, speech therapy assistance to students;

3) a complex of rehabilitation and other medical events;

4) Help learning in vocational guidance, receiving profession and social adaptation.

3. Psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance is to children on the basis of a statement or consent in writing their parents (legal representatives).

4. The Center for Psychological and Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance also provides assistance to organizations engaged in educational activities on the implementation of basic general education programs, training and education of students, including the psychological and pedagogical support of the implementation of basic general educational programs, provides methodological assistance to organizations, exercising educational activities, including assistance in the development of educational programs, individual curricula, the choice of optimal methods of training and education of students experiencing difficulties in the development of basic general education programs, identifying and eliminating potential obstacles to learning, and monitors the effectiveness of the effectiveness of organizations exercising educational activities , psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance to children experiencing difficulties in the development of basic general education programs, development and Oral adaptation.

5. The Center for Psychological and Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance may be entrusted with the functions of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission, including the implementation of a comprehensive psychological and medical and pedagogical examination of children in order to timely identify features in physical and (or) mental development and (or) deviations in the behavior of children, preparation based on the results of an examination of children's recommendations for the provision of psychological and medical and pedagogical care and the organization of their training and education, as well as confirmation, refinement or change of previous recommendations. The Regulation on the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission and the procedure for conducting a comprehensive psychological and medical and pedagogical examination of children are established by the federal executive body that performs functions to develop public policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of education, in coordination with the federal executive authority, carrying out functions According to the development of public policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of health.

6. Psychological and pedagogical assistance in the Center for Psychological and Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance is the teachers-psychologists, social teachers, teachers-speech therapists, teachers-defectologists and other specialists necessary to properly implement the functions of such a center. The Center for Psychological and Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance also provides a set of measures to identify the reasons for social disadaptation of children and provides them with social assistance, communicates with the family, as well as with bodies and organizations on the employment of children, provide them with housing, benefits and pensions.

Article 44. Rights, duties and responsibilities in the field of parental education (legal representatives) minors students

1. Parents (legal representatives) of minors students have a preemptive right to teach and raising children to all other persons. They are obliged to lay the foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality.

3. Parents (legal representatives) minors students have the right:

1) To choose to complete the receipt of the child's main general education, taking into account the opinion of the child, as well as taking into account the recommendations of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission (if available), the form of obtaining education and form of education, organizations engaged in educational activities, language, educational languages, optional and elective educational items, courses, disciplines (modules) from the list offered by the organization carrying out educational activities;

2) give the child a preschool, the initial total, the main general, secondary general education in the family. A child who receives education in the family, by decision of his parents (legal representatives), taking into account his opinion at any stage of training, has the right to continue education in an educational organization;

4) Get acquainted with the content of education used by learning and education, educational technologies, as well as with estimates of the performance of their children;

5) protect the rights and legitimate interests of students;

6) receive information on all types of planned surveys (psychological, psychological and pedagogical) students, agree to conduct such surveys or participating in such surveys, to abandon them or participate in them, obtain information on the results of the examinations conducted;

8) to be present during the examination of the Children of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission, discussing the results of the survey and recommendations obtained from the results of the survey, to express their opinion on the proposed conditions for the organization of training and education of children.

4. Parents (legitimate representatives) minors are required:

1) to ensure the receipt of general education children;

2) comply with the rules of the organization's internal regulations engaged in educational activities, the rules for living in boarding schools, the requirements of local regulations that establish the training regime, the procedure for regulating educational relations between the educational organization and training and (or) their parents (legal representatives) and design the emergence, suspension and termination of these relations;

3) Respect the honor and dignity of students and employees of the organization carrying out educational activities.

6. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of duties established by this Federal Law and other federal laws, parents (legal representatives) of minor students are responsible provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 55. General requirement for admission to organizing educational activities.

3. Reception for training on basic general educational programs and educational programs of vocational education at the expense of budget allocations of the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets is carried out on a publicly available basis, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law. Children with disabilities are accepted for training on an adapted main educational program only with the consent of parents (legal representatives) and on the basis of the recommendations of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission.

Article 65. The fee charged from parents (legal representatives) for ledging and care for children who develop educational programs of pre-school education in organizations engaged in educational activities

1. Pre-school educational organizations carry out a child and care for children. Other organizations that exercise educational activities on the implementation of educational programs of pre-school education are entitled to take care and care for children.

2. For the care and care of the child, the founder of an organization that carries out educational activities has the right to establish a fee charged from parents (legal representatives) (hereinafter - the parental fee), and its size, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law. The founder has the right to reduce the size of the parental fee or not charge it from certain categories of parents (legal representatives) in cases determined by him and the procedure.

3. For leaving and care for children with disabilities, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as for children with tuberculous intoxication, studying in state and municipal educational organizations that implement educational preschool education programs, the parental fee is not charged.

5. In order to material support for the upbringing and training of children visiting educational organizations that implement the educational program of pre-school education, parents (legal representatives) are paid compensation in the amount established by the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but not less than twenty percent of the average size of the parental fee for care And care for children in state and municipal educational organizations located in the territory of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation, on the first child, at least fifty percent of the size of such fees on the second child, at least seventy percent of the size of such a fee for the third child and subsequent children. The average size of the parental fee for the care and care of children in state and municipal educational organizations is established by the state authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation. The right to receive compensation has one of the parents (legal representatives) who have made a parental fee for the care and care of children in the relevant educational organization.

Article 66. Primary general, basic general and secondary general education

10. For students who need long-term treatment, children with disabilities, which, for health, cannot attend educational organizations, training on educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education is organized at home or in medical organizations.

11. The procedure for issuing the relations of the state or municipal educational organization with students and (or) their parents (legal representatives) in terms of the organization of training on educational programs of the initial general, basic general and secondary general education at home or in medical organizations is established by the regulatory legal act of the authorized body State power of the subject of the Russian Federation.

12. For students with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior in need of special conditions of upbringing, learning and requiring a special pedagogical approach, in order to obtain the initial general, basic general and secondary general education authorized authorities of the Russian Federation or the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, special Educational institutions of open and closed types. The procedure for the direction of minor citizens to the special educational institutions of open and closed types and the conditions for their stay in such institutions are determined by the Federal Law of June 24, 1999 N 120-FZ "On the basics of the system of prevention of neglect and juvenile offenses".

Article 67. Organization of admission to training on basic general education programs

1. Receipt of pre-school education in educational organizations can begin with the achievement of children of two months. Obtaining primary general education in educational organizations begins to achieve the children of the age of six years and six months in the absence of contraindications for health state, but no later than the achievements of the age of eight years. According to parents (legal representatives) of children, the founder of the educational organization has the right to allow the admission of children to an educational organization for training on educational programs of primary general education in an earlier or later age.

2. Rules for admission to primary general education programs should ensure the admission of all citizens who are entitled to obtain general education of the appropriate level, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law.

3. The rules for admission to state and municipal educational organizations for training on basic general education programs should also ensure that the educational organization of citizens eligible to obtain the general education of the appropriate level and living in the territory behind which the specified educational organization was enshrined.

4. In the reception to the state or municipal educational organization can be denied only due to the lack of free places in it, except in cases provided for by the parts 5 and 6 of this article and Article 88 of this Federal Law. In the absence of places in the state or municipal educational organization, parents (legal representatives) of the child to address the issue of its device to another general education organization are referred directly to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which implements public administration in the field of education, or local government authority in the field of education.

Article 79. Organization of obtaining education learners with disabilities

2. The general education of educational with disabilities is carried out in organizations engaged in educational activities on adapted primary general education programs. In such organizations, special conditions are created to obtain the formation of these learning.

3. Under special conditions for obtaining education learners with disabilities in this federal law, the conditions of training, education and development of such students include the use of special educational programs and methods of training and education, special textbooks, training aids and didactic materials, special Technical means of teaching collective and individual use, the provision of assistant services (assistant), providing students with the necessary technical assistance, conducting group and individual correctional classes, ensuring access to the buildings of organizations engaged in educational activities, and other conditions without which educational programs are impossible or difficult. Learning with disabilities health.

4. Education of learning health capabilities can be organized both in conjunction with other student and in certain classes, groups or in individual organizations carrying out educational activities.

5. Selected organizations that carry out educational activities on adapted primary general education programs are created by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for deaf, weakly impaired, late boilers, blind, visually impaired, with severe violations of speech, with impaired musculoskeletal system, with mental retardation, with The mental retardation, with the disorders of the autistic spectrum, with complex defects and other student with disabilities.

7. Study with disabilities living in an organization engaged in educational activities are in full state security and are provided with nutrition, clothing, shoes, soft and hard inventory. Other studies with disabilities are provided with free two-time powered.

8. Vocational training and vocational education studies with disabilities are carried out on the basis of educational programs adapted when necessary to train these student.

9. The state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ensure that professional learning students with disabilities (with various forms of mental retardation) that have no basic general or secondary general education.

10. Professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education, as well as organizations carrying out educational activities on basic vocational training programs, special conditions should be created to obtain education learners with disabilities.

11. Upon receipt of education learners with disabilities, free special textbooks and textbooks are provided, other educational literature, as well as surviving services and typhospur services. The said measure of social support is the consuming commitment to the subject of the Russian Federation in relation to such students, with the exception of students from the federal budget budget allocations. For disabled people who study at the expense of budget allocations of the federal budget, ensuring these social support measures is the expenditure obligation of the Russian Federation.

12. The state represented by the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provides training for pedagogical workers who own special pedagogical approaches and methods of training and educating students with disabilities and promotes the involvement of such employees in organizations engaged in educational activities .

1. Pre-school educational organizations carry out a child and care for children. Other organizations that exercise educational activities on the implementation of educational programs of pre-school education are entitled to take care and care for children.

2. For a career and care for the child, the founder of the organization carrying out educational activities establishes a fee charged from parents (legal representatives) (hereinafter - the parental fee), and its size, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law. The founder has the right to reduce the size of the parental fee or not charge it from certain categories of parents (legal representatives) in cases determined by him and the procedure. In case the child's care and care of the child in an organization that carries out educational activities is paid by the founder, the parental fee is not established.

3. For leaving and care for children with disabilities, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as for children with tuberculous intoxication, studying in state and municipal educational organizations that implement educational preschool education programs, the parental fee is not charged.

4. It is not allowed to include expenditures for the implementation of the educational program of pre-school education, as well as expenses for the maintenance of real estate of state and municipal educational organizations that implement the educational program of pre-school education, to the parental fee for the care and care of the child in such organizations. The size of the parental fee for the care and care of children in state and municipal educational organizations cannot be higher than its maximum amount established by the regulatory legal acts of the subject of the Russian Federation for each municipality located on its territory, depending on the conditions of supervision and care of children.

5. In order to material support for the upbringing and training of children visiting educational organizations that implement the educational program of pre-school education, parents (legal representatives) are compensated. The amount of compensation is established by the laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and should not be less than twenty percent of the average size of the parental fee for the book and care for children in state and municipal educational organizations located in the territory of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation, on the first child, not less fifty percent of the size of such a board on the second child, at least seventy percent of the size of such a fee on the third child and subsequent children. The average size of the parental fee for the care and care of children in state and municipal educational organizations is established by the state authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation. The right to receive compensation has one of the parents (legal representatives) who have made a parental fee for the care and care of children in the relevant educational organization. In granting compensation, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are entitled to establish the needs of the need for the laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. The procedure for applying for compensation specified in paragraph 5 of this article and the procedure for its payment is established by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

7. Financial support for expenses related to the payment of compensation specified in Part 5 of this article is the consumables of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

"On education in the Russian Federation"

Signing date: 12/29/2012

Publication date: 12/31/2012 00:00

Chapter 1. General

Article 1. Subject to regulation of this Federal Law

1. The subject of regulation of this Federal Law is public relations arising in the field of education in connection with the implementation of the right to education, ensuring state guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the field of education and the creation of conditions for the realization of the right to education (hereinafter referred to as a relationship in education).

2. This Federal Law establishes the legal, organizational and economic frameworks of education in the Russian Federation, the basic principles of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the general rules for the functioning of the education system and the implementation of educational activities determines the legal status of participants in education relations.

Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are applied:

1) Education - a single targeted process of upbringing and learning, which is a socially significant good and carried out in the interests of man, family, society and state, as well as a set of acquired knowledge, skills, skills, value installations, experience and competence of certain volume and complexity in order to intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfying his educational needs and interests;

2) Education - Activities aimed at the development of the individual, the creation of conditions for self-determination and socialization of training on the basis of socio-cultural, spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200band adopted in the society of rules and norms of behavior in the interests of man, family, society and state;

3) training is a targeted process of organizing the activities of students in mastering knowledge, skills, skills and competence, acquisition of experience, the development of abilities, acquisition of experience in the application of knowledge in everyday life and the formation of educational motivation to obtain education throughout life;

4) the level of education is the completed cycle of education, characterized by a certain unified set of requirements;

5) Qualification - the level of knowledge, skills, skills and competence characterizing the preparedness for the implementation of a certain type of professional activity;

6) The Federal State Educational Standard is a set of mandatory requirements for the formation of a certain level and (or) to the profession, specialty and direction of training, approved by the federal executive authority, carrying out functions to develop public policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of education;

7) the educational standard is a set of mandatory requirements for higher education in the specialties and areas of training approved by educational organizations of higher education defined by this federal law or decree of the President of the Russian Federation;

8) federal state requirements - compulsory requirements for the minimum of the content, the structure of additional prefest programs, the conditions for their implementation and timing of these programs, approved in accordance with this Federal Law, authorized federal executive authorities;

9) the educational program - a complex of the main characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions and in cases provided for by this Federal Law, the forms of certification, which is presented in the form of a curriculum, calendar learning chart, work programs of training subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), other components, as well as estimated and methodological materials;

10) Sample basic educational program - educational and methodological documentation (approximate curriculum, approximate calendar learning schedule, exemplary work programs of training subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), other components), which defines the recommended volume and content of the formation of a certain level and (or) a certain focus, the planned results of the development of the educational program, exemplary conditions of educational activities, including exemplary calculations of the normative costs of the provision of public services for the implementation of the educational program;

11) General education - a type of education that is aimed at the development of the personality and acquisition in the process of mastering the main general educational programs of knowledge, skills, skills and the formation of the competence necessary for human life in society, aware of the choice of profession and receiving vocational education;

12) vocational education - a type of education that is aimed at purchasing students in the process of mastering the main professional educational programs of knowledge, skills, skills and the formation of the competence of certain levels and volumes that make it possible to conduct professional activities in a particular field and (or) to carry out work on a specific profession or specialties;

13) Vocational training is the type of education that is aimed at purchasing learning knowledge, skills, skills and the formation of the competence necessary to carry out certain labor, service functions (certain types of labor, work, occupations);

14) Additional education is a type of education that is aimed at comprehensively satisfying the educational needs of a person in intellectual, spiritual and moral, physical and (or) professional improvement and is not accompanied by an increase in the level of education;

15) study - an individual mastering the educational program;

16) studying with disabilities - an individual with disadvantages in physical and (or) psychological development confirmed by the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission and prevent education without creating special conditions;

17) Educational activities - Activities for the implementation of educational programs;

18) Educational organization - a non-profit organization, on the basis of a license, educational activities as the main type of activity in accordance with the objectives of which such an organization was created;

19) an organization, a legal entity, on the basis of a license, along with the main activity of educational activities as an additional type of activity;

20) organizations carrying out educational activities - educational organizations, as well as organizations engaged in training. For the purposes of this Federal Law, individual entrepreneurs exercising educational activities are equated with educational activities, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law;

21) the pedagogical worker is an individual who is in labor, official relations with an organization that carries out educational activities and performs duties for learning, education of students and (or) organization of educational activities;

22) curriculum - a document that determines the list, laboriousness, sequence and distribution of training subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), practices, other types of educational activities and, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law, forms of interim certification of students;

23) An individual curriculum is a curriculum that provides the development of the educational program based on the individualization of its content, taking into account the peculiarities and educational needs of a particular learner;

24) Practice - type of educational activities aimed at forming, consolidation, development of practical skills and competence in the process of performing certain types of work related to future professional activities;

25) the focus (profile) of education - the orientation of the educational program for specific areas of knowledge and (or) the activities that define its subjectual and thematic content that prevail the types of educational activities of the study and requirements for the results of the development of the educational program;

26) Training and education - appliances, equipment, including sports equipment and equipment, tools (including musical), educational and visual manuals, computers, information and telecommunication networks, hardware and software and audiovisual agents, printed and electronic educational and information resources and other material objects necessary for the organization of educational activities;

27) inclusive education - ensuring equal access to education for all students taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities;

28) adapted educational program - educational program adapted to teach persons with disabilities, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, ensuring the correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons;

29) the quality of education is a comprehensive characteristic of educational activities and training a student, expressing their compliance with federal state educational standards, educational standards, federal state requirements and (or) the needs of a physical or legal person, in the interests of which educational activities are carried out, including the degree of achievement planned results of the educational program;

30) relations in the field of education - a set of public relations on the realization of the right of citizens to education, the purpose of which is to master the learning content of educational programs (educational relations), and public relations that are related to educational relations and the purpose of which is to create conditions for the realization of citizens' rights to education;

31) participants in educational relations - students, parents (legal representatives) of minors students, pedagogical workers and their representatives, organizations engaged in educational activities;

32) participants in relations in the field of education - participants in educational relations and federal state bodies, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, employers and their associations;

33) The conflict of the interests of the pedagogical worker is the situation in which the pedagogical worker has a personal interest in obtaining material benefits or other advantages and which affects or may affect the proper performance of the pedagogical employee of professional duties due to the contradiction between his personal interest and interests. studying, parents (legal representatives) minors students;

34) Binding and care for children - a set of measures for the organization of food and economic and domestic service of children, ensuring compliance with their personal hygiene and the regime of the day.

Article 3. Basic principles of public policy and legal regulation of relations in the field of education

1. Public policy and legal regulation of relations in the field of education are based on the following principles:

1) recognition of education priority;

2) ensuring the rights of each person on education, the inadmissibility of discrimination in the field of education;

3) the humanistic nature of education, the priority of human life and health, the rights and freedoms of the individual, the free development of the individual, the education of mutual respect, hard work, citizenship, patriotism, responsibility, legal culture, careful attitude towards nature and the environment, rational environmental management;

4) the unity of educational space in the territory of the Russian Federation, the protection and development of the ethnocultural features and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation in the conditions of a multinational state;

5) the creation of favorable conditions for the integration of the education system of the Russian Federation with the systems of education of other states on an equal and mutually beneficial basis;

6) the secular nature of education in state, municipal organizations engaged in educational activities;

7) freedom to choose education according to the tendency and needs of a person, creating conditions for self-realization of each person, the free development of its abilities, including the provision of the right to choose the forms of education, forms of education, organization that exercising educational activities, education within the limits provided by the education system, and the provision of freedom to pedagogical workers in the selection of training forms, learning and education methods;

8) ensuring the right to education throughout life in accordance with the needs of the individual, the adaptability of the education system to the level of training, the peculiarities of development, abilities and interests of man;

9) autonomy of educational organizations, academic rights and freedoms of pedagogical workers and students stipulated by this Federal Law, information openness and public reporting of educational organizations;

10) the democratic nature of education management, ensuring the rights of pedagogical workers, students, parents (legal representatives) minors students for participation in the management of educational organizations;

11) the inadmissibility of restrictions or eliminating competition in the field of education;

12) a combination of state and contractual regulation of relations in the field of education.

2. The Government of the Russian Federation annually as part of providing a unified state policy in the field of education submits a report on the implementation of state policy in the field of education and publishes it on the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Internet Information and Telecommunications Network (hereinafter "The Internet").

Article 4. Legal regulation of relations in the field of education

1. Relations in the field of education are governed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law, as well as by other federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation containing norms regulating relations in the field of education (hereinafter referred to as legislation about education).

2. The objectives of legal regulation of relations in the field of education are the establishment of state guarantees, mechanisms for the implementation of human rights and freedoms in the field of education, the creation of the conditions for the development of the education system, the protection of the rights and interests of participants in the education relations.

3. The main tasks of legal regulation of relations in the field of education are:

1) ensuring and protecting the constitutional law of citizens of the Russian Federation for education;

2) the creation of legal, economic and financial conditions for the free functioning and development of the education system of the Russian Federation;

3) the creation of legal guarantees to coordinate the interests of participants in education relations;

4) identify the legal status of participants in education relations;

5) the creation of conditions for education in the Russian Federation by foreign citizens and stateless persons;

6) the delimitation of powers in the field of education between the federal government bodies, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

4. Norms regulating relations in the field of education and contained in other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, legal acts of local authorities, must comply with this Federal Law and cannot limit the rights or Reduce the level of provision of guarantees compared to the guarantees established by this Federal Law.

5. In case of inconsistency of the norms regulating the relations in the field of education and contained in other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, legal acts of local governments, the norms of this Federal Law apply the norms of this federal The law, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law.

6. In the event that other rules have been established by the International Treaty of the Russian Federation than those provided for by this Federal Law, the rules of the International Treaty applies.

7. The action of education legislation applies to all organizations that carry out educational activities in the territory of the Russian Federation.

8. Legislation on education in relation to Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University, as well as organizations located on the territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center and exercising educational activities, applying to the characteristics established by special federal laws.

9. On citizens held by the Federal State Service for Pedagogical and Scientific and Pedagogical Workers, as well as on citizens held by the Federal State Service and being students, the effect of education legislation applies to the features provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on civil service.

Article 5. The right to education. State guarantees of the realization of the right to education in the Russian Federation

1. In the Russian Federation guarantees the right of every person to education.

2. The right to education in the Russian Federation is guaranteed independently of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property, social and official position, place of residence, relations to religion, belief, belonging to public associations, as well as other circumstances.

3. The Russian Federation guarantees publicly available and free in accordance with the federal state educational standards of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education, secondary vocational education, as well as on a competitive basis, the free of higher education, if the formation of this level, a citizen receives for the first time.

4. In the Russian Federation, the implementation of the right of each person for education is ensured by creating federal government agencies, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the local government bodies of relevant socio-economic conditions for its receipt, expanding opportunities to meet the needs of a person in obtaining education of various levels and focus in Life for all life.

5. In order to realize the right of every person on education by federal government agencies, public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments:

1) the necessary conditions are created to obtain quality education without discrimination by persons with disabilities, to correct development violations and social adaptation, the provision of early corrective assistance on the basis of special pedagogical approaches and the most suitable languages \u200b\u200bfor these individuals, methods and methods of communication and conditions in The maximum degree of contributing to the formation of a certain level and a certain orientation, as well as the social development of these persons, including through the organization of inclusive education of persons with disabilities;

2) It turns out to be assisted to persons who showed outstanding abilities and to which, in accordance with this Federal Law, include students who showed a high level of intellectual development and creative abilities in a certain field of educational and research activities, in scientific and technological and artistic work, in physical culture and sports;

3) It is fully or partially financially ensuring the content of persons who need social support in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, during the period of their education.

Article 6. Powers of federal government bodies in education

1. The powers of the federal state authorities in the field of education include:

1) the development and implementation of a unified state policy in the field of education;

2) the organization of granting higher education, including ensuring state guarantees for the implementation of the right to receive a competitive-based higher education;

3) the organization of the provision of additional vocational education in federal state educational organizations;

4) development, approval and implementation of state programs of the Russian Federation, federal targeted programs, the implementation of international programs in the field of education;

5) the creation, reorganization, liquidation of federal state educational organizations, the implementation of the functions and powers of the founder of federal state educational organizations;

6) approval of federal state educational standards, the establishment of federal state requirements;

7) licensing educational activities:

a) organizations carrying out educational activities on educational programs of higher education;

b) federal state professional educational organizations implementing educational programs of secondary vocational education in the spheres of defense, production of products on defense order, internal affairs, security, nuclear energy, transport and communications, high-tech production in the specialties, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

c) Russian educational organizations located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, educational organizations established in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as the educational activities of diplomatic missions and consular agencies of the Russian Federation, representative offices of the Russian Federation with international (interstate, intergovernmental organizations);

d) foreign educational organizations carrying out educational activities at the location of the branch in the territory of the Russian Federation;

8) state accreditation of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities and those specified in paragraph 7 of this part, as well as foreign educational organizations exercising educational activities outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

9) State control (supervision) in the field of education for the activities of the organizations specified in paragraph 7 of this Part, as well as the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, carrying out public administration in the field of education;

10) the formation and maintenance of federal information systems, federal databases in the field of education, including ensuring the confidentiality of the personal data contained in them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

11) the establishment and assignment of state awards, honorary titles, departmental awards and the ranks of employees of the education system;

12) Development of forecasts for training, requirements for training on the basis of the forecast of the needs of the labor market;

13) ensuring monitoring in the education system at the federal level;

14) the implementation of other powers in the field of education established in accordance with this Federal Law.

2. The federal state bodies have the right to provide in federal state educational organizations the organization of providing public and free general and secondary vocational education.

Article 7. Powers of the Russian Federation in the field of education transmitted to the authorities of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

1. To the powers of the Russian Federation in the field of education transmitted to the authorities of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter also - transmitted authority) include the following powers:

1) State control (supervision) in the field of education for the activities of organizations engaged in educational activities in the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (with the exception of organizations specified in paragraph 7 of Part 1 of Article 6 of this Federal Law), as well as local governments engaging management in the field education in the relevant territory;

2) licensing educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities in the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (with the exception of organizations specified in paragraph 7 of Part 1 of Article 6 of this Federal Law);

3) state accreditation of the educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities in the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (with the exception of organizations specified in paragraph 7 of Part 1 of Article 6 of this Federal Law);

4) confirmation of documents on education and (or) on qualifications.

2. Financial support for the implementation of the powers transmitted, with the exception of the powers specified in Part 10 of this article, is carried out at the expense of subventions from the federal budget, as well as within the budget allocations provided for in the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation to the specified purposes at least in the amount of planned income The budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the payment of state duty associated with the implementation of the powers and enrolled in the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

3. The total amount of subventions from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of transmitted powers is determined on the basis of the methodology approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on the basis of:

1) the number of municipal districts and urban districts on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation, the internal municipalities of the cities of the federal significance of Moscow and St. Petersburg;

2) the number of organizations carrying out educational activities and their branches in respect of which the authority for state control (supervision) in the field of education, licensing of educational activities and state accreditation of educational activities transferred to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

4. Means for the implementation of transmitted powers are targeted and cannot be used for other purposes.

5. In the case of the use of funds provided for the implementation of the authority transferred, the federal executive body, performing functions to control and oversight in the financial and budgetary sphere, makes a recovery of these funds in the manner prescribed by the budget legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. The federal executive body that performs functions to develop public policy and regulatory education in the field of education:

1) adopts regulatory legal acts on the implementation of the transferred authority, including administrative regulations for the provision of public services and the execution of state functions in the field of transmitted powers, and also have the right to establish targeted predicts of the implementation of the transmitted powers;

2) carries out coordination of the appointment to the position of heads of the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, carrying out the powers transferred;

3) on the submission of the federal executive body, which performs the function of control and supervision in the field of education, contributes to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals for the withdrawal of the powers of the Russian Federation in the field of education transferred to the authorities of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, from the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

4) According to the results of the annual report on the implementation by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation transferred authority prepares proposals for improving the legislation on education.

7. The federal executive body, which performs functions for control and supervision in the field of education:

1) monitors the regulatory legal regulation carried out by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the issues of the authority transferred, with the right to send mandatory to fulfill the prescriptions about the abolition of regulatory legal acts or changes in them;

2) carries out control and supervision of the fullness and quality of the implementation by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation transferred authority with the right to conduct inspections of the relevant state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as those specified in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of this article of organizations engaged in educational activities and has the right issuance of obligatory to fulfill the prescriptions to eliminate the identified violations, the directions of proposals for removal from the position of officials of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, carrying out the powers, for non-fulfillment or improper performance of these powers;

3) carries out coordination of the structure of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, carrying out the powers transmitted;

5) establishes the requirements for the content and forms of reporting, as well as the procedure for submitting reporting on the implementation of the powers transmitted;

6) analyzes the causes of the violations identified in the implementation of transmitted powers, takes measures to eliminate the identified violations;

7) submits to the federal executive body that performs functions to develop public policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of education, an annual report on the implementation by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation transmitted powers.

8. Higher official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (head of the senior executive body of the state of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation):

1) appoints the heads of the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, carrying out the powers, in coordination with the federal executive authority, carrying out functions on the development of public policy and regulatory regulation in the field of education;

2) approves in coordination with the federal executive authority, carrying out functions for control and supervision in the field of education, the structure of the executive authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, carrying out transmissal authority;

3) organizes activities to implement the transmitted powers in accordance with the legislation on education;

4) Provides providing to the federal executive body that performs functions for control and supervision in the field of education:

a) a quarterly report on the expenditure of subventions provided, the achievement of target predictors;

b) the necessary number of copies of regulatory legal acts adopted by the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the issues of transmitted authority;

c) information (including databases) necessary for the formation and maintenance of federal databases on the issues of monitoring and supervision in the field of education;

5) has the right before the adoption of the regulatory legal acts specified in paragraph 1 of Part 6 of this article, approve administrative regulations for the provision of public services and the execution of government functions in the field of submitted powers, if these regulations do not contradict regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation (including do not contain Additional requirements and restrictions on the realization of the rights and freedoms of citizens, the rights and legitimate interests of organizations) and are developed taking into account the requirements for the regulations by the federal executive authorities of public services and the execution of government functions.

9. Control over the expenditure of funds for the implementation of transmitted powers is carried out within the established competence by the federal executive body, which performs functions to control and oversight in the financial and budgetary sphere, the federal executive body, carrying out functions of control and supervision in the field of education, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

10. Financial support for the implementation of transmitted powers to confirm the documents on education and (or) on qualifications is carried out within the budget allocations provided for in the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on these purposes at least in the amount of planned revenues to the budget of the Russian Federation from the payment of state duty, associated with the implementation of the authorized and enrolled in the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with the budget code of the Russian Federation.

Article 8. Powers of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of education

1. The powers of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of education include:

1) Development and implementation of regional education development programs, taking into account regional socio-economic, environmental, demographic, ethnocultural and other characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

2) the creation, reorganization, the elimination of educational organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the implementation of the functions and powers of the founders of educational organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

3) Ensuring state guarantees of the realization of the rights to receive public and free pre-school education in municipal pre-school educational organizations, publicly available and free preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary education in municipal general education organizations, ensuring additional education of children in municipal general education organizations by providing subventions local budgets, including labor costs, the acquisition of textbooks and textbooks, training aids, games, toys (except for the costs of building buildings and payment of utilities), in accordance with the standards determined by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

4) the organization of the provision of general education in state educational organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

5) the creation of conditions for the implementation of the supervision and care of children, the content of children in state educational organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

6) financial support for pre-school education in private preschool educational organizations, pre-school, primary general, basic general, secondary general education in private general education organizations engaged in educational activities on having state accreditation of basic general education programs, by providing specified educational organizations to reimbursement subsidies, including the cost of labor, the acquisition of textbooks and textbooks, learning, games, toys (with the exception of costs of building and pay for utility services), in accordance with the standards specified in paragraph 3 of this part;

7) the organization of the provision of secondary vocational education, including providing state guarantees for the implementation of the right to receive public and free secondary vocational education;

8) the organization of the provision of additional education of children in state educational organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

9) the organization of the provision of additional vocational education in state educational organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

10) the organization of the provision of municipal educational organizations and educational organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with textbooks in accordance with the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of the state accreditation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education by organizations that carry out educational activities and teaching benefits, approved to use when implementing these educational programs;

11) ensuring monitoring in the education system at the subject of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

12) the organization of the provision of psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance to students experiencing difficulties in the development of basic general education programs, its development and social adaptation;

13) Implementation of other powers established by this Federal Law in the field of education.

2. The state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are entitled to additional financial support for the organization of food in the municipal educational institutions and students in private general education organizations for those with state accreditation of basic general education programs, as well as providing state support for additional education of children in municipal educational organizations.

3. The state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are entitled to provide the organization of the provision of higher education on the competitive basis in educational organizations of higher education of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Article 9. Powers of local authorities of municipal districts and urban areas in education

1. The authorities of local governments of municipal regions and urban districts to address local issues in the field of education include:

1) the organization of the provision of publicly available and free pre-school, primary general, basic general, secondary education on basic general education programs in municipal educational organizations (except for the authority to financial support for the implementation of basic general education programs in accordance with federal state educational standards);

2) the organization of the provision of additional education of children in municipal educational organizations (with the exception of additional education of children, the financial support of which is carried out by the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation);

3) creating conditions for the implementation of the supervision and care of children, the content of children in municipal educational organizations;

4) the creation, reorganization, the elimination of municipal educational organizations (except for the creation by local governments of municipal regions of municipal educational organizations of higher education), the implementation of functions and powers of the founders of municipal educational organizations;

5) ensuring the content of buildings and structures of municipal educational organizations, the arrangement of the territories adjacent to them;

6) Accounting for children to be trained in educational programs for pre-school, initial general, basic general and secondary general education, consolidation of municipal educational organizations for the specific territories of the municipal district, the urban district;

7) the implementation of other powers established by this Federal Law in the field of education.

2. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the cities of the federal significance Moscow and St. Petersburg authority of local governments of internal municipalities in the field of education, including the consolidation of educational organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for specific territories, are established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the cities of the federal significance of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

3. Local government bodies of municipal regions have the right to implement the functions of the founders of municipal educational organizations of higher education, which are in their jurisdiction as of December 31, 2008.

4. Local self-government bodies of urban districts have the right to organize the provision of higher education on the competitive basis in the municipal educational institutions of higher education.