Exercise 1.

Complete the sentences, indicating in each case the required type of subordinate clause. Write it down.

1) If subordinate clauses refer to one word of the main sentence and answer the same question, then these are complex sentences with... .
2) If subordinate clauses refer to different main words and answer different questions, then these are complex sentences with... .
3) If subordinate clauses sequentially explain first the main clause, then the first subordinate clause, the second, etc., then these are complex sentences with... .

Exercise 2.

Write it down. Create proposal outlines. Determine the type of subordination of subordinate clauses (sequential, homogeneous, heterogeneous).

1) There is no need to boast if you don’t know how rye is born. (Proverb) 2) Anyone who has ever wandered through the taiga knows what it means to find a wild beast during bad weather. (V. Arsenyev) 3) I learned that this bay is like a gigantic salt condenser and that the entire area around it has not been explored. (Ya. Paustovsky) 4.) She suddenly realized that she had left the path somewhere, and turned to where the path seemed to go. (M. Prishvin) 5) We immediately realized that the children did not spend the night at home and that they most likely got lost in the swamp. (M. Prishvin) 6) Little by little, other neighbors gathered and began to think about how we could help the children out, if only they were still alive. (M. Prishvin) 7) Talent is to see where others do not notice. (D. Granin)8) I watched as the pre-dawn twilight brightened and a scarlet dawn broke over the river. (K. Paustovsky)

Exercise 3.

Write down an excerpt from Academician D. S. Likhachev’s book “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful,” adding the missing commas. Make diagrams of the 2nd and last sentences.

In my book, I try to explain with the simplest arguments that following the path of goodness is the most acceptable and only path for a person. I'm not trying to explain what goodness is and why a kind person is internally beautiful... If a person has a great goal, then it should be manifested in everything. One cannot think that a good goal can be achieved through bad means. I will be happy if the reader finds in my letters at least part of what he can agree with, because agreement between people is the most precious and now most necessary for humanity.

Exercise 4.

Write complex sentences using punctuation marks. Make sentence diagrams, determine the type of subordination of subordinate clauses (sequential, homogeneous, heterogeneous). Explain punctuation for homogeneous subordinate clauses.

1) I know that in the evening those you are interested in and who will not alarm you will come to you. (M. Bulgakov) 2) Sailors know well that the sea is beautiful only when it has a shore. (B. Soloukhin) 3) When the smoky shore sways and the seagulls suddenly raise a cry, I want to believe in the unknown and think again that the world is great. (S. Orlov) 4) It is well known that mimosa leaves instantly fold when touched. (V. Soloukhin) 5) No matter how tired you are, no matter how wet you are in the forest in the rain, no matter how nice it is to drink tea and relax after a mushroom hike, it’s even more pleasant to first disassemble the basket. (B. Soloukhin) 6) Anyone who has never seen how a cranberry grows can walk through a swamp for a long time and not notice that he is walking through a cranberry. (M. Prishvin) 7) If you regret once that you didn’t say something, then you’ll regret it a hundred times that you didn’t keep silent. (L. Tolstoy) 8) Stop talking immediately when you notice that you and the person you’re talking to are getting irritated. The unspoken word is golden. (L. Tolstoy)

Exercise 5.

Write out two complex sentences with homogeneous and heterogeneous subordination from any literary text. Make diagrams of these sentences.

Exercise 6.

Read the text and title it. Find complex sentences with several subordinate clauses in the text. Make diagrams of these sentences. How would you answer the question posed by the writer in this text?

You can write a lot more about the Meshchera region. You can write that this region is very rich in forests and peat, hay and potatoes, milk and berries. But I don't write about it on purpose. Should we really love our land just because it is rich, that it produces abundant harvests and that its natural forces can be used for our well-being?
I love the Meshchera region because it is beautiful, although all its charm is not immediately revealed. At first glance, it is a quiet land under a dim sky. But the more you get to know it, the more you begin to love this ordinary land.

(K. Paustovsky)

Exercise 7.

Copy the sentences using missing punctuation marks. Make an outline of each sentence. What type of subordinating connection is used in these examples? Add two example sentences of your own that illustrate this type of subordinating relationship.

1) While we burn with freedom, while our hearts live for honor, my friend, let us dedicate our souls to beautiful impulses to the Fatherland. (A. Pushkin) 2) Tell me, branch of Palestine, where did you grow, where did you bloom? (M. Lermontov) 3) The child was so hilariously small as if all this pictures were as if I was in a children's theater. (N. Nekrasov) 4) As long as I can walk, as long as I can look, as long as I can breathe, I will move forward. (L. Oshanin)

Exercise 8.

Rewrite the poem in accordance with the norms of Russian punctuation. Make diagrams and perform syntactic analysis of complex sentences.

Everything is in a fading haze
Hills of copses.
The colors are not bright here
And the sounds are not harsh.
The rivers are slow here
Mists of the lake
And everything slips away
From a quick glance.
There's not much to see here
Here you need to take a closer look
So that with clear love
My heart was full.
It's not enough to hear here
Here you need to listen
So that there is harmony in the soul
They rushed together
So that they suddenly reflect
Clear waters
All the beauty of shy
Russian nature.

Exercise 9.

Write the sentences using punctuation marks. Disassemble the main parts of these sentences by members. Determine the type of subordinate connection, draw up diagrams of these sentences.

1) If the joy ends, look for what you did wrong. (L. Tolstoy) 2) I will spare you from describing the mountains from exclamations that do not express anything from pictures that do not depict anything, especially for those who have not been there and from statistical remarks which absolutely no one will read. (M. Lermontov) 3) Russia has birch trees, white cedars that have forgotten how old they are, mountains from the eternal winds, gray rivers that have no name. (L. Oshanin) 4) In order to repel and throw back the enemy rampart, the city endured trials such as it had never known in its two hundred and forty years of existence. (V. Inber) 5) The city seemed to ask you where you were on winter days when the solemn buildings of the colonnade and arches were covered with frost. (K. Paustovsky)

Exercise 10.

Copy using missing punctuation marks. Make diagrams of these proposals.

1) Stop talking immediately when you notice that you are getting irritated yourself or the person you are talking to. (L. Tolstoy) 2) For a long time it was heard how he walked to where the light was shining to tell strangers about his happiness. (A. Chekhov) 3) Man is gifted with reason and creative power in order to increase what is given to him. (A. Chekhov) 4) Cultivate in yourself the ideals of the future, for these are a kind of sun rays without the revitalizing effect of which the globe would turn into stone. (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin) 5) The old man returned and said that he seemed to have figured out how to get to the other side unnoticed. (V. Arsenyev) 6) It seemed to me that it was necessary to have a colossal supply of knowledge in order to determine by the compass and stars in which part of the vast ocean our ship was located. (A. Novikov-Priboy)

Exercise 11.

Copy sentences from the works of L.N. Tolstoy, explaining the placement of punctuation marks. Make diagrams of these sentences.

1) Natasha had not yet finished singing when an enthusiastic fourteen-year-old Petya ran into the room with the news that the mummers had arrived. 2) Pelageya Danilovna began to recognize the mummers, admiring how well the costumes were made, how they suited especially the young ladies, and thanked everyone for making her so happy. 3) And at that moment as she spoke, it seemed to her that she saw what she was saying. 4) Sometimes Pierre remembered a story he had heard about how in war soldiers, under cover shots when they have nothing to do, diligently find something to do to make it easier to endure danger. 5) What struck him most of all was that, approaching Smolensk, he saw a beautiful field of oats which some soldiers were apparently mowing for food and in which they were camping.

Exercise 12.

Copy the text, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks, opening parentheses. Make diagrams of complex sentences.

A week passed, then another. The days were still hot and the nights were cool. There was such silence in the city that you could hear the first September duck breaking under a light breeze. And on such (that) silent night Tanya woke up and heard... It’s difficult to explain what she heard because these were (n..) sounds and as if (semi) forgotten memories (n..) noticeably turning into one another .

And although Tanya had agreed to wake up Petka, she lay still (n..) thinking a lot about how the aspen leaves were tr..singing, how green, glittering, leafy smoke surrounded the birch and how evenly important and flat they swayed on their long stems there are young cl..new leaves.

Then these sounds became wet, as if on the way to her they plunged into the river(?)ku. And Tanya remembered how she and one girl swam late (?) in the evening along the silver (n, nn) ​​path that the moon had laid along Nemukhinka. But then I still had to (still) get up and walk barefoot (on) my feet through the room in which my mother was barely audibly snoring and go down (t, t) to the Emergency Room.
(V. Kaverin)

Exercise 13.

Write down, insert letters, open brackets, place commas, indicate types of connection between sentences.

I. Now millions of people listen to the radio, turn on their televisions, or pick up newspapers to find out everything about our country, our planet.
In order to understand everything that happens in the world around us, in order for those with whom we communicate to understand us, we must have a good command of the modern Russian language. However, there is no point in turning a blind eye to the fact that very often we speak carelessly and write haphazardly. If our speech.. n.. () is understandable to the interlocutor, how easily our words can be translated into a different way! Whether we accurately express our thoughts or speak fluently depends on whether we are understood correctly.

II. The girl ran along the paths and paths with such joy.. and looked at all the places so carefully, as if she had.. spent her childhood here.
The next day she p..asked to be taken to a field that was n..(a) far from the village and adjoined by a n..((a) large forest. The young man could n..() ask her if she had ever been in this village before. Embarrassed, the girl answered that it was her first time here and that while driving past she admired these places because she wanted to see them. The young man remained silent, although he was not satisfied with his answer and led her into the field.

Exercise 14.

Read the text out loud. Explain the placement and non-placement of punctuation marks: why in some cases, where a pause is inevitable during reading, there is no need to put a comma. Find subordinate clauses in the text.

So the picture that appeared to me then remained forever in my imagination: a large, old garden, all thinned out in autumn, picturesquely disfigured by autumn rains, storms and the first frosts, covered with rotting leaves, blackened by trunks and branches and mottled with the remains of yellow and red decoration , a fresh and bright morning, dazzling sunlight shining in the clearings and falling in warm, golden pillars among the trunks in the distance into the damp chill and shadow of the lower parts into the thin, shining blue ether smoke of the morning fog that has not yet completely evaporated, the intersection of two alleys and on it - a magnificent century-old a maple tree that stretches out and shows through the bright and humid morning sky with its huge open top, a black pattern of branches with large jagged lemon leaves hanging on them here and there, and into the mighty trunk, petrified by time, with pleasure, men in some clothes are cutting ever deeper with shiny axes shirts and hats, while the clerk, with his hands in his pockets, looks up at the trembling top of the tree.
(I. Bunin.)

Exercise 15.

Create proposal outlines.

1) Along a narrow path we climbed to the platform where Grushnitsky was waiting for us with the dragoon captain and his other second, whose name was Ivan Ignatievich. (M. Lermontov.) 2) When the rooks screamed, the frogs who lived in the reeds in government apartments started screaming, and for a whole half hour the concert space was full of various sounds, which soon merged into one sound. (And Chekhov.) 3) I remembered how you suffered here, how your heart beat and your brow expressed pain in pain - and how hard it was for me! (N. Ogarev.) 4) Nekhlyudov remembered how in Kuzminsky he began to think about his life, decide questions about what and how he would do, and remembered how he got confused in these questions and could not solve them: there were so many considerations on every issue. (L. Tolstoy.) 5) Holding a glass with one hand, and waving his free hand as if he were directing a choir, and shaking his bowed head, Lech began to tell one of his countless stories, with which he was stuffed like a sausage with liver, and which he could never complete. (And Kuprin.)

Exercise 16.

Place punctuation marks in the following complex sentences. Create proposal outlines.

1) Nina came because she couldn’t stay at home on her day off, I came because of Nina Pavlik - because of me, and we didn’t understand why Zhenya came. (Yu. Nagibin.) 2.) I had cookies in my pocket and I crumbled one cake on the railing, rejoicing that I could give the sparrow at least a few pleasant minutes, after all, in every living creature, if it feels cared for, something arises that it is not aware of but what in human language is called gratitude. (V. Lidin.) 3) You need one of two things: either admit that the current structure of society is fair and then defend your rights, or admit that you are taking advantage of unfair advantages, as I do, and use them with pleasure. (L. Tolstoy.) 4) Thoughts about where she will go now to her aunt, whether with whom she was brought up with Dolly, or just abroad alone, and about what he is doing now alone in the office, whether this is a final quarrel or perhaps reconciliation, and about that what all her St. Petersburg acquaintances would now say about her, how Alexey Alexandrovich would look at it, and many other thoughts about what would happen now after the breakup came into her head. (L. Tolstoy.)

Exercise 17.

Rewrite using missing punctuation marks. Identify the grammatical basis of each sentence. Make diagrams.

1) Kutuzov wrote that the Russians did not retreat a single step, that the French lost much more than ours, that he was reporting in a hurry from the battlefield without having yet managed to collect the latest information. 2) In the best friendships, flattery and praise are as necessary as grease is needed for the wheels to keep them moving. 3) They (Sintsov and Masha) arrived at Masha’s mother’s apartment on Usachevka, where they had recently spent two days on the road to Simferopol, and where they returned now with the feeling that they had lived not five days but five years. 4) Serpilin looked at the artillerymen, wondering if what he had just heard could be true. 5) The night was so black that in the first minutes, until my eyes got used to the darkness after the light, I had to find my way by touch. 6) When their work is finished and the wet net again lies on the bow platform of the longboat, I see that the entire bottom is covered with living, still moving fish. 7) It seems to me that if I had followed him for several years, he would also have been elusive. 8) Dasha noticed that when Roshchin appeared in the dining room after the bell, Katya did not immediately turn her head towards him, but hesitated for a minute. 9) It is well known that if an athlete does not train regularly, he will not achieve good results.

Exercise 18.

Check your preparation for complex sentences using more complex examples: parse the sentences, explaining each punctogram, and then write them down (control copying), highlighting “signal” means of communication (conjunctions, allied and demonstrative words).

I. Remember that there are many smart people in the world who can notice your mistakes, and if they are right, do not hesitate to agree with them. (V. Obruchev)

II. Tsiolkovsky’s life feat and his creative path are an example of selfless devotion to the work to which he dedicated his life. In the most difficult conditions, not yet understood or recognized by anyone, he laid the foundation for astronautics, put forward a number of amazingly bold ideas, many of which were implemented decades later and some of which can only be implemented in the distant future. (B. Petrov)

Test on the topic “Complex sentence with several subordinate clauses”

1. In which complex sentence is there sequential subordination between the main and subordinate clauses?

1) The more a person knows, the more he sees the poetry of the earth where a person with meager knowledge will never find it.
2) Savrasov looked at us from another world, where giant sorcerers live and from where one cannot leave for a long time with impunity.
3) My temples began to press slightly, like my head does when you spin on a carousel for a long time.
4) I was born in a forest farm and spent part of my childhood in dense forests, where bears walk along drags and impenetrable swamps, and wolves drag in packs.

2. In which complex sentence is there a homogeneous subordination between the main and subordinate clauses?

1) He kissed his wife carefully and went into the room where paints, brushes, canvas were waiting for him - everything without which he could not imagine a single day of his life.
2) From the Kremlin wall, on which Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich stands, you can see how the rowers are exhausted, fighting against the current.
3) You could hear the Neva splashing restlessly nearby and a wet flag humming somewhere over the roofs.
4) When this conversation was going on, in the next room there was a village miller, whom Ivan Kolymet called to Kurbsky’s estate to grind grain.

3. In which complex sentence is there a heterogeneous (parallel) subordination between the main and subordinate clauses?

1) Everything that the company had to do in the dark, Ryumin not only knew consistently, but also saw in that sharpened ray of light that was centered in his mind.
2) Although there is an inscription above the gate that the building is under state protection, no one is guarding it.
3) Ignatius Khvostov told his comrades about who Trajan was and what cruel persecution he subjected to the first Christians.
4) It is not known whether the yacht was built before Peter’s first visit by Bazhenin or whether it was presented to the Russian Tsar by Dutch merchants.

4. Explain the placement of a comma and a dash in a complex sentence.

But so that villages fall,
So that the fields are empty -
We are blessed for that
The King of Heaven hardly gave!
(A.K. Tolstoy).

1. A comma separates subordinate clauses of a sentence, and a dash separates two homogeneous clauses from the main part.
2. A comma separates subordinate subordinate clauses of a sentence, and a dash separates homogeneous subordinate clauses standing in front of the main part, since when reading there is a significant pause between them (for the purpose of intonation highlighting of subordinate clauses).

5. What sign is used to separate homogeneous subordinate clauses in the structure of a polynomial complex sentence?

It was that hour before night when outlines, lines, colors, distances are erased, when daylight is still confused, inextricably linked, with night(M. Sholokhov).

1. Comma.
2. Semicolon, since homogeneous subordinate clauses are common: there are homogeneous members and a separate clause.

6. What type of subordination is presented in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses?

I don’t know whether grace will touch my painfully sinful soul, whether it will be able to rise and rise. Will the spiritual fainting pass?(F. Tyutchev).

1. Homogeneous subordination.
2. Heterogeneous subordination.

7. Is a comma necessary at the junction of two subordinating conjunctions in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses? How many total commas do you need to put in this sentence?

Fyodor expected that when he saw not a reproduction, but a canvas that was touched by the hand of Surikov himself, he would be stunned, take his breath away, and then dream about it at night(V. Tendryakov).

1. A comma is needed; only seven commas.
2. A comma is not needed; only six commas.

8. Determine the type of subordination in a polynomial complex sentence.

At this time it is usually indecent for ladies to go, because the Russian people love to express themselves in such harsh expressions, which they probably will not hear even in the theater(N. Gogol).

1. Heterogeneous subordination.
2. Consistent submission.

9. Determine the types of subordinate clauses in a polynomial complex sentence. What type of subordination is represented in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses?

And so that the children would not tease the beggars, he [Nosopyr] pretended to be a cow doctor, carrying a canvas bag with a red cross on his side, where he kept a chisel for cutting off hooves and dry bunches of St. John's wort herb (V. Belov).

1. Heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses: the main part is joined by the subordinate clause of the goal and the subordinate clause of the attribute.
2. Heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses: the main part is joined by the subordinate part of the purpose and the subordinate part of the place.

10. How many parts does this complex sentence with several subordinate clauses consist of and what type of subordination is represented in it?

The next day Sanin, still lying in bed, like Emil, in a festive dress, with a cane in his hand and heavily pomaded, burst into his room and announced that Herr Klüber would now arrive with a carriage, that the weather promised to be amazing, that they everything is ready, but that mom won’t go because she has a headache again (I. Turgenev).

1. The sentence contains eight parts; a homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses is presented.
2. The sentence contains seven parts; mixed subordination of subordinate clauses is presented.

11. What type of subordination is presented in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses? Explain why there is only one comma in the sentence.

When winter came and the garden and house were covered with snow, a wolf howl was heard at night(A.N. Tolstoy).

1. Sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses.
2. Sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

12. Analyze complex sentences. Select simple parts and set their number. Determine the nature of the connection between them.

At times, Maria was ready to believe that some ancient artist miraculously guessed that the girl Maria would one day appear in the world, and in advance created a portrait of her in bas-relief of a mysterious, enchanted palace, which was supposed to remain intact underground for centuries(V. Bryusov).

1. The sentence consists of four parts, connected using mixed subordination.
2. The sentence consists of five parts, connected using a homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

13. Analyze complex polynomial sentences with subordinating connections. Establish the method of connecting subordinate and main parts, name the type of subordinate clauses.

Since Chekhov had no novels, it seemed obvious that he had nothing to do with Dostoevsky, Turgenev, or Goncharov(M. Gromov).

1. The subordinate part of the reason is attached to the main part through a semantic causal conjunction because; the explanatory clause is attached to the main part through the functional conjunction that; The polynomial represents a heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

2. Sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses; the subordinate part of the reason is attached to the main part by the semantic causal conjunction since; the explanatory clause is attached to the main part by the functional conjunction that.

14. How many commas should be put in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses? Name the type of subordination of subordinate parts to the main one.

In the middle of the day, the cow was released into the field so that she would walk according to her will and so that she would feel better.(A. Platonov).

1. One comma; homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.
2. Two commas; heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

15. Name the type of subordinate clauses, establish the method of connecting the subordinate clauses and the main parts.

The fog lasted for a long time, until eleven o’clock, until some force was found that lifted it up(V. Rasputin).

1. Sentence with mixed subordination; the subordinate clause of time is attached to the main part by the semantic temporary conjunction not yet, the subordinate clause is attached to the main part by the conjunctive word which.

2. Sentence with sequential subordination; the subordinate clause of time is attached to the main part by the semantic temporary conjunction not yet, the subordinate clause is attached to the main part by the conjunctive word which.

16. Is a comma necessary at the junction of two conjunctions - coordinating and subordinating? How many commas should there be in this complex sentence?

That night Chubarev also did not go to bed, and when he finally escorted everyone out of the office and looked at his watch, he just shrugged his shoulders(P. Proskurin).

1. A comma is not needed; two commas.
2. A comma is needed; three commas.
3. A comma is needed; five commas.

17. Determine the type of subordination in a polynomial complex sentence. Is a comma necessary before AND?

When the burdocks rustle in the ravine
And the bunch of yellow-red rowan will fade,
I write funny poems
About life that is perishable, perishable and beautiful
(A. Akhmatova).

1. Heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses; a comma is needed.
2. Homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses; no comma needed.

Grechishnikova Marina Anatolyevna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Secondary School No. 2" urban settlement Urengoy

Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses. Types of subordination.

Preparation for the State Examination. Task B8.

Target – systematize students’ knowledge on the topic, improve skills in working with tests and texts in preparation for the State Examination

Lesson objectives:


  • improve the ability to distinguish between types of subordination in a complex sentence;
  • introduce the work of Yuri Afanasyev.


  • develop syntactic skills;
  • develop skills in working with text;
  • develop skills in working with tests (tasks A1 – B9).


  • cultivate love for the native land, respect for the culture of the peoples of the North inhabiting Yamal;
  • to educate a thinking reader on the works of Yamal writers.

Lesson equipment:

  • computer;
  • interactive whiteboard;
  • textbook;
  • notebooks;
  • handouts (tests, texts).

Lesson progress

  1. Language warm-up
  1. Read the text - an excerpt from Yuri Afanasyev’s story “Two Spruce Trees” (print the texts for each student or project them onto the board).

1. Due to the storm, the tug was standing in a creek. 2. Time was rushing. 3. For almost a week, Eduk and Oksana traveled along the canals to the village on Kaldanka. 4. Almost a week - this is the time. 5. And in life for Eduk there was one moment. 6. During these days, he learned so much about the world that the most ancient old man could not have learned. 7. The world, it turns out, is very big and hectic. 8. Like animals in the taiga, all sorts of people inhabit it. 9. Everyone has a lot of worries. 10. But the most incredible thing for Eduk was to hear that there are lands where people walk almost without clothes all year round. 11. Just think, imagine yourself in the Arctic without clothes, even not in winter, even in summer (?!). 12. However, he could not help but believe Oksana. 13. Their relationship was so close, her eyes understood him so deeply that he was afraid of his bad thoughts. 14. “What? - thought Eduk. “Why not become related, be your own person in a warm, nourishing village?”

15. And then the village suddenly appeared from behind the melted cape. 16. The houses scattered along the ridge on the slope huddled together like chickens. 17. Among them, a church rose like a wood grouse, glowing reddishly with larch logs.18. And further behind the village, spiky spruce trees stuck out like a comb. 19. The faint smell of warm bread made my head spin. 20. Eduk could distinguish this smell from a great distance. 21. You can’t confuse him with anything...

  1. Find dialect words in the text and replace them with stylistically neutral synonyms.

Kaldanka (in project 3) – boat

Uval (in Project 16) – hill, slope

  1. In paragraph 2, find comparisons. Write down the numbers of sentences with comparisons.

16 – like chickens

17 – capercaillie (instrumental case form)

18 – comb (instrumental case form)

  1. Write down the number of the sentence with the introductory word.
  1. Write down the grammatical basics from sentences 7, 12, 20

7 – the world is big, hectic

12 – he couldn’t help but believe

20 – Eduk could tell the difference

  1. Determine the type of subordinating connection in the phrase “animals in the taiga” (sentence 8). Replace this phrase with a synonym for the subordinating connection, agreement.

Communication - management; taiga animals

  1. Determine the type of subordinating connection in the phrase “restless world” (sentence 7). Replace this phrase with one synonymous with the subordinating connection, management.

Coordination; peace without peace

  1. Write down the numbers of complex sentences.

6, 10, 13

  1. Updating knowledge

Write sentence 10 from the text.

But the most incredible thing for Eduk was to hear that there are lands where people walk almost without clothes all year round.

Construct a diagram of this sentence: [ === ], (which === ____), (where ____ ===).

Determine the type of subordination (sequential).

What types of subordination in a complex sentence do you know? (Memo, Appendix 1).

Give examples.

  1. Consolidation
  1. Determine the type of subordination. Fill out the table (Appendix 2). Comment your answer orally. Print out worksheets with example sentences for each student. Graduates fill out only column 2.


Type of subordination

The most important hero in Khanty mythology is the bear who considered the ancestor

Sequential (main → attributive clause → corollary clause)

don't lead that only scrupulous work will allow him to come out

Homogeneous (main → subordinate explanatory, subordinate explanatory)

If you contact

Parallel, or heterogeneous (subordinate clauses → main → subordinate clause)

will have to overcomemany obstacles,

Parallel, or heterogeneous (clause of purpose → main → clause of attribute)

Task maintaining traditions complicated by the fact that many Russian speaking younglearn your native language, prefer

Sequential (main → explanatory clause → attributive clause)

the role appears in legends.

Sequential (main → explanatory clause → concession clause)

For the rights of the people who appeals to the poet who calls

Parallel, or heterogeneous (clause clause → main clause → clause clause). In this sentence, the subordinate clauses refer to different words in the main clause.

The writer often resorts to reception"turning to the past" to force

Homogeneous (main → subordinate clause, subordinate clause of the target).

  1. Compress the text. From sentences 6-8 (excerpt from the story “Two Spruce Trees”), make up 1 complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

What is this method of text compression called? (Simplification is merging several sentences into one).

  1. Among the sentences below, find the SPP with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses:

1. Without making out the road, he fled into the forest-tundra, ran towards the Urals. 2. Ran until exhausted. 3. He was afraid to stop. 4. He felt that if he stopped, he would be torn apart from the inside. 5. My heart can't stand it. 6. And he ran, ran off-road, throwing out bitterness and resentment.

Answer: 4

  1. Using the text of the story “Two Spruce Trees” by Yu. Afanasyev, continue the sentences so that you get SPP with different types of subordination:

Sequential: I can’t say how old these spruce trees are..... (which grow on the banks of the Ob).

Homogeneous : What brought us closer together was loneliness or the anticipation of the morning, when the village would wake up with fishing sweat, the mooing of cows, the breath of fresh wind,…. (when the snipe sandpiper announces the beginning of the day with a wooden shamanic trill.

Parallel (non-uniform): When the headman smiles, it seems... (that he is ready to swallow you like a small fish).

  1. Testing. Part B8. Presentation (it is better to conduct a lesson with a mobile computer class so that each graduate can work on the tests independently. If this is not possible, the assignments can be printed for each student).

1. Among sentences 1-6, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Many did not go to explore the North and live in Yamal, but to earn money. (2) Isn’t that where it came from: I worked for 15 years, gave “all my strength” to the wild North - put me back in my place, give me everything. (3) They gave and kissed goodbye, and the “silent” ones were increasingly thrown into the darkness, as if they had been sentenced in advance: the locals could not be trained into cadres. (4) In the second and third generations, children of dispossessed people were not given passports.

(5) “Yamal received the third blow with the beginning of oil and gas development. (6) Now the organizers themselves do not know why they built the cities, or what to do with the population.”

2. Among sentences 1-6, find a complex sentence with parallel (heterogeneous) subordination. Write the number of this offer.

(1) With the closure of navigation, it is practically prohibited to set nets on the Ob. (2) But nets are installed every year, and it is impossible for a fish inspector with a pick to remove them all. (3) How many holes do you need to cut?! (4) To streamline recreational fishing, it is appropriate in some cases to apply licensed fishing based on the experience of Guryev residents. (5) This experience is justified in case of insignificant bycatch of valuable fish species, which does not in any way negatively affect the reproduction of fish stocks, and in the fall on smooth sands, when fishermen leave the latter, migrating to their winter quarters.

(6) It should be taken into account that northern fishing in the fall, in the wind, in icy water is not an easy pleasure.

3. Among sentences 1-5, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) The profitability of licensed fishing is not only in the collection of funds, part of which should go to the development of fishing, but most importantly in the education of the person himself. (2) If you want to fish, work on cleaning up the living creatures, plant a few bushes to strengthen the banks of spawning rivers, and do your part to save the young fish. (3) Anyone who took the fish but did not give it back, who violated the rules of fishing, may be expelled from society or temporarily suspended from fishing. (4) It seems that amateur fishermen in their place of residence will more jealously monitor their area and will also provide assistance in the fight against malicious poaching. (5) The discovery of cases of the latter is still insignificant.

4. Among sentences 1-7, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Poachers. (2) Who are they? (3) Of course, people. (4) But these are people who deliberately go about causing damage to nature. (5) What about the rest who love their Ob, who for one reason or another end up as violators? (6) Doesn’t the very word “poacher” offend his ears? (7) So far, such a difference is not visible and only because not everything has been used in the organization of recreational fishing.

5. Among sentences 1-5, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) In the last days of the passing leap year, the stocky log houses in the village were pressed even more tightly to the ground due to the weight of the snow on the roofs. (2) The old office building, unable to withstand such a load, leans against the neighboring fence, but proudly and cockily a flag flutters on a spruce pole, all faded and planted there unknown when and by whom. (3) The flag glorified the still indestructible and mighty Union, when for the second year the political weather was completely different. (4) But the people of Yamalsk have not changed in any way morally and in their actions. (5) On the pediment of the office there still hung a peeling slogan, which called on the fishermen and fisherwomen to work hard and give one more percent above the plan, because the fate of the Motherland depended on this percentage.

6. Among sentences 1-6, find a complex sentence with parallel subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) “Now there will be a buzz!” - Styopka explained to his mentor, who perceived the children’s noise with migraine pain and was impatiently waiting for her duty to end. (2) Styopka didn’t know where she came from. (3) But how could he be interested in the fact that some go to the Far North to build, others to earn northern seniority for retirement, for a coefficient. (4) But the boarding school teacher was noticeable in the village for her unsociability, did not trust the cleanliness of the frogs and malitsa, and was wary of visiting the families of tundra dwellers. (5) It is not easy to gather reindeer herders and fishermen to the boarding school for a parent meeting, but coming to your home - chum - is revered. (6) And if the teacher began to speak in their native language, then he became no less than a ruma - a friend to whom, on occasion, one should give a gift.

7. Among sentences 1-6, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) The blizzard howled louder and angrier, but the voices in the tent, illuminated from the outside by several electric bulbs, were heard far away. (2) Before Chuprov had time to throw back the curtain, a man in a mask splashed a full ladle of ice water down his collar. (3) “What a joke,” Styopka gasped. (4) The owner liked the joke, and this trick added noise and fun to all the guests.

(5) How did he not foresee all the consequences? (6) After all, he should have known that he was invited and taken as a hostage to One-Eyed, that, if necessary and to please the owner, the procurer was taken to the village.

8. Among sentences 1-6, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) He had known the brood of wolves since last year, and now four one-year-old puppies also went through practice in a blizzard. (2) As they cut up all the weakened deer with a knife, their corpses turned black in the snow. (3) Here and there the wolverine tried: jumping from tree to tree, she gnawed at the throat, drank the blood, and threw the animal...

(4) Hunzi no longer thought about Zyryanov’s promises - if the deer were 100% safe, he would transfer thirty percent to him. (5) This whole market is not for him. (6) The only thing he thought about now was that no one could take away the snow, the sky, the air, the tundra where he walked.

9. Among sentences 1-6, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Hunzi went at the wolf unarmed, only with this shovel stick. (2) He had neither fear nor anger against the wolf. (3) What he dreamed disappeared. (4) Hunzi, peering at the trail, saw that he was trying to jump over the ravine, but was careful of a large snow drift, that he sat, turned around and again moved directly.

(5) Finally, Hunzi saw a wolf on the opposite bank of the Yugan River. (6) The floodplain was snow-covered two to three meters deep - you couldn’t cross that easily...

10. Among sentences 1-5, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) The deer carries the shepherd further and further. (2) It’s not scary to travel with such a deer even if you’re unarmed. (3) How can a shepherd not rejoice at the deer, how can he not sing a song about them! (4) Narasyukh, tell us about the blue wind of kaslanya and about the deer-miniruv, the holy deer, which in its entire life does not know what a team is. (5) Tell me how the minyruv hung the sun on its horns and how on a quiet night the stars rang like bells in their ears on a quiet night...


  1. Reflection. Summing up the lesson.
  • What new did you learn in the lesson?
  • How to find complex sentences with different types of subordination?
  • What is the difference between homogeneous subordination and parallel subordination?
  • What problems does Yu.N raise? Afanasyev in his works?
  • What lexical features can be noted in the texts used in the lesson? (Dialect words, abundance of means of expression, especially comparisons).
  • Have you noticed the syntactic features of the works of Yamal writers? (Simple sentences, introductory words, inversion).
  1. Differentiated homework assignment (optional).
  1. Prepare a presentation of 20 slides on the topic “Preparation for the State Exam. B8" (Performance in groups is possible).
  2. Develop a reminder for memorizing theoretical material on the topic.
  3. Make a table to systematize knowledge on the topic and memorize theoretical material.
  4. Solve several variants of tasks B8 from the collection for preparing for the State Examination.


  1. Gosteva Yu.N., Vasiliev I.P., Egoraeva G.T. GIA 2014. Russian language. 9th grade. 30 options for standard test tasks and preparation for completing part 3 (C) / Yu.N. Gosteva, I.P. Vasiliev, G.T. Egoraeva. – M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2014.
  2. Lvova S.I. GIA 2014. Russian language: training tasks: 9th grade / S.I. Lvova, T.I. Zamuraeva. – M.: Eksmo, 2013.
  3. Nazarova T.N. GIA. Workshop on the Russian language: preparation for completing tasks of part B/ T.N. Nazarova, E.N. Violin. – M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2014.
  4. Russian language. 9th grade. Preparation for the State Examination 2013: educational and methodological manual / Ed. N.A. Senina. – Rostov n/d: Legion, 2012.
  5. Khaustova D.A. Russian language. Preparation for the State Examination (writing a concise summary). Universal materials with methodological recommendations, solutions and answers / D.A. Khaustova. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2012.

Internet resources

  1. Gubkin centralized library system.http://www.gublibrary.ru
  2. Afanasyev Yu.N. Rhythms of the tundra. Once stepping on a rake. Two ate. Corporate information and library portal of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.http://libraries-yanao.ru

Appendix 1.



A complex sentence can have two or more subordinate clauses. The relationships of such subordinate clauses with each other determine the type of subordination.

1. Parallel subordination

With parallel subordination, one main element includes different types of subordinate clauses that answer different questions:

Reason, (despite what?) even if it is oppressed and neglected, ultimately always prevails (why?), because it is impossible to live without it (A. France).

2. Homogeneous submission

With homogeneous subordination, subordinate clauses are of the same type, answer the same question and refer to the same member of the main sentence or to the entire main sentence as a whole. Homogeneous subordinate clauses are connected with each other by a coordinating or non-conjunctive connection:

Yegorushka saw (what?), how little by little the sky darkened and darkness fell to the ground (what?), how the stars lit up one after another (A. Chekhov).

3. Consistent submission

With sequential subordination, the main clause is subject to a subordinate clause (clause of the first degree), which, in turn, is subject to the next subordinate clause (clause of the second degree), etc. (the parts form a chain). With this connection, each subordinate part becomes the main part in relation to the next one, but only one original main part remains: which considered the ancestor people, which is why the largest number of legends are dedicated to him.

Historical experience proves that all attempts “jumping” over some stages of culture does not lead to anything good don't lead that only scrupulous Job to restore historical memory, “childhood and youth” of the people let him go out on the main road of world culture and come to a feeling of spiritual fullness of being.

If you contact to foreign literature, then with confidence we can say that the fairy-tale hero of R. Rugin has long been known already in the vastness of Europe from France to Russia.

To become masters of your own destiny , Khanty and other small peoples of Siberiawill have to overcomemany obstacles, which modernity has prepared for them.

Task maintaining traditions complicated by the fact that many Russian speaking young Khanty who don’t see the point learn your native language, prefer study English instead.

It is significant that the deer is playing less significant in Khanty mythology role than in the Nenets legends, although also appears in legends.

Roman Rugin is also a wrestler for the rights of the people, which appeals to the mind of his reader and states the facts, and the poet who calls to people's hearts and their emotions.

The writer often resorts to reception"turning to the past" to force Khanty readers look at their past, to move forward, build the future.

Exercise 30.8.1

1. When can we see each other next, when can we talk? This interests me less and less. 2. What do you imagine it’s like to lose the trust of a loved one? 3. How all this could have happened, why I didn’t foresee everything in advance, I can’t think of anything reasonable to justify myself. 4. I was lucky only once at the university when I managed to pass both the winter and summer sessions ahead of schedule without much effort. 5. In the evening, I didn’t take my eyes off my mobile, dreaming of only one thing: that she would finally call me. 6. I had a difficult choice to make: whether to move to St. Petersburg and start working there or stay in Moscow and solve my family problems.

1. When we can see each other next time, when we can talk - this interests me less and less. 2. Can you imagine what it’s like to lose the trust of a loved one? 3. How could all this happen, why didn’t I foresee everything in advance - I can’t think of anything reasonable to justify it. 4. I was lucky only once at the university when I managed to pass both the winter and summer sessions ahead of schedule without much effort. 5. In the evening, I didn’t take my eyes off my mobile phone, dreaming of only one thing: for her to finally call me. 6. I had a difficult choice: whether to move to St. Petersburg and start working there or stay in Moscow and solve my family problems.

Rate yourself:

Exercise 30.8.2
Provide the necessary punctuation marks and verbally explain their use.

1. The cry of this mysterious bird was heard every spring, but they did not know what it was and where it lived (Chekhov). 2. When he reads something himself, his eyes light up and his face becomes pale (Chekhov). 3. And the saws of the guns and the smoke of the fires and the blue sky and the green gun carriages and Nikolenka’s tanned, mustachioed face, all this seemed to tell me that the cannonball that had already flown out of the barrel and was flying at that moment in space could be directed straight at my chest (L. Tolstoy ). 4. Vronsky managed to notice the restrained liveliness that played in her face and fluttered between her sparkling eyes and the barely noticeable smile that curved her rosy lips (L. Tolstoy). 5. At every step, I felt that I was missing a lot, that I still did not know how to either initiate or resolve events, and that I needed to learn how to build great works from great masters (Gogol). 6. I still hope, dear grandmother, that I will still be forgiven and I will be able to retire (Lermontov). 7. I am writing to you from Pyatigorsk, where I visited again and where I will stay for some time to rest (Lermontov). 8. Here I had to find out where our camp was and whether I would still have the opportunity to catch up with the army (Pushkin). 9. Herman saw how the lackeys carried out a hunched old woman, wrapped in a sable fur coat, and how after her, in a cold cloak, with her head covered with fresh flowers, her pupil (Pushkin) flashed. 10. Let me ask who you are and who do you take me for? (Pushkin). 11. The roosters were crowing and it was already light when they reached Zhadrin (Pushkin). 12. I belong to the country and I want my name to be clear wherever it is known (Pushkin).

1. The cry of this mysterious bird was heard every spring, but they did not know what it was like or where it lived (Chekhov). 2. When he reads something himself, his eyes light up and his face becomes pale (Chekhov). 3. And the sawhorses of the guns, and the smoke of the fires, and the blue sky, and the green gun carriages, and Nikolenka’s tanned, mustachioed face - all this seemed to tell me that the cannonball, which had already flown out of the barrel and was flying at that moment in space, could be directed straight into my chest (L. Tolstoy). 4. Vronsky managed to notice the restrained liveliness that played in her face and fluttered between her sparkling eyes and a barely noticeable smile that curved her rosy lips (L. Tolstoy). 5. At every step I felt that I was missing a lot, that I still could neither start nor stop events, and that I needed to learn how to build great works from great masters (Gogol). 6. I still hope, dear grandmother, that I will still be forgiven, and I will be able to retire (Lermontov). 7. I am writing to you from Pyatigorsk, where I visited again and where I will stay for some time to rest (Lermontov). 8. Here I had to find out where our camp was and whether I would still have the opportunity to catch up with the army (Pushkin). 9. Hermann saw how the footmen carried out a hunched old woman, wrapped in a sable fur coat, and how after her, in a cold cloak, with her head covered with fresh flowers, her pupil (Pushkin) flashed. 10. Let me ask, who are you and who do you take me for? (Pushkin). 11. The roosters were crowing and it was already light when they reached Zhadrin (Pushkin). 12. I belong to the country and I want my name to be clear wherever it is known (Pushkin).

Analysis of OGE tasks on the topic “SPP with several subordinate clauses”

(Task cards are on each desk)

1. Among sentences 37 – 44, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. What is the number of this offer?

(37) And a celestial body flew across the sky of the planetarium - the sun, which gives life to everything. (38) It passed through a toy sky, over a toy Moscow, and the sun itself was a toy. (39) Now it rolled behind the battlements of the houses, the hall was plunged into darkness. (40) It was hot. (41) Lina waved the newspaper near her face, thinking about how long she would have to stay in this stuffy room?

(42) And suddenly the dome above her bloomed with countless stars. (43) The same stars that she was accustomed to seeing since she learned to see. (44) And from somewhere from heights illuminated by starlight, growing, spreading and strong, music poured out, filling the soul with some special joy.

2. Among sentences 13 – 18, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(13) The cities are piles of ruins, the roads are like saws from bombing, and the radioactive fields glow at night... (14) So tell me, what is this, if not the last meanness?.. (15) There is no joy for you except these holidays of ours. ..(16) The boy mentally went through the holidays in which he had participated in recent years. (17) I remembered how everyone tore books, lit fires from them in the square and laughed like drunk people. (18) And the “triumph” of science a month ago, when the last car was dragged into the city, when lots were cast and the lucky ones could hit the car once with a sledgehammer!..

3. Among sentences 1 – 6, find a complex sentence with parallel subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Along the road, people who had been lured to the city by the holiday and market day were lining up in twos and threes.

(2) The boy directed his gaze to where the line disappeared behind a stone wall destroyed by the explosion.

(3) “They say she smiles,” said the boy. - (4) They say it is made of paint and canvas and is four hundred years old.

(5) “For that matter, no one knows what year it is,” someone said.

(6) – Two thousand sixty-one! - they responded from the queue.

4. Among sentences 38 – 44, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(38) Suddenly the horseman announced that the authorities had decided at noon to hand over the portrait in the square into the hands of the local residents so that they could take part in the destruction...

(39) The boy didn’t even have time to gasp before the crowd, shouting, pushing, rushing, carried him to the painting. (40) The sharp sound of tearing canvas... (41) The crowd howled, and hands pecked at the portrait like hungry birds. (42) The boy felt himself literally thrown through the broken frame. (43) Blindly imitating the others, he stretched out his hand, grabbed a piece of shiny canvas, pulled and fell, and pushes, kicks, and blows knocked him free from the crowd. (44) Covered in abrasions, torn clothes, with a bruised elbow, he watched as old women with burning eyes chewed pieces of canvas with toothless mouths, as men broke apart a gilded frame, kicked hard flaps, tore them into small, small pieces.

5. Among sentences 31 – 36, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(31) And then Vasya again began to seem to me like something like a wizard from a fairy tale, and not a lonely cripple about whom no one cared. (32) I looked so hard, listened so much, that I shuddered when Vasya suddenly spoke:

(33) - This music was written by a man who was deprived of the most precious thing.

(34) Vasya thought out loud, without ceasing to play:

(35) - If a person has no mother, no father, but has a homeland, he is not yet an orphan. (36) Everything passes: love, regret about it, the bitterness of loss, even the pain from wounds - but the longing for the homeland never, never goes away and does not go away...

6. Among sentences 42 – 53, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(42) The composer has long been gone from the world, but his pain, his melancholy, his love for his native land, which no one could take away, are still alive.

(43) Vasya fell silent, the violin spoke, the violin sang, the violin faded away. (44) Her voice became quieter and quieter, it stretched out in the darkness like a thin light cobweb. (45) The web trembled, swayed and broke off almost silently.

(46) I removed my hand from my throat and exhaled the breath that I was holding with my chest, with my hand, because I was afraid of breaking the light web. (47) But it still broke off. (48) The stove went out. (49) Layering, the coals were poured into it. (50) Vasya is not visible. (51) The violin can’t be heard.

(52) - Go home, otherwise grandma will worry.

(53) I stood up from the threshold and, if I had not grabbed the wooden bracket, I would have fallen.

7. Among sentences 1-5, find a complex sentence with heterogeneous subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

1)Mom, mom! 2) I remember your hands from the moment I began to recognize myself in the world. 3) During the summer they were always covered in tan, it didn’t go away even in winter - it was so gentle, even, only a little darker on the veins. 4) Or maybe they were rougher, your hands - after all, they had so much work to do in life - but they always seemed so tender to me, and I loved kissing them right on the dark veins.

5) Yes, from the very moment I became aware of myself, and until the last minute, when you, exhausted, quietly, for the last time, laid your head on my chest, seeing me off on the difficult path of life, I always remember your hands at work.

8. Among these sentences, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordinate clauses:

14) And Semyon Grigorievich asked the Belgorod sexton on what conditions he could accept Misha as an apprentice and how much it would cost.

15) Letters in those days took a long time, especially in the autumn.

16) And so that during a long correspondence his son would not become spoiled, Semyon Grigorievich ordered: “You will again go to Nikita Mikhailovich’s school every day and work on your butts...”

9. Among sentences 19-24, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(19) People listened attentively, and there were already a lot of crumpled pieces of paper in the violin case.

(20) Kintel had only money in his pocket that his grandfather had given him and which could only be spent on potatoes. (21) If only he had his own money - at least a hundred rubles! - He would immediately put them in a case, at the girl’s feet. (22) Although... would he dare? (23) Everyone would immediately start looking at him. (24) And she would look at the awkward man with a prison crew cut, a wrinkled shirt tied in a knot on his belly...

10. Among sentences 6 - 7, find a complex sentence with a sequential connection. Write the number of this offer.

(6) You already know what’s waiting around the corner because you’ve lost count of them, but you can’t command your heart, and it freezes in your chest again and again, and you stubbornly hope to have time to understand, think through, write. (7) But you can’t return anything, and the unsolved thoughts, unwritten novels and unmet meetings that still hover around like a ghostly swarm are for others.

Draw up a proposal outline, indicate the type of subordination
subordinate clauses:

If every person on his piece of land did everything he could, how beautiful our land would be.

1. Consolidate knowledge of the classification of SPPs with several subordinate clauses;
2. Show

Lesson objectives:

1. Consolidate knowledge of classification
SPP with several subordinate clauses;
2. Show punctuation features
such proposals;
3. Continue practicing punctuation
skills in the SPP of this structure.

Indicate which of the schemes corresponds

I was so lost in thought that I didn’t even notice how the sun had set and how it began to get dark.

, (what), (how), (

, (what), (how), (

, (what), (how), (


(what, (when),)
.(To) and (),



(what), (which)

what (if), then)

Determine the type of subordination using the diagrams:


Using the diagram, determine the types of subordination in

, (
) ,
], (

, (
) ,
, (

) ,

, (
), (

), (

, (
) ,

, (
In place of the gaps you need to insert words from
brackets and make syntax
analysis of the proposal.
It is deeply symbolic that the words
.. And
one root; For
capacious concept of the Motherland
.. connected
, where are you
, with the river on the banks of which yours passed
.. , With
.., planted with friends behind
. .
(Motherland, many of us, house, nature, born, inextricably, childhood, grove, grew up, outskirts)

Types of subordination




(). (),

, ().

, (), ().
I know that soon when spring comes, I will hear how
spring will come that I will hear the birds that live
the birds will begin to sing bird songs. outside my window.

I know
what to see you in the evening
will come

who are you
are you interested
will not alarm.


=], (which =

), (
by whom

=) and (
Check punctuation and
Types of subordination
Insert subordinating conjunctions and allied words. Place punctuation marks.
A person must be endowed with imagination ___________ to create.
I watched from above ____ waves break their heads.
If you live in an enchanted wild forest, ________ it’s impossible to leave.
Anyway, I’ll take you from here to the palace _____ the pipes are playing.
Agree to at least heaven in a hut ____ someone has occupied the tower with the palace.
Now I don’t understand ____, but one of us was right in our disputes without sleep and rest.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Complex sentence with several subordinate clauses

Integrated lesson of Russian language and literature dedicated to the work of A.S. Pushkin. Lesson objectives: 1. Formation of students’ ability to see parts of NGN with several subordinate clauses and put punctuation marks...

Russian language lesson in 9th grade "Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses. Types of subordination of subordinate clauses."

This lesson meets the requirements of a systemic activity approach. A lesson in the “discovery” of new knowledge. The development contains a presentation for the lesson and a lot of didactic material....