Games and exercises that develop

phonemic skills perception.

The formation of grammatically correct, lexically rich and phonetically clear speech in children is one of the most important tasks in the system of teaching a child their native language in a preschool educational institution, in the family. It is possible to prepare a child well for school and create the basis for learning to read and write only through serious work on the development of phonemic awareness. The theory and practice of pedagogical work convincingly prove that the development of phonemic processes has a positive effect on the development of the entire speech system as a whole. With systematic work on the development of phonemic hearing and perception, preschoolers perceive word endings, prefixes, common suffixes much better, identify prepositions in a sentence, etc., which is so important when developing reading and writing skills.

Phonemic awareness – This is the ability to distinguish phonemes and determine the sound composition of a word. How many syllables are in the word MAC? How many sounds does it have? What consonant comes at the end of the word? What is the vowel in the middle of the word? It is phonemic perception that helps to accurately answer these questions.

By the age of five, children are able to determine by ear the presence or absence of a particular sound in a word, and can independently select words for given sounds, if, of course, preliminary work has been done with them. But not all children clearly distinguish certain groups of sounds by ear; they often mix them up. This applies mainly to certain sounds, for example, the sounds s-ts, s-sh, sh-zh and others are not differentiated by ear.

The development of phonemic processes is divided into several sections.

1. Perception and discrimination of non-speech sounds.

2. Perception and differentiation of speech sounds:

*Exercises to identify shortcomings of sound-letter analysis.

a) Come up with words or select pictures whose names begin with a certain sound, for example, the sound “s”.

* Comparison of words (identifying orientation to the form of a word in a situation where the comparative length of words is opposite to the comparative length of objects denoted by these words).

    Let's compare words with you. I will tell you two words, and you must answer me, which of these words is longer, which is shorter?

    Compare the words “pencil” and “pencil”. Which of these words is shorter? Why?

    Which of the two words is longer: the word “boa constrictor” or the word “worm”?

    Which word is longer: the word “minute” or the word “hour”? Why?

    Which word is shorter: the word “tail” or the word “tail”? Why?

* Soft sounds.

3. Development of skills in elementary sound analysis and synthesis:

How can I help my child with this?

Playfully, of course!

Speech is a complex function, and its development depends on many factors. The influence of others plays a big role here - the child learns to speak from the example of the speech of parents, teachers, and friends. Those around you should help the child develop correct, clear speech. It is very important that a child from an early age hears correct, clearly sounding speech, from which his own speech is formed.

Target games and exercises given below - develop phonemic perception, elements of sound analysis.

Exercise “Clap your hands.”

Target: develop phonemic hearing skills, the ability to isolate [a] from a number of vowels, syllables, words (initial stressed position).

Speech material: o, a, y, and, o, a, and, o, s, e;

al, mind, in, ap, ut, he; arch, ears, stork, angel, Alya.

Description. The child is asked to clap his hands when he hears [a].

Name the first sound in the word.

The teacher shows a toy, for example, Buratino, and asks him to determine what sound his name begins with. After the answers, the teacher gives the children a task to determine with what sound the names of their neighbors, the names of certain animals and objects begin. Draws attention to the fact that sounds must be pronounced clearly (you cannot pronounce syllablesze in a word Zoya, ve - in a word Vadik ).

Name the last sound in the word.

Visual material: pictures (bus, goose, chick, cloak, house, key, table, door, samovar, bed, hippopotamus, etc.)

The teacher shows the picture, asks to name what is shown on it, and then say what the last sound is in the word. At the same time, attention is paid to the clear pronunciation of isolated sounds, differentiation of hard and soft consonants (in the word door the last soundry, but not R). When all the pictures have been examined, the teacher offers to put pictures in which the names of objects end in a hard consonant on one side, and on the other side - on a soft consonant. Children who do not clearly pronounce sounds are asked to clearly pronounce the consonant sounds at the end of the word.

Game "Colorful Baskets".

Target: develop phonemic awareness skills, differentiation of sounds [a], [y] in words.

Material: pictures of a stork, aster, arch, duck, beehive, ears (hare), pike, clouds, potatoes, eyes, spoons

Description. On the typesetting canvas there are red and yellow baskets. The letter A is depicted on the handle of the red basket, and the letter U is depicted on the yellow one. Subject pictures stand separately. The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures, think about whether their names contain sounds [a], [у]. Children are asked to silently place the corresponding pictures into baskets. The teacher interrupts the game only if the child makes a mistake. Once it is corrected, the game continues.

Exercise “Raise the Signal.”

Target: teach children to isolate the sound [b] from a number of sounds, syllables, words (beginning and middle).

Speech material: b, t, k, b, m, n, b, p, t, b;

pa, bu, but, mu, ba, bo, pu, bu;

bun, stick, barrel, current, flour, fish, bun, puma.

Description. Children are asked to pick up the letter B or a chip when they hear the corresponding sound.

Exercise “The duckling is walking.”

Target: develop the skill of positional analysis in words.

Speech material: words: tail, moss, robe, bay, ottoman, withered, bread, brushwood, fir, illness.

Description. In front of each child there is a strip divided into three parts. Children receive a small plastic duckling. The teacher explains that he will pronounce the words, and the children will place the duckling at the beginning, middle or end of the strip, depending on where the sound [x] is located in the spoken word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end).

Exercise "Magic Clock".

Target: develop skills in differentiating consonants [v], [f] in words.

Description. On the large magnetic clock there are pictures, the names of which contain the sounds [v], [f]: carriage, flag, apron, wolf, pheasant, uniform, gate, football player, water, crow. The speech therapist invites the children to look at the images, go to the clock and show with one arrow the picture with the sound [v] in the title, and the other with the sound [f].

Exercise “Colorful circles”.

Target: improve the skill of sound analysis of words, the ability to differentiate vowel and consonant sounds, teach children to work with handouts (plastic circles in red and blue colors).

Speech material: words: mouth, juice, smoke, varnish, cancer.

Description. The speech therapist shows the children pictures, asks them to name the image and offers to perform a sound analysis of these words. Children perform analysis and lay out word patterns.

Exercise “Name the vowels.”

Target: improve the skill of phonemic perception, the ability to differentiate vowels and consonants.

Speech material: words: thread, scissors, spool, needle, thimble, machine, knitting needles, chalk.

Description. The teacher invites the children to listen to the words and name the vowels.

Game "Balloons".

Target: develop auditory-pronunciation differentiation in words.

Material: glass, castle, rose, cactus, star, vase, beads.

Description. The picture shows girls (Zoya and Sonya) holding balloons in their hands. Children are invited to decorate balloons by choosing the appropriate pictures from the handout: Zoe - with the sound [z], Sonya - with the sound [s].

Game "Let's build a pyramid."

Target: develop the ability to determine the number of sounds in words.

Material: 1) Drawing of a pyramid made of squares. At the bottom of each square there are pockets for inserting pictures. There are 5 squares at the base of the pyramid, and two squares at the top. 2) Subject pictures, the names of which include from two to five sounds: hedgehog, mustache, poppy, cancer, beetle, cheese, ear, lump, catfish; fish, vase, rose, fox, duck, toad; bag, hat, branch, cup, shoes, jacket, bowl, cat, mouse.

Description. The teacher demonstrates the pyramid and explains: “We will “build” this pyramid from pictures. At the top there should be pictures whose names consist of one syllable, below - two, and even lower - three. How many pockets are there at the base of the pyramid? How many syllables are there in such words?

Exercise “Listen and add.”

Target: develop the skill of sound-letter analysis and reading vowel mergers.

Description. Each child has plastic letters on the table: A, U, O. The teacher pronounces a combination of vowels: [AU], [UA], [AO], [OA], [UO], [OU], and the children lay out these combinations from letters and read. They name which sound they pronounced first and which sound they pronounced second.

Exercise “The vowel is lost.”

Target: develop visual attention and sound-letter analysis skills.

Description. On the magnetic board there are pictures depicting a poppy flower, a cat, a whale and cards:

A ) with vowels a, i, o:

b) with the words: m.k, k.t, k.t.

The speech therapist asks the children to think about which vowel letters should be inserted into words. When children fill in the letters, the cards are placed under the corresponding pictures.

Exercise "Living Letters".

Target: consolidate the skills of sound-letter analysis of words: poppy, cat, whale, kok, com.

Description. The teacher attaches cards with letters to the children’s chests. Children call them. Then the teacher shows the picture, the children name it and line up so that it gets its name.

Exercise "Divide and Take".

Target: develop the skill of syllabic analysis of words.

Description. A set of pictures depicting a table, chair, wardrobe, sofa, bed, armchair, sideboard, cabinet, chest of drawers is displayed on the typesetting canvas. The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures, pronounce the words, clapping the number of syllables in the names of the furniture. The person who correctly divides the word into syllables gets the picture.

Game with ball "Catch and count."

Target: develop skills in dividing words into syllables.

Speech and didactic material: words: willow, poplar, ash, pine, spruce, maple, oak, aspen, birch; ball of small diameter.

Description. Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to one of the children, saying the name of the tree. The child catches the ball and, throwing it to the teacher, pronounces the word syllable by syllable and names the number of syllables in it.

Find and say the right word.

The teacher suggests highlighting and naming only those words that contain the given sounds.

WITH Dad bought Lena a sled.

A bus is moving along the road.

In spring nature comes to life.

A house above the river, the bright strip

There was a light in the windows, He lay down on the water.

( A. Pleshcheev. " On the shore")

Z There is a lock on the door.

Storm clouds appeared in the sky.

Why does the dog bark

For someone he doesn't know?

That's why she barks -

Wants to meet.

(A. Vlasov. “Why?”)

Who is the best listener?

Option 1.

The teacher calls two children to him. He puts them with their backs to each other, sideways to the whole group, and gives the task: “I will name the words, and Sasha will raise his hand only when he hears the words with soundw . Which sound? And Larisa will raise her hand only when she hears words that contain soundand . Once again, children are asked to repeat who should raise their hand and when. Children count the number of correct answers and mark the incorrect answers. The teacher names words at short intervals (15 words in total: 5 - with soundw, 5 – with sound and , 5 – where these sounds are not present). The following set of words is suggested: hat, house, beetle, fox, hedgehog, cat, plate, hanger, skis, pencil, barrel, scissors, castle, puddle, roof.

Everyone monitors whether the children are completing the task correctly, correcting mistakes by pointing out the given sound in the word or its absence. At the end, the children name the child who was the most attentive, correctly identified all the words and never made a mistake.

Option 2.

The teacher invites two children to select words: one with soundw, to another - with soundand. The one who can name the most words without making a single mistake in pronunciation wins.

The same can be done with other pairs of sounds.

What sound is there in all the words?

The teacher pronounces three or four words, each of which has one of the sounds being practiced:fur coat, cat, mouse - and asks the children what sound is in all these words. Children name the soundw . Then he asks to determine what sound is in all the words below:beetle, toad, skis - and; kettle, key, glasses – h; brush, box, sorrel - sch; braid, mustache, nose- With; herring, Sima, elk - sya; goat, castle, tooth – h; winter, mirror, Vaseline – з; flower, egg, chicken - c; boat, chair, lamp - l; linden, forest, salt – l; fish, carpet, wing – R; rice, strength, primer - ry.

The teacher makes sure that children pronounce sounds clearly and correctly name hard and soft consonants.

Think, don't rush.

The teacher offers children several tasks for intelligence and at the same time checks how they have learned to hear and isolate certain sounds in words:

Choose a word that begins with the last sound of the wordtable.

Remember the name of the bird, which would have the last sound of the wordcheese. (Sparrow, rook...)

Choose a word so that the first sound isTo, and the last one - w. (Pencil, reed...)

What word will you get ifBut - add one sound?(Knife, nose...)

Make up a sentence in which all words begin with a soundm. ( Mom washes Masha with a washcloth.)

Find objects in the room that have a second sound in their namesu. (Paper, pipe, Pinocchio...)

Didactic games and exercises aimed at developing phonemic perception, proposed by R.I. Lalaeva, L.N. Efimenkova, Cheveleva N.A., Fomicheva N., Kazanskaya V.L.

Speech and visual material for these exercises should be selected taking into account speech experience, as well as the individual phonetic-phonemic characteristics and capabilities of each child.

1. Guess what it sounds like.

Visual material: drum, hammer, bell, screen.

The speech therapist shows the children a toy drum, bell, and hammer, names them and asks them to repeat. Then the teacher offers to listen to how they sound: playing a drum, ringing a bell, knocking on the table with a hammer; names the toys again. Then he sets up a screen and behind it reproduces the sound of the specified objects. “What does that sound like?” - he asks the children. The children answer, and the speech therapist again rings the bell, knocks with the hammer, etc. At the same time, he makes sure that the children recognize the sounding object and clearly pronounce its name.

2. Where did you call?

Purpose: Determining the direction of sound. Equipment. A bell (or a bell, or a pipe, etc.).

Description of the game. Children sit in groups in different parts of the room, each group has a sounding instrument. The driver is selected. He is asked to close his eyes and guess where they called, and show the direction with his hand. If the child correctly indicates the direction, the teacher says: “It’s time,” and the driver opens his eyes. The one who called stands up and shows a bell or a pipe. If the driver indicates the wrong direction, he drives again until he guesses right.

3. “Where did they slam?”

Children sit in different places in the room, and a driver is selected. They close his eyes. One of the children, at the sign of the speech therapist, claps his hands. The driver must determine who clapped.

4. Snail

Description of the game. The driver (snail) stands in the middle of the circle and is blindfolded. Each player, changing his voice, asks:

Snail, snail,

Stick out your horns

I'll give you sugar

Piece of pie,

5. Hear whispers

Target. Develop hearing acuity.

Description of the game. Option 1. The players are divided into two equal groups and lined up in one line. The leader moves away to a certain distance, stands opposite and in a clear, intelligible whisper (perceptible only if everyone actively listens) gives commands (“Hands up, to the sides, around” and others, more complex). Gradually moving further away, the leader makes his whisper less perceptible and complicates the exercises.

Option 2 All children sit in a circle. The presenter, in a voice of normal volume, asks to perform some movement, and then, in a barely perceptible whisper, pronounces the name (surname) of the person who must perform it. If the child does not hear his name, the leader calls another child.

6. Find a picture

Development of perception of sound complexes

The speech therapist lays out in front of the child or children a series of pictures depicting animals (bee, beetle, cat, dog, rooster, wolf, etc.) and reproduces the corresponding onomatopoeia. Next, the children are given the task of identifying the animal by onomatopoeia and showing a picture with its image. The game can be carried out in two versions: a) based on visual perception of articulation, b) without relying on visual perception (the speech therapist’s lips are closed).

7. Confusion game

The child listens to the rhyme and corrects semantic inconsistencies, as well as the order of naming objects based on pictures .

1. A) A hedgehog crawled in a clearing

The poodle was barking on the sofa,

Well, this time the skiff was floating peacefully in the ocean.

b) The skiff crawled across the clearing,

The hedgehog barked on the sofa

Well, at that time the poodle was swimming peacefully in the ocean.

V) The skiff barked on the sofa,

The poodle was crawling in the clearing,

Well, at that time the hedgehog was swimming peacefully in the ocean.

2. A) The sparrow sat on a branch,

The old man was dozing in the gazebo,

At this time, the Dalmatian was barking loudly at the neighbor’s house.

b The sparrow was dozing in the gazebo,

Dalmatian sat on a branch.

At that time the old man was barking loudly at the neighbor’s house.

V The Dalmatian was dozing in the gazebo,

The old man was sitting on a branch.

At this time, the sparrow was barking loudly at the neighbor’s house.

8. Highlight a word

Goal: extracting a given sound from a word

The speech therapist pronounces the words and invites the children to clap their hands when they hear words that contain the sound z (mosquito song) and the sound s (water song). Answers can be group or individual.

9. Find similar words

Goal: development of perception of words that differ in one sound.

The teacher pronounces words that sound similar: cat is a spoon, ears are guns. Then he pronounces the word and invites the children to choose other words that sound similar to it. And he makes sure that the children choose the words correctly, and if they pronounce them clearly, cleanly, loudly.

10. Game “The vowel sound is heard by the ears, the ball flies over the top of the head”

Goal: development of phonemic perception, reaction speed, selection of a given vowel from a number of others.

Speech therapist: I will name vowel sounds. Toss the ball when you hear the "E" sound. A - E - U -Y - E - A - U - O - A - E - Y-E

11. Game “Multi-colored balls” Red is a vowel. Blue - no. What's the sound? Give me the answer!

Goal: strengthening the differentiation of vowels and consonants, developing attention and speed of thinking. Equipment: red and blue balls.

Progress of the game.

Option 1. The speech therapist throws the ball to the children. The person who catches it calls a vowel sound if the ball is red, a consonant sound if the ball is blue, and throws the ball back to the speech therapist.

Option 2. The child names a word starting with a vowel sound if the ball is red. And if the ball is blue, then the child names a word that begins with a consonant sound.

12. Game with passing the ball “Sound chain” We will connect a chain of words. The ball won't let you put a point.

Goal: development of phonemic awareness, activation of vocabulary.

Progress of the game. The speech therapist says the first word and hands the ball to the child. Next, the ball is passed from child to child. The final sound of the previous word is the initial sound. For example: spring - bus - elephant - nose - owl...

13. Ball throwing game “One hundred questions - one hundred answers starting with the letter A (I, B), and only this one”

Goal: development of phonemic awareness, imagination.

Progress of the game. The speech therapist throws the ball to the child and asks him a question. Returning the ball to the speech therapist, the child must answer the question so that all words of the answer begin with a given sound, for example, with the sound I. Example: - What is your name? - Ira (Ivan). - What about your last name? - Ivanova. - Where are you from? - From Irkutsk. - What grows there? - Figs. - What birds are there? - Orioles. - What gift will you bring to your family? - Taffy and toys.

14. Game “A syllable and a syllable - and there will be a word, we will play the game again”

Option 1. Goal: to consolidate the ability to add a syllable to a word.

Progress of the game. The speech therapist says to the children: “I will say the first part of the word, and you will say the second: sa - har, sa - ni.” Then the speech therapist throws the ball to the children one by one and says the first syllable; the children catch it and throw it back, saying the whole word. You can throw the ball on the floor.

Option 2. Goal: differentiation of sounds, development of attention, speed of thinking.

Progress of the game. The speech therapist throws a ball to the children, calling the first syllable: “sa” or “sha”, “su” or “shu”, “so” or “sho”, “sy” or “shi”. The child finishes the word. For example: Sha- balls sa-sanki sho- rustle so- forty shu- fur coat su- bag shi~ tires cheese- cheese

15. Game “Catch the ball - make up a word” We caught three balls - We’ll say the word now.

Goal: compose three-sound words. Equipment: fabric balls with vowels and consonants embroidered on them.

Progress of the game. The speech therapist throws a ball to each child, naming the sounds of the intended word: M - A - K D - O - M K - O - T Children find on their ball the letter corresponding to the named sound, and make a word from the balls, read it.

16. Game “If I meet a word on the road, I’ll break it into syllables”

Goal: training the ability to divide words into syllables, development of attention, speed of thinking.

Progress of the game. The speech therapist throws a ball to the children, naming one-syllable, two-syllable and three-syllable words. The child who catches the ball determines the number of syllables, names them and throws the ball back. You can invite children to pronounce the word syllable by syllable while simultaneously hitting the syllables with a ball.

17. Who listens better?

Goal: developing the ability to determine the presence of a given sound in a word.

Option 1.

The speech therapist calls two children to see him. He puts them with their backs to each other, sideways to the whole group, and gives the task: “I will name the words, and Sasha will raise his hand only when he hears words with the sound sh.” Which sound? And Larisa will raise her hand only when she hears words that contain the sound zh. Once again, children are asked to repeat who should raise their hand and when. Children count the number of correct answers and mark the incorrect answers. The teacher names words at short intervals (15 words in total: 5 - with the sound w, 5 - with the sound w, 5 - without these sounds). The following set of words is suggested: hat, house, beetle, fox, hedgehog, cat, plate, hanger, skis, pencil, barrel, scissors, castle, puddle, roof.

Everyone monitors whether the children are completing the task correctly, correcting mistakes by pointing out the given sound in the word or its absence. At the end, the children name the child who was the most attentive, correctly identified all the words and never made a mistake.

Option 2.

The teacher asks two children to select words: one with the sound w, the other with the sound zh. The one who can name the most words without making a single mistake in pronunciation wins.

The same can be done with other pairs of sounds.

18. What sound is there in all words?

Goal: developing the ability to identify common sounds in words.

The speech therapist pronounces three or four words, each of which has one of the sounds being practiced: fur coat, cat, mouse- and asks the children what sound is in all these words. Children call the sound sh. Then he asks to determine what sound is in all the words below: beetle, toad, skis - well; kettle, key, glasses - h; brush, box, sorrel - sch; braid, mustache, nose-s; herring, Sima, elk - sya; goat, castle, tooth – h; winter, mirror, Vaseline – з; flower, egg, chicken - c; boat, chair, lamp - l; linden, forest, salt - l; fish, carpet, wing – p; rice, strength, primer - ry.

19. Name the first sound in the word

Goal: developing the ability to determine the first sound in a word.

The teacher shows a toy, for example, Buratino, and asks him to determine what sound his name begins with. After the answers, the teacher gives the children a task to determine with what sound the names of their neighbors, the names of certain animals and objects begin. Draws attention to the fact that sounds must be pronounced clearly (you cannot pronounce syllables ze in a word Zoya, ve - in a word Vadik).

20. Name the last sound in the word

Goal: developing the ability to differentiate hard and soft sounds

Visual material: pictures (bus, goose, chick, raincoat, house, key, table, door, samovar, bed, hippopotamus, etc.)

The speech therapist shows the picture, asks to name what is shown on it, and then say what the last sound in the word is. At the same time, attention is paid to the clear pronunciation of isolated sounds, differentiation of hard and soft consonants (in the word door the last sound ry, but not R). When all the pictures have been examined, the teacher offers to put pictures in which the names of objects end in a hard consonant on one side, and on the other side - on a soft consonant. Children who do not clearly pronounce sounds are asked to clearly pronounce the consonant sounds at the end of the word.

21. Find out the sound

Goal: Recognizing a given sound in words.

The teacher names words or shows pictures, and children recognize words with sounds R And ry, raise their hands or clap, and then pronounce these words in unison.

1. Pure jokes:

Rya - rya - rya - blue seas; ryu - ryu - ryu - I cook turnips; ar-ar-ar-new primer; ri - ri - ri - the lights are on; re - re - re - sledding on the mountain; or - or - or - Andryusha has measles; ra - ra - ra - high mountain; ro - ro - ro - new feather; ru - ru - ru - the goat gnaws the bark; ry -ry - ry - mosquitoes are flying; or - or - or - Roma has an ax, etc.

2. Tongue twisters:

Yegor walked through the yard, carrying an ax to repair the fence. The crow missed the little crow. Prov brought a mountain of firewood to Egor’s yard. On the mountain, on the hill, Yegorka roars bitterly.

22. Confusion

Goal: development of differentiation of words that differ in one sound.

The child listens carefully to the rhymes and replaces one word with another that has a suitable meaning.

Two tankmen are going to... bank

The money was kept in.. tank

It's hot... stump

Masha sat down on... day

Tanya's are blue... paws.

Cats have claws... slippers.

I'll wrap the iron... bandage

And I'll buy it at the pharmacy... screw.

What's left of the sweets... bows.

I'll tie it on the dress... candy wrappers.

I'll put it next to the stove... knee

And I'll anoint you with green... log.

I wash the dishes in... bed.

In the evening I read in... car wash.

Soldiers are coming in durable... masks.

And everyone is at the carnival in... helmets

But then there was a loud... hair.

Games to develop phonemic awareness

The most effective methods for developing phonemic awareness are games. Therefore, you should use the following types of games and exercises in your classes.

“When you hear it, clap.”

Progress of the game: the adult pronounces a series of sounds (syllables, words), the child, with his eyes closed, hears a certain sound and claps his hands.

"Who is bigger?"

Goals: Develop phonemic awareness, auditory attention.

Progress of the game - competition: Children select words that begin with a given sound. (Repetitions are not allowed).

"Attentive Listener" (or "Where is the Sound?")

Goals: develop phonemic awareness, attention.

Progress of the game: the adult pronounces the words, and the children determine the place of the given sound in each of them.

"The right word."

Goals: develop auditory attention, phonemic perception.

Progress of the game: According to the instructions of an adult, children pronounce words with a certain sound at the beginning, middle, and end of the word.

"Keen Eye"

Goals: Develop phonemic awareness, attention.

Progress of the game: Children are asked to find objects in the environment whose names contain a given sound, and determine its place in the word.

"Wonderful artist."

Progress of the game: draw pictures for the indicated sound at the beginning, middle, end of the word. Under the pictures, based on the level of knowledge of the children, it is proposed to draw a diagram of the word in the form of a line or a diagram of the syllables of a given word, in which each syllable is indicated by an arc and indicate the location of the sound being studied.


Goals: develop auditory attention, memory.

Progress of the game: The adult pronounces a series of words, and the children remember and repeat. The first task consists of 2 words, then their number gradually increases (3,4, 5, etc.), for example:

Garden - sleigh

Juice - shock

Bag – soup – boots

Hat - son - fur coat

When selecting appropriate speech material during the game, work can be done to automate and differentiate sounds, develop phonemic perception, and phonemic concepts.

Goals: to develop auditory attention, memory, phonemic awareness.

Progress of the game: after the words of the presenter:

The beads have scattered... we will collect them, string them on a thread, and find the word - the participants in the game pronounce words in a chain - beads for a certain sound (without repetitions), for example:

For the sound R - rainbow - rocket - loaf - steam - hand - sounds

R - L - crayfish - lamp - hole - onion - fish - soap.....

"Repeat and add"

Goals: To develop auditory attention and memory.

Progress of the game: the first player pronounces a word, the second, repeating it, adds his own, etc. Each participant increases the row by 1 word. The game stops and starts over after one of the players changes the sequence of words, for example: to the sound Ж-

Beetle, toad

Beetle, toad, snakes

Beetle, toad, snakes, hedgehogs, etc.

“Add sounds.”

Goals: to develop phonemic awareness, attention, fine motor skills.

Progress of the game: The adult pronounces a series of sounds, and the children pronounce the syllables or words made up of them, for example: P, A-PA; N,O,S-NOS

"Say it the other way around"

Goals: to develop phonemic perception, ideas, auditory attention, memory.

Progress of the game: An adult pronounces 2-3 sounds, and children must pronounce them in reverse order.

Option 1 - with vowel sounds A, U-U, A, A, I, O-….(O,I)U, O,A_A, O,U,E,Y,I-…(I,Y,E )

Option 2 – with hard consonants

Option 3 - with hard and soft consonants

PYO -….(PO)

PE -….(PE)

Natalia Glotova
Didactic games for the formation of phonemic processes.

The use of gaming technologies in the work on the formation of phonemic processes in children of senior preschool age in a speech center.

To overcome phonetic-phonemic disorders, the development of phonemic perception and hearing is necessary.

Phonemic hearing- ability for auditory perception of speech, phonemes. Phonemic hearing is of utmost importance for mastering the sound side of a language; phonemic perception is formed on its basis.

Phonemic awareness is the ability to distinguish speech sounds and determine the sound composition of a word.

Developed phonemic processes are an important factor in the successful development of the speech system as a whole.

The immaturity of phonemic hearing negatively affects the formation of sound pronunciation; the child not only poorly differentiates some sounds by ear, but also does not master their correct pronunciation.

Violation of phonemic perception leads to specific deficiencies in pronunciation, which indicates incomplete mastery of the sound side of the language, negatively affects the formation of children's readiness for sound analysis of words, and causes difficulties in mastering reading and writing.

Formed phonemic perception is the key to clear pronunciation of sounds, construction of the correct syllabic structure of words, the basis for mastering the grammatical structure of a language, successful development of writing and reading skills, therefore it is the basis of the entire complex speech system.

Sound pronunciation is closely related to speech hearing. To do this, it is necessary to develop good diction in children, that is, mobility of the articulatory apparatus, ensuring clear and precise pronunciation of each sound individually, as well as correct and unified pronunciation.

The child must understand the sound structure of the language - this is the ability to hear individual sounds in a word, understand that they are located in a certain sequence. A child with a lack of pronunciation does not have this readiness.

A game - the leading type of activity in preschool age.

With the help of gaming means, a gaming situation is created, children’s knowledge is updated, rules are explained, additional stimulation of gaming and speech activity is formed, conditions are created for the emergence and strengthening of cognitive motives, the development of interests, and a positive attitude towards learning is formed.

The use of gaming technologies in the work of a speech therapist makes it possible to increase the success of learning for children with speech disorders.

To determine the direction of correctional work, a thorough examination of the phonemic processes of children enrolled in a speech center is necessary. Without a thorough examination of phonemic hearing, effective correctional work is impossible.

An analysis of the state of phonemic perception in children from school No. 69 of JSC AVISMA, enrolled in a speech center at the beginning of the school year, showed that out of 26 children, 16 had underdevelopment, which amounted to 61% of the total number of children.

Children had difficulty repeating rows of their 3 syllables with consonant sounds that were in oppositional voiced-voiceless sounds. Errors included substitutions and mixtures of sounds, changes in the structure of a row, and transfer of syllables and words from the previous row to the one being pronounced.

When recognizing a given sound in a series of other sounds, the pupils coped with the task; difficulties were noted when recognizing a given sound in a series of syllables. Recognizing sounds in a series of words turned out to be too difficult for children.

From all of the above we can conclude:

1. Children were found to have a low level of development of phonemic awareness. They are characterized by disturbances in the perception of not only sounds that are disturbed in pronunciation, but also correctly pronounced ones. Differentiating consonants that are oppositional in terms of voicedness and voicelessness is more difficult for children than distinguishing consonants in terms of hardness and softness, or by place and method of formation.

2. The greatest difficulties were caused by tasks on recognizing a given sound in syllables and words, as well as tasks on distinguishing the correct and incorrect sounds of words and phrases.

3. The formation of phonemic perception in pupils is secondarily influenced by deficiencies in sound pronunciation, as well as a low level of development of speech attention.

She outlined correctional work to overcome developmental disorders of phonemic perception in children of senior preschool age with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech in a preschool speech therapy center in three stages. At each stage, she determined the use of games and gaming techniques to increase the effectiveness of corrective action.

Stage 1(preparatory) - development of non-speech hearing.

At this stage, exercises are conducted to distinguish non-speech sounds. Such exercises contribute to the development of auditory memory and auditory attention, without which it is impossible to teach a child to listen to the speech of others and differentiate phonemes. At this time, physical hearing works.

Games used in correctional work at stage 1.

- discrimination of non-speech sounds.

Game "Silence"

Children, closing their eyes, “listen to the silence.” After 1-2 minutes, children are asked to open their eyes and tell what they heard.

Game "Guess what I'm playing on"

Goal: development of stability of auditory attention, the ability to distinguish an instrument by ear by its sound.

The speech therapist puts musical toys on the table, names them, and makes sounds. Then he invites the children to close their eyes (“night has fallen,” listen carefully, find out what sounds they heard.

Game "Find out by sound"

Various objects and toys that can produce characteristic sounds: (wooden spoon, metal spoon, pencil, hammer, rubber ball, glass, scissors, alarm clock)

Game "Noise Jars".

Purpose: to practice identifying the type of cereal by ear.

- differentiation according to the method of reproduction (claps, stomps)

Game “Where did they clap?”, Game “Where did they call”

Goal: development of the focus of auditory attention, the ability to determine the direction of sound.

This game requires a bell or other sounding object. The child closes his eyes, you stand away from him and quietly call (rattle, rustle). The child should turn to the place from which the sound is heard, and with his eyes closed, show the direction with his hand, then open his eyes and check himself. You can answer the question: where is it ringing? - left, front, top, right, bottom. A more complex and fun option is “blind man’s buff”.

- differentiation by tempo (fast - slow)

"Who is faster?"

- differentiation by rhythm (rhythmic patterns)

Game "Polyanka".

Goal: recognize the rhythmic pattern.

Wild animals gathered in the clearing. Each of them will knock differently: a hare - 1 time, a bear cub - 2 times, a squirrel - 3 times, and a hedgehog - 4 times. Guess who came to the clearing by the knock.

- differentiation by sound strength (loud - quiet)

Game "High - Low"

Children walk in a circle. The musician plays low and high sounds (on the button accordion). Hearing high sounds, children rise on their tiptoes; hearing low sounds, they squat.

Game "Quiet and Loud"

It is carried out similarly to the previous one, only the sounds are produced either loudly or quietly. Children also correlate the nature of sounds with differentiated movements.

Stage 2 - development of speech hearing.

Games used in correctional work at stage 2.

- distinguishing identical words, phrases, sound complexes and sounds by pitch, strength and timbre of voice

Game "Blizzard"

Goal: to teach children to change the strength of their voice from quiet to loud and from loud to quiet in one exhalation.

The snowstorms swept away and began to sing their songs: sometimes quiet, sometimes loud.

Game "The Wind Blows".

A light summer breeze is blowing: ooh-ooh (quietly-quietly)

A strong wind blew: U-U-U (loud) Pictures can be used.

Game "Loud and Quiet".

Paired toys: large and small. Big ones pronounce words loudly, small ones - quietly.

Game "Three Bears".

Say one of the phrases for the bear, she-bear and cub in a voice that varies in pitch.

Game "Near - Far".

The speech therapist makes various sounds. The child learns to distinguish where the steamboat is humming (oooh) - far away (quietly) or close (loudly). Which pipe is playing: a big one (in a low voice) or a small one (in a high voice).

- differentiation of words that are similar in sound composition:

Game "Right and Wrong".

Option 1. The speech therapist shows the child a picture and loudly and clearly names what is drawn on it, for example: “Wagon.” Then he explains: “I will name this picture either correctly or incorrectly, and you listen carefully. If I’m wrong, clap your hands.

Option 2. If the child hears the correct pronunciation of the object shown in the picture, he should raise a green circle; if incorrectly, he should raise a red circle.

Baman, paman, bana, banam, wavan, davan, bavan.

Vitanin, mitavin, fitamin, vitanim, vitamin, mitanin, fitavin.

Game "Listen and choose".

In front of the child are pictures with objects whose names are similar in sound:

cancer, varnish, poppy, tank

house, lump, scrap, catfish

goat, braid

puddles, skis

bear, mouse, bowl

The speech therapist names 3-4 words in a certain sequence, the child selects the corresponding pictures and arranges them in the named order.

Game" "Which word is different?"

Of the four words spoken by an adult, the child must choose and name the word that is different from the rest.










- differentiation of syllables

Game "Same or Different".

A syllable is spoken into the child's ear, which he repeats out loud, after which the adult either repeats the same thing or says the opposite. The child's task is to guess whether the syllables were the same or different. Syllables must be selected that the child is already able to repeat correctly. This method helps develop the ability to distinguish sounds spoken in a whisper, which perfectly trains the auditory analyzer.

Game "Let's Clap"

The adult explains to the child that there are short and long words. He pronounces them, separating the syllables intonationally. Together with the child, he pronounces the words (pa-pa, lo-pa-ta, ba-le-ri-na, clapping the syllables. A more difficult option: invite the child to clap the number of syllables in the word independently.

Game "What's extra?"

The speech therapist pronounces a series of syllables “pa-pa-pa-ba-pa”, “fa-fa-wa-fa-fa”... The child should clap when he hears an extra (different) syllable.

Game "Alien"

Goal: differentiation of syllables.

Equipment: alien cap.

Hod: Guys, a sleepwalker has come to us from another planet. He doesn't know how to speak Russian, but he wants to make friends and play with you. He speaks, and you repeat after him. PA-PA-PO... MA-MO-MU... SA-SHA-SA... LA-LA-RA... First, the role of the alien is played by an adult, then by a child.

-differentiation of phonemes.

Recognition of a sound against the background of other sounds, against the background of a word.

Isolating vowels from a number of sounds.

Recognition of vowels against the background of syllables and monosyllabic words.

Recognition of vowels against the background of polysyllabic words.

Isolating consonants from a number of other sounds.

Recognition of consonants against the background of polysyllabic words.

Air flows freely through the mouth,

There are no different obstacles.

The sound is vowel

Those who agree would be glad to sing,

But there are only obstacles in the mouth:

Whisper, whistle, buzz, roar

Language gives us.

Game “What the Mouse Asks”

Goal: learn to identify words with a given sound. Develop phonemic analysis and synthesis.

Equipment: “bi-ba-bo” toy - hare, food models.

Procedure: Show the children the toy and say, pretending to be him: “I’m very hungry, but I’m afraid of the cat, please bring me foods that have the sound A in their names.” Same with other sounds.

Game “Say the Word.”

The speech therapist reads the poem, and the child finishes the last word, which matches the meaning and rhyme:

There's not a bird on the branch -

Small animal

The fur is warm, like a hot water bottle.

His name is. (squirrel).

Game "Sound Lost"

The child must find a word that does not have a suitable meaning and choose the right one: Mom went with the barrels (daughters)

On the road along the village.

Game "Catch the Sound". "Catch the Song"

Clap your hands if the sound “m” is heard in the word.

Poppy, onion, mouse, cat, cheese, soap, lamp.

Game "Find the Sound"

1 Select subject pictures whose names contain the given sound. Previously, the pictures are called adults.

2 Based on the plot picture, name the words in which the given sound is heard.

Ball game.

The speech therapist pronounces various syllables and words. The child must catch the ball at the given sound; if he does not hear the sound, then hit the ball.

Stage 3 Development of skills in elementary sound analysis and synthesis.

This stage has a certain sequence:

Determining the number of syllables in words of varying complexity

Highlighting the first and last sound in a word

Selecting a word with a suggested sound from a group of words or from


Distinguishing sounds according to their qualitative characteristics (vowel-

consonant, deaf - voiced, hard - soft);

Determining the place, quantity, sequence of sounds in a word

Creative tasks (for example, come up with words with given sounds)

Building models

The word is divided into syllables,

Like slices of an orange.

If the syllables come next to each other -

The resulting words are:

You- and -kva-, and together “pumpkin”.

So- and -va- so, “owl”.

Stressed syllable, stressed syllable

- It’s not called that for nothing...

Hey, invisible hammer,

Tag him with a blow!

And the hammer knocks, knocks,

And my speech sounds clear.

Game "Tapping Syllables"

Goal: teaching syllabic analysis of words

Equipment: drum, tambourine.

Game description: Children sit in a row. The speech therapist explains that each child will be given a word that he must tap or clap. Pronounces a word clearly loudly, for example wheel. The called child must tap out as many times as there are syllables in a given word. The presenter gives the children words of different numbers of syllables. The winners will be those who have not made a single mistake.

Game "Guess the word"

Goal: compose words with a certain number of syllables

Description of the game: children are sitting at the table. The teacher says: “Now you and I will guess the words. I won’t tell you what they are, I’ll just tell you by telegraph, I’ll knock them out, and you have to think and say what these words might be.” If the children find it difficult to name the word, the teacher taps the word again and pronounces its first syllable. The game is repeated, but now the teacher names one child. The person called must guess the word that will be tapped out to him, name it and knock out. When the children have mastered the game, you can choose one of the children as the leader.

Game "Syllable Train".

Steam locomotive with three carriages. On the 1st, the pattern is 1 syllable, on the 2nd - from 2 syllables, on the 3rd - from 3 syllables. Children need to “place the pictures in the correct carriage.

Game "Pyramid".

Goal: to train children in determining the number of syllables in words.

Equipment: image of a pyramid of squares in three rows: at the bottom there are 3 squares for three-syllable words, above - 2 squares for two-syllable words and at the top - one square for one-syllable words. There are pockets under the squares. Subject pictures.

Procedure: put the pictures in the correct pocket depending on the number of words.

Game “Find a pattern for the word”

Purpose: to train children in dividing into syllables.

Subject pictures, diagrams for one-syllable, two-syllable, three-syllable words.

Match the word with the diagram.

Game "Chain of words".

in words.

Equipment. Cards with subject pictures.

Progress of the game. 4-6 children play. Each child has 6 cards. The speech therapist begins to lay out the chain. The next picture is placed by a child whose name of the depicted object begins with the sound that ends the word - the name of the first object. The winner is the one who lays out all his cards first.

Train game

Goal: to practice the skills of identifying the first and last sound in a word.

Progress of the game: children are asked to make a train from carriages-cards. Just as the cars on a train are connected to each other, so the cards must be connected only with the help of sounds. The last sound must coincide with the first sound of the next name, then the cars of our train will be firmly connected. The first card is an electric locomotive, its left half is empty. The last trailer also has unoccupied space - the right half is empty. Several people can play. All cards are distributed equally to the players. Each person, on his turn, adds a suitable one to the last picture, that is, one whose first sound in the name is the same as the last sound in the given last card. Thus, in the names of the left pictures the first sound is always highlighted, and in the names of the left pictures the last sound is always highlighted. This must be taken into account and not place pictures on the right that have voiced consonants at the end of the word in their names.

Game "Wonderful fishing rod"

Purpose: To train children in identifying the first and last sound

in words.

A magnet is attached to the end of the thread of a small homemade fishing rod. Lowering the fishing rod behind the screen, where there are several pictures with metal clips attached, the child takes out the picture and names the first and last sound.

Game "Find the place of the sound in the word."

Equipment. Cards with diagrams of the location of sounds in words.

Progress of the game: Each child receives a card. The speech therapist shows pictures and names words. If a given sound is heard at the beginning of a word, you need to put a chip in the first cell. If a sound is heard in the middle of a word, the chip must be placed in the second cell. If the sound is at the end of a word, the chip is placed in the third cell. The winner is the one who made no mistakes.

Game "Find a place for your picture."

Goal: learn to differentiate sounds in words. (sh-zh, b-p, r-l, sh-s, g-k, g-z, z-s).

2 houses for each sound. (pictures with sound [w] live in 1 house, with sound [s] in another)

Game "Be careful".

Goal: distinguishing sounds [d] - [t] in paronyms.

Point-daughter, sense-duty, reel-reel, water-cotton wool, melancholy-board, rafts-fruit.

Game "Help me pack my things"

Purpose: distinguishing sounds [z] - [zh]

A mosquito and a beetle are going on a journey. Help them pack their things for the trip. The mosquito needs things with the sound [z]. and to a beetle with the sound [zh].

Umbrella, castle, pajamas, skis, knives, backpack, alphabet, vest, pie, blouse, star, acorn, badge.

Game "Suitcase and Briefcase".

Purpose: distinguishing sounds [w].- [zh]

Hide objects that contain the sound [zh] in your suitcase. and in the briefcase with the sound [w].

Game "Gifts"

Purpose: distinguishing sounds [l] - [l*]; [r] - [r*]

Zvukovichok decided to give Lana and Lena gifts. But I thought about it, because Lana loves objects with the sound [l], Lena with the sound [l*]. Help me choose gifts.

Tiger - objects with the sound [r], and tiger cub with the sound [r*].

Game “What the boy collected in the garden with the sounds [r] - [r]

[r] tomato, dill, carrots, peas, potatoes.

[p*] cucumber, radish, turnip, radish.

Game “Find in which words the song of the big mosquito sounds, and in which of the small one.

Purpose: distinguishing sounds [z].- [z*]

Umbrella, fence, basket, zebra, dragonfly, birch, castle, raisin.

Game "Which picture to whom"

Purpose: distinguishing sounds [g] - [k]

Dove - pictures with sound [g];

Leopold the cat - pictures with sound[k].

Phonetic lotto “Voiced - Deaf.”

Goal: To learn to pronounce sounds correctly and differentiate phonemes by voicedness and deafness.

On a card with a yellow rectangle, pictures are laid out in which words begin with a voiced consonant, and on a card with a lilac rectangle, pictures are laid out in which words begin with a voiceless consonant.

Phonetic lotto “Hard - soft”.

Goal: To learn to pronounce sounds correctly and differentiate phonemes by hardness and softness.

On a card with a blue rectangle, pictures are laid out in which words begin with a hard consonant, and on a card with a green rectangle, pictures are laid out in which words begin with a soft consonant.

Game "Zvukoedik"

Goal: determining the place of a sound in a word.

Game material: doll.

Rules of the game: Sounds have a terrible enemy - the Sound Eater. It feeds on the initial sounds (last sounds) in all words. The teacher walks around the group with a doll in his hands and says: ... Ivan, ... tul, ... forehead,. kno (sto, stu, albo, okn), etc. What did the doll want to say?

Game "Catch the Sound"

Goal: to teach how to name the sound in a word according to its spatial characteristics (first, second, after a certain sound, before a certain sound)

How to play: Children stand in a circle, the leader has the ball. He says a word out loud, throws the ball to anyone playing and says what sound he should name, for example, “cheese, second sound.” The child catches the ball and answers: “Y” - and returns the ball to the presenter, who asks the next task related to the same word. All sounds in a word must be analyzed.

Game "Traffic Light".

Purpose: To train children in finding the place of sound in a word.

The adult names the words. The child places a chip on the left red, middle yellow or green right side of the strip (“traffic light”), depending on where the given sound is heard.

Game "Houses".

Goal: Developing the ability to differentiate similar sounds and find the place of a sound in a word. Equipment. A set of subject pictures, the names of which begin with oppositional sounds, 2 houses, each house has 3 pockets (beginning, middle, end of the word).

Progress of the game. The child takes a picture, names it, determines the presence of a sound (for example, Ш or Ш, its place in a word, inserts the picture into the corresponding pocket. Points are awarded for a correctly completed task.

Game “Every sound has its own room”

Goal: to teach how to conduct a complete sound analysis of a word based on the sound diagram and chips.

How to play: Players receive houses with the same number of windows. Residents - “words” - must move into the houses, and each sound wants to live in a separate room. Children count the number of windows in the house and conclude how many sounds there should be in a word. Then the presenter pronounces the word, and the players name each sound separately and place the chips on the windows of the house - “populate the sounds.” At the beginning of training, the leader says only words suitable for settling in, that is, those that will contain as many sounds as there are windows in the house. At subsequent stages, you can say a word that cannot be “settled” in a given house, and the children, through analysis, are convinced of the mistake. Such a tenant is sent to live on another street, where words with a different number of sounds live.

“How many rooms are there in the apartment?”

Goal: to teach how to determine the number of sounds in words without relying on a ready-made diagram using chips.

How to play: Word houses are used for the game, but without diagram windows. Each player has one such house, as well as several chips and a set of numbers: 3, 4, 5, 6. The leader has object pictures. He shows a picture, the children place window chips in the house according to the number of sounds, and then put the corresponding number. Then the chips are removed from the house, the presenter shows the next picture, and the children again analyze the word. At the end of the game, relying on the numbers, you need to try to remember which pictures were offered for analysis. You can ask them to choose their own words with the same number of sounds.

Game "Telegraphists"

Goal: developing skills of sequential sound analysis based on presentation; training in sound synthesis of words.

Progress of the game: Two children are playing; they are telegraph operators, transmitting and receiving telegrams. The content of the telegram is set by the presenter, who, secretly from the second player, shows the first player a picture. He must “convey the contents of the telegram”: pronounce the word - the name of the picture by sound. The second player “receives the telegram” - calls the word together, that is, carries out the operation of sound synthesis. Then the players change roles and the game continues.

Game “Match the picture to the diagram”

Goal: to teach how to determine the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end) by representation.

Progress of the game. Children have diagrams of words (rectangles divided crosswise into three parts, with the first part colored - the beginning of the word, the second part colored - the middle of the word, the third part colored - the end of the word). Before the game, each participant chooses a letter from those suggested by the presenter. The presenter shows the pictures (a letter is placed in the upper right corner of each picture, and the children must ask for those that contain the sound they have chosen, and put these pictures to the desired diagram. The first one to collect three pictures for each scheme will win. Then the children change letters and the game continues.

Game "Live sounds, syllables"

GOAL: Learn to synthesize individual sounds (syllables) into a word.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: Call the children and tell them who will turn into what sound. For example:

Misha, you are turning into the first sound, the word “donut”.

Katya, you are becoming the last sound of the word “mol”.

Olya, you are the main sound “and”.

Vera, you are the second sound of the word “bottom”

Children line up. They hold circles in their hands that match their sound (blue, red or green). Children have a “living” model of the word in front of them. Children-sounds name each sound. The rest can guess what word it turned out to be.

Game "Funny Balls"

Goal: to develop sound analysis skills.

Equipment: cards with syllables, multi-colored balls with transparent pockets.

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red, blue, light blue-

Can't keep up with you.

Funny balls want to play words with you, but you need to put them together from syllables and arrange the balls so that you get a word.

Game "Collect the word."

Goal: to teach children to lay out words based on the first sounds in small pictures.

Progress: children are given one large card and several small ones.

Lay out the word car, highlighting the first sounds from the pictures on small cards.

MASHANA: poppy, watermelon, hat, willow, socks, stork.

Game “Read the word by first letters”

Goal: to practice identifying the first sound in a word, consolidate the ability to compose words from highlighted sounds, and read words.

Procedure: The speech therapist displays pictures and asks them to name the first sound in each word and make a word from these sounds.

Game “Come up with words with given sounds”

1 Name dishes, flowers, animals, toys that begin with the given sound.

2 Based on the plot picture, select words that begin with the given sound.

Game "Change the first sound"

The speech therapist calls the word. Children determine the first sound in it. Next, they are asked to change the first sound in the word to another. Com-house.

Goal: to consolidate the reading of words united by a common beginning. Develop phonemic awareness.

Equipment: cards with pictures of animals and birds and printed words that these animals or birds say.

Map Sh-arf mu-ka z-avod kva-drat zh-aba me-shok ga=zeta pi-la