Applying for a consumer loan is a responsible decision. The borrower must assess his financial capabilities when repaying a bank loan. The client should choose a ratio of amount and term in which the loan payment will not exceed half of his monthly income.
Where and how best to get a loan? First, you need to study the offers of banks that can provide preferential conditions with a lower rate on loans for individuals. First of all, you should pay attention to credit institutions where the client has a salary card, has an open deposit, or has a positive credit history.
Before taking out a loan from a bank, carefully study all the conditions of the chosen program. Often, the amount that the borrower must return to the bank consists not only of the principal amount and interest on the loan, but also includes additional, not obvious at first glance, payments.
Commissions may be charged by the bank one-time upon receipt of a loan or monthly throughout the loan term. Sometimes, instead of a commission, banks set increased interest rates for the first month of lending. At the same time, during the rest of the term, lower loan rates apply, which are indicated as the base ones. Often, in the first month of lending, the principal debt on the loan is not repaid: only the amount of accrued interest is repaid. As a result, interest is charged twice on the same loan amount, which significantly increases the final amount of overpayment.
In consumer lending, the bank often offers the borrower to enter into a personal insurance agreement. If the borrower agrees to insure his life, health, and the risk of losing his job, then the client can take out a loan on more favorable terms. Typically, rates on loans with personal insurance are 1-2 percent lower compared to offers without insurance. Remember - personal insurance is a voluntary service; the bank has no right to impose it!

To minimize the likelihood of failure, review the following guidelines:
1. In the questionnaire, you must honestly and correctly tell us why you needed the money. It is known that banks more often approve applications in which the purpose of the loan is the purchase of durable goods. If the questionnaire is processed by a bank employee, you can express yourself more freely.
2. Most banks issue loans only to clients who have permanent registration in the city where the bank is located. Some banks can issue a loan with only temporary registration, but the conditions will be less favorable.
3. Banks are more willing to issue loans to borrowers with more than a year of work experience, half of which must be in the same job.
4. Magnitude wages is also considered by the bank. The amount of monthly payments should not be more than half of the salary, otherwise there is a risk of non-payment of the loan.
5. The position and place of work, the amount of monthly expenses are taken into account. The bank may pay attention to the foreign passport or ask the client to take out insurance. All this is done to ensure your solvency.
6. Payroll clients enjoy the trust of banks. For such clients, managers may not pay attention to individual imperfections in the credit history. In this case, the main thing is known about the client: how much money is transferred to his account and how often.
7. If the delinquencies recorded in your credit history were multiple and lasted several months, then the chances of success are close to zero.
8. The more loans you previously took out from various banks, and the fewer late payments you made, the better your credit history will be. This factor significantly influences not only the positive decision to issue you a new loan, but also allows you to obtain a loan on more favorable terms.
9. Banks care about the client’s solvency, but they are well aware that delays can be caused by objective reasons, and are in no hurry to refuse an applicant with a negative credit history.
10. Quick loan approval can also be obtained from the bank where you receive your wages.

So, in essence, a credit broker plays the role of an exchange in the loan market. That is, it brings banks and borrowers together. Ideally, in such a world of pink ponies, it looks like this. Instead of looking for banks that are ready to issue a loan, the borrower turns to a credit broker and he sends packages of documents to the banks with which he cooperates, receives preliminary decisions and selects the most advantageous offer among banks for the customer. The customer receives a loan, and the broker receives a reward for a job well done.

How brokers work: the path from application to loan

In reality, of course, everything is a little different, but in general the scheme works exactly like this. In order to understand the nuances of working through a broker, let’s turn to life. Here, for example, is the website of one of the companies specializing in loans and borrowings - The wide range of credit offers from cash loans to mortgage transactions immediately catches your eye. The question arises - why such a wide range of services? Everything is quite simple: the larger the market the broker covers (or tries to cover), the more orders from clients to select a loan he receives. And that means more of his profit.

So, a person goes to the broker’s website and leaves a request. The broker's manager contacts him and clarifies the details of the application. Next comes a search for banks willing to satisfy the application. And at this moment you have to ask yourself: who pays for the broker’s services? Simply put, whose interests does he represent? Since the borrower does not pay the broker, the payment - obviously - comes from the bank. After all, it is the bank that makes money on loans issued. And we come to the first important point: the customer is not the borrower, but the bank!

So, a list of banks ready to issue a loan has been received and the broker selects the most advantageous offer from this list. But here a second surprise awaits us. Best offer for whom? Of course, miracles do not happen - for yourself! In fact, the broker does not care what happens to the client after signing the loan agreement. With a high degree of probability, he will give you the offer for which he will receive the maximum reward. Hence the simple rule: ask the broker not for a specific offer, but for a list (portfolio) of bank offers and choose yourself.

And the third, very last point...

is it so bad?

No, it's not that bad. Everything is much worse. If a bank pays for a broker’s work, where does it get the money for it? Of course, from the interest on the same loans that the borrower pays. This is such a capitalist squeeze - the borrower pays money to the bank for using the loan, and the bank uses this money to hire a broker to bring him even more borrowers. Money makes money. And this whole banquet is paid for by ordinary people :)

But everyone knows that there is no black and white in the world. So let's list the simple facts.

Advantages of using the services of a credit broker
  • Save time. You don't have to run to banks and leave applications. The broker does this for you
  • Saves nerves. The broker is interested in you getting a loan. And he will help you fill out a variety of forms
  • In some cases, the broker tries to attract clients with various promotions - gifts, discounts, etc.
Disadvantages of using the services of a credit broker
  • It is not a fact that the offer will be the most profitable. You need to at least silently monitor the market for average rates on the loans you are looking for. So as not to be left in the cold.
  • You will still have to pay for the broker's work in the form of interest. After all, money doesn’t come from nowhere. However, even if you do not use the services of a broker, you will have to pay for them. As they say for themselves and for that guy :)


So, I tried to present enough information so that you can make a decision for yourself. As for me, I do not use the services of credit brokers - I have no problems with loans, since I do not take them. However, if someone needs to use the services of these guys, you shouldn’t immediately reject their offers. It is important to take all the pros and give up the cons. That is, you can let the broker select a package of offers, but make the final choice yourself. Remember: a person who renounces his right to choose immediately turns into a monkey!



[about movement] verb, nsv., used infrequently

Morphology: I I'm chatting, You you're chatting, he she it chatting, We chatting, You chatting, They chatting, chat, chat, chatted, chatted, chatted, chatted, chattering, chatty, chattering, chatting; noun , With. chatting

1. When you chatting anything liquid, you stir it.

She dangled the eggs in the bowl for a long time.

2. When you chatting foot, head, etc., you swing them from side to side or back and forth.

The boy was lying on a chair and dangling his legs.

3. When an airplane, ship or car chatting, they sway a lot due to the wind, big waves, bad road, etc.

A storm was approaching, and the ship began to chatter.

[talk] verb, nsv., used infrequently

1. When you chatting, you are talking for a long time about something light, frivolous.

My aunt likes to chat with me on the phone.


2. When someone chatting or talks his tongue, he talks a lot about various frivolous topics.

Talk nonsense, nonsense. | What are you talking about? | Don't talk in class! | He, as always, smoked a lot and chatted.

3. When someone chatting, he talks about what is better to remain silent about.

When he is drunk, he often talks too much. | In the locker room he was always talking about his success with women. | Look, don't talk about what you saw.

4. When someone chatting, he promises a lot and delivers little.

Again they chatter, but there are no solutions.

5. When someone chatting, he expresses ridiculous thoughts, invents something, spreads rumors or gossip.

He constantly chatted about how he would soon be given a good position. | They say that he abandoned his wife and child...

6. When someone chatting in English, German, etc., he speaks this language fluently.

Their son has only been living in Paris for a year, but he is already speaking French with all his might. | At the end of the first year, he already spoke decent Chinese.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev.

D. V. Dmitriev.:



    See what “chat” is in other dictionaries: Antonyms

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary 1. CHAT1, chatting, chatting, not true. (to blurt out). 1. what. Shake (obsolete). Chat the medicine. || how. Stir the liquid with something (colloquial). Dangle the spoon. 2. than. Make movements from side to side with limbs (unfolding). Swing your legs... ...

    To babble, joke, scribble, spread beans (racei, antimony), chatter, chirp, idle talk, chatter, sharpen your lasses, babble, babble, prattle nonsense, prattle with your tongue; to fence up (to pile up), to talk too much, to pour from empty into ... ... Synonym dictionary

    CHATTER, chatter, chatter something, set a liquid in motion, stir it, stir it up, beat it, knock it down, beat it, knock it together, stir it by shaking or stirring with something. Swirl the oil, churn it in a bottle or stir with a whorl. Dangle your hand in the water, swing,... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    CHAT 1, ay, ay; nesov. (colloquial). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary CHAT, oh, oh; imperfect (colloquial). 1. what. By stirring, set the (liquid) in motion. B. medicine. 2. than. Make movements (arms, legs) from side to side. B. foot. 3. without About the movement Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    aircraft during chatter. In a thunderstorm... ... chat- To wag your tongue, to talk nonsense, to talk idle talk. Porfiry Pavlovich considered it an indispensable duty, as soon as fate placed him in ladies' society, to chatter his tongue incessantly. rigorovich...

    Phrasebook Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Russian language

    1. CHAT, ay, ay; nsv. Razg. 1. (st. shake). what (than). Shake, stir (liquid). B. kefir in a bottle. B. spoon tea. Don’t talk about the milk: it’s left for the cottage cheese. 2. than. Move from side to side or back and forth; ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    aircraft- nonsense verbalization... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names


  • Timeless. The Emerald Book, Kerstin Geer. What to do if your heart is broken and your feelings are trampled? Spend hours on the phone with your best friend? Eating chocolate and lying in bed, shedding tears? What a pity that Gwendolyn...

Lately, most Bitcoin holders treat it as an investment instrument and do not make any transactions. This is one of the reasons why its value has been falling recently. In addition, Bitcoin is not entirely convenient for making “cheap” transfers, since it itself is a very expensive digital instrument. In this article, we will talk about the Credits cryptocurrency, which was developed taking into account the weaknesses of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

What is cryptocurrencyCredits (C.S.)

Cryptocurrency Credits (CS) is a digital token of a new financial ecosystem that allows the use of smart contracts based on blockchain technology. Credits developers took into account all the nuances in the operation of existing cryptocurrencies and created a new one technical solution, as well as a conceptual model that makes the Credits platform more advanced.

Work on the creation of Credits began back in 2016, but the team held its ICO not so long ago, in February 2018. By the end of June 2018, Credits developers plan to release a full release of the platform.

Platform FeaturesCredits(C.S.)

As we said above, the Credits platform has a distinctive technical model that allows them to have a number of differentiating characteristics from their competitors. On this moment, the Credits network supports the following features:

– making payments;

– user identification;

– consensus mechanism;

– node support;

– wallet for storing Credits (CS) tokens.

Based on this functionality, using the Credits platform, each user will be able to make small payments, as well as payments to other countries. All work of the Credits platform will be controlled by smart contracts.

You can also highlight the throughput of Credits, which is capable of passing up to 1,000,000 transactions per second with an accuracy of 0.01 seconds. In this case, the fee for payments made will be a meager 0.001 USD.

More information about the benefits of Credits can be found on the official website

Prospects for cryptocurrencyCredits(C.S.)

What we really like about the Credits project is how responsive they are. No sooner had ICO Credits ended than their CS tokens were listed on popular platforms. The project roadmap also does not look stretched, and its length from start to finish is 9 months. This means that even before conducting public activities, the developers carried out a good preparatory work and entered the market with a ready-made idea and the technical capabilities to implement it.

We don’t know what will happen to the cost of Credits tokens next, but within last days its value is growing rapidly. Most likely, the nearest level that can maintain the growth of the Credits cryptocurrency will be the level of $1.1.

Where to buy cryptocurrencyCredits(C.S.)

On March 5, 2018, the Credits cryptocurrency was listed on its first exchange, and as of March 21, it is trading on Kucoin, Tidex and IDEX at a weighted average rate of $0.74 per share. At the same time, the capitalization of the project exceeds 90 million US dollars.

Schedule and Course Credits(C.S.)

We present to your attention the Credits chart, which shows the exchange rate CS to dollar.


In creating their project, the Credits team focuses on a wide audience, which includes: individuals, companies and financial institutions. Credits believes that the digital society now simply needs a financial ecosystem that can provide conditions for normal life. In their opinion, fast and cheap transfers, as well as decentralization, are exactly what the world of cryptocurrencies needs.

Friends, if you think that the Credits project is worthy of your attention as an investor, then register on the above exchanges and purchase them.