The longest word listed in the Guinness Book of Records was born in Finland. And this is not surprising, because the peculiarity of local word formation is the frequent combination of several linguistic units into one multi-letter construction, the meaning of which, in addition, must be deciphered from the end.

And if you add to this the presence of 15 cases and several dozen tense forms of verbs, then learning Finnish may seem like an overwhelming task. Meanwhile, linguistic practice demonstrates the opposite: everyone is able to choose a form of study that will help them speak a recognizable melodious language within a month or two. ALL ONLINE COURSES have selected the best free Internet resources for learning Finnish from scratch at home.

Russian-language site in the form of a blog with simple navigation. Includes over 40 online lessons with information - text and tables. Each lesson can be viewed in PDF format and printed. The resource is relevant for beginners, but you need to keep in mind that the alphabet is not included in the list of lesson topics. Already in the first lesson, pronouns and verbs are discussed, in the second - the peculiarities of constructing sentences. In addition to language lessons, there are articles about the life of Finns, reading texts, and a list of books for self-learning Finnish.

Author's resource of Alexander Demyanov. The project differs from its analogues in that the phenomena of the Finnish language in it are maximally structured. Includes audio courses, video lessons, adapted texts, proverbs and sayings, exercises of different difficulty levels with the ability to check for hidden answers. A separate section includes a course of 41 lessons for beginners. A large block of topics is devoted to grammar; it contains many tasks marked “For advanced learners.” There are links to other useful language resources.

A service for immigrants that has won several awards. Designed to reinforce the basics of the Finnish language. The package includes entry-level courses: words and phrases for everyday communication, as well as an introduction to conjugating present tense verbs. The WordDive program determines the user's learning speed, optimizing the sequence of presentation of material directly to him. Courses can be used free of charge for three months from the date of activation. The estimated time to complete them is 15 hours.

Two free blocks of lessons. The first includes 38 lessons and 67 grammar exercises. Vowels and consonants, verb conjugation, cases, and declensions are studied. Audio recording of examples is provided. The second block contains 35 lessons aimed at expanding vocabulary. A list of 20 Russian words, supported by images, is displayed on the monitor, and the Finnish translation must be entered in the fields next to them. To understand how successful the task was, there is a “Check” button. Each lesson contains a video, the playback of which allows you to better memorize new words.

A two-part introduction to Finnish. The purpose of the first is to introduce a number of words used in everyday life and the alphabet. The second part examines basic grammar and suggests texts using the words learned in the first section. Individual topics are supported by audio files. On some devices there may be problems with their playback, but these can be resolved by following the link provided. The resource menu is in English, but it’s not difficult to navigate. Topics are presented in alphabetical order.

Training video. An original method of mastering the language by listening to news from the YLE information channel in simplified Finnish is proposed. Such news is read by a professional announcer (native speaker), who does not use complex official speech, but sentences that are simple in structure with a minimal vocabulary. The duration of each news collection is 5 minutes.

While listening to the announcer, you can simultaneously read the text displayed under the video image, repeating the presenter’s monologue word for word. It is recommended to write down unclear terms and translate them with a dictionary. By spending 15-25 minutes daily studying using this method, after three months you can significantly improve your language level.

A method for quickly mastering Finnish; the language for navigating the site is English. Designed for those who do not want or cannot undergo long-term training. Within each of the topics proposed by the program, you first need to understand the meaning of a word or phrase and then remember it. The presence of illustrations and passing express quizzes facilitate rapid assimilation of the material. You can study both online and by downloading an mp3 archive and a PDF package to your gadget.

A collection of online lessons introducing the rules of the language and the peculiarities of Finnish culture and mentality. The resource offers a lot of video materials, designed primarily for an adult audience with minimal language knowledge.

Word form analyzer. Useful resource with clear functionality: when you enter a word in the search field in any variant, its dictionary form, part of speech, number, case is determined. For verbs, conjugations by person, number, tense, etc. are indicated.

A portal with an English-language menu, which was originally developed for foreign students studying Finnish. The site presents short dialogues in the form of comics, grammatical references on the relevant topic, information about cultural phenomena in Finland.

43 free online Finnish lessons. A separate lesson is devoted to the alphabet, explaining exactly how sounds are pronounced. Voiceovers of examples are included, and there are assignments for each of the topics covered.

Online project with educational games (single and online). Created to support those who do not like monotonous classical classes. Introductory lessons from LinGo Play introduce nouns, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs and popular phrases. During the learning process, situations are simulated, the vocabulary for which is convenient to expand with the help of interactive exercises. The resource will be of interest to users regardless of their level of Finnish proficiency.

When choosing resources to study, you need to take into account that this language has two social varieties: literary and colloquial. The first is actively used in official communication, the second in everyday communication. Therefore, it is important not only to master the norms of word formation and grammar, but also to be selective when replenishing your vocabulary.

 The Finnish language is part of the Finno-Ugric group, which includes, in addition to the Finnish language, Hungarian, Estonian, Mordovian, Udmurt, Mari, Karelian and other languages. These languages ​​are different from Slavic and other Indo-European languages.

First, let's talk a little about phonetics.
The meaning of a sound does not change depending on where in the word the letter denoting that sound is located. In the Finnish language, each sound always corresponds to the same letter in writing. Long sounds are denoted by two identical letters and have a distinctive meaning:

The audio tag is not supported by your browser.

Vowels (vokaalit)

Vowels divided into posterior lingual a, o, u and front lingual ä, ö, y, e, i .
a Open rear sound, almost like Russian A in a word there.
o Half-bow back sound, lips rounded. Almost like Russian O in a word elephant.
u Back bow sound, the tongue rises back upward with force, lips are rounded more than in pronunciation O. Almost like in the Russian word here.
ä Open front sound. The tongue is located in the front of the mouth, low. Like English A, in words bag, shall.
ö Half-bow front sound. The lips are rounded and extended forward. As in the German word schön or when we pronounce a syllable BYO.
y Bowed front sound. The tongue rises forward upward with force. Lips are rounded and narrowed more than when pronouncing ö . As in the German word fünf or French mur or in Russian syllable BYU.
e Close to Russian uh in a word this.
i Corresponds to Russian sound And, but deeper. The gap between the lips is narrow. Like English i in a word hill.

You can learn and listen to the names of the letters of the alphabet and their pronunciation on the website

There are a lot of other audio files on this site, but they are difficult to load. Therefore, I decided to write down for you words and phrases automatically generated by Google translator. I hope they will help you in your training process.

Now practice saying simple words for single and double vowels:

a aa ä ää
vap a vap aa tan ä tan ää n
k a rik aa ri sein ä nsein ää n
r a jar aa ja v ä rinv ää rin
s a naS aa na t ä llät ää llä
e ee ö öö
t e t ee Tööl ö Tööl öö n
ven e ven ee n läht ö läht öö n
ken e nken ee n hop ö nhop öö n
men e nmenn ee n sop ö nsop öö n
o oo i ii
kok o nkok oo n t i lit ii li
k o tak oo ta l i kal ii ka
o tto oo tte k i vik ii vi
r o poR oo pe s i vus ii vu
u uu y yy
tups u ntups uu n k y kyk yy kky
luk u luk uu n sylt y nsyltt yy n
suk u suk uu n t y vit yy ni
t u lit uu li r y ppyr yy ppy

 The audio tag is not supported by your browser. Download the text. The audio tag is not supported by your browser.

At the initial stage, I studied from a book and as a result I learned the pronunciation of the letter incorrectly e, I pronounced it like Russian E, but you need to E. The melody of the words immediately changes. Many Russian speakers instead ä They say I, and instead y - Yu. It immediately hurts the ears. Pay attention to this.

Now practice pronouncing front and back vowels:

a ä e i
tanatanä verivire
alaälä veliVili
saasää kelokilo
pelatapelätä kepeäkipeä
o ö i y
kolokorö tiilityyli
lopolöpö tillitylli
luodalyodä viihdevyyhdet
tuotyö siinäsyynä
u y e ä
suusyy sekasäkä
kuukyy eläkeälä
lukukyky veliväli
tullitylli veriväri

The audio tag is not supported by your browser. The audio tag is not supported by your browser.  Exercise:
- Practice saying the words from the previous exercises.
- Learn words
  1. auto - car
  2. bussi - bus
  3. huone - room
  4. talo - house
  5. kissa - cat
  6. koira - dog
  7. huono - bad
  8. hyvä - good
  9. iso - large
  10. pieni - small
  11. kukka - flower
  12. kuva - picture
  13. kello - watch
  14. kirja - book
  15. musta - black
  16. valkoinen - white
  17. uusi - new
  18. vanha - old
  19. pöytä - table
  20. tuoli - chair

In this section I will tell you about my book "Speaking Finnish correctly. A textbook of the Finnish language for Russian speakers. A self-instruction manual."
The tutorial contains basic course Finnish language “from scratch” and leads to level A1.1 according to the European scale. Having mastered this material, the student will be able to understand clear and simplified speech, as well as use basic grammatical structures in speech and navigate the simplest speech situations, such as dating, orientation in the city, home, family, free time and travel. The method of presenting the material makes it possible to understand all the rules in detail, quickly master the basic grammar of the Finnish language, learn the 700 most common words in the specified topics and start speaking Finnish correctly. The textbook is addressed to Russian-speaking students, adults and children, starting from high school, and will be interesting and useful to everyone who studies Finnish in courses and on their own. The textbook is complemented by an audio version containing all the words, texts and dialogues voiced by native Finnish speakers. A few facts about the book:

  • Softcover, 100 pp.
  • Format - A4.
  • Published in Russia since 2014.
  • On at the moment has more than 1000 readers.
  • With some students, we begin our lessons with this book, because it is very convenient for independent study, so that the student has the opportunity to repeat some points at home. Also, some students study it in parallel with our main classes.
  • Used by people studying Finnish who are not related to me - the book is intuitively easy to use also for those people who have never studied with me personally.
  • The purpose of creating this book was to give the opportunity to learn Finnish using my method independently to as many people as possible. The essence of my technique is logic, systematicity, consistency and constant repetition and reinforcement - layering material - from simple to complex.
  • The book is a self-instruction manual for those learning the Finnish language “from scratch” (from the very basics - from the alphabet), so you can safely start self-studying with it!
  • The self-instruction manual is written in great detail, with many examples and translations into Russian of all texts and dialogues, and at the end of the textbook there are answers to homework assignments to test your mastery of the material. The vocabulary and grammar of previous lessons are repeated in subsequent lessons, which helps to consolidate previously learned material against the background of new material.
  • You can take a look at the book by going to the "Demo Lessons" section. This section presents materials from the 1st, 2nd, 8th and 11th lessons of the tutorial along with answers to self-test tasks, as well as a dictionary for the tutorial with words, translations and basic words (which is very important in initial stages!). Click on the button to go to the "Demo lessons" section:
  • Textbook along with audio version or separate audio version You can purchase the textbook by contacting me in any way convenient for you: go to Contacts. The cost of materials is in the Cost section. Textbook no audio version can be purchased at bookstores Russia (for example, Bukvoed) and in online stores (for example, Ozon).

Online course

WITH detailed information You can read about the tutorial and the online course based on it: .

Reviews of the book

    I am studying Finnish! I bought Lyubov Gruzdevy’s course “Self-instruction manual of the Finnish language”. I was amazed by its clarity and structure. It really helps to understand everything from the very beginning. It's a small matter - just take it and do it 😆
    Thank you, Lyubov, for your understanding of the Finnish language and the ability to convey this understanding to your students!

    I quote here the words of my wife Irina Voronenko:
    I am learning Finnish on my own. This is not easy, since the few textbooks that were published in our country (in the pre-Gruzdev era) do not provide information completely and/or logically; Questions constantly arise that prevent you from moving forward. You have to literally dig for answers to them, surrounded by a heap of books. Manuals by Lyubov Gruzdeva “Grammar of the Finnish language. Suomen kielioppi" and "Speaking Finnish correctly. A Finnish language textbook for Russian speakers. Self-instruction manual" I managed to purchase last year. I found in them a rare combination of laconic presentation, logical construction and completeness of content. Everything has become simpler, more convenient and faster.
    I would like to thank Lyubov Petrovna and wish her more free time to write the second part of the tutorial - for advanced language learning.

    Thanks to Lyubov for her tutorial! I am studying Finnish language courses in Helsinki.
    The Finnish language is very complex, not everything can be translated correctly in Russian, and without this textbook it would be very difficult for me to understand many things. Of all the Russian textbooks, this one, for me, is the most accessible for understanding the language.

    Your textbook is a real gift that inspired me to a short poem, but the attempt to translate it into Finnish is from the bottom of my heart, so I apologize for the undoubtedly errors in it.

    Tender, sweet, melodious
    Finnish native language,
    Like a dense forest -
    I didn't understand you.
    But, wandering along the paths
    Your words and meanings,
    Resurrecting your roots,
    I give you my verse.

    Lempeä, makea, melodinen,
    Suomi äidinkieli puhe,
    Olet minulle kuin tiheä metsä -
    Pyrin ymmärtämään sinua.
    Kavelen pitkin polkuja
    Sanasi ja merkityksiä,
    Muistan esi-isäni,
    Ja annan teille runoja.

    I would like to express my gratitude to the author of the self-instruction manual “Speaking Finnish Correctly” Lyubov Petrovna Gruzdeva. A wonderful textbook. The material is presented simply and clearly. I especially liked the arrangement of the Finnish and Russian text in two columns. It's very convenient to check yourself. Hot Topics. Most good tutorial Finnish language of all the ones I have used.

Language is a means of communication. Language allows people to understand each other. At the same time, language can be a serious barrier to understanding, since there are thousands of different languages ​​on our planet.

You are reading this because you want to learn Finnish and you want to know how to do it quickly and efficiently. Most language learners are bored and frustrated. Continue learning Finnish with the LinGo Play tutorial and you will learn how to learn Finnish on your own in a fun and effective way. Start with the best Finnish learning exercises and you will become fluent in Finnish. LinGo Play lessons are structured so that you can practice in all areas at the same time. Learn Finnish in a way you've never learned before - with fun and logical lessons and tests.

We have a unique method that teaches reading, listening and writing at the same time. Lessons start from the very basics, free Finnish lessons are open to anyone who has no knowledge of Finnish language. Learning a language like Finnish requires a special approach. Each lesson contains many words, stages, exercises, tests, pronunciation and colorful cards. You choose what content you want to use. After the initial content for beginners, you can quickly move on to things that interest you more. On early stages learning Finnish Are you interested in learning how the language works.

Learn Finnish online on your own easily and successfully with the Finnish learning app LinGo Play. You will find a lot free lessons Finnish with flashcards, new words and phrases. Once you learn how to learn Finnish from the content, you can continue to do so throughout your life, whenever you want. You can achieve any level of language proficiency you wish. Just as there is no limit to the amount of content available on given language, there is no limit to how much you can master a language as long as you are motivated. The best way learning another language is about interesting content, listening, reading and constantly expanding your vocabulary.

Success in language learning depends largely on the learner, but more specifically on access to learning and interesting content. Success depends more on interaction with interesting content than on the teacher, school, good textbooks or even living in the country. You have more freedom to choose when and how to learn Finnish. Once you realize that you can learn more languages ​​and enjoy the process, you will want to discover more and more languages.

IN recent years there are a lot of people who want to learn Finnish for beginners from scratch, but cannot find specialists who can help in this matter.

Unfortunately, in our country there are not many people who know the Finnish language well and know how to teach it, because in regular schools it is practically not studied. Therefore, the only option left is to learn Finnish online. Not many people are familiar with this method, so we will try to reveal it in more detail.

From this article you will learn -

  • Is Finnish a difficult language?
  • Is it worth learning Finnish?
  • Is it easy to learn Finnish online,
  • How can this be done cheaper and more efficiently?
  • You will also find answers to many other questions.

Is Finnish a difficult language?

The question of whether Finnish is difficult or not can be answered at length by delving into the grammar, history and lexicology of the language.

There is a majority opinion that Finnish is a difficult language. There is even information that it ranks second or third in difficulty.

But it should be noted that it is quite beautiful and melodic, because there are much more vowel sounds in it than consonants; it is this fact that determines its unusualness, melodiousness and exclusivity.

Finnish is not one of the common European languages, but belongs to a separate Finno-Ugric group, which is why it is so difficult for Europeans who are starting to learn it to understand.

But as you learn the basics of the Finnish language, begin to understand its structure, the formation of grammar, you will begin to notice how logical and easy it is to understand.

Below we will look at the main features of the Finnish language, which will reveal the answer to the question - is the Finnish language difficult -

Pronunciation and reading rules

Pronunciation in Finnish is quite simple, and all words are read as they are written. Therefore, you do not have to memorize any reading rules or remember how to pronounce certain letter combinations.

It will be enough to learn the alphabet.

REFERENCE: The Finnish alphabet has 29 letters, which is three more letters than any European language alphabet (Å Ä Ö).

BUT: Many letters of the Finnish alphabet are rarely used in words. These letters include: (B, C, G, Q, W, X, Z, Å).

Grammar and exceptions to the rules

At first glance, Finnish grammar is very complex. But this is only at first glance. Yes, there are as many as 6 types of verbs in the Finnish language and each group has its own conjugation rules. BUT there are no exceptions to these rules!

You just need to thoroughly memorize the rules of conjugation of a particular group once and that’s it!

Vocabulary and word formation

Many words in Finnish are formed from other words by adding semantic endings to them.

That is, you will have to learn much fewer words overall to expand your vocabulary.

For example:

  • Kirja - book, Kirjasto - library,
  • Sairas - sick, Sairaala - hospital,
  • Kahvi coffee, Kahvila - cafe,
  • Ravinto - food, Ravintola - restaurant,
  • Sana - word, Sanasto - dictionary, etc.

As you can see, the Finnish language seems difficult only at first glance for a beginner, but upon closer examination, it turns out to be a very logical, strict and easy language, which will be easier and faster to learn than many European languages.

Is it difficult to learn Finnish from scratch online on your own?

Is it difficult to learn Finnish on your own? This question is asked by almost everyone who needs to master the language in a short period of time.

Nothing is impossible, but you must clearly understand that for independent learning you must have -

  • Greater willpower
  • Huge motivation
  • Perseverance,
  • The ability to self-organize, self-educate,
  • Good knowledge of one or more foreign languages,
  • Lots of free time
  • Good proven methodological kits,
  • As well as self-study experience foreign language m.

Many beginners try to learn Finnish from scratch on their own, using Internet resources. They download tutorials, textbooks, use educational sites, sit on forums in search of answers that arise while learning a language.

It is possible to learn Finnish from scratch online on your own, but it is very difficult to do alone, without the help and advice or correction of a specialist who is fluent in Finnish.

And success does not come to everyone, and it takes a lot of time to learn Finnish on your own. Sometimes this can take more than one year.

You also need to be prepared for the fact that when speaking with native speakers, you may be difficult to understand, because during self-study you will not be able to be sure that you pronounce sounds correctly or do not make mistakes in grammar when you speak.

Still, it is better to trust a qualified Finnish language tutor and learn Finnish for beginners online under his strict guidance.

This will greatly reduce your learning time and also save you from possible mistakes.

Finnish for beginners online - the best Internet resources

There are a sufficient number of educational resources on the Internet offering to learn Finnish for beginners online, but among them there are good sites where you can learn a lot of useful and interesting things.

IMPORTANT: Many sites do not have a Russian version, so they are suitable only for those who already speak English, French, German or another European language.

Below we present the TOP 5 sites that will help you learn Finnish for beginners online -

  1. Worddive - on this site you can try to learn Finnish from scratch, as the resource has a large number educational materials, including basic grammar, learning to read, and conversational Finnish.
  2. Linguhouse - learn Finnish online, expanding your vocabulary. The site presents the most common words and phrases, divided into 16 thematic sections.
  3. Supisuomea - learning Finnish from scratch together with the state television company of Finland. There are many high-quality videos here, spoken by native speakers at their usual pace, but adapted for foreigners. All videos are equipped with tests and comments for them.
  4. Uuno - learn Finnish online using comics. This site is presented in the form of a guide to Finland, which does not introduce the culture and way of life of the Finns, but at the same time provides examples of basic everyday vocabulary that is used by everyone in everyday life.
  5. Tavataan Taas! - the best website created by the language center of the University of Helsinki. This resource allows you to learn Finnish online for foreigners and includes a grammar section and a vocabulary section, which allows you to significantly expand your vocabulary.

All of these resources can help those who want to try to learn Finnish online for beginners. In a separate article, we provided an extensive list of sites that offer self-study of the Finnish language.

Learn Finnish online at our school: pros and benefits

We offer high-quality individual Finnish language training remotely via the Internet. This is the most convenient and effective way, because you have an experienced teacher with you who will literally lead you by the hand during training.

Our foreign language school operates in the field of distance learning since 2008 and has managed to teach foreign languages ​​to more than 2,000 students.

During this time we:

  • gathered first-class specialists,
  • have accumulated a huge amount of training materials, textbooks, programs that quickly
  • will help you master spoken Finnish in six months.

There are many advantages and disadvantages to learning Finnish online for beginners at our school, including -

Convenient location for the lesson

You don't need to go anywhere, you can study at home, at work, in a cafe, in the park - the location doesn't matter. Since you are learning Finnish on the Internet, the main thing is to have access to the network and a computer.

You will learn Finnish via Skype, so this program must be installed on your computer or downloaded to your smartphone, tablet, laptop or other mobile device.

Convenient class times

You can learn Finnish online from scratch whenever it is convenient for you:

  • In the morning, before work or school,
  • in the evening,
  • after work or
  • on the weekend.

Individual approach

Since we teach Finnish from scratch individually, you will work one-on-one with your teacher. There will be no one else in class except you.

All the attention of the specialist teacher is focused only on -

  • on you personally,
  • on your learning goal,
  • at your pace of learning the material,
  • Based on your characteristics.

The most up-to-date educational materials

We have the most modern and high-quality textbooks, teaching kits and other educational materials. No need to waste time shopping in search of the most best books. We send you everything you need completely free of charge.

Saving money, time and effort

You will save a lot of money by not spending it on travel to the location of the classes, as well as on the purchase of textbooks, since all this can be obtained remotely.

Quality Finnish language training

Since we employ only highly qualified specialists, the quality of training is the highest. In just six months you will master spoken Finnish and be able to carry on a simple conversation with native speakers.

How you can learn Finnish - lessons in our online school

We offer different variants and levels of the Finnish language, it all depends on your current level of proficiency and the goals you set for yourself.

Finnish for beginners

Training will be conducted from scratch, from the alphabet, learning to read, pronunciation, basic grammar.

Finnish language - learning for advanced students

For those who already have some knowledge, who have previously tried to learn Finnish online on their own, or have taken it at school, in courses, or in a group.

Training here starts from the level you are at and continues further until you achieve your goal.

Finnish for advanced students

For those who speak Finnish quite well and want to expand their communication skills and improve their Finnish conversation.

Finnish for children

We also have a separate course - Finnish for children, where specialists work with schoolchildren and younger children.
We hope that our article answered your questions and dispelled many doubts and that you decided to study Finnish with us via the Internet.

Sign up right now and you can take one free lesson.

We look forward to seeing you!