Winter has come. It's already mid-January. Today is a clear winter day, the sun is shining dazzlingly bright. Everything around was white and white: soft fluffy snow covered the ground in an even layer. Snow is everywhere: on benches, on the roofs of houses, on trees. The trees stand in the snow, like apple trees in blossom. White-white. And only here and there red clusters of rowan berries are visible. There are many bird tracks under the rowan trees. The highway has shed its snow-white outfit, and it seems that the road is meandering like a black snake between tall houses in snow-white caps. People are in a hurry somewhere, leaving chains of their footprints in the snow that are intertwined with each other. And the guys with joyful shouts go down the hill on sleds: they have fun even in the cold. And the snow glitters in the sun, sparkles and shimmers...

    The first snow falls in late autumn. It almost always comes unexpectedly. You wake up in the morning - everything around is white. It was as if the earth had dressed itself in a dazzling white festive dress. The first snow does wonders. How he transforms everything around! You will see the river at this...

    It's still dark outside. You go outside and immediately feel the fresh frosty air, which first pleasantly tickles and then tingles your nose, cheeks and fingertips. Any state of nature has its own unique smell. Inhaling the smell of a frosty morning...

    Winter is a wonderful time of year. And it’s especially good in the forest in winter. It seems to us that peace and soundlessness reign in the winter forest, but this is only at first glance. When the sun appears, the entire forest transforms and shines. Many forest dwellers went into hibernation, and...

    This morning it started snowing in flakes. Before this, small and hard grains fell from the sky, which made it cold and uncomfortable, but today it’s snow. He, elegant and joyful, instantly covered up the ugliness of the courtyards and created a holiday. In the frosty air, thinking...

    When large flakes of snow began to forget about their purpose and fell tiredly onto the sidewalks, roads, cars, trees and random morning passers-by, I opened my eyes. I was three years old. The world seemed big and amazing. This was my first real...

  1. New!

Lesson topic: Speech development. Essay describing nature
Objective of the lesson: .
systematize students’ knowledge about text types, teach them to distinguish description text from other types of texts.
create conditions for the development of oral and written speech through: the formation of communication and speech skills aimed at the perception and reproduction of speech utterances;
the ability to predict the topic, main idea, structure of the future text.
create conditions for the development of creative imagination, for the development of a feeling of love for one’s native land.
Lesson progress
1.Organizational moment The long-awaited call was given -
The lesson begins.
See if you have everything ready to go
2. psychological attitude
3. Updating knowledge. Which part of speech helps to more accurately and emotionally describe objects and events? -Adjective
4. Motivation. Determining the topic and objectives of the lesson.
It’s already the second month of winter on the calendar, which means our city is still in the grip of winter. She doesn't want to leave us at all. But do you want warmth, summer? Text – description.
-Winter in my city. We have to describe the winter city as each of you sees it, express our attitude towards it, and all this with the help of words. Let your speech be correct, beautiful, precise. Read the topic of our essay carefully
5. Speech development. Your essay will consist of 3 parts. (winter, city, me) What is more beautiful in the city in winter than in summer? (skiing, snowball fights, New Year's holidays). Let's make an associative series for the word “winter” using adjectives. What do you remember about winter?
CITY.-How do the streets, trees, people behave in our city in winter?
-What is the most beautiful thing here?
ME: Let's walk through the streets of our city.
6.Independent work. Letter from children
7. Lesson summary. -What topic is our essay devoted to? How beautiful is my city in winter?
-Which of you wants to read out your work?
-What part of speech helped you make your speech bright and accurate today?
8. Reflection - Who liked working in the lesson?
- What was interesting in the lesson?
9. Homework: Edit your essay.
Winter in my city.
Winter has come to our city. She swirled with snowstorms. She painted the glass in the windows with unusual patterns. Covered the streets with white snow.
Cold for adults. They turn up their collars and try to quickly run down the street on their serious adult business. And the boys don’t care! It's so much fun to sled down the hill with your friend! And the snowballs! And the skis!
I'm walking along the alley of the city park. Snow crunches underfoot, and large white flakes quietly fall around. It's so beautiful all around!
I love my hometown!‏

Winter has come. It's already mid-January. Today is a clear winter day, the sun is shining dazzlingly bright. Everything around was white and white: soft fluffy snow covered the ground in an even layer. Snow is everywhere: on benches, on the roofs of houses, on trees. The trees stand in the snow, like apple trees in blossom. White-white. And only here and there red clusters of rowan berries are visible. There are many bird tracks under the rowan trees. The highway has shed its snow-white outfit, and it seems that the road is meandering like a black snake between tall houses in snow-white caps. People are in a hurry somewhere, leaving chains of their footprints in the snow that are intertwined with each other. And the guys with joyful shouts go down the hill on sleds: they have fun even in the cold. And the snow glitters in the sun, sparkles and shimmers...

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Essay on literature on the topic: Winter in my city

Other writings:

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  2. Early in the morning I take my dog ​​Gerda for a walk. We walk towards the park along a deserted street. The air is full of the aroma of a fire that smoldered all night and fallen leaves. With my eyes I try to catch the letter that is falling, but I don’t have time. It Read More......
  3. I love autumn. In the morning I take my shepherd Jerry for a walk. We walk along a deserted street towards the square. The air is filled with the aroma of fallen leaves, the smell of a fire that smoldered all night. I catch my eye on the letter that is falling, I try to catch it, but I don’t have time. Read More......
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  5. Everyone loves magical and fabulous Russian winters. Transparent frosty air, flakes of fluffy snow, crystal patterns on the windows, creaking sleighs. The Winter Enchantress bewitched and inspired many poets and writers. How many wonderful poetic lines are dedicated to this time of year! Poems by A. S. Pushkin “Winter Read More ......
  6. Winter has come. The earth, water and forest - everything is covered with snow, it seems that everything around has fallen into sleep. The grass, bushes and trees froze. Many animals hid and froze under the blanket of snow. They froze, but did not die. It’s good for someone who has a warm, cozy lair, den, Read More......
  7. Spring has come. The snow has not yet melted everywhere, but there is already a premonition of warmth in the air. Yesterday we went to the Botanical Garden, watched how nature wakes up, which birds are the first to fly in early spring from southern countries. And today in class we were asked to write Read More......
  8. Shishkin created various paintings that subtly and lovingly conveyed the beauty of his native nature. The artist showed what an ordinary person can see if he stops for a second and takes a break from the hustle and bustle. It’s just that modern people don’t always have enough time to go to the forest, Read More ......
Winter in my city

In winter, it may seem like a myriad of stars are shining in the sky. Reflecting with silvery reflections on the fluffy snow, they fill the world with a certain secret that only a select few can know. They say winter is the time of the wolf. A time of biting cold, hunger and icy hopelessness. During this period, you can find out who was right, who was wrong, and who secretly gives magic to others. And even in the description of winter nature you can find secret sign, what to do next.


Winter is a time of expectation, a period when in a string of ingloriously passing minutes a person tries to find something special, dear and warm. Severe frosts, severe snowstorms, an ice-bound winter forest - a description of nature can take more than one page of text. But what does a person do in this overall picture? He's just waiting. Waiting for holidays, snow, spring, words and something special. After all, only in winter there are so many reasons for long-awaited meetings and fun.

But it’s not just humans who are waiting. To fall to the ground, a snowflake must fly for an hour at a speed of 5 centimeters per second. Looking at the snow-covered nature, we have no idea how much time it took for Her Majesty Winter to weave a fluffy blanket from tiny snowflakes and create a beautiful winter landscape. Describing nature at this time of year is a real pleasure. Artists, writers, poets - not one of them could ignore winter in their work. After all, no, there was not and there will not be a person who would remain indifferent while contemplating the snowy expanses.

About snowflakes

More than half of the world's population has never seen real snow - the main attribute of winter. Perhaps the hardest thing for these people is to imagine how literally overnight the entire world around them becomes enchantingly snow-white. The earth sparkles in the sun's rays, as if strewn with diamonds. Snow reflects 90% of the sun's rays, sending them back into space, thereby preventing the soil from warming up. There are 350 million snowflakes in one cubic meter of snow, and several billion of them fall in one short snowstorm. And even among such a quantity it is impossible to find two identical ones.

Winter in the city

It always comes suddenly. After a gray and dank late autumn, winter suddenly comes. It’s as if there is a click in nature, it seems as if someone pressed a switch and turned on the snow, along with which the long-awaited season comes.

Winter tends to change everything around us. Even the noisy streets of big cities, gray concrete houses and high-rise offices become simple, welcoming and festive. Snow hides all imperfections and turns everyday life into a fleeting fairy tale with a hint of deja vu. But still, the true essence of winter can be observed by contemplating nature.


Anyone can probably make a beautiful description of winter nature, especially those who have seen a forest at this time of year. Tall spruces covered with snow stand majestically on the slopes. The last rays of the sun break through their branches. Rare gray clouds are already beginning to cover the sky, but through them you can still see the azure dome. Under a thick layer of snow, the outlines of bushes, stones and fallen trees can be discerned.

As if painted by the hand of a talented artist, snow lies on every branch. From time to time a playful wind flies in, and he falls down, drowning in an untouched snow-white blanket. In the winter forest, even the air is different. It is fresh, cold and seems to have a blue tint. It's quiet here, so quiet that you can hear your own heartbeat. The usual rustles and sounds that can be heard at any other time disappear in winter. Everything stands still, as if plunged into a deep hundred-year sleep.


The winter day is drawing to a close. Nature, as described by an ordinary contemplator, will also change its form. From fairy tale the forest will turn into a creepy story. As soon as the sun touches the horizon, ominous shadows will immediately appear on the snow. Charming fir trees will instantly turn into multi-armed monsters, and the blessed silence will be perceived as an ominous omen. But winter nature can only be described this way before the moon rises. Then the world will change again.

The ominous shadows will immediately disappear, the spruce trees will turn silver, and numerous stars will peer into the snow, trying to find their reflection in it. There can hardly be anything better than winter nature - a landscape in the description of which you can see so many changes.


But winter comes not only to the forest. Description of winter nature can be done by looking at an ordinary village, of which there are many more in the country than large cities. Here everything is different from the forest, and completely different from the big city. Winter in the village is completely different. This is a difficult time, but still it is completely filled with smoke and laughter.

The rustic winter nature, as described by professionals, resembles a completely different world: exquisite, magical and completely distant. But for ordinary people, winter in the village means work, everyday joys and the sounds of a blizzard, alluring with their careless sound.

There is much more snow in the countryside than in the city; sometimes the wind blows snowdrifts the size of a man. And often it has to be cleared manually, since many villages do not have equipment specially designed for this purpose. But here the snow always remains white, without a touch of city and everyday dust.

Winter nature in the village provides many opportunities for pranks. Here you can make a big, high slide and not be afraid that you will fly onto the highway. You can also go to the forest to ski or just play in the snow. No matter how you look at it, village children always have more snow than city children.


Winter in the village has always been the most comfortable. Snow carefully covers low houses, covers wide fields, making them completely flat, and frost fetters the winding river so that it does not wake up sleeping trees with its noise. With the arrival of winter and snow, silence always comes to the village, which is so different from the silence of the forest. Once you listen, you can clearly hear what the neighbors are talking about at the other end of the street.

In winter, the smell of smoke that comes out of chimneys is always stronger. At night you can hear the blizzard whispering under the windows, and during the day you have to involuntarily cover your eyes with your hand to protect yourself from the bright light reflecting from the white fluffy mound.

From December to February, the world around us becomes completely different. The description of the winter landscape can be reduced to three words: cold, insensitive, cruel. He is magnificent in his sparkling silence, which conceals rustles, sounds, requests. And yet winter exists for a reason. She so diligently decorates the world. But for what? Perhaps it’s all about the person who is given the ability to look, think and think.

The beauty of the surrounding world fascinates, awakens warmth and high spirits in the soul. White snow, like a white sheet. You look at him, and it seems that everything can be changed, corrected, improved, achieved. A cold and unapproachable winter shackles the world, as if trying to tell a person to stop for a moment, look around and remember what is most important.