IN Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Anakin's mother, Om, was told that he had no father, although it seemed to me that she doubted that.

Is there a canon answer for who Anakin's father is? If so, who?

Daniel Bingham

Due to the rule that there are no prequels, this question remains unanswered. Anakin is a father, we just didn't introduce him ;)


It will be revealed in a future film that Luca travels back in time to the planet Roswellooine and becomes his own grandfather.

Richard S

Well its obvious, look at his nose, he is Roman :)



Additionally, although Darth Plagueis made an attempt to influence the midichlorians to create the Ultimate Sith weapon alongside Darth Sidious, the experiment was ultimately abandoned, and the midichlorians, sensing the inherent evil intent of the Sith, not only refused to do so, but conceived Anakin Skywalker in response. to destroy the Sith once and for all.

So, according to this, neither Darth Plagueis nor Sidious is Anakin Skywalker's father, then the midichlorians actually conceived him without any external direct intervention.


An article over at secrethistoryofstarwars (take this connection with a pinch of salt; I have no idea how "canon" it is), indicating an early work of the Rotten Tubers script was actually Darth Plagueis "manipulating midichlorians" to create life, thereby creating Anakin .

Michael Brown

Palpatine turns to Annakin and says, “Annie, I am your father,” so the circle is complete.

Robert Brim

Shmi specifically states that there is no father. Later conversations between the Jedi tend to conclude that the midichlorians created Anakin in Om to bring balance back to the force.

She never claimed to be a virgin when he was conceived, so it should not be assumed that this was an immaculate conception, so he was never the biological father.


I would say that being born without a father is almost the same as being born as a virgin. The notable quality of birth is the absence of a father, not the amount of sex the parent had.


When writing phantom menace, The answer wasn't really George Lucas' plan as it was simply repeating the story of Jesus Christ.

But in the first project Revenge of the Sith when Palpatine tries to lure Anakin to the dark side and the young Jedi learns that Palpatine is actually a Sith Lord, Palpatine tells him that he was the one who orchestrated the death of his mother,

In the same scenario, there is no mention of Darth Plageuis, but Palpatine tells Anakin that he adopted him through the midichlorians to his mother.


This is interesting information, but since it is from the first draft, it was never made for the final script and it is contradicted by a later publication, it cannot be considered Canon. But still interesting information (+1).


Who contradicted? George Lucas? Lucas Films? Spent up by the Universe?


Expanded Universe, Star Wars: Darth Plagueis novel.


Oh! So you're more likely to "believe" something from the expended universe than what Lucas originally had... okay!


@Arc-Vile See Your first project falls under N-Canon, not G-Canon, since the project was "cut from canon" by Lucas. The books are C-Canon.


The canon "answer" is that the force itself caused by Anakin be understood without explanation as to the biophysics involved. IMO, it was ACCEPTED so Shmi simply announces in episode I that Anakin didn't have a father, that she got pregnant w/o the benefits of intercourse (bad Shmi, for all that grief and work she deserved, at least one night of fun) , This echoes the “miraculous” conception of Jesus Christ. Likewise, the following Episode I script does not rule out a biological father for Anakin, but also does not give any hints as to the identity of said father.


In the first film Phantom Menace, When Anakin Skywalker is a boy, his mother says that he has no father. I thought Darth Maul - could Darth Maul be Anakin's father? It seems that when Anakin becomes a Sith as Darth Vader, his son Luke fights him. Maybe father and son fight or feel each other in these films? Perhaps Anakin's mother knew that Anakin's father was turning to the dark side and becoming this Sith in the first film.


Sorry, but Darth Maul already has an established backstory. Besides, he's not human, he's a Zabrak, so he couldn't be Anakin's father.

In this article you will learn:

Darth Vader- formerly Anakin Skywalker, the greatest villain, Sith Lord from the Star Wars universe. The hero's story, like many other characters in this universe, consists of Canon (original history) and Legends.

To find out what happened to Vader before he succumbed to the dark side, read the article ““.


Revenge of the Sith

Anakin Skywalker followed the lead of the Chancellor, who promised to teach him the techniques of the dark side and the power over death, which made it possible to save the hero’s wife from death. Because in a dream, Anakin saw his wife dying.

19 BBY, Skywalker informed the Jedi Council of the Chancellor's identity and, disobeying orders, followed the masters who wanted to arrest Palpatine.

In a mortal battle, Palpatine almost died by hand, but was saved by Skywalker, who disarmed the Jedi. This fatal act, in which Windu died, caused Anakin to experience the greatest feeling of guilt. His spirit was broken and he accepted the dark side without hesitation, becoming the student of Darth Sidious.

Having joined the Order of the Sith, Anakin ceased to exist, becoming the legendary Darth Vader.

"Now stand up...Darth Vader!"

Anakin becomes Darth Sidious' apprentice

An excellent manipulator, Palpatine convinced Vader that the Jedi were traitors and traitors who must be destroyed.

Taking control of the 501st Legion, the hero attacked the Jedi Temple, killing absolutely everyone, including the masters and little younglings. This attack on the Temple was the beginning of the Great Jedi Purge.

"Do what you must, Darth Vader. No hesitation, no mercy"

Having completed the task, Sidious gave Vader a new assignment - to end the Clone Wars and bring peace to the Galaxy by killing members of the Separatist Council on the planet Mustafar.

Arriving on Mustafar, Vader easily made his way into the meeting room, where he killed every single one. The latest to be killed was Nute Gunray (Viceroy of the Trade Federation), an ally of Sidious, who attacked Naboo 13 years ago. After Gunray's death, all droids were disabled.(The Empire only used clones).

Although Vader still had doubts, he convinced himself that everything he did was for the good of the Republic (naive Anakin).

While returning to his ship, Vader saw the approaching ship of Padmé, who was deeply upset by the massacre at the Temple. He tried to convince her that he was to blame for everything, wanting to turn his wife against her husband. Padmé asked to fly away with her, but Vader insisted otherwise, dreaming of overthrowing Sidious in order to take his place.

When Vader saw his former master Kenobi, who was hiding on Amidala's ship, he thought that his wife had betrayed him and used a power grab on her. Filled with hatred, Vader engaged Kenobi in battle.

Anakin Skywalker played by Hayden Christensen

The duel of the great masters was long and ended on the bank of a lava river. Vader was so confident in his abilities that he did not hesitate to attack the Jedi from a bad position. As a result of this, Dart dared both legs and left arm. Screaming words of hatred towards Kenobi, Vader's body burst into flames.

Obi-Wan left his former student to die.

Vader's body was half burned, but he maintained himself with the help of the Force and hatred. Darth Sidious came to the student's aid. Vader was rushed to Coruscant, where his damaged body parts were repaired. To increase his anger, Sidious ordered the student to remain conscious while the operation was underway. He began to look more like a cyborg than a human. It contained technologies that were used in the creation.

When Vader asked about Padme, Sidious lied that he killed her in anger, after which the hero used the Force to destroy the droids and damage the premises. Vader's only goal from now on was to serve his master.

Horrible wounds and psychological trauma robbed Vader of much of his power, potential and changed his character completely. In his new heavy armor, Vader was clumsy and his mask limited his vision, forcing him to change his fighting style. The Sith considered himself incomplete, stuck in tight armor that caused attacks of claustrophobia.


In the service of the Emperor

No longer having a purpose in life other than to serve his master, Vader became the second in command of the Empire. He now has a personal palace on Coruscant. Darth's personal soldiers were stormtroopers of the 501st Legion, who were called “Vader's Fist”.

Vader carried out the tasks of Sidious, attracting large forces to the side of the Empire. His main task was Order 66, which was to find and destroy the remnants of the Jedi.

Leaving the past behind forever, the Sith also changed the color of his sword to red.

In one of his first missions, Vader was sent by Sidious to Mercana to deal with clone commandos who refused to kill fellow Jedi. On this mission, the Sith were attacked by Jedi Bol Shetak, who attempted to protect the commandos. In this fight, only thanks to power, Vader managed to win. Vader himself considered this mission a failure, as he missed two more Jedi, Roan Shryne and Ollie Starstone.

The lord's complaints about his own weakness forced Sidious to send him to the Jedi Temple, where Vader was supposed to remember the massacre he had committed there. Instead, the Sith fell into memories and from that time on could no longer be in places that reminded him of the past: Naboo and Tatooine.

Veidr's next victim was Fang Zar, a senator who was taking refuge in Bail Organa's palace. Although Sidious wanted to get Zar alive, Vader accidentally killed him. This was the ruler's second failure, for which he received a reprimand.

Weakness drove Sith crazy. He sought revenge on Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was responsible for this. When the Lord learned about the possible location of the Jedi, he went there. On Kessel, where Kenobi was supposed to appear, Vader fell into the trap of eight Jedi. He killed the first two with a sword, the third was strangled with a powerful hand. The pressure of the Jedi left the Sith without an arm and with a damaged leg, but Vader continued to fight until the soldiers of the 501st Legion came to help.

Returning to the Emperor, Vader learned that Sidious had spread rumors about the destruction of 50 Jedi by his student, in place of 8 with the help of clones (so Vader’s greatness is far-fetched).

Attack on Kashyyyk

Vader continued his training, partnering with Imperial Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Along with him, he used the presence of the Jedi on Kashyyyk as a reason to invade the planet. The purpose of this operation was to enslave the Wookiees, which were to be used in the construction of the Death Star.

When the bombardment of Kashyyyk began, Vader landed near the city of Kachiro, where the Jedi were hiding, and, cutting his way through the corpses of the Wookiees, advanced to the enemy positions. Vader defeated five Jedi who came to the aid of the Wookiees, meeting with Master Roan Shryne, who left him on Mercan.

Vader's power and strength increased significantly, so he easily defeated Shryne, revealing to him the secret of his identity. Having defeated the master, Vader felt that he had achieved incredible power and no longer considered armor to be his prison.

After the victory of the Empire, Palpatine released messages to the media about his student, mysterious to many inhabitants of the galaxy, and Vader, feeling the power, began to think about how to overthrow his teacher.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

On Kashyyyk, Vader also fought with the Jedi and found his little son Galen in one of the houses. The Sith was going to kill the boy, but felt great power in him, taking him as his student.

No one knew that Vader had a student. He began to train the boy, instilling in him hatred and anger. Darth wanted to use the student to oppose the Emperor, since Galen had enormous power, greater than himself.

After 10 years of training, in 2 BBY, Vader's apprentice was ready. The Sith christened him(Star Killer) and gave the first task, which was the “meaning of his life” to find the Jedi who survived Order 66. At the student's disposal, Vader gave the Proxy holotroid and the starship "Rogue Shadow" with a charming pilot.

After killing several Jedi, Vader appeared with Starkiller before Palpatine. Unexpectedly, he betrayed the student by “killing” him. As the Sith later explained to the surviving Starkiller, the Emperor found out about the student and the imaginary death saved his life.

To defeat Sidious, Vader sent Starkiller with the task of gathering all members of the Alliance with the goal of destroying the Emperor. Darth's plan was insidious; he again framed his student, forcing him to gather all the enemies of the Empire in one place. When the meeting took place, all the heads of the Alliance were arrested. In the battle with the student, Vader emerged victorious.

Starkiller survived and soon returned to take revenge on his teacher. Having penetrated the under construction Death Star, he fought with the Sith Lord and defeated him. Sidious invited Galen to take Vader's place, but Marek chose the side of light. To save the members of the Alliance, he sacrificed his own life, becoming the first Hero of the Rebellion.

After this incident, Vader seriously thought about how to overthrow Sidious.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2

1 BBY, Vader cloned Galen Marek's body on Kamino. Many clones went crazy until a perfect clone was created, number 1138. However, this clone fled, tormented by the memories of the original.

To return Starkiller, Vader hired Boba Fett, who stole Juno Eclipse, with whom Marek was in love.

Nothing good came of this, as Starkiller teamed up with the Alliance and struck Kamino, where clones were being created for the Empire. In a fight with a clone apprentice, Vader lost. So, Kamino came under the control of the Alliance, and Darth himself was captured. The Sith Lord was awaiting trial, but Boba Fett saved him.

Vader's apprentice disappeared and all plans to overthrow the Emperor failed.

Darth Vader vs Starkiller


New hope

In 0 BBY, Vader returned to his business, wanting to locate the Rebel base and find the stolen Death Star plans. According to the 501st Legion, the plans were on a ship from Alderaan that was flying to Tantive IV.

The princess's ship was intercepted, but the plans escaped the Sith's hands. The interrogation of the senator from Alderaan also yielded nothing. At that time, Vader had no idea that he was torturing his own daughter.

Having tracked the traces of the droid in which Leia hid the plans, Vader sent a team to Tatooine, where Owen and Bera Lars were executed while trying to find out information about the droid.

Vader continued to torture Leia, trying to find out from her the location of the Rebel base. Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin suggested using another method of torture - genocide. Under the threat of the destruction of Alderaan, Organa gave away the location - Dantooine. However, Tarkin still destroyed the planet.

Darth Vader vs Kenobi

“Now he is more machine than man, an evil twisted machine.” Kenobi

Soon, the Death Star attracted the Millennium Falcon, which ended up near the destroyed Alderaan. On board the ship were: , and . For the first time in many years, Vader felt the presence of his old master.

The Lord quietly wandered through the corridors of the station until he met Obi-Wan. Their duel was short, as Kenobi simply extinguished his sword, merging with the Force. Despite this, Vader felt that he had avenged his crippled body.

After allowing the Millennium Falcon to leave with Lelia Organa and the plans for the Death Star on board, Vader began to track the ship using the beacon that was installed on it.

The beacon led the Death Star to the planet Yavin, near which a legendary battle took place, which resulted in the destruction of the Empire's greatest weapon by the new Rebel hero, Luke Skywalker (son of Anakin). Vader himself, fighting on a TIE fighter, almost died.

For these actions, Vader received another reprimand from the Emperor.

Soon, Darth learned the name of the pilot who had the highest score in the Battle of Yavin, it turned out to be 19-year-old Skywalker. Vader wanted to capture his son in order to turn him to the dark side.

Luke was captured by the Empire several times, but always managed to escape.

The Empire Strikes Back

In 3 ABY, a Rebel base on Hoth was discovered. During the attack on the planet, most of the rebels managed to escape.

After the battle, which ended in victory for the Empire, Vader received orders from Sidious to capture Luke Skywalker, whom he wanted to make his new apprentice, replacing father with son.

In order to catch the Millennium Falcon, the Lord used all his connections with bounty hunters. He found out where the ship went and set up an ambush in Cloud City, owned by Lando Calrissian, who won it in Sabacc. Han Solo, by agreement with Boba Fett, was frozen in carbonite and handed over to the mercenary. Leia Organa and Chewbacca were supposed to become Vader's prisoners, but Calrissian unexpectedly saved them.

To save his friends, Luke Skywalker also flew to Cloud City and dueled with Vader. During the battle, the young Jedi lost his hand, after which the Sith Lord revealed his essence to him:

Vader: « Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father?»

Luke: « Quite enough! He said you killed him!»

Vader: « No. I'm your father!»

Refusing to join his father, Luke jumped into the mine.

Vader found his son's lightsaber, which had once belonged to him, and his severed hand, which he presented to the Emperor as trophies.

Sidious began to notice changes in Vader, who was very concerned about his son, whom he personally wanted to lure to the side of darkness. Therefore, the Emperor decided to kill Luke by sending him to Tatooine to Jabba's palace. However, Mara was unable to get inside.

Return of the Jedi

Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker

In 4 ABY, Vader was overseeing the construction of the Death Star 2 when he sensed Luke approaching in a shuttle bound for the moon Endor. Dart did not touch the shuttle.

On the moon, Luke himself surrendered to the Imperials and was taken to Vader. In an attempt to protect his son from Palpatine, Darth tried to convince him to join him, but Skywalker refused.

“I know there is goodness in you. The Emperor was unable to eradicate him entirely.” Luke

On board the Death Star, in the presence of Palpatine, the decisive battle between Luke and Vader took place. Darth tried to persuade his son to the dark side by threatening the safety of Leia, Luke's sister. In anger, Skywalker cut off Vader's hand, which, like his own, turned out to be mechanical, which forced him to rethink the situation and extinguish the sword.

Palpatine wanted Luke to finish off his father, but he refused, which forced Vader to return to his bright beginning. In Darth's dark heart, Anakin Skywalker woke up again, who, seeing Palpatine trying to kill his son with Force lightning, picked him up and threw him into the reactor shaft.

Palpatine's power damaged Vader's life support. He asked Luke to take off his mask to see his son with his own eyes for the last time. Thus died the Chosen One, who brought balance to the Force.

His spirit appeared to Luke and Leia, after which he found peace.

After the enchanting release of the first part of the fantastic epic “Star Wars”, the image of Darth Vader became an idol for young people of several generations. In 2017, the producers of Star Wars celebrated their anniversary - it was exactly 40 years since TV viewers became acquainted with the fate of Anakin Skywalker.


Darth Vader, whose real name is Anakin Skywalker, is a character in the Star Wars franchise. Darth appears in the film as the main negative character, through whose fault the conspiracy occurred, and the hero's past in the form of Anakin Skywalker and the history of apostasy play a major role in the prequel narrative.

The character was developed by an American film director and brought to life on screen by several actors. He appears in six Star Wars episodes, including Rogue One. A Star Wars Story and is mentioned in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Vader is a character in the universe of the Star Wars television series, video games, literary works and comic books.

Originally prophesied by a Jedi, Anakin Skywalker embraced the dark side and became a servant of the negative Galactic Empire to bring balance to the Force. Vader became the father of Luke Skywalker and his twin sister Leia, the secret husband of Padmé and the grandfather of Kylo Ren.

George Lucas, Darth Vader's "father"

Darth Vader has become one of the most badass villains in popular culture and is even included in the list of the greatest fictional villains. According to the American Film Institute, Darth Vader took third place in the ranking of the greatest villains in the history of the film industry over the last 100 years out of hundreds of scoundrels and scum, losing the leadership positions to Hannibal Lecter and Norman Bates. However, other film critics consider Vader to be a tragic hero, as his motives are initially aimed at achieving the greater good, before falling to the dark side.


Darth Vader is initially a 9-year-old boy played by Jake Lloyd. Other actors worked in the remaining parts of the saga.

In Attack of the Clones, Anakin Skywalker is strangled by Kenobi and has no control over his life. When he transforms into Darth Vader, every negative action he takes destroys any hope or connection to his former life, making the path to the light more difficult.

Then Vader is forced to put on a suit designed specifically for him. The main element of the costume is a complex mechanism that ensures breathing - it determines the specific sound when the hero enters and exhales. Vader never appeared on screen without his special mask.

As a result, Vader returns to the side of good and atones for his guilt by sacrificing his life to save his son and destroy the Emperor. The deceased character was buried along with the suit, observing the traditions of the Jedi.


In the first Star Wars series, the tall, dark Vader was already close to his final image, and the main character Anakin Skywalker resembled the Luke Skywalker who appeared in later series.

Following the success of the first Star Wars, released in 1977, director Lucas Jr. hired science fiction author Lee Douglas Brackett to collaborate on the script for the subsequent installments. At the end of 1977, the script for the next part was ready, strongly reminiscent of the last film, except that Vader is introduced not as Luke’s father, but as a teacher.

In the first draft of the script, written by Brackett, Luke's father appears as a ghost, luring the boy to the side of evil. George Lucas didn't like the script, but Brackett died of cancer before the director discussed the comments with her. Having lost his screenwriter, Lucas had to write the next project himself. In the new script, the director used a new plot twist: Vader declares that he is Luke's father.

The new plot twist about Luke's origin had a major impact on the film. Michael Kaminsky (author of a book on the history of the creation of Star Wars with elements of the biography of George Lucas) claims that such a plot twist was not seriously considered or even contemplated until 1978, and the first part of the film was filmed under an alternative plot, where Darth Vader acted a separate character, not Luke's father.

While writing drafts of the second and third series, which introduced a different storyline, Lucas reflected a new backstory that he himself came up with: Anakin became Kenobi's apprentice, had a son, Luke, but was seduced by the side of evil. Anakin fought Kenobi at the volcano, receiving serious injuries, but was then revived as Darth Vader. Kenobi hid Luke on the fantasy planet Tatooine when the Galactic Republic became the Empire and Vader hunted and destroyed the Jedi. This change in character became the springboard for the development of another plot, “The Tragedy of Darth Vader,” which lies at the heart of the prequel film.

Deciding to create a prequel, Lucas indicated that the series would be a tragic one, depicting Anakin's turn to evil. He assumed that the prequels would be the beginning of a single story that began with Anakin's childhood and ended with death. This was the final step towards turning the series into a saga.

In the first prequel, George Lucas introduced Anakin as a nine-year-old child to make the hero's separation from his mother seem poignant and painful. Anakin's movie trailers and movie posters showing him casting Vader's shadow hinted at the character's possible fate to unsuspecting viewers. Ultimately, the film achieved its goal of demonstrating Anakin's transformation into Darth Vader.

Michael Kaminsky, in The Secret History of Star Wars, provides evidence that problems with Anakin's turn to evil prompted Lucas to make major changes to the story, first by revising the original third prequel sequence so that Anakin would destroy Count Dooku, which served as the first step towards the transition to evil. the side of evil.

After completing the main work in 2003, Lucas again made changes to Anakin's character, rewriting his transition to the dark side: Anakin's transition from grace to the Dark Side is now driven by a desire to save his wife Padmé, whereas in the previous version this was one of several reasons, including that Anakin believed the Jedi were planning to take over the Republic. These fundamental adjustments were made by editing basic footage and adding new scenes filmed during the 2004 pickups.

Darth Vader is first introduced in Star Wars as a ruthless cyborg serving the Galactic Empire. He is tasked with Tarkin to restore the classified technical designs of the Death Star, stolen by the rebels. Vader captures and tortures Leia, who hid the plans inside the droid and sent it to find Kenobi. By placing a tracking device aboard the Millennium Falcon, Vader is able to track the Rebel base. During the Jedi attack on the Death Star, Vader attempts to shoot down Luke, but Han Solo intervenes, giving Luke the opportunity to destroy the Death Star.

David Prowse played Darth Vader in the first three installments of the Star Wars saga.

In The Empire Strikes Back, Vader becomes obsessed with finding Luke. In a conversation with the Emperor, Vader convinces him that Luke can be lured to the dark side. Vader lures his son into a trap and wins the duel, tearing off his arm. Vader tells Luke that he is his father and asks for his help in overthrowing the Emperor so they can rule the galaxy together. Horrified, Luke runs away, and Vader telepathically tells his son that it is his destiny to turn to the dark side.

In the next part, Vader and the Emperor oversee the creation of a new Death Star. Vader brings Luke before the Emperor and threatens to lure Leia (Luke's sister) to the side of evil if Luke does not comply. In a fit of anger, Luke defeats Vader and rips off his father's robotic arm. The Emperor orders Luke to kill his father and take his place. Luke refuses, and the Emperor tortures him with the power of lightning. Hearing Luke's pleas for help, Vader kills the Emperor; but he himself is mortally wounded.

After asking Luke to remove his mask, a redeemed Anakin Skywalker tells his son that he is fine before he dies. Luke escapes the Death Star with his father's remains and ceremoniously burns them in a pyre, Anakin's spirit rejoins the spirit of Obi-Wan and Yoda to watch over Luke and his friends as the Rebels celebrate the destruction of the Death Star and the fall of the Empire.

Lucas then directed a prequel trilogy that explored the backstory and character of Darth Vader. Anakin first appears in the Prequel Trilogy in Episode I, which took place 32 years before the original Star Wars. The young slave Anakin lives on the planet Tatooine with his mother Shmi. Anakin was born without a father and has the ability to foresee the future. In addition, the young man is a talented pilot and mechanic who built his own droid C-3PO. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn meets Anakin after an emergency landing on Tatooine.

Qui-Gon senses Anakin's strong connection to the Force and becomes convinced that the boy is the "Chosen One" of Jedi prophecy, who will bring balance to the Force. Then Anakin is forced to leave Shmi and go to study with the Jedi. During the journey, Anakin falls in love with Padme, the young queen of Naboo. Qui-Gon asks the Jedi Council for permission to train Anakin, but they sense fear in the boy and refuse. Ultimately, Anakin helps prevent the Trade Federation from invading Naboo. After Qui-Gon is killed in battle with the Sith spirit, Obi-Wan promises to train Anakin.

In Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, Anakin becomes Obi-Wan's apprentice. Anakin goes on a journey with Padme to Naboo. But feeling the pain of Shmi's mother, Anakin goes to Tatooine to save her, but is too late. Anakin, enraged, kills the Tuskens responsible for his mother's death and returns to Lars's estate to bury Shmi. By the end of the film, Anakin, who lost his arm in the battle with Count Dooku, is equipped with a robotic arm and secretly marries Padme.

In Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, Anakin becomes a Jedi Knight and hero of the Clone Wars. He and Obi-Wan led a mission to rescue Palpatine from Separatist commander General Grievous aboard their ship. When the Jedi confronts Dooku, Anakin defeats the Sith Lord and, following Palpatine's persuasion, kills him in cold blood. They rescue Palpatine and return to Coruscant, where Anakin learns that Padmé is pregnant. Anakin has a vision of Padmé dying during childbirth and tries to prevent it.

Palpatine tells Anakin that the dark side has the power to cheat death and eventually reveals that he is the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Although Anakin informs Jedi Windu of Palpatine's betrayal, he follows Windu to ensure that Palpatine is alive. When he realizes that Windu wants to kill Palpatine, Anakin intervenes, allowing Palpatine to kill Windu.

Desperate to save Padmé, Anakin turned to the side of evil and became Palpatine's apprentice, Darth Vader. Under Palpatine's orders, Vader is to kill all the Jedi and Separatist leaders who are hiding on the planet Mustafar. Padmé confronts Vader and begs him to return to the side of good, but Vader refuses. When Obi-Wan disembarks from Padmé's ship, Vader accuses his wife of plotting and uses the Force to strangle her into unconsciousness and rage.

After a brutal battle, Obi-Wan defeats Vader, damaging his legs and arm, and leaves his body on the banks of a river of lava, where he burns. Palpatine finds Vader and brings him back to Coruscant, where his mutilated body is healed and covered in the black armored suit first seen in the original trilogy. When Vader asks about Padmé's whereabouts, Palpatine explains to him that he killed Padmé in anger; Vader screams in agony, his spirit broken.

  • Eric Buie, a psychiatrist at the University Hospital of Toulouse, argued that the American Psychiatric Association's convention describes Anakin's personality as having six diagnostic features of borderline personality disorder, which constitutes grounds for diagnosis. Booi argues that Anakin Skywalker is a useful example for demonstrating borderline personality disorder to students.

  • Anakin's origins in The Phantom Menace are compared to African-American identity, and his dissatisfaction with life to Siddhartha before he became Gautama Buddha.
  • In 2015, the statue of Vladimir Lenin in Odessa was remade into Darth Vader due to the decommunization law.

(-, sword fighting)
Spencer Wilding and Daniel Napros (stuntman) (Rogue One)

The Vader crater on Charon is named in his honor.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ ⛔ Darth Vader. The best moments from the films [Rogue One. Star Wars Tales]

    ✪ Kylo Ren vs Darth Vader - Star Wars Fan Film (Force of Darkness) | in Russian (Dubbed, 2019)

    ✪ All Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader kills in Star Wars films

    ✪ Star Wars - The Force and the Fury [Fan Film]


    A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Anakin Skywalker is DEAD. For eight months now, the Emperor's orders have been carried out by the mysterious Darth Vader. The Empire inspires fear in some. Gives others hope. But for Vader it brings nothing but SUFFERING... (You have nowhere to go!) (What are you doing?!) (Let him go!) (Surrender and you will live!) (You cannot resist us!) (You cannot run away!) (We will shoot!) (Release him now!) Enough of the lies. Open fire! Shoot him! Forward! (He's still holding it!) Shoot him! I'm wounded! Brother!!! Reinforcements are on the way! And now you will answer for your betrayal. Keep the fire going! He's ours! There is no salvation for you. You will suffer for lying. You will answer for not saving her. I have destroyed your enemies. Built an Empire for you! But, like the Jedi, you gave me only a shadow of the knowledge that was promised to me! You took everything from me! "All"? Stupid boy. You are suffering because of the death of your wife. Padmé's fate was in your hands. Just like your fate is in mine. What a shame! You could become much greater and more powerful if you had the dignity to accept the path that lay before you. I made it for you. So that you remember me. He will bring you good luck. He's wonderful. But I don't need him to remember you. I will never forget you. Anakin... Padmé... And that's why... You will never crush me... Because you will always be powerless over your feelings. You will always be powerless in front of me. Eternal servant. Eternal slave! Skywalker! Anakin! Anakin! ANAKIN! ANAKIN! (Lord Vader, there is an urgent message for you) Master? Continue. The Emperor demands your presence. Lord Vader? As it pleases. Guards... Leave us. What will be the orders, Teacher? You are worried, my friend. I'm fine, Master. Really? Your anger rushes out like a whirlwind. He's focused. No Not focused Hidden. You're trying to hide your rage from me. Why? I see. So what are you waiting for, Lord Vader? Submit to your anger! Strike me down! I have no such intention, Master. A pitiful sight! Mighty Sith Lord Disfigured by Midichlorians! Because of his attachment to the Jedi! There is no attachment. Anakin Skywalker was weak. I destroyed it. Really? Skywalker's powers are overwhelming yours! Isn't it? No? Rise up, Lord Vader. This is the will of the Sith - to destroy all who stand in the way of power. Eliminate your opponent. Isn't it? And who stands in your way, Lord Vader? Who's holding you back? Who put your mutilated body in this suit? Who could it be? Only your hatred will destroy him. Use it. I... can't, Teacher. Therefore, my disappointment in you grows every moment. Accept the choice that brought you here. Put it on. Or remain forever in the shadow of Anakin Skywalker. In the meantime... I have a task for you, my young student. I feel a vibration in the Force. The powerful Jedi managed to survive in the Middle Ring. He must pay for his betrayal. As you order. He is hiding on my home planet of Naboo. And, of course, on the home planet of the late Queen Padmé Amidala. This is not a coincidence. He's calling you there because he knows who Lord Vader is. The clones reported that he was carrying a purple lightsaber. How is this possible? Strength. Here's how. And we both know that this particular Jedi has great power. I will complete what you started, Teacher. Really? I hope. Eliminate this Jedi. Submit to the Dark Side, Lord Vader. Use the power that your talents have brought you. Only then will you break the chains that bind you. And you will discover within yourself a power unprecedented before. Only then will you destroy the opponent who stands before you. So I won’t let you down, Teacher. Commander, prepare my personal shuttle. It looks like I've had a sudden nostalgia for my native Naboo. NABU Omega, inspect everything there. Yes, sir! Attention! Welcome, Lord Vader. The Jedi barricaded himself in the catacombs and blocked all approaches. I had to make my way with explosives. We sent a squad of stormtroopers. None returned. The loss of stormtroopers does not concern me, commander. I need this Jedi. I use 501 As you command, sir. Make way for the guys in blue! Got you, sir! Anakin... Go! Forward! Forward! Take him! We need reinforcements! Help us!! “Vader. Episode I: Shards of the Past Director Scriptwriters Based on characters created by George Lucas Producers Executive Producer Cinematographer Artist Editing Composers Original music by composer John Williams Costume Designer Makeup Special Effects Cast Production Punk Riot May the Force be with you

Character names

Anakin Skywalker

New hope

Vader is tasked with recovering the stolen Death Star plans and finding the Rebel Alliance's secret base. He captures and tortures Princess Leia Organa and is present when Death Star commander Grand Moff Tarkin destroys her home planet of Alderaan. Soon after, he engages in a lightsaber battle with his former master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who has arrived at the Death Star to rescue Leia. He then meets Luke Skywalker at the Battle of the Death Star, and senses his great ability in the Force; this is confirmed later when the youth destroys the battle station. Vader was about to shoot down Luke with his TIE Fighter (TIE Advanced x1), but an unexpected attack Millennium Falcon, piloted by Han Solo, sends Vader far into space.

The Empire Strikes Back

After the destruction of the rebel base "Echo" on the planet Hoth by the forces of the Empire, Darth Vader sends bounty hunters in search of the Millennium Falcon. Aboard his Star Destroyer, he executes Admiral Ozzel and Captain Niida for their mistakes. Meanwhile, Boba Fett manages to discover the Falcon and track its progress to the gas giant Bespin. Finding that Luke is not on the Falcon, Vader captures Leia, Han, Chewbacca, and C-3PO to lure Luke into a trap. He makes a deal with Cloud City administrator Lando Calrissian to hand Han over to bounty hunter Boba Fett, and freezes Solo in carbonite. Luke, who at this time is being trained to master the Light Side of the Force under the guidance of Yoda on the planet Dagobah, senses the danger threatening his friends. The young man goes to Bespin to fight Vader, but is defeated and loses his right hand. Then Vader reveals to him the truth: he is Luke's father, and not Anakin's killer, as Obi-Wan-Kenobi told young Skywalker, and offers to overthrow Palpatine and rule the Galaxy together. Luke refuses and jumps down. He is sucked into a garbage chute and thrown towards the antennas of Cloud City, where he is rescued by Leia, Chewbacca, Lando, C-3PO and R2-D2 on the Millennium Falcon. Darth Vader tries to stop the Millennium Falcon, but it goes into hyperspace. After which Vader leaves without saying a word.

Return to the Light Side

The events described in this section take place in the film“Star Wars.  Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Vader is tasked with overseeing the completion of the second Death Star. He meets with Palpatine aboard the half-completed station to discuss Luke's plan to turn to the Dark Side.

At this time, Luke had practically completed his training in the art of the Jedi and learned from the dying Master Yoda that Vader was indeed his father. He learns about his father's past from the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and also learns that Leia is his sister. During an operation on the forest moon of Endor, he surrenders to Imperial troops and is brought before Vader. Aboard the Death Star, Luke resists the Emperor's call to give vent to his anger and fear for his friends (and thus turn to the Dark Side of the Force). However, Vader, using the Force, penetrates Luke's mind, learns of Leia's existence and threatens to turn her into a servant of the Dark Side of the Force in his place. Luke gives in to his rage and nearly kills Vader by cutting off his father's right hand. But at this moment the young man sees Vader's cybernetic hand, then looks at his own, realizes that he is dangerously close to his father's fate and curbs his anger.

When the Emperor approaches him, tempting Luke to kill Vader and take his place, Luke throws away his lightsaber, refusing to deal the killing blow to his father. In anger, Palpatine attacks Luke with lightning. Luke writhes under the Emperor's torture, trying to fight. Palpatine's anger grows, Luke asks Vader for help. At this time, a confrontation between the Dark and Light Sides arises in Vader. He is afraid to rebel against the Emperor, but at the same time, he does not want to lose his only son. The Emperor almost kills Luke when Anakin Skywalker finally defeats Darth Vader and Vader returns to the Light Side. After this, he grabs the Emperor and throws him into the Death Star reactor. However, he receives fatal lightning strikes. In fact, Darth Vader is a kind of golem of Palpatine. The lightning wounds he received could not have killed Darth Vader, as in the comics Vader's suit could withstand much stronger impacts. Darth Vader dies due to a breakdown in communication with the Emperor, who has supported his life since the events on Mustafar.

Before he dies, he asks his son to take off his breathing mask so he can look at Luke “with his own eyes.” The first (and, as it turned out, last) time father and son actually see each other. Before dying, Vader admits to Luke that he was right and the Light Side remained in him. He asks his son to convey these words to Leia. Luke flies away with his father's body, and the Death Star explodes, destroyed by the Rebel Alliance.

That same night, Luke cremates his father as a Jedi. And during a victory celebration on the forest moon of Endor, Luke sees the ghost of Anakin Skywalker, dressed in Jedi robes, standing next to the ghosts of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda.

The Force Awakens

About thirty years after the events of the sixth episode, one of the members of the organization that replaced the Empire, the First Order, Kylo Ren, the son of Leia and Han Solo, as well as the grandson of Anakin, acquired the melted and twisted helmet of Darth Vader. The film shows Kylo kneeling in front of the helmet and promising that he will finish what Vader started.

Fulfillment of prophecy

When he first meets Anakin, Qui-Gon Jean considers him the Chosen One—the child who will restore the balance of the Force. The Jedi believed that the Chosen One would bring balance through the destruction of the Sith. Yoda believes that the prophecy may be misinterpreted. In reality, Anakin first destroyed many Jedi in the Temple on Coruscant and a large number of other Jedi during the formative years of the Empire, thereby fulfilling the prophecy and bringing balance to the Force, equalizing the number of Sith and Jedi (Darth Sidious and Darth Vader on one side of the Force, Yoda and Obi -Van on the other hand). 20 years later, Darth Vader kills the Emperor and sacrifices himself, leaving neither the Jedi nor the Sith. Luke Skywalker, Anakin's son, became the new Jedi after the final battle with Darth Vader, completing his final training.

Darth Vader's armor

Darth Vader costume- a portable life support system that Anakin Skywalker was forced to wear to compensate for the serious damage he received as a result of his duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar in 19 BC. b. It was designed to support and protect the charred body of a former Jedi. The costume was made in the ancient traditions of the Sith, according to which warriors of the dark side of the Force had to decorate themselves with heavy armor. The suit was constructed using numerous Sith Alchemy techniques to augment Vader's severely diminished vitality and capabilities.

The suit contained a wide variety of life support systems, the most important of which was a complex breathing apparatus, and gave Vader relative freedom of movement without the need to use a flying chair. During use, it broke down several times, it was repaired and improved. The suit was eventually damaged beyond repair by Emperor Palpatine's powerful lightning bolt aboard the second Death Star after Vader saved his son, Luke Skywalker, from near death. After his sudden death, Vader, wearing his armor, was buried by Skywalker in a Jedi funeral ceremony in the forest of Endor in 4 ABY. Some 30 years later, his grandson Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) bows before Vader's melted and mangled helmet, promising to finish what his grandfather started.


Lightsaber Mastery

Jedi Knight

Kenobi: « By practicing your lightsaber skills as hard as your wits, you could rival Master Yoda himself.» Skywalker: « I thought I could already.» Kenobi: « Only in my dreams, my very young Padawan.―Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker (source)

Anakin Skywalker trained under one of the strongest members of the Jedi Order, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Thanks to his mentor, he learned almost all styles of using a lightsaber, which made him an incredibly powerful opponent, despite his young age.

Skywalker preferred to use the fifth form of combat, the most aggressive and aimed at physically suppressing the opponent, perfectly suited to the wayward and impulsive character of the young man. Natural talent allowed him to quickly master new techniques, to please his own ego, and, after a while, the Jedi began to consider himself an equal to Grand Master Yoda himself. Anakin also independently mastered the art of fighting with two lightsabers at once, which was very useful to him during his duel with Count Dooku on Geonosis and several more times during the Separatist Crisis.

Over the long ten years of conflict, Skywalker, who received the title of Jedi Knight, took part in a great many battles and skirmishes, continuing to hone his skills and abilities. Evidence of his skill can be seen in successful battles with Asajj Ventress, a Dark Jedi personally trained by Dooku, General Grievous' IG-100 "Magnaguards" and his own teacher in training sparring. Relying on both strength and agility, Anakin could easily deflect or evade enemy attacks, immediately responding with swift counterattacks. The use of Djem So often forced the Jedi to summon rage and anger in battle, pushing him further and further towards the Dark Side. During his final confrontation with Dooku, Skywalker surrendered completely to these dangerous emotions, allowing them to fuel his power and guide his actions. With incredible ease, he overcame the almost impenetrable defense of the Count, once considered the best swordsman of the Order, cut off both hands of the Sith Lord, and then brutally executed him at the instigation of Chancellor Palpatine. Before his death, Dooku recognized his opponent as the best practitioner of the fifth form that he had ever seen.

Sith Lord

When Anakin Skywalker finally embraced the Dark Side of the Force and the title of Darth Vader, he transformed his fighting style into an even more brutal and aggressive one. Yet the young, strong and gifted Sith lacked experience, poise and concentration. Calling on the Dark Side, he could not fully control the power bestowed, anger clouded his mind and clarity of thoughts, preventing him from fully enjoying the benefits of the fifth form. Ultimately, the inability to control emotions was the reason for the Sith's defeat in the duel on Mustafar.

After being imprisoned in an armored life support suit, Vader had to rely entirely on the newfound power of mechanical prosthetics. His fighting style became clumsy, consisting only of sharp vertical strikes aimed at knocking down and finishing his opponent on the ground. The Sith included elements of Soresu and Ataru, trying to somehow compensate for his own clumsiness and slowness.

However, the dark lord quite quickly managed to overcome his limitations and created a unique form of combat that incorporated many of the techniques of Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, Dzhem So and Juyo, even the highest, most dangerous ones. He turned the disadvantages of heavy cybernetic armor into advantages, using its weight and the strength of the implants to provide incredibly powerful blows. During combat, the Sith Lord only moved his elbows and wrists, rather than his entire arm. Vader also regained some of his former mobility, learning to use the Force to perform acrobatic feats. A two-handed grip on the handle, unexpected and unpredictable attacks, surprisingly quick reactions and amazing intuition once again turned the dark lord into a formidable opponent. One of his favorite tactics was to force his enemies to unleash their emotions, convince them that they were pushing him back, in reality wasting all their strength, and then disarm them with a single blow. Vader was able to employ various variations of his own style, using a one-handed grip for greater precision and economy of movement during an attack. He did the same in his battle with Luke Skywalker on Bespin. Going on the defensive, the Sith Lord held the hilt of his lightsaber with both hands, pressing his elbows to his body and holding the blade straight out in front of him, using only his hands. This position provided protection for the body and the vulnerable control panel on the chest, but did not cover the limbs.

The Dark Lord learned a lesson from his ill-fated duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi and learned to take control of his feelings in battle, acting intelligently, deliberately, channeling the power of the Dark Side, not allowing rage to blind him. Vader often practiced with training droids that were stronger and faster than normal living beings. Such sparring helped the Sith's skills to always remain sharp, even in the absence of real combat practice for a long time. Despite the stiffness of his movements, he had no problems in duels with agile and agile opponents.

Force Abilities

Jedi Knight

Due to the fact that Skywalker was born with the highest concentration of midi-chlorians in his blood recorded at that time and was considered the Chosen One, his Force potential was truly enormous. Very young and with little training due to his late joining the Jedi Order, Anakin was one of the most powerful supporters of the Light Side of his time. However, training with a lightsaber attracted the young man much more than practicing Force techniques. As a result, his knowledge in this area was narrowed down to a few essential techniques.

The high level of midi-chlorians not only provided Skywalker with a close connection to the Force, but also made him overly arrogant and self-confident. Achieving much greater success than other students, Anakin continued to feed his pride and ego.

The Jedi was a true master of telekinesis, capable of lifting even huge objects with minimal effort. He could perform a Force Jump, traveling long distances in this way, and use Force Push and Mind Trick. During the Separatist Crisis, Anakin mastered one of the dark abilities.

The film epic "Star Wars" is a world-famous story about space adventures, the life and struggle of various heroes - both positive and negative. The latter includes the very controversial character Darth Vader, aka the Dark Lord, who in childhood was called Anakin Skywalker.

Star Wars and Darth Vader

The history of the creation of the cult film saga, and then the Star Wars universe, dates back to 1971, when director and producer George Lucas entered into a contract with the United Artists studio to shoot the Star Wars film.

However, it is generally accepted that it all began in 1976, after the release of a novelization book with the same name authored by D. Lucas and A.D. Foster. The film company's producers were afraid that the film would fail at the box office, and decided to play it safe by releasing a book. In 1977, D. Lucas received a reader's literary award for this novel, and the producers' doubts were finally dispelled.

In May of the same year, the first of nine films in the epic, called “Star Wars,” was released. New hope." One of the main characters appears in it for the first time. Who is Darth Vader?

Characteristics of the main character

Darth Vader is the main negative character, the cruel and cunning leader of the Galactic Imperial Army, which dominates the entire Universe. He is, in fact, the most powerful Sith, and is also trained by Emperor Palpatine himself and is on the dark side of the Force.

Darth Vader is fighting against the Rebel Alliance in order to prevent the collapse of the Empire. The Alliance, on the contrary, wants the restoration of the Galactic Republic and the union of free planets.

But initially Darth Vader was a positive character, one of the Jedi named Anakin Skywalker. His transition from the Light to the Dark side of the force and transformation into Darth Vader occurs for several reasons. To understand who Darth Vader is, you need to look at all the stages in his life.

Anakin Skywalker's childhood

Anakin Skywalker, who later became Darth Vader, was born in the year 42 before the Battle of Yavin on the planet Tatooine. His mother was a slave named Shmi Skywalker, who did not say anything about Anakin's father. Jedi Qui-Gon Jin, who found the future Darth Vader and considered the boy the chosen one, claimed that his father was the Light Force.

Qui-Gon Jin frees Anakin from slavery and takes him with him to the planet Coruscant. Qui demands the Jedi Council's consent to train Skywalker, but is refused, motivated by the fact that he already has a student and because of Anakin's age. Also, the reason for the refusal was the anger and fear that remained with him from his slave times. Skywalker later becomes a Jedi under the mentorship of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the Council comes to terms with this.

From Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader

Anakin, 10 years later, becomes an adult and acquires the Jedi skill, although he is still Kenobi's Padawan. At the same time, Sheev Palpatine (aka Darth Sidious, the future emperor) begins to carry out his plan, which he has been hatching for many years. His plan was to make Anakin Skywalker his student, luring him to the Dark Side of the Force.

For this, Palpatine uses Anakin's loss of trust in his Jedi mentors and Skywalker's forbidden love for the queen of the planet Naboo, Padmé Amidala Naberry. One of the main reasons for Anakin's transformation is his pain and anger, which appears after he avenges the death of his mother Shmi on the Tusken nomads. The grief and hatred that gripped him due to the loss of his mother pushes Anakin to merciless murders, in which women and children die. Of course, Skywalker does not yet know who Darth Vader is, but the process is irreversible, and, to Palpatine’s joy, Anakin, without realizing everything that is happening, finds himself on the Dark Side of the Force and becomes the Emperor’s student.

Transition to the Dark Side

Chancellor Palpatine is captured by the Separatists, and in order to free him, Anakin and Obi-Wan engage them in battle. During the duel, Obi-Wan is stunned by the rebel leader Count Dooku, but Anakin defeats him. After this, the Chancellor orders Skywalker to cut off the head of the unarmed Count. Anakin obeys the order, but doubts the correctness of what was done, because killing a prisoner is not the job of a Jedi.

Anakin returns to Coruscant, where Padme, whom he secretly married, tells him about her pregnancy. Palpatine makes Skywalker his representative on the Jedi Council, but the Assembly, submitting to the will of the Chancellor, does not elevate Anakin to Master. He is also entrusted with spying on Palpatine, after which the future Darth Vader finally loses faith in the Jedi.

Later it turns out that the Chancellor is in fact the same Sith Lord who was hunted by the Order for a long time. Master Windu and several Jedi are sent to arrest the Chancellor. Anakin follows them and finds a duel between Palpatine and Windu. The Chancellor is protected from a fatal blow by Anakin Skywalker, stopping Windu, after which Palpatine kills the master.

Darth Vader

All the events described above and the death of his beloved wife Padme finally tilt Anakin to the Dark Side of the Force. There is no turning back for Skywalker, since he, in fact, became an accomplice in the murder of the Jedi Master. He takes an oath of allegiance to Darth Sidious (Palpatine) and receives a new Sith name - Darth Vader.

Some time later, he receives an order from Sidious to destroy all the Jedi who are in his temple. Darth Vader kills them with his own hands, sparing neither the younglings nor the Padawans; clone soldiers help him in this atrocity. Also, following the orders of Sidious, Vader destroys all the leaders of the Confederation on the volcano planet Mustafar, naively believing that by doing so he will achieve the long-awaited peace in the Republic.

Yoda and Obi-Wan, having learned who carried out the massacre in the temple, decide to kill Darth Vader. In the duel, Kenobi cuts off Darth's left arm and both legs with his lightsaber, after which, dying, he falls to a riverbed of molten lava, and his clothes begin to burn.

Darth Vader costume

The half-dead and burnt Vader is saved by his mentor Sidious. In order to maintain vital functions, Darth Vader is put on a special sealed spacesuit. It was a portable mobile life support system, which Vader could not do without after the wounds and burns from the lava river received in the duel with Obi-Wan. This armor was created using the ancient alchemical knowledge of the Sith.

The main thing in Darth Vader's suit was the most complex respiratory system, with the help of which he could breathe, since after burns it was impossible to do this. The armor was created according to all the traditions of the Sith warriors and provided good protection to its owner, although they occasionally broke, after repair they continued to function. One of the elements of the costume was the helmet of Darth Vader, to whom his grandson would later take the oath of allegiance.

Darth Vader's weapons

Darth Vader, while still Anakin Skywalker, learned to wield a sword from one of the most powerful masters of the Jedi Order - Yoda. Thanks to his teacher, Vader studied and perfectly mastered all styles of fighting with a lightsaber.

He preferred the fifth form of combat, characterized by increased aggressiveness and rapid pressure, aimed at physically breaking the enemy. Darth also mastered the technique of wielding swords at the same time, which came in handy in numerous battles.

Unusual character abilities

As a result of the catastrophic injuries sustained in the duel on the planet Mustafar, much of Vader's Force was irretrievably lost. However, the Dark Lord had enormous power and a great degree of skill, sufficient to win almost every fight.

Darth possessed the highest degree of mastery of telekinesis, and was also fluent in the techniques of Choke and Force Push, which he often demonstrated in fights with opponents. In the wars, Darth Vader used the art of Tutaminis, which allowed him to absorb, reflect and redirect the streams of plasma released by the blaster.

The Dark Lord was an excellent telepath and could penetrate the thoughts of his opponents, manipulating their consciousness, subjugating their will. Over time, he managed to restore the power of his severed limbs. Although not without the help of the suit, his strength increased significantly. Using all his skills and Dark Power, Vader was practically invincible.

Return to the Light Side of the Force

Darth Vader makes plans to turn his only son, Luke Skywalker, to the Dark Side when he grows up to become a Jedi. After he learns from Master Yoda who his father is, he surrenders to the warriors subordinate to Palpatine and meets with Darth and the Emperor. The Emperor tries to convince Luke to give vent to his fear for his friends and anger, in order to use this to persuade him to the Dark Side of the Force. Darth Vader at this time penetrates the mind of his son and learns about his sister Leia Organa. Darth Vader's voice in Luke's head threatens to turn her into a Dark Force adept if he refuses.

Luke is led by his rage and almost kills his father, but he pacifies his anger in time and throws the lightsaber aside, not wanting to deal a fatal blow. The Emperor tries to tempt Luke Skywalker with power and demands that he kill Darth Vader, but receives a decisive refusal. The enraged ruler attacks Vader's son using the power of lightning, Luke asks his father for help. Vader suppresses the Dark Force within himself and helps his son by throwing the Emperor into the Death Star reactor.

Death of the main character

While meeting his son on the unfinished Death Star while rescuing Luke from Palpatine, Darth Vader is killed by deadly lightning strikes directed at him by the Emperor. Although he was afraid to rebel and betray his mentor Palpatine, he still could not destroy his only son, knowing that he would pay for it with his life.

It is worth noting that Darth Vader was a kind of golem of the Emperor. The wounds he received from Palpatine's lightning bolts could not have killed him, since in the Darth Vader comics his suit could withstand more significant attacks. In reality, the Dark Lord dies due to the fact that his energetic connection with the Emperor, who helped maintain life in him, is broken. Later, Luke Skywalker buries his father as a true Jedi.

In the Star Wars universe

George Lucas created the Star Wars universe, which included absolutely all materials related to this film saga. It widely presents all film and television versions, books, cartoons and animated series, as well as toys and computer games. Here you can see numerous photos of Darth Vader and other heroes of this story.

Vader is one of the most famous and beloved movie characters in the world, despite the fact that he is more of a negative character than a positive one. The American magazine "Empire" awarded Darth Vader ninth place in the list of the greatest film characters of all time. Of course, without this hero the film would not have been so exciting, and the plot would have lost in many ways due to the loss of intrigue.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of who Darth Vader is, since this hero combined both the Dark and Light sides of the Force.