The most important property of any production is its resource intensity, i.e. the amount of resources consumed to produce a unit of output.
Resources are understood as means, reserves, opportunities and sources necessary for production, satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of society with modern technologies and socio-economic relations. Production resources are divided into material, labor and economic (financial). Material resources are divided into biological (organic) and mineral. Biological resources consist of flora and fauna and are unevenly distributed. They are used to provide the population with food and, in part, for production.
According to the ability to restore natural resources are divided into renewable and non-renewable. Renewable resources (plant and animal life, water, etc.) are within the limits of the biospheric circulation of substances. They are capable of self-healing through reproduction or through natural recovery cycles. Animals and plants do not regenerate in the event of the extinction of a species. Non-renewable resources (coal, oil, ore, etc.) are not restored in the process of circulation of substances in a time commensurate with the pace of economic activity. Non-renewable resources should be spent economically and rationally.
Important features of natural resources are the possibility of their replacement and depletion. Replaceable resources may be replaced by others at the present time or in the near future. For example, fuel can be replaced by solar energy, thermal water energy, wind energy, etc. Irreplaceable natural resources cannot be replaced by others either now or in the future. Resource depletion occurs under the influence of human production and economic activities. Depletion leads either to the complete and irreversible destruction of the resource, or to an ecological catastrophe. When the first signs of depletion of natural resources appear, it is necessary to change the activities of the enterprise. Exhaustible resources include scarce natural resources that may disappear in the short term.
Resource conservation management (rational environmental management) is included in the overall management system of the enterprise, the railway and the industry as a whole and includes a set of environmental measures aimed at improving the environmental performance of rolling stock and railway enterprises. These measures are divided into the following groups: organizational and legal, architectural and planning, design and technical and operational.
Organizational and legal measures are aimed at the implementation of environmental legislation in railway transport, the development of environmental requirements, standards, norms and regulations for machinery, equipment, fuel and lubricants, etc.
Architectural and planning activities include the development of solutions for rational land use, planning and development of territories, organization of sanitary protection zones, conservation of natural landscapes, landscaping and landscaping.
Design and technical measures make it possible to introduce technical innovations in the design of rolling stock, sanitary and technological means of protecting the environment at enterprises and transport facilities.
Operational activities are carried out during the operation of vehicles and are aimed at maintaining their technical condition at the level of specified environmental standards.
These groups of activities are implemented independently of each other and allow achieving certain results. But their complex application will provide the maximum effect.
Rational use of natural resources is achieved:
at the production stage - through the use of modern technology and organization of production, the choice of rational methods for obtaining blanks, advanced methods of mechanical, electromechanical and electrochemical processing, hardening of parts, the use of resistant anti-corrosion coatings, the use of flexible automated production, improving the design of equipment, creating a rational maintenance system and repair of technical equipment of enterprises and rolling stock, expanding the range and volume of restoration of equipment parts and rolling stock, saving fuel and energy resources, recycling and using production waste;
at the stage of repair - by choosing methods for repairing products, reducing the proportion of parts damaged during disassembly, increasing the proportion of restoration of worn parts, the use of selective assembly, as well as local closed systems for the use of oils, lubricating fluids, water, etc .;
at the stage of cargo transportation -
ensuring environmental safety in areas and on routes during the operation of rolling stock;
compliance with the main parameters of its characteristics, such as reliability, permissible levels of noise and vibration, levels of sound and light signals;
improving the process of collecting and processing information on the functioning of transport systems, introducing automated systems for monitoring the technical condition of mobile sources of environmental pollution and the environmental situation in areas and on railway lines;
control over compliance with the technology at the points of loading and unloading oil products, when transporting flammable liquids and materials, compressed and liquefied gases, oil products, oxidizing substances and organic impurities, bulk cargo;
compliance with the requirements for the safety of train traffic, taking into account the implementation of measures that ensure the complete prevention of possible emergencies.
Among the many components of natural resources, fresh water resources are currently of particular importance, and railway transport enterprises consume it in large quantities. At the same time, the industry is slowly working on the introduction of closed water use systems, low-waste and non-waste water-saving technologies.
One of the serious sources of pollution of water resources are the processes of cleaning the rolling stock, which form toxic effluents. Efficient washing machines with reversible use systems have been developed.
The main directions of saving water resources at individual railway transport enterprises are shown in fig. 32.3.
An important place in reducing the loss of natural resources is occupied by the utilization and processing of industrial waste.
Recycling refers to the use of waste as secondary raw materials, fuel, fertilizers and other purposes. In various activities of society, production waste and consumption waste are generated. Production waste is the remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products generated during the manufacture of products, performance of work and partially or completely lost their original consumer properties. Consumption waste is products and materials that have lost their consumer properties as a result of physical and obsolescence.
Wastes of production and consumption are called secondary material resources. Secondary resources can be used to produce new products or to generate energy. In all cases, secondary resources are subject to recycling, i.e. removal from places of formation and accumulation for the purpose of subsequent use or disposal. The more waste, the higher the likelihood of environmental pollution.
Waste is classified into solid, liquid, gaseous and energy. The phase state of the waste affects the choice of methods and means of storage, transportation and processing. According to sanitary and hygienic characteristics, wastes are divided into inert, slightly toxic soluble in water, slightly toxic volatile, toxic soluble in water, toxic volatile, containing oil (oil), organic easily decomposing, feces, household waste. Toxic waste has its own classification.
The nomenclature of waste depends on the type of raw materials and finished products. Solid waste includes ferrous and non-ferrous metal waste, rubber, plastics, wood, abrasives, slag and ash, mineral and organic matter, household waste. Liquid wastes consist of electrolytes, fuels and lubricants, cooling, degreasing and washing solutions, etc. Gas emissions are generated from boilers, melting equipment, ventilation systems. Energy waste should be considered heat and various types of radiation (noise, vibration, magnetic and electric fields, radiation).
The use of waste is one of the most important areas for increasing production efficiency, reducing environmental pollution, and reducing the consumption of natural resources per unit of output. When choosing methods and means of storage, transportation and processing of waste, it is necessary to proceed from their technical and economic assessment.
The main types of secondary resources in the repair of tracks are concrete and wooden sleepers, worn rails, rail fasteners, crushed stone and sand. Old concrete sleepers are used as a foundation in the construction of household and sports facilities or are sold to owners of summer cottages for foundations for greenhouses, baths and houses. Old wooden sleepers can serve as a good material for the construction of non-residential premises (storages, warehouses). Worn rails are used in the construction of buildings and structures for industrial or household purposes. Sand and gravel are recycled and used in the construction of various structures. Fasteners are subject to restoration or are converted into new products. Trimmings, sawdust, wood shavings serve as raw materials for the manufacture of chipboard and fiberboard, plywood, hardboard, cardboard, and bark - for the manufacture of medicines and fertilizers.
Railway transport enterprises use a large number of motor, industrial, compressor, transmission and other oils made from petroleum. In a year, railway enterprises use up to 400 tons of various oils, some of which (15-20%) are collected, and most often burned in boiler houses. Modern engine oil contains up to 10 different additives, which are practically not consumed during operation. The most important way to reduce oil consumption at railway transport enterprises is the regeneration of used oils. During regeneration, the following is carried out: purification of used oils from mechanical impurities by settling, separation, coagulation, adsorption, chemical treatment methods; restoration of the properties of oils by introducing various additives.
The issues of rational use of natural resources and nature protection in railway transport should be considered taking full account of the peculiarities of the natural conditions of the area where the projected enterprise is located, assessed by its impact on the environment of the adjacent area, the possibility of preventing negative consequences in the short and long term. Taking into account the nature of the negative impact of the designed facility on the environment, issues of rational use of natural resources should be addressed: surface and groundwater, atmospheric air, soils, territories, minerals, vegetation, etc. At the same time, normal sanitary and hygienic conditions of work and life of the population living in the area of ​​construction of railway lines or industrial facilities of the industry should be ensured, and the negative impact on flora and fauna as a result of production activities should be minimized.
The development of all measures related to the construction of new, as well as the reconstruction of existing railway transport facilities, the modernization of rolling stock, should be carried out in unity with the requirements for environmental protection.


Economic efficiency and environmental safety of economic activity can be achieved only with an integrated, systematic approach to the regulation of nature management and environmental protection, taking into account the need to preserve the natural potential of Russia, ensure the reproduction of natural resources, develop production and introduce the best existing technologies, provide legally established economic incentives for enterprises carrying out effective environmental protection activities. The development of productive forces must be accompanied by the improvement of methods for the development and rational use of natural resources. Natural resource potential must be maintained to meet the needs of future generations and changes in commodity markets.

The provision of the country with natural resources is the most important economic and political factor in the development of the national economy. The structure of natural resources, the size of their reserves, quality, degree of knowledge and directions of economic development have a direct impact on the economic potential.

The growth of the country's production potential and the increase in the diverse needs of society urgently require the study of the patterns of territorial distribution and the assessment of natural resources. The process of studying and evaluating natural resources should be ongoing.

Biological natural resources include plant and animal resources capable of self-reproduction. An indispensable condition for their well-being is the availability of soil and water resources. As part of the biosphere and its structural subdivisions, these resources continuously produce biological products that ensure the existence of all living things on Earth, including humans.

For effective conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, it is necessary to create two levels of governance. The first (upper) level of management determines the general conditions for biodiversity conservation, necessitates the allocation and independent functioning in the structure of the national economy, along with material production and the non-productive sphere, of a new subsystem - environmental, and the lower level of management provides for the development of a special economic mechanism for biodiversity conservation.

Both levels should be permeated by a new system of value relations of nature management, built on the basis of ecological rent, which in terms of value guarantees and simultaneously stimulates the reproduction of wildlife and its individual elements. It is also necessary to legislate the minimum level of environmental rent as part of the gross domestic product and national income.

The function of a strong organizing principle of a purposeful and orderly flow of environmental investments necessary to solve environmental problems can be taken over by Ecobank. The main part of the bank's equity capital will be, on the one hand, environmental payments, on the other hand, deductions from the profits that will be provided by environmentally friendly products obtained as a result of the introduction of environmental technologies.

The main tasks of fundamental and applied science in the area under consideration are the study of the state and forecasting of the dynamics of biodiversity. For the operational analysis of materials accumulated in the process of studying the influence of various factors on the animal and plant world, it is extremely important to create data banks that would concentrate information on the state of the main components of faunal and floristic complexes and their habitat, growth, taking into account the degree of anthropogenic transformation. These data will be an important basis for subsequent modeling and forecasting of the dynamics of species and groups of animals and plants, as well as faunistic and floristic complexes, depending on the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors.

The task of science is the scientific and methodological support of state control of the state and use of biodiversity. The main mechanisms for solving this problem are

  • inventory of the natural gene pool of the republic,
  • state accounting of natural resources and their use,
  • also compiling state cadastres of various types of resources.

One of the most difficult fundamental problems of science in the field of conservation and rational use of biodiversity is the development of its ecological and economic assessment, which will allow us to approach the formation of a special economic mechanism for the conservation of biodiversity, taking into account the specifics of the ecological sphere as an object of economic relations.

It is the knowledge of natural laws that will make it possible to develop the structure of the control subsystem, control technology and ensure the development and implementation of a new target function of the development of societies harmonious with nature in accordance with the principle of managing the interaction of opposites in order to achieve a common goal. This will be facilitated by the separation from the sphere of general nature management as a separate scientific direction of biological nature management, referring to it in the practical sphere agriculture, forestry, fisheries, hunting, recreation and nature conservation. It is stated that biological nature management is based on the exploitation and predominantly natural reproduction of renewable and partially renewable resources of the biosphere and allows to successfully implement the principle of sustainable exploitation of plant and animal resources. Among the main formulated principles of this scientific direction are clarification, development of methods and forms of ecological optimization of individual branches of biological nature management and their use in the practical field on a single ecological, economic and geographical basis.

Improvement of the legislative framework must be carried out taking into account the regional characteristics of the territories, international experience in these matters and compliance with international requirements. In the Russian Federation, legislation in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety has been developing for many years. The Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” provides for a new system of environmental regulations based on the application of the principle of the best available technologies (the BAT or BAT principle in the EU standards system). In a number of regions, they have already begun to implement the norms of the law in terms of introducing technological regulation based on the principles of the NST. A positive example in this area is the experience of the Arkhangelsk region and St. Petersburg. At the federal level, there is a lot of work to be done in this direction not only by the legislative and executive authorities, but also by the scientific community.

Environmental problems have become particularly acute and relevant not only in our country. Developed countries have long recognized the importance and necessity of protecting the environment, conserving natural resources, their rational and sustainable use, as well as ensuring the development of production based on the introduction of the best environmental technologies.

In order to protect natural biological resources and coordinate the actions of the environmental and law enforcement agencies of the Vladimir region to strengthen the fight against violators of environmental legislation, a regional permanent raid brigade was created to control natural biological resources. Financing of material costs associated with the implementation of raids for the protection of biological resources is carried out at the expense of the state extra-budgetary environmental fund of the region.

In the Belgorod region, the territory of the natural park "Nezhegol" includes a natural park located in the village. Titovka of the Shebekinsky district, the Botanical Garden and the Winter Garden of the Belgorod State University (BelGU), where the richest collections of plants representing a diverse flora are collected.

Nature Park "Nezhegol" is a unique scientific and educational training ground and a center for educational activities. Scientific research is aimed at developing the problems of preserving the gene pool of natural and cultural flora, introducing and acclimatizing plants for the rational use of world resources and introduction in the conditions of the Belgorod region.

Since the natural park "Nezhegol" is a research base for the natural faculties of BelSU, field practices and scientific research of students are regularly conducted on the territory of the botanical garden and natural park, for example: "Study of natural landscapes within the botanical garden of BelSU", "Geobotanical profiling of the area ". The goal of the practice is to study natural geosystems as a set of interrelated components (lithogenic base, natural waters, soils, flora and fauna) to establish peaks of connections within geosystems of various levels of organization.

Currently, various scientific studies are being carried out by employees and graduate students of Belgorod State University on the territory of the botanical garden. In 2005, for the first time in the botanical garden, a thematic research plan was made under the guidance of the Main Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation. Employees of the Botanical Garden take part in grants for research work on the introduction and selection of forage grasses, the conservation and enhancement of genetic biodiversity and rare fruit plants under the program "Development of the scientific potential of higher education."

In May 2005, a plan for research work of the BelSU Botanical Garden was signed. The thematic plan will be supervised by the Council of Botanical Gardens of Russia and will be an integral part of the Program of Fundamental Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Problems of General Biology and Ecology: Rational Use of Biological Resources" (Program of the OBN RAS) in the direction of program 05. "Problems of plant introduction and conservation of the gene pool of natural and cultural flora".

From March 12 to April 12, the Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards were held in the Belgorod Region, which will help improve the sanitary and environmental situation and preserve natural resources. The corresponding resolution was approved by the regional government. Landscaped forests, recreational areas, banks of rivers and ponds. Six new parks are planned to be laid out in Belgorod. 25 hectares will be occupied only by the forest area in the area of ​​the cement plant. Employees of environmental services check the compliance of the work of farms in the region with environmental legislation.

Thus, in order to rationally use natural resources and transition to sustainable development of the regional economy, it is necessary to:

  • carry out the development and implementation of measures aimed at the rational use of natural resources, the conservation of biological diversity, natural complexes and objects of special environmental, scientific, cultural and river significance;
  • coordinating the activities of other government bodies on the conservation of biological diversity, the organization of protection and use of specially protected natural areas;
  • protection, regulation of use, reproduction of objects of the animal world within the limits of the powers granted; - regulation of relations in the field of use of the flora, in
  • within the limits of the granted powers; - regulation of relations in the field of use, protection, protection of the forest fund and reproduction of forests within the limits of the granted powers;
  • management in the field of organization and functioning of specially protected natural areas of regional significance;
  • control over the use of flora objects;
  • control in the field of organization and functioning of the territory of state nature reserves, natural monuments.


  1. Decree of the head of the administration of the Vladimir region dated July 10, 1998 No. 470 “On coordination of actions to protect the biological resources of the region” [Electronic resource]
  2. Dezhkin VV Hunting in the system of nature management//Hunting.- 1972.- C. 32-48.
  3. Dezhkin V.V. Nature Management: A Course of Lectures.- M.: MNEPU, 1997
  4. Dezhkin VV Conceptual and methodological foundations for the restoration and development of biological nature management in rural Russia. M.: MNEPU, 2002.- 1 p.
  5. Dezhkin V. V., Popova L. V. Biological nature management: Monograph. - 2004 (manuscript).
  6. V.A. Grachev Legislative support of environmental protection [Electronic resource]

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URL: (date of access: 01/04/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The problem of resource depletion, their rational use and protection

The modern orientation of society towards consumption, coupled with a population explosion, is accompanied by an intensive increase in the consumption of all types of natural resources, as a result, many of them are rapidly depleted. Nature protection and the transition to the rational use of natural resources can somewhat reduce the speed of this process.

At the present stage of development of nature conservation, which can be conditionally called "natural resource", one of the basic principles of nature management is the protection of resources directly in the process of their use. A transition to integrated nature protection is already planned, since, in accordance with one of B. Commoner's laws “Everything is connected with everything”, the protection of one natural object is impossible without the protection of all other objects associated with it.

At the moment, humanity has to spend more and more effort, money and resources on protecting nature, and at the same time, its condition continues to worsen everywhere. The most general methodological basis for environmental protection is the constant scientific and technical improvement of mankind. It is aimed at a wider and more complete use of the global initial natural resource potential, which is continuously depleted in the process of the historical development of the economy.

From this pattern follows another important principle of protecting nature in general and the abiotic environment of life - eco-economical: the more prudent approach to the use of natural resources and to the environment of society, the less energy and other costs will be required to protect them and maintain a satisfactory state. Therefore, the results of the reproduction of the natural resource potential of any territory and the efforts spent on its restoration should be comparable with the economic results of nature management.

Remark 1

The rational use of natural resources for their different categories implies different goals. In the case of non-renewable resources, it is intended to reduce the rate of their depletion and make this process more controllable. In the case of renewable resources, their rational use can, in principle, prevent the disappearance of this resource, making it "eternal" in the sense that it will be preserved throughout the life of at least tens of generations of people.

Principles of rational use of natural resources

  1. The principle of studying resources. The prudent use of any resources is impossible without information about their reserves, quality, speed of renewal, distribution, forecasting the consequences of their use and the possibility of replacing them with others;
  2. The principle of monitoring the use and condition of natural resources;
  3. The principle of improving technologies at all stages of the use of resources, providing for their fullest use. This also includes taking into account the reduction of resource consumption in the design and construction of new, and the modernization of existing industries, as well as their transition to alternative energy sources;
  4. The principle of increasing the efficiency of agriculture, strict regulation of the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides;
  5. The principle of developing the most effective environmental technologies with the mandatory conduct of their environmental impact assessment;
  6. The principle of reducing the formation of production waste, their recycling and use as raw materials for the production of energy and products;
  7. The principle of restoring all natural objects after a harmful technogenic impact - this includes land reclamation, protection against soil erosion, reforestation after deforestation and fires, etc.;
  8. The principle of preserving the biodiversity of the planet, this includes the organization of various protected areas, the protection and artificial breeding of rare species of biota;
  9. The principle of popularization of environmental protection activities and environmental education of the population;
  10. The principle of improving environmental legislation and environmental law, increasing the efficiency of mechanisms for its implementation.

utilization of natural bodies and the phenomenon of natural resources at the level of both an individual and more or less large social groups. Classification of natural resources The classification is based on three features: by sources of origin, by use in production, and by the degree of depletion of resources. forest fund part of the land fund of the Land on which the forest allocated for agriculture and the organization of specially protected natural areas grows or can grow; it is part of the biological...

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Lecture No. 11

Rational use of natural resources

The history of human society is the history of nature management, i.e., the utilization of natural bodies and phenomena (natural resources) at the level of both an individual and more or less large social groups. Unlike any other living organisms that also use natural resources, a person has a strong-willed, rational principle associated with a purposeful transformation of his environment.

Natural resources are a set of natural bodies and phenomena that society uses for its own purposes at the present time or will be able to use in the future.

In its most general form, as applied to a person, “resources are something extracted from the natural environment to satisfy their needs and desires” (Miller, 1993). Human needs can be divided into material and spiritual. Natural resources in their direct use to some extent satisfy the spiritual needs of a person, for example, aesthetic (“beauty of nature”), recreational, etc. But their main purpose is to satisfy material needs, i.e., the creation of material wealth.

1. Classification of natural resources

The classification is based on three features: by sources of origin, by use in production, and by the degree of depletion of resources.

According to the sources of origin, resources are divided into biological, mineral and energy.

Biological resources are all living environment-forming components of the biosphere: producers, consumers and decomposers with the genetic material contained in them. They are sources of material and spiritual benefits for people. These include commercial objects, cultivated plants, domestic animals, picturesque landscapes, microorganisms, i.e., plant resources, wildlife resources, etc. are included here. Genetic resources are of particular importance.

Mineral resources are all usable material components of the lithosphere used in the economy as mineral raw materials or energy sources. Mineral raw materials can be ore if metals are extracted from it, non-metallic if non-metallic components (phosphorus, etc.) are extracted or used as building materials.

If mineral wealth is used as a fuel (coal, oil, gas, oil shale, peat, wood, nuclear energy) and at the same time as an energy source in engines to produce steam and electricity, then they are called fuel and energy resources.

Energy resources are called the totality of the energy of the Sun and Space, atomic energy, fuel and energy, thermal and other energy sources.

The second feature by which resources are classified is by their use in production. This includes the following resources:

- land fund - all lands within the country and the world, included in their purpose in the following categories: agricultural, settlements, non-agricultural purposes (industry, transport, mine workings, etc.). The world land fund is 13.4 billion hectares.

- forest fund - a part of the land fund of the Earth on which the forest allocated for agriculture and the organization of specially protected natural areas grows or can grow; it is part of biological resources;

- water resources - the amount of groundwater and surface water that can be used for various purposes in the economy (fresh water resources are of particular importance, the main source of which is river water);

- hydropower resources - those * that the river is able to give, the tidal activity of the ocean, etc.;

- Fauna resources - the number of inhabitants of waters, forests, shoals that a person can use without violating the ecological balance;

- minerals (ore, non-metallic, fuel and energy resources) - a natural accumulation of minerals in the earth's crust, which can be used in the economy, and the accumulation of minerals forms their deposits, the reserves of which should be of industrial importance.

From the environmental point of view, it is important to classify resources according to the third feature - according to the degree of depletion. The depletion of natural resources from an ecological point of view is a discrepancy between safe norms for the withdrawal of a natural resource from natural systems and subsoil, and the needs of mankind (country, region, enterprises, etc.).

At the first level of classification (Fig. 1), all resources can be divided into inexhaustible and exhaustible. Inexhaustible resources include mainly processes and phenomena that are external to our planet or inherent in it as a cosmic body. First of all, these are resources of cosmic origin, in particular, the energy of solar radiation, the energy of moving air, falling water, sea waves, currents, as well as the energy of ebbs and flows. Derived from space resources are climatic resources, which (in addition to the solar radiation and wind mentioned above) also include precipitation. Of course, these resources are inexhaustible only as long as and as long as the solar system exists.

Rice. 1. Classification of natural resources according to their exhaustibility and renewability

Exhaustible resources include all natural bodies (living and inert) located within the globe as a physically finite, having a specific mass and volume of a natural body. The composition of exhaustible resources includes flora and fauna, mineral and organic compounds contained in the bowels of the Earth (minerals). All exhaustible resources can be further classified by their ability to self-renewal. For example, the resources of the animal and plant world, of course, are renewable, because they are able to reproduce themselves through metabolic processes.

2. Use of various types of resources

Use of animal resources

The relationship between humans and living organisms is complex and varied. In general, human impact on wildlife can be reduced to three main areas. First, plants and animals serve as a source of food for humans, clothing (including furs and fibres), technical raw materials, fuel, and luxury items, and humans constantly extract them, reducing their numbers and biomass. In some cases, plants, animals, and microorganisms are undesirable, being agricultural weeds, vectors or pathogens, or pests. Suffice it to recall the epidemics of plague and cholera or the mass reproduction of certain insects (locust, Colorado potato beetle, Siberian silkworm, etc.), after which there were losses in agricultural crops and timber.

Secondly, the mass death of animals is caused by the widespread penetration of chemistry into the processes of nature management, in particular, the chemicalization of agriculture and forestry. Tens of thousands of specially synthesized organic and inorganic compounds of chemical elements based on sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, arsenic, and mercury are now used to fertilize land and destroy pests, vectors, and pathogens. The essence of chemical plant protection is a purposeful change in the chemistry of the environment for unwanted organisms (environment pollution for them), but side effects are inevitable - a negative / impact on the whole complex of living organisms, including completely harmless ones, as well as on humans.

The exploitation of some species of animals and plants and the targeted destruction of others (considered harmful) reduces their numbers up to complete destruction over large areas.

Thirdly, it should be borne in mind that all living organisms exist in the form of specific groups (populations, which will be discussed later) in certain habitats - natural systems where the physical and chemical environment meets their biochemical requirements. The impact of society on natural systems in the form of deforestation, hydrotechnical, urban and industrial construction, plowing of virgin steppes, open mining leads to the disappearance of habitats for animals and plants.

The exploitation of wildlife resources (first of all, flora and fauna) leads to the fact that the rate of restoration of their abundance lags behind the rate of exploitation (i.e., the removal of biomass and the depletion of the genetic fund). Thus, exhaustible resources, despite the ability to recover, turn into exhausted ones. Over the past 370 years, according to some sources, 130 species of birds and mammals have disappeared from the face of the Earth, and hundreds of species are inscribed in the Red Book - a sad list of endangered species. At the same time, the number of some species is now only hundreds of pairs or even tens of individuals. Many have survived only in zoos.

The loss of any, even the most useless, at first glance, species means an irreversible impoverishment of the planet's genetic fund.

Use of subsoil resources

Exhaustible non-renewable resources include the resources of the planet's interior, primarily metal and non-metal ores, groundwater, solid building materials (granite, marble, etc.), as well as energy carriers (oil, gas, coal). After all, they can only be used once, and they do not possess the ability to self-heal. They were formed over hundreds of millions of years in past geological epochs, including those times when complex electrochemical, volcanic, and tectonic processes took place on the Earth. Coal, for example, is a product of photosynthesis of plants of past geological epochs (Mesozoic). Today, there are practically no conditions for similar processes, but even if we assume that the processes of mineral formation are taking place at the present time, then their rates are disproportionately small in comparison with the rates of withdrawal and transformation by society.

The rate of exploitation of subsoil resources is constantly increasing. There is evidence that over a century (1880-1980) the annual consumption of coal, iron, manganese, nickel increased 50-60 times, tungsten, aluminum, molybdenum, potassium - 200-1000 times. It was assumed that, while maintaining the rate of consumption, aluminum reserves would last for 570 years, iron - for 150 years, zinc - for 232 years, lead - for 19 years. In 1990, the global volume of metal consumption as a whole was estimated at about 2.5 billion tons, but estimates of the timing of their exhaustion began to be approached more carefully, meaning the discovery of new deposits, the use of so-called "poor" ores. True, the development of newly discovered deposits is associated with certain economic problems, and the use of ores with a low content of useful components leads to a sharp increase in the volume of waste. For the period 1970-1989. in the world burned 72 billion m 3 oil, and its production in 1989 amounted to 3.4 billion m 3 . Consumption of coal for the same period amounted to 90 billion tons, and natural gas - 1100 trillion. m 3 . The term for the exhaustion of known reserves of coal in 1970 was estimated at 2300 years, and in 1989 - already about 400 years (on average). But for gas, these figures were 38 and 60 years, respectively. However, even if, thanks to scientific and technological progress, significant adjustments are made within the specified time frame, the essence of the matter does not change: the fact of the exhaustion of a number of deposits, and the most accessible ones, is already evident.

Use of land and forest resources

A special category in terms of exhaustibility and renewability are land and forest resources. The soil is the basis of all material wealth, the wealth on which the well-being of a person depends. The main property of the soil is its fertility, i.e. ability to produce crops. The soil is a natural-historical bio-inert body that has arisen as a result of the physical, chemical and biological weathering of rocks in an environment of different climates, topography and under the conditions of earth's gravity. The soil-forming process is long and complex. It continues uninterruptedly, but it is known that a layer of the chernozem horizon 1 cm thick is formed in about a century. It can be lost in a much shorter period of time from several years to several hours. Improper tillage, extensive agriculture (increase in agricultural production not by increasing productivity, but by involving new lands), deforestation lead to intensive processes of water and wind erosion (from Latin erodere - corrode). In addition, land, including the most valuable - arable land, may disappear as a result of other types of nature management. Thus, being in principle a renewable resource, the soil can be restored (or at least not destroyed) only under the condition of strictly regulated careful use. This circumstance gives grounds to evaluate it as a relatively renewable resource. Note that out of the total land fund of the planet, equal to 149 million km 2 , only 13% is agricultural area and 27% falls on herbaceous and shrubby pastures and meadows. The average provision of arable land in Russia is slightly more than 0.8 ha/person, and tends to decrease.

Relatively renewable resources include forest resources, in particular timber.

Wood is a set of polymers of plant origin and, as a resource capable of self-healing, is an exhaustible renewable resource. The total stock of timber, for example, in Russia (the richest country in the world with forests), is 79,109 m 3 . The average annual wood growth is about 855,106 m 3 , and the annual felling volume is less than 400 10 6 m 3 . Consequently, no more than half of what grows is annually cut down, and, it would seem, there should not be any problems with wood. However, the data given refer to the total stock and biomass growth, which includes wood accumulating in both coniferous and deciduous, both mature and unripe (including young stands), both accessible and inaccessible forests. for the timber processing industries, coniferous wood (spruce, pine, cedar) is still preferable, and not any, but only one that meets certain technical and technological requirements. The growth of just such wood lags behind the volume of its withdrawal. The regeneration of the forest after felling in most cases occurs through the replacement of coniferous species by deciduous species over many decades.

Thus, while maintaining and accumulating the total stock of wood in forests, commercial wood required for production turns out to be an exhaustible and only relatively renewable resource. Since, however, scientific and technological progress is aimed at the development and use of any wood in industry, the severity of the problem can be reduced. With all that has been said, one should keep in mind the dual natural resource nature of forests, which are both sources (producers) of raw materials and an environment-forming factor of global significance. Therefore, the exploitation of forests for timber production must necessarily (ie, on the basis of legislation) take into account the space, soil and water protection, climate-forming, recreational and other ecological functions of forest systems.

Use of water resources and atmospheric air

Two most important natural bodies, which are not only natural resources, but also the main components of the habitat of life, have a special status: the atmosphere and the hydrosphere. Formally, both of these bodies are inexhaustible, since, due to purely physical reasons, a strictly defined amount of matter is possible on our planet in one of three aggregate states - solid, liquid and gaseous. The disappearance of water in a particular region (drying up of rivers, the formation of deserts in place of seas, the disappearance, in particular, of the Aral Sea) does not mean that there is less water: it simply moves to other places, replenishing the World Ocean, moisture reserves in the atmosphere, etc. . P.

At the same time, fresh water reserves suitable for use account for about 2.5% of its total volume, two thirds of which are localized in glaciers and snow cover. Fresh water, which forms the annual runoff, due to the dilution of industrial and domestic wastewater in it, is practically unsuitable for use without special treatment: purification or water treatment. This is also true for atmospheric air, which is heavily polluted in a number of cities and industrial centers, and the impurities contained in it have a harmful effect on people and other living organisms.

Thus, being quantitatively inexhaustible, atmospheric air and water are qualitatively exhaustible, at least locally.

Limited natural resources

In the age of the scientific and technological revolution, humanity began to develop almost all renewable and non-renewable resources available to it. At the same time, a significant part of non-renewable resources has already been used. In many countries, some renewable resources (wood, hydropower, fresh water) are almost completely used.

The growing pace of industrialization is associated with the numerical growth of the population. By 1900, the population reached 1.6 billion people. with an annual growth of 0.5% and a doubling time of 140 years. But in 1970, the world population reached 3.6 billion people, and the increase increased to 2.1% per year. It is believed that this was a "super-exponential" growth, as the growth rate increased and the mortality rate decreased. From 1971 to 1991 The death rate continued to fall, but the birth rate also decreased. The population grew from 3.6 billion to 5.4 billion, i.e., the annual increase fell from 2.1% to 1.7%, which corresponds to a doubling time of 40 years. On July 11, 1987, the five billionth inhabitant of the planet was born. Further growth forecasts vary significantly, but in the first quarter XXI century, the population will increase and can reach, according to different scenarios (models), 8-12 billion people.

There are calculations according to which the daily energy consumption in the Stone Age was approximately 16.8∙10 3 kJ per person, in the era of animal husbandry and agriculture - 50.2∙10 3 , in an industrial society - 293.3∙10 3 , and currently in developed countries has reached 964-1047∙10 3 kJ per person.

Compared to population growth, energy and material consumption in XX in. happened at an accelerated pace.

In the period from 1900 to 1970, the energy intensity of industrial and agricultural production increased 4.5 times, and the consumption of materials - 4.2 times. If the existing rates of population growth are maintained in 2000, energy consumption will increase 12 times, and materials - 9 times compared to 1900.

Thus, human intervention in natural processes increases dramatically and can contribute to changing the regime of groundwater and groundwater in entire regions, surface water runoff, structure and condition (fertility) of soils, intensification of their erosion, activation of geochemical and chemical processes in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, macroclimate change, etc. Modern activities, such as the construction of hydraulic structures, mines, roads, wells, reservoirs, dams, the deformation of land by nuclear explosions, the construction of giant cities, watering and planting deserts, and much more, already cause similar processes .

Population, industrial production, consumption of natural resources, and consequently pollution of the environment are increasing exponentially, and it is believed that the exponential growth of production is the driving force of the world economy, the development of which is somehow directed to the physical limits of our planet. The really existing limits of the possibilities of the Earth and the development of society were first discussed in 1972. This caused sharp objections from many scientists and specialists in the world. However, the physical finiteness of the mass of the planet and its constituent characteristics (surface area, reserves of chemical elements in the form of natural resources) is an objective reality. Therefore, an objective reality is the need not only for the rational use of natural resources, but also for self-limiting the growth in the number of human consumers. Of course, this is not it is about any violent actions against the population, but improving the well-being of the population and the quality of life inevitably requires, for example, family planning.

In 1990, G. Daly formulated three imperative rules for optimizing the use of natural resources and preserving the quality of the environment:

For renewable resources, the rate of consumption should not exceed the rate of their self-recovery;

For non-renewable resources, the rate of consumption should not exceed the rate of their replacement by renewable resources, and society should invest part of the funds, for example, from the exploitation of fossil energy carriers, in the development of renewable energy sources;

For pollutants, the maximum intensity of their entry into the natural environment should not exceed the rate of their processing and neutralization in natural aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

Computer models ("scenarios") of the further (until 2100) development of society have been created with various options for stabilizing the population, industrial production volumes, creating environmentally friendly technologies, reducing soil erosion, increasing the efficiency of using natural resources, etc. Of course, these scenarios are not dogmas, and the constructions of their authors do not mean that it will be exactly like this and not otherwise, although this does not change the essence of the matter, and objective socio-ecological and economic realities will automatically force a WITNESS MAN to use reason in order to survive on our planet in the historical future.

Today's specialist cannot fail to realize the following. The use by man as a part of nature of its other components and the transformation of the natural environment in the interests of society are inevitable and logical, since they are carried out by virtue of both the laws of nature and the social laws of the development of society. Thus, scientific and technological progress is not something alien to nature, contrary to it. On the contrary, it is one of the consistent and regular processes of its evolution. But at the same time, the emerging environmental and resource problems are also natural.

Consequently, human society must be able to assess the limits of permissible physical, chemical, structural changes in nature and not overstep these limits. It is quite obvious that this task is being solved on the basis of further scientific and technological progress, including the adjustment and transformation of the principles, methods and techniques of nature management. Therefore, protecting nature, ensuring that its chemistry meets the requirements of life in the present and future, is the task of responsible professionals in their workplaces.

3. Principles of rational nature management

The intensive exploitation of natural resources has led to the need for a new type of environmental protection - the rational use of natural resources, in which protection requirements are included in the very process of economic activity for the use of natural resources.

Nature management is a social production activity aimed at meeting the material and cultural needs of society through the use of various types of natural resources and natural conditions. Nature management includes: a) protection, renewal and reproduction of natural resources, their extraction and processing; b) the use and protection of the natural conditions of the human environment; c) preservation, restoration and rational change of the ecological balance of natural systems; d) regulation of human reproduction and the number of people.

Nature management can be irrational and rational. Irrational nature management does not ensure the preservation of the natural resource potential, leads to the impoverishment and deterioration of the quality of the natural environment, is accompanied by pollution in the depletion of natural systems, disruption of the ecological balance and destruction of ecosystems. Rational nature management means a comprehensive scientifically based use of natural resources, which achieves the maximum possible conservation of natural resource potential, with minimal disruption of the ability of ecosystems to self-regulate and self-recovery.

Rational nature management has a dual goal:

- to ensure such a state of the environment in which it could satisfy, along with material needs, the demands of aesthetics and recreation;

- ensure the possibility of continuous harvesting of useful plants, production of animals and various materials by establishing a balanced cycle of use and renewal.

Environmentally balanced nature management is possible only when using "an ecosystem approach that takes into account all types of relationships and mutual influences between environments, ecocenoses and humans."

Irrational nature management ultimately leads to an ecological crisis, and environmentally balanced nature management creates the prerequisites for overcoming it.

The way out of the global ecological crisis is the most important scientific and practical problem of our time. Thousands of scientists, politicians, practitioners in all countries of the world are working on its solution. The task is to develop a set of reliable anti-crisis measures that will actively counteract further degradation of the natural environment and achieve sustainable development of society. Attempts to solve this problem by any means alone, for example, technological ones (treatment facilities, non-waste technologies, etc.), are fundamentally wrong and will not lead to the necessary results. Overcoming the ecological crisis is possible only if the harmonious development of nature and man, the removal of antagonism between them. This is achievable only on the basis of the implementation of the “trinity of natural nature, society and humanized nature”, on the path of sustainable development of society, an integrated approach to solving environmental problems.

The most general principle or rule of environmental protection should be considered as follows: the global initial natural resource potential is continuously depleted in the course of historical development, which requires scientific and technological improvement from mankind aimed at a wider and fuller use of this potential.

Another fundamental principle of protecting nature and the environment follows from this law: “environmentally friendly - economically”, i.e. the more prudent approach to natural resources and habitat, the less energy and other costs are required. Reproduction of the natural resource potential and efforts to implement it should be comparable with the economic results of the exploitation of nature.

Another important environmental rule is that all components of the natural environment - atmospheric air, water, soil, etc. - must be protected not individually, but as a whole, as unified natural ecosystems of the biosphere. Only with such an ecological approach is it possible to ensure the preservation of landscapes, subsoil, the gene pool of animals and plants.

The ecological crisis is not an inevitable and natural product of scientific and technological progress, it is caused both in our country and in other countries of the world by a complex of reasons of an objective and subjective nature, among which the consumer, and often predatory attitude to nature is not the last, disregard for fundamental environmental laws. An analysis of both the environmental and socio-economic situation in Russia makes it possible to single out five main directions in which Russia must overcome the environmental crisis (Fig. 2). At the same time, an integrated approach is needed in solving this problem, i.e., all five directions should be used simultaneously.

Rice. 2. Ways for Russia to get out of the ecological crisis

The improvement of technology should be named as the first direction - the creation of an environmentally friendly technology, the introduction of waste-free, low-waste industries, the renewal of fixed assets, etc.

The second direction is the development and improvement of the economic mechanism of environmental protection.

The third direction is the application of measures of administrative restraint and measures of legal responsibility for environmental offenses (administrative-legal direction).

The fourth direction is the harmonization of ecological thinking (ecological and educational direction).

The fifth direction is the harmonization of environmental international relations (international law direction).

Certain steps are being taken in Russia to overcome the ecological crisis in all the above five areas; however, we all have to go through the most difficult and responsible sections of the path ahead. It is they who will decide whether Russia will emerge from the ecological crisis or perish, plunging into the abyss of ecological ignorance and unwillingness to be guided by the fundamental laws of the development of the biosphere and the restrictions arising from them.

1.1. Main tools of rational nature management

The main directions of engineering protection of the natural environment from pollution and other types of anthropogenic impacts are the introduction of resource-saving, waste-free and low-waste technology, biotechnology, recycling and detoxification of waste, and most importantly, the greening of all production, which would ensure the inclusion of all types of interaction with the environment in natural cycles circulation of matter.

These fundamental directions are based on the cyclic nature of material resources and are borrowed from nature, where, as is known, closed cyclic processes operate. Technological processes, in which all interactions with the environment are fully taken into account and measures are taken to prevent negative consequences, are called eco-friendly.

Like any ecological system, where matter and energy are spent economically and the waste products of some organisms serve as an important condition for the existence of others, an environmentally friendly production process controlled by a person should

follow biospheric laws, and first of all, the law of the circulation of substances.

Another way, for example, the creation of all kinds, even the most advanced treatment facilities, does not solve the problem, since this is a struggle with the effect, and not with the cause. The main cause of biosphere pollution is resource-intensive and polluting technologies for processing and using raw materials. It is these so-called traditional technologies that lead to a huge accumulation of waste and the need for wastewater treatment and solid waste disposal. Suffice it to note that the annual accumulation on the territory of the former USSR in the 80s. amounted to 12-15 billion tons of solid waste, about 160 billion tons of liquid and over 100 million tons of gaseous waste.

Low-waste and zero-waste technologies and their role in protecting the environment

A fundamentally new approach to the development of all industrial and agricultural production is the creation of low-waste and waste-free technology.

The concept of non-waste technology, in accordance with the Declaration of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (1979), means the practical application of knowledge, methods and means in order to ensure the most rational use of natural resources and protect the environment within the framework of human needs.

In 1984, the same UN commission introduced a more specific definition of this concept: “Wasteless technology is such a way of producing products (process, enterprise, territorial production complex), in which raw materials and energy are used most rationally and comprehensively in the cycle of raw materials - production - consumer - secondary resources - in such a way that any impact on the environment does not disrupt its normal functioning.

Waste-free technology is also understood as a method of production that ensures the fullest possible use of processed raw materials and the resulting waste. The term “low-waste technology” should be considered more accurate than “waste-free technology”, since in principle “waste-free technology” is impossible, because any human technology cannot but produce waste, at least in the form of energy. Achieving complete wastelessness is unrealistic, since it contradicts the second law of thermodynamics, so the term "wasteless technology" is conditional (metaphorical). The technology that allows to obtain a minimum of solid, liquid and gaseous wastes is called low-waste and at the present stage of development of scientific and technological progress it is the most realistic.

Of great importance for reducing the level of environmental pollution, saving raw materials and energy is the reuse of material resources, i.e. recycling. Thus, the production of aluminum from scrap metal requires only 5% of the energy consumption of smelting from bauxite, and the remelting of 1 ton of secondary raw materials saves 4 tons of bauxite and 700 kg of coke, while simultaneously reducing emissions of fluoride compounds into the atmosphere by 35 kg.

The set of measures to minimize the amount of hazardous waste and reduce their impact on the environment, on the recommendation of various authors, includes:

– development of various types of drainless technological systems and water circulation cycles based on wastewater treatment;

— development of systems for processing production waste into secondary material resources;

- creation and production of new types of products, taking into account the requirements of its reuse;

— the creation of fundamentally new production processes that allow eliminating or reducing the technological stages at which waste is generated.

The initial stage of these complex measures aimed at creating waste-free technologies in the future is the introduction of circulating, up to completely closed, water use systems.

Circulating water supply is a technical system, with cobra, it is provided for multiple use in the production of waste water (after cleaning and processing) with a very limited discharge (up to 3%) into water bodies (Fig. 3).

A closed water cycle is a system of industrial water supply and sanitation, in which the repeated use of water in the same production process is carried out without the discharge of sewage and other waters into natural reservoirs.

Rice. 3. Scheme of recycling industrial and urban water supply:

1 - shop; 2 - intrashop circulating water supply; 3 - local (workshop) treatment plant, including recycling of secondary waste; 4 - general plant treatment facilities; 5 - city; 6 - urban sewerage treatment facilities; 7 - tertiary treatment facilities; 8 - injection of treated wastewater into underground sources; 9 - supply of purified water to the city water supply system; 10 - dissipative discharge of wastewater into a reservoir (sea)

One of the most important directions in the field of creating waste-free and low-waste industries is the transition to a new environmental technology with the replacement of water-intensive processes with anhydrous or low-water ones.

The progressiveness of new technological schemes of water supply is determined by the extent to which, in comparison with the previously existing ones, water consumption and the amount of wastewater and their pollution have decreased. The presence of a large amount of wastewater at an industrial facility is considered an objective indicator of the imperfection of the technological schemes used.

The development of waste-free and water-free technological processes is the most rational way to protect the natural environment from pollution, which can significantly reduce the anthropogenic load. However, research in this direction is just beginning, therefore, in various areas of industry and agriculture, the level of greening of production is far from being the same.

Progress has been made in introducing new methods of extracting raw materials, which make it possible to reduce the amount of raw materials and materials for the production of a unit of output, to use waste from one production in the technological process of another.

These technologies are based on the following approaches:

1. Mechanization and automation of the extraction of raw materials, allowing the transition to more mass methods of obtaining it

2. Rationalization and intensification of production processes for the extraction and processing of ores and related materials

3. Application of geodetic methods of exploration of deposits of mineral resources and exploration of wear

5. Development of the application of enrichment methods, increasing the extraction of useful components even from relatively poor ores, but occurring in large arrays

At present, certain successes have been achieved in our country in the development and implementation of elements of environmentally friendly technology in a number of branches of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, thermal power engineering, mechanical engineering, and the chemical industry. However, the complete transfer of industrial and agricultural production to waste-free and water-free technologies and the creation of completely green industries are associated with very complex problems of a different nature - organizational, scientific, technical, financial and others, and therefore modern production will consume huge amounts of water for its needs for a long time to come. , have waste and harmful emissions.

Biotechnology in environmental protection

In recent years, in environmental science, an increasing interest has been shown in biotechnological processes based on the creation of products, phenomena and effects necessary for humans with the help of microorganisms.

In relation to the protection of the human environment, biotechnology can be considered as the development and creation of biological objects, microbial cultures, communities, their metabolites and drugs by including them in the natural cycles of substances, elements, energy and information (V.P. Zhuravlev et al., 1995 ).

Biotechnology has found wide application in the protection of the natural environment, in particular, in solving the following applied issues:

— disposal of the solid phase of sewage and municipal solid waste through anaerobic digestion;

— biological treatment of natural and waste water from organic and inorganic compounds;

— microbial recovery of contaminated soils, obtaining microorganisms capable of neutralizing heavy metals in sewage sludge;

— composting (biological oxidation) of vegetation waste (leaf litter, straw, etc.);

— creation of a biologically active sorbent material for purification of polluted air.

Rational use of energy

As many scientists have noted, using high-quality energy to produce low-quality heat "is like cutting butter with a circular saw or hitting flies with a blacksmith's hammer."

Therefore, the main principle of energy use should be the compliance of the quality of energy with the tasks set.

In the context of the environmental crisis in developed countries, alternative energy sources are increasingly being used: wind, tidal, geothermal, hydroelectric, biomass, solar energy. The basic principle underlying the division of energy sources into alternative and traditional ones is the use of inexhaustible sources for energy production with an alternative approach and exhaustible ones (oil, gas, coal) with a traditional one.

The rational use of energy should not be limited only to the use of alternative sources, measures should be developed to save energy.

Thus, in countries with a cold climate, technologies should be used in the construction of buildings and structures that provide complete thermal insulation (double-glazed windows, wall panels, etc.). a model of a one-time consumption society that creates waste (A), and a nature-saving society (B).

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Table of contents


The problem of human interaction with nature is an eternal topic and is especially relevant today. Mankind is connected with the natural environment by its origin, existence, its future. Since natural conditions have a huge impact on people's lives, let's say that a person is completely dependent on nature. For a very long time, people looked at nature as an inexhaustible source. And only after a while, they came to the need for rational use of natural resources. The development of civilization served to expand the scale of the use of natural resources. To this day, man has not learned to do without the riches of nature. Currently, there are several definitions of the concept of "natural resources". The more general of these is the following: natural resources are the components and properties of the natural environment that are used or can be used to meet the various physical and spiritual needs of human society. Natural resources exist independently of man and can be used as a means of subsistence and as a means of labor, a source of material production. This duality reflects:
1. Their natural origin (a component of nature);
2. Their economic importance in the life of society;
The age of reckless exploitation of nature by man is behind us. Today, nature needs to preserve and reproduce its resources. The main attention should be directed to what saves the resources of life - Man and Nature. The long history of the development of mankind is, first of all, the history of nature management, the development of productive forces, human knowledge of the laws of nature and society. Therefore, speaking of rational signs, it is necessary first of all: to take into account the scale and certain gaps in the organization. Today there is a need to develop the protection, extraction and rational use of natural resources. Two stages should be considered as a more advantageous option: the first one is to analyze the current situation, as well as to develop principles for the protection, extraction and use of natural resources; the second is in creating the concept of rational nature management as a document that defines the strategy for nature management. At the same time, it is very important to know that, in an independent form, the principles can serve as guidelines in the development and adoption of appropriate decisions.

Chapter 1Principles of protection and rational use of natural resources.

1.1 The concept of "nature management".

In his practical activity, man has always been forced to reckon with the laws of living nature. At first it happened spontaneously. Gradually, humanity realized that it is possible and necessary to manage competently on Earth. When interest in environmental problems of the relationship between nature and society began to increase significantly, they began to use the concept of nature management as a complex multicomponent system, which is characterized by many principles that are set depending on the purpose and objectives of a particular study.
Rational nature management is a system of activities designed to ensure the economical exploitation of natural resources and the most efficient regime, their reproduction, taking into account the promising interests of a developing economy and preserving people's health. From the point of view of Yu. Kurazhkovsky: nature management was considered as a special science, the task of which was to "develop general principles for the implementation of any activity related to nature and its resources" . Based on the definition, two ways of rational nature management can be distinguished:
1. The first way is a reasonable reduction in consumption in anthropogenic ecosystems and the selection of animals and plants to obtain species with a wide range of self-regulation, i.e. economical use of natural resources.
2. The second way is to increase this or that resource through environmental management, giving a new quality to the resource. For example, the lack of fertile land resources can be filled through land reclamation. The lack of thermal resources (thermal reclamation) for plants can be compensated either by placing them on the "warm" southern slopes, or by artificially heating the soil. In order to do this, it is necessary to perform a series of thought procedures to decide on the choice of a particular way to solve the problem.
Basically, two cases can arise. The first, when there is enough resource (Ri>0) and the second, when there is not enough resource (Ri<0) (см. рис1)
In the first case, it is necessary to carefully, rationally use this resource, and in the second case, to increase the availability of the resource, either by searching for new deposits or by environmental management.
Rational activities must be effective and safe. As efficiency criteria, economic efficiency and social efficiency can be chosen.

Figure 1. Decision tree for the use of natural resources.

1.2 General view of the principles of rational nature management.

Rational nature management should ensure the full existence and development of modern society, but at the same time preserve the high quality of the human environment. This is achieved through the economic exploitation of natural resources and conditions and the most effective mode of their reproduction, taking into account the promising interests of economic development and the preservation of people's health. Compliance with the principles of rational nature management will make it possible to develop measures to protect natural resources and prevent the aggravation of environmental situations.
In general, the principles of rational nature management can be formulated as follows:
1. The principle of "zero level" consumption of natural resources. This principle is used in many economically developed countries to regulate the consumption of primary natural resources on a national scale. It is called so due to the fact that the zero level is taken as the volume of primary natural resources used by the enterprise for the previous year, and for the next - exceeding this level, consumption is limited on a national scale by a clearly defined coefficient. Compliance with the coefficient is mandatory, since the violator is fined, which may exceed the profits of the enterprise.
2. The principle of correspondence between the anthropogenic load and the natural resource potential. Compliance with this principle will avoid violations of the natural balance. Such a violation of the laws of functioning of natural systems occurs in two cases:
a) for exceeding the level of anthropogenic load. This is reflected in the excessive concentration of production. For many years, the practice of territorial planning proceeded from the fact that the cost of production decreases with an increase in the concentration of production. At the same time, the limited renewing properties of the natural resource potential of the region were not only ignored; often the consumption of certain types of resources by production exceeded their availability. This is how regions of acute ecological crisis arose in the Donbass, the Dnieper region - in Ukraine, and in Russia - in the Urals, in the Volga region and Kuzbass, etc.
Especially many environmental and economic problems were caused by the concentration of production in large cities. "Economy" was calculated without calculating the cost of creating the necessary infrastructure. It was often not taken into account that the cost of infrastructure in a large city significantly exceeds its creation in a small and medium one. In addition, the costs of measures to protect the environment from pollution by production waste were not taken into account. This planning practice has led to the fact that in all large cities and industrial centers there is a strong pollution of the environment with industrial waste. Through the excessive concentration of industry, the implementation of environmental measures becomes a big problem;
b) for discrepancies between the specialization of production and the specifics of the natural resource potential.
3. The principle of preserving the spatial integrity of natural systems in the process of their economic use. This principle follows from the most important patterns of interconnectedness of changes in the components of nature under the influence of anthropogenic activity. Human influence on individual components of nature and individual types of resources is not limited to changes only in them. Changes in one of the components of a natural system lead to changes in others, and sometimes to changes in the quality of the ecosystem as a whole. An example is the drainage of swamps in the regions of Ukrainian Polissya, after which the quality of many ecosystems changed - arable land turned out to be flooded, small rivers dried up, etc.
4. The principle of preserving the naturally conditioned circulation of substances in the process of anthropogenic activity. The essence of the principle is not only to ensure that the technological processes of specific industries are limited by cyclicity, but also that cyclic processes represent a sequential series of production stages interconnected or complex processing of raw materials.
Violation of this principle has led to the formation of a large amount of waste that is not included in the natural circulation of substances and changes the properties of many ecosystems in the region.
Compliance with the principles of rational nature management is expedient in all regions, regardless of the hierarchical level. Preservation of the overall ecological balance is possible provided that the balance of the natural systems of individual regions is maintained and vice versa. In addition, the problem of rational nature management cannot be solved only within regional and even national boundaries. This is a global problem, it is inherent in the entire planet.

1.3 Principles of protection of natural resources.

General interconnections and interdependencies, objectively existing both in nature itself and in interaction with society, determine the basic principles of environmental protection and rational nature management.
Compliance with these principles is necessary in the performance of any economic and other activities that have an impact on ecological communities and natural resources.
1. All natural resources have multiple meanings for humans and must be evaluated from different points of view. This principle boils down to the fact that each phenomenon must be approached taking into account the interests of various branches of production and the preservation of the restorative power of nature itself.
2. When using natural resources, it is necessary to be guided by the rule of regionality. According to the rule of regionality, the treatment of the same natural resource should be different depending on the specific conditions of the area and how this one is represented in it. It consists in the need for strict consideration of local conditions in the use and protection of natural resources.
3. The rule that follows from the interconnection of phenomena in nature is that the protection of one natural object can mean simultaneously the protection of other objects closely related to it. Thus, the protection of natural resources should be considered as a complex problem, and not as the sum of separate natural components that are independent of each other.
Natural resources must be both protected and used. This is the basic principle of nature conservation - protection in the process of its use. It is not the sum of individual natural resources that should be protected, but an ecosystem that includes various components connected by natural links that have developed in the process of long historical development.
Legal bases of nature protection. The rules and principles of nature protection are carried out by people when they are of a legislative nature. Currently, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection" (December 19, 1991) is in force. Its basis is the recognition of nature and its wealth as "the national treasure of the peoples of Russia, the natural basis of their socio-economic development and human well-being."
The main objectives of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation are "regulating relations in the field of interaction between society and nature in order to preserve natural resources and the natural human environment, prevent the environmentally harmful impact of economic and other activities, strengthen law and order in the interests of present and future generations of people." The law formulates environmental requirements for all economic structures. These requirements are addressed to enterprises, organizations, institutions, regardless of the form of ownership and subordination, and to individual citizens.


Natural resources form the basis of the country's national wealth. The wide involvement of natural resources in economic activity with their rational use can become the most important factor in ensuring socio-economic progress. According to available forecasts, countries and regions rich in raw materials. They can take leading positions in the civilized world in the coming decades.
Coming to the conclusion of my work, I would like to say that in any case, natural resources are not unlimited and not eternal. This makes it necessary to constantly take care of their conservation and reproduction. For this, the following basic conditions exist.
First, it is necessary to carefully, rationally use what nature gives a person (especially in relation to irreplaceable resources).
Secondly, where it is available, effective measures should be taken to replenish natural resources (to restore and increase the natural fertility of the land, to plant forests, to reproduce the reserves of water bodies).
Thirdly, recycled raw materials and other production waste should be used as much as possible.
Fourthly, it is necessary to support in every possible way the ecological purity of production and nature management.


1. Lectures on the basics of nature management; P.Ya. Baklanov "Regional nature management: methods of study, assessment, management". Tutorial. – M.: Logos, 2002. – 160p.: ill.
2. N.G. Komarov "Geoecology and nature management", textbook for higher. Schools; - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003. - 192p.
3. Internet resources:›htm l2/books/vvedenie/stranicy/6. htm.
4. V.G. "Principles of rational nature management" - Khabarovsk, 2000. - 144p.
5. V.M. Konstantinov, Yu.B. Chelidze "Ecological foundations of nature management" studies. Benefit. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy"; Mastery, 2001. - 208s.