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The concept of economic systems. Traditional system. Market system.

Plan: Concept of economic systems. Types of economic systems. Traditional economic system. Market economic system.

The concept of economic systems. Types of economic systems. Economic systems are forms of organizing the economic life of society, differing in: The method of coordinating the economic activities of people, firms, states; Type of ownership of economic resources.

The difference between them lies in how society seeks answers to the main economic questions: What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce?

Types of economic systems: Traditional; Market; Team; Mixed.

Traditional economic system This is a way of organizing economic life in which land and capital are held in common by the tribe and limited resources are distributed according to long-standing traditions.

The traditional economic system is typical for countries such as? Ancient Rome; Ancient Greece; And for the feudal states of medieval Europe. In Russia, to this day one can find elements of a traditional economic system in the organization of life of the peoples of the North.

Ownership of economic resources in the traditional economic system was collective: Arable land; Land; Meadows belonging to one tribe.

Over time, the traditional economic system: Has ceased to be the basis for organizing people’s lives in most countries of the world; Its elements have faded into the background; It has been preserved only in fragments in the form of different traditions and customs.

Market economic system This is a way of organizing economic life in which land and capital are owned by individuals, and limited resources are distributed according to the laws of the market.

Basis of a market economic system: Private property rights; Economic freedom; Competition.

Private property right is the right of an individual to own a certain type of scarce resource, recognized and protected by law. Owning capital and generating income on this basis gives the market system its second name - capitalism.

Economic freedom The right of each owner of productive resources to independently decide how to use them to generate income. Markets for production factors and goods: Determine the degree of success of a particular economic initiative; They form the amount of income that the property brings to its owners; They dictate the proportions of distribution of limited resources between alternative areas of their use.

The advantage of the market mechanism is to force the seller to think about the interests of the buyer in order to achieve benefits for himself

Competition Economic rivalry to obtain a larger share of a particular type of scarce resource. Markets based on competition have become the most successful way to distribute limited productive resources and the benefits created with their help.

The advantage of competition is that it makes the distribution of limited resources dependent on the weight of the economic arguments of the competitors.

The market system has the disadvantage of: It creates huge differences in levels of income and wealth. These differences encouraged people to interpret capitalism as an unjust economic system and to dream of a more perfect way of life. All dreams led to a movement called Marxism (named after the German journalist K. Marx)

Marxists argued: The market system has exhausted itself; The market system has become a brake on development; The market system needs to be replaced new system– socialism.

Thank you for your attention. The presentation was prepared by an economics teacher - MBOU Secondary School No. 5, Kashin Danilchuk Anzhelika Aleksandrovna