The teacher addresses the children:

The bell rang and fell silent.

The lesson begins.

We have many guests today. Greet them with a smile. Thank you. Sit quietly at your desk.

Let's check your readiness for the lesson:

Back? -

Legs? -

Handles? -

Notebook? -

And today’s lesson is not quite ordinary. Do you love fairy tales? This is good, because today we will take a short trip to the Land of Fairy Tales. We will go there on a magic carpet.

But for him to take off, you must answer my questions.

The teacher asks questions:

What letter did we meet in reading lesson?

What sound does it represent?

Describe the sound.

Well done, you answered my questions correctly and now we are flying.

The song “Fairy tales walk around the world…” is played.

Often in fairy tales, heroes face various trials. They are waiting for us too. Here's the first test:

Read the names of the heroes of fairy tales.

Which letter is missing?

What is the difference between the missing letters in the names of fairy-tale characters?

Predict what we will learn in class.

The teacher gives the task:

Consider the written letters Ш, Ш.

Name the elements that make up letters Shch, shch.

The teacher gives the task:

I suggest working in pairs.

Pair work task:

Compose the letters sch, sch from the elements of the letter constructor.

Raise the “gate” for those pairs of children who found all the elements of the letters and managed to complete the task. Well done!

The teacher asks:

In writing which letters do we use the same elements?

The teacher suggests opening the notebook and remembering how to write in the notebook.

The teacher gives the task:

Write down what date it is today and complete the task of repeating the letters you have already learned - sh and c.

The teacher suggests watchingmultimedia presentation“Writing the letters Shch, shch” and repeat the movement of the hand in the air, and then write 1 line of the letters Shch, shch in the notebook.

Compare the written letters with the example in your notebook and on the slide.

Take a simple pencil and find letters that are written the same way as in the sample. Place dots under these letters.

Raise your hand, those children who have such letters.

What have we learned now?

Look at the next line. What do you think we will learn now?

Read the syllables and combinations on the next line.

Let's write these syllables and combinations, explaining the letter connections sch with other letters.

The teacher says the words:

- Are you probably tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

They stomped their feet,

Hands patted.

Twirled, twirled

And everyone sat down at their desks.

We close our eyes tightly,

We count to five together.

Open, blink

And we continue to work.

The teacher gives the task:

Listen to the riddle and guess the name of the fairy-tale hero who has prepared the following test for you:

What kind of strange boy is this?

wooden man,

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key?

He sticks his long nose everywhere.

Who is this?..

The teacher points to the task “with locks”:

Look, guys, there are locks on the words that we need to write down. How to remove them?

Assignment for children:

Remember the rule and name the letter behind the lock. If you are not mistaken, the lock will open.

Notebook assignment:

Write combinations half a line at a time shcha and shcha . On the next line, write down the words from the board, underline the spelling in the words.

The teacher asks a question:

Who knows the meaning of the word grove?

Grove is light deciduous forest.(Slide)

- What word means dense and dark forest?

Thicket. (Slide)

The next fairy-tale character came to us from the depths of the forest. Who is he?

The teacher asks a riddle:

He wears it instead of a hat

Fun cap.

And he's only tall

With a child's shoe.

With a flashlight and a song

Walking in the forest at night.

You can't go wrong if

You will say:

This is...(Gnome)

The teacher addresses the children:

Guys, the Gnome has prepared proposals for you. But he was in such a hurry that he dropped them and the words fell apart. Make sentences from the words and write them down in your notebook. Explain the spelling of words with spelling patterns. Underline the spellings.

The teacher addresses the children:

Read the sentences again. Who can continue the poem? Where are these lines from? Who is the author of the fairy tale? What other fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin do you know?

The teacher addresses the children:

Our journey to the Land of Fairy Tales ends. We met heroes of various fairy tales and withstood many trials.

Was the lesson interesting?

Which tasks did you find most difficult?

Which one of you didn’t have any difficulties and completed all the tasks easily?

The teacher addresses the children:

What did we learn in writing lesson today?

Continue the sentences:

I found out...

I remember...

I learned...

Well done, guys!

Now get ready for the next lesson and go to recess.

It sounds like “Song about a fairy tale.”


  • Educational:
    introduce the writing of the lowercase letter ь;
    develop calligraphic vigilance.
  • Developmental:
    develop the ability to recognize letter elements.
  • Educating:
    form competent speech,
    instill a love for the Russian language.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson objectives:

  • To develop students' skills in writing the lowercase letter sh.
  • Strengthen skills in writing syllables, words, sentences.

Upon completion of the lesson, students should:

  • Know: the correct spelling of the elements of the letter sh.
  • Be able to: write the letter u and compounds with the letter u.

Methods of organizing educational activities used by the teacher in the classroom: a differentiated approach.

Forms of organizing educational activities used by the teacher in the classroom: individual, group.



Lesson steps (indicating time for each stage):

  1. Creating a learning situation. (Psychological attitude) – 1 min.
  2. Updating knowledge – 1 min.
  3. Work on a new topic – 15 min.
  4. Repetition – 12 min.
  5. Physical education minute – 2 min.
  6. Independent individual work. (Cards with individual multi-level tasks) – 11 min.
  7. Lesson summary – 1 min.
  8. Reflection – 2 min.

Lesson progress

1. Creating a learning situation.

The long-awaited call is given
The lesson begins.
Well, check it out, my friend,
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Is everything in place?
Is everything alright?
Pen, book and notebook?
Is everyone sitting correctly?
Is everyone watching carefully?
Everyone wants to get
Just a five rating.

2. Updating knowledge.

Guys, today in the lesson we will get acquainted with writing a new letter, learn how to write syllables and words with a given letter.
You will tell yourself which letter we are talking about when you open the envelope with letter elements and collect this letter. (The envelope contains the letter š, cut into elements.)
- What letter did you get? (sch) ( Application)

3. Work on a new topic.

What is a letter? (This is what we can write and see.) What does it give? (Sound.) What is sound? (This is what we can pronounce and hear.) Sound (u) - what? Give the characteristics: consonant, unpaired voiceless, soft. Writing the letter u in a notebook with a comment.
In the program “Good Night Kids,” the presenter Oksana invited Khryusha and Stepasha to play a game in which vowels come to visit consonants, what happens? (Syllables.) (Formation, reading and writing of syllables shcha, shch.) ( Application).
Composing words from letters (pike, thicket, cloak, brush) - writing them down in a notebook. I am doing vocabulary work on these words.
I am conducting a sound analysis of the word cloak (the letter p gives the sound p - it is a paired consonant, voiceless, hard; the letter l gives the sound l - it is an unpaired consonant, voiced, hard; the letter a gives the sound a - it is vowel, stressed; the letter sch gives the sound sch - it is an unpaired consonant, deaf, soft).
What new letter did we learn about writing today?

4. Repetition. Work on the sentence “I am cleaning my raincoat with a brush.”

What is written on the next working line?
Prove that this is a proposal. What is an offer? (This is a complete thought.) What does it consist of? (From words.)
Read it, count how many words it contains.
Name the first word, second, third, fourth.
Write down the sentence in your notebook and make a diagram using signs. (The signs are in envelopes. If you have difficulty, you can work in pairs.)

5. Physical education minute:

Waves splash in the ocean. (Children wave their hands, imitating waves.)
What is there in the fog? (Children stretch their arms forward.)
These are ship masts. (Children stretch their arms up.)
Let them sail here quickly! (Children wave their hands in greeting.)
We're walking along the shore,
We are waiting for sailors (walking in place),
We are looking for shells in the sand (tilts)
And clench your fist (children clench their fists).
To collect more of them,
I need to squat more often (squats).
Let's sit together on the sand.
The lesson started again. (The children sit at their desks.)

6. Independent individual work.

(Each student receives an individual card. I give cards at different levels.)
– Write sentences in capital letters, underline vowels and syllables that need to be remembered.

7. Lesson summary.

– What new things did you learn?
-What did they repeat?

8. Reflection. How did you feel in class today?

  • Fine
  • There were difficulties
  • Difficult