Calculation: what is it? Chronology is a system of counting time (in days, weeks, months, years), starting from a specific event. The chronology could differ among different peoples and religions. This can be explained by the fact that various events were taken as the starting point. However, today one chronology system has been officially established throughout the world, which is used in all countries and on all continents.

Calculation of chronology in Rus'

The chronology in Rus' was carried out according to the calendar adopted by Byzantium. As you know, after the adoption of Christianity in the tenth century AD, the year of the creation of the world was chosen as the starting point. To be more precise, this day is the day when the first man, Adam, was created. This happened on the first of March 5508 AD. And in Rus', the beginning of spring was long considered the beginning of the year.

Reform of Peter the Great

The old chronology “from the creation of the world” was changed by Emperor Peter the Great to the chronology from the Nativity of Christ. this was done from the first of January 1700 (or in 7208 "from the creation of the world"). Why did they change the calendar? It is believed that Peter the Great did this for convenience, to synchronize time with Europe. European countries have long lived according to the system “from the Nativity of Christ.” And since the emperor did a lot of business with Europeans, this step was quite appropriate. After all, the difference in years in Europe and in the Russian Empire at that time was 5508 years!

The Old Russian chronology, thus, differed from the modern one in the reference point of time. And the chronology before the Nativity of Christ was called the chronology “from the creation of the world.”

How it all started

When did chronology begin? There is evidence that in 325 AD the first council of Christian bishops took place. It was they who decided that chronology should be carried out from the creation of the world. The reason for this countdown was the need to know when to celebrate Easter. The date of creation of the world was proposed based on considerations and reasoning about the life of Jesus Christ.

After the Council of Bishops, the Roman Empire adopted this chronology. And after a couple of hundred years, it was proposed to switch to chronology from the Nativity of Christ. This idea was expressed by Dionysius the Small, a Roman monk, in 532. It is not known exactly when Jesus was born, but it happened around the second or fourth year of our era. It was from this year that the countdown of time began, which is now called from the Nativity of Christ. This point separates the new era (ours) from the past (designations AD and BC, respectively).

But the world took a long time to switch to a new version of time counting. This took about half a millennium, and for Russia - more than a thousand years. The transition was gradual, so often the year “from the creation of the world” was also indicated in brackets.

Aryan chronology and Slavic chronology

The chronology of the Aryans was carried out from the creation of the world, that is, different from what existed in the world. But the Aryans did not believe that the world was created precisely in 5508 BC. In their opinion, the starting point was the year when peace was concluded between the Slavic-Aryans and the Arima (ancient Chinese tribes). Another name for this chronology is the Creation of the World in the Star Temple. After the victory over the Chinese, a symbol appeared - a rider on a white horse killing a dragon. The latter in this case symbolized China, which was defeated.

The Old Slavic chronology was carried out according to the Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog. You can read more about this calendar in the corresponding article. After the reform of Peter the Great, they began to say that “he stole 5508 years from the Slavs.” In general, the emperor’s innovation did not find positive feedback from the Slavs; they opposed it for a long time. But the chronology of the ancient Slavs and their calendar were prohibited. Today, only Old Believers and Ynglings use them.

The chronology according to the Slavic calendar had its own interesting features:

  • The Slavs had only three seasons: spring, autumn, winter. By the way, the ancient Slavs called the whole year “summer”.
  • It was nine months.
  • There were forty or forty-one days in the month.

Thus, the chronology of the ancient Slavs, who were pagans, ran counter to the generally accepted Christian one. After all, many Slavs, even having accepted the Christian faith, continued to remain pagans. They were faithful to their worldviews and did not accept chronology “from the Nativity of Christ.”

The chronology became a reflection of religion, which occupied and continues to occupy a dominant position in the state, in society, in the world. Christianity today is practiced by more than thirty percent of the world's population. It is not surprising that the Birth of Christ was chosen as its beginning. It has also become convenient to distinguish the past era from the new. Peter, having changed the chronology system in Rus', made it possible to coordinate all the activities of the country with the rest of the world. It is difficult to imagine that today there would be a gap between countries of more than five and a half thousand years! Also, a positive aspect of the chronology common to all is the convenience in studying history and other sciences.

Calculation errors. The story is fake.

Modern chronology by the world community is carried out according to the Gregorian calendar, which records the years from the Nativity of Christ. Before this, each significant territorial-ethnic group had its own accounting of dates; there is also a Slavic calendar from the creation of the world, which was in use in Rus' in pre-Petrine times.

The Nativity of Christ seemed to be the main event that determined the course of world history; it was from him that the countdown of the new era began. What we now call the “old style” of chronology is just an old version of the same Christian calendar, or Julian, which was in use in Russia until 1918. Every year we remember the “old style” date when we celebrate the “old” New Year. The dates of church holidays in Orthodoxy are also determined according to the Julian calendar.

We also monitor the change of years according to the Japanese, Chinese, and Thai calendars. This is the heritage of our common human culture and it must be remembered. But why was the chronology and calendar of the Slavs so quickly forgotten?

How did the ancient Slavs calculate chronology?

The most ancient tradition of calculating the chronology of the Slavic peoples is considered to be the Daariy Krugolet of Chislobog, which was in use in Rus' not so long ago. The transition to a new calendar was carried out by the great Russian reformer Peter I, who by decree introduced the beginning of a new calculation starting from January 1, 1700, ordering the introduction of a secular celebration of the New Year. The old calendar was forced out of circulation by force; now it is used only by Old Believers who profess the traditions of Ingliism, considered the most ancient Slavic-Aryan faith.

The transition to the “European” calendar was beneficial from the point of view of integration into the European community. But Peter I was a decisive reformer; to speed up the process, he used tough measures, decisively cutting off everything that is now commonly called “relics of the past.” Along with the remnants, five and a half thousand years of our history also went into oblivion.

That year in Rus' it was Summer 7208 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple. ‘’But you need to clearly understand that the Slavic calendar from the creation of the world is not based on the mythical or alleged creation of the world by God or the Creator. We are talking about a very real event that took place in the year 5508 BC. In that year, the year of the “Star Temple” according to the Chisloborg Circle, a peace treaty (“The World was Created”) was signed after the victory of the Power of the Great Race (the territory of modern Russia) over the Empire of the Great Dragon (China). ‘’

Since those ancient and glorious times, we have inherited a symbol - a rider on a white horse, killing a dragon with a spear, one of the most revered symbols in Rus'. In the Christian tradition, this symbol is associated with the name of St. George the Victorious.

From what event is chronology based?

A change in the method of chronology always begins with a significant epoch-making event. This was the signing of a peace treaty between two great powers. How was chronology carried out before this? From other early significant events, indicating this event. So, when the third millennium of the New Era began quite recently, then by other references this can be determined as dates, for example:

  • 2004 AD;
  • 7512 years from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple;
  • 13012 summer from the Great Cooling;
  • 111810 years from the Great Migration from Daria;
  • 142994 years from the Three Moons period;
  • 604378 years from the Time of the Three Suns.

When tied to modern chronology and the official historical period, these dates look truly fantastic. But we must remember that the ancient cultural heritage of the Earth has written and material monuments, including the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, which mention even longer historical periods of time.

To take them literally or to try to recalculate them to today's calendar, taking into account (possible) changes in the Earth's rotation period or the tilt of its axis, is a matter of archaeological and paleo-astronomical research.

What is the role of Cyril and Methodius

It is quite obvious that keeping a calendar can only be done in writing. Otherwise, it would be impossible to transmit such a voluminous array of information. Writing in Rus', of course, existed in pre-Petrine times, and Peter, soon after the calendar reform, also undertook a writing reform. But we are interested in writing before the period of Cyril and Methodius. The role of the Greek monks in this case is very likely somewhat overestimated. Their task was to simplify and universalize the dissemination of biblical texts, which they accomplished quite well by reworking the ancient Slavic alphabet, removing unique diphthongs and adding ancient Greek symbols.

As for the calendar, in the Slavic chronology letters were used to write numbers. ‘’Now most Slavic peoples have their own nuances in the writing and pronunciation of symbols, but the “birthday of Slavic writing” associated with the annual days of “Cyril and Methodius” would be more correctly called differently. After all, Slavic writing existed before that, and their merit as reformers, rather, was in an attempt to unite the Slavic peoples that had been separated by that time. ‘’

Ancient Slavic calculus in modern times

History, as we know, does not accept the subjunctive mood. It is impossible to speculate about what would have happened and how the circle would have turned if Peter had not decisively cut off all the centuries-old Slavic traditions and destroyed the ancient calendar of the Slavs. There is an opinion that the calculation of events that occurred before 1700 must be carried out according to the system of calculation in which they occurred.

Or indicating an additional date, as, for example, is still used when dating events before 1918 (reform to switch to the Gregorian calendar). At least this could be indicated in history textbooks or specialized literature. A few significant dates for example:

  • The ice battle on Lake Peipsi occurred in 1242, and in Rus' at that time it was the summer of 6759;
  • The baptism of Kyiv dates back to 988 A.D., while the summer of 6496 was in progress.

This does not mean at all that all dates should be recalculated to the era from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple, but we need to remember our cultural heritage and be proud of it.

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The first chronology devices were in Rus', Ancient Egypt and Babylon. In fact, each nation had its own chronology, according to which they recorded their own history. Because of this, today there are significant differences in the chronology of different countries. So, according to the European Gregorian/Julian calendar, today is 2014, but here is what other chronology orders (calendars) say about the serial number of this year:

7522 - according to the Slavic Vedic chronology from the Creation of Genesis (writing of the Bible)
5775 - according to the Jewish (religious calendar of the Jews) calendar, which dates back to the creation of Adam
4645 - according to the Chinese calendar
5775 - according to the pseudo-Jewish calendar
2767 - from the founding of Rome
2763 - according to the era of Nabunasar
2673 – according to the Japanese calendar
2326 – according to the Hellenic Seleucid era
2014 - according to the European Gregorian calendar from the birth of Christ
1935 – according to the Indian calendar Saka
1730 - according to the era of Diocletian
1436 – according to Islamic

The Slavs, by the way, had different reference points for times:
7522 Summer from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (treaty with China) (5508 BC)
13022 Summer from the Great Cold (Great Cold) (11,008 BC)
40018 Summer from the 3rd Arrival of Vaitmana Perun (38,004 BC)
44558 Summer from the Creation of the Great Colo of Russia (42,544 BC)
106792 Summer from the Founding of Asgard of Iria (from 9 Taylet) (104 778 BC)
111820 Summer from the Great Migration from Daariya (109 806 BC)
143004 Summer from the Three Moons period (140 990 BC)
153380 Leto from Assa Dei (151 336 BC)
165044 Summer from the Time of Tara (163,030 BC)
185780 Summer from the Time of Thule (183,766 BC)
211680 Summer from the Time of Svag (209 686 BC)
273912 Summer from the Time of H'Arra (271,894 BC)
460532 Leto from the Time of Gifts (458 518 BC)
604388 Summer from the Time of the Three Suns (beginning of the Daarian calendar) (602 374 BC)
957522 Summer from the Time of the Gods (955 508 BC)
1.5 billion Summer from the arrival on Midgard of the first Whitemara of the Great Race of the Celestial Race

The sabotage of the European ruler of Russia Peter I to Europeanize Rus' shortened our ancient Slavic calendar by 5508 years. And instead of the year 7208 according to the Julian calendar, Russian people began to celebrate the year 1700 according to the Gregorian calendar and began to celebrate the New Year from the 1st month of the year - March to the 11th - January.

Let's move directly to the Slavic calendar. The word calendar itself was formed from two - Kolyada Dar

Kolyada's Gift contained three natural seasons: Autumn, Winter and Spring.
These three seasons are combined into a single solar cycle called Summer.
Summer consists of 9 months, so each natural season has three months.
There are two concepts in the calendar: Simple Summer and Sacred Summer. They make up the Circle of Years, in which there are 15 simple summers and 1 sacred summer. Nine Circles of Years made up the Circle of Life, which consists of 144 years. These repeating cycles are called the Circularity of Chislobog.

Simple Summer consists of 365 days, all odd months contain 41 days, and even months contain 40 days. (5x41=205)+(4x40=160)=365. Sacred Summer consists of 369 days, all months contain 41 days. (9x41)=369.
The week of the Slavic calendar consisted of 9 days. They carried a numerical form and were called: Monday, Tuesday, Triteinik, Chetverik, Friday, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Week - a day on which they do nothing and rest.

Here are the names of the Months of the Slavic Calendar:
R - Retsi - to instruct, inform;
A - Az, - man, people;
B - Gods,
G - Verb - to speak;
D - Welcome,
E - This, - indicating form;
V - Vedi, - Vedas, wisdom, knowledge;
X - Storage, - preservation;
T - Firm. - completion, final form.
By combining these Images of initial letters, we get the following text: The Gods instructed man, speaking kindly, to firmly preserve this Wisdom.

I personally find the 12-month number system, 4 seasons and 7-day week much more pleasant and understandable:

1 Months of spring
1.1 Birch - March, the time of swelling of birch buds;
1.2 Pollen, Veten - April, flowering time;
1.3 Grass - May, the time of grass growth.

2 Months of summer
2.1 Cherven - June, red. According to one version, this month received its name from scale insects (cochineal, whose larvae appear at this time), from which red paint was made; according to another version, these are bee larvae; according to the third version - due to the fact that red berries and flowers appear at this time;
2.2 Lipen - July. Linden trees are blooming;
2.3 Serpen (also harvester, reaper, zhitar) - August, harvest time.

3 Months of Autumn
3.1 Spring - September. According to one version, the name comes from “vreshchi” - in Old Slavic “to thresh”. According to another - due to the fact that heather blooms in this month;
3.2 Zhovten - October. Yellow leaf color;
3.3 Leaf fall - November, trees shed their leaves.

4 Months of Winter
4.1 Breast - December, earth frozen in clods.
4.2 Lute or Fierce - January. A very cold month.
4.3 Student - February. Cold.

About the 7-day week:
Previously, the week was called “week”. Like the 9-day week, the days had a numerical form and were called: Monday - that is, “after the week”, Tuesday, Triteinik, Chetverik, Friday, Shestitsa and the word “Week” was called Sunday. A day of rest - a week - “no business.” (Wrote about this already). The word "Saturday" comes from the Hebrew "sabbath" - day of rest. Sunday is named after the Sunday of Christ. Over time, the name week disappeared, and the word week acquired a new meaning.

Next time I will try to talk about Kolyada himself (an ancient Slavic god).
I hope it was interesting. There is actually a lot of information. Comment and ask questions.
P.S. What you believe in most is most likely the truth - your truth.

Calculation- this is a system for determining time by Years (years), by counting from any agreed moment, for example: for Christians from Christmas, and for Slavs from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple - this is still the latest chronology, but there are also more ancient ones.

Examples of Slavic chronology(as of 2014 AD).
Summer 7522 from (5508 BC)
Summer 13022 from (Great Cooling).
Summer 40018 from .
Summer 44558 from .
Summer 106792 from (from 9 Taylet).
Summer 111820 from .
Summer 143004 from .
Summer 153380 from .
Summer 165044 from .
Summer 185780 from .
Summer 211700 from .
Summer 273908 from .
Summer 460532 from .
Summer 604388 from .

These are just the main big events from which chronology was calculated. The first Whitemara arrived on Midgard-Earth more than a billion years ago. But the climate of Midgard was not always favorable for white settlers, i.e. the air was denser, the climate more humid and hot. Therefore, first our Ancestors populated the satellites of the Earth Niya, Stribog, Perun, then the Earth of Dei was populated and inhabited, then Oreya, then Midgard.

Creation of the World in the Star Temple (Summer 7522)

In ancient times, the creation of the world was called the conclusion of a peace treaty between warring peoples, and Star Temple- this is the name of the year. This chronology appeared after the victory of the Great Race over the Great Dragon (Ancient China) 7522 Years ago. Our Ancestors depicted this victory in the form of an image - Knight on horseback hits Dragon with a spear. But after the forced baptism of Rus', Christians attributed all the achievements of our Ancestors to themselves, and this image began to be interpreted as the Christian holy Great Martyr George the Victorious defeating the serpent who devastated the lands of the pagan king. “The Creation of the World” began to be perceived literally, as if 7 thousand years ago God created the World. Then they completely replaced the chronology with the year calculation from the Nativity of Christ, destroyed references to the real history of the Slavs and introduced the biblical one.

The victory over the Great Dragon was so difficult and significant that our Ancestors began a new countdown of Years from this event. In order to preserve the connection of times, a peace treaty was concluded on the Day of the Autumn Equinox (New Year), i.e. The 1st day of Summer 5500 from the Great Cold simultaneously became the 1st day of the 1st Summer from SMZH. In memory of those events, our Ancestors wrote Az-Vesta, i.e. “First Message” or as it is called “Avesta” for 12,000 ox skins. This monument was destroyed by order of Alexander the Great, and later the distorted “Zend-Avesta” of Zarathustra with his comments and corrections became known to the world.

Great Cold (Summer 13022)

This chronology is associated with the fall of fragments on Midgard-Earth Moons of Fatta. As a result, the tilt of the earth's axis changed, the continents split, a giant wave circled the earth three times, increased volcanic activity led to atmospheric pollution, which was one of the reasons for the Great Cooling, which lasted for several centuries. Hence, by the way, the word “fatality” (from the name of the Moon of Fatta).

Third Arrival of Vaitmana Perun (Summer 40018)

Confirmation of the arrival of one of the Highest Slavic-Aryan Gods can be found in the films “Secrets of the Gods”, “Chariots of the Gods”, based on the books and research of Erich Denikin, who says that people lived in caves, and 40,000 years ago they suddenly began to build such megacities, such structures , which modern technologies are not able to replicate. Let’s say the ancient city of Baalbek, there are columns at a height of 40 meters with a deviation of microns, and modern technologies at a height of 20 meters allow a deviation of several centimeters. But Erich, expressing his point of view about the arrival of aliens, tries to tie everything to the Bible, refers to the book of Enoch, to the Sons of Heaven and the Guardians of Heaven... but we know that Perun arrived 40 thousand years ago, and therefore progress in construction.

Creation of the Great Colo of Russenia (Summer 44558)

Kolo is a circle, i.e. we're talking about unification of Slavic-Aryan Clans for living together. There were several stages of settlement of Midgard-Earth. First in Daariya, then during the time of the Great Assa there was a resettlement from the Land of Oreya (Mars), so some of the Slavic tribes called themselves “children of Oreya”, there were immigrants from Ingard-Earth, and this is the ancestral home, so there were “grandsons of Dazhdbozhi”, someone from other lands. In general, there were several settlements and people settled in different places, but this is all one RACE - white people, and Race is the land on which the Race settled. Almost 45 thousand years ago they sent representatives - the senior Clans, who created the Great Circle, i.e. mutual exchange and so on, to live and create together.

Founding of Asgard of Iria (Summer 106792)

This chronology began from the foundation, i.e. the city of the Gods on the Iriy Quiet River (now Irtysh). But it was founded not on the autumn equinox, but a little earlier, on the month of Tailet day 9.

Great Migration from Daariya (Summer 111820)

Daaria is a continent at the North Pole of Midgard-Earth, where our Ancestors lived for many millennia. Daaria sank as a result of the destruction of the Moon Leli, which had 50 seas. But our Ancestors managed to move, they were warned about the approaching catastrophe by a priest named Spas, who, during his service, saw events in Heaven that the Moon Lelya would be destroyed, its fragments and waters would spill onto Midgard and a wave would overwhelm Daaria. People crossed the isthmus between the eastern and western seas (now the Ural Mountains) to the area of ​​Buyan Island (West Sisbirsk Upland).

Three Moons (Summer 143004)

Before this, Midgard-Earth had 2 Moons (), then our Ancestors dragged another Moon Fattu from the Earth of Dei, and placed it between the orbits of the Moon and Lelya, i.e. The Month has a circulation period of 29.5 days, Lelya has 7 days, and Fatta has 13 days.

Assa Dei (Summer 153380)

Assa is a war between the Forces of Light and Darkness, it takes place not only in the World of Revealing, but also in the multidimensional Worlds of Glory and Rule, i.e. Assa Dei is the beginning of the war for the Land of Dei. Then ours dragged Fatta (Greek Phaeton) to Midgard, and there remained another satellite of Lutitia, which was captured by dark forces and tried to destroy Deia. But as legends say, the priests used the power of certain crystals and Deya passed into the other world, i.e. another World, and behind it the spatial structure slammed shut, and with this weapon Lutitia was torn into many parts, creating an asteroid belt.

Tara (Summer 165044)

This chronology is associated with the first visit to Midgard-Earth; she brought with her the seeds of the Sacred Trees and, in addition to the flora that was on Midgard, she also planted forests. Therefore, Tara is still considered the patroness of trees that give strength.

Thule (Summer 185780)

Daaria was divided by four rivers, and there were 4 provinces - Svaga, Kharra, Rae, Tule, there was also a city Tula - the city of craftsmen, they supplied everyone with the necessary tools, mechanisms, etc. As legends say, they made tools that could change the world around them without harming nature, such as magic crystals, etc. By the way, that’s why the mystical order in Germany was called “Thule”, i.e. .e. as if a prototype of the splendor that was in Northern Daaria.

Sep 19, 2018 | 10 492

Evgeny Tarasov.


According to the latest calendar adopted by the ancient Rus, the date is approaching September 21-22 and the onset of Summer 7527 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (2018-2019 of modern chronology). This is the 7th summer in the Circle of Years of the Slavic space era of the Wolf under the auspices of the Russian god Veles. Title - Yellow Fox. Element - Sun. Color - Gold.

In this regard, I would like to draw the attention of readers to the fact that in the media one can often hear enthusiastic exclamations either about the ideas of the Dogon (black wild tribes), or about the accuracy of the Mayan calendar, or about the accuracy of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids, unattainable to this day, or fantastic conclusions of Chinese horoscopes. And nowhere will you find a hint of how deep and comprehensive knowledge our ancestors had about the World and the Universe around us.

Let us ignore the reasons for this phenomenon, but let us still dwell on the origin of the word “calendar”. We are told from school that the word “calendar” comes from the Latin “calendarium”, which translated from Latin literally means the following: “record of loans”, “debt book”. The fact is that in ancient Rome, debtors paid debts or interest on the first days of the month, that is, on the days of the calends (from the Latin “calendae”, also “calends” - the name of the first day of the month among the ancient Romans). But the Greeks did not have “calends”. Therefore, the Romans ironically said about inveterate defaulters that they would repay the debt in the “Greek Kalends”, that is, it is unknown when. This expression has become popular in many languages ​​of the world.

The name of the Slavic-Aryan calendar “Kolyada Dar” literally means a gift from the god Kolyada. That is, the word “calendar” (in ancient Rus' the letters “a” and “o” were interchangeable) comes not from the “debt book” of the Romans, but from the Russian words Kolyada Dar. Another name for our Old Russian calendar is Chislobog’s Circle.

More than once we have had to say that modern official theories of the appearance of intelligent life on Earth are in no way connected with the cosmic origin of humanity. This alternative point of view is openly suppressed. That is why most of us know nothing about the existence in ancient times of a huge state of the Proto-Slavs - the Slavic-Aryans, with whom life on our planet began.

According to ancient Russian sources, our ancestors are representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. Their fathers were highly developed intelligent beings, who are usually called Gods. They arrived on our planet, which they called Midgard-Earth, from the depths of Space hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Do we know about this? Tens of thousands of years of history were taken away from us, the heirs of the ancient Slavs, the Rus, giving the Russian people only about a thousand years of existence. Most of us still do not know about the origins of our great civilization.

Before talking about history, it should be said that the term “history” has content that distorts true events. In Rus' there has always been Russian Truth, and there were Russian Chronicles, and Russian Traditions! “Once upon a time they wrote, Russian Truth,” - Vladimir Dal (1801-1872 - Russian writer, lexicographer, ethnographer, author of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”).

According to Slavic-Aryan astrology, our Midgard-Earth not only moves around the Yarilo-Sun, but also rotates around its axis, and the axis, in turn, slowly moves along a circular cone. This movement is called precession. And as a result of this, a complete revolution of the starry sky, visually observable from Earth, occurs in 25,920 years - this is the known period of revolution of the solar system of Yarilo-Sun around the center of the galaxy. We have already mentioned that our ancestors called this celestial cycle the Svarog Circle (Days of Svarog).

Among the Slavic-Aryans, Svarog is the greatest God, the progenitor of all living life.

The Svarog Circle, in turn, was equal to 180 Circles of Life. You can calculate what the lifespan of a person should be - this is at least 144 years.

The rotation cycle of Midgard-Earth around the Yarilo-Sun was called Summer. From the word summer, the concepts of chronicle, chronicler, chronology, etc. have been preserved in our language.

During the Svarog Circle, for the earthly observer, our Yarilo-Sun moves across the vault of heaven from constellation to constellation (otherwise, the palace) in the opposite direction from the usual annual cycle. The position of the Yarilo-Sun in the sky is determined during the solstices. In which palace is Yarilo-Sun located on September 22 (Aryan, Russian style) or March 22 (Latin, Western style) - we live in that era.

Now we are talking about the Old Russian calendar, called the Circular Flight of Chislobog. In fact, he perceived evidence of space travel and battles of our Slavic-Aryan ancestors - Russian Gods in the Universe and its galaxies, palaces, constellations, stars, earth-planets.

For us, even a thousand years is a huge time. But sometimes tens, hundreds of thousands of years are small periods of time. The history of the Slavic-Aryans is subject to precisely such standards. There were many events on a truly cosmic scale.

Our ancestors had many calendar forms of numbering. As a rule, they counted down to some event of a universal scale. These events have been discussed before. This is how it turned out, for example, Summer 604392 from the Time of Three Suns (602374 BC), Summer 153354 from Assa Dei (151336 BC), Summer 143008 from the Period of Three Moons (140990 BC). BC), Summer 111824 from the Great Migration from Daariya (109806 BC), Summer 106796 from the Founding of Asgard of Iria (104778 BC), ..., Summer 13026 from the Great Cooling ( 11008 BC).

According to the latest calendar adopted by the ancient Rus, Summer 7527 begins from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (2018-2019 of modern chronology). But this does not mean at all that our World was formed 7527 years ago (Summer 7527 from S.M.Z.H. corresponds to 5508 BC) - at that time there was neither Ancient Egypt nor Sumer. But there was Ancient Rus'.

Our ancestors called the creation of the World the conclusion of a peace treaty between warring peoples. In this case, a peace treaty was concluded between the Slavic-Aryans - the Rus and the ancient Chinese. The ruler of Arimia - the name of Ancient China - decided to unleash a war of conquest against Asia. Arimiya was defeated by the Russians in this war. According to the agreement, the defeated Arim built a wall to mark the border of Asia - Russia - Rus', which was named Kiy-Tai.

The victory of our ancestors was immortalized in Russian Pravda in the form of an image - a White Knight on a horse striking a dragon with a spear. Also, in memory of that Victory, our ancestors wrote A(z)-Vesta (the first message) and a new countdown began.

The New Year falls on the 1st day of the month of the Divine Beginning - Ramhat, that is, on the Day of the autumnal equinox. This, as a rule, is associated with the fact that the entire harvest was harvested, the bins were filled, and the New Summer began with complete prosperity. In addition, it was customary to take the most important events on the New Year.

And this was very convenient for introducing a new reference point for peaceful life, and this did not affect the main calendar system in any way. After all, the Creation of the World (between nations) occurred on the 1st day of the 1st month of Summer 5500 from the Great Cooling.

Thus, the 1st day of the 1st month of Summer 5501 from the Great Cooling simultaneously became the 1st day of the 1st month of Summer from the Creation of the World, and since the peace treaty was signed in Summer, bearing the name of the Star Temple on the Chislobog Circle, the name of the New chronology became - from Creation of the World in the Star Temple (S.M.Z.H.).

Thus, during the transition to the Christian calendar, 5508 years of Russian Truth after the Creation of the World in the Star Temple disappeared from Russian history, as if with a wave of the hand, and all Russian Truth before that disappeared.

Nevertheless, there are Old Believers Rus, ordinary Russian people and people of our indigenous peoples of Russia who continue to keep the fire in the temples of the Russian Gods, know the Russian Truth, and this inspires optimism and hope that Russia will again be reborn as a powerful Russian State.

The structure of Kolyada Dara - Chislobog's Circle Flight is based on the ancient hexadecimal number system; 16 years of the Circle Flight pass through nine elements, creating the Circle of Life, which has 144 years. Every Summer of the Old Russian Kolyada Gift - the Circle of Chislobog, passes through 9 elements and in each element it receives a new color and a new understanding in relation to the worldview of modern man.

Having learned the necessary brief information regarding the ancient Slavic-Aryan chronology, you can begin to translate any historical date from the modern calendar to the Old Russian calendar, taking as a basis the chronology from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

Summers (years) of the beginning of the 144-year cycles: ...7377. 7521, ... Then the keys for calculations are the last summers of the cycles: ... 7376, 7520 ... To check this using the Chislobog Round Table, for example, at the beginning of the new Slavic era of the Wolf under the auspices of the god Veles, you need to add 5508 to the year from the Nativity of Christ (to Day of the autumnal equinox) and subtract 7376 from the result (2012+5508=7520-7376 = 144) We get Summer 144.