This year, public sector workers are concerned about one question: will wages, in particular, for teachers, be increased in 2018? The latest news suggests that there will still be an increase. But most likely only within the limits of indexing.

What does a school teacher’s salary depend on?

  1. From experience - the longer a person works, the more he receives.
  2. From the region - in the central region or areas with a harsh climate, teachers receive more than in the southern and northwestern federal districts.
  3. From the class management.
  4. From timely professional development.

A teacher’s salary consists of 4 components:

  • basic (lesson teaching, additional classes, checking notebooks, etc.),
  • stimulating (for the use of new teaching methods and high levels of student achievement),
  • compensatory (for work under special conditions, for example, with chemicals or correctional class)
  • and premium.

But over the past few years, no matter how the teacher’s workload increases, the salary remains virtually unchanged.

The fate of the decree of 2012

In 2012, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on a systematic increase in wages for public sector employees in the period from 2012 to 2018. According to the decree, the income of school teachers should increase by 200%. The increase was planned to be carried out not at once, but gradually, but at such a pace as to achieve the set goals by 2018.

The crisis that began in 2014 resulted in a large-scale budget deficit and the impossibility of even a small increase in salaries for all state employees without exception. But the program was not curtailed, the Presidential decree cannot be canceled, its implementation supposedly continues. Although, of course, for the remaining year, teachers’ salaries will increase from 10-12 thousand to 30-36 thousand rubles. they will not raise it, because the state budget does not have enough funds for this.


Indexation is an increase in wages in accordance with the general level of inflation (price increases) in the country in a 1:1 ratio. That is, if inflation was 12%, then the increasing salary ratio will be 12%. True, indexation was canceled in 2015, and only partially carried out in 2016. The reason for this was cited by government agencies as the crisis state of the country's economy, in particular, the lack of the required amount of financial resources.

But thanks to indexation, teachers’ salaries in Russia will still increase in 2018. It won't increase by much. On average, the figure will be about 6%, i.e. 1200 rub. with a salary of 20,000 rubles. It is difficult to call such an increase large, although, according to the government, it will cover the inflationary increase in prices for basic products and utilities.

Scatter coefficient and new ranks

In 2018, the salary of school teachers will depend not only on length of service and indexation, but also on the dispersion coefficient. It is assumed that the income of ordinary teachers and school management will be determined in a ratio of 1:4, i.e., if the salary of a young teacher is 15 thousand rubles, then the director will receive a maximum of 60 thousand rubles. It is not yet clear how the income of other workers will be calculated.

In addition to the spread coefficient, starting from 2018, teachers’ salaries will depend on new positions or titles:

  • teacher (a person who just came to work and has not yet received additional education or advanced training, he only teaches children);
  • senior teacher (the second stage of a career, which consists of writing curricula, programs for the development of disciplines and correctional work);
  • leading teacher (his work will include coordinating the actions of other teachers and organizing the educational process). The salary and additional salary increases will also depend on the position.

The introduction of new positions, according to the project developers, will help make the teaching profession a “career ladder” for young professionals. Increasing the popularity of the profession is one of the main goals of all innovations in the field of pedagogy. But whether they will justify themselves will become clear only after a certain time has passed.

You can obtain positions by increasing your work experience and passing additional and mandatory certifications and teacher training programs. It is worth noting here that in 2018 it is also planned to introduce paid “exams” for school teachers, which will allow them to confirm their professional suitability and demand a salary increase from management. However, for now, this project of the Russian Academy of Education is under development, and it remains unclear whether it will bring positive results if implemented.

Forecasts for 2018

It is impossible to say with certainty how teachers' salaries will change next year. Most likely, it will increase slightly with the influx of new personnel.

By the way, about personnel. Rumors about reductions in teaching staff are just rumors. No one plans to reduce the already small ranks of qualified teachers, since this will only further reduce the prestige of the profession.

Becoming a teacher is a calling. The work of teachers requires the investment of great mental strength. At the same time you need to be strict and soft, demanding and kind. The teacher himself studies all his life and instills a thirst for knowledge in his students. A teacher must live up to his high title and be an example for everyone.

The profile of teaching activity is very wide:

  • kindergarten teacher;
  • primary school teacher,
  • classroom management from middle management to graduation;
  • subject teaching;
  • all kinds of interest groups.

Wherever children study, a person with a pedagogical education and vocation is needed.

From a sociological study conducted in Ukraine, it follows that 70% of teachers are women aged 22-35 years, with a good command of English and work experience from 1 to 10 years. The average monthly salary ranges from 3,000 - 6,000 hryvnia, the maximum reaches 9 thousand hryvnia.

Teacher payroll indicators

The salary of each teacher consists of the following indicators:

  • availability of a special diploma;
  • work experience in the profession;
  • category qualification.

According to the law of the Cabinet of Ministers, additional salary increases are also carried out:

  • for the work of the class teacher - 30%;
  • checking written work – 20-25%;
  • management of a school classroom, laboratory - 20%;
  • combination of positions – 30%;
  • those involved in cleaning school grounds and classrooms – 20%;
  • those performing work harmful to health (toilet cleaners) – 30%.

The bonus depends on qualifications and category category:

  1. For teachers of primary and secondary schools:
  • first category – 50 percent;
  • second - thirty percent;
  • the highest – one hundred percent.
  1. Additional payment for mid-level teachers:
  • first group 45 percent;
  • second group – 30 percent;
  • the highest group – 50 percent.
  1. For employees of kindergartens, school centers, with a university education and at least three years of experience working with children, the following is added:
  • highest level – 90%;
  • first level – 40%;
  • second level – 25%.
  1. Teachers with secondary pedagogical education and 3 years of work experience receive the following coefficients:
  • highest category – 90%;
  • first category – 35%;
  • second category – 20%.
  1. For highly qualified teaching staff:
  • highest category – 60%;
  • first category – 35%;
  • second category – 20%.
  1. Mid-level teaching staff will have the following bonuses:
  • highest category – 50%;
  • first category – 30%;
  • second category – 20%.

From the current total amount of money earned, the mandatory individual income tax of 18% is deducted, as stipulated since 2019 by the Tax Ministry of Ukraine.

Remuneration of teachers in 2019

The increase in wages directly depends on the main budget of the country. The Minister of Education of Ukraine Liliya Grinevich previously announced a 30% increase in wages. But due to its adoption, the increase in 2019 will be 50%.

The decision to increase the tariff level in this way is connected with a well-prepared economic plan, noted Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman. He focused on “creating proper conditions for quality education” and emphasized that the government should not save on school education for children, since a new concept of Ukrainian education is being prepared, for which the government will invest 50 million hryvnia to train specialists needed at this stage in the country. vocational and technical skills.

In addition, emphasis will be placed on training high-quality teaching staff. The minimum wage is expected to increase to 3,200 hryvnia, which will significantly increase consumption in the domestic market. The salary of a teacher in Ukraine will be 6,400 hryvnia. And this is deserved, the President of Ukraine noted, thanks to the professional work of Ukrainian teachers, young patriots are growing in the country who will work for the good of their country. At international Olympiads, schoolchildren received three gold, 8 silver and 9 bronze medals, and this is the best indicator of high-quality training.

To ensure that teachers have a decent salary, they will also receive increased bonuses for length of service and experience. The exact percentage will be announced after the draft law on increasing wages is finalized. In addition, qualification levels will change from 12 to 14 levels. A teacher without a category will have earnings from 3,960 to 4,853 hryvnia and, following the tariff schedule, an increase from 5,266 hryvnia to 6,841.

In Ukraine, the Law “On Education” will be adopted, the development of which will be carried out by specialists during 2019, which will significantly affect the increase in wages for employees of schools, kindergartens and teaching staff of the vocational and technical corps. There will be changes in the education system itself for the better. The President and the government of the country set the task of increasing computer training at all levels of education. It is important to provide vocational guidance to students, starting from the middle school level, and to increase vocational schools to train specialists in blue-collar professions.

Every year, the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) approves recommendations for establishing a remuneration system for employees of budgetary organizations. New Year 2017 was no exception. What awaits educational workers in terms of wages this year?

In Protocol No. 11 dated December 23, 2016, the Commission reflected the principles on the basis of which the wage system in the public sector should be formed. One of the main principles is the inadmissibility of reducing wages or deteriorating wage conditions in comparison with those established by labor legislation at the federal level, the subject level or the local level. A real increase in the salaries of public sector workers must also be ensured.

  • a list of legal acts containing labor issues;
  • conditions for establishing or changing the remuneration system, for example, an employee must be paid depending on the quality of his work;
  • principles of forming a remuneration system depending on the level of the institution - federal, regional or municipal.

The commission recommended that regional authorities, regional associations of trade unions and employers conclude agreements on the minimum wage in 2017. These agreements must apply to all employees of regional and local institutions.

Pay attention! Information on the average earnings of managers, deputies and chief accountants of institutions must be posted on the Internet on the official website of the authorities that act as founders in relation to this institution.

The founder may also decide that information about the salaries of the main persons of the institution should be posted on the website of the institution itself. The procedure for posting such information should be established by regulations both at the federal level and at the regional and local levels.

It is not allowed to indicate on the website the following information as part of information about the salaries of the main persons of the institution:

  • data that will allow you to determine the place of residence, postal address, telephone and other individual means of communication with the specified persons;
  • classified as state secrets;
  • confidential information.

Currently, a document has already been adopted (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2016 No. 1521), which regulates the issue of displaying information on the Internet about the salaries of heads of institutions. According to this document, this information must be reflected no later than May 15 of the year following the reporting year.

Just like in previous years, the commission paid attention directly to education workers. The recommendations note that salary reduction is not acceptable education employees, which was achieved in 2016. It is determined based on statistical data. In addition, when creating a remuneration system, heads of educational organizations should pay attention to the following points:

  • at least 70% of the salary structure should be the salary amount or wage rate;
  • registration of labor relations with employees must take place in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (order No. 1601 of December 22, 2014 and order No. 536 of May 11, 2016);
  • use of a sample form of employment contract officially established at the state level when hiring an employee;
  • an employment contract or an additional agreement to it must contain a fixed salary, salary rates, the amount of compensation payments, as well as the amount and conditions of incentive payments.

Federal Law No. 347-FZ of July 3, 2016 amended the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. They touched upon the establishment of a maximum ratio between the salaries of the manager, his deputies, the chief accountant (hereinafter referred to as managers) and the salaries of employees. These innovations also affected the budgetary sphere. So, according to this normative act, the maximum level of the ratio of salaries of managers and employees is determined by the founder budgetary institution. Moreover, the size of this ratio cannot be lower than the size established by regulations of local authorities.

The Ministry of Labor in its letter gave some explanations on this issue:

  • The maximum level of the salary ratio is set based on the average monthly salary of managers, which is formed from all sources of financing, and the average monthly salary of employees (this does not include the salary of managers). At the same time, the concept of “salary”, according to labor legislation, includes not only salary, but also other payments, including compensatory and incentive ones;
  • The Labor Code itself does not establish a limit on the ratio of salaries of managers and employees. It is established either in a government document or by acts of regional (local) authorities. So, for example, for federal institutions such a limit is set at a rate from 1 to 8. Before the introduction of these changes, there was a practice according to which the limit on the ratio of salaries of managers and employees of the social sector did not exceed 4 times;
  • According to labor legislation, failure to comply with the maximum ratio of the salary of the manager and employees may become grounds for termination of the employment agreement with the head of the organization.

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You can access the module "Regulatory documents of preschool educational institutions" of the "Directory" information system. It contains instructions, templates and expert experience. Details

The order was signed in May, but it is awaiting amendments and discussions by analysts and specialists. We will learn about the adoption of the order in January 2018.

Increase in salaries for university teachers and researchers in 2018: interesting facts, plans and reality

  • The plan to increase the salaries of the above-mentioned personnel will be fulfilled by 200%;
  • 2017 - the first step towards changes will be through allocated budget funds of 17.9 billion rubles;
  • 2018 - 33.4 billion rubles were allocated to achieve the goals of the signed decree;
  • 2019 - it is planned to allocate another 36.9 billion rubles;
  • 2017 – 6.6 billion rubles have already been allocated to pay the country’s best researchers;
  • 2018 - the budget for paying salaries will be increased by another 13.2 billion rubles to the previous point;
  • 2019 will bring another 17.2 billion rubles to the salaries of scientific workers.

A gradual increase in the budget for wage payments is the basic principle of implementing the prescribed points of the order.

See also:

Tuition fees at MGIMO for 2018: lists of documents, submission dates

The approved May decrees of the President regarding increasing the salaries of teachers in higher educational institutions will begin to be implemented in seven months. The amount of official employment funds received by teachers is planned to double.

A salary increase is a significant incentive for productive scientific work

The news is good for the teachers themselves, but on the other hand, concerned analysts argue that increasing material wealth can harm education, leading to the degradation of the education system.

Over a three-year period, teachers and researchers from the current moment of signing the order receive a fixed rate and increase it until the requirements of the signed directive are met.

Video: The Prime Minister promised an increase in salaries for university teachers in 2018

After three years, the rate will double what it is now, says the head of the financial department.

Experts express their personal point of view, arguing that an increase in wages is inevitable, it is rational to raise it gradually.

In this case, given the economic situation of the country, the increased salary is a large-scale contribution, threatening mass layoffs, transfers of teachers from the existing working rate to percentage wages.

The salary increase is very good news. Teachers, as people responsible for the education of our country, require considerable effort in presenting the material and demanding it from students.

See also:

School holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year for schools with quarters and trimesters: schedule, vacation dates

For their moral and physical efforts, everyone has the right to receive worthy rewards, which are constantly increasing.

According to the President, scientists who put their lives in danger while performing their duties should receive more.

A salary increase is a significant incentive for productive scientific work.

The director of the department responsible for finance of the Ministry of Education and Science, Andrei Zarubin, announced the transparent, real financial situation of the country over the next three years. Large expenses are expected to pay salaries to scientific workers, from teachers to professors of higher educational institutions.

Most of the budget funds will be used to pay workers in the field of education and science in Russia. We will have to take certain tough measures, since there is no surplus budget funds.

Experts’ opinion on the current situation: it’s too early to talk about salary increases

Experts and analysts have made their own forecasts of further events. According to the head of strategic analysis, Igor Nikolaev, the planned changes will not happen; more precisely, most experts are not confident in the full implementation of the order.

Strategic calculations of I. Nikolaev - if the established average salary of a university teacher is 44.6 thousand rubles - as a percentage equals 131%, which cannot exceed 200% by the coming 2018.

Even if desired, coefficients of this level will not be realized until 2019, and even more so by the beginning of 2018.

A teacher is a noble and necessary profession. The first teacher is remembered, if not by everyone, then by many for sure. In turn, the teacher remembers every student who really got on his nerves. How much does a teacher earn, and how is a teacher’s salary calculated?

Calculation based on base salary

Pay for a teacher's hard work is calculated using three methods: base salary, flat rate, or student-hour wage. Basic salary is a method when bonuses for checking notebooks, conducting electives, the number of students, the number of students who are winners of Olympiads, and others are added to the basic salary.

  • teacher salary;
  • special payments, which include deviations of working conditions from the norm, the presence of supervised classes as a class teacher, an assigned category, holding meetings with students’ parents, the need to check notebooks, work on educational materials, and managing an office;
  • incentive payments (this block includes incentives for achieved results based on participation in regional and regional Olympiads, success in passing the unified state exam and the absence of evidence of deviant behavior among children).

Payroll calculation at a fixed rate

How to calculate a teacher’s salary using the so-called “All Inclusive” method? This methodology is based on the official salary based on 36 hours of work for a teacher, as well as incentive payments. Incentive payments are the same as in the first case. The application of new solutions and approaches in the field of education and the implementation of particularly important management tasks are also taken into account. Work experience is of considerable importance.

Apprentice-hour wage

Accountants in many regions of Russia, including Moscow and the Kaliningrad region, are thinking about how to calculate a teacher’s salary based on hours worked. In this case, the concepts of the basic and stimulating parts remain, based on the ratio of 70% to 30%. The basic part takes into account the workload and the number of students. Conducting research work, participating in conferences and competitions, developing educational and methodological material become the main factors for an accountant who is thinking about the question of how to calculate a teacher’s salary.

Primary school teacher salary

Working with children from 6 to 10 years old is interesting, but nevertheless difficult. At this age, the child first encounters the world of seriousness and responsibility. The teacher’s task is not to harm the child’s curiosity, thirst for knowledge, and to help the child become more diligent, attentive and responsible. How is a teacher’s salary calculated if opportunities to participate in major regional and regional events are reduced to a minimum, and the primary school student’s exams are still far away?

The main variables in the calculation will be the hourly rate approved by the director of the educational institution, the number of hours worked, the number of children for whom the teacher teaches and the percentage of the bonus depending on the category of the teacher.

Foreign language teachers and salaries

Today it is fashionable and even necessary to learn foreign languages, because this is a direct path to success and decent income, as well as the opportunity to travel freely. It’s easy to imagine how an English teacher’s salary is calculated and what it consists of.

Provided that, for objective reasons, the school management is not able to give additional workload to the teacher, he is guaranteed a salary at the same level as if he had assumed additional responsibilities. In this case, there is a good opportunity to help the student learn the material in a foreign language and prepare him for participation in English Olympiads.

How are English teachers' salaries calculated? Just like other teachers. Another advantage of teaching English is that the teacher can always earn extra money by tutoring.

Teacher payroll accounting

A teacher's salary is calculated as the product of the base rate per hour (the academic hour is taken), the number of hours worked and the percentage of bonus for the assigned qualification.

A teacher's qualifications include education and work experience, as well as the results of passed certifications. The higher the qualification, the greater the teacher's income.

The recommended frequency of charging is once a year, with the exception of educational plans, according to which an hourly load is established in half-years. Workload volumes are agreed upon at the beginning of the first and second academic semesters. Based on the curricula and developed educational programs, the hourly workload of each teacher is calculated, which is multiplied by the wage rate. Cases when one teacher replaces another are paid additionally. A teacher's remuneration should remain at the same level if his workload has been reduced for reasons beyond his control.

Tariffing must be done at the end of the school year before teachers go on vacation. The rules establish that informing employees about tariffs must occur no later than two months before the effective date.

Payroll for teachers

Conversations about the salaries of budget workers do not stop. From television screens the public always hears only that the next wage increase is planned or has already been put into effect. Despite this, the public sector is constantly looking for workers.

How to calculate a teacher’s salary in order to attract the attention of young people to this profession, which is in demand on the labor market. In order to resolve this issue, new remuneration systems are periodically introduced. The latest changes to the system came into force on January 1, 2017.

In the case when a teacher starts work in the middle of the year, the average salary is calculated according to the following scheme: the established rate per hour is multiplied by the total volume of hours of the teacher’s workload and divided by the number of full months remaining until the end of the school year. Payroll for partial months is calculated based on hours actually worked.

How is a teacher's salary calculated under the new system?

It assumes the establishment of the base part of wages at the level of 70% in the general structure, the remaining 30% will account for the compensation and incentive parts. Also, to equalize incomes, it is proposed to abolish the reduction coefficients for teachers without higher education.

The regulations on remuneration of teaching staff, which sets out how a teacher’s salary is calculated, should contain the following main points:

  • definitions of the concept and rates of official salaries of specialists;
  • hourly wage rates;
  • determining the structure of compensation payments;
  • determination of the structure of incentive payments;
  • making payments based on tariffs;
  • hourly wages are established;
  • inclusion of substitute hours for other teachers in additional payments.

Salaries of teachers in Moscow and the Moscow region

The salary level in Moscow is significantly higher than regional indicators. Delays are also rare for Moscow teachers, compared to colleagues from the regions. The only negative point for a teacher from Moscow is the delay in indexing.

From the way a teacher’s salary is calculated in Moscow, differences are visible in the calculation of salaries for teachers in the capital and for his colleagues from the Moscow region. For example, an accountant at an educational institution in Moscow will use the “Student-hour” methodology; in the Moscow region, the “Basic salary+” methodology will be used as a basis.