Feeling tired throughout the day has a negative impact on productivity, mood, and over time, physical health. If you want to avoid chronic fatigue, try changing your daily routine instead of looking for quick-fix energy boosters. To prevent daytime sleepiness, create consistent and healthy schedules for the morning and evening, and focus on proper nutrition and staying active throughout the day.


Follow a clear morning routine

    Allow enough time for morning preparation. You may think that you will feel more rested if you set your alarm clock to 15 minutes later in the morning, but in reality this may lead to negative consequences, and you will have to pack in a hurry. If you don't want to feel tired all day, leave the house fresh and relaxed, not emotional.

    Wake up quickly and with a positive attitude, and do a few deep breaths . To feel energized and fresh, it is very important to wake up with a positive attitude (in other words, “on the right foot”). See awakening as a new opportunity to do great things, not as a difficult task! Try this:

  1. Start every morning with the same ritual. Some people like to shower first, others like to exercise, and still others like to eat breakfast first. Do whatever makes your body and mind aware that you are getting ready to start your day, and do the same things every morning.

    • Consistency is the key. Find what works for you and do it every morning, even on vacation!
    • You may think that a cold shower will invigorate you, because a warm one will make you sleepy. However, making a warm shower part of your morning routine can signal to your body and mind that it's time to wake up and get moving.
    • Consider installing a radio in the bathroom to play your favorite uplifting music, or simply sing to yourself.
  2. Start your day with healthy breakfast . Despite the fact that breakfast is no more important than other meals, it is great way Prepare your body and mind for a strong start to the day. Fatty, carb-rich, and sugary foods like pancakes and sausages can lead to bloating and sluggishness, so opt for healthy options like:

    • fruit, yogurt and porridge;
    • greens: spinach, kale or celery (try mixing them and making a smoothie);
    • eggs with lean ham or turkey;
    • oatmeal, whole grain bread or healthy, sugar-free cereals.
  3. Enjoy a cup coffee later in the morning. A cup of coffee can be quite healthy as long as you don't add a lot of sugar to it. In addition, caffeine gives you energy. However, to get more benefits from it, you should wait at least one to two hours after waking up before drinking it. There are the following reasons for this:

    • Cortisol, among other things, is the “wakefulness hormone.” Its levels in the body rise three times a day, usually within two hours of waking up, then at midday and finally in the early evening.
    • Consuming caffeine when your cortisol levels are at their peak can signal your body to lower it, which can ultimately leave you feeling sluggish and tired.
    • Drinking coffee later in the morning will give your natural cortisol levels an extra boost.

    Stay energized throughout the day

    1. Stimulate your senses to keep your brain active. If you don't do this, your brain won't get stimulation and you'll start to nod off. To stay alert, look for ways to activate your eyes, ears, and even your nose throughout the day. Try some of the following options:

      • Keep your mouth active by sucking on mints or chewing gum.
      • Position yourself near a window that allows indirect sunlight. If you sit directly in the sun, you may feel tired, but just closeness sunlight will help awaken your senses.
      • Awaken your sense of smell by inhaling the aroma essential oil mint. You can carry the bottle with you.
      • Keep your eyes active by taking breaks to look away when you get tired of looking at the same thing.
      • Listen to music. Jazz, hip-hop or soft rock can cheer you up.
    2. Gently stimulate your body to keep you active. Stimulating the body is just as important as stimulating the senses. If it is active, the brain will be active, so try to move your body no matter where you are. Try some of these tricks:

      • gently pull down your earlobes;
      • pinch yourself in areas of your body where there is little fat, such as your forearms or the area behind your knees;
      • stretch your wrists, moving your fingers back;
      • roll your shoulders and neck;
      • If you feel like you're about to fall asleep, lightly bite your tongue.
    3. Exercise late in the morning or early in the day to energize yourself. Although intense workouts can tire you out, light to moderate exercise will boost your overall energy levels and leave you feeling energized. Exercise for 15 to 30 minutes in the late morning or early in the day when you need an extra boost of energy.

      • Go for a short walk around the area. Nothing wakes you up like fresh air in your lungs.
      • Sign up for a midday yoga class. This is another great way to clear your mind, improve your breathing, and prepare for the rest of the day.
      • The exercise is considered moderate if the heart rate is slightly elevated and breathing is difficult enough to carry on a full conversation.
      • Do only light exercise in the afternoon, as if you exercise late in the evening, your adrenaline levels will increase and you will have a harder time falling asleep.
    4. Find ways to stay active if you can't exercise. Even if you don't have time for a full workout, you can cheer yourself up by doing the usual physical exercise during the day. Just a few minutes of intermittent physical activity is a great way to tell your body, “Hey, it’s not time to sleep yet!”

      • During the workday, take short walks along the corridors or go to the next street for coffee.
      • If possible, avoid using the elevator. Better take the stairs.
      • If you sit at a desk all day, get up at least once an hour to stretch a little.
    5. Eat healthy meals throughout the day. A healthy breakfast is a great way to start the day, but it should be followed by an equally nutritious lunch and dinner. Healthy foods will give you more strength and energy, while junk food can make you weak and make you want to go to bed.

      • Carry plenty of healthy snacks with you so you don't end up at the vending machine. Some examples of great snacks include almonds and cashews, celery sticks and peanut butter, and fresh or dried fruit.
      • Eat three healthy and balanced meals throughout the day. Leave room for a light snack to avoid overeating during main meals.
      • Avoid heavy foods, starchy foods and foods high in fat or sugar. All these foods will cause even greater fatigue and put a strain on the digestive system.
      • Drink a caffeinated beverage early in the day, between natural cortisol surges (around midday and early evening).
      • Keep your body hydrated throughout the day.
    6. Concentrate on different tasks all day. Keeping your brain engaged, excited, or creative is guaranteed to make you feel less tired. To keep your brain alert, be sure to always focus on something interesting instead of lazing around or dozing off.

      • Switch between tasks from time to time. You're more likely to get bored if you do the same thing hour after hour, so try to do different projects every day. different times throughout the day.
      • If you find yourself feeling distracted during work hours, talk to a colleague in the break room. This will perk up your brain a little, and perhaps improve your mood!
      • If you are at school, participate in class by asking or answering questions. If necessary, take notes using different colored pens to make your notes seem less monotonous.
    7. Don't rely on energy drinks to keep you active. Energy drinks often contain at least twice the caffeine of a cup of coffee, and are often loaded with sugar and a variety of random ingredients that can be detrimental to your health. To avoid fatigue, it is much safer to rely on getting enough sleep at night, healthy eating and activity during the day.

      • Energy drinks will give you a temporary boost of energy, so use them in moderation and only when needed.
      • Energy drinks can cause heart and blood vessel problems in some people, so talk to your doctor before taking them, especially if you have heart disease.
      • Never mix energy drinks with alcohol, as you will likely drink too much without immediately feeling the effects.

Fatigue is also known as fatigue, lethargy, exhaustion and apathy. This is a physical or mental state of exhaustion and weakness. Physical fatigue is different from mental fatigue, but they usually coexist. Man physically exhausted long time, also gets tired mentally. Almost everyone has experienced fatigue due to excessive workload. This is temporary fatigue that can be cured using traditional methods.

Chronic fatigue lasts longer and affects your emotional and psychological state. Although tiredness and drowsiness are not the same thing, fatigue is always accompanied by a desire to sleep and an unwillingness to do any work. Fatigue can be the result of your habits, routines, or a symptom of health problems.

Causes of fatigue

Fatigue is caused by:

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Excessive physical activity
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Lack of sleep
  • Poor nutrition
  • Some medications

Fatigue can be caused by the following diseases:

  • Anemia
  • Liver failure
  • Kidney failure
  • Heart disease
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Obesity

Fatigue is provoked by some mental states:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Yearning

Symptoms of fatigue

The main symptoms of fatigue include:

  • Exhaustion after physical or mental activity
  • Lack of energy even after sleep or rest
  • Fatigue negatively affects a person's daily activities
  • Muscle pain or inflammation
  • Dizziness
  • Lack of motivation
  • Irritability
  • Headache

Simple folk remedies for fatigue

1. Milk with honey and licorice

One of effective ways get rid of fatigue - drink a glass of milk with honey and licorice.

  • Add 2 tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of licorice powder to a glass of warm milk.
  • Mix well and drink this miracle milk twice a day: morning and evening.
  • Fatigue will disappear as if by hand.

2. Indian gooseberry

Gooseberries have healing properties and are the best folk remedy against fatigue.

  • Remove seeds from 5-6 gooseberries.
  • Crush the berries to a pulp and add 300 ml of hot water.
  • Cook the mixture for 20 minutes and then let it cool.
  • Strain the liquid and drink three times a day.
  • If the resulting juice seems too sour, you can add a little honey.

3. Drink water and other liquids

It is very important to hydrate your body throughout the day to reduce the symptoms of fatigue.

  • Ideally, a person should drink 8-10 glasses of water a day to avoid fatigue.
  • You can replace 1-2 glasses of water with milk, fruit juice, refreshing green tea or a healthy smoothie.

4. Eggs

A balanced diet is an important point in the fight against fatigue. Today, many people neglect breakfast.

  • Never skip breakfast.
  • It would be great if you added 1 egg to your breakfast every day. It will give you energy for the whole day.
  • Eggs are rich in iron, protein, vitamin A, folic acid and vitamin B3.
  • You can cook eggs in a variety of ways every day: boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, soft-boiled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, etc.
  • Remember that eggs should only be consumed in the morning for breakfast.

5. Skim milk

As we have already said, a balanced diet - powerful weapon against fatigue. You need to supplement your carbohydrate intake with plenty of protein, which comes from skim milk.

  • Proteins in milk, together with a carbohydrate diet, will relieve fatigue and drowsiness and increase energy.
  • It will be great if you start your day with oatmeal soaked in skim milk.

6. Coffee

  • Drink one or two cups of coffee every day to restore and energize your body.
  • Caffeine gives you a boost of energy, but you need to drink coffee in moderation so as not to provoke insomnia and irritability.
  • Prefer black coffee or coffee with skim milk.

7. Asian ginseng

Since ancient times, ginseng has been known for its ability to restore energy. For centuries, its roots have been used to treat emaciated and weakened bodies.

  • Make sure to use Asian ginseng to combat fatigue.
  • You should resort to ginseng if you are really exhausted.
  • Take 2 grams of ground ginseng every day for six weeks.
  • Soon you will feel a surge of strength and energy.

8. Exercise

A sedentary lifestyle and office work are what lead many people to fatigue and tiredness. To counteract this, you need to periodically force your body to move. This is an ideal solution for people who are overweight and obese.

  • Make sure you exercise regularly: 30 minutes 4-5 times a week.
  • This way you will warm up and feel much better.
  • Walking, jogging, swimming, playing tennis, cycling will help deliver endorphins to the brain, which in turn will charge you with energy and strength.

9. Proper nutrition

  • Not only breakfast, but also all meals throughout the day should be balanced and healthy. Eat little and often. This way you will maintain normal blood sugar levels and will not feel exhausted and apathetic.
  • It is very important to eat no more than 300 kcal for each meal.

10. Reduce your intake of fatty foods

Pay attention to the amount of fatty foods you consume. It must be reduced to the necessary minimum. Excessive amounts of fatty foods inevitably lead to obesity, and excess weight leads to increased fatigue.

  • Ideally, you should ensure that the amount of saturated fat you consume does not exceed 10% of your daily diet. This is quite enough to speed up your metabolism.

11. Potatoes

  • Cut medium unpeeled potatoes into slices and soak them overnight in water.
  • Drink this water in the morning. It will be rich in potassium.
  • This will help the body transmit nerve impulses and improve muscle function.
  • This natural medicine will quickly cure fatigue and fatigue.

12. Spinach

Add spinach to your daily diet. The vitamins it contains will fill your body with energy.

  • Boiled spinach is no less useful as one of the salad ingredients.
  • You can also make a soup out of spinach and include it in your diet every day.

13. Sleep and dozing

  • You need to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends. Make sure you always go to sleep and wake up at the same time, thus maintaining your biological clock.
  • If you want to take a nap during the day, try not to extend this pleasure for more than half an hour.
  • If you feel like you need more sleep, go to bed earlier than usual. But remember to get up at the same time every morning.

14. Pillows under the feet

  • Sleeping with pillows under your feet is very beneficial.
  • It is best to sleep on your back, with your legs slightly higher than your head.
  • This will promote blood flow to the head and therefore increase your activity and alertness.

15. Apples

Apples should definitely be included in your daily diet as they help restore energy.

  • Eat two or three apples every day.
  • Apples are healthy and nutritious. They lower cholesterol and are a great source of energy, helping you stay energized all day long.

16. Apple cider vinegar

  • Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass lightly warm water and mix well.
  • Drink this mixture every morning to fill your body with strength.

17. Carrot juice

  • Take two or three carrots, peel and squeeze out the juice using a juicer.
  • Drink a glass of carrot juice every day during breakfast. Then you will feel full of energy all day.

18. Great sex

  • Good sex in the evening is the key to a good night's sleep.
  • In the morning you will wake up fresh and full of energy.

Feeling tired in the middle of the day? Do you feel like your energy is literally evaporating even though you had a good lunch? You are likely a victim of fatigue and exhaustion. You can use any of the above folk methods to get rid of fatigue and fill the body with vitality.

There are statistics that about 20 million people on the planet suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Moreover, while scientists continue to study the disease and debate whether to consider CFS a viral infection, or a kind of genetic pathology (at least seven different genetic variants of CFS have been discovered), you should not panic if you suspect you have its symptoms. According to the observations of British scientists, in four out of five cases, chronic fatigue syndrome, which patients suspect they have, actually turns out to be false. And the so-called “electronic fatigue” is to blame for the fact that they are susceptible to apathy, increased fatigue, lethargy, and drowsiness.

It's worth stopping free time on Facebook, on forums and just surfing the Internet - and your health improves. Doctors' advice: turn off all electronic devices at least 2-3 hours before bedtime, and declare at least one day off free from the Internet (it's best to spend it in nature).

2. Need a quick pick-me-up? Take a shower!

Cool or contrasting is best; it can be taken both in the morning and early evening if you have a busy program ahead of you. But in no case before going to bed - otherwise you will be guaranteed insomnia, and upon awakening - a rhetorical question: “How to relieve fatigue?”

3. Engage energy points

Reflexology is an excellent way to quickly relieve fatigue; the famous shiatsu massage, which restores the movement of energy, and its “relative” – amma massage, which is especially loved by Japanese businessmen to relieve fatigue after work, and Thai foot massage will also help. The simplest invigorating self-massage can be done by massaging the points on both sides of the nail bed of the little finger, near the nail hole (on both hands, for 2-3 minutes, pressing on the points with the thumb or index finger). Any anti-stress massage will be useful, preferably with elements of acupuncture.

4. Take a multivitamin

A feeling of constant fatigue and weakness can also be caused by vitamin and mineral “starvation,” especially if we are talking about a lack of vitamins A, vitamins B and E, iron, iodine, zinc, selenium and magnesium. And, according to scientists, those people whose diet does not have enough protein get tired faster! So be careful with strict diets.

Alexey Kovalkov

nutritionist, presenter of the programs “Food with and without rules”, “Family Size”

Vitamins and minerals are involved in the absorption of other nutrients and regulation of all vital functions of the body. Sleep disturbances, nervousness, depression and irritability can be signs of a lack of B vitamins. Muscle weakness is a sign of a lack of vitamin A.

5. Drink cocoa and eat dark chocolate

Cocoa beans are an excellent source of the amino acid tryptophan, which we need for the synthesis of serotonin: with a lack of this “happiness hormone,” fatigue and depression quickly set in, and well-being worsens. Cocoa beans contain theobromine, an analogue of caffeine, which has an invigorating effect, and chocolate also contains glucose, which is necessary for the energy supply of our body. And the scientists from the medical school Hull York Medical School They even believe that chocolate can be a good help in the fight against chronic fatigue syndrome: volunteers who took part in the study and ate a 15-gram piece of dark chocolate three times a day noted a significant improvement in their well-being.

6. Control your insulin production

Keep in mind that sweets eaten on an empty stomach can only cause a temporary surge of strength, followed by severe fatigue and weakness that sets in after 20-30 minutes. A sharp rise in blood sugar levels causes the active production of insulin, carbohydrates are quickly absorbed - and then the sugar level drops sharply, and with it our strength drops. Therefore, give preference to slowly digestible carbohydrates!

7. Don’t force your body

Live in accordance with his biorhythms. If your body needs 8-9 hours to recover, don’t force it, don’t skimp on sleep. With chronic lack of sleep, feeling tired during the day is inevitable. In addition, for most of us, biorhythms are designed in such a way that periods of mental and physical activity alternate with short periods of “downturns” that occur every 1.5-2 hours; it is at these moments that fatigue sets in. Don't resist: this is a signal to rest, take a break, take a walk or drink tea.

8. Don't suppress your yawn!

If you want to yawn, yawn. This is useful! According to many scientists, yawning helps the body relieve internal stress and “shake off” fatigue. For example, psychologists from State University of New York at Albany New York at Albany) are confident that yawning occurs when the body turns on the natural “function” of self-cooling of brain cells: the influx of blood, oxygen and colder air improves the functioning of its cells.

9. Breathe deeply and spend more time in nature

Very often it is not possible to cope with fatigue due to the fact that brain cells suffer from a lack of oxygen. It is especially difficult for residents of large cities who experience constant oxidative stress. And if a person also smokes, due to the constant narrowing of blood vessels and deterioration of blood supply to tissues, the problem of oxygen starvation worsens. It is no coincidence that many doctors believe that asthenia (from the Greek astheneia - weakness, impotence) is a stable, almost constant weakness that does not go away even after a long rest - a constant companion of smokers.

10. Go to the gym

...Swim in the pool, jogging, run in the morning... In the morning or evening, the main thing is to force yourself: after a moderate sports activity, fatigue will be felt much less, and the production of stress hormones cortisol and ghrelin will be reduced. If you feel completely exhausted, go to yoga, stretching, callanetics and other relaxing and slow fitness. As scientists from King's College London, For chronic fatigue syndrome, an active lifestyle and fitness help significantly reduce the severity of symptoms. In addition, very often, even in absolutely healthy people, a feeling of fatigue and weakness occurs due to lack of training of the cardiovascular system. So long live moderate cardio exercises that strengthen this very system! But you shouldn’t exercise to the point of exhaustion: it won’t make your heart stronger, and if you fall exhausted in the evening, there can be no talk of any morning vigor!

Fatigue is a feeling familiar to most people whose work takes place within the walls of an office. At work that involves physical activity, people get less tired. Scientific progress, which entailed the automation of many processes, added tension to life and deprived me of mobility. Modern man I often wonder how not to get tired at work. To do this, you have to use both small tricks and radically change your lifestyle or even your field of activity.

Office workers are no strangers to fatigue.


Fatigue can be called a subjective phenomenon, different people may feel tired differently from the same load. This can be explained by many reasons.

Based on duration, fatigue can be divided into short-term and permanent:

  • overwork caused by continuous work, lack of vacation;
  • If a person comes to the conclusion that he is constantly tired at work, then we are talking about chronic fatigue.

The causes of fatigue are divided into two groups: internal and external.

Internal reasons:

  • rule out an illness that could cause you to be very tired, get examined;
  • emotional stress caused by dissatisfaction with work;
  • fear of not being able to cope with assigned tasks.

As external reasons highlight:

  • noise makes it impossible to work productively;
  • bad relationships with colleagues, envy of more successful employees, friction with management;
  • An employee can understand that he is tired of work if he is constantly given the same type of tasks; they can be either too simple or too complex.

The causes of fatigue must be identified; it can be difficult to combat them. During this period, it can be difficult to do anything, including work. Forced downtime may adversely affect financial situation, so the sooner proper measures are taken, the better.

Lack of vacation leads to chronic fatigue

Effective Treatments

When a person is tired of performing his work duties, he needs to check whether this activity is up to the task. If a woman is tired of work, then she needs to think about whether the work matches her physical, psychological, and intellectual characteristics. If not, then you need to talk about changing your profession. In other cases, the causes can be eliminated if you use several effective methods.


This is the main way to cope with fatigue at work, but it must be done correctly to bring maximum benefit. Rest should be divided into three stages:

  1. You need to get enough sleep. For this, not only the duration of sleep (7-8 hours), but also the environment around is important.
  2. Take breaks from work; they should be rational and complete, after which the body and mind should return to normal.
  3. Fatigue goes away after work. It is reasonable to lead an active lifestyle after finishing the working day (play sports, go to the bathhouse).

Action plan

Fatigue can occur due to incorrect prioritization. There is no need to strive to perform several tasks at the same time; it is better to make a plan before the start of the working day and do the main things first, and then the secondary ones. You need to try to eliminate all distractions in order to work more productively.

Daily routine

Try to spend every minute usefully, without putting off important things until tomorrow and without overloading yourself. The daily routine should also be observed in the non-work space.

After working hours, finish all your work. Very strong fatigue sets in if you devote your free time to work, including mentally being there.

Healthy lifestyle

The right lifestyle, which creates a healthy body and a strong spirit, greatly influences the quality professional activity. Following the rules, the employee will stop saying that he is tired:

  • eat healthy foods rich in microelements, vegetables, fruits;
  • don’t forget about vitamins;
  • drink more water;
  • limit coffee consumption;
  • give up bad habits(smoking, alcohol);
  • pay attention useful activities after work;
  • maintain hygiene;
  • work on yourself, trying to minimize the impact of stress on the body.

Fruits help fight fatigue

Physical activity

They are necessary for those people who are forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Office workers do not have the opportunity to give their bodies the necessary stress during the day, but they can take breaks and go for a walk at lunchtime. fresh air.

Office clerks will be saved from fatigue and muscle pain by gymnastics and jogging in the morning; on weekends, they need to devote time to sports.

Less communication with colleagues

Conversations with colleagues can bring additional stress and cause overwork. This applies to those who tend to engage in empty talk and are too impulsive. It will be beneficial to communicate with positive people who are always ready to help.

You can be less tired if you work remotely. This not only saves time, effort and money, but also eliminates unnecessary conversations on empty topics and increases productivity. This form of work is ideal for employees engaged in intellectual work.


If you adhere to the rules, your condition should return to normal and fatigue should recede. When this does not happen, the problem may be much more serious, then the help of a competent specialist is required. We must not forget that work is just part of life. Don't waste all your energy on it. You can choose activities that allow you to spend more time with your family while remaining healthy and alert.

Work is a necessity for each of us. And it doesn’t matter what it is connected with: physical or mental labor, or both, in any case we get tired and we need rest. This short article will talk about how not to get tired at work, so I recommend reading the article to the end.>

And so, the rhythm modern life Unfortunately, it doesn’t give us much time to rest: work, housework, children, family and a lot of other worries. Sometimes it feels like a big cauldron in which we are boiling. To the question: how not to get tired at work, there is still an answer, believe me. Have you ever noticed that you often think that you won’t have time to do what you planned? Just the thought of work tasks and household chores is very stressful and it’s terrible. Is there any point in constantly tormenting yourself with the thought of what else needs to be done? It turns out that we get tired not from the work itself, but only from the thought of it.

And so, the first thing you need to do is try to write a simple plan for the day and carry out all the points of the plan one by one. At the same time, try not to leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Then everything accumulates and falls like a snowball. Take any completed task as your personal victory; at work it will give you confidence and a sense of self-worth.

The second thing you should not neglect is to take breaks, preferably every hour. You can just walk, drink a cup of tea or coffee, just turn your head and look in the other direction from your workplace.

If you have the opportunity to go outside, you should definitely take a short walk in the fresh air. Your rest should be as opposed to your work as possible. For example, if you have a sedentary job, then you need active rest, you can just walk somewhere.

If your work involves physical labor, then it is better to relax while sitting, read something, watch something interesting magazine or just chat with a colleague on various topics, but in no case affecting working issues. Absolutely any job should remain at work and wait for your return.

The third and in my opinion the most important advice, try to learn how to switch from thoughts about work to others as quickly as possible. If you leave work, then work should not go home with you or somewhere else, it should remain there, at work. We devote so much energy and time to her so that we can carry thoughts about her in our heads like a burden.

And salary doesn’t play a role here either, and frankly speaking, most of us don’t really indulge in it, especially its size, even though most of us give our best at work, as they say, one hundred percent. You shouldn’t and shouldn’t accumulate fatigue, try to go somewhere: a movie, a walk alone or with friends, museums, concerts, in general, find a way to distract yourself. This will help you relieve accumulated fatigue.


Be sure to find something interesting in your work and tell your family and friends about it, especially about your successes, and not about difficulties and problems. Work should remain work for you, it is just your activity for which you receive a reward in the form of money. Remember that work should not always come first, only in this case you will not get tired of it. I wish you all good luck and try never to get tired at work!