People lie all the time; according to statistics, not a single conversation is complete without lies. You don’t need to prove anything for this, just remember your first date, how many times did you try to embellish something or keep silent about something? Can you imagine how often people lie to you in a day? Your soulmate, friends, colleagues, business partners. Sometimes these are small things, and sometimes they are important issues on which a lot depends. Would you like to knowHow can you tell if a person is lying? Is it easy to determine when they are telling you the truth and when they are trying to deceive you? They will help us with thisfacial expressions and lying gestures that are the same for everyone.

When it comes to facial expressions and gestures, some people don't understand how everything works, while others think it's difficult to master and therefore don't even try. In fact, identifying the signs of a lie is very simple; you don’t need to study dozens of books or memorize every movement. It is enough to know the most common gestures, which appear in 80% of cases, and you are almost guaranteed to be able to identify liars no worse than a lie detector. The gestures you learn may alternate and mix, but will always be a signal for you.

It is important to take into account one rule - often facial expressions and gestures speak about a person’s emotions, but for what reason he experiences them is a big question.

How to recognize a lie by facial expressions? The fact is that the human body has many functions that our consciousness does not control. Let's say heartbeat or breathing. There are other examples - every time you are afraid or excited, your pupils become wider. Exactly every time. This is important to understand if you want to understand the question of how to understand that a person is lying?

The same applies to absolutely any feeling and emotion. Regardless of what words we heard from the interlocutor, his body will simultaneously tell us the truth. All you need is to know and identify lying gestures.

It is worth explaining that there are direct signs of lying - when you notice them, you can say with greater confidence that the interlocutor is deceiving you. And there are indirect ones, when a person says one thing, but his body gives out emotions that do not correspond to what was said. This is a mimicry of a lie. For example, in words the interlocutor is happy about something, but his body shows that he is in a state of stress. It is with indirect signs that you need to be very careful, because identifying an emotion is easy, but understanding what it is connected with is another matter. But first things first.

How to detect a lie by gestures? Direct signs

Touches your neck

When your interlocutor tells you something and scratches his neck at the same time, this is a sign of uncertainty in his words. He's lying to you.

Touches the ear

If a person touches his earlobe, rubs it or tries to scratch it, this is a sign that the conversation is making him nervous, which means that the interlocutor either told a lie or kept silent about something.

Constantly looking into the eyes

Everyone knows that liars try not to look their interlocutor in the eye. And liars know this too - often, in order to show their confidence in what is said, they keep their gaze fixed, essentially playing the “honest hussar”. And sometimes even overacting. Judge for yourself, in a normal state, when they tell you the truth and do not hide anything, people behave naturally.

Doesn't make eye contact

For that matter, a classic sign of lying is that a person is trying in every possible way to avoid the gaze of his interlocutor. Psychology explains this by the desire to end a conversation in which a person acts immorally. The exception is when a person is embarrassed.

Rubbing his eyelid

There are other gestures of deception from the same opera - when the interlocutor rubs his eyelid, trying to avoid looking directly into the eyes of the person he is lying to. In men, this movement is especially noticeable and accentuated, in women it is a more subtle, barely noticeable gesture.

Scratching his face

Do you want to know how to recognize lies by gestures? Watch your interlocutor's hands. Scientists have proven that lying can cause itching in the facial muscles. Therefore, when the interlocutor lies to you, he may have a desire to scratch himself.

Covers mouth with hand

Shame and uncertainty about what was said is what a person feels when he covers his mouth during a conversation. This is one of the most obvious signs of deception.

Touches the nose

Continuing the topic, ticklish urges during a lie can also arise in the tip of the nose, so if you notice that the interlocutor has touched his nose, you should be wary.

Gestures of lies can alternate and be combined, but they will always indicate uncertainty in what was said, fear and a feeling of shame.

The duration of a real emotion is 1-2 seconds, anything longer is most often a pretense.

How to spot a lie by the eyes?

Separately, I would like to talk about the eyes of the interlocutor, because during a conversation they are always open to us and can tell so many things that you immediately understand why they are the mirror of the soul. In addition, facial expressions and deceptive gestures are always based on the deepest emotions that we feel. And the eyes will definitely show everything, because you control them consciously long time very difficult. So let's get started.

Blinks frequently

This is a common stress reaction to deception; it most often occurs when the lie is not prepared, but is invented right during the conversation. The exception is if the person is in under stress on another occasion.

Shifty eyes

When your interlocutor quickly moves his gaze around the room, this may indicate lying or embarrassment. In this case, you need to be careful and evaluate the situation in context.

Fixed gaze

If a person remembers something, he usually looks away. To check this, remember the face of your first love. Have you noticed your eyes? That's it. And if a person doesn’t look away, he doesn’t remember, because education doesn’t exist, which means he’s lying.

Eye movement

If a person looks to the left, he pulls out information from his memory, if he looks to the right, he comes up with something that was not in his memory before. That is, he fantasizes. However, it is important not to make a mistake here either. You have never seen a purple elephant, but if you once imagine it, the thought will already become a memory (for the brain, what is happening in reality and in the imagination is the same thing), and in order to return to this picture, people will look to the left.

However, you need to understand that facial expressions of lying are not always so obvious and noticeable, so practice, ask questions and observe.

How to spot a lie by facial expressions?

Another way to spot a lie is to notice a discrepancy between what a person says and how they feel. Human emotions are best conveyed by facial expressions. So there are 7 basic emotions: surprise, fear, anger, joy, disgust, sadness. They will help you understand how to identify a lie.

Astonishment: the eyebrows and upper eyelids are raised, the lower ones are lowered, the lower jaw is lowered, the mouth is slightly open.

Fear: eyebrows are raised and slightly brought together, wrinkles appear on the forehead, the mouth is slightly open, the lips are slightly tense, the eyes are wide open, biting the lips.

Anger: the eyebrows are lowered and slightly brought together, vertical wrinkles appear between them, the upper and lower eyelids are tense, the gaze is fixed, the lips are compressed, the corners of the mouth are straight or lowered down.

Joy: the corners of the mouth are pulled back and up, the cheeks are raised, nasolabial folds appear from the nose to the edges of the mouth, the lower eyelids are raised, wrinkles appear to the right and left of the eyes.

Disgust: the upper lip is raised, the lower lip is raised and moved towards the upper or slightly lowered and pushed forward, the nose is wrinkled, the cheeks are raised, wrinkles appear under the lower eyelids, the eyebrows are lowered.

Sadness: the inner corners of the eyebrows are raised, the skin under the eyebrows is shaped like a triangle, the corners of the mouth are downturned, and the lips may tremble.

Contempt: the corner of the mouth is raised on one side, the eyes are slightly squinted.

So, how can you tell if a person is lying? Just watch his facial expressions. If the emotion is the opposite of what the interlocutor says, then this is a sign of deception.

Lack of facial expressions

If there is no facial expression, then the person is either not himself, or is trying to hide his emotions. After all, such self-control in the case of openness does not make sense, so people with a straight face should be treated with the utmost care.

Now you knowhow to understand that a person is lying. Don't forget that everyone is different,facial expressions of deception can manifest themselves differently each time. For some people, some will clearly prevailSome people have different signs of lying. But the most important thing is to evaluate the information as a whole, otherwise you can notice an emotion in a person, but misinterpret it. And don’t think that everything is very complicated, it’s not. Moreover, it is very interesting and even funny. Therefore, practice more, observe, and many secrets of your interlocutors will be revealed to you.

Men often lie to their wives and lovers, and each time it happens for some specific reasons. Consider that unique case when the ex-husband continues to lie even after divorcing his wife. What reasons could there be for lying when it’s all over anyway, and how can you understand that a man is lying?

A man who often lies lives by fear, not by life.
Aishek Noram

Why do men lie to women?

Many men tell lies to their women, not seeing anything shameful or offensive in it. Gradually this becomes a tradition for them and sometimes happens unconsciously. At the same time, the man not only lies about his feelings, but also about many other things. Among the main reasons for this phenomenon, psychologists indicate the following:
  • desire to appear better than one is;
  • desire to avoid conflict;
  • the desire to protect a woman from unnecessary worries;
  • reluctance to discuss serious issues.

In most cases, with the help of lies, without quarrels and scandals, a man, as if in a “peaceful” way, wins space for those actions that will obviously not be approved by a woman. This could be a relationship with a lover, drinking, meeting with friends. The most understandable version of a man's lie is when a man lies and cheats. At the same time, if it is difficult for him to lie straight to his face, a gentle option is used and he lies in correspondence.

How does a man feel after a divorce?

And such a man, accustomed to lying to his wife, gets divorced. Contrary to popular belief that divorce is more difficult for women, psychology family relations claims the opposite. In our society, it is customary to give all sympathy on this matter to the fairer sex, and, on the contrary, to blame men for what happened. But it should be taken into account that men cannot allow themselves to grieve openly; they have to carry all their experiences within themselves, which is doubly difficult. During this period they experience feelings such as:
  • feeling of loss;
  • loneliness;
  • mental pain;
  • bitterness for lost years;
  • disappointment.
A man has to push negative emotions deep inside, and lie to those around him that everything is fine with him, which results in alcoholism and somatic diseases. If communication between spouses has been maintained, then the habit of lying remains, only the motivation for this is different. An attentive, albeit ex-wife, will easily understand that her ex-husband is lying, based on facial expressions, gestures and intonation.

Why does my ex-husband lie?

The relationship has been clarified a long time ago, claims have been made, and the divorce has taken place. Despite this, the husband continues to tell lies. How can you tell if a man is lying and why does he do it?

Remembering the main reasons for male lies and the state of a man after a divorce, we can conclude that the goals of deception change somewhat. Among the main ones we can now name the following:

  • reluctance to look weak;
  • intention to hide real feelings;
  • the desire to avoid manipulation by the ex-wife;
  • the desire to justify oneself in the eyes of children;
  • the desire to completely avoid communication.

A divorced man often lies about the feelings he really experiences, trying to show that everything is fine with him. But sometimes the most common laziness and lack of female control make you forget about your promises. For example, an ex-husband lies on the phone that he would like to take the children to the zoo, but does not come to them at the appointed time.

Why does my ex-husband avoid communication?

In many cases, after a divorce, a man tries to break off relations with his ex. This usually happens when the husband initiates the separation. He is burdened by constant quarrels and forever dissatisfied wife. He is getting a divorce to gain freedom and does not want to hear anything about his ex-wife. Resentment towards his wife also interferes with communication with his children, while he either lies or does not speak to anyone at all.
Often after a divorce, men go to their mistresses, now devoting all their energy and time to building new relationships and new family. This is another reason why ex-husbands they don’t communicate with their previous families, they simply don’t have time.

When a man tells a woman: “You are my only one,” girls, know that he is lying!
Even if a man has the most beautiful woman, he still looks to the left. Still looking. It's in our nature. How can I explain it to you without offending anyone...
In short, even if you have been vacationing in the Maldives all your life, you still want to go fishing for a day in Astrakhan.
If you eat marbled beef, it’s still once a year, up, and fell for dumplings. Later, of course, you will regret it, but you ate. And when I ate it, I liked it.
Pavel Volya

Another reason that forces men to break off relations with their ex-wife and children is regular employment. After all, they now have a different way of life, they must manage to do all the things themselves, both at home and at work.

How can you tell if a man is lying?

Women always feel deceived by a man, although they cannot always prove it with facts. In some cases, they strive to know the truth at all costs, because sometimes it really is vital. Therefore, they are constantly tormented by the question of how to understand whether a man is lying to them?

Although women's relationships rarely fail, the desire to blindly believe in the best sometimes prevents you from admitting that you are being deceived. Exists a whole series reliable signs that you need to know if you suspect a lie.

Video: How to tell if your boyfriend is lying to you

You can unmistakably understand that a man is lying by his gestures, speech, and defensive position during a conversation. A person who tells a lie has the following characteristics when gesturing:

  • fussiness;
  • avoiding eye contact;
  • anxiety;
  • uncertainty in movements.
The speech of a liar also has some characteristic features, it is usually accompanied by:
  • heavy breathing;
  • yawn;
  • blinking;
  • nervous cough.
The fact that someone is telling a lie is also evidenced by the fact that during a conversation he unconsciously builds a barrier between himself and the lady. In this case, any foreign objects are used - cups, books, fruits. The liar tries to escape from direct gaze by leaning on the table or the back of a nearby chair.

Don’t try to make sure that a man is lying to you through correspondence on the Internet or by reading his SMS on the phone. It is better to carefully observe him and, if these signs are present, analyze his behavior and draw appropriate conclusions.


Thus, each situation must be considered separately. It is impossible to give a definite and clear answer why a man lies and does not want to maintain contact with his ex-wife. As you can see, he may have a variety of reasons for this, which are worth thinking about. To find out, it is necessary to consider each specific case separately, taking into account all the smallest details of the situation that has arisen.

How to understand when a person is telling the truth and when he is blatantly lying? Psychologists identify several signs by which you can determine how sincere your interlocutor is.

Catching a person in a lie is not so easy. What tricks do liars resort to! But there are weapons against them too - just watch a person’s behavior, gestures, movements, voice, and everything immediately becomes clear.

How to understand that a person is lying

  • The liar, telling his made-up story, tries hardly gesticulate, since gestures can give it away.
  • If a person is lying, then he unconsciously tries to hide from the interlocutor, for example, goes to another room under any pretext or tries to hide behind a book, computer or phone.
  • Liar touches his face frequently. He rubs his forehead, straightens his hair, averts his eyes, scratches his nose, etc. This is how he hides his excitement.
  • Liar all the time twirls something in his hands- a pen, a lock of hair, a phone, etc. Although this behavior may simply indicate a person’s nervous state, and not at all that he is telling a lie.
  • Often, before you begin your false story or answer a question, man takes a break. For example, he may take a sip of water or cough. He gives himself this time to think about how best to lie.
  • Liar often includes "fool", that is, he pretends that he has no idea what he’s talking about or doesn’t understand the essence of the issue.

  • Master liars always know that the best defense is an attack. That is why, when they are suspected of lying, they make their interlocutor feel guilty. For example, a liar can shame his opponent for suspecting him in vain, and in general, how could he think such a thing about him!?
  • Changing the conversation to another topic- another trick of experienced liars. If a liar feels that he cannot withstand a series of questions, as a result of which there is a high risk of making a mistake, then he tries to change the topic as quickly as possible.
  • Unnatural smile. A person cannot smile naturally if he is not telling the truth. His smile will be forced, strained.

  • The speech of a liar. Pay attention to how the liar speaks. If talks too fast, then it means he’s prepared and wants to blurt out his invented story immediately and in detail so that the interlocutor has no questions left. If a person speaks very slowly, then this may mean that he is deliberately stalling for time to properly think through his lie.

We wish you good luck in recognizing and exposing liars, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Perhaps, today everyone will need knowledge that will decipher and tell us how to understand that a person is lying. It's easy if learn a few secrets and be able to use them.

Psychology will put everything in its place, and gestures, facial expressions, phrases and glances will help you find out that a person is lying.

No one is immune from lies. Some people lie in small things, trying to reveal only half-truths; for some, lying is a hobby, and for others, it’s a habit. But there is a category of people for whom lying has become a profession and each of us can find ourselves in the place of the victim of such a liar.

How can you protect yourself from lies and determine that a person is lying? Will help you figure this out advice from psychologists, capable of analyzing human behavior and revealing the main signs of lies.

  1. Minimum gestures. People who talk from the heart are always emotional. They gesture, trying to draw attention to their problem. The liar's gestures are minimal; he keeps them under control and uses them only unconsciously. It is subconscious signals that help us recognize that a person is lying.
  2. When a person lies, he tries to cover his face with his hands: Often touches forehead, lips or nose.
  3. You can recognize a liar by his gaze - he tries not to look into the eyes of the interlocutor, his pupils are constricted. A liar blinks very rarely and rarely fixes his gaze on one point.
  4. A man who tells lies keeps a closed posture: Crosses his arms over his chest or hugs himself a little.
  5. If a person is not used to lying, he might be a little nervous, fiddling with a pen, sheet of paper or any other object. But this also happens to people who are insecure.
  6. The interlocutor who lies may take a short break in the conversation: cough or drink water.

In fact, it is sometimes very difficult or almost impossible to determine that a person is lying. Some people are so believe their lies that it is very difficult to catch them with the help of gestures and facial expressions. Such individuals lie constantly; lying for them is a certain way of life or even a disease. But even here there are a couple of secrets to recognize whether a person is telling the truth or not.

If a person constantly repeats phrases like“I never lie” or “Have I ever deceived you?” means he wants to hide the truth.

If your interlocutor does not have a phenomenal memory, then after a while he will forget the details about which he lied. He will repeat a well-thought-out lie down to the last detail, but specific questions will certainly unbalance him. Ask to describe the situation in more detail or clarify the circumstances under which it occurred. Usually liars begin to get confused in details or come up with ridiculous situations.

Sometimes during such checks a person may behave aggressively or, on the contrary, want to arouse pity from the interlocutor or win him over. With such conversations a liar often tries to change the subject or answer a question with a question. Try to play by the rules of your interlocutor and take the conversation in a different direction. You will notice that the person has relaxed, calmed down and does not intend to return to the exciting topic.

Where does a person look when he lies?

We promised to tell you how to understand that a person is lying by looking at his eyes and where he is looking in this case. many people gives away the look, they can even look you in the eyes, but they continue to lie.

When a person tells the truth, his gaze is directed inward, as if into himself. He speaks in a measured tone, his lips pursed. The liar is the opposite looks up and into the distance, as if thinking about a non-existent object. He speaks too quickly or, conversely, too slowly. Can also reveal the deceiver looking to the right.

When imagining a situation, a person can turn his head slightly to the right and look up. At the same time, he seems to be imperceptibly trying to look at the interlocutor, studying his reaction.

How to understand that a person is lying to you via correspondence?

It happens that we cannot establish visual contact with the interlocutor. And here there are a couple of tricks. When a person is far away, he relaxes and can use words that will certainly give him away.

There is one telling story about how a girl exposed her boyfriend in a lie after reading his message. The guy wrote his girlfriend a message like this: “I’m at home, and I’ll be there until the evening.” After reading it, the girl realized that she was being deceived. After all, if her beloved were really at home, he would have written “here” and not “there”. This is how people are given away by carelessly spoken phrases. It is important to learn to read between the lines and catch such inconsistencies.

Whether we like it or not, we often encounter deception. They always try to fool us in everything. You don’t have to go far: let’s take advertising as an example. How beautifully and interestingly they describe the miraculous effects of any product! Dear girls, have you often felt the effect of miracle shampoos or creams? Surely not.

IN everyday life, in communicating with other people we also often encounter this unpleasant moment. Sometimes, when you know for sure that a person is lying, then hatred and disgust awakens towards him, but sometimes you want to bring the deceiver to clean water. We dedicate this article to how to understand that a person is lying. Psychology is exactly the science that will help us figure this out.

Psychology of communication

Our communication consists of several elements that can be divided into two broad categories:

Verbal communication plays a small role in conversation; it is the words we speak. Nonverbal communication takes up the lion's share of communications. This includes:

  • facial expressions;
  • movements;
  • gestures;
  • gait;
  • pose;
  • speech volume;
  • timbre, etc.

As has already become clear, nonverbal communication is communication using body language. It is thanks to him that we can answer the following question: “How can you tell if a person is lying?”

What gives us away?

If a person speaks the truth, then he does it without thinking, his voice sounds even and confident, he does not avoid direct eye contact with his interlocutor. And when he tries to hide something or deceive, then everything happens exactly the opposite. It is difficult for him to look into the eyes, his voice trembles, the intonation and volume changes, trying to come up with something on the go, he stammers and gets confused. Trying to behave naturally, a person makes many different gestures that are completely unusual for him. Very often, facial expressions and posture give away a liar during a dialogue.

We easily reveal the lies of our loved ones because we communicate with them every day, we know how they talk openly and heart to heart, but if we see a person for the first time in our lives, then we have difficulty recognizing lies. How can we tell if a person is lying if we only know him for a few minutes?

Lies or embarrassment?

When we meet a new person, we often encounter the fact that the dialogue does not go quite smoothly. There are shy and self-conscious people for whom meeting new people is a real test of strength. Many may mistake isolation for a lie.

Everyone knows that the posture in which a person conducts a conversation says a lot about who is in front of us. So the postures of a liar, a person hiding something and a simply shy person who tells you the honest truth are very similar. You should not judge a person by the first minutes of communication. It takes time to understand and understand.

How to understand that a person is lying? If gestures and posture do not give us away as a liar in the first minutes, then facial expressions and eyes can reveal all his secrets to us.

Facial expressions

Changes in our face and emotions can tell our interlocutor whether we are being truthful. How can you tell by facial expressions that a person is lying? Facial movements on the face that tell us about lies can be counted on one hand. Let's consider the most significant of them.

Asymmetry. No matter how hard we try, we will not be able to play any feeling. If a person is sincere, if he really experiences any emotions, then he will not be able to hide them. The deceiver is another matter, he is not worried, but is trying to pretend, so the muscles of his face begin to give him away, a lack of synchronization appears. The smile will look more like a grin, etc.

Duration. The duration of any emotion on a person’s face says a lot. Real feelings are short-lived except in extremes such as deep depression, rage, etc. If you see the same emotion on your interlocutor’s face for more than ten seconds, then be sure that he is lying.

How can you tell that a person is lying based on the lack of synchronicity of emotions, words and movements? If a person first speaks and then shows emotion, then this indicates that he is lying. We subconsciously do this at the same time.

Stupid smile. This phenomenon is familiar to many. Often a smile appears on a person’s face if tension increases during a dialogue. For example, when telling sad, bad news, a person can smile, this does not mean that his words are not true, it means that the person is very worried. So are deceivers. As you know, if a person lies, then the tension increases, in order to relieve it, he puts on this mask. This option is also possible: a person smiles when he wants to express respect for his interlocutor; such a smile differs from a sincere one.

Eye contact. When we have nothing to hide, we do not avoid direct eye contact, but a deceiver cannot speak like that to his interlocutor. Let's look at this issue in a little more detail below.

How can you tell if a person is lying by looking at their eyes?

As you know, eyes are the mirror of the soul. No matter how hard we try to hide something, they will always tell the truth. So, how can you tell if a person is lying if you only look into their eyes?

As mentioned above, a person who does not hide anything will not hide his eyes. Most of the dialogue takes place with direct eye contact between the interlocutors. If, while talking to you, a person looks away at the ceiling, at the floor, to the side, or looks over your shoulder, then this indicates that he is lying. If you want to check this, then simply ask a question that concerns what he is hiding. A liar will look away to quickly come up with an answer that sounds more believable.

How to understand by gestures that a person is lying

Body language tells us a lot. A very telling example is negotiation.

If the interlocutor rubs his forehead, then he makes a decision. If he taps his fingers on the table, he is nervous. If he wipes his glasses, this means that it is better to wait a little. If he extends his open palms towards you or leans back in his chair, this means that he fully supports you in your decision.

There are a lot of such telling gestures, they all mean something, we make these movements involuntarily on a subconscious level.

There are several common lying gestures: rubbing the nose, chin, fiddling with clothes, collar, rubbing knees if a person is sitting. Pay attention to how your interlocutor behaves. If the gestures he demonstrates are unusual for him, then this indicates that he is deceiving you.


Pay attention to the pauses your interlocutor makes. Very frequent and long-lasting ones indicate that a person does not know the correct answer to the question posed. During pauses, he gains time in order to come up with an answer that will fully satisfy you. Weighs the pros and cons. When a person tells the truth, the information that he really knows, then there will be no pauses or hesitations in his voice.

We always and everywhere encounter lies; it is very important to learn to recognize them and bring deceivers to light.