Crossword on the theme of Spring . They say that crossword puzzles for young children existed in ancient times. But no one knows the exact date when people began to compose and solve crossword puzzles.

  • When archaeologists excavated an ancient Roman settlement in 1868, they found a medium-sized slab with a pattern similar to a crossword puzzle. This unique creation dates back to approximately the 3rd century.
  • A similar drawing was discovered during excavations in Pompeii. This find was dated to 75 AD.

And those crossword puzzles for small children that we are accustomed to, and which our very young children are happy to solve.

  • At the same time, three countries - Great Britain, USA and South Africa - are defending their right to be called the birthplace of the crossword puzzle. But for us these disputes have no meaning. The main thing for us is an interesting, exciting crossword puzzle.

This wonderful game has always been liked by both kids and adults. Why is this happening? The answer is quite simple!

  • For adults, a crossword puzzle is a fun activity that helps pass the time and relieve boredom.
  • And for children, a crossword puzzle expands their horizons and vocabulary, develops memory and logic, stimulates thinking, and improves intelligence.

Since it’s outside the window, we’ll solve it today Crossword on the theme of Spring.


To do this, you need to solve the riddles and then write the answer in the appropriate boxes.

Tolstikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher of the Nenets Sanatorium Boarding School, Naryan-Mar
Description: I bring to your attention the author's puzzles about spring from the cycle about the seasons for competitions, extracurricular activities, design of wall newspapers and stands. The material may be useful for primary school teachers, boarding school teachers, organizers of extracurricular activities and parents. Intended for students in grades 3-4, but can be selectively used for preschoolers and middle school students. The competition is held between three teams of 3-5 people (6 teams can be formed). Or you can use the presentation to solve puzzles at speed.
Target: organization of extracurricular activities for junior schoolchildren in the form of a puzzle competition
Tasks: consolidate children's knowledge about the spring months, signs of spring and spring holidays,
introduce proverbs about spring,
to develop interest in the work of children's poets,
expand children's horizons,
develop logical thinking and imagination.
On one card the modern names of the autumn months are encrypted, on the other - the ancient ones. The guys need to guess them, combine the modern name with the ancient one and put the months in the correct order.

For correct connection – 1 point for each month,
For the correct order of months - 1 point.
Maximum number of points – 10

The March thawed patch received its name due to the appearance of thawed patches in this spring month.
In April, the first trees begin to bloom, which is why it was called pollen.
May was called grass due to the rapid appearance of young grass everywhere.
Each team receives its own card. You need to decipher the names of the holidays and guess which month they belong to.
For each correctly guessed puzzle - 1 point,

Maximum number of points – 4

1 – Bird Day
7 – Health Day
12 – Cosmonautics Day

1 – Cat Day
8 – Women's Day
21 – Earth Day

9 – Victory Day
15 – Family Day
27 – Library Day

Each team receives its own card. We need to decipher the proverb and guess what month we are talking about, and try to explain the meaning of this proverb.
For a proverb – up to 5 points
For a correctly guessed month - 1 point
For correctly revealed meaning of a proverb - up to 2 points
Maximum number of points – 8

Answer:(Name of the month) decorates the forest, summer invites you to visit.

Answer:(Name of the month) is warm, May is cold - a grain-bearing year.

Answer:(Name of the month) is incorrect: sometimes he cries, sometimes he laughs.

Each team receives its own card, on which 2 lines of a poem are encrypted, which they must guess. Also, from the proposed poets, you must choose the author of this poem.
For a correctly deciphered rebus - up to 6 points
For the correctly named author - 1 point
Maximum amount – 7 points

The snow is no longer the same -
He darkened in the field.

The clouds are moving faster.
The sky became higher.

It's getting darker every day
Stitches and tracks

Spring song
The snow is no longer the same -
He darkened in the field.
The ice on the lakes is cracked,
It's like they split it.
The clouds are moving faster.
The sky became higher.
The sparrow chirped
Have fun on the roof.
It's getting darker every day
Stitches and paths
And on the willows with silver
The earrings glow.
(S. Marshak)

Summing up the results of the competition.

Proverbs and sayings about May

2. May will deceive - he will leave...4. When it blooms... - the cold always lives.8. Little bird... but knows May.10. May decorates the forest, ... expects guests.11. Mayskaya... and feeds the hungry.

1. In May, even... sings.3. April with water, and... with grass.5. Maysky... will not squeeze out tears.6. If in May... there will be rye.7. The nightingale clicked, which means... the leaf was released.9. One May...horses prefer oats.

Horizontal:2. village 4. ahumerech 8. yevolos 10. calving 11. avart
Vertical:1. retev 3. yam 5. zorom 6. bjod 7. azereb 9. asor

March 22 is World Water Day.
This significant date, starting in 1993, is intended to remind humanity of the extreme importance of water resources for the environment and the development of society. “Because without water there is neither here nor there!”! About the types of reservoirs - in our “water” crossword puzzle.

HORIZONTALLY:1. A part of the world's oceans separated by land or elevated underwater terrain.4. An artificial reservoir for storing water for the purpose of water supply, irrigation, fish and waterfowl breeding, as well as for aesthetic, sanitary and sports needs.6. A small watercourse, usually from several tens of centimeters to several meters wide, flowing, most often, into rivers or lakes. Its speed is usually quite high.8. The largest body of water that forms part of the World Ocean, located among the continents.

VERTICAL:2. A naturally occurring body of water that does not have a direct connection with the sea (ocean), and is the subject of study of the science of limnology.3. A relatively small accumulation of liquid, in most cases water, in depressions on the surface of the earth or in uneven surfaces.5. The natural release of groundwater to the earth's surface on land or under water (underwater source).7. A natural water stream flowing in a depression created by it - a permanent natural channel and fed by surface and underground runoff from its basin. It is studied by the science of potamology.

ANSWERS:Horizontally:1. sea ​​4. pond 6. stream 8. ocean Vertical: 2. lake 3. puddle 5. spring (key) 7. river

  • "Boyaryna - Maslenitsa!"
Maslyana, cheese Maslenitsa, cheese week, butter week, sugar mouth, gobbled up, gobbled up, chick, quail, killer whale, boyar Maslenitsa, pancake eater, forty grandmothers granddaughter, three mothers daughter, thirty brothers sister, ravager, wet tail, wide, riotous, cheerful, honest, snub-nosed, ruddy... And this is all about Maslenitsa! By these nicknames one can judge not only the features of the Slavic holiday, but also the attitude of people towards it. Seeing off the Winter cheerfully and on a grand scale, the people were preparing for Lent.
Proverbs and sayings in the Maslenitsa crossword puzzle will help you learn more about the traditions originating in the pagan past of our ancestors. All words of the task are encrypted in the singular. Like during Pancake week, pancakes were flying out of the oven! From the heat, from the heat, from the oven, Everything is rosy, hot! Maslenitsa, treat! Serve pancakes to everyone!

3. Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like... spring.
5. Not everything is for the cat... there will be Lent too!7. Damn it’s not... - you can’t prick it with a pitchfork.9. Like during the oil week in... the pancakes were flying.11. Let's pay our respects at the cheese bar....13. We say goodbye to Maslenitsa, look forward to the light...

1. Take a ride, roll around in pancakes.2. There was Maslenitsa at the yard, but I didn’t go to...
4. Damn not..., it won’t split your belly.6. This Maslenitsa is coming... and it brings honey.
8. Feast and party, woman, on Maslenitsa, and remember about... without Maslenitsa.
10. Maslenitsa go around, ... tidy up. 11. Maslena is not on... given.12. Maslenitsa is afraid of bitter... and steamed turnips.

Horizontal:3. wheel 5. Maslenitsa 7. sheaf 9. ceiling 11. Sunday 13. sun.
Vertical:1. mountain 2. house 4. wedge 6. pancake 8. post 10. money 11. century 12. radish.

  • "Laughter is a serious matter!"
How they treated laughter and cheerful people in the old days, you will find out by solving our crossword puzzle. And having entered the missing words into Russian folk sayings and proverbs, think about whether they are applicable in our time. Do you agree with these statements?

Horizontally: 2. It’s easier to continue laughing than to stop…. 3. Whoever makes people laugh is worth it.5. Jokes, jokes, but... buy (take care).7. Laughter is great….9. ...lives on laughter.11. Some are cheerful, and some... hanged. 12. Just kidding -..., but it charges for an hour.14. He also... laughs, and his leg laughs. 15. Joy is not eternal, ... not endless.16. Laughter - ... serious.

Vertically: 1. Business – time, fun –….2. ... got into the mouth.4. Some people's ruble is crying, but mine is... skipping.6. He who lives in joy is also... numb.7. The heart rejoices and... blooms.8. Mix things up with idleness, spend them... with fun.9. ...better than wealth.10. Every... is dissolved in two; It's funny for the cat, and it's bad for the mouse.13. Don’t laugh, ..., at the beans: you too will be underfoot.

Horizontal: 2. Laughter 3. Light 5. Rye 7. Doctor 9. Century 11. Nose 12. Minute 14. Hand 15. Sadness 16. Business

Vertical:1. Hour 2. Smeshinka 4. Kopek 6. Kruchina 7. Face 8. Time 9. Fun 10. Joke 13. Peas

  • "Spring Flowers"
...When the flowers of spring bloom, And the thrush leads out the trill, We are full of bright joy, Wandering from the morning to the stars... Robert Burns

1. The scientific name of the plant is “Galanthus”. It is formed from the Latinized Greek words γάλα (gála) and ἄνθος (ánthos), which can be understood as “milk flower” - and is given by the color of the flowers. The well-known name is associated with the early flowering of plants - flowers appear immediately from under the snow.

2. A flower whose name is associated with the place where it grows. It grows in the FOREST, but is almost never found in open places. Its other name is "LIVER". It comes from the belief that these plants help with liver diseases, since the three-lobed leaves resemble liver in shape.

3. The stem of this flower is slightly thicker than an ordinary match and no taller than a student’s pencil. The green fuzzy stem ends in a white flower star. The ancient Romans called the flower exactly the same as we do, “anemone” - from the Latin word “anemos” - wind. The name was probably given to the plant because of its sensitivity to wind. Even with small gusts, large flower petals begin to flutter and flowers begin to sway. What is the name of our flower?

4. On the shaggy stem of this plant are collected flower heads, painted in different colors. Some are pink, others are purple, and others are completely blue. The flowers are pink when they first bloom. A little time will pass, and from pink they will turn purple, and then blue. The flower is especially loved by bees and bumblebees! This is what its name is connected with.

5. The name of the flower is derived from the verb form “to blow”, which is equal to the literary “to blow”. This name reflects the peculiarity of the plant - its pubescent achenes are blown away by the wind or a light breeze.

6. The name of this flower comes from the Latin word “prímus” (“first”) and is explained by the fact that many of its species bloom in early spring, among the first.

7. One of the fabulously beautiful first flowers is DREAM-GRASS. A thick, shaggy coat of hairs covering the entire plant perfectly protects it from both cold and moisture loss. Its botanical name - "Pulsatiila" - translated from Latin means "to set in motion." The flower also has another name associated with its rapid development in the spring. What do people call sleep-grass?

ANSWERS: 1. Snowdrop 2. Copse. 3. Anemone. 4. Lungwort. 5. Dandelion. 6. Primrose.7. Lumbago.

  • Crossword "Spring"
Following the ringing streams, we, as heralds of spring, have prepared a spring task for you, dear friends. And not simple, but with proverbs and sayings! Guess or remember the missing words in them and write them in the horizontal boxes. Start from the top line. Letters - hints (already written in) - from the word SPRING. Having completed the task, you can once again be convinced that proverbs and sayings, embodying centuries-old folk wisdom, are, as always, very accurate, observational and imaginative.

PROVERBS AND SAYINGS: 1. April ... breaks the snowball.2. March with water, ... with grass, and May with flowers.3. Spring yes... - there are eight weather conditions per day.4. Spring… feeds the year.5. ... winter ends, spring begins.

ANSWERS:1. kotevts 2. lerpa 3. neso 4. week 5. tram

  • "Solar" riddles

1. There are dense lumps on the branches, sticky leaves slumber in them.

2. What grows upside down?

3. Who changes clothes 4 times a year?

4. At first he was a black cloud, He lay down on the forest like white fluff, Covered the whole earth with a blanket, And in the spring he completely disappeared.

5. The lanky man walked and got stuck in the ground.

6. It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter.

7. Blacks all migratory birds, Cleans the arable land from worms.

8. The white ball grew, the wind blew and the ball flew away.

9. I open the buds, With green leaves, I dress the trees, I water the crops, I’m full of movement, My name is...

10. White peas on a green stem.

11. The hut was built without hands, without an axe.

12. In front - awl,

Behind is a fork,

On top there is a black cloth,

Below is a white towel.

13. Planted a seed, raised a sun.

14. The river roars loudly, And breaks the ice, The starling returned to his house, And in the forest the bear woke up, There is a lark trilling in the sky, Who came to us?

15. What will not be sown?

16. Who will be born 2 times: The first time - smooth, The second - soft?

Answers: .gens.4.yalmez.3 .aklusos.2.ikchop.1