Cap color Number BTK. Ussuri Suvorov and Orenburg. His own, graduated from Lviv special. Suvorovites and cadets have a new uniform. The initial form of Suvorovets. A statutory version of a T-shirt to match a suit for military personnel, color number. The Minister of Defense set the task of dressing Suvorov soldiers in a new traditional uniform by the end of the year, he said and clarified that it was a jacket and trousers. Website of graduates of the Leningrad St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School. The head of the military department recalled that many of them became government-level leaders, diplomats, and prominent ones. Suvorovites return Kurgan and Kurgan residents. Uniform, signs, regalia. Suvorov uniform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Suvorovites go to the bathhouse Cadets of the Kyiv SVU Suvorovets uniform shoulder straps cap 1979. Stas27, why do Suvorov schools exist in our time, the war ended 65 years ago, their purpose and meaning. To work on improving military uniforms for cadets, Suvorov students, etc. I am selling a wool blend Suvorov uniform. The uniform of Suvorov students and students of special boarding schools is a complete set of clothing for both the summer and winter seasons. Free advertisements for the sale and purchase of military uniforms, caps, equipment in Russia

And then the door opened and a boy in Suvorov uniform appeared. Yulia Karnaeva IA REGNUM. Marshello Suvorov military schools are closer to Krasnodar. More than 7 thousand Suvorov, Nakhimov and cadets in different regions. HOW ONE OF YOU FELT THE LOOKS OF ALL THE GIRLS WHEN YOU WALKED THROUGH THE CORRIDORS OF THE SCHOOL IN YOUR DRESS UNIFORM? All Suvorovites are brothers in mind. Uniforms of Suvorov and Nakhimov soldiers from the times of the USSR. A black cloth tunic of the Red Army type and untucked trousers with 2cm single-row stripes made up the winter casual uniform of a Suvorov soldier, V. In practical terms and quite conventionally, they can be divided into three groups. The basis should be the uniform of Russian Suvorovites. Suvorovets Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov. MODERN CLOTHING FOR SUVOROVITS. Suvorovites were approved for uniforms. Also uniforms for Suvorov, Nakhimov and cadets, along with the modern field uniform of the Russian army, an all-season set of field uniforms. All costs of maintaining Suvorov soldiers fall on the Ministry of Defense. On behalf of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the department began work on a new uniform for Suvorov soldiers. After being distributed among companies and platoons, Suvorov soldiers will be given uniforms and other equipment. Military clothing, uniform for Suvorovites

The draft order establishes the uniform of clothing for Suvorov military personnel training. Constant animate, masculine. An Astrakhan Suvorov soldier saved the wounded man. In addition, as it was emphasized, the uniform of the Suvorov soldiers, which they use every day, has also undergone changes. A complete accentuated paradigm according to A. The rules for wearing uniforms and insignia of students in the Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia have been established. Please check with the seller for the cost of delivery within the country. Indeed, over the years, in Suvorov schools, the terms of training, requirements for Suvorov students, uniforms have changed a lot, training courses have been added and canceled. They personally confirmed this to the VP correspondent. Tin miniature of Suvorovets uniform, sample 1958. The uniform is black, cloth, with a stand-up collar, single-breasted, with 8 brass buttons. On the Chita city portal there is a report about the Chita Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Order of the Minister of the Navy 170 of September 12, 1951. Instead of military departments, they want to introduce sergeant departments. INTERFAXAVN The Russian Ministry of Defense has begun work to improve military uniforms for cadets. The Ministry of Defense will improve the military uniform of cadets, Suvorov and Nakhimov students.

(approved by order of the USSR Minister of Defense of November 1, 1973 No. 250)



Article 1. All military personnel on active military service in the Soviet Army and Navy, Suvorov and Nakhimov members, as well as generals, admirals, officers, warrant officers and midshipmen who are in the reserve or retired with the right to wear have the right to wear military uniforms military uniform.

Article 2. Military uniforms are worn strictly in accordance with these Rules. All items of military uniform must meet specifications, be carefully fitted, and be kept in impeccable condition.

    - front door;

    — ceremonial weekend;

    - everyday;

    - field;

    - working.

2. Sergeants, foremen, soldiers and sailors of conscript service, cadets, Suvorovites, Nakhimovites and military builders:

    a) front door - when participating in parades, when presenting orders, naval flags, banners to military units, ships and formations; when receiving government awards, when taking the military oath; when appointed to the honor guard, on the days of annual holidays of the unit or ship; when launching ships and when raising the Naval flag on a ship entering service; sentries guarding the battle flag, while on duty at checkpoints, persons carrying out checkpoint service in the buildings of the headquarters of military districts, groups of forces, armies, formations and units, as well as in institutions and military educational institutions, while on patrol duty .

    b) ceremonial day off - on holidays and weekends, upon dismissal from a unit, while on leave and in other cases as directed by the commander of the unit (ship);

    c) everyday - in all classes, when wearing daily outfits and in free time from classes at the unit’s location, as well as in other cases as directed by the commander of the unit (ship);

    d) field - during all exercises, shooting, maneuvers and combat duty;

    e) working - when performing economic and construction work, as well as when servicing equipment and weapons.

Article 5. The dress code for drill inspections is announced by the persons conducting the inspections.

Article 6. The transition to summer or winter uniforms is established by: commanders of troops of military districts, commanders of fleets and flotillas, commanders of naval bases, garrison commanders (senior naval commanders).

Chapter 5. Suvorov uniform

Summer (Fig. 81)3 winter (Fig. 82)
A black cap with a red band, a closed ceremonial uniform with a turn-down collar and untucked trousers in black, black boots, a white waist belt, white gloves.A hat with earflaps, a black overcoat, a formal dress uniform with a turn-down collar and untucked trousers in black, black boots, a white waist belt, black gloves.

Article 67. The dress uniform is the same as the dress uniform, but with the summer uniform a black belt is worn.

Summer (Fig. 83)3 winter (Fig. 82)Summer II (Fig. 84)
A summer cap with a red band and a white cover, a casual white jacket with a turn-down collar, black untucked trousers, black boots, a waist belt.A hat with earflaps, a black overcoat, a casual closed jacket with a turn-down collar and untucked trousers in black, black boots, a waist belt, black gloves.A black cap with a red band, a casual closed jacket with a turn-down collar and untucked black trousers, black boots, a waist belt.

Chapter 1. Hats

Article 123. The cap (peakless cap), earflap hat and beret for the Airborne Forces are worn by conscripts, cadets of military and naval schools, Suvorov and Nakhimov students, military builders with a star and emblem.

The center of the cockade (star, emblem) should be above the bridge of the nose.

Chapter 2. Outerwear

Article 124. A single-breasted overcoat is worn with a waist belt, fastened with all hooks, with an unstitched, neatly tucked in counter pleat on the back.

The distance from the floor to the bottom of the overcoat for petty officers (sergeants), sailors, cadets of naval schools, Suvorov and Nakhimov soldiers is 40 cm.

Article 131. The closed uniform (Suvorov) is fastened on the right side with a hook and all buttons; worn in ceremonial and formal dress uniforms with a waist belt and a white collar, the upper edge of which should protrude 1-2 mm above the collar.

Chapter 5. Equipment and weapons in military uniform

Article 150. The waist belt on Suvorov military overcoats is placed at the back behind the strap, and at the front it should be between the fourth and fifth button from the top.

On Suvorov uniforms, the waist belt should be between the third and fourth (and on a tunic - between the fourth and fifth) button on top.

The waist belt in all cases is tightly fastened with a plaque, which is located in the middle of the body. The folds in the uniform are straightened out.

Section IV. Shoulder straps, buttonholes, sleeve badges and stripes

Chapter 1. Shoulder straps and buttonholes

Article 167. On the shoulder straps of Suvorov and Nakhimovites, as well as on the shoulder straps of Nakhimovites, letters are stenciled in yellow paint, indicating the fleet (flotilla) or military school (for Suvorov and Nakhimovites).

Article 169. On the shoulder straps of Suvorovites, the letters are applied at a distance of 15 mm from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the bottom edge of the first row of letters; the distance between the bottom and top row of letters is 13 mm.

Chapter 2. Sleeve insignia and sleeve patches

Article 174. The sleeve insignia is sewn on the outer side of the left sleeve of the ceremonial uniform and overcoat at a distance of 12 cm from the top point of the sleeve.



About Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval
and military music schools


In connection with the preparation for publication of the Code of Laws of the USSR, the Council of Ministers of the USSR decides:

1. To establish that the Kazan, Kalinin, Kiev, Leningrad, Minsk, Moscow, Sverdlovsk, Ussuri Suvorov Military Schools and the Leningrad Nakhimov Naval School operating in the Ministry of Defense prepare young people for admission to military educational institutions of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

The Ministry of Defense should organize the Moscow Military Music School (on the basis of the military music school) for the subsequent training of military conductors from among its students.

2. Admit to the Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval and military music schools young men aged 15-16 with an eight-year education, who are fit for health reasons to study in military schools and who want to become officers in the future. Young men entering military music schools must also have musical training at the level of a children's music school.

3. The duration of training in the Suvorov military and Nakhimov naval schools is 2 years, and in the military music schools 4 years. Graduates of the Suvorov Military and Nakhimov Naval Schools are issued a certificate of secondary education, and graduates of military music schools are given an all-Union diploma of secondary specialized education.

4. Suvorov, Nakhimov and military music schools students are fully supported by the state.

Students of military music schools are provided with all types of allowances according to the standards established for Suvorov students.

5. Approve the attached description of shoulder straps and uniforms of Suvorov, Nakhimov and military music schools students.

Establish that other insignia and descriptions of uniform items for Suvorov, Nakhimov and military music school students, as well as the rules for wearing this uniform are approved by the Minister of Defense.

6. Entrust the Ministry of Defense with:

a) management of the Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval and military music schools, their financing and logistics;

b) approval of regulations on the Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval and military music schools, staff, curricula and programs of these schools. Curricula and programs for general education and music training should be coordinated with the USSR Ministry of Education, the USSR Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and the USSR Ministry of Culture;

c) staffing the Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval and military music schools with officers, teachers and service personnel.

7. The Ministry of Finance of the USSR should provide, according to the estimate of the Ministry of Defense, the necessary allocations for the maintenance of the Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval and military music schools.

8. The Ministry of Education of the USSR and the Ministry of Culture of the USSR provide, at the request of the Ministry of Defense, the Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval and military music schools with textbooks, teaching aids, technical teaching aids and demonstration materials, as well as assist the Ministry of Defense in improving the qualifications of teachers these schools.

shoulder straps and uniforms of Suvorov and Nakhimov soldiers
and students of military music schools

1. Shoulder straps of Suvorovites and students of military music schools

Shoulder straps with a field of red cloth, with white edging. On the shoulder straps there are golden letters: for Suvorov graduates - “SVU”, for students of military music schools - “VMU” (Figures 1, 2). According to the method of attachment to uniforms, shoulder straps can be sewn or removable.

Shoulder strap dimensions: length - 13 - 18 cm, width - 6 cm.

3. Uniform of Suvorov students and students of military music schools

a) Dress uniform:

a black woolen cap with a red band and white edging, with a star and emblem;
a hat with earflaps made of black tsigeika, with a cloth top, with a star and an emblem;
single-breasted black wool overcoat with shoulder straps and buttonholes;
single-breasted closed woolen uniform, with a turn-down collar, black, with shoulder straps and buttonholes;
untucked black wool trousers with red stripes;
black chrome boots;
white waist belt with brass plaque;
white cotton knitted gloves;
black woolen gloves.

b) Dress uniform:

The dress uniform is the same as the dress uniform, but the waist belt is black leather.

c) Casual dress code:

woolen cap, earflap hat, overcoat, untucked woolen trousers, boots, woolen gloves - the same as for the dress uniform;
summer cap with a red band and white cover, with a star and emblem;
single-breasted closed woolen jacket, with a turn-down collar, black, with shoulder straps and buttonholes;
single-breasted closed summer linen tunic, with a turn-down collar, white, with shoulder straps;
untucked cotton trousers, black;
yuft boots;
black leather waist belt with brass plaque;

Shoulder straps of Suvorovites and students

(approved by order of the USSR Minister of Defense dated March 4, 1988 No. 250)



Article 1. The right to wear military uniforms has the right to military personnel on active military service in the Soviet Army and Navy, Suvorov, Nakhimov, students of military music schools, students of special boarding schools and military builders, as well as marshals, generals, admirals, officers, warrant officers and midshipmen who are in the reserve or retired with the right to wear military uniforms.

Article 2. Military uniforms are worn strictly in accordance with these Rules. Items of clothing must meet established descriptions, be carefully fitted and kept in impeccable condition.

Article 3. Military uniform is established:

  • - front door;
  • - ceremonial weekend;
  • - everyday;
  • - field;
  • - working.

Each of these forms is divided into summer and winter, and in the Navy, in addition, has a number.

Article 4. Military uniform is worn:

2. Sergeants, foremen, soldiers and sailors of conscript service, cadets, Suvorov, Nakhimov, students of military music schools, students of special boarding schools and military construction workers:

    a) front door - when participating in parades; when presenting orders, order naval flags, banners to military units, ships and formations; when receiving government awards; when taking the military oath; when appointed to the honor guard; on the days of annual holidays of a military unit or ship; when launching ships; when raising the Naval flag on a ship entering service; sentries to guard the Battle Banner;

    b) ceremonial day off - on holidays and weekends, upon dismissal from a unit, while on leave and in other cases as directed by the commander of the military unit (ship);

    c) everyday - in all classes, when wearing daily outfits and in free time from classes at the location of the military unit, as well as in other cases as directed by the commander of the military unit (ship);

    d) field - during exercises, maneuvers, combat duty and classes in training centers;

    e) working - when performing economic and construction work, as well as when servicing equipment and weapons.

Article 6. The transition to summer or winter uniforms, the beginning of wearing in the spring and the cessation of wearing summer coats and raincoats in the autumn are established by orders of commanders of military districts, groups of troops, commanders of fleets and flotillas, commanders of naval bases, garrison commanders (senior naval commanders ).


Chapter 5. Uniform of Suvorovites, students of military music schools and students of special boarding schools

Article 66. Dress uniform:

Summer (Fig. 101)3 winter (Fig. 104)
A black cap with a red (blue) band, a closed ceremonial uniform and untucked trousers in black, black boots, a white waist belt, white gloves.A hat with earflaps, a black overcoat, a closed ceremonial uniform and untucked trousers in black, black boots, a white waist belt on the overcoat, black gloves, a black muffler.

Article 67. The dress uniform is the same as the dress uniform, but with a black waist belt.

Article 68. Everyday dress code:

Summer I (Fig. 102)3 winter (Fig. 104)Summer II (Fig. 103)
Summer cap with a red (blue) band, casual closed jacket in white, untucked trousers in black, boots in black, waist belt in black.A hat with ear flaps, a black overcoat, a closed casual jacket and an untucked trouser in black, black boots, a black waist belt on the overcoat, black gloves, a black muffler.A black cap with a red (blue) band, a closed casual jacket and untucked trousers in black, black boots, a black waist belt.

Note. Blue color for boarding school students with basic flight training.


Chapter 1. Hats

Article 123. Conscripts, cadets of military educational institutions, Suvorov, Nakhimov, students of military music schools, students of special boarding schools and military builders of a cap with earflaps, a cap, a peakless cap, a beret (for the Airborne Forces and the Marine Corps), a cap with a removable visor is worn with a star and emblem; cap, Panama, beret (except for the Airborne Forces and Marine Corps) - with a star; field cap - with a khaki star.

Chapter 2. Outerwear

Article 124. A single-breasted overcoat is fastened with all hooks and worn with an unstitched, neatly tucked in counter pleat on the back. On the front of the single-breasted overcoat there are five golden buttons.

The distance from the floor to the bottom of the overcoat for Suvorov, Nakhimov, students of military music schools and students of special boarding schools is 40 cm.

Article 131. The closed uniform of Suvorovites, students of military music schools and students of special boarding schools is fastened with a hook and all buttons and worn with a white collar, the upper edge of which should protrude 1-2 mm above the collar.

Chapter 5. Equipment and weapons

Article 150. The waist belt on a single-breasted overcoat must be between the fourth and fifth buttons from the top, and at the back - tucked behind the strap.

The waist belt on the uniform and jacket of Suvorovites, students of military music schools and students of special boarding schools should be between the fourth and fifth buttons from the top.

Section IV. WEARING epaulets, buttonholes, emblems and sleeve badges

Chapter 1. Shoulder straps, buttonholes and emblems

Article 156. Sewn shoulder straps are worn on black overcoats and jackets of Suvorovites, students of military music schools and students of special boarding schools.

Removable shoulder straps are worn on the white jackets of Suvorovites, students of military music schools and students of special boarding schools.

Article 167. On the shoulder straps of Suvorovites, students of military music schools and students of special boarding schools, at a distance of 20 mm from the lower edge of the shoulder strap, the letters “SVU”, “VMU”, “SSH” in golden color with a height of 25 mm are placed, respectively.

Article 168. In the Soviet Army, buttonholes are worn:

On the overcoat, uniform and woolen jacket of Suvorovites, students of military music schools and students of special boarding schools, colored buttonholes with white piping are worn.

Article 174. Sleeve insignia of Suvorovites, students of military music schools, students of special boarding schools. The sleeve badge is sewn on the outside of the left sleeve of the ceremonial uniform and overcoat at a distance of 12 cm from the top point of the sleeve.

Thanks to the cadets from the St. Petersburg cadet school for the collected and summarized material :) A cadet is a friend and brother to a cadet!

St. Petersburg Suvorov students were the first to wear a new uniform on the day of celebrating the 60th anniversary of the school

On August 28, at the celebrations dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School, for the first time the personnel of the students in the formation were dressed in a new uniform, developed for Suvorov students by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It preserves the traditions of the elite school, and some historical elements are even returned. But the most important thing is that the Suvorovites liked the uniform. They personally confirmed this to the VP correspondent.

In fact, until the last moment it was unknown whether the cadets would wear new uniforms for the anniversary formation or not. And at first they planned to organize a demonstration of innovations for the press on September 1. And the point is not the sluggishness of the quartermasters. It’s just that everything here is as always with a military uniform. Created according to standard patterns, it is usually rarely suitable for the individual physique of military personnel, and there are no troops whose soldiers would not customize the kits issued at the warehouse, even if they match in size. Here seamstresses worked for the Suvorov students. And even on the afternoon of August 27, on the eve of the celebrations, it was unclear whether they would have time to fit the ceremonial kits for students of all courses - from 1st to 7th. We made it.

On August 28 at 10.00, the cadets lined up on the parade ground in front of the main entrance to the St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School. The uninitiated would hardly notice anything. The same red elements on the black uniform, such as St. Petersburg residents are accustomed to seeing Suvorov soldiers going out into the city on leave. But for the honored guests of the holiday - mainly graduates of the Suvorov Military School - changes were visible.

Instead of a jacket - a French jacket with a stand-up collar, different buttons, not a white training belt, but a golden officer's belt with a buckle, no external pockets...

As the head of the general department of the Suvorov School, Alexander Kunin, explained to the VP correspondent, from his point of view, replacing the uniform is more a matter of symbolism than of any necessity:

— The form configuration remains the same. Only a few details have changed. Some historical moments have been returned. For example, stand-up collars - jackets with such high collars were worn by cadets back in tsarist times. And the replacement of the uniform is not connected with our move (we wrote about this in the previous material - http://www.. They change it in all Suvorov schools in the country. Our cadets just showed it first.

As a result, Suvorov students will have 7 sets of uniforms stored in their personal lockers. Summer: casual with short and long sleeves, formal. Winter: casual with jackets and Alaskan jackets. Sportswear for sports and camouflage for training exercises.

After the ceremonial formation, the VP correspondent managed to talk with the cadets.

- Guys, what course are you from?

- From the fifth.

— Do you like the new uniform?

- Better than the old one?

“It was a little heavy and hindered movement. And this one is light and comfortable.

— Is it comfortable for everyone? Don't your collars chafe?

The Suvorovites shook their necks:

- No, it doesn’t rub. There are just no patch pockets. One internal one is small. This is inconvenient.

Here the officer-educator intervened:

“There was always stuff stuffed in those pockets.” From grandma's pies to players with headphones. Therefore, it was decided to abandon pockets.

BTK Group exhibition stand /

The leading Russian company in the light industry "BTK Group" - the only supplier of clothing equipment to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - has completed the production and supply of uniforms for students of the Cadet Corps, Suvorov and Naval Schools.

Already on September 1, 2015, more than 7,000 students will be wearing the new uniform. The design of this uniform is based on the dress uniform of the students of the Corps of Pages (His Imperial Majesty's Corps of Pages).

The specialists of BTK Group were faced with the task of recreating the historical image of the cadets, emphasizing the heritage of Great Russia. As a result, products were developed that fully correspond to historical samples. The new uniform, in addition to its unique design, is practical and comfortable to wear. When developing the design of individual items of clothing, the characteristics of the children's figure of each age group were taken into account.

Photo: Press service of BTK Holding

All products are made from high-quality natural fabrics made in Russia. For students of the Suvorov Military School, the Naval School and the Cadet Corps, black and white tunics with shoulder straps, fastened with golden buttons, as well as a red tunic with a stand-up collar fastened with two hooks were developed. The embroidery on the collars of the jackets is made with metallic golden thread.

For students of the Nakhimov Naval School and the Cossack Cadet Corps, double-breasted tunics in white and black with shoulder straps and a fastener with six gold and six finishing metal buttons with an anchor were made. The stand-up collar, fastened with two hooks, is decorated with lapel insignia in the form of golden anchors.

Georgy Drachev, General Director of BTK Group, noted: “The BTK Group company has experience in developing and producing uniforms based on historical designs - not so long ago, parade squads marched along Red Square wearing the uniform from BTK Group.” We are proud that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has once again entrusted us with such a responsible task - the uniform of the Corps of Pages is truly majestic - I am sure that modern students will proudly wear this uniform and highly appreciate its beauty, quality and compliance with the historical image.”

Press service of BTK Holding

Soon the students of the Suvorov military schools will be dressed in a new uniform. The head of the Tver SVU, Vladimir Chekhovsky, announced this on Saturday on the Russian News Service radio station.

Just the day before yesterday, at the direction of the minister, a meeting was held, the result of which was the choice of uniforms for cadets and Suvorov students. The Minister of Defense set the task of dressing the Suvorov students in a new traditional uniform by the end of the year, he said and clarified that the jackets and trousers of the students will remain black and will not repeat the field uniform. The new uniform, according to Vladimir Chekhovsky, will become more comfortable and wearable. “The mistakes that led to the current inconvenience in clothing will be eliminated,” emphasized the head of the Tver School

This year, not only students, but also hundreds of boys and girls who dream of Suvorov ranks and have applied for admission to SVU will have a chance to update their wardrobes this year. It is no secret that children of military personnel are given some preferences when entering cadets, Suvorov and Nakhimov cadets. And for children who have health problems and low grades in their school certificates, the opportunity to try on a new uniform is virtually reduced to zero. Neither dad's shoulder straps nor his merits will help here.

But if boys and girls do not have medical contraindications to life in the cadets, study well, are friends with sports, then there will always be a place for them in the Suvorov, Nakhimov or cadet system. Especially when it comes to the children of career military personnel killed in the line of duty. Such teenagers are generally accepted for study without competition.

Let us recall that once upon a time the children of fallen soldiers and officers of the Great Patriotic War were designated as Suvorov and Nakhimov members. In general, no one has canceled this rule for admission to cadets. But orphans are only one of the categories of pupils. Children of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces with at least five years of experience in the army sit at their desks with them. The doors of the “cadets” are always open to boys and girls from the families of reserve and retired officers, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Heroes of Russia and the Soviet Union, full holders of the Order of Glory.

However, they were not and will not be automatically enrolled in studies. Admission to schools is on a competitive basis, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations. But the children who have passed the sieve of such selection are put on full state support. Parents of boys and girls do not shell out a penny for the opportunity to receive an excellent education, uniforms, food, teachers, 24-hour supervision from commanders and teachers. All costs of maintaining Suvorov and Nakhimov students fall on the Ministry of Defense.

Prepared material for publication