
205094 sq. m.

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Coordinates: 51°39′22″ n. w. 39°12′25″ E. d. /  51.656111° N. w. 39.206944° E. d.(G) (O) (I)51.656111 , 39.206944

Voronezh State University (VSU listen)) - a classical university in Russia, in the city of Voronezh. It is one of the largest higher educational institutions in Russia and one of the leading centers of national science and culture. Founded on May 18, 1918. Located in the historical center of Voronezh.


Academic badge of VSU

Voronezh University includes 18 faculties. More than 20 thousand students study at the University.

Over 90 years, the university has trained more than 100 thousand specialists. Among the university's graduates are Nobel laureates, laureates of state prizes of the USSR and Russia, academicians, ministers, scientists and cultural figures. University graduates work in 90 countries around the world.


Voronezh State University was created in 1918 on the basis of Yuryev University, which was evacuated due to the First World War. The work of Dorpat (later Yuryev) University in the city of Dorpat was restored in 1802 by decree of Alexander I. The educational institution was the second university in Russia. Among the teachers of Yuryev University evacuated to Voronezh were:

The first rector of the university was the historian V. E. Regel, who held this position until 1925.

Since 2007, VSU has been participating in the scholarship program of the Oxford Russian Foundation. About 130 students of the university's humanities departments annually receive scholarships from the foundation.

Currently, the university is a leading center of education, science and culture in the Central Black Earth region of the country.

Faculties and institutes

  • Faculty of Biology and Soils
  • Faculty of Geography, Geoecology and Tourism
  • Faculty of Geology
  • Faculty of History
  • Faculty of Mathematics
  • Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics
  • Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Faculty of Chemistry
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Journalism
  • Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology
  • Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Faculty of Computer Science
  • Faculty of International Relations
  • Faculty of Military Education (Military Department, Military Training Center)
  • Institute for Advanced Studies

Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics (PMM)

In 1969, on the basis of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of VSU, the Faculty of Mathematics and the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics were created. The first dean of the PMM faculty was Gennady Ivanovich Bykovtsev. The formation of the faculty at that time was the result of the rapid development of computer technology and the growing need for specialists in its application in scientific, industrial and other spheres of human activity.

Dean of the Faculty - Shashkin Alexander Ivanovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematical and Applied Analysis, Member of the Presidium of the UMO of Classical Universities, Academician of the International Academy of Refrigeration. Deputy Chairman of the specialized council for the defense of candidate dissertations (specialty – 02/01/04), member of the doctoral council (specialty – 02/01/04). Head of RFBR grants.


  • Department of Computational Mathematics and Applied Information Technologies
  • Department of Nonlinear Oscillations
  • Department of Technical Cybernetics and Automatic Regulation
  • Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
  • Department of Computer Software
  • Department of Mathematical and Applied Analysis
  • Department of Mathematical Methods for Operations Research
  • Department of Software and Information Systems Administration

The faculty prepares bachelors in the following areas:

  • 010500 Mathematical support and administration of information systems
  • 230700 Applied informatics (profile: Applied informatics in jurisprudence)
  • 080500 Business informatics

Master's areas:

  • 010300 Fundamental computer science and information technology
  • 010800 Mechanics and mathematical modeling
  • 010400 Applied mathematics and computer science

Faculty of Computer Science (FCS)

The Faculty of Computer Science was founded in 1999. The main task of the new faculty was the task of training students in modern areas and in the field of information technology. The faculty was formed on the basis of the experience gained in physics, applied mathematics and mechanics, as well as mathematics departments.

Dean of the Faculty - Algazinov Eduard Konstantinovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Information Systems.


  • Dean's office
  • Faculty Academic Council
  • Faculty Scientific and Methodological Council
  • Departments
    • Department of Information Systems
    • Department of Programming and Information Technologies
    • Department of Digital Technologies
  • Laboratories
    • Computer classes
    • Network Technologies Laboratory
    • Laboratory of automated process control systems
    • Laboratory of High-Performance Parallel Computing (VSU computer cluster)
    • Laboratory of Distance and Open Education
    • Laboratory of Information Technologies in Medicine
    • Physics laboratory

Faculty of Philology

The Faculty of Philology is one of the oldest at Voronezh State University. The training of philologists within the walls of VSU has been carried out since its foundation - first at the Faculty of History and Philology, and from 1960 to the present - at a separate, philological faculty. Now it includes 8 departments, 2 laboratories and 6 research centers.

Among the teaching staff there are 15 professors, 25 associate professors, 30 candidates of science, 17 doctors of science, one academician of the Academy of Humanities, 2 academicians of the Academy of Regional Press of Russia, 4 honored workers of science of the Russian Federation, one honored worker of higher education in Russia.

The dean of the faculty is Viktor Mikhailovich Akatkin, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory of Literature and Folklore.

Faculty of Law

New building of the Faculty of Law of VSU (Building No. 9)

The Faculty of Law was founded in 1918 and is one of the oldest faculties of VSU. Currently it is a center of legal education and legal science in the Central Black Earth region of Russia. Member of the Federal Association of Law Universities.

The faculty provides training in full-time (daytime), part-time (evening) and correspondence forms of education.


    • Computer Science (FCS)
    • Intersectoral regional center for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists

Building No. 1b


    • Computer Science (FCS)
    • Geological
    • Research Institute of Geology of VSU (NIIG VSU)
    • Gemological Center IGEM-VSU
    • Scientific and Production Center "Exploratory Geochemistry"
    • Voronezh branch of the company "Rosgeo"

Building No. 2


  • Philological
  • Romano-Germanic Philology (RGF)

It also contains:

  • French center
  • Internet Center Directorate
  • site No. 1 of the Internet Center
  • Reading rooms No. 2 and No. 4

Building No. 3


  • Philosophy and psychology
  • Military education (Military Department, Military Training Center)

It also contains:

  • ZNL (zonal scientific library), its subscriptions and reading rooms (humanities literature)
  • Research Institute of Physics
  • Labor protection department

Building No. 4

It contains:

  • Department of Civil Defense
  • Medical Department
  • Faculty of Advanced Studies
  • Faculty of Public Professions
  • Center for Legal Innovation and Conciliation Procedures
  • Gym

Building No. 5


  • Economic
  • Geography, geoecology and tourism
  • subscription ZNL VSU (literature of economic and geographical profiles)

Building No. 6


  • Journalism
  • Institute of International Education
  • Assembly hall
  • Business school
  • Sunday school for young journalists
  • Preparatory Faculty (for foreigners)
  • Subscription ZNL VSU

Building No. 7

st. Studencheskaya, 3.


  • Pharmaceutical

Building No. 8


  • International relations
  • Historical

Subscription and reading room ZNL VSU

Building No. 9

About 270 students study.

There are 43 teachers, including 3 professors and 11 associate professors.

Stary Oskol branch

About 830 students study.

There are 105 teachers, including 9 professors and 57 associate professors.

Famous teachers

Famous Alumni

  • Boyakov, Eduard Vladislavovich - Russian director and theater producer.
  • Gusev, Vladimir Ivanovich - Soviet and Russian prose writer, critic, literary critic.
  • Zhilyaev, Arseny Alexandrovich () - Russian artist.
  • Ievlev, Valentin Mikhailovich - Russian scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseevich - Nobel Prize laureate in physics.
  • Sharov, Vladimir Alexandrovich - writer, essayist



Voronezh State University (VSU) - a classical university in Russia, in the city of Voronezh. It is one of the largest higher educational institutions in Russia and one of the leading centers of national science and culture. Founded on May 18, 1918. Located in the historical center of Voronezh.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

    ✪ Find yourself at VSU

    ✪ VSU - 100 years (film from TO Culture)

    ✪ Voronezh State Medical University

    ✪ VSU Open Day



Voronezh University includes 18 faculties. More than 20 thousand students study at the University.

Over its almost century-long existence, the university has trained more than 100 thousand specialists. Among the university's graduates are Nobel laureate P. A. Cherenkov, laureates of state prizes of the USSR and Russia, academicians, ministers, scientists and cultural figures. University graduates work in 90 countries around the world.


Voronezh State University was created in 1918 on the basis of the Imperial Yuryev University, which was evacuated from Yuryev (now Tartu): in 1918, as a result of the German intervention, Russian teachers and students were forcibly expelled from the university. Dorpat (later Yuryev) University in the city of Dorpat was founded in 1802 by decree of Alexander I. This educational institution was the second operating university in Russia after Moscow. Among the professors of Yuryev University who were evacuated to Voronezh were:

The first rector of the university was the scientist-historian V. E. Regel, who took over the affairs of the last rector of Yuriev University in Voronezh, the head of its liquidation commission, mathematician V. G. Alekseev, V. E. Regel, who held this position until 1925. Training sessions began on November 12, 1918. At that time, the university included 4 faculties - medical, physics and mathematics, historical and philological and legal

Since 2007, VSU has been participating in the scholarship program of the Oxford Russian Foundation. About 130 students of the university's humanities departments annually receive scholarships from the foundation.

Currently, the university is a leading center of education, science and culture in the Central Black Earth region of the country.

At the end of 2014, the university was included in the ranking of the 100 best universities of the BRICS member countries.

Faculties, institutes and branches

  • Faculty of Geography, Geoecology and Tourism
  • Faculty of Geology
  • Faculty of History
  • Faculty of Mathematics
  • Faculty of Medicine and Biology
  • Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics
  • Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology
  • Faculty of Physics
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Faculty of Chemistry
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Journalism
  • Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology
  • Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Faculty of Computer Science
  • Faculty of International Relations
  • Faculty of Military Education (Military Department, Military Training Center)
  • Institute for Advanced Studies
  • Institute of International Education
  • Institute of Geology

Faculty of Geology

The faculty provides training in full-time (daytime), part-time (evening) and correspondence forms of education.

  • Located in the city of Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region;
    • Address: 397160, Voronezh region, Borisoglebsk, st. Narodnaya, 43.
  • The branch employs 81 people [ ], including:
    • 6 professors,
    • 65 associate professors.

Library and museums

Scientific publications

  • Scientific journal "Bulletin of VSU"
  • Scientific journal “Condensed Matter and Interphase Boundaries” (founded in January 1999 by VSU and BelSU with the support of the N. S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Published 4 times a year)
  • Scientific journal “Sorption and chromatographic processes” (founded in December 2000. Published with the support of the Scientific Council on Adsorption and Chromatography of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Voronezh regional public organization of scientists, higher education and students. Published 6 times a year)

Department of Science and Innovation VSU

The VSU Department of Science and Innovation unites the university’s research departments. The department includes:

  • 5 (mathematics (NIIM), physics (NIIF), chemistry and pharmacy (NIIHF), geology (NIIG) and Interregional Institute of Social Sciences)
  • 16 research laboratories jointly subordinated to the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Center for Nanosystems and Materials Industry (CINM)
  • Technopark
  • Center for Shared Use of Scientific Equipment (TSKPNO)
  • Botanical Garden
  • Reserve "Galichya Mountain"
  • Technology Commercialization Center (TsKomTech)
  • Center for Innovative Educational Programs (CIEP)
  • Office of Doctoral and Postgraduate Studies (UDA)
  • Department of Information and Computer Technologies (UIiCT, including the University Internet Center and the Regional Center for New Information Technologies)
  • Innovation Center for New Technologies (ICNT)
  • Scientific and Educational Center "Wave Processes in Inhomogeneous and Nonlinear Media"
  • Biological Educational and Scientific Center "Venevitinovo"
  • Educational and Scientific Ecological Center
  • 10 educational and scientific production complexes and centers (“Geology”; space and rocket technology; radio engineering and electronics; “Polymer”; “Ecology and environmental management”; geography, environmental management and geoecology; “Human ecology”; “Chemical physics”; “Ceramics” "; "Synthesis" and "Pharmacy")
  • Department of Scientific Research (UNIR, including the journal “Bulletin of VSU”)
  • Scientific and technical council.


Building No. 1 (Main)


  • Computer Science (FCS)
  • Intersectoral regional center for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists

Building No. 1b


  • Computer Science (FCS)
  • Geological
  • Research Institute of Geology of VSU (NIIG VSU)
  • Research Institute of Mathematics of VSU (NIIM VSU)
  • Gemological Center IGEM-VSU
  • Scientific and Production Center "Exploratory Geochemistry"
  • Voronezh branch of the company "Rosgeo"

Building No. 2


  • Philological
  • Romano-Germanic Philology (RGF)

It also contains:

  • French center
  • Internet Center Directorate
  • site No. 1 of the Internet Center
  • Reading rooms No. 2 and No. 4

Building No. 3


  • Philosophy and psychology
  • Military education (Military Department, Military Training Center)

It also contains:

  • ZNL (zonal scientific library), its subscriptions and reading rooms (humanities literature)
  • Research Institute of Physics
  • Labor protection department

Voronezh State University is one of the leading classical universities in Russia.

Voronezh State University is one of the leading classical universities in Russia.

Over the years, more than 100 thousand specialists have been trained. Among the graduates are Nobel laureates, laureates of state prizes of the USSR and Russia, academicians, ministers, scientists and cultural figures.

Voronezh University is a university of records and contrasts. He has the only nature reserve in Europe owned by an educational institution, one of the largest scientific libraries in Russia and 11 interesting museums. There are no boundaries for study within its walls: the oldest student received a VSU diploma at the age of 68, and the youngest applicant came to the admissions office when he was only 13.

The university supervises the State Nature Reserve "Galichya Gora" and the Botanical Garden named after prof. B.M. Kozo-Polyansky. Every year it holds volunteer events to protect the environment and support the environment.

Recruitment is underway for all popular areas: medical, chemical, physical, legal, economic, technical, humanitarian, as well as in the arts. The university also has a military department that trains reserve officers.

Students are provided with 8 comfortable dormitories, scholarship programs, and the opportunity to immerse themselves in science from the first year and realize their potential to the maximum.

The life of a VSU student is busy: master classes, open lectures, holidays, work in volunteer and creative teams, student groups, sports - you won’t get bored!

University graduates work in 90 countries around the world in a variety of fields: science, manufacturing, business, art, and in government agencies.

More details Collapse

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 16:00

Latest reviews from VSU

Valeria Korzhova 10:51 09.20.2018

How can you treat students like this!? The audience is filled with a whole stream (8 groups!), the lecture lasts without the legally established 5-minute break, but that’s nothing. The classroom is stuffy and it is impossible to write continuously in such a classroom! In addition to students, teachers also complain about this, but there is no action on their own. I will write every time it gets stuffy! I hasten to say from the student’s words that this factor affects performance, not to mention the schedule with which...

Lidia Anisimova 16:37 10/02/2016

Good day everyone!

I am writing a review because I no longer have the strength to endure this chaos! *VGU* only sounds serious, but in reality it’s no good. I studied at VSU for 4 years. Where to go? You need to get an education. But these 4 years, I can openly say, I *sat my pants*. Not in the sense that I didn’t do anything (I graduated with honors), but because they didn’t teach us anything. The teachers were late for lectures, and if they arrived on time, they started the couple off with some gossip and that...

General information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Voronezh State University"

VSU branches


No. 01752 valid indefinitely from 11/10/2015


No. 01551 is valid from 12/09/2015 to 12/09/2021

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for VSU

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 7 7 7 6
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study66.99 67.09 66.59 64.94 69.69
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget70.99 71.10 69.74 70.64 74.02
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis63.85 64.10 63.75 60.75 67.09
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled47.49 46.89 48.83 46.29 47.87
Number of students17515 17810 16845 18384 18877
Full-time department13897 14144 12898 13981 13926
Part-time department621 837 1180 1177 1327
Correspondence department2997 2829 2767 3226 3624
All data