Greetings to the readers of the site who are very, very interested hot topic: "How to make a lot of money." We all know that this topic will interest us forever, and we need to somehow solve this problem with the lack of money. If your finances are in order, you might be interested in learn the 4 main rules of big money, and perhaps you will find yourself in them.

Since we touched on the topic of money again, I recommend that you read similar articles: "How to attract money. 3 secret buttons" And "How to save money." And so, since many people are interested in the question: how to make a lot of money, let's first look at the reasons for their absence.

Reasons for lack of money

Why is there no money, you ask? Regular readers of the site most likely know the answer to this, but still, I will repeat myself here. So, let's start with main reason lack of money - psychological barriers. Many people have the wrong attitude towards money, and most people are not ready for big money. And these psychological barriers are built due to a person’s beliefs about money. And, as we have already said, a person himself begins to push himself away from money when he begins to think that money is evil. That all rich people are scammers and thieves.

And you, as a decent citizen, do not want to let evil into your life. After all bad people have a lot of problems, don't they? That's why you have psychological blocks. Let's remember the beliefs that prevent a person from attracting money into his life:

  • Money can not buy happiness. People often remind themselves of this. Yes this is true, but partly. After all, money makes a person’s life more comfortable. And here you don’t have to be rich. It is enough just to have a stable income in order to have enough for all your monthly needs. Then the problem will be solved. Well, if you absolutely need to be very rich, then first decide why you need it. If money does not bring happiness, then why does a person work 40 hours a week? Perhaps some people just like their job and forty hours a week is not even enough for them. This sounds great. But mostly people work for money. After all, they now have family life and you need to raise your child. Due to lack of money, many marriages break up. Therefore the first false belief is:money can not buy happiness.This is not entirely true. Think again for yourself.
  • Money is evil. We've already talked a little about this. "If money is evil, then I refuse it"- your subconscious tells you. What exactly is their evil? Or do you think that there is a mafia around big money? This is all nonsense. Money is what can give you health, happiness, a harmonious and wonderful life. And you can agree with this.
  • Money is not the most important thing in life. Again, one may ask: why does a person work? When people are young, people are interested in something else. Here we can agree that the money topic is not very interesting to them. But this is all until a family appears. This is where great interest in money comes in. Health is more important to me than money. It is important for me to have something I love that will benefit people. Maybe money is not so “non-essential” in life? After all, they help you realize your ideas, projects, and also keep you busy with anything. Money is opportunity. How will you attract money into your life if you put it on the back burner?
  • Money brings pain. This is the most common reason why money is not attracted. A person creates barriers to money inside himself and pushes it away from himself every time he starts spending it. Answer the question: when you spend money, do you enjoy it? Or do you do it with sadness and pain? “Well, again there will be nothing left in my wallet.” Since money brings pain to a person, and a person tries to avoid pain, he protects himself from money on a subconscious level. After all, money brought him pain when he last time spent. So he must avoid this again. Avoid "meeting" with money.

You should spend your money with pleasure. This is one of the mechanisms for attracting money. Another reason for lack of money is illiterate treatment with them. Many people wonder: “Where did the money go? After all, I just received my salary yesterday.” I also wonder where they went? You just received your salary yesterday.

Money loves counting and careful handling. Of course, some of you will say that this is complete nonsense, but illiterate handling of money leads to loss and unnecessary expenses. You can read about how to save money in the article: "How to save money?"

There are many more beliefs that prevent you from making big money, and we will not talk about them in this article. A whole book could be written about this. We will now move directly to 4 main rules of big money, and I'll tell you right away that not everyone will like them. Because these are not some techniques, such as visualization and affirmations, that will make you rich. No. These are, so to speak, 4 rules that allow you to bring a lot of money into your life, but you still have to get there. And so, after familiarizing yourself with them, you will clearly understand where the big money comes from. Let's start.

How to make a lot of money?

Why do you think some people make a lot of money? Just don’t say that they visualize and endlessly chant affirmations. Maybe they do this, but their main success lies in something completely different!!! And this is what we will talk about now.

As our master once said Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev:"Do you want money? Go into business." It is business that can bring in a lot of money. It is your boss who runs the business and thereby benefits people.

All that remains for you is to understand what kind of business you want to do. What value do you want to bring to people? And then you need to act. Nowadays, online business is becoming more and more important. This is a new direction and you can learn it. I will try to bring you value if you are interested in your online business. You can learn this in the course: "How to create your own profitable online store in 20 days." Click on the link and make your choice. Perhaps this will be your first step towards a happy future with a lot of money.

Passive - this is something that is automated and requires little work on your part. While you have formed one liability that brings you money, you need to create a new “trickle” , which will also bring you money without your participation. And how to do this? Where can this be implemented? In my opinion, this is only possible on the Internet. Now everyone can learn this. Therefore, here I will recommend you a course: "How to make money on the Internet using your knowledge and experience." This will solve your question: where and how.

The third rule of big money - this is a team. You can achieve great results by doing everything yourself. But the path to big money lies through partners who know something better than you. The team is what is, I would even say, the Law of Big Money. Without a team it is impossible to have a lot of money and this has already been proven.

And where to recruit a team of like-minded people? You already know the answer: on the Internet. You can get a lot of help on the Internet and become successful person. I have already told you how to start your own business and where is the best place to do it at this stage of time. Then decide for yourself.

The last rule is value. Value is something that brings great benefit to people, for which they are willing to pay money themselves. They will even try to persuade you for any amount of money, as long as you give it to them. One example of great benefit to people is the Internet. Nowadays there are few people who do not use the Internet. The more value you create, the more money you will have. Because people will be ready to give you money for it. Don't forget one rule: "Everything has its value."

I hope you now clearly understand where the big money comes from. I told you where it is best to do this and told you 4 main rules that allow you to have a lot of money. It's actually not all that complicated. There is no need to be afraid, there is no need to rush. I also hope that this article was useful to you!!!

For some, statistics are the ultimate truth, but the problem is that research is always carried out by people. It is enough to show researchers a plump envelope or hear an order from those in power for the statistics to take on shapes that are suitable for specific people. For example, sugar producers in the 60s bought research to convince ordinary people The fact is that they gain weight not from sugar, but from fat. Well, the story about 146%... Let's not talk about that.

However, we believe these statistics. Because it benefits no one and confirms known for centuries the truth. My grandfather also said: “If you don’t want to have problems with money, work hard. If you don’t have enough money, work even more, even harder.” That's why we believe a University of Texas study that found that people who work an average of 40 hours a week earn 11% less than those who work an average of 55 hours. This is the sad truth. Rich people work a lot and have less free time.

Where capital predominates, industriousness reigns; where income predominates, idleness reigns.
— Adam Smith —

Losers, who are always the majority, firmly believe in the theory of other losers that it is impossible to earn a lot of money in an honest way, so honest hard workers plow around the clock for pennies, and scoundrels and mediocrities hit the jackpot. Of course, if your head works properly, if you are cunning and enterprising, you can earn much more than silent, amorphous workers who do the same thing year after year, waiting for the weather by the sea.

To earn a living, you have to work. But to get rich, you need to come up with something else.
— Alphonse Carr —

And let's not forget that you can do your job normally, but in a few hours, or you can sit for at least a day and still do it poorly. Rich people don't always do everything very well, but they do many things at the same time.

Rich people try to develop, grow professionally, find new entrances and exits, while poor people make no effort and expect to be patted on the head for the work they have done.

The poor and middle class work for money. The rich make their money work for them.
— Robert Kiyosaki —

Someone will say: “What about the hard workers? Those who, from dawn to dusk, drive the piles on which the country rests, do not get anything.” But sorry, even if you take hard workers, you will find that specialists, and even those with experience, receive good money. Moreover, if you compare hard workers and people with education, and even more so with academic degrees, it turns out that they work more. In any case, in the last 20 years for sure. Maybe in the 60s, when the prestige of education was undoubtedly higher, everything was so, but now even scientists have to work more. Teachers write scientific works and in parallel pedagogical activity They hang out in offices where they put their theories into practice. In the end, even a tough lawyer (and here they are like snow in the Arctic) will be torn off with his hands. If there is an opportunity to work in several places at once, then only a fool would not take advantage of it.

Perhaps it’s worth saying a few words about specialists. Because many begin to experience psychosis when they see a specialist who, without really straining and giving advice, earns more than they did in the whole year. To become a specialist and set a high price tag, you need to work a lot, a lot. Actually making a name for yourself. This is a very difficult and winding path, you will have to give up rest, sleep, simple joys, but then you can buy them later. The same thing happens to investors. To become a good investor, you need to carefully study the market, work as a small fry and earn the capital that you will invest. As old Kiyosaki said:

It wasn't money that made me rich, it was investing time and investing money when I had very little money.

Someone will definitely think: doesn’t a lot of earned money satisfy needs, force you to slow down, because the desired goal has been achieved? No, because the Income Effect is an outdated concept. In addition, let’s not forget that the attitude towards the very concept of “leisure” has changed. Previously, it was considered a status symbol, because only the aristocracy or rich bourgeoisie could afford to go to restaurants, travel, engage in philanthropy, go to theaters and lie on a deck chair on their estate. Such things could only come to a simple worker from the Putilov factory or a peasant only in dreams. Even if the peasant worked hard and founded a strong, rich farm. It’s just that the level of development was different.

Rich people may have less free time, but they spend it better. Average. Much depends on the person, since for many workaholics, the true blessing is precisely the workload. But even they will find how to cheer themselves up.

In the end, it's not about leisure. People of average income and frankly poor people seem to have a lot of free time, but they spend it on passive leisure: sitting on the couch, watching TV, playing on the computer. There is so much time that you don’t know what to spend it on. It’s easier when there’s one day of the week, you’re tired from the constant rush for money, and you have a clear understanding of what can cool your workaholic ardor. And don’t forget: when you start earning a lot, you usually surround yourself with expensive and very comfortable things. They are very expensive to maintain, so like it or not, you can’t slow down. You get used to good things quickly, so you have to work with great diligence.

We are talking about a pattern, but even here there are exceptions. There will definitely be people who are lucky, or daddy's boys who earned their million in absentia. If you are not a rich heir or simply unlucky, then there is only one thing left to do - work.

But don't worry, there is good news. On average, we work several hours less than we did a century ago. And don’t forget that wealth does not exist without frugality. Making a lot of money is courage; saving them is wisdom, and skillfully spending them is art.

If you want to be rich, learn not only to earn money, but also to be frugal.

- Benjamin Franklin -

Money is the equivalent of health, labor and time. They come to someone who works all day, hardly rests, and rarely remembers that he needs to take care of his health. But few of us are ready to sacrifice our time and health, spending entire days at work and paying minimal attention to ourselves and loved ones.

Majority of people dream of having a lot of money, without thinking about why they don’t have it, and envying the rich. Meanwhile, money bypasses those who think: “I don’t have it,” “I have a small salary,” “We are not destined to live richly,” “Money doesn’t buy happiness,” “The money we earn is enough for us.” ". All these thoughts express disdain for money, and in order for you to have a lot of it, you need to treat every penny with love. Love attracts everything to itself; it is the strongest magnet on earth. And you should show your love for money in the following way:

1. Never say you don't have enough money. We receive what we broadcast. When we complain to someone that we don't have the money to buy something we like, our subconscious mind agrees with us and gives us what we are talking about. If you don't have enough money to buy something, it's better to say: "I liked this, but I'll buy it next time." The more you focus on the lack of money, the less money you will have in your wallet. Money does not come to those who are ready to put up with poverty, it chooses those who are not indifferent to it.

2. Handle money carefully. It doesn't matter what kind of money you have - paper bills or change, they all love to be cherished and pampered. They do not recognize any pockets, bags or handkerchiefs; they must be kept neat, not tied with an elastic band, and especially not scattered anywhere. Money hates it when it is torn or carelessly thrown into a bag or pocket. To attract money, buy an expensive wallet. Cheap wallets themselves carry the energy of poverty; the most suitable colors are gold, black and beige. They are the best at attracting material well-being.

The wallet size should not be small, a bill with a denomination of 5 thousand rubles should fit freely into it in a straightened form. You need to put the money in your wallet with the front side facing you, placing bills of different denominations in separate compartments. No need to carry an empty wallet. Money goes to money, so that there is a lot of it in your wallet, keep a high-denomination bill in a secret pocket and never change it. Instead of a banknote, you can put any amulet that concentrates material energy. For example, a piece of horseradish root or a sprig of heather. You should not put photographs of loved ones in your wallet; they can not only hinder the attraction of money, but also get negative energy from money.

3. Always take money with your left hand and give it with your right. If, when you lend money to someone, you think about whether he will be able to return it to you or not, then you yourself are programming the money so that you will have problems with returning it. You need to lend money without sparing, but not every day. It is strictly forbidden to borrow money on Monday and Tuesday, otherwise you will be in debt for the rest of your life. And you can repay the debt on any day except Friday. Pay for the goods and repay the debt with your right hand, and always take the change and debt with your left. If they want to repay you in the evening, then ask them to put the money on the floor, and the best thing is not to give or take money after sunset.

Otherwise you won't have them to be found. In addition, you cannot lend bread and salt so that the money does not leave the house. You need to borrow money in large denomination bills, and return them in small ones. Collect loose change from your wallet with your right hand. Adhere to the principle: “A penny saves a ruble!” and pick up any bill or coin from the floor or ground that you can tear off and take with you. Do not listen to those who say that by collecting lost coins, a person programs himself for poverty. After all, any monetary sign requires a respectful and careful attitude towards itself, and neglect of the “lost owner” penny will certainly lead to monetary losses. To avoid damage and illness, when you come home, be sure to thoroughly wash your find with salt water. If you find or win a large amount of money, then spend it quickly; you should not store it with the rest of your money together. They take away all the money you have.

4. Don't waste your money. Monetary energy must circulate correctly, otherwise money will not go to. Even if you have a lot of money, learn how to manage it wisely. Keep track of your expenses and income, don’t buy everything you need and don’t need. Money loves accounting and the right attitude towards it. Learn to plan your expenses and don't waste your money. To attract money, you need to be able to save it. The more money you have, the more wealth and material well-being they will attract into your home. This is the essence of the principle: “Money goes to money.”

But give up everything to earn money as much money as possible does not cost. Money can't buy health and love. Do not forget that “If money for you is all you need to be happy, then that’s all you will get!”

Video clip does money bring happiness - talk about the rich

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In a conversation with a client from investment circles, they outlined a dozen rules of wealth; in the article I left three:

1. Wealth lies not in money, but in a value system and is translated into a lifestyle.

Money is not as important as it is made out to be.

For example, you don’t need to have a lot of money to take care of your health and play sports (at least cardio).
You don't have to have a lot of money to eat healthy and fresh food.
You don't need to have a lot of money to walk around beautiful places instead of watching TV or surfing the Internet.

You can live like a rich person right now thanks to the proper distribution of your energy.

The amount of money is a reflection of a person’s values ​​and the decisions he makes.
Wealth or poverty is first formed in the head, and only then manifests itself in the material world.

So recently I calculated my statistics:
- during 2012 there were 34 long-term project with clients;
- in 2015 - 28;
- in 2018, at best there will be 17.
I think that in a couple of years there will be no more than 10 per year.

Quantity turns into quality in all respects, and, as a result, time appears for things that are important to me, which have been put off for 10-20 years.

At some point you realize that you are not ready to waste your time on something that is not important.
After this, the quality and value of your work automatically increases.

The lifestyle of a rich person is available to everyone, but not everyone values ​​and sees themselves as rich (at least spiritually).
This is what creates natural selection when a person himself does not believe in his own abilities.

2. Wealth is created not by work, but by investing earned money.

As in the bearded joke about the horse who worked harder than anyone else on the collective farm, but never became chairman.

Here also: it’s not so important how much you earn, what’s important is how much money is invested in creating assets.
The scheme for the wise use of money (according to an investment specialist) is as follows:

Those. he lives on the interest he receives from interest for fixed capital.
Therefore, it doesn’t make much difference to him what the state’s policy is or what happened with the pension reform.

But there are two complications in the scheme:

1. You need financial discipline: a ton of patience and time to create primary capital (and not spend it on the next very “important” and “vital” thing).

2. The ability to reinvest correctly so as not to lose saved money in the abyss of various investment instruments.

As a result, after a few years you can live on contributions to your fixed capital.

Main idea: a large number of work has virtually no effect on the amount of money in your pocket.
You need to be disciplined about investing some part of your income in reliable financial instruments, and not trying to work even harder.
Remember the horse...

3. Wealth has a leadership basis.

Big money comes with big results when you do something that no one else in the industry does (I’m not talking about the kickback stories of rogue officials).
I'm talking about the result when clients receive highest level services or a product precisely integrated/marketed for them.

If you are willing to do more than others, satisfy more needs, create better quality and accompany it with better marketing, then you will receive more than others.
Everything is fair here.

Therefore, you don’t need to lie to yourself and decide in advance: either embrace the fear of uncertainty and become rich people in all respects.
Or sit where you are and not dream about impossible dreams.

Such simple certainty helps to get rid of a bunch of doubts and make a simple, important and responsible decision.
A clear path to the goal- this is leadership, which everyone is talking about.
And it is as simple as daylight.

P.S. The lifestyle of a rich person is ALWAYS available to everyone.
You can start right now :)
There is no need to wait for anything. This is everyone's personal choice.

Once upon a time, my investor interlocutor earned so little that he could barely feed his family.
And today he is a respectable person with a fantastic amount of useful skills and knowledge.

A matter of choice.
Our choice.

P.P.S. By the way, a new and strong online Workshop about efficiency, accuracy of investments and decisions will begin in September.
I recommend.

The information from this Workshop became extremely useful for me and helped me rethink many things.

Advice regarding money is often given to us by all and sundry. Experience shows that they are mostly useless. Why? Yes, because people who advise us on how to get rich, as a rule, are not rich themselves. It's another thing to hear good advice from a real millionaire. For example, such as Michael Wolf, director of the successful American company Pipewise, Inc. He believes that his careful approach to money helped him achieve success in business and financial well-being. So, advice from a millionaire.

Calculate how much money you need

You need money not only for entertainment, paying for housing, buying clothes or household appliances. But also in order to pay for the education of your children, to pay for the medical care of your parents or yourself. If you calculate everything, it turns out that you need an amount of... hundreds of thousands (rubles, hryvnia, dollars). Once you understand how much money you need, you will be motivated to earn more.

If you have a lot of money, don’t spend it right away

Yes, just wait a few months. Quick solutions are not always optimal. Think carefully about how to spend your money, as they say, with benefit. If possible, consult a financial advisor - in case he offers something worthwhile.

Think about your basic expenses first.

As mentioned above, you must have a clear idea of ​​how much money you need and why. And you should save the necessary amounts specifically for specific purposes. Moreover, first-priority expenses (excluding household expenses like utilities) must include medical care and education for your children. Have you calculated everything? Great.

Don't risk your finances

For some reason, many people think that wealthy people risk money at every turn, investing it in various types of enterprises. In fact, rich people became rich because they studied the market situation for a long time and scrupulously, possible sources increase in income. And only after receiving the full picture did they begin to carefully (!) invest money.

Don't buy ballast

Don’t rush to buy a car, boat, country house or plot of land. Unless you really need something, you shouldn't buy it. Of course, if you already have a couple of tens of millions, you can buy a sports car. But if you have just saved up a significant amount of money, you should not immediately waste it by purchasing unnecessary things. If you really want to have a country house or a car, first just rent it. And it will cost much less money, and you will be able to understand whether you really need it.

Don't put your eggs in one basket

Many people have heard this, but not many people try to look for it different sources your income. It can be wage, income from rental real estate, interest on deposits, other types of income - the more the better. Then, if you lose one source, you will not lose everything.

Don't lend money to everyone

Of course, if your family or close friends really need money (not to buy a phone, of course, but, for example, for an urgent operation), then you need to borrow it. But you shouldn’t just lend money to everyone. Otherwise, everyone will start borrowing money from you, but not everyone will give it back.

Buy pleasure, not things

Travel costs a lot, and therefore you should choose it over a new smartphone or tablet, for example. Traveling and relaxing will help you continue working with renewed vigor, and will even make you happier ( read about it