Today we will continue to study the positive character traits of a person, by developing which we can become a harmonious person.

Let me remind you once again that you cannot neglect some character traits in favor of others, as this will only cause harm in the long run. In other words, it is necessary to polish all facets of character without exception, and then in every situation in life one or another trait will help us.

By developing only our “favorite” traits, we use a one-sided approach, avoiding working on ourselves and not using the entire arsenal of character traits that we have.

  • Certainty

Set goals in life, no matter the difficulties. Make sure your goals are correct. Ignore distractions. Don't get discouraged if there are a lot of problems to solve.

  • Hard work

Invest your time and energy to complete every task you set. Finish all your projects. Do the job right, not just. Follow the instructions. Concentrate completely on your work. Don't be lazy.

  • Vigilance

Be aware of what is happening around you so that you can have a proper understanding. Keep your eyes and ears open. Recognize and heed warning signs. Tell others about the danger. Stay away from dangerous places yourself.

  • Caution

Think before you act. Follow safety rules. Ask permission. Communicate at the right time.

  • Endurance

Gain inner strength to withstand stress. Do your best. Don't be a "net". Don't waste your time, energy and talents on meaningless activities. Put your whole soul into what you do.

  • Flexibility

Change plans or ideas if really necessary. Don't be upset when plans change. Respect your superiors' decisions. Don't be stubborn. Look for the good in change. Be flexible, but don't compromise on what's right.

  • Generosity

Manage your resources wisely so that you can freely give to those in need. Share with others. Don't expect anything in return for your generosity. Give away your time and talents sometimes. Praise the good that you see in others.

  • Tenderness

Take care of others. Show good manners. Reject violence as a solution to your problems. Find ways to ease other people's pain. Don't get angry or others. Be a peacemaker.

  • Joy

Maintain a good attitude even when you encounter unpleasant conditions. Try to look for the good in everything. Smile in the face of adversity. Don't be discouraged. Don't let your emotions control your mind. Take time out, laugh and sing every day.

  • Discrimination

Understand more deeply the reasons why things happen. Ask questions. Don't judge hastily. Learn from your own experience. Don't repeat the same mistakes. Look for the cause of the problem.

  • Humility

Recognize that your success and results depend on the investment of others in your life. Praise your parents, teachers, teammates and coaches. I don't think more highly of myself than you should. Take responsibility for all your actions. Try again after each defeat. Give credit to those who made you.

  • Gratitude

Let others know through your words and actions that you are grateful. Show your parents and teachers that you appreciate them. Say and write “thank you.” Take care of other people's things. Be content with what you have.

  • Honor

Respect leaders and higher authorities. Don't laugh at them. Be attentive to those who lead you. Show loyalty to your superiors. Tell only the truth. Obey not with compulsion, but cheerfully. Give up your seat to elders. Honor your country.

  • Initiative

Recognize and do what needs to be done before you are asked to do it. Do something before you talk about it. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Contribute to the success of the entire team. Be part of the solution, not the problem. Look for ways to help others.

  • Hospitality

Use food, shelter and companionship for the benefit of others. Greet guests and visitors. Make others feel important. Cook for guests. Feel free to share your stuff. Don't expect anything in return.

  • Justice

Stand up for what is pure and honest. Respect the rule of law. Stand up for what is right. Never put others down. Always stay open. Keep your conscience clear.

In the next article we will finish looking at the positive character traits of a person. Stay with us.

Many people try to work on themselves throughout their lives, eliminating their bad qualities and developing good ones.

Let's look at the positive character traits of a person in the form of a list to make it more clear. what to work on.

What is character and what is it formed from?

Character- this is a set of stable mental traits of a personality that affect any of its activities and behavior.

It determines her attitude towards the world around her and other people, towards activities, towards herself.

9 qualities of a person to whom people are drawn:

Typical and individual

In character, individual and typical traits can be distinguished.

Individual traits are determined by the psychological properties of the individual, his temperament, as well as his attitude to life, which developed during the process of upbringing.

Typical Personality traits are determined primarily by the content of the era in which a person lives, as well as by his place of residence.

That is, the formation of these personality traits is influenced by the individual’s lifestyle.

What are the positive character traits?

Among women

The positive character traits inherent mainly in women and girls include the following:

In men

Positive character traits that apply specifically to men include the following:

Qualities of a real man:

In children

In the process of education and socialization are just beginning to acquire character traits.

Therefore, right now there is an opportunity to focus on positive qualities, such as:

  1. Goodwill. This quality will help you build relationships with others, attract people to you, and will also be useful later in life.
  2. Politeness. This quality will help the child communicate with both peers and adults.
  3. Honesty. This quality must be instilled in a child from an early age so that he knows that lying and deceiving is bad.
  4. Responsiveness. A very useful character trait. A responsive person is always attractive in the eyes of others.
  5. Hard work. A child must be taught to work, otherwise he will grow up lazy and careless.
  6. Accuracy. Sloppy people cause some rejection in society.
  7. Bravery. A child should not be fearful. Therefore, instill in him courage, the ability to perform actions.
  8. Responsibility. This quality will help him not to shift his affairs and problems onto other people, but to take them upon himself.

    It will help him both at school and later in life.

  9. Determination. Determined people are able to achieve more in life; everything comes easier to them. Therefore, this quality is also positive for the child.

List for resume

This situation has probably happened to you when you came for an interview, received the applicant’s questionnaire, reached the “positive qualities” column and We didn’t know what to write here at all.

What qualities are worth highlighting?

To begin with, we note that the qualities must be useful for the position for which you are applying. And if you do not yet have experience in such work, then you should focus primarily on your prospects and potential.

It is difficult to create a universal list of positive character traits to create the perfect resume. We can only note the main qualities that employers most often pay attention to.

But you should choose them based on each specific company and position.

So, positive characteristics for a resume:

However, it should be noted that it is not enough to simply list these qualities, you should really have them.

Yes, some of them cannot be shown immediately, and they will open only during the work process.

But if you write about self-confidence, but in reality you are talking to an employer hesitant and shy, then this will further distance you from your desired position. There is no point in ascribing to yourself qualities that you do not actually possess.

The presence of positive character traits in a person has a great influence on the quality of his life. That's why it's like that it is important to develop them in yourself.

Your weaknesses and strengths for an interview:

Human character traits and their manifestation


Snezhana Ivanova

Character traits always leave an imprint on a person’s behavior and also influence his actions.

Throughout his life, each person exhibits his own individual characteristics, which are reflected not only in his behavior or the specifics of communication, but also determine his attitude towards activities, himself and other people. All these features that manifest themselves in life, both in scientific use and in everyday life, are called character.

Definition of "character"

In psychology, character is understood as a certain set of human traits that are clearly expressed and relatively stable. Character traits always leave an imprint on a person’s behavior and also influence his actions.

In psychological dictionaries you can find a fairly large number of definitions of character, but they all boil down to the fact that character is the totality of the most persistent individual psychological characteristics of a person, which always manifest themselves in their activities and social behavior, as well as in the system of relationships:

  • to the team;
  • to other people;
  • to work;
  • to the surrounding reality (to the world);
  • to myself.

The term itself character» ( in the lane from Greek character – coinage or seal) was introduced by the ancient Greek philosopher and naturalist, student Plato and Aristotle's closest friend Theophrastus. And here it is worth paying special attention to the translation of the word – minting or printing. Indeed, character appears as a kind of pattern on a person’s personality, thereby creating a unique seal that distinguishes its owner from other individuals. Such a design, just like the coat of arms or emblem on the personal seal of the medieval nobility, is drawn on a certain basis using specific signs and letters. The basis for engraving an individual personality is temperament, and a unique design is based on bright and individual character traits .

Character traits as a tool for psychological assessment and understanding of a person

In psychology, character traits are understood as individual, rather complex characteristics that are the most indicative for a person and make it possible with a high degree of probability to predict his behavior in a specific situation.

That is, knowing that a particular person has certain traits, one can predict his subsequent actions and possible actions in a given case. For example, if a person has a pronounced trait of responsiveness, then there is a high probability that at a difficult moment in life he will come to the rescue.

A trait is one of the most important and essential parts of a person, his stable quality and established way of interacting with the surrounding reality. A character trait crystallizes a personality and reflects its integrity.

Thus, in order to evaluate a personality psychologist (characterize it) as an individual, it is necessary to determine not the entire sum of a person’s individual qualities, but to highlight those traits and qualities of character that are distinctive from other people. Despite the fact that these features are individual and different, they must constitute a structural integrity.

A person’s character traits are a priority when studying his personality, as well as for understanding and predicting his actions, actions and behavior. Indeed, we perceive and understand any type of human activity as a manifestation of certain traits of his character. But, characterizing a person as a social being, it becomes important not so much the manifestation of traits in activity, but what exactly this activity is aimed at (as well as what the human will serves). In this case, one should pay attention to the content side of character, and more specifically, to those character traits of a person that make up the general structure of his mental make-up. They are expressed in: integrity-contradiction, unity-fragmentation, static-dynamism, breadth-narrowness, strength-weakness.

List of human character traits

Human character- this is not only a certain set of certain traits (or a random set of them), but a very complex mental formation that represents a certain system. This system consists of many of the most stable qualities of a person, as well as its properties, manifested in various systems of human relations (to work, to one’s business, to the world around us, to things, to oneself and to other people). In these relationships, the structure of character, its content and individuality of originality find its expression. Below, in the table, the main character traits (groups of them) are described, which find their manifestation in various systems of human relations.

Persistent character traits (symptom complexes) manifested in personal relationships

In addition to the traits that manifest themselves in the system of relationships, psychologists have identified human character traits that can be attributed to the cognitive and emotional-volitional sphere. So character traits are divided into:

  • cognitive (or intellectual) – curiosity, theoreticality, criticality, resourcefulness, analyticalness, thoughtfulness, practicality, flexibility, frivolity;
  • emotional (impressionability, passion, emotionality, cheerfulness, sentimentality, etc.);
  • strong-willed traits (persistence, determination, independence, etc.);
  • moral traits (kindness, honesty, justice, humanity, cruelty, responsiveness, patriotism, etc.).
Some psychologists propose to distinguish between motivational (or productive) and instrumental character traits. Motivational traits are understood as those that motivate a person, that is, they encourage him to take certain actions and actions. (they can also be called goal traits). Instrumental features give human activity a unique style and individuality. They refer to the very manner and way of performing an activity (they can also be called trait-methods).

Representative of the humanistic trend in psychology Gordon Allport character traits were combined into three main categories:

  • dominant (those that most determine all forms of human behavior, his actions and deeds, such as selfishness or kindness);
  • ordinary (which manifest themselves equally in all spheres of life, for example parity and humanity);
  • secondary (they do not have the same influences as dominant or ordinary ones, for example it could be diligence or a love of music).

So, the main character traits are manifested in various spheres of mental activity and the system of relationships of the individual. All these relationships are fixed in different methods of action and forms of human behavior that are most familiar to him. Certain natural relationships are always established between existing traits, which make it possible to create a structured character. It, in turn, helps to predict, based on a person’s character trait already known to us, others who are hidden from us, which makes it possible to predict his subsequent actions and actions.

Any structure, including character, has its own hierarchy. Thus, character traits also have a certain hierarchy, so there are main (leading) and secondary traits that are subordinate to the leading ones. It is possible to predict a person’s actions and behavior based not only on the main features, but also on secondary ones (despite the fact that they are less significant and do not appear so clearly).

Typical and individual in character

The bearer of character is always a person, and his traits are manifested in activities, relationships, actions, behavior, methods of action in the family, in a team, at work, among friends, etc. This manifestation always reflects the typical and individual in character, because they exist in organic unity (thus, the typical is always the basis for the individual manifestation of character).

What is meant by typical character? A character is said to be typical when it has a set of essential traits that are common to a particular group of people. This set of traits reflects the general living conditions of a particular group.

In addition, these traits must be manifested (to a greater or lesser extent) in each representative of this group. The set of distinctive typical features is a condition for the emergence of a certain one.

What is typical and individual in character is most clearly expressed in a person’s relationships with other people, because interpersonal contacts are always determined by certain social conditions of life, the corresponding level of cultural and historical development of society and the formed spiritual world of the person himself. The attitude towards other people is always evaluative and manifests itself in different ways (approval-condemnation, support-misunderstanding) depending on the existing circumstances. This manifestation is expressed depending on a person’s assessment of the actions and behavior of others, or rather their positive and negative character traits.

Typical human character traits, in terms of their level of intensity, manifest themselves individually in each person. For example, individual traits can reveal themselves so strongly and clearly that they become unique in their own way. It is in this case that the typical in character turns into the individual.

Positive character traits and their manifestation

Both typical and individual in character find their manifestation in systems of personality relationships. This happens due to the presence of certain traits (both positive and negative) in a person’s character. So, for example, in relation to work or one’s business, such positive character traits as hard work, discipline and organization are manifested.

It should be noted that there are a huge variety of individual character traits. But among them, it is necessary to highlight first of all those that have the greatest influence on the formation of a person’s spirituality (it is in this context that the best character trait of a person – humanity) finds its manifestation. These traits are even more important in the process of educating and developing the younger generation, because the same traits are formed differently depending on situations, the presence of other character traits and the orientation of the individual himself.

While highlighting good character traits, one should not forget about their possible distortion, or the presence of obvious negative traits that a person needs to fight. Only in this case will the harmonious and holistic development of the personality be observed.

Negative character traits and their manifestation

In relation to the behavior, actions and activities of other people, a person always forms traits of a certain character - positive and negative. This occurs on the principle of analogy (that is, identification occurs with what is acceptable) and opposition (with what is included in the list of unacceptable and incorrect). The attitude towards oneself can be positive or negative, which primarily depends on the level of development and the ability to adequately evaluate oneself ( that is, from the formed level). A high level of self-awareness is evidenced by the presence of the following positive traits: high demands on oneself, and self-esteem, as well as responsibility. And, conversely, an insufficient level of development of self-awareness is indicated by such negative character traits as self-confidence, selfishness, immodesty, etc.

Negative character traits (in principle, just like positive ones manifest themselves) in the four main systems of human relationships. For example, in the “attitude to work” system, among the negative traits are irresponsibility, carelessness and formality. And among the negative traits that manifest themselves in interpersonal communication, it is worth highlighting isolation, stinginess, boastfulness and disrespect.

It should be noted that negative character traits, which find their manifestation in the system of a person’s relationships with other people, almost always contribute to the emergence of conflicts, misunderstandings and aggression, which subsequently leads to the emergence of destructive forms of communication. That is why every person who wants to live in harmony with others and with himself should think about cultivating positive traits in his character and getting rid of destructive, negative traits.

The moral qualities of a person are a combination of his internal foundations, values ​​and worldview, which determine his self-sufficient personality. These characteristics inherent in every person are expressed externally through actions, actions and attitudes towards everything that surrounds a person in this world. Society accepts everyone based on their moral qualities, evaluating them based on specific criteria.

Types of moral qualities:

  • "allowed";
  • "forbidden";
  • "necessary".

The “allowed” type includes those qualities of a person that are characterized by the correspondence of his internal foundations and rules with certain norms of behavior and attitude towards the individual. Such moral norms, approved and encouraged by society, are even reflected in many laws of various states. This type of moral qualities includes: conscience, dignity, honor, justice.

The “forbidden” type is characterized by a negative and, in many cases, negative reaction of society to the behavior of an individual or group of individuals. Society does not accept such behavior because it is dangerous for everyone: both the individual and society. Violation of such orders and rules is subject to certain restrictions and even imprisonment specified in the laws of the countries. Negative personality characteristics are: deception, anger, envy, arrogance.

The “necessary” type includes moral traits that do not correspond to a person’s internal rules, but which force him to act in some special way, highly valued by society. Sometimes it happens that some moral principles in society force a person to act contrary to them, which leads to condemnation of his actions or punishment for such actions. This type includes such qualities as responsibility, accuracy, duty.

Basic moral qualities of a person

Every person in life has to make his own moral choice: do something good or do something wrong, but achieve some result. This is a constant struggle between social values ​​and the inner world of each individual. All the most basic moral qualities are laid down in a person from birth, when he begins to understand and feel the attitude of his parents, then friends, peers and educators, teachers, when watching films, reading books, and so on.
Thanks to all this variety of information sources, everything that is complex and multifaceted in human behavior that he builds for himself throughout life accumulates. There are no identical people, each has their own character, attitude to life, its values, and each has their own individual view of the world around them.

Despite the fact that each person has his own character traits and temperament, there are still certain moral qualities by which people are assessed by society.

Positive character traits:

Bad moral personality traits

Conclusion and conclusions

The list can be continued endlessly; we have considered only those moral qualities of a person that should characterize him as a full-fledged person.

Despite all the diversity and complexity of a person’s character and behavior, the society in which he lives leaves its mark on him. Many values, customs and traditions are passed down through generations, preserving and complementing the image of an ideal person from a moral point of view. And yet, the standard of a person with high moral principles will not be the one who has no bad character traits, but the one who knows how to distinguish real good from evil and live in harmony with society, its values ​​and, above all, in peace and agreement with oneself, preserving precisely those high human character traits for which a real, strong and unique personality is famous.

Features of behavior, communication, attitude towards people, objects, work, things show the character traits that an individual possesses. Based on their totality, an opinion about a person is determined. Such clichés as “the life of the party”, “bore”, “pessimist”, “cynic” become the result of an assessment of a person’s character traits. Understanding how character works helps in building relationships. Moreover, this applies to both your own qualities and those of others.

Human character traits: classification.

2. Other people

  • Reticence-Sociability. It shows a person’s openness, his relaxedness, how easy it is for him to make acquaintances, how he feels in a new company or team.
  • Truthfulness-deception. Pathological liars lie even in small things, hide the truth, and easily betray. There are people who embellish reality, most often they do this because reality seems boring to them or not bright enough.
  • Independence-conformity. This quality shows how a person is. Does he rely on his experience, knowledge, opinion, or does he follow someone else’s lead and is easy to suppress?
  • Rudeness-politeness. Bitterness and internal experiences make a person rude. Such people are rude in queues, on public transport, and disrespectful to their subordinates. Politeness, although a positive character trait, can have selfish motives. It may also be an attempt to avoid confrontation.

3 things

  • Neatness-sloppiness. Creative clutter or meticulous cleanliness in the house can show how neat a person is. It can also be characterized by its appearance. Sloppy people often cause antipathy, and there are not always those willing to look at the broad soul behind the external absurdity.
  • Thrift-negligence. A person can be assessed by his attitude towards accumulated property and borrowed items. Although this human trait appeared in the material group, it can also manifest itself in relation to people.
  • Greed-generosity. To be called generous, you don’t have to be a philanthropist or give away your last. At the same time, excessive generosity is sometimes a sign of irresponsibility or an attempt to “buy” someone else’s favor. Greed is expressed not only in relation to other people, but also towards oneself, when a person, out of fear of being left without money, saves even on small things.

4. Self

  • Demandingness. When this personality trait is pronounced, two extremes appear. A person who is demanding of himself is often just as strict with others. He lives by the principle “I could do it, so others can too.” He may not be tolerant of other people's weaknesses, not understanding that each is individual. The second extreme is built on uncertainty. A person tortures himself, considering himself not perfect enough. A striking example is workaholism.
  • Self-criticism. A person who knows how to criticize himself has a healthy personality. Understanding, accepting and analyzing your achievements and defeats helps in developing a strong personality. When the balance is disturbed, either self-criticism or self-criticism is observed.
  • Modesty. It is necessary to understand that modesty and are different concepts. The first is based on a value system instilled during upbringing. The second is a wake-up call for development. In a normal state, modesty is manifested in moderation, calmness, knowing the limits in words, expressing emotions, financial spending, etc.
  • Selfishness and egocentrism. Similar concepts, but the trait here is egoism, while egocentrism is a way of thinking. They think only about themselves, but use others for their own purposes. Egocentric people are often misanthropes and do not need others, believing that no one is worthy of them.
  • Self-esteem. Shows how a person feels internally. Outwardly, it is expressed in a high assessment of one’s rights and social value.

Personality assessment and types of characters.

In addition to the main character traits that are formed in the system of relationships, psychologists also identify other areas:

  • Intelligent. Resourcefulness, curiosity, frivolity, practicality.
  • Emotional. Passion, sentimentality, impressionability, hot temper, cheerfulness.
  • Strong-willed. Courage, perseverance, determination.
  • Moral. Fairness, responsiveness, .

There are motivational traits-goals that drive a personality and determine its guidelines. As well as instrumental features-methods, they show by what methods the desired will be achieved. So, for example, a girl may experience this when she persistently and proactively pursues her lover.

Gordon Allport put forward a theory about what character traits there are. The psychologist divided them into the following types:

  • Dominant. They determine the behavior of the individual as a whole, regardless of the sphere, and at the same time influence other qualities or even overlap them. For example, kindness or greed.
  • Regular. They are also expressed in everyone. These include, for example, humanity.
  • Minor. They do not particularly influence anything, and are often derived from other traits. For example, diligence.

There are typical and individual personality traits. It’s easy to group typical ones; by noticing one of the dominant qualities or several minor ones, you can “draw” a personal portrait as a whole, and determine the type of character. This helps to predict actions and better understand a person. So, for example, if an individual is responsive, then most likely he will come to the rescue in a difficult situation, support, listen.

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Positive and negative character traits.

Personality is a balance of positive and negative qualities. In this regard, everything is conditional. For example, it is considered a bad quality, but some psychologists argue that it can become an incentive to work on yourself or improve your life. The distortion of positive traits, on the contrary, can lead to their transformation into negative qualities. Persistence develops into obsession, initiative into self-centeredness.

Strong and weak character traits should be highlighted; you often have to remember them when filling out a resume. They terrify many, because it can be difficult to evaluate oneself. Here's a little cheat sheet:

  • Weak. Formality, irritability, shyness, impulsiveness, inability to remain silent or say “no.”
  • Strong. Perseverance, sociability, patience, punctuality, organization, determination.
  • Negative., vindictiveness, cruelty, parasitism.
  • Positive. Kindness, sincerity, optimism, openness, peacefulness.

Character traits are formed in childhood, but at the same time they can change and transform depending on life circumstances. It's never too late to change what you don't like about yourself.