Stand out (by analogy with secondary members of the sentence: definitions, additions and circumstances) three main type podepie: determined, thanks toand circumstances;the latter in turn are divided into several species.

Subordinate clausemay refer to a certain word in the main (Submissivecandidates) or to the whole main (Non-defensepodep).

For deadlive type definitions It is necessary to take into account three interrelated signs: 1) the question that can be asked from the main offer to the apparent; 2) the visible or non-defined nature of the pressing supply; 3) Pressure communication means with main.

Candidate definitions

Like definitions in a simple sentence, definition apparent express a sign of the subject, but, unlike most definitions, they often characterize the subject not directly, but indirectly through situationwhich is somehow connected with the subject.

In connection with common value Sign of items definition apparent depend on the noun(or from the word in the meaning of the noun) in the main sentence and answer the question what?They join the main only allied words - relative pronouns (which, what, whose, what)and locomotive adverbs (Where, where, from where, when).In the appropriate sentence, the allied words replace the noun from the main one on which the addious depends on.

For example: [One of the contradictions, (what vivid creativity Mandelstam), concerns Own nature of this creativity] (S. Averintsev)- [SUB., (What (\u003d contradictions)),].

Union words in complex proposals with can be divided into basic (which, what, whose)and more abundant (what, where, where, from where, when).Neostarny can always be replaced by the main union word which the,and the possibility of such a replacement is a bright sign definition apparent.

Village, where(wherein) i missed Eugene, there was an adorable corner ... (A. Pushkin)- [SUN., (where),].

I was remembered now the dog that(which) was my youth friend (S. Yesenin)- [SUB.], (What).

Night sometimes in the desert of the city there is an hour one, imbued with the fortune when(in which) on the whole city night sales ... (F. Tyutchev) -[SUB.], (when).

In the main sentence, there are often indicative words (index pronouns and adverbs) that, sucheg:

It was the famous artist whom she saw on stage last year (Y. Herman)- [Uk.Sl. that SUB.], (which).

Promotional-definition apparent

Significant to the apparent definition close promotional-defensed apparent . They differ from the actual determination of the fact that they relate not to the noun in the main sentence, but to pronoun (that, each, allet al.) used in the meaning of the noun, for example:

1) [Total, knew yet Evgeny), retell to me nonasug) (A. Pushkin)- [places., (what),]. 2) [Notoh, (what manty you), nature] ... (F. Tyutchev)- [places., (what),].

Like the apparent definitions, reveal the sign of the subject (therefore it is better to ask them too what?)and join the main sentence with the help of allied words (the main allied words - whoand what).

Wed: [TOT human, (which came yesterday Today did not appear] - Puttingable determination. [UK.SL. + SUB., (which),].

[TOT, (who came yesterday Today did not appear] - Pressing place-definition. [places., (who),].

Unlike self-definition apparent, which are always standing after that noun to which they relate promotional-definition apparent may stand before the defined word, for example:

(Who lived and thought), [he can't in the shower do not despise People] ... (A. Pushkin)- (who), [places. ].

Candidate of claims

Candidate of claims They are responsible for cases and refer to a member of the main supply that needs the meaning distribution (add-on, identification). This member of the sentence is expressed by the word speeches, thoughts, feelingsor perception.Most often it is verbs (Say, ask, answerand etc.; think know rememberand etc.; be afraid to appeal to be proudand etc.; see, hear, feeletc.), but there may be other parts of speech: adjectives (Glad, pleased),nashia (it is known a pity, it is necessary, clear),nouns (news, message, hearing, thought, statement, feeling, feelingand etc.)

Candidate of claims attach to the explanable word in three ways: 1) with the help of unions what, as if, whenand etc.; 2) with the help of any union words; 3) using a particle union lee.

For example: 1) [Light decided], (that t uman and very mIL) (A. Pushkin)- [Hell.], (what). [I_ afraid], (so that in the thought you me i could not blame) (A. Fet) - [verb.], (so that). [To her dream], (as if she goes On Snow Polyana, Sad Mulley Surrounded) (A. Pushkin)- [Glazh.], (as if).

2) [You know yourself], (what time has come) (N. Nekrasov)- [Glazh.], (What). [Then she began to ask me], (where I am now i work) (A. Chekhov)- [Hell.], (where). (When he arrive), [unknown] (A. Chekhov)- (when), [nar.]. [I_ askedand in the cuckoo], (how muchye. Ya living) ... (A. Akhmatova)- [Hell.], (how much).

3) [Both very i wanted to know\, (drive Lie father promised iceclock) (L. Kassil)- [Glazh.], (Lee).

Candidate of claims Can serve to transmit an indirect speech. With the help of alliances what, as if whenindirect messages are expressed using the Union to- indirect motivations, with the help of allied words and a particle union lie- Indirect questions.

In the main sentence, with an explanable word, there may be an indicable word that(in different cases), which serves to allocate the content of the apparent offer. For example: \Chekhov The mouth of Dr. Astrov expressed one of his absolutely amazing thoughts about that] (what forests teach Human understanding beautiful) (K. Pouust)- [SUBS. + UKSL.], (what).

Remuneration of the apparent identity and apparent extaste

Certain difficulties cause remuneration of the apparent identity and apparent extastethat relate to the noun. It should be remembered that candidate definitions depend on the noun as part of speech(for them it does not matter the value of the determined noun), answer the question what?,indicate a sign of that subject, which is called the defined nouns, and join the main only by the allied words. Podid Same issuctive depend on the noun not as part of speech, but how from the word with a certain meaning(speech, thoughts, feelings, perception), except for the question what?(and it can always be set from a noun to any word or suggestion) to them can be set and casethey are reveal(express) contentspeech, thoughts, feelings, perceptions and join the main unions and allied words. ( Podid, attached to the main union and the particle union whethermaybe only thanxicative: The idea that he is not right, tormented him; The idea of \u200b\u200bwhether he was right to torment him).

More difficult distributing the apparent definitions and appendantdepending on the nouns in cases where Issuctive appendagesjoin the main one with the help of union words (especially the union word what).Wed: 1) The question is that(which the) he was asked, it seemed to him as strange. Thought that(which) he came into his head in the morning, did not give him peace all day. News, that(which) i received yesterday, I was very upset. 2) The question is what he should do now, tormented him. The idea that he did, did not give him peace. News about what happened by the vias, I was amazing the whole school.

1) the first group - complex sentences with puttingable determinants. Union Word whatcan be replaced by the union word which the.Pressing point indicates a sign of an object called the defined nouns (from the main offer to the additive can only be asked what?,the case of the case is impossible to ask). An indicable word in the main sentence is possible only in the form of a pronoun agreed with the nouns (That question, that thought, then the news).

2) The second group is complex sentences with candidate is extreme. Replacement of the Union Word whatunion word which theimpossible. Puttingulous does not simply indicate a sign of the subject called the defined nouns, but also explains the content of the words question, thought, news(From the main proposal to the apparent may be asked a case of a case). An indicable word in the main sentence has a different form (case-shaped pronouns: question, thought, news of that).

Constentive apparent

Most circumstantial appendages Proposals have the same meanings as circumstances in a simple sentence, and therefore, are responsible for the same questions and are divided accordingly for the same species.

Pressing image and degree

Characterize a method of performing actions or degree of manifestation of high-quality sign and answer questions as? how? in what degree? How much?They depend on the word, which performs in the main sentence function of the circumstance of the image or degree. These additives are joined by the main proposal: 1) with the help of allied words how, how much, how much;2) with the help of unions that, as if, exactly, as if.

For example: 1) [The offensive went as it was provided In the headquarters) (K. Simonov)- [Hell. + UK. So], (as) (applying an action).

2) [Old woman as much i wanted to repeat your story], (how much to me listen) (A. Herzen)- [Hell. + UK. so many],(how much) (pressing degree).

Pressing image and degree may be unambiguous(if they join the main allied words how much how much)(see examples above) and double-digit(If unions are attached; the second value is made by the Union). For example: 1) [White acacia much], (that their sweet, shrill, candy the smell felt On the lips and in the mouth) (A. Kuprin)-

[Uk.Sl. so+ NARCH.], (What) (the value of the degree is complicated by the value of the investigation, which is made to the value of the apparent union what).

2) [Beautiful the girl must be dressed so that stand out From the environment) (K. Powesty)- [Kr.prich. + UK. SL so],(To) (the value of the action is complicated by the value of the target, which is made by the Union to).

3) [All this is small plant So sparkling from our legs], (as if it was really made From crystal) (K. Powesty)- [Uk.Sl. so +.verb.], (as if) (the value of the degree is complicated by the comparison value, which is made by the Union as if).

Putting places

Putting places indicate the place or direction of action and answer questions where? where to? where?They depend on the whole of the main offer or from the circumstances of the place in it, pronounced by the adverb (there, there, from there, nowhere, everywhere, everywhereand others), and join the main sentence with the help of allied words where, where, from where.For example:

1) [Expensive free go], (where wheel you free cm) ... (A. Pushkin)- , (where to).

2) [He wrote everywhere], (where forced his thirst write) (K. POUST)- [Nar.], (where).

3) (Where to the river went), [there and rouch will] (Proverb)- (where), [UK.Sl. there].

Putting places It should be distinguished from other types of apparent, which can also join the main sentence with the help of allied words where, where, from where.

Wed: 1) And [ Tanya is included in the house is empty], (where(in which) housing Recently our hero) (A. Pushkin)- [SUB.], (where) (apparent determination).

2) [I_ became to remember], (where to went during the day) (I. Turgenev)- [Hell.], (Where) (Pressy Validative).

Putting time

Putting time Indicate at the time of the action or manifestation of a feature referred to in the main sentence. They answer questions when? how long? since when? How long?,depend on the whole of the main offer and are joined by temporary unions when, while, as soon as, barely, before, while, as long as, since, how is it suddenlyet al. for example:

1) [When graf returned], (Natasha Unclean affaled to him I. began to leave) (L. Tolstoy)- (COG2) (Until does not require the poet to the sacred sacrifice of Apollo), [in the concerns of the Jewish light he is unsent submersible} (A. Pushkin)- (until), .

In the main sentence may be indicable words then, until then, afteret al., as well as the second component of the Union (that).If in the main sentence there is an index word then,that whenin the apparent is an allied word. For example:

1) [I_ sitting until do not begin to feel hunger) (D. KHARMS)- [Uk.Sl. until], (until).

2) (When in winter eat Fresh cucumbers), [then in the mouth smells Spring] (A. Chekhov)- (when), [then].

3) [The poet feels literal meaning of the word even then] (when gives It in a figurative meaning) (S. Marshak)- [Uk.Sl. then],(when).

Putting time It is necessary to distinguish from other types of additives joined by the Union Word when.For example:

1) [I_ saw Yalta that year], (when (-in which) her lean Chekhov left) (S. Marshak)- [UK.SL. + SUB.], (When) (apparent determination).

2) [Korchagin repeatedly asked me], (when he may be discharged) (N. Ostrovsky)- [Hell.], (When) (Pressy Validative).

Putting conditions

Putting conditions Indicate the conditions for the implementation of what is said in the main sentence. They answer the question with what condition?, if, if ... then, when (\u003d if), when ... then, if, if, since it is soon, ifet al. for example:

1) (If I saw), [to doctors nothing] ... (I. Merchela)- (if a), .

2) (Time we started talking), [then better to adopt All to the end] (A. Kookin)- (once), [then].

If a putinally conditional Before the main part of the Union in the latter may be in the latter - that(See the 2nd example).

Applying goals

Podid offers goal Indicate the purpose of what is said in the main sentence. They relate to the whole major proposal, answer questions what for? for what purpose? for what?and join the main thing with the help of alliances to (so that) in order to, then, so that in order to ()et al. for example:

1) [I_ wake up Pasha], (so that did not fall out with druk) (A. Chekhov)-, (so that);

2) [He used to use all his eloquence], (in order disgust Akulin from her intention) (A. Pushkin)-, (in order);

3)(In order to to be happy), [we need Not only be in love, but also to be loved] (K. POUST)- (in order to), ;

When dismembering the composite union, a simple union remains in the apparent toand the rest of the words are included in the principal proposal, being a guarantee word and a member of the proposal, for example: [I_ mention about it exclusively for that] (so that emphasize The unconditional authenticity of many things Kpen) (K. Powesty)- [Uk.Sl. for],(To).

Applying goals It is necessary to distinguish from other types of apparent with the union to.For example:

1) [I want], (to the bayonet equated Pen) \u200b\u200b(V. Mayakovsky)- [Glazh.], (so that) (applied spelling).

2) [Time landing it was calculated so], (to the place of landing get At dawn) (D. Furmanov)- [Kru. Prich. + UK. SL. so],(To) (apply an exposure point of action with an added target value).

Putting reasons

Podid offers the reasons Reveal (designate) the reason for what is said in the main sentence. They answer questions why? for what reason? from what?,belong to the whole main sentence and join it with the help of unions because, because, since, because, due to the fact that, then, due to the fact that, due to the fact thatet al. for example:

1) [I send her all tears as a gift], (becausenot live I am before the wedding) (I. Brodsky)- , (because)

2) [Any labor is important], (for flags man) (L. Tolstoy)-, (for).

3) (Thanks to we put Every day new plays), [ theatre Our pretty willing visited] (A. Kookin)- (thanks to), .

Composite unions, the last part of which is what,may dismember: a simple union remains in the apparent what,and the remaining words are included in the main proposal, performing the function of the index word in it and being a member of the sentence. For example:

[Because I. expensive to me people], (what live with me on earth) (S. Yesenin)- [Uk.Sl. because],(what).

Candidate grades

In the apparent seducing reported on the event, contrary to which the event, called in the main sentence, is carried out. With a grade relationship, the main proposal reports such events, facts, actions that should not have happened, but nevertheless occur (occurred). In this way, candidate grades Called as it would be a "intimidated" reason. Candidate grades answer questions despite what? Contrary to what?,refer to the whole main sentence and join it 1) alliances although, although ... butnot looking at the fact that, contrary to what, despite the fact that, let, letet al. and 2) allied words in combination fromparticle none: no matter how much nor, nor.For example:

I. one) And even though he there was a dust), [but forest out finally, brands, and saber, and lead] (A. Pushkin)- (at least), [but].

Note. In the main sentence, in which a gradual appendage is, a union may be but.

2) (Let be rosa Torvana), [she is yet flower] (S. Suppon)- (let be), .

3) [in steppe it was quiet, overcast], (despite what the sun rose) (A. Chekhov)- , (although).

P. 1) (Like N. oberegal Himself Pants Prokofevich from all sorts of hard experiences), [but soon i had to go through He is a new shock] (M. Sholokhov)- (as none), [but].

2) [I_, (how much loved you), accustomed to disable immediately) (A. Pushkin)- [, (how much),].

Puttingular comparatives

The types of circumstances considered above are considered above the circumstances in the simple proposal. However, there are three types of apparent (comparative, consequencesand connecting),who do not have conformity among the circumstances in the simple sentence. The overall feature of complex proposals with these types of appendages is the inability, as a rule, ask a question from the main offer to the apparent one.

In complex proposals with putting comparatives The content of the main offer is compared with the content of the apparent one. Puttingular comparatives apply to the whole major proposal and joined the unions as, exactly, like, Boto, as if, just as if, than ... whatanddr. For example:

1) (As in the summer moshcar flies on the flame), [flew flakes From the courtyard to the window frame] (K. Pasternak] (as), ["].

2) [Small leaves Bright and friendly green], (like who them washed and varnish on them naval) (I. Turgenev)-, (Like).

3) [we threesome started talking], (as like an eyelid lee acquaintances) (A. Pushkin)- , (as if).

Special group among putting comparativesmake up proposals with the union thanand with a double union than ... topics.Podep with a double union than ... Tophave comparative-comparablevalue, mutual conditionality of parts. Candidate with the Union than,in addition, it is not among the main thing, but by the way in it, which is expressed by the form of a comparative degree of adjective or adverb.

1) (The smaller the woman we love), [even easier we like her] (A. Pushkin)- (than), [topics].

2) [As time went slower], (than crawled clouds in the sky) (M. Gorky)- [comparable. Spa. Nar.], (than).

Comparative appendages may be incomplete: they are led away to them, if it coincides with the prolonged main offer. For example:

[Existence his concluded in this close program], (as egg in shell) (A. Chekhov)- , (as).

That this is precisely an incomplete two-part proposal indicates a secondary member of the group of the Tag in shell.

Incomplete comparative appendages should not be confused with comparative turns, in which it cannot be faithful.

Puttingure consequences

Puttingure consequences indicate a consequence, the conclusion that arise from the main offer .

Puttingure consequences refer to the whole main sentence, always stand after it and join the union so that.

For example: [ Heat everything increased], (so that it became hard to breathe) (D. Mamin-Sibiryak); [ Snow everything became white and brighter], (so that lomilo Eyes) (M. Lermontov)- , (so that).

Appendix attachments

Appendix attachments Contain extension information, comments to what is reported in the main sentence. Attachment attachments belong to the whole main sentence, always stand after it and attach to it allied words what than aboutwhy, why, why, whyand etc.

For example: 1) [To her needed not to be late to the theatre], (from whatshe is highly hurried) (A. Chekhov)- , (from what).

2) [Pala Rosa], (what foreshadowed Tomorrow good weather) (D. Mamin-Sibiryak)- , (what).

3) [And the old man Cuckoon quickly allotment glasses, forgetting them to wipe them], (what happened to him for thirty years did not happen) (I. Ilf and E. Petrov)-, (what).

Syntactic analysis of the complex proposal with one apparent

Collection scheme of a complex proposal with one pressing

1. Consider the type of sentence on the purpose of the statement (narrative, questional, prompting).

2.ow a view of the proposal for emotional color (exclamation or non-visible).

3. Consider the main and pressing proposal, find their borders.

Create a proposal scheme: Set (if possible) The question of the main thing to the pressing, indicate in the main word, on which the apparent (if it is a submissive), to characterize the means of communication (union or allied word), determine the type of apparent (definitive, thanks, etc. d.).

Sample parsing of complex proposal with one pressing

1) [in time of a strong storm turned out with the root of the high old pine], (why and formed This pit) (A. Chekhov).

, (from what).

The proposal is a narrative, unkonsectant, complex with the pressing attachment. Putinally refers to everything in the whole and joins him by the union word from what.

2) (To be contemporary clear), [the whole man open the poet] (A. Akhmatova). (so that) ,.

Proposal narrative, unkonsectant, complex target. Pressing answers the question for what purpose?,depends on the whole of the main offer and joins the Union so that.

3) [I love All], (what in this world is neither consonant, no otzok not) (I. Annensky). [places.], (what).

The proposal is a narrative, unkonsectant, complex with the apparent prisoner-definition. Pressing answers the question what?,depends on pronouns everythingin the main thing, joins the union word what,which is an indirect addition.

), four basic types of apparent are distinguished:

  • definition
  • issuctive
  • circumstances (image and degree, place, time, conditions, causes, goals, comparisons, concessions, consequences),
  • attachment.

Candidate definitions

Relate to noun or pronoun. Answer questions of definitions ( what? What? what kind?).
Join with the help of allied words: what, who, whose, what, where, when, from where, etc.
As well as unions: to, as if, exactly, as if dr.


  • [The alarm clock). Alarm clock what? (Who gave me my grandmother). [Ranked alarm clock ( who gave me my grandmother)].
  • [House burned down the dot]. House what? (Where I was born). [House( where I was born) burned down the dot].
  • [A.S. Pushkin was set not one monument]. A.S. Pushkin what? (Whose contribution to the development of Russian literature is difficult to overestimate). [A.S. Pushkin ( whose contribution to the development of Russian literature is difficult to overestimate,) Not one monument].
  • [That day my life has changed]. In a day what? (When I understood everything). [In that day( when I understood everything) My life has changed].

Candidate of claims

Refer to the verb. Respond to case issues ( who? what? who? What? Who? what? by whom? than? etc.).
Join with the help of allied words: who, that who, whose, where, where, from where, what, why, why, how much
As well as unions: that, as if, as if, as if dr.


Here the main offer is allocated in square brackets, and the apparent is in the round.

  • [I'm definitely sure]. Sure what? (The fact that the earth has a ball shape). [I'm sure ( that the earth has a ball shape)].
  • [He found out]. Found out what? (How many days have passed from the launch of the first satellite). [He found out( how many days have passed from the launch of the first satellite)].
  • [They understood]. Understood what? (Why did I do it). [They understood( why i did it)].

Putitive circumstances

Play the role of common circumstances. Respond to a detailed question. As well as ordinary circumstances, are divided into several types:

Type of apparent Questions to which it answers Bunch with the help of alliances Bunch with allied words Examples
Image image as? how? how that, as if, exactly
  • [I walked along the freshly empty snow]. Sheltered as? (So \u200b\u200bthat snowflakes crunched on my feet). [I walked along the fresh snow ( so that snowflakes crunched on my feet)].
Measures and degrees how much? in what degree? what how how much how much
  • [He ate a lot of apples]. Ate how much? (So \u200b\u200bthat the stomach was then breathed) [he ate so many apples( that the stomach was breathing)].
Places where? where to? where? where, where, from where
  • [I was tired of everything and went]. Gone where to? (There, where I could finally relax). [I was tired of everything and went there(where I could finally relax)].
Of time when? how long? since when? How long? when, for now, depression, as soon as, since, as long as
  • [Moon rises]. Rises when? (When the night comes). [Moon rises ( when night comes)].
Goal what for? for what purpose? to (so that)
  • [I drank medicine]. Drank what for? (To cure a cold). [I drank medicine ( to cure a cold)].
The reasons why? from what? because, because, since, for
  • [He has changed]. Changed why? (Because there was no reason to remain the same). [He has changed because(that there was no reason to remain the same)].
Conditions with what condition? if when, times
  • [I eat it apple]. Remove with what condition? (If it is not poisoned). [I eat it apple ( if it is not poisoned)].
Concessions despite what? although, despite the fact that, let it, let how much nor
  • [He reached the goal]. Reached despite what? (Though I interfered all this time). [He reached the goal ( Though I interfered all this time)].
Corollary and..? hence..? so that
  • [I was on top of the world]. and? (So \u200b\u200bI had no reason for concern). [I was on top of the world ( so I have no reason for concern)].
Comparative as? as if like
  • [She flipped around the apartment]. Fucked as? (How young butterfly flies, just learned to fly). [She fluttered around the apartment ( how young butterfly flies, just learned to fly)].

Appendix attachments

Relate to the whole main part.
Join with the help of allied words: what, where, from where, where, when, how, why
Complement and explain the content of the main part. Often possess the meaning of the investigation.


  • He worried ( , so I could not successfully pass the exam).
  • My brother never opened the book for all this time ( that did not give me peace).

see also



  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • The main offer is a dictionary of literary terms

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Watch what is "Press Offer" in other dictionaries:

    Subordinate clause - SUBORDINATE CLAUSE. See the main offer ... Dictionary of literary terms

    Appendion, taway, m. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    The syntactically dependent predicative part of the complex proposal containing the subordinate union or the union word. Vladimir saw the horror that he drove into an unfamiliar forest (Pushkin). Portray the feeling I experienced at the time ... ...

    The dependent part of the complex proposal containing in its composition the Union or the Allied Word. Refers to the whole of the main sentence or to one word in it (additional, definitive appendages). F. I. Buslaev marked the beginning ... ... Literary encyclopedia

    - (grams.). This is true as opposed to the main thing such a proposal that has no independent, one-piece sense without the main offer. The syntactic system of all Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bshows no doubt that the creation of a category P ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    subordinate clause - Lingv. Part of the complex proposal, syntactically subordinate to the main part (the main proposal) and the United Nations with it or the Union word. PO offer cause. Conditional n o offer ... Dictionary of many expressions

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    SUBORDINATE CLAUSE - (subsequent p., it. Nachsatz), so called, by analogy with the terminology of grammar, the second part of the musical period corresponding to its first part, which carries the name of the main (previous) sentence and ends mostly ... ... Music dictionary Riemann

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    The appropriate proposal that responds to any case and related to a member of the main proposal that needs a sense distribution is: without a presidency, the main thing would be structurally and semantically not finished. Podep ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

  • 5. The approach to the study of the offer. Actual sentence of sentence
  • 6. Connecting members of the sentence. Grammatical basis of the sentence. Subject to Types of fadies
  • 8. Structural and semantic types of simple offer. Objective modality of the sentence. Offers for the purpose of statement and intonation. Approved and negative proposals.
  • 1. Definitely personal
  • 2. Uncertain and personal
  • 3. impersonal
  • 4. generalized and personal
  • 10. Common and non-prolonged offers. Full and incomplete sentences, their types are common and non-prolonged proposals
  • Full and incomplete sentences
  • 11. Concept of complication. Typology of complications. Turnover as a syntactic concept
  • 12. Uniform members and their types. Uniform and inhomogeneous definitions. Summarizing words with homogeneous members
  • 13. Separate definitions, circumstances and additions
  • §2. Separate definitions
  • §five. Separate circumstances
  • 14. Clarifying, explanatory and connecting structures. Punctuation signs with them
  • 15. Introductory words and suggestions. Typology of introductory structures by value. Differentiation of introductory and unbinds
  • Words-offers and no. Interdomitia
  • 16. Putting structures, circulation and interjections. Inhabitable words-offers as a type of simple supply complication
  • 17. Complex offer as a syntax unit. Principles of classification of complex proposals in the concept. Main types of complex proposals
  • 18. Complex proposals: types of structure and semantics 19. Combined proposals. Tools in NGN. Types of SPP
  • 23. Complete proposal (SPP). Types of apparent. (by lecture I.G. Ostrov)
  • 1. NGP with a submission connection
  • 20. Types of apparent values. SPP with different types of communication: Types of submission in simple proposals in NGN with several additive types of departing offers
  • Candidate of claims
  • Candidate definitions
  • Putitive circumstances
  • Appendix attachments
  • 21. Unsoyevar complex offer: Types of BSP on semantics and structure. Plopania signs in BSP
  • 24. Functional types of speech: description, narration, argument narration
  • Description
  • Reasoning
  • 20. Types of apparent values. SPP S. different species Communication: Types of submission in simple proposals in NGN with several putting types puttinglements

    In order to understand this article, you need to know what complex suggestions are. Read about it here.

    In a complex proposal, the main part and the appling part (or pressing parts) are distinguished. The dressing part depends on the main one.

    Depending on the value, the apparent offers are divided into several types: issuctive, determinatory,circumstantial, attachments.

    Candidate of claims

    Putting-free explanatory offers are served to explain the words from the main part and are responsible for cases ( who? what? who? what? who? what? by whom? than? o Com? about what?).

    Putting-empty can be attached unions what, to, like, as, like, as if et al. and allied words who, that who, whose, where, where, from where, what, why, why, how much (These are the same words from which questions may begin).

    The dog opened the right languid eye and saw it that he was tightly bandaged with his side and belly. (M.A. Bulgakov. "Dog's heart") Put supply offer answers the question "What?": had seen - what? - that he is tightly bandaged across the sides and belly. Here what - This is an union.

    I imagine that now will be in the apartment. (M.A. Bulgakov. "Dog's heart") Put supply offer answers the question "What?": imagine - what? - what will happen in the apartment. Here what - This is a union word. It is subject to appropriate sentence. The endurance prize was awarded to those who swam the river last. The apparent offer answers the question "Who?": agriculture - Who? - who swam the river last.

    The type of pressing offer should be determined by what question it is responsible, and not by the union or the union word, which it is attached.

    I saw a wolf out of the forest. The apparent offer answers the question "What?" (and not "How?"): saw - what? - how did the wolf come out of the forest.

    I want you to accomplish bolder and more decisive. The apparent offer answers the question "What?": want - What? - so you act like the bolder and more decisive. This is an impressive applied, and not an appropriate goal (as it would be possible to think by the Union to).

    Newton explained why the apples always fall down. The apparent offer answers the question "What?" (not "Why?"): explained - what? - why apples always fall down. This is an appreciable.

    I asked my comrade where he was going to leave. The apparent offer answers the question "what?": asked - What? - where is he going to leave. This is an appreciable, rather, and not an apparent place (as it would be possible to think about the union word where to).

    Expressive proposals perform the same role as additions (that is, all the appendage proposal is, in fact, one large addition).

    Candidate definitions

    The definition applied proposal determines some kind of noun or pronoun from the main part and answers questions " what?», « which the?».

    Most often, the apparent definition joins with the help of allied words what, which the, whose, what, where, when,from and etc.

    I kissed Helen's hand, in which she kept an umbrella. (S. Dovlatov. "Our") Put supply offer answers the question "What?": hand - What? - in which she kept an umbrella.

    In those years, he was almost an associate professor of the music school, where he created a pop class on his initiative. (S. Dovlatov. "Our") Put supply offer answers the question "What?" (and not "Where?"): school - What? - where on his initiative created a pop class. This is an apparent definition, and not an apparent place (as it would be possible to think about the Union Word where).

    That instant when he pulled the curtains, the sky illuminated a flash of lightning, and Fandorine saw behind the glass, right in front of him, a lonely white face with black lints of the eyes. (B. Akunini. "Azazel") Putin offer answers the question "What?" (and not "when?"): instant - What? - when he pulled out the curtains. This is an appropriate definition, and not a pressure time (as it would be possible to think about the Union Word when).

    Puttingular definitions perform the same role that definitions.


    Puttinglements are very diverse. They differ from each other in four main features:

    grammatical meaning;

    the question for which the pressing proposal is responsible;

    what it applies to;

    tool of communication (than joins).

    According to these features, four main types of presidential proposals are distinguished: the definition, thantening, circumstances, connecting.

    Candidate definitions

    Denote a sign of the subject named in the main sentence; answer what question?; belong to one word in the main sentence - to the name of the noun (sometimes to the phrase "noun + index word"); Join the allied words: who, what, whose, which, where, where, where, from where, when. At the same time, in the main sentence, there are often indicative words: that (one, those), such, any, anyone, any, etc. For example: the forest in which we entered, was extremely old (I. Turgenev); Again, I visited that corner of the earth, where I spent two years of invisible (A. Pushkin) exile.

    Candidate of claims

    Complement and specify the value of the main supply; answer questions of indirect cases; Refer to one word in the main sentence - the verb with the meaning of speech, thoughts or feelings (said, asked, thought, remembered, I was surprised, etc.), to the noun (message, request, question, etc.), to adjective (Glad, happy , Gord, etc.), to adverbs (known, clearly, can also be visible, and others), to phrases (asked about whether the question is about Tom, etc.); alliances are joined that, as if, like other, as well as the allied words, that, why, when, where, where, what, why, and others, in this case, in the main sentence, an indicable word is often found in different case . For example: I believe that a person is the Creator of his happiness (A. Chekhov). Reader, I will tell you where the beauty [Lyudmila] went? (A. Pushkin); The dispute did not notice how the village of the Red Red (N. Nekrasov).

    Putitive circumstances

    Putitive circumstances are very diverse and therefore have their own classification. There are the following types of appropriate circumstances: image of action and degree, place, time, conditions, causes, goals, comparisons, concessions, consequences.

    Pressing image and degree

    Denote the image, degree or measure of action (trait), named in the main sentence; answer questions like? how? in what degree? How much? and etc.; belong to phrases in the main sentence: verb + so; Full adjective + such; Full adjective + noun + such; The unions are joined that, as if dr. and allied words: how, how much, as far as other, the main sentence may be indicable words: so, so much, so much, so, such and others.

    Example: I'm born in Russia. I love her so that words all will not say (S. Ostrov). The air is transparent to the point that visible at the tank ... (A. Chekhov).

    Putting places

    Denote the place of action called in the main sentence; answer questions where? where to? Where?; belong to either the whole main sentence, or to his legend; Join allied words where, where, from where. In the main sentence, they often correspond to the indicative words: there, there, from everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, etc.

    Example: Expensive free go, where the free mind entails you (A. Pushkin). Where the concurrents, Belli Birch.

    Putting time

    Denote the time of action called in the main sentence; answer questions when? how long? since when? How long? and etc.; Refer either to the whole main sentence, or to its faith. In the main sentence, there are often indicative words: then, now, always, one day, sometimes, etc.

    Example: While he sang, Vaska's cat was all roast (I. Wings). Sometimes, when it is known for certain deposits, almost from under the heads the numerous brood of quail or gray partridges (S. Ognev) is broken.

    Putting conditions

    Denote a condition in which an action may be implemented in the main sentence; Answer questions as the condition? in which case?; belong to either the whole main sentence, or to his legend; The conditional unions are joined if, since, if, Kol, when (in the value "if"), as (in the meaning "if"), etc.

    Example: if life deceives you, not sad, do not be angry (A. Pushkin); When there is no agreement in comrades, there will be no (I. Wings) on the way.


    Conditional importance is also the apparent, in which the verified verbose is expressed in the form of an imperative inclusion used in the meaning of the conditional: do not be the Lord of the Will, did not give in Moscow (M. Lermontov) (Wed: If it were not for the Lord's Will, did not give b Moscow).

    Putting reasons

    Referred to the reason why it is said in the main sentence; answer questions why? from what? because of which? for what reason?; belong to either the whole main sentence, or only to the lean; They are joined by causal unions: because, because, because of others.

    Example: I am sad, because you have fun (M. Lermontov); Ossetian-cabin tirelessly driven horses, because I wanted to climb the Kaurhi mountain to the night (M. Lermontov).

    Applying goals

    Denote the purpose of the action named in the main sentence; answer questions why? for what? What purpose? for what? and etc.; belong to either the whole main sentence, or to his legend; Join the target unions so that (so that), then so that, etc.

    An example: to become a musician, so needlessly decrease (I. Wings). I want to live, to think and suffer (A. Pushkin).

    Putting comparisons

    Example: Two minutes was quietly, exactly the traffic fell asleep (A. Chekhov). And the barbed branch of the spruce in the window is knocking, as he knocks on the podpet fenced (A. Plescheyev).

    Cellular comparisons and comparative revs should be distinguished. Compare: how the tree drops quietly leaves, so I drop sad words (S. Yesenin) (a complex proposal comparison); As soon as it is like a drop of silver water, the first stars (K. Powesta) were glittered (comparative turnover).

    In comparative appendage, in contrast to the comparative turnover, there is a grammatical basis.

    From the apparent comparison should also be distinguished by introductory proposals. For example: Yakov, as already mentioned, alien to comrades (I. Turgenev). In the highlighted sentence there is a grammatical basis, but there is no comparison value.

    Putting concessions

    Denote the circumstance, contrary to which the action is committed, named in the main sentence; answer questions despite what? Contrary to what?; refer to the whole main proposal or to its faugible; Summary unions are joined: although (at least), despite, let it be launched, nothing that; Despite the fact that, etc., by allied combinations: that nor, anyone, when no, ever, or otherwise.

    Examples: hot, although the sun has already dropped to the West (M. Gorky). Although it is cold, yes not hungry (proverb). Wherever Kin, everywhere wedge (proverb).

    It should be distinguished by a complex proposal with an appointed concession and a simple proposal with a separate concession. Compare: despite the fact that the evening managed, I did not experience satisfaction (a complex proposal with appointed concessions). Despite the evening, I did not experience satisfaction (a simple proposal with the circumstance of the concession).

    Puttingure consequences

    Indicate a consequence (output, result) arising from the main supply; answer questions what follows from this?; belong to the whole main sentence; Join the unions of the consequence so that therefore.

    Example: the wind will be in full, so I could not sleep for myself (I. Goncharov). All the next day, Gerasim did not show up, so instead of him the water was supposed to go Kucher Potap (I. Turgenev).

    It should be distinguished by the apparent effect and an appropriate image of action and degree. Compare: Road blocked the road, so in the mountains were formed wide pivotes (I. Goncharov) (Potion consequence); The road blocked the rain so that extensive pivotes were formed in the mountains (aqueous image and degree).

    Appendix attachments

    EXAMPLE: Male dew in the meadows are shiny, which is only early in the morning (A. Chekhov). He had to arrange something in the city, why he left hastily (A. Pushkin). Instead of sugar, cellular honey was served in a clay bowl, which is why tea has always been liquid, but tasty (K. Powest).

    It is called a proposal that consists of two syntactically inequal parts: main part(head part) - basic and independent, podep part(Pіddened part) is subordinate to the main part. Parts of the complex proposal are combined with subordination unions, Union words, as well as with the help of intonation.

    The dressing part joins the main part with the help of alliances and allied words, i.e. relative pronouns and adverbs acting in the role of subordinate unions who, what, who, how, when, where, whose, from where, where, so, as if, if, because, although, while and etc.

    Subordination unions and allied words are in the apparent part of the proposal.

    The dressing part may relate to a certain word or phrase, to a grammatical basis or to the entire main part. From the main to the apparent part you can put a question.

    Pressing part can be located in front of the main part, after and inside it: ( what), ; , (what); , (what). For example: When bread , then measure, when money, then faith (proverb). Already light, when I fell asleep (V. Winovich). Lion stealing to the rumble where every day go to drink water a flock of buffaloes, and hides between the stones (I. Kuprin).

    In a complex sentence, there may be two or more podepie : We must learn a lot, to realize what you know little (M. Monten).

    In the apparent part of the complex proposal, you can report additional information about the subject, face, event, you can point out the cause, conditions, the purpose of the events referred to in the main sentence. Depending on this, three types of appendages are distinguished: issuctive (s "Yasuvalnі), determinatory (meant), circumstantial (Oblastivinnі) (places, time, objectives, reasons, conditions, seeding, consequences, image, measures and degrees, comparisons).

    The apparent part is allocated with commas in the middle of the main part (the comma one, if the apparent part at the beginning or at the end of the complex offer; two - if in the middle).

    Subordination alliances and allied words are identifiable signs of the Rules "commas in a complex proposal".

    To check, act according to the algorithm: find the meaning section joined by a subordinate union or a union word, and highlight it with commas.

    Plan of the syntactic parsing of a complex proposal

    1. Determine the type of proposal for the purpose of the statement and by emotional color.

    2. Highlight (emphasize) the grammatical foundations in each part of the complex offer and indicate that the offer sophisticated.

    3. Make sure that parts of the complex offer connects submitting Unionor union Word, indicate that the sentence is union, complexed.

    4. Name the main thing and podid Part, noted a place Puttingular part in relation to the main one.

    5. Specify the question from the main to the prescript part, indicate that it clarifies, supplements, which indicates the pressing part in the main and specify it.

    6. Make the analysis of each part of the complex offer according to the plan to parse a complex offer.

    7. Make a chart of a challenge offer.

    1. Selective and distribution work

    І. Read the offers selected from the work M. Lermontov By observing the correct intonation. Specify the union or the union word that attach the pressure to the main one. In which part of the complex proposal is always the union or the union word?

    ІІ. Record the proposals first, in which the pressing part stands after the main one, then the proposals in which the apparent is in front of the main, and then inside the main one. Arrange the punctuation marks.

    1. The old woman on all my questions answered that she did not hear deaf. 2. She felt the inner heat as if in her breast was lying around iron. 3. When I woke up on the yard, it was so dark. 4. Playground on which we had to shit portray almost right triangle. 5. He throws his head back when he says and thrust twists the mustache with his left hand. 6. I involuntarily made several steps forward to quickly remove from the edge. 7. Everything would be saved if my horse had forces for another ten minutes! 8. I went to the fortress to find out from the commandant about the hour of myself. 9. However, in those moments when the tragic mantle throats is pretty mil and funny.

    3. Using table materials "Views podep parts", Determine the appendage of the pressing part. Make syntactic analysis Third sentence.

    2. Construction of proposals

    Make proposals for this beginning. From the main part to the apparent ask the question, determine the appendage of the apparent part.

    When determining the type of pressing part, errors may occur.

    The place where our camp is located in a picturesque corner of the island.. In this proposal, the definition of the pressing part, as it indicates a sign, you can ask it: A place ( what?) where our camp is located.... What error could occur when determining the view of this part? What could she be called?

    When determining the type of pressing part of the complex proposal, always ask the question to it, make a question and the value of the apparent part.

    3. Explanatory letter

    І. Spariate sentences, arranging punctuation marks . Emphasize the union or the union word, which attachs the appling part to the main one. In which part of the sentence is always the Union or the Union Word?

    ІІ. Using the above council and materials table "Types of Pressing Parts", determine the appendage of the appling part, indicating it in brackets. Orally memorize what errors could occur when determining the appendage of the apparent part than they could be caused. How did you manage to avoid them?

    1. Knowledge only then knowing when it is acquired by the efforts of your thoughts and not memory ( L. Tolstoy). 2. For the last time he saw her in the spring near the school where he once studied ( F. Iskander). 3. I did not quite know exactly where his house is located ( F. Iskander). 4. Snow with the rain was so solid that the other bank of the river was not visible ( E. Grishkovets). 5. Sad to see when the young man loses its best hopes and dreams ( M. Lermontov).

    ІІІ. Make the analysis of the third sentence.

    Complete proposals with pressing definitions

    The apparent definitions explained in the main part of the sentence, expressed by the name nouns or pronoun, answer questions what? which the? whose?.

    Puttingular definitions join the main part with the help of allied words what, whose whose, where, where, when and subordinate unions: what to see exactly how: Just in case, opened the storage room, where to The cleaner folded firewood, and laughed (V. Belov).

    The union word that can be not only at the beginning, but in the middle of the apparent part: we approached the river, right bank which Throw off dense barbed shrubs.

    The appropriate determination in the sentence is always worth only after the word is determined.

    To highlight the defined word in the main part, and the proposal can be used indicative words then, that, those, that.

    For example: His (artist) Art grows along with the people, which he depicts (A. Tolstoy).

    4. Restoration of proposals

    І. Spariate sentences, replacing where possible, the Union Word which the Union word where, when, whereor what. First write sentences with involved in turnover , Then - offers with a part-off turnover and proposals with introductory words. Arrange the punctuation marks.

    ІІ. Determine the appearance of the appropriate parts of complex proposals. Make a disclaimer of the fifth sentence.

    1. On the left behind the tangerine bushes began the garden in which the pears of the fig and a pomegranate tree ascended by Punchy Ilotov ( F. Iskander). 2. The mother opened the door to him and everything was still gentlely smiling in the room in which grandmother sat ( F. Iskander). 3. The sea quietly referred to the beginning of one of the ancient legends that could be created on his shores ( Maksim Gorky). 4. Save it. Of course, a beautiful prince who would certainly appear in the most tragic moment and certainly under the Alay sails ( M. Yudenich). 5. We do not disappear looked at the platform from which the bus should have moved.

    5. Punctuation work

    Spish suggestions. Highlight the apparent parts of the complex proposal. Check out the correctness of punctuation marks.

    1. The windows of her room went out in the bottom of the bottom of which turned out to be shimmering by quartz ingots of the canal water. 2. Again, the bells of neighboring churches appeared again again. They with San Marco answered a smooth roe against the background of which splashed the upper bells. 3. In the opening of the open window, the tip of the sunlight was intented by the top corner of which conceded the edge of the mirror cabinet. 4. She saw the front door of which went straight into the water.

    (D. Rubin)

    The apparent determination should be only after the word it belongs to.

    6. Editing

    Find in these sentences of errors caused by the improper arrangement of the dressing part. Record offers in a corrected form.

    1. Moving on the sky glowing satellite points we were looking for every evening that were like lost in space stars . 2. We admired the sunset of the South Sun, which was unusually beautiful. 3. Computer program helped me to develop a project, much faster I installed. 4. Mobile communication allows you to significantly increase the pace of life that is common everywhere.

    7. Mixed texts

    І. This text is made up of two thematic close texts (the first text of L. Ulitskaya, the second - T. Tolstoy). Read the texts, find them the border, relying on some features of the author's styles and grammatical features of texts.

    ІІ. Expressively read the text L. Ulitska. Write separately the definitions together with the one standing in front of the word, verbally replace the separated definitions with the apparent definition with the union which the. Write a presentation of the first text using discharged materials.

    Once they studied in the same class of gymnasium, went in the same gray-blue uniform dresses, sewn from the best in Kaluga, wore the same gymnasium icons "KZHGS". These openwork letters mean only the Kaluga women's gymnasium on the garden.

    Anya was an extension with a thick oblique, shrugged over his shoulder; In her notebooks, the last page did not differ from the first, especially beautiful and diligent. ASI did not have such a zeal to the teaching that at Ani: French verbs, endless dat frequisites and beautiful baubles theorems flew into one of her ear, semi-shot with spring disinstantly curly white hair, and, as long as she drew a thinly sophisticated pencil caricature on a history teacher, flew out of another. Asya was a living, cheerful and nice girl.

    We were friends childhood . We once hurried through the same morning iron MGLU, past the same snowdrifts, fences and swinging lanterns, in the same red brick school, gicked out outside medallions with alabastra profiles of frostbed literary classics. And the generals were for PAS, the green walls, the floors, smeared with red mastic, the healing stairs, the warm socks of the locker room and on the site of the third floor, the terrible-eyed Saltykov-Shchedrin, foggy wrote about some kind of crucian.

    Combined sentences with apparent addiction

    Puttingable spectacle responds to the casement questions and explain in the main part of the words that have the meaning of speech, thoughts, feelings. Lexical meaning Such words requires clarification: what did you say(answered, shouted, asked), what thought he felt(which was delighted than pleased, what is sure what is a pity, which is desirable, etc.).

    Such proposals require completion with the help of an apparent spurable part, both in meaning and grammatically. In the apparent part there may be an index word thatWith which you can direct the attention of the listening or reading to the content of the pressing part: He himself was surprised agriculturethat listens to this void (F. Iskander).

    Pressing part most often stands after the main and joins it with the help of unions and allied words that, as if, how much, how much, where, when, where, why, how, why.

    Indirect speech is transmitted by complex deposits with applied applied.

    8. Syntactic synonyms

    І. Spish suggestions. Arrange the commas and explain their production. Name the appendage of the apparent, specify the word they explained in the main part. In which part of the proposal is indirectly reproduced by someone else's speech?

    ІІ. Record offers by replacing an indirect speech speech. How in this case, are personal and assigning pronoun? Whose point of view is they denoted in direct speech?

    1. The conductor warned that we were very careful. 2. Mom asked me to find on the Internet the information you need for article. 3. Sailors talked about the fact that the Don threateningly merge that the origins are entered by sand ( K. Powesty). 4. Kozonekov asked where I live ( V. Belov). 5. The interlocutor starting from the number and quality of the heirs asked where and by whom I work ( V. Belov).

    9. Designing offers

    І. Read the test questions. Having answered them, analyze if you can communicate effectively. Evaluate the answers as: always - 2 points, in most cases- 4 points, sometimes - 6 points, rarely - 8 points, never- 10 points. You will receive an accurate answer at maximum sincerity. If in the end you get higher than 62 points - you are a good interlocutor.

    ІІ. Specify complex suggestions. Write down the number of a complex sentence, make it a scheme, in brackets, indicate the appendage of the apparent one.

    ІІІ. Simple sentences Turn on as an appropriate part and the composition of the complex proposal. The main part Build the type: Psychologist asked, ... ; Lead clarified, ... ; I asked, ... etc. Drive the Union-particle Li. How will punctuation at the end of the sentence?

    Your style of communication
    1. Do you try to interrupt the conversation if his topic or your interlocutor you are not interested?
    2. Can an unsuccessful or tactless expression of the interlocutor provoke you to sharpness or rudeness?
    3. Can you annoy the manners of interlocutors?
    4. Do you avoid talking with an unknown or unfamiliar person, even when he strives for this?
    5. Do you have a habit of interrupting the interlocutor?
    6. Do you make the view that you are closely listening to the interlocutor, thinking at this time at all about the other?
    7. Does your tone change, a voice expression, if the tone of your interlocutor changed?
    8. Do you change the topic of conversation if the interlocutor touched the subject unpleasant to you?
    9. Do you correct if the interlocutor, if in his speech there are incorrectly uttered words, distorted names, terms?
    10. Are you irony in relation to the interlocutor?

    (On L. Averchenko)

    10. Homework

    Option 1 . Spish text exercise. Arrange the missed punctuation marks. Circle unions Or allied words, indicate the appendage of the appropriate offers. Explain the formulation of the colon in the first sentence. Specify offers with an indirect speech.

    Option 2. . Spariate the text of the exercise, transforming proposals with an indirect speech in a direct speech sentence. Explain the formulation of the colon and the TYRS.

    Today I got a "deuce" by physical culture : I very low jumped in a height did not jump long and confused all the gymnastic exercises.

    There was nothing joyful in this. Teacher but physical education reminded me that our school is in the first place in the area of \u200b\u200bsports work. He said that I would have to go to another school which is not at such an honorable place in the area like our. On the change, the class teacher warned me so that I did not think that physical education is a secondary subject. And said that at all costs only to start: today "Two" on physical education and tomorrow - in literature or even mathematics (Our class teacher is a mathematician). And the class of Knyazev's class simply said that I was a lipik.

    (A. Aleksin)

    Option 3. . Spariate text. Arrange the missed punctuation marks. Participate and accompanying revisions emphasize as members of the sentence. Justify the formulation of a dash in sentences.

    I went to my class and began to look for the desk for which once sat. Wait and where I sat? In the tenth grade, my neighbor was Seryozha Voropaev - that's for sure. We sat at the window ahead was a free desk and then - the teacher's table ... Now I remembered! We had powerful monolithic desks. Watch covers covered with weak patterns each year was painted with a thick layer of green paint. But traces left previous generations Anyway talked.

    Moving from the class to class, we grew out of their narts as from children's clothing - and it was called adulthood. Welcoming the incoming teacher, we got up and clapped with folding covers - and there was some kind of special solemnity.

    (According to Y. Polyakov)

    Option 4. . From the exercise 7, write down the second text (author T. Tolstaya), replacing the involvement of impulsions with apparent determinants. Personal revisions emphasize as members of the sentence. Specify the word defined by the involvement of the turnover.

    Option 5. .

    1. Spariate the text, arranging the punctuation marks and replacing the selected subcounties involved and in accompany turnsAnd the direct speech is indirect.

    2. Consider any phenomenon of nature, life, determining the possible objectives of this phenomenon from media measurements. Write an essay by trying to use the same syntax structures as this exercise. Alien speech Transfer in the form of indirect speech.

    Bee which sat on the flowerstruggled baby. And the child is afraid of the bee and says the goal of the bee is to stive people. The poet admires the bee which dug into a cup of flower And says the Cleppels consists in drinking fragrance of flowers. Beekeeper who noticedthat the bee collects flower dust and brings it in the hive, saying the purpose of the bee is to collect honey. Other when plants are observedsees that the bee contributes to this resettlement. And this new observer can say this is the purpose of the bee.

    But the ultimate goal of the bee is not exhausted, neither the other one is neither the third goal that is able to be a man's mind. The higher the mind rises in the opening of these purposes, the more obvious to the negativeness of the ultimate goal. A person is available only to observe the correspondence of the life of beedrugimm phenomena of life. The same with goals historical persons and nations.

    (On L. Tolstoy)

    A.N. Rudjakov, II. Frolova. Russian language 9

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