Telepathy is understood as reading the thoughts of another person, and those who have such abilities (both transmitting and receiving signals) are usually called telepaths. In most cases, a person capable of telepathy at a distance can both transmit signals to the recipient and receive signals from the donor. But in a number of cases, people with the gift of telepathy are able to either “receive” or “transmit” information.

Whether telepathy exists between people can be judged from a series of experiments conducted in 1959 on board the American nuclear submarine Nautilus. One of the participants in the experiment, twice a day from the shore, mentally suggested to another participant, who was on the submarine, one of five possible shapes (circle, square, cross, star, wavy lines). A special device automatically ejected a card with an image of one of the figures, which was then mentally transmitted. At the same time, the participant in the experiment, who was in the hermetically sealed hull of the submarine, received signals and recorded them. These experiments lasted 16 days with perfect control of the participants and resulted in 70% correct answers. According to probability theory, one would expect about 20% correct answers.

It is believed that telepathic communication involves at least two persons. The first is the supplying agent, instructor, or donor, of telepathic information. The second person taking part in telepathic contact is the receiver (recipient), or percipient. Telepathic communication between people can be either one-way or two-way.

How does telepathy manifest itself and how is telepathic information transmitted? This happens on several levels. At first, it represents a concern of an uncertain nature, not directed at a specific object. The second level of telepathic signals is an emotional impulse directed at a specific person, accompanied by a feeling, a premonition like “something is about to happen.” At the third level, information is provided about events relating to a particular person. These events are most often symbolic in nature. The next, fourth level is characterized by the perception of larger or smaller quantities of events, images and actions. Sometimes the perceived image gradually emerges in the recipient’s imagination.

It is argued that the implementation of a transfer from an inductor (transmitting) cannot proceed normally if the recipient is emotionally indifferent to him. The best inductors are men who are the most strong-willed and active in character. And vice versa, women are good recipients.

Deaf and mute people with the gift of telepathy

A very interesting fact is telepathic communication between people at close range, which M.A. Cooney talks about:

“If we imagine that a person can feel the gaze of another person fixed on him, then the most suitable people for conducting experiments seem to me to be people deprived of hearing and speech, deaf-mutes. For better observation, I went to Gelendzhik, where there is a sanatorium for the deaf and dumb. When flying there from Sochi, there were three deaf and mute people in the helicopter with me. Two men sat in front, and a woman sat next to me, at the back of the helicopter. As soon as one of the men sitting in front turned in our direction, the woman (she was reading a book) immediately raised her head. And vice versa: as soon as the woman looked up from her book with the clear intention of saying something, those sitting in front, first one, then the other, turned to her.

Observations carried out in Gelendzhik also give reason to assume that the deaf and mute (and therefore all people, only to a lesser extent) have the ability to sense the gaze, or more precisely, the signal of another person.”

Of course, all this can be attributed to coincidences. But aren't there a lot of coincidences? If we talk about such everyday manifestations of telepathy, then there are millions and millions of them. And there are quite a few others, when a telepathic connection manifests itself at a distance. The famous French scientist and talented popularizer of science K. Flammarion, becoming interested in the phenomena of telepathic communication, recorded more than a thousand testimonial stories about such phenomena. Is it possible to dismiss all these stories as “the inventions of idle people”?

Is telepathy and telepathic communication between people possible?

American writer Upton Sinclair in his youth wrote novels showing the situation of workers in the USA: “The Jungle”, “The Coal King”, “Jimmy Higgins”. But few people know that in 1930 the same writer published a book about whether telepathy is possible, in which he talked about his experiences (these facts were later checked by the psychologist Prince).

One evening the writer and his wife were sitting at home. The husband was reading a book, and his wife Mary, lost in thought, almost mechanically ran her pencil over the paper. Looking closer, she saw that she had drawn flowers. She immediately asked her husband: “What were you reading about just now?” “About flowers,” he answered.

This coincidence interested the Sinclairs so much that they decided to conduct a series of special experiments on the mental suggestion of drawings at a distance. Several people took part in the experiments. "Thoughts", or rather, mental images, were transmitted from one room to another, and also over a distance of 30 miles. She accepted Mary's suggestion. At the same predetermined time, one of the participants drew some simple drawing: a chair, scissors, a star, etc., and then thought about the drawing. Mary tried to catch these thoughts and drew what came to her mind.

What happened? Telepathy between people at a distance has turned out to be successful in several cases (by no means all). Mary drew, for example, as suggested, a chair and a star. According to her, before conducting the experiments, she put herself in a state “on the verge of sleep.” The suggested drawing appeared in her mind in the form of a visual image.

And here’s what else it turned out: her ability to “guess” drawings at a distance soon began to weaken, and then completely disappeared.

Here is one example. The instructor takes a glass of hot tea in his hand, and the sleepers, when asked what they feel, to a greater or lesser extent, state in one way or another - warmth. But as soon as the instructor burns his finger with a match or pricks himself with a pin, thereby receiving a strong painful sensation, almost all of the sleeping people (15-20 people) at the same time, without waiting for a question, screamed out as if in pain.

Quite a lot of similar experiments on communication by telepathy have been carried out, as a result of which we can conclude that one person can receive from another (under certain favorable circumstances) fairly clear information by transmitting thoughts or emotions at a distance.”

Telepathy as a superpower: telepathic signals and contacts

Here is another fact from history, indicating that telepathy is a superpower, and inherent in people different ages. The English physicist Barrett, a student of Faraday, conducted such experiments. The girl was blindfolded. Barrett stood behind her so that she could not see him. Then he put it in his mouth various substances and mentally instilled his feelings in the girl, i.e. sent telepathic signals. When he put in a few grains of salt, the girl spat out saliva. The hypnotist ate sugar, mentally suggested it to the girl, and she said that she was eating sugar.

But the most striking thing in studying human telepathic abilities was the experience with a candle. Still remaining invisible to the patient, Barrett lit a candle and touched the flame. The girl screamed: “It burns!”

American Douglas Dean from New York College tracked the effect of different names spoken out loud on changes in blood pressure. Then he pronounced these names mixed with others (but mentally) to the same person. It turned out that they affect blood pressure in the same way as when spoken out loud!

These experiments on telepathic contacts convincingly show that mental suggestion exists.

Reception of telepathy can be carried out without special mental suggestion. The power of telepathy is so high that a person simply thinks, and it is transmitted. The author of the article “Telepathy and Mental Defectivity,” philosophy professor de Ti, describes in detail his observations of the mentally defective brother Robert. At the age of 47 he had children mental development An 18-month-old child was incapable of coherent speech and was tongue-tied to pronounce very few words. However, with amazing speed and accuracy (without any distortion) he pronounced words and scientific terms completely unknown to him at the moment when, for some reason, they arose in the mind of one of those present. One day, while walking around Paris with Robert, de Ti entered a narrow street unknown to her, which then led her to a large square. She saw a van standing in the square, on which was written: “Galleries Lafayette.” De Ti barely had time to read this inscription to herself when Robert, who could not read, exclaimed: “Lafayette Gallery!”

It should be added that Robert always walked with a guide - his father or sister. De Ti notes that this incident could not have been accidental for the reason that the vocabulary that Robert could pronounce was very limited and was known to family members. Robert had never uttered the words “gallery,” much less “Lafayette,” and could not have known them.

Telepathic influence at a distance and photo telepathy

For more than a dozen years now different countries ah, experiments have been and are being carried out on the telepathic transmission of thoughts and images. In order to find out whether telepathy exists, scientists involve a variety of people - with a healthy and sick psyche - testing them telepathic abilities. The researcher mentally suggests to the recipient - the human “receiver” - to perform this or that simple action, recognize the suggested thing, etc. The success of the experiment is determined by the percentage of guessing: the higher it is, the more convincing evidence the existence of a telepathic connection.

Many researchers used Zener cards to study telepathic effects, which depict one of five figures: a square, a circle, a cross, a star, and three wavy lines. The experiment is carried out like this. The suggestor looks at one of the cards and tries to mentally suggest to the recipient which figure he is currently looking at. The “receiver” person is in a different place (in another room) and at a certain time - it is set in advance - say, every three minutes from the moment the experiment begins, he strives to think only about the cards until it appears before his mental gaze, like a ghost during hallucinations, the card that the “transmitter” is now thinking about. The guessing results are immediately recorded in the presence of witnesses.

When Zener cards are used, the probability of guessing at large number samples is 1/5, since there are five of them different figures, i.e. 20%. This conclusion follows from mathematical theory probabilities. What do the experiments show? It turned out that some researchers from different countries received such a high guessing result that there was no doubt about the existence of a telepathic connection. Several times the subjects correctly guessed all 25 cards in the series (although with a large number of trials).

But for other researchers, the same experiments on studying telepathic abilities most often yielded negative results. And even the same recipient could show his ability to accept mental images today, and the next day the experiments would give completely negative results. It was as if they had replaced a person!

This feature, which is extremely important for studying telepathic influence at a distance, must be taken into account when achieving a particularly favorable environment during the experiment. “In experimental telepathy,” notes Doctor of Medical Sciences L. Sukharevsky on this occasion, “there are no such mobilizing mechanisms as danger and the need to provide urgent, immediate assistance. Emotional sphere subjects are not subjected to proper heat during the experiment. That is why it is difficult for the inductor to direct telepathy of such strength as in self-arising telepathy, and it is difficult for the recipient to accept it.”

Almost everyone who has had their telepathic abilities tested states that success depends on one's inner attitude, self-confidence, and how well one prepares for the experience.

And one more thing: a telepathic connection between the “transmitter” and the “receiver” is easier to establish if the transmitted image is emotionally colored, if both of them are not indifferent to it. Wolf Messing wrote that before each of his performances he thought only about him, secluded for several hours.

Some scientists explain telepathic connections by the fact that we are faced with a person’s atavistic ability to perceive some important signal at a distance. In the process of the formation of human society, ape-people really needed this kind of signals - they not only replaced speech in a number of cases, but also helped out individual members of the clan in moments of danger. Moving away from their fellow tribesmen, they could mentally call for help or even perceive telepathy (telepathic signal) about imminent danger.

With the development of speech and the improvement of tools and protection, telepathic communication between people no longer became as necessary as before. She went into the body's reserve. Therefore, only under special, emergency circumstances, a person’s telepathic abilities manifest themselves, but in normal times they do not exist.

This hypothesis is in good agreement with the fact that the ability to telepathy is usually more clearly manifested in people with a disturbed, traumatized psyche, with some of its diseases. It is in these cases that a person often reveals long-forgotten characteristics and properties.

Looking at these photos, telepathy can be represented graphically:

The gift of telepathy in animals

Many facts have been recorded when, due to mental trauma, a person discovers unusual abilities, he remembers long-forgotten things, etc. And if the mechanism of telepathy in humans is more or less clear, the phenomenon of telepathy in animals is not completely clear. It is well known that in large herds of herbivores, living under the constant threat of attack by predators, the sense of “danger perception” is very developed. It is transmitted instantly to all animals in the herd as soon as their leader expresses the slightest alarm. This is observed, for example, in antelopes.

Individual people are able to telepathically pick up the thoughts of other people, which has been confirmed by scientific experiments.

During an experiment, scientists are able to transmit certain information to individuals predisposed to telepathy, and the recipient confirms by receiving the image the ability to telepathically receive certain information at a distance.
In addition, many earthlings who meet with aliens confirm the existence of telepathic communication. Beings higher in the Level of Development use telepathy among themselves and when contacting humans.
But if higher civilizations use a similar method of transmitting information, then it is more progressive than communication through speech.

An ordinary person is accustomed to understanding another only through speech, i.e. sound perception. People use words, numbers, sounds, and facial expressions to understand each other.
And only a few are able to perceive other people’s thoughts, that which remains invisible and silent. But they cannot explain how they do it.
Where do such abilities come from and can others acquire them at will? We will try to answer these questions.

Telepathy is the reception of other people's thoughts at a distance, reading their semantic content without the aid of sounds and technical devices.

Telepathy comes at different levels:
1.Telepathy between the Determinant and a person, i.e. from Higher to Lowest.
2.Telepathy between close people is one-level telepathy.
3. Telepathy of one person in relation to any others is basically multi-level, going from a person with great potential to people with less potential, but it never happens the other way around.

A person with low soul potential, i.e. underdeveloped, will never be able to read a person's thoughts anymore high level development, since the high potential of the soul will not allow the low potential to enter into itself. High potential creates protection against foreign penetration.

Let's take a closer look at these points. The Heavenly Teacher has a very high energy potential and a student will never be able to telepathically read his thoughts. But in this case, telepathy is the perception of the information that the Determinant sends to a person.

And although everything here is determined by the technical connection between Higher world and Lower, but still the understanding of information sent from Above was attributed to the concept of “telepathy”, since its reading occurs without the mediation of speech, sounds, words.
Many highly developed people are able to “hear” what the Heavenly Teacher conveys to them. Designers, inventors, scientists, writers and many others telepathically perceive knowledge and ideas from Them. And poets perfectly capture entire phrases for their works.
But now even many sensitive people are able to instantly recognize the appearance in their head of individual thoughts that do not belong to them. And all this can be attributed to the processes of telepathy.
When there is a telepathic perception of a person from the Determinant, then through the communication channel of the subtle plane the necessary information arrives to him in the form of an energy impulse built on a digital basis.
The impulse is sent through a communication channel through a computer, which ensures that the required information reaches the student’s brain accurately.

If we talk about the field structure of communication, then in human society, where there are continuous fields all around, and one will drown out the other, the accuracy of the hit is disrupted and scattered.
Therefore, Determinants use a more accurate impulse delivery through a computer: the signal is sent directly to the human brain, which deciphers the received energy block into an image that is understandable.
Decoding is done automatically, since a person is built in such a way as to be able to decipher any signal coming from his Determinant.
Letter and sound perception is excluded. There are energy concepts, i.e. encoded, requiring decryption.
A person understands what is being conveyed to him from Above, because in the brain the given information is deciphered through the concepts of human perception.
He easily grasps ideas coming from Above, the poet opens up to verse, the composer opens up to the perception of the music of the cosmos, since the Heavenly Teacher tries to send his student the maximum of what he is able to assimilate.

All this could be attributed to telepathy if it did not have a technical structure on the subtle plane. However, the person himself believes that in this case he possesses higher telepathy.
Many aliens use concepts that exist in a person’s head, and therefore their imagery, to communicate.
To contact people, they send impulse signals to the human brain that correspond in frequency to the energy of the images that the individual has (the image is also built from a certain energy).
Energy frequencies come into resonance and manifest an image as a required concept - a person understands what the aliens are “telling” him. When meeting them, people usually say that communication between them took place telepathically.

A common type of telepathy is telepathy between loved ones.
Usually in this case, the connection between close people is established on the subtle plane through the astral shells, as they help the individual feel others.
Therefore, when one sends a thought to another, it, colored by feelings of love or respect for the other, is captured by the field structures of this person.
In this case, information is exchanged through figurative and verbal forms of communication. The astral, sensory shell helps the perception of verbal images.

The third type is one-sided telepathy of one person in relation to others, when he perceives them, but they do not.
In this version, a person has in his thin structures a special apparatus capable of reading and removing information from the shells of other people.
But at the same time, he must necessarily have greater energy potential of the soul than the people from whom he reads.
Since any mental information passes from the outside through the shells to the material brain, then along the way through the shells this information can be read by another person.
To do this, it is enough to get in contact with his subtle bodies and tune in to them. In this case, ready-made figurative information is removed.
But at the same time, one person needs to intensively tune in to the other in order to hear him.

What does it mean to tune in? This manifests itself in the fact that a person must mentally increase the radius of his astral shell to the mental shell of the person he is interested in and come into contact with it.
This is an option when the person of interest is nearby. At this moment, the necessary information is read, i.e. there is her telepathic perception.

If the reader comes across a person with a large energy potential of the soul, then no reading will take place for the reason, as we have already said, that the greater potential will not allow the lesser one into itself.
If a person is at a long distance, then only someone who has the ability of impulse communication can read information from him.
And this is also connected with the special construction of the individual, i.e. with how he managed to develop and build himself in past incarnations.
In highly developed individuals, the mental shell is involved in telepathy, and the individual can read more information from another person than the one who uses the astral shell for this.
People's capabilities are not the same, which is influenced by their level of development and the use of various subtle structures for these purposes.
For example, highly developed aliens will no longer use subtle bodies for telepathy, but the matrices themselves.

But telepathy is often confused with other functions of creatures. Sometimes, for example, the telepathy of one person in relation to another, close or very dear, but located at a great distance from the first, is mistaken for an impulse sent by his Heavenly Teacher.

If, according to the plot of the program connecting these two people, it is necessary to give some kind of signal, an idea about the state of another person, then this signal is given to the student by the Determinant. And he already perceives it as some feeling of his partner, as his telepathic perception, although this is the work of the Determinator.

This helps to give a person the idea that there is something inexplicable in his prosaic life, and it makes him think about the nature of this phenomenon.

Signs of telepathy are considered to be the ability of a person to sense the physical states of other people at a distance.

There are two types of telepathic abilities:

  • sensual telepathy is the ability to feel at a distance everything that the original source physically senses at the moment;
  • conceivable telepathy - occurs in the form of nerve impulses that allow one to draw in the imagination images or individual words denoting the thoughts of the person from whom they are trying to read information.

How to master telepathy?

The ability to read and transmit at a distance is one of the manifestations of intuition, and, as we know, it can be trained and developed. But not all people can be equally prone to abilities of this type, but only those who are able to think abstractly and not succumb to analytics and logical conclusions.

To develop telepathic abilities, try to guess which of the proposed objects belongs to a person with whom you have a good spiritual and emotional connection. The experiment requires complete silence and concentration of both participants; ask your assistant to mentally suggest the name of the object, while you yourself focus on the process and listen to sensations and thoughts. In the same way, you can use a deck of cards by choosing an arbitrary number and suit of cards, ask your assistant to remember one of them, arrange them in a row and try to guess the right one.

Signs of telepathy

It is believed that all people have telepathic abilities, but only some show them more, and others less. In general, three components can be identified that indicate a tendency towards telepathy:

  1. It is good to develop intuition, which allows you to predict many future events.
  2. A person is able to understand other people well, understanding his feelings and thoughts.
  3. The ability to absorb new information well and quickly.

Does telepathy exist?

The phenomenon of telepathy has been studied for centuries, but the nature of its occurrence and origin has not yet been scientifically substantiated. Despite the lack of explanations for the phenomenon, its existence cannot be denied, because the connection between mother and child, loving couples and psychologically close people is nothing more than a manifestation of telepathy.

Incredible facts

Many scientific research, dedicated to the activities of our thinking and subconscious, proved that telepathic abilities exist.

Telepathic abilities

A completely reasonable question arises: if these abilities are real, then why don’t we use this gift from above in order to more easily cope with the difficulties that arise in life and overcome them without difficulty?

Realizing your telepathic abilities is truly a real feat. How do you know if you have these same abilities?

By the way, when asked what supernatural power you would like to have, the answer “Telepathic abilities” was in second most popular place. There are many reasons why some of us would like to be able to “read minds.”

However, there are some signs that tell a person that he, in fact, has these telepathic abilities.

Pay close attention to the following 6 signs:

Vivid dreams that become more and more realistic

Some people have quite vivid dreams. If these dreams are recurring, and they repeat from night to night in more vividness and detail, it may be worth paying attention to them.

Such dreams may well be a sign of growing telepathic abilities. Apparently, a sharp increase in the frequency of dreams and the fact that they become more vivid is a sign that your third eye is opening.

Pay attention to whether you can smell, feel things in a dream, and what emotions visit you during such a dream.

Interestingly, all of these sensations will increase as you begin to remember more details when you wake up. Experts recommend keeping a piece of paper by your bed or starting to keep a special journal where, after waking up, you could write down the content of these dreams.

Any aspects of dreams can tell you about your hidden abilities. You just have to carefully study the details and the interpretation of dreams will become clear to you.

Nausea and illness

An increase in pure energy, signifying the presence of telepathic power, causes chemical change in the body. What you perceive as illness or illness may be nothing more than a restoration of spiritual and chemical compounds bodies. In Sanskrit this process is called "tapas" or purification. Typically, the body prepares and adjusts to take advantage of unfamiliar opportunities.

Of course, no one is asking you to ignore the physical symptoms of the disease. Moreover, you need to pay attention to them and consult a doctor in time. But there are times when malaise indicates that your body is being rebuilt in a new spiritual way.

Recurrent headaches

Have you noticed an increase in headaches lately? Perhaps the reason for this is the influx new energy. This pain is somewhat throbbing, more like a migraine. Sometimes the sensations become very painful and simply unbearable.

When you feel these headaches arising, simply place your feet in warm water to help ground these intense energies.

You can also try using essential oils to get rid of headaches. Eventually, they will continue until you accept your awakening and personality transformation and finally begin to use your telepathic abilities.

You change your circle of friends

As you begin to experience the awakening of your telepathic powers, you will become more energetic and optimistic. You will begin to refrain from negativity, and thus your friends will either be happy for you, or they (those who do not wish you happiness) will naturally fall out of your life.

Those who are used to talking about negative things will lose interest in your company, such people will be the first to leave your life.

Then you will begin to attract those who are very different from your usual company. Your energy and the energy of these people will begin to synchronize. When things like this start happening in your life, you can be sure that something big and bright is looming on the horizon.

Priorities will change

When you begin to develop telepathic abilities, everything that previously seemed important to you will lose its relevance. Those things that were priorities for you will lose their meaning. You will pay more attention to more serious and important things, especially spiritual development.

When the Universe begins to introduce new people into your life and provide new opportunities, you may feel that third eye awakening in you.

Have you ever experienced sudden mood swings lately? If yes, then it seems that you are not going through the best period in your life, you are experiencing torment and torment. You are tormented by various thoughts. If so, most likely your mind is preparing you for a new round of life.

When you get confused in previous moments, in those things that were dear to you previously, you will begin to gain clarity about other moments. This, in turn, will cause a change in priorities, which will lead to global changes.

Increased sense of compassion

Often, the first signs of telepathy appear when you notice that you begin to empathize with people more.

Being kind person Full of sympathy, you have a difficult time experiencing someone else’s grief. Other people's problems automatically become yours too. You begin to feel someone else's pain.

If you find yourself getting too upset about a situation that doesn't directly affect you, it means you may be absorbing the emotions of others. In addition, various kinds of energy vampires can suck your energy and undermine your sensitivity.


And finally, I would like to note that awakening your telepathic abilities is a good thing! Do not be afraid of such changes in your own transformation.

When you start noticing all these signs, you may start to panic. You may be scared or even angry about these changes. But if you allow them to happen, instead of fighting them, you will help the so-called third eye wake up faster.

Do you want to help discover your telepathic abilities? A few changes to your daily routine will help you achieve this.

For example, try using essential oils, eating nutritious foods, meditating more often, and using crystals. Also note that one of the most simple ways reaching a new level - feeding on energy sunlight. Lots of sunshine will only help you! But a lack of vitamin D can be almost fatal!

If you believe that you have hidden telepathic abilities, allow your body to change, accept this transformation. You never know how your life might change.