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New York is the biggest city in the USA and one of the largest cities of the World* The population of this city is near 12 million people. It is the capital of New York State.

There are 5 boroughs in New York - Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island or Richmond. Brooklyn alone has so many people that if it were a separate city, it would be the fourth largest city in the United States.

Some call New York a poem in stone and steel, others a soulless monster. It is unlike any other city in the world.

At the beginning of the 17th century only the wigwams of the Iroquois stood where the sky-scrapers of New York now reach to the clouds. In 1626 the Dutch Governor, Peter Minuit, concluded with them what American business experts call “the most profitable commercial deal in the U.S. history". With several bottles of gin and a handful of trinkets that cost twenty-four dollars, he bought a large island from the simple-hearted, trusting Indians. Later the Indians named the island Manhatta (present-day Manhattan, the main borough of New York, which in Iroquois means: “They cheated us.”

It seems that at the dawn of private enterprise, too, it was hard to understand the difference between “a commercial deal” and cheating, between “a miracle of enterprise” and robbery.

It was not until the end of the 18th century that the city's real growth began. Situated as it is at the mouth of the Hudson River, which is open to ocean-going ships the year round, New York quickly became one of the largest ports in the world.

At the turn of the twentieth century millions of people driven by poverty emigrated to the United States from various countries, of Europe. They entered the New World through New York, the “Gateway of America.”

New York attracts people from all over the world. If you are crossing New York City by subway, look at the newspapers other people around read. One person is reading a newspaper in Spanish, another in Chinese, others in Arabic, Russian, Italian and French and so on.

Hundreds of thousands of them settled down in that city. That is what makes people call it the “Modern Babylon.”

At present more Irish live in New York than in Dublin, more Icelanders than in Reykjavik, more Italians than in Rome. Emigrants from seventy countries and all the continents of the world, all speaking their own languages, make up this “Modern Babylon.”

Text translation: New York - New York (3)

New York is the largest city in the United States and one of the largest cities in the world. The city's population is 12 million people. It is the capital of the state of New York.

There are five boroughs in New York - Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island, or Richmond. Brooklyn alone is home to so many people that if it were its own city, it would be the fourth largest city in the United States.

Some call New York a creation of stone and steel, others call it a soulless monster. It is unlike any other city in the world.

At the beginning of the 17th century, only Iroquois wigwams stood on the site of New York skyscrapers, which today reach to the skies. In 1626, Dutch Governor Pieter Minuit negotiated what American business experts call "the most profitable business deal in US history" with the Indians. He purchased the large island from the simple-minded and gullible natives for only a few bottles of gin and a handful of trinkets, totaling $24. Later, the Indians named the island Manhattan (now called Manhattan), the main district of New York, which, translated from the Iroquois language, means “they deceived us.”

Apparently, during the period of the formation of private entrepreneurship, it was also difficult to understand the difference between a “commercial transaction” and a swindle, between a “miracle of entrepreneurship” and robbery.

The real growth of the city began no earlier than the end of the 18th century. Situated at the mouth of the Hudson River and open year-round to ocean-going ships, New York quickly became one of the world's largest ports.

At the beginning of the 20th century, millions of people, driven by poverty, emigrated to the United States from various European countries. They entered the New World through New York, the “Gateway of America.”

New York attracts people from all over the world. If you're crossing New York City by subway, look at the newspapers other people are reading. One reads a newspaper in Spanish, another in Chinese, others in Arabic, Russian, Italian, French, and so on.

Hundreds of thousands of people settled in this city. That's why people call it "modern-day Babylon."

Currently, there are more Irish living in New York than in Dublin itself, there are more Icelanders there than in Reykjavik itself; There are more Italians in New York than in Rome itself. Immigrants from 70 countries, from all continents of the globe, speaking different languages, are part of the “modern Babylon”.

Used literature:
1. 100 topics of English oral (Kaverina V., Boyko V., Zhidkikh N.) 2002
2. English language for schoolchildren and those entering universities. Oral examination. Topics. Texts for reading. Exam questions. (Tsvetkova I.V., Klepalchenko I.A., Myltseva N.A.)
3. English, 120 Topics. English language, 120 conversation topics. (Sergeev S.P.)

New York is the largest city in the USA and the largest seaport. It is the business center of the United States.

New York is situated in the mouth of the Hudson river. In comparison with such ancient historical cities as, say, Rome, London, Moscow or Paris, New York is quite young. It was founded in 1613 by Dutch settlers.

There are five districts in the city: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond. Manhattan is the central and the oldest part of the city. It is the district of business and finance. It is here in Wall Street that many business offices, banks and the world famous New York stock exchange are located. The New York stock exchange dominates business life of many countries.

The total area of ​​New York is 365 square miles or 900 square kilometres. Its population together with the population of its suburbs amounts to 16 million people.

Among the inhabitants of New York one can meet people of almost all nationalities. They settled here during the immigration in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century.

A traveler who visits New York for the first time wonders at the modern architecture. The Statue of Liberty, which is on Liberty Island, was a present from France in 1876 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of American independence. This statue and a few 18th and 19th century churches, hospitals, newspaper offices and other buildings are the only examples of "old" architecture in New York. Wherever your eyes travel, everywhere you can see sky-scrapers. New York, one of the USA leading manufacturing cities, is the home of great firms and banks. The most important branches of industry are those producing vehicles, glass, chemicals and all kinds of machinery. The city has very busy traffic. Its streets and highways are full of cars and buses.

The mouth of the Hudson river makes an excellent harbor for numerous passengers and cargo ships from all over the world.

Speaking about New York one can"t but mention the outstanding role, the city plays, in the cultural life of the country. New York has many museums and art galleries which have collected works of art of many peoples and of all times. Many of they are on constant display in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum of Art Most of the theaters and cinemas are in or near Broadway, the longest street and the biggest shopping district in New York. visitors.

New York

New York is the largest city and largest seaport in the United States. This is the business center of the United States.

New York is located at the mouth of the Hudson River. Compared to such ancient historical cities as, say, Rome, London, Moscow or Paris, New York is a rather young city. It was founded in 1613 by Danish settlers.

The city has five boroughs: Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond. Manhattan is the central and oldest part of the city. This is a business and financial district. It is here, on Wall Street, that many business offices, banks and the world-famous New York Stock Exchange are located. The New York Stock Exchange controls the business life of many countries.

The total area of ​​New York is 365 square miles or 900 square kilometers. Its population, together with the population of its suburbs, numbers up to 16 million people.

Among the residents of New York you can meet people of almost all nationalities. They settled here during the period of immigration in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Travelers visiting New York for the first time admire modern architecture. The Statue of Liberty, which is located on Liberty Island, was a gift from France in 1876 on the occasion of the centennial of American independence. This statue and several 18th and 19th century churches, hospitals, newspaper offices and other buildings are examples of "old" architecture in New York. Everywhere you look, you can see skyscrapers. New York, one of the leading industrial cities in the United States, is the location of large firms and banks. The most important industries are those that produce cars, glass, chemicals and all types of machinery. There is very busy traffic in the city. Its streets and highways are crowded with cars and buses.

The mouth of the Hudson River is a good landing point for numerous passenger and cargo ships from around the world.

Speaking about New York, one cannot fail to mention the outstanding role that the city plays in the cultural life of the country. There are many museums and art galleries in New York, where there are collections of works of art from different peoples of all times. Many of them are on permanent display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Whitney Museum. Most theaters and movie theaters are located on or near Broadway, the longest street and largest shopping district in New York City. Metropolitan Museum of Art and Museum contemporary art attract many visitors.

New York (1)

New York is the largest city in the USA and the largest seaport. It is the business center of the United States. New York is located in the mouth of the Hudson river. In comparison with such ancient historical cities as, say, Rome, London, Moscow or Paris, New York is quite young. It was founded in 1613 by Dutch settlers.

There are five districts in the city: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond. Manhattan is the central and the oldest part of the city. It is the district of business and finance. It is here in Wall Street that many business offices, banks and the world famous New York stock exchange are located. The New York stock exchange dominates business life of many countries.

The total area of ​​New York is 365 square miles or 900 square kilometres. Its population together with the population of its suburbs amounts to 16 million people. Among the inhabitants of New York one can meet people of almost all nationalities. They settled here during the immigration in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century.

A traveler who visits New York for the first time wonders at the modern architecture. The Statue of Liberty, which is on Liberty Island, was a present from France in 1876 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of American independence. This statue and a few 18th and 19th century churches, hospitals, newspaper offices and other buildings are the only examples of "old" architecture in New York. Wherever your eyes travel, everywhere you can see sky-scrapers.

New York, one of the USA leading manufacturing cities, is the home of great firms and banks. The most important branches of industry are those producing vehicles, glass, chemicals and all kinds of machinery. The city has very busy traffic. Its streets and highways are full of cars and buses. The mouth of the Hudson river makes an excellent harbor for numerous passengers and cargo ships from all over the world. Speaking about New York one can't but mention the outstanding role, the city plays, in the cultural life of the country.

New York has many museums and art galleries which have collected works of art of many peoples and of all times. Many of them are on constant display in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum of Art. Most of the theaters and cinemas are in or near Broadway, the longest street and the biggest shopping district in New York. The Metropolitan and Modern Arts Museums attract many visitors.

New York (1)

New York is the largest city and largest seaport in the United States. This is the business center of the United States. New York is located at the mouth of the Hudson River. Compared to such ancient historical cities as, say, Rome, London, Moscow or Paris, New York is a rather young city. It was founded in 1613 by Danish settlers.

The city has five boroughs: Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond. Manhattan is the central and oldest part of the city. This is a business and financial district. It is here on Wall Street that many business offices, banks and the world famous New York Stock Exchange are located. The New York Stock Exchange governs the business life of many countries.

The total area of ​​New York is 365 square miles or 900 square kilometers. Its population, together with the population of its suburbs, numbers up to 16 million people. Among the residents of New York you can meet people of almost all nationalities. They settled here during the period of immigration in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Travelers visiting New York for the first time admire modern architecture. The Statue of Liberty, which is located on Liberty Island, was a gift from France in 1876 on the occasion of the centennial of American independence. This statue and several 18th and 19th century churches, hospitals, newspaper offices and other buildings are examples of "old" architecture in New York. Everywhere you look, you can see skyscrapers.

New York, one of the leading industrial cities in the United States, is home to large firms and banks. The most important industries are those that produce cars, glass, chemicals and all types of machinery. There is very busy traffic in the city. Its streets and highways are crowded with cars and buses. The mouth of the Hudson River is a good harbor for numerous passenger and cargo ships from around the world. Speaking about New York, one cannot fail to mention the outstanding role that the city plays in the cultural life of the country.

There are many museums and art galleries in New York, where there are collections of works of art from different peoples of all times. Many of them are on permanent display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Whitney Museum. Most theaters and movie theaters are located on or near Broadway, the longest street and largest shopping district in New York City. The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art attract many visitors.


1. What is the largest city in the USA?
2. Where is New York located?
3. When was the city founded?
4. How many districts are there in New York?
5. What is the central and the oldest part of New York?
6. In which district are many offices located?
7. What is the population of New York?
8. People of how many nationalities live in the city?
9. What does a traveler who comes to New York for the first time wonder at?
10. How and when did the Statue of Liberty appear in New York?
11. Which industries are located in New York?
12. What is located in the mouth of the Hudson river?
13. What are the names of art museums located in New York?
14. In what street are most of the theaters and cinemas located?


to be founded - to be founded
Dutch settlers - Danish settlers
stock exchange - exchange
the total area - total area
suburbs - suburbs
to amount to - make up
to settle - settle down
to wonder at smth. - admire something
sky-scrapers - skyscrapers
vehicle - car, vehicle
highway - freeway
harbor - marina
cargo ships - cargo ships
to be on constant display - constantly exposed

Topic: The most famous city. New York

Topic: The most famous city. New York

New York is the largest and one of the most important cities in the United States. This huge city is located on the eastern coast of the country and consists of 5 administrative districts: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and the Staten Island. Partially the city is located on the islands adjacent to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and the Hudson Bay.

New York is considered the largest and most important city in the United States. This huge city is located on the east coast of the country and consists of 5 administrative districts: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island. Part of the city is located on islands adjacent to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and Hudson Bay.

The population of New York is over 8.5 million people. In addition, more than 140 thousand visitors and tourists arrive to New York every day.

New York's population is more than 8.5 million residents. In addition, more than 140 thousand tourists and guests arrive in New York every day.

Not being a capital of the country, or even of the state, New York, however, has become a major center of financial, economic, political and cultural life for Americans.

Although not the capital of the country or even the state, New York has nevertheless become the main center of financial, economic, political and cultural life for Americans.

The city has a long history. The Dutch were the first settlers in the 17th century, and the old name of the city was New Amsterdam.

The city has a long history. The first Dutch settlements appeared in the 17th century, the old name of the city was New Amsterdam.

The main center of New York City has always been the island of Manhattan. Here are concentrated the main attractions and the wealth of the city. The most famous company offices, headquarters, museums, monuments of culture and architecture, many theaters and restaurants, hotels and well-known shopping centers are located in the heart of the huge metropolis.

The main center of New York has always been the island of Manhattan. The main attractions and wealth of the city are concentrated here. The most famous company offices, headquarters, museums, cultural and architectural monuments, many theaters and restaurants, hotels and famous shopping centers are located in the heart of a huge metropolis.

Those who arrive to New York to see the most interesting and famous places of America, begin their journey with a tour of the main symbol of the city and the country, the Statue of Liberty, located on a small island southwest of Manhattan. Since 1886, a huge 93-meter statue greets and farewells residents and visitors of New York.

Those who fly to New York to see the most interesting and famous places in America begin their journey by visiting the main symbol of the country and the city - the Statue of Liberty, located on a small separate island in the southwest of Manhattan. Since 1886, a huge 93-meter statue has greeted and seen off residents and guests of New York.

Famous New York skyscrapers are concentrated in the central part of the island of Manhattan, neatly lined up on the horizontal and vertical streets of the city.

Famous skyscrapers of New York are concentrated in the central part of Manhattan Island, located in even rows on strictly horizontal and vertical streets.

Despite the huge area, it is impossible to get lost in New York. All the streets form equal squares and have number titles. Twelve wide streets, crossing these squares are called Avenues. The most famous Avenues are: Broadway, Fifth and Seventh Avenue.

Despite the huge area, it is impossible to get lost in New York; all the streets have clear, even squares and numerical names; the 12 wide avenues crossing them are called Avenues. The most famous avenues are Broadway, Fifth and Seventh Avenues.

Broadway, where the famous Times Square is located - the main event area. Broadway has many theaters and restaurants. This street is bustling day and night.

The richest museums of New York are the Metropolitan and Solomon Guggenheim’s Museum. They contain unique works of the world's greatest artists of all times.

The richest museums in New York are the Metropolitan and the Solomon Guggenheim Museum, where unique works of the world's greatest artists of all time are collected.

Fifth and Seventh Avenue are famous for their brand shops and designer fashion centers.

Fifth and Seventh Avenues are famous for their branded stores and designer fashion centers.

Underground railway station, Penn Station, is located in the heart of Manhattan on Seventh Avenue. It connects New York with almost all the cities of America. High-speed trains depart every minute in all directions straight from the heart of the city. This connection greatly simplifies and speeds up the way from the city to the various close and far parts of the state.

The underground train station, Penn Station, is located in the very center of Manhattan on 7th Avenue and connects New York with almost all cities in America. High-speed trains departing in all directions every minute, right from the heart of the city, greatly simplify and speed up the journey from the city to various nearby and distant corners of the states.

One of the attractive parts of the concrete jungles of New York is Central Park. It is a green zone, with a petting zoo, children's attractions, lakes, and skating rinks. Festivals and shows are conducted here; residents of the city go in for sports, bring their children for walks and picnics.

New York City, which is located in New York State, is the largest city of the USA. It is also called The Big Apple. In the 19th century it was very dirty with chickens walking along streets and avenues. When immigrants began to arrive, New York started to grow fast. Trains, railways, bridges, steamboats and skyscrapers appeared. The first skyscraper was built in 1888. It had only thirteen floors, but the next one had twenty-two. The Empire State Building has 102 floors. Now New York is an industrial, financial, political, cultural and business center of the country.
The city is located in the mouth of the Hudson River and is divided into five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island. Brooklyn is also called the bedroom of New York because many people live there. Richmond is a poor district of New York. The Bronx is more residential, and Queens is both residential and industrial borough of the city. A lot of Latino people live in Queens and Brooklyn.
Manhattan is the heart of New York. It is the center of American finance, art, theater, fashion, shopping, etc. Manhattan is divided into two sides: the West Side and the East Side. There is also a division into Downtown, Midtown and Uptown Manhattan. The Wall Street is one of the most famous streets in New York. The New York Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange are located there.
Chinatown is another tourist attraction of New York. It has a lot of restaurants and small shops. The financial center of New York is Midtown Manhattan where there are plenty of offices, companies and skyscrapers. The Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building are one of the tallest buildings in the world.
Times Square is famous for its colorful advertisements and Theater District which begins at the Square and goes to Broadway Street. Broadway is the home to many big and small theaters of New York. It starts in Times Square.
Central Park which is in Uptown Manhattan was designed in the 1850s. There are many places of interest in it: a skating-rink, a zoo, a lake where you can row, and an outdoor theater. People can take a horse ride through Central Park or rent a bicycle.
New York is also famous for its museums and art galleries. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the biggest and one of the most important among them. It is one of the largest and finest museums in the world. It houses more than two million works of art.
The Statue of Liberty is the American symbol of freedom. It has stood in New York harbor since 1886. The Statue was given to the USA as a gift by the French. The statue is made from copper sheets and it is hollow inside. There is a circular stairway and a lift inside the Statue.
New York is a well-planned city, so it is easy for strangers to find their way there.
Streets are called by ordinal numbers or letters of the alphabet, for example, First Avenue, Second Street, Avenue B, etc.
New York is an exciting city and I would love to visit it.

borough [Ълге] area of ​​New York
circular ["s3:kjub] round, circular
copper [kg>re] copper
district ["distnkt] district
hollow ["httbu] empty
masterpiece ["ma:st3pi:s] masterpiece
mouth mouth
ordinal ["o:dml] ordinal
plenty of ["plenti] a lot
row [gay] row
skating-rink ["skeitmrmk] skating rink
skyscraper ["skai,skreip3] skyscraper
steam boat ["sti:m "baut] steamer

1. Where is New York City located? What's the second name of it?
2. What do you know about the history of New York?
3. How many boroughs are there in New York City?
4. What borough is the heart of the city? What can be seen there?
5. Do you know anything about Chinatown?
6. What is Times Square famous for?
7. What is Central Park and where is it located?
8. What museums and art galleries are there in New York?
9. What is the most famous monument in the city?
10. Is New York planned well? Why (not)?