2 will help you learn more about the Queen of Great Britain.

She is the longest reigning monarch ever in Britain

Her favorite dogs are corgis

She even invented a new breed of dog when her corgi mated with a dachshund belonging to her sister, Princess Margaret, creating the “dorgi”.

She’s the only person in the UK allowed to drive without a license.

The Queen has two birthdays. Her actual birthday – 21 April – and her official birthday, which is held on a Saturday in June – when the weather’s better!

The Queen first sent an email in 1976!

She has many hobbies. Including horse riding, pigeon racing, and football – she’s an Arsenal supporter!

The Queen has sent around 50,000 Christmas cards!

She owns an elephant, two giant turtles, a jaguar and a pair of sloths

Presents from other countries, all of which live in London Zoo.

Princess Elizabeth made her first radio broadcast in October 1940, during the Second World War.

The Queen speaks fluent French, and often uses the language when she hosts audiences and attends state visits.

She is a keen traveler, having to date visited Australia 16 times, Canada 22 times, New Zealand 10 times and Jamaica 6 times.

The Queen has visited 117 countries– that is two thirds of all the countries on the planet!

Her Majesty’s Imperial State Crown is made up of 2,868 diamonds.

The Queen and Prince Philip have been married for nearly 69 years.

During Queen Elizabeth II's reign, thirteen Prime Ministers have been in office.

She has visited the sets of many popular TV shows including Eastenders, Coronation Street and Game of Thrones.

Elizabeth Alexandra Maria, and everyone known as Elizabeth II, was crowned as a young girl in 25 years. King George VI, who was the father of Elizabeth, suddenly died while in Kenya on an official visit in 1952.

Many residents of Britain are sure that ruling over the country is a difficult mission, with which Elizabeth II has been coping well for 65 years. On a global scale, she represents the UK at the highest level in front of other countries. The main activity of the Queen is charity and participation in projects that reveal the symbolism of the country.

Being a young girl, Elizabeth II tried to lead an ordinary life as her contemporaries. She had many friends, did not divide people into poor and rich, did not show off her position, she was engaged in acting. During the war with the Germans, helped to repair military vehicles and driving them herself.

Elizabeth II met the person who became her only love, and at the age of 21 she became the wife of Philip Mountbatten, now Duke of Edinburgh. The girl's family was against her choice, since the young man was of another class and upbringing. But the parents wished the daughter happiness and agreed to this marriage. Never the queen regret her choice, during the years of the marriage, Elizabeth gave birth to four children.

During the years of her reign, Elizabeth II showed herself as a strong and confident person who does not fear trials and difficulties. In her country, the queen is a person from whom an example should be taken of both politicians and ordinary citizens.


Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, known to everyone as Elizabeth II, was crowned a young girl at the age of 25. King George VI, who was Elizabeth's father, died suddenly while on an official visit to Kenya in 1952.

Many British residents are sure that ruling the country is a difficult mission, which Elizabeth II has been doing well for 65 years. On a global scale, it is top level represents Great Britain to other countries. The queen's main activity is charity and participation in projects that reveal the symbols of the country.

As a young girl, Elizabeth II tried to lead an ordinary life like her peers. She had many friends, did not divide people into rich and poor, did not boast about her position, and was engaged in acting. During the war with the Germans, she helped repair military vehicles and drove them herself.

Elizabeth II met the man who became her only love, and at the age of 21 she became the wife of Philip Mountbatten, now the Duke of Edinburgh. The girl’s family was against her choice, since the young man was of a different class and upbringing. But the parents wished their daughter happiness and agreed to this marriage. The queen never regretted her choice; over the years of marriage, Elizabeth gave birth to four children.

Over the years of her reign, Elizabeth II has proven herself to be a strong and confident person who is not afraid of trials and difficulties. In her country, the Queen is a person from whom both politicians and ordinary citizens should follow an example.

Queen Elizabeth(Queen Elizabeth) topic in English tells about the current monarch of Great Britain - Elizabeth II. British citizens love their queen very much; for many people this strong woman is a role model. For many women, this lover of exquisite brooches and unusual hats has become a style icon.

Having studied topic in English Queen Elizabeth(Queen Elizabeth) you will be able to pleasantly surprise your British interlocutors with your knowledge about this amazing woman. Queen Elizabeth(Queen Elizabeth) topic in English will talk about childhood, personal life, as well as the Queen’s current activities. After reading, you will be able to understand why Queen Elizabeth II is so important to the British.


Queen Elizabeth II

The full name of Queen Elizabeth is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. She became queen at the age of 26 after her father King George VI died during his official visit to Kenya in 1952.

The queen of Great Britain participates in various events of symbolic importance and does charity work. The Queen`s job - representing the country is very difficult, because she cannot have a normal lifestyle. But the majority of the British people think that Queen Elizabeth does her job perfectly.

When she was a princess, Elizabeth II tried to lead as “normal” life, as much as it was possible in her situation. She was allowed to play with other children, but she never showed that she was different or better than they were. Elisabeth II even bought shoes for one of her poor friends.

Princess Elizabeth also enjoyed acting. She staged a Christmas pantomime at Windsor with her younger sister Margaret and the children of members of the staff of the Royal Household.

During the Second World War Elizabeth II joined the Armed Forces. She was the first female monarch, who did it. She helped to drive and to repair military trucks. Imagine the picture: the Queen of Great Britain driving or repairing a military truck!

Elizabeth II got married in 1947 to the Duke of Edinburgh, Philip Mountbatten, now Prince Philip, the man who she truly loved and worshiped. When he was young, Prince Philipp was a reckless man: he used to drive his car extremely fast. One day, Elizabeth II and Prince Philipp even got in a car accident. Sometimes Philipp was rude and familiar, his clothes weren’t very tidy and his shoes weren’t always polished. Elizabeth’s family didn’t like Philipp, an her parents were not happy to have Philip as their son-in-law. However, they didn’t want their daughters to be unhappy, so the marriage took place, when the would-be queen was twenty-one. Elizabeth loved Philip the way he was, for her he was the one.

The Britains love Queen Elizabeth II very much, she is a role model for many people and public figures, because she is always keeping a brave face, inspite of all the difficulties.


Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth's full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. She became queen at the age of 26, following the death of her father, King George VI, during an official visit to Kenya in 1952.

The Queen of Great Britain takes part in various events of symbolic significance, and also does charity work. The queen's job as a representative of the country is very difficult because it does not allow her to lead a normal life. However, most Britons believe that the Queen does her job flawlessly.

As a princess, Elizabeth II tried to lead as "normal" a life as possible in her position. She was allowed to play with other children, but she never showed that she was different or better than them. She even bought shoes for one of her poor friends.

Princess Elizabeth was also interested in acting. She staged a pantomime at Windsor at Christmas with her younger sister Margaret and the children of members of the Royal Household staff.

During World War II, Elizabeth II served in the Armed Forces. She became the first female monarch to do this. She helped drive and repair military trucks. Imagine the scene: the Queen of Great Britain driving or repairing a military truck!

Elizabeth II married in 1947 the Duke of Edinburgh, Philip Mountbatten, now Prince Philip, a man whom she truly loved and admired. In his youth, Prince Philip was a rather reckless person: he drove his car too fast. One day, Elizabeth II and Prince Philip were in a car accident. Sometimes Philip behaved rudely and familiarly; his clothes were not always clean and his shoes were polished. Elizabeth's family didn't like Philip and her parents weren't happy to have Philip as their son-in-law, but they didn't want their daughter to be unhappy, so the marriage took place when the future queen was twenty-one. Elizabeth loved Philip for who he was; for her, he was the only one.

The British love Queen Elizabeth very much; for many ordinary and public people she is a role model, as she always maintains her dignity despite difficulties.

Elizabeth II (Eng. Elizabeth II), full name - Elizabeth Alexandra Mary (Eng. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; April 21, 1926, London) - the Queen of England from 1952 to the present.
Elizabeth II comes from House of Windsor. Ascended the throne of February 6, 1952 at the age of 25 years after the death of her father King George VI.
Is the head of the British Commonwealth of Nations and, in addition to the UK, the Queen of 15 independent states: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Canada, New Zealand, Papua - New Guinea, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Jamaica. Is also head of the Anglican Church and the supreme commander of the armed forces of the United Kingdom.
Elizabeth II - the oldest British (English) monarch in history. She is currently ranked second in the history of the duration of stay in the British throne (after Queen Victoria) and also second in the world for the duration of your stay as head of state among the incumbent President (after King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand) . Is also the older women in the world - the incumbent president.
For the period of the reign of Elizabeth II falls a very wide period of British history, the process of decolonization, which marked the final collapse of the British Empire and its transformation into the Commonwealth of Nations. This period also included many other events, such as long ethno-political conflict in Northern Ireland, the Falklands War, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Throughout his reign, Queen has repeatedly been criticized not only by the British republicans, but also various British media, as well as a simple public. Nevertheless Elizabeth II was able to maintain the prestige of the British monarchy, and its popularity in the UK is at a height

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, this is the full name of the Queen, became queen at the age of 26 when her father, King George VI, died while on an official tour of Kenya in 1952.

Quite a number of Brits consider having to play the role of the queen to be a very difficult job which prevents you from having a normal lifestyle. By the way, the majority of people in Britain think the Queen is doing her job of representing Britain around the world excellently and very professionally. In her country she does charity work and participates in various events of symbolic importance.

As a princess, Elizabeth II tried to lead as “normal” life as possible in her situation. She was allowed to play with other girls and she never showed she was superior to them. She even bought shoes for one of her girlfriends who was very poor. Princess Elizabeth enjoyed acting, too. With her younger sister Margaret and the children of members of the staff of the Royal Household she staged pantomime at Windsor at Christmas.

During the Second World War she joined the Armed Forces, the first female monarch to do so, and helped drive and repair military trucks. Just imagine: the Queen driving or repairing a military truck!

Elizabeth II was lucky to have found a man whom she truly loved and worshiped, for her he was the one. His name was Philip Mountbatten, now Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. They say in his youth he was rather a reckless man – he used to drive his car too fast and Elizabeth even got in a car accident with him once. His clothes weren’t very tidy and Liz’s family complained that he didn’t have polished shoes and an elegant suit and behaved himself in an unduly familiar manner, sometimes he was just rude. But he also was a handsome young man and Elizabeth loved him anyway, she loved him as he was. Her parents were not too happy to have Philip as a son-in-law, but they didn’t want their daughters to be unhappy, so the marriage took place in 1947, when the would-be queen was twenty-one.

Always keeping a brave face throughout the trials and tribulations of her reign, Elizabeth II is a role model for British public figures and commoners alike.

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, the Queen's full name, became queen at the age of 26 when her father, King George VI, died while on an official trip to Kenya in 1952.
Many British people believe that playing the role of a queen is a very difficult job that prevents you from having a normal lifestyle. By the way, most people in the UK think that the Queen does her job of representing the UK around the world very well and very professionally. In her country, she does charity work and participates in various events with symbolic significance.
As a princess, Elizabeth II tried to lead as "normal" a life as possible in her situation. She was allowed to play with other girls, and she never showed that she was superior to them. She even bought shoes for one of her friends who was very poor. Princess Elizabeth liked to play, too. With her younger sister Margaret and the children of the royal household, she staged a pantomime in Windsor at Christmas.
During World War II, she joined the Armed Forces, the first female monarch, and helped drive and repair military trucks. Just imagine: Queen of driving or repairing a military truck!
Elizabeth II was lucky enough to find a man whom she truly loved and idolized; for her he was the only one. His name was Philip Mountbatten, now Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. They say that in his youth he was a very desperate man - he drove his car too fast, and Elizabeth even had an accident with him once. His clothes were not very neat and Liz of the family complained that he did not have patent leather shoes and an elegant suit, and behaved inappropriately in a familiar manner, sometimes he was simply rude. But he was also a handsome young man, and Elizabeth loved him anyway, she loved him as he was. Her parents weren't too happy with Philip son-in-law, but they didn't want their daughter to be unhappy, so the marriage took place in 1947, when the future queen was twenty-one.
Always keeping a brave face throughout the trials and tribulations of her reign, Elizabeth II is a role model for the British statesmen And ordinary people, So.

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, this is the full name of the Queen, became queen at the age of 26 when her father, King George VI, died while on an official tour of Kenya in 1952.

Quite a number of Brits consider having to play the role of the queen to be a very difficult job which prevents you from having a normal lifestyle. By the way, the majority of people in Britain think the Queen is doing her job of representing Britain around the world excellently and very professionally. In her country she does charity work and participates in various events of symbolic importance.

As a princess, Elizabeth II tried to lead as “normal” life as possible in her situation. She was allowed to play with other girls and she never showed she was superior to them. She even bought shoes for one of her girlfriends who was very poor. Princess Elizabeth enjoyed acting, too. With her younger sister Margaret and the children of members of the staff of the Royal Household she staged pantomime at Windsor at Christmas.

During the Second World War she joined the Armed Forces, the first female monarch to do so, and helped drive and repair military trucks. Just imagine: the Queen driving or repairing a military truck!

Elizabeth II was lucky to have found a man whom she truly loved and worshiped, for her he was the one. His name was Philip Mountbatten, now Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. They say in his youth he was rather a reckless man – he used to drive his car too fast and Elizabeth even got in a car accident with him once. His clothes weren’t very tidy and Liz’s family complained that he didn’t have polished shoes and an elegant suit and behaved himself in an unduly familiar manner, sometimes he was just rude. But he also was a handsome young man and Elizabeth loved him anyway, she loved him as he was. Her parents were not too happy to have Philip as a son-in-law, but they didn’t want their daughters to be unhappy, so the marriage took place in 1947, when the would-be queen was twenty-one.

Always keeping a brave face throughout the trials and tribulations of her reign, Elizabeth II is a role model for British public figures and commoners alike.

Queen Elizabeth II

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary (the Queen's full name) became queen at the age of 26 when her father, King George VI, died during an official trip to Kenya in 1952.

Many British people believe that being queen is a very difficult job that does not allow them to lead a normal lifestyle. By the way, most people in the UK think that the Queen is doing her job: representing the UK around the world is excellent and very professional. In her country, she is engaged in charitable activities and participates in various events of symbolic significance.

As a princess, Elizabeth II tried to lead as "normal" a life as possible in her position. She was allowed to play with other girls and never showed that she was superior to them. She even bought shoes for one of her friends who was very poor. The princess was also interested in acting. With her younger sister Margaret and the children of members of the Royal Household, she staged a pantomime at Windsor at Christmas.

During World War II, she served in the Armed Forces and became the first female monarch to do so. She helped drive and repair military trucks. Just imagine: the Queen driving or repairing a military truck!

Elizabeth II was lucky to find a man whom she really loved, for her he was the only one. His name is Philip Mountbatten, now Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. They say that in his youth he was a rather reckless person - he drove his car too fast and Elizabeth even got into a car accident with him once. His clothes were not very neat and Liz's family complained that he did not have polished shoes and an elegant suit and behaved in a swaggering manner, sometimes he was simply rude. But he was also a handsome young man, and Elizabeth loved him anyway. She loved him for who he was. Her parents weren't too happy about Philip being their son-in-law, but they didn't want their daughter to be unhappy, so the marriage took place in 1947, when the future queen was twenty-one.

Despite all the trials and tribulations of her reign, Elizabeth II is a role model for British public figures and ordinary people.