Svetlana Glushchenko
Material on working with children on the lexical topic “School. School supplies"

Subject dictionary: Class, desk, board, lesson, schedule, objects, mathematics, writing, reading, drawing, physical education, uniform, student, student, chalk, teacher, female teacher, head teacher, principal, textbooks, pencil case, pen, pencils, notebook, album, brush, paints, eraser, cardboard, paper, ruler , plasticine, glue, scissors, assessment, schoolchildren, call, change.

Verb dictionary: Study, try, listen, cook, teach, receive, write, count, solve, draw, clean, relax.

Dictionary of signs: Younger, older, diligent, assiduous, neat, attentive, preparatory, first, good, bad, mischievous, funny, smart

Finger game "Recess".

Change! Change! Rhythmic clenching and unclenching of fists on both hands.

Take a good rest: Movements with relaxed hands up and down.

You can run and make noise,

Dance and sing songs,

Alternately bending the fingers of both hands into fists.

You can sit down and be silent, your fingers form "lock".

Just - mind you! – you can’t be bored! Movements of the index fingers of both hands left and right.

Improvisation of movements in accordance with the text.

"IN school» .

Coming soon we'll go to school,

And we'll take the briefcase with us.

We will write with pens.

Do physical exercise,

On "Great" try everything!

Game "Giants - Dwarfs"

Goals: form the grammatical structure of speech, teach the use of diminutive suffixes.

Progress of the game. The teacher informs the children that everyone goes to school. Dwarfs and giants also went to school.

For example:

Giants have big briefcases, and gnomes have small briefcases.

Giants have big books, and gnomes have small books.

Giants have big pencils, and gnomes have small ones.

Giants have large notebooks, and gnomes have small ones.

Giants have large rulers, and gnomes have small ones.

Giants have big hands, and gnomes have small hands.

Giants have large hands, and gnomes have small hands.

"Correct the sentence"- learn to compose correctly offer:

Lena to go school.

Natasha carry the briefcase.

The boy has a lesson to answer.

Girl don't walk school in.

Game "How?"

Goals: form the grammatical structure of speech, teach how to form adverbs from adjectives

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to complete the sentences by answering the question "How?"

The boy is a good student, he studies (How). (Fine).

Attentive the girl always listens (How). (attentively) .

Diligent students always do their homework (How). (diligently).

Diligent guys study (How). (diligently).

Anyone who gets excellent grades studies (How). (Great).

Game "Say it the other way around"

Goals: enrich vocabulary, learn to select antonyms.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to continue the sentences with opposite words.

Masha is a neat girl, and Sasha is... (sloppy).

Lida is a diligent student, and Katya is. [lazy].

Zhenya is fat, and Lena is fat. (skinny).

Vitya is strong, and Roma is strong. (weak).

Kolya is brave, and Kostya is. (cowardly).

Dasha is a good student, and Oleg is a good student. (Badly).

Olesya has a new briefcase, and Ira has a new one. (old).

Game "Family"

Goals: enrich vocabulary, learn to select words of the same root to a given one.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to find relatives in given words.

Words: school, book, teach.

Game "Collect the word"

Goals: develop visual attention, improve reading and sound analysis skills of words.

Progress of the game. The task is completed in notebooks. The teacher invites the children to follow where the arrow leads and

put the letters in their places. Children read what word they came up with and perform a sound analysis of it.

Goals: develop auditory attention, thinking, teach coherent monologue statements (interpretation of the riddle).

Progress of the game. The teacher makes a riddle, the children guess. One of the guys explains its meaning. The rest are complementary.

Black Ivashka -

Wooden shirt,

Where the nose leads,

He puts a note there.


A. Rozhdestvenskaya

What kind of animal is this?

Walks up and down?

Nose stained with paint,

Wooden long tail.


V. Danko

Little birds

Sat in a row

And they say little words. (Letters)

V. Fetisov

On a black field


A white bunny is walking. (Board had)

V. Kremnev

I’m ready to reveal my secret to anyone,

But you won't hear a word from her.


A. Kostakov

How boring it is, brothers,

Ride on someone else's back!

Someone would give me a pair of legs,

I would do a dance like this.

But I can't school. (knapsack).

Text for retelling


Katya had two green pencils. Lena has none.

So Lena asks Katya:

Give me a green pencil!

And Katya says:

I'll ask my mom.

The next day both girls came to school. Asks


Did your mom allow it?

And Katya sighed and said:

Mom allowed it, but I didn’t ask my brother.

Well, did your brother allow it? - Lena asks the next day.

My brother allowed me, but I'm afraid you'll break your pencil.

“I’m careful,” says Lena.

Look, says Katya, don’t fix it, don’t press hard.

Lena looked at her and walked away. I didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised and ran after her.

Well what are you doing? Take it!

No need,” Lena answers.

During class the teacher asks:

Why, Lenochka, are the leaves on your trees blue?

There is no green pencil.

Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend?

Lena is silent. And Katya blushed and speaks:

I gave it to her, but she doesn’t take it.

The teacher looked at both:

You have to give so that you can take.

According to V. Oseeva


Why did Lena ask Katya for a pencil?

What did Katya answer?

What happened the next day? On the third?

Why didn't Lena take the pencil?

What happened in class?

Why did Katya blush?

What did the teacher say to the girls?

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the development of lexical and grammatical means of the language “School. School supplies" Topic: “School. School supplies." Objectives: To teach children to form the comparative degree of adjectives from adverbs. Activate.

Summary of the speech therapy lesson “School. School supplies" Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “School. School supplies" Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge on the topic "School. School supplies".

Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “School supplies” Topic: “School supplies” Purpose: to expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic being studied; systematize knowledge on the topic; exercise.

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group “School supplies” Teacher of the 1st qualification category Tatyana Aleksandrovna Muratova. Target. Continue to develop children's ability to write descriptive writing.

Natalya Bazhitova
Assignment from a speech therapist to a teacher of a speech therapy preparatory group for school on the lexical topic “School supplies”

September – 1 week.

Topic of the week: "Hello, kindergarten".

Lexical topic: "Day of Knowledge" (School, school supplies.) .

(Preparatory group for school.)

Program content: activate in speech words related to topic« School» ; introduce children to school supplies, teach them to compare, generalize objects and highlight characteristic features; study the professions of employees schools.

Introduce into active speech.

Nouns: school, desk, September 1, backpack, notebook, textbook, pen, pencil, album, ruler, eraser, paints, board, pencil case, pointer, chalk, etc.



Group assignments.

1. Articulation gymnastics: complex No. 1.

2. Finger gymnastics: complex No. 1.

3. Breathing exercises: complex No. 1.

4. Gross motor skills (physical minute).


I'm stepping into first grade - that's it.

(Walk in place.)

The grass around is green - that's two.

(Arms bent at the elbows, alternately spread your arms away from you to the sides.)

Look at the form - it's three.

(Run the back of your hand down from your shoulder.)

And four is all right.

(Move your right hand forward, raising your thumb up

Five - I didn’t forget to take anything.

(Knock on the sides with your hands.)

Six – there are pens and notebooks.

(Bend the fingers of your left hand with your right hand.)

Family quite a schoolboy.

(With our right hand we touch our chest with our palm.)

Eight – let’s discard laziness.

(Hands move away from you.)

Nine - believe in the best.

(Raise your hands up, raise your eyes up.)

Ten – September is a great month.

(Spread your arms to the sides.)

5. Quests on the development of phonetic-phonemic hearing and perception.

Game "Hear and Clap".

Progress of the game. An adult pronounces a series of words, a child with his eyes closed, having heard a word according to a given topic, claps his hands.

6. Lexical development tasks-grammatical structure of speech.

7. Quests on the development of coherent speech.


1. Internet.

2. Teach me to speak correctly! Comprehensive methodology for preparing a child for school. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2015. 208 p.: ill. – (Series "Lessons speech therapist» ).

Publications on the topic:

Homework for children of the senior group on the lexical topic “Professions in construction” TOPIC "Professions in construction." 1. Words to expand your vocabulary: profession, work, construction, architect, engineer, builder, worker.

Homework for children of the senior group on the lexical topic “Spring” TOPIC “Spring” 1. Words to expand vocabulary: spring, thaw, sun, cloud, icicle, drops, thawed patch, willow, puddle, stream.

Homework for children of the senior group on the lexical topic “House plants” TOPIC “Indoor plants” 1. Words to expand vocabulary: plant, cactus, rosean, crassula, saxifrage, coleus, clivia, geranium.

Homework on the lexical topic “Professions. Seamstress" TOPIC “Professions. Seamstress" 1. Words to expand vocabulary: profession, work, atelier, factory, seamstress, dressmaker, clothes, fabric, button.

From the experience of working with older preschoolers in a speech therapy group on the lexical topic “Pets” From the experience of working with older preschoolers in a speech therapy group on the lexical topic “Pets.” During the preliminary work on.

Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “School supplies” Topic: “School supplies” Purpose: to expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic being studied; systematize knowledge on the topic; exercise.

Shvydskaya Tatyana Ivanovna
Job title: speech therapist teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 5
Locality: Krasnodar region, st. Krylovskaya
Name of material: methodological development of OOD synopses
Subject:"School. School supplies"
Publication date: 16.02.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Date: 04/26/2016

Target: consolidate children's knowledge on the topic “School. School supplies, enrichment

active vocabulary, development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical speech,

mastery of speech as a means of communication.

Correctional educational tasks: consolidate children's knowledge on a lexical topic

"School. School supplies”, enrich children’s vocabulary on the topic,

continue to teach children to answer questions in complete sentences, teach them correctly

coordinate nouns with numerals, change correctly

form of the word by case.

Corrective and developmental tasks: develop fine and gross motor skills, memory,

attention, speech breathing, development of correct sound pronunciation, development of coherent


Correctional and educational tasks: develop the skill of cooperation,

cultivate interest in speech therapy classes, the ability to listen to each other, desire

work actively in class.

Equipment: costume for Pinocchio, riddles about school supplies, school

accessories, ball, presentation, slides, projector, card index “Finger games”,

easels, two briefcases, a basket, an ABC book, a “Relax Your Eyes” card file, a study guide

Preliminary work: asking riddles, looking at pictures of objects

theme “School. School supplies", games with fingers, games for the development of vocabulary

Progress of the lesson.

The speech therapist goes into the hall with the children.

Speech therapist: guys, the key that opens the locks in people’s souls is a smile. Now we will

give each other smiles. Smile at your neighbor to your left and right. Smile at me, I'll smile

to you. Guests have come to us, say hello to them and give them your smile. And now

sit down on the chairs.

Organizational moment. Psycho-gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Good morning to the sun and the birds.

Good morning to smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind and trusting.

Let good morning last until evening.

Speech therapist: Guys, very soon an important event will happen in your life - you will go to

school and become first graders. To do well in school, you need

good preparation: you need to know letters, be able to count.

There's a knock on the door.

Speech therapist: guys, someone else came to us.

Pinocchio enters. He has an ABC book in his hands.

Speech therapist: guys, do you know who this is?

Children: we found out that this is Pinocchio.

Speech therapist: Well done. Hello, Buratino. We are glad to see you. What happened

why did you come to us?

Dunno: Guys, I also want to go to school. Papa Carlo even gave me an ABC book,

so that I can learn letters. But I don’t know what else is needed in order to study well. Guys,

please help me get ready for school.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's help Pinocchio get ready for school.

Children's answers.

Speech therapist: sit down, Pinocchio. Guys, what do you think we can’t do without?

Children's answers.

Main part.

Speech therapist: that’s right, you can’t do without school supplies at school. But for

In order to collect the necessary supplies for Pinocchio, you need to complete tasks.

For each correctly completed task you will receive one school credit.


Speech therapist: first task. Attention to the screen.

“Riddles about school supplies.” (slide 1)

In a snowy field along the road

My one-legged horse is rushing.

And for many, many years

Leaves a black mark. (Pen.) (slide 2)

If you sharpen it

Draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this? (Pencil.) (slide 3)

Either I'm in a cage, then I'm in a line

Write on them! (Notebook) (slide 4)

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a person, but a storyteller. (Book) (slide 5)

In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, quills, paper clips, buttons,

Anything for the soul. (Pencil case) (slide 6)

I carry a new house in my hand,

The doors of the house are locked.

The residents here are made of paper,

All terribly important. (Portfolio) (slide 7)

Speech therapist: how to call a pencil case, pen, notebook, book, briefcase in one word?

Children's answers. (get children to give complete answers.)

Speech therapist: Well done, guys. You completed the first task correctly. You receive

The first item is a pencil case.

Visual gymnastics.

Speech therapist: we close our eyes

These are the miracles

Our eyes are resting

The exercises are performed.

And now we will open them

Let's build a bridge across the river

Let's draw the letter O

It turns out easy.

Let's lift it up

Let's lower it down

Let's turn left and right

Let's start practicing again.

Speech therapist: now we will rest a little. (Pinocchio is invited.)

Development of gross motor skills with music.

Speech therapist: take a seat.

The next task you need to complete. Attention to the screen.(slide 8)

Game “Help Confused.”

Speech therapist: guys, do you recognize this girl?

Children's answers.

Speech therapist: that’s right, this is Rasteryashka. The confused one always loses everything and always something

forgets. Confusion came to school. All the guys got out their textbooks, but she doesn’t have (what?) -

....., the children open their notebooks, but Rasteryashka doesn’t have (what?) -......, everyone has a pen in their pencil case, but

she’s not there (what?) -…., the children took out their pencils, but she’s not there (what?) -….. What do you think

Rasteryashka doesn’t have one yet. (get children to give complete answers.)

Children's answers.

Speech therapist: well done. You completed the task, answered correctly, and earned a pen.

Speech therapist: to speak beautifully, you need to be friends with your fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

I'll rub my palms hard

I'll twist every finger

I'll say hello to everyone

I won't bypass anyone.

I'll play with my nails

I rub them against each other.

Then I'll wash my hands

I will gently knead your shoulders.

Then I'll wash my hands

I'll put my finger in your finger,

I'll lock them up

And I'll keep it warm.

I'll stretch out my fingers

Let them run like bunnies.

One, two, one, two,

The kids are resting.

Speech therapist: Well done, guys. Next task. Come out and stand in a circle.

Ball game "Count"

Speech therapist: the confused girl collected all her school supplies, but again she was confused and didn’t

school supplies. We count the accessories like this: one, two, five.

One handle, two handles, five handles.

One pencil - two pencils - five pencils.

One notebook, two notebooks, five notebooks.

One pencil case - two pencil cases - five pencil cases.

One album – two albums – five albums.

One chalk - two chalks - five crayons.

One rubber band, two rubber bands, five rubber bands.

One ruler, two rulers, five rulers,

One textbook, two textbooks, five textbooks.

One brush, two brushes, five brushes.

One compass, two compasses, five compasses

One briefcase, two briefcases, five briefcases.

Speech therapist: well done, you completed the task correctly. You get a ruler.

Sit down on the chairs.

Game "Collect a briefcase"

Speech therapist: now I suggest you become real first-graders and collect a briefcase.

For girls - a red briefcase, for boys - a blue briefcase. To do this you need to divide

names of school supplies based on syllables. We put pictures in a red briefcase

with school supplies, where the words consist of two syllables, in blue - pictures,

where words consist of three syllables.

Children divide words into syllables: the word pen has two syllables, so I’ll put the picture in red

briefcase, the word pencil has three syllables, I will put this picture in the blue briefcase.

Speech therapist praises children for completed task, children receive school supplies


Now let’s collect all the school supplies you’ve earned in a pencil case and give them away


Buratino thanks the children, says goodbye and leaves.

Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: what did we talk about? Remember and name school supplies?

Who came to visit us? What games did we play?

Speech therapist: guys, now you know what is needed at school in order to study perfectly. You

They were active, friendly, and helped Pinocchio collect the necessary supplies.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten

combined type No. 5

village of Krylovskaya municipal formation Krylovsky district

Summary of the open final speech therapy lesson in

preparatory school group for children with special needs using ICT

Topic: “School. School supplies."

Speech therapist teacher 1


Lobzhanidze Rusudana Rezovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: GBDOU No. 7
Locality: St. Petersburg
Name of material: lesson notes in the preparatory group
Subject:"School, school supplies"
Publication date: 30.04.2017
Chapter: preschool education

lesson notes in the preparatory group on the topic

"School, school supplies"

Lobzhanidze R.R.


Expand knowledge on the topic “School, school supplies.”

Develop children's imagination and creativity;

Development of coherent speech; ability to tell according to plan;

Develop attention and perseverance.


Pictures depicting school supplies, toys.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Org. moment.

Hello guys! You'll be going to school soon and you should be fine

prepared. And today we will talk about school supplies.

2. Articulation gymnastics. "School Supplies"

Now let's collect the necessary school supplies. For

This is why we will solve riddles.

3. Main part

I’ll tell you some riddles, and you can guess them:

1. Guess what this thing is -

A sharp beak, not a bird,

With this beak she

Sows and sows seeds

Not in the field, not in the garden -

On the pages of your notebook. (Pen)

2. There is a wonderful bench,

You and I sat on it.

The bench guides both of us

From year to year

From class to class. (Desk)

3.Black Ivashka –

Wooden shirt,

Where he leads his nose,

He puts a note there. (Pencil)

4. Black and white

They write every now and then.

Rub with a rag -

Blank page. (School board)

5. I love directness and am direct myself.

Make a straight line

I help everyone. (Ruler)

6.You talk to her more often,

You will become four times smarter (Book)

7.If you give her a job -

The pencil was in vain. (Rubber

8. Her leaves are white-white,

They don't fall from branches.

I make mistakes on them

Among the stripes and cells. (Notebook)

9.In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, quills, paper clips, buttons,

Anything for the soul. (Pencil case)

Well done, you guessed all the riddles and you and I collected the most important one

item Briefcase!

4. Conversation with children about school: What is school?

(A school is a building where there is a classroom, desks, students, teachers)

Why do children go to school?

(Children go to school to learn, to gain new knowledge. They go to school in order to

Is it possible to bring toys to school?

(You cannot bring toys to school, because this is not a kindergarten. With toys

You can play at home when you have completed all the lessons.)

How should students behave at school?

Students should not run around or play around at school. They must do everything

assignments, not be late for classes, bring replacement shoes and textbooks,

listen carefully to the teacher in class.)

What do you need to know and what do you need to be able to do in order to do well in school?

(You must listen carefully to the teacher, read a lot, be able to count and solve

Name the items you put in your pencil case?

(In the pencil case we will put a pen, a simple pencil, a ruler, an eraser, colored

pencils, counting sticks, scissors, brush).

Name the items that you will put in your backpack?

(The student puts a textbook, notebook, album, paints, diary, backpack into the backpack).

5. The next task is “Collect words”.

Here you can use a cardboard (paper) “Seven-flowered flower”.

Children “tear off” one petal at a time, and on the back of it are written

letters that correspond to the names of school supplies. Children

guess and name the names.

And you completed this task! For this you receive a NOTEBOOK.

6. We’ve been sitting too long, we need to rest.


Fingers doing exercises

To be less tired.

And then they are in the notebook

They will write letters.

(Children stretch their arms forward, clench and unclench their fists.)

That's how great you are! earned a Penalty.

7. Now the next task.

You need to, without looking, pull out a picture and talk about the subject, without

calling him. Describe it, what it is for

(Children complete the task and receive a Pencil and an Eraser)

For this task, children receive a PEN

8 . And now the last and important task: “Collect a briefcase.”

It is necessary to select the necessary items on command and put them in

portfolios. (Each child puts in his briefcase what he needs for school

item, among which are decoys: candies, toys, etc.).

For correct completion, children receive a Primer.


Well done, guys! You have completed all the tasks. In conclusion I would

I would like you to compose a syncwine on the topic “School”

Children make up.

Primary, secondary.

They work, teach, study.

Educational institution for secondary education.