It is known that in the orbit of the Earth there is a mysterious, dark object, whose age dates back to 13,000 years, the astronauts call the satellite - the "Black Knight" (aka the "Black Prince"). Its origin is unknown, but space object, allegedly, systematically sends anomalous signals to Earth. They were first heard in 1920 and attributed to the terrestrial origin, but here's what was strange: as soon as the first signal came in, a second one came a few seconds later. This fact was difficult to explain from a physical point of view and the specifics of the reflection of radio waves from the layers of the atmosphere. They tried to decipher the signals, they turned out to be similar to star charts and charts. But, during this period, neither the United States nor the USSR had the technology to launch satellites into polar orbit.

In 1960, the Black Knight was first detected by radar and security cameras on Long Island. Observers identified it as a red glowing object moving in an east-west direction. It is worth noting here that most satellites move in reverse direction- from west to east. Its speed was about three times faster than the speed of any Earth satellite.

NASA experts say that exploring this object is like buying a box without knowing anything about its contents. It could be everything...or nothing.

In 1998, the crew of the space shuttle Endeavor photographed an unusual object at low earth orbit. These images are called the most definite proof of the existence of the "Black Knight". However, on closer inspection, it appears to be a piece of space debris or a thermal blanket that came off during the spacewalk. outer space. However, the question of the origin of the object remains closed, specific information about the fact that it is an artifact early history or extraterrestrial intelligence does not exist. Evidence to date, alas, is not enough to decide on the answer.

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Dozens of satellites fly around our planet, launched for various research and scientific purposes. However, it is argued that among them there is one that no state claims. And in general, there is a suspicion that they did not make it on Earth.

In 1958, American amateur astronomer Steve Slayton, the owner of a 20-inch telescope, while observing the Moon, noticed a certain object against its background. The celestial body quickly crossed the lunar disk and disappeared. Slayton concluded that the object was black and therefore not visible against a dark sky. The astronomer made calculations and tried to determine when the object would again be in the background of the moon.

At the calculated time, the object appeared at the point determined by Slayton. After observing the body, Steve determined its diameter (about 10 meters) and flight height (1-2 thousand km above the Earth). Too high speed and a strange trajectory led him to the conclusion about the artificial origin of the object, which he told the press.

In 1958, only two countries launched satellites: the USSR and the USA. However, those who were in a hurry to announce to the world about each of their new achievements in space race neither the USSR nor the USA recognized the discovered celestial body as their own. The US military asked Slayton for the characteristics of the orbit and soon announced that not a single radar station had found a satellite.

The offended amateur astronomer invited reporters to the telescope and they observed with their own eyes a satellite that military astrophysicists with all their equipment cannot find. The press mocked the military. Amateur astronomer outsmarted NASA!

The satellite becomes the "Black Prince"

The secrets of the satellite multiplied. The military said that Slayton most likely observed a meteorite. All rockets are launched in the direction of the planet's rotation in order to overcome the earth's gravity. And the object discovered by Slayton rotates in reverse side. Therefore, it cannot be an artificial satellite launched from the Earth. And then for the first time the assumption was made that a satellite could be made not on Earth.

In 1974, the Soviet science fiction writer A. Kazantsev in the novel "Faetes" described the alien satellite "Black Prince", revolving around the Earth. The novel has been translated into several languages. The name of the satellite immediately stuck to the celestial object. That's how he got his name.

Find Gorky radiophysicists

After 20 years, Gorky radio physicists tested the supersensitive equipment they created, which made it possible to determine the temperature celestial bodies. During testing, an object with a temperature of over 200 degrees Celsius was detected. It was the "Black Prince", which now has one more riddle.

In 1991, American scientist Tom Erickson tried to explain the Black Prince's invisibility to radar systems. According to his version, the body is covered with a layer of graphite that absorbs radio waves. It is not yet possible to confirm or disprove this assumption. The invisibility of the "Black Prince" remains a mystery.

A resident of the city of Jacksonville, Florida recently filmed a mysterious black object in the sky, which she mistook for a strangely shaped kite. But when other smaller objects began to fly away from him, the American realized that she had managed to film a UFO, and it was very interesting both in form and content.

And so it turned out, since Internet ufologists easily determined that the filmed UFO, like two drops of water, is similar to the extraterrestrial satellite "Black Knight", more than half a century ago fixed in Earth's orbit. On that day, many Americans saw him over Florida, they all claim that as soon as other small objects separated from the UFO, he soon simply disappeared, and did not fly away, namely, he instantly disappeared from sight.

As ufologist Tyler Glockner noted, the Florida UFO looks like the "Black Knight" in the photographs of 1998, but it's not clear why he approached the Earth, and what kind of landing party was he sent to our planet?

"Black Prince" found

The latest confirmation came in 1998 when the space shuttle Endeavor was on its maiden STS-88 flight to the space station. The astronauts on board took many pictures of the strange object, which were freely available on the NASA website. But soon, all the photos disappeared. Images reappeared a little later, on new pages with a description that these objects are space debris. The photos are of good quality and it is easy to see that the object is some kind of spacecraft. Since that time, we know everything there is to know about the Black Prince. We know where he came from on a space ambassador mission, looks. And all this is witnessed by numerous observers who took part in space programs.

However, ufologists definitely claim that the “Black Knight” has been orbiting our planet for about thirteen millennia, perhaps it is even an earthly satellite, only launched into orbit by representatives of a civilization that preceded mankind. There is also such a version - this is a fragment spaceship unknown origin. By the way, at the end of the eighties, the Americans launched a communications satellite into orbit very close to the Black Knight's orbit, but the "American" soon disappeared from the radar, either when faced with a mysterious UFO, or disappeared for some other reason.

The reality, as always, is much more prosaic and not at all interesting. Recall once again the STS-88 flight of the Endavor spacecraft (EVA mission) and the stunning photographs of the "Black Prince"? There are many inaccuracies in this part of the story. First of all, the space shuttle is always in an equatorial orbit, like the International Space station(the International Space Station). An object moving in a polar orbit has a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per hour. Too fast to get noticed and incredibly fast to get some photos High Quality which now appear as the main evidence.

AND this is what happened: During one of the astronauts' spacewalks, a thermal protective cover was lost. One side is silver, the other side is black. It slowly moved away, taking on bizarre shapes, and several photographs were taken. Without knowing the origin of the object, you can name anything. This is how the "duck" about an alien satellite was launched.


Dozens of satellites fly around our planet, launched for various research and scientific purposes. However, there is one among them, which is not claimed by any state. And in general, there is a suspicion that they did not make it on Earth.

Nobody's satellite

In 1958, American amateur astronomer Steve Slayton, the owner of a 20-inch telescope, while observing the Moon, noticed a certain object against its background. The celestial body quickly crossed the lunar disk and disappeared. Slayton concluded that the object was black and therefore not visible against a dark sky. The astronomer made calculations and tried to determine when the object would again be in the background of the moon.

At the calculated time, the object appeared at the point determined by Slayton. After observing the body, Steve determined its diameter (about 10 meters) and flight height (1-2 thousand km above the Earth). Too high speed and a strange trajectory led him to the conclusion about the artificial origin of the object, which he told the press.

In 1958, only two countries launched satellites: the USSR and the USA. However, in a hurry to announce to the world about each of their new achievements in the space race, neither the USSR nor the United States recognized the discovered celestial body as their own. The US military asked Slayton for the characteristics of the orbit and soon announced that not a single radar station had found a satellite.

The offended amateur astronomer invited reporters to the telescope and they observed with their own eyes a satellite that military astrophysicists with all their equipment cannot find. The press mocked the military. Amateur astronomer outsmarted NASA!

And the radar stations of the USSR and the USA still did not find the object, although scientists observed it visually against the background of the lunar or solar disk.

The satellite becomes the "Black Prince"

The secrets of the satellite multiplied. The military said that Slayton most likely observed a meteorite. All rockets are launched in the direction of the planet's rotation in order to overcome the earth's gravity. And the object discovered by Slayton rotates in the opposite direction. Therefore, it cannot be an artificial satellite launched from the Earth. And then for the first time the assumption was made that a satellite could be made not on Earth.

In 1974, the Soviet science fiction writer A. Kazantsev in the novel "Faetes" described the alien satellite "Black Prince", revolving around the Earth. The novel has been translated into several languages. The name of the satellite immediately stuck to the celestial object. That's how he got his name.

Find Gorky radiophysicists

After 20 years, Gorky radio physicists tested the supersensitive equipment they had created, which made it possible to determine the temperature of celestial bodies. During testing, an object with a temperature of over 200 degrees Celsius was detected. It was the "Black Prince", which now has one more riddle.

In 1991, American scientist Tom Erickson tried to explain the Black Prince's invisibility to radar systems. According to his version, the body is covered with a layer of graphite that absorbs radio waves. It is not yet possible to confirm or disprove this assumption. The invisibility of the "Black Prince" remains a mystery.

"Black Prince" found

In 1998, astronauts of the American space shuttle Endeavor SNS-88 saw the Black Prince with their own eyes and took pictures of it. After examining them, scientists carefully concluded that these are fragments of artificial origin.

Scientific world is not yet ready to recognize the "Black Prince" as a satellite of an extraterrestrial civilization, with an incomprehensible purpose observing our planet. Indeed, there are no sufficient grounds for such a bold assumption.

So while it’s unclear what flies around the Earth, it’s not clear where it came from. None of its secrets have yet been revealed. And even if we agree that the Black Prince is really just a fragment of a spaceship, the question remains: which ship?

Extraterrestrial satellite "Black Knight" spotted over Florida

A resident of the city of Jacksonville, Florida recently filmed a mysterious black object in the sky, which she mistook for a strangely shaped kite. But when other smaller objects began to fly away from him, the American realized that she had managed to film a UFO, and it was very interesting both in form and content.

UFO identification

And so it turned out, since Internet ufologists easily determined that the filmed UFO, like two drops of water, is similar to the extraterrestrial satellite "Black Knight", more than half a century ago fixed in Earth's orbit. On that day, many Americans saw him over Florida, they all claim that as soon as other small objects separated from the UFO, he soon simply disappeared, and did not fly away, namely, he instantly disappeared from sight.

As ufologist Tyler Glockner noted, the Florida UFO looks like the "Black Knight" in the photographs of 1998, but it's not clear why he approached the Earth, and what kind of landing party was he sent to our planet?

Mysterious satellite

An unknown object, which will later be called the "Black Prince", was first recorded in 1958 by the Arizona amateur astronomer Steve Slayton, but for a long time the extraterrestrial satellite was not recorded on official radars. As US military specialist Tom Erickson later determined, this was because the surface of the UFO was covered with graphite, which completely absorbs radio waves. For this reason, Soviet and American radar stations did not detect anything. But it was recorded at the end of the seventies by the radio physicists of the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), who tested the latest supersensitive equipment. Scientists even prepared a report on this subject for the Tallinn Symposium on Extraterrestrial Civilizations, which took place in 1981, but for certain reasons of the Soviet era, no one allowed them to do this.

And only ten years later, that is, in 1998, the space shuttle Endeavor took photographs of the Black Knight, and these photographs are still considered the only conclusive evidence that an extraterrestrial satellite exists in Earth's orbit. By the way, it periodically sends radio signals that scientists still cannot decipher.

Dropped landing?

Today it has already been determined that the "Black Knight" has been orbiting our planet for approximately thirteen millennia, perhaps even an earthly satellite, only launched into orbit by representatives of a civilization that preceded mankind. There is also such a version - this is a fragment of a spaceship of unknown origin. By the way, at the end of the eighties, the Americans launched a communications satellite into orbit very close to the Black Knight's orbit, but the "American" soon disappeared from the radar, either when faced with a mysterious UFO, or disappeared for some other reason.

In general, much in this matter still remains a mystery, like the Black Knight itself, the name of which was invented by the Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev. However, if we assume that an extraterrestrial satellite has deorbited to drop troops on Earth (see the video, it is very similar to this), then the version of the debris immediately disappears, and the version that this is a prehistoric spacecraft does not stand up to criticism. It turns out that the "Black Knight" is still an extraterrestrial artificial satellite, and, most likely, a permanent observer of our civilization.

The first photograph of this mysterious object was taken by one of the very first satellites of the Earth and later received the name "Black Prince". The unidentified object was in Earth's orbit and was reliably determined not to be an American or Soviet satellite.

UFO in orbit? Mystery of the Black Prince

The first message about the "Black Prince" appeared in one of the American media in 1958. It reported that an amateur astronomer had discovered in the near outer space planets unidentified object. His name was S. Slayton, he used a 20-inch telescope and made observations of the lunar disk, during which he managed to fix the mysterious object. Then the astronomer considered the object artificial, since the trajectory of its movement was in a straight line and it disappeared from view when it reached the edge of the moon's disk.

Slayton was surprised by the speed with which the object moved - it was unthinkable! The astronomer attributed the disappearance of the object to its black color, as it became invisible to the human eye against the background of a dark sky. Then Slayton made an approximate calculation of the elements of the object's orbit and was able to determine the next time when " Black Prince» becomes available for observation again. His calculations were confirmed and he was again able to see the object through the telescope, after which he immediately made a statement to the media, where he announced his discovery.

« Black Prince"moved along an elliptical trajectory, the flight altitude was about 2 thousand km on the Earth's surface, and the object itself had a diameter of slightly more than 10 meters. After Slayton's announcement, military representatives immediately requested data on the object's orbit and began their own research. After numerous attempts, they failed to identify the "Black Prince", a statement was sent to the media that the amateur astronomer Slayton, apparently, recorded an ordinary meteorite that flew near the moon.

But Slayton did not give up: convinced that he saw a real object, he made one more calculation, setting the next moment when the object would pass over the lunar disk. Having invited representatives of the media, he began a new session of observing the object. All the journalists who were present at the session witnessed the reality of this object and after that " Black Prince for a long time became the No. 1 news in many world newspapers and magazines.

Exploring the "Black Prince"

« black prince”The mysterious object was first named by the Soviet science fiction writer A.P. Kazantsev, suggesting that it was an “unaccounted for” satellite that revolves around our planet. The writer believed that the object could be a satellite of an alien civilization, that is, an ordinary UFO. This version was taken quite seriously among scientists and enthusiasts from all over the world began to study the object. After conducting studies of the space around the Earth with the help of artificial satellites, K. Sterner could not confirm his assumption that this object is an electronic torus. In a 1960 article in Nature, astrophysicist Bracewell suggested that the object was an unmanned alien probe in orbit to make contact with human civilization. He explained his theory by the presence of delays in radio signals, which have been recorded since the beginning of the 20th century - the scientist saw them as attempts by the probe to draw attention to itself.

At the same time, the radar stations of the USA and the USSR continued their attempts to detect this object, but they all ended in failure. And amateur astronomers continued to report more and more cases of observation of the "Black Prince", and now it was recorded not only against the background of the Moon, but also of the Sun. A new wave of interest in the mysterious object was revived 20 years later, during the testing of new ultra-sensitive equipment by Gorky radio physicists. During the adjustment period of the equipment, they recorded some unknown object that had a temperature of over 200 degrees Celsius. At the time, they thought this object was some kind of secret satellite. After continuing their observations, the Gorky people soon learned that " Black Prince» is not detected by conventional radar equipment. They prepared a report for a symposium on extraterrestrial civilizations, which was to be held in December 1981.

Black Prince. Photo by NASA