One of the most famous and prestigious universities in our country with fairly high competition for budget places. Entrance exams in various subjects are provided in almost all faculties. But usually the DVI applicants have the most questions in mathematics - after all, this exam is taken upon admission to 16 of 84 MSU programs for full-time bachelor's and specialty degrees.

Successful participation in mathematics Olympiads will help you avoid DVI. For example, winning an All-Russian or university Olympiad guarantees BVI (admission without entrance tests), and a prize place gives 100 DVI points, that is, it guarantees admission even with an “average” Unified State Examination score.

DVI in mathematics at Moscow State University is usually held in mid-July

What tasks does the DVI in mathematics at Moscow State University consist of?

The topics and number of tasks that will be offered to applicants as part of the DVI remain unknown until the very beginning of the exam. However, in recent years, problems with approximately similar themes have been proposed. This suggests that there will be similar tasks in 2018.

In recent years, the exam consists of eight tasks in total. A school graduate with a solid B in mathematics can handle the first three of them; the fourth task requires deeper knowledge. There are “highlights” in the fifth and sixth tasks - they require developed mathematical abilities. The seventh and eighth tasks are of an increased difficulty level. According to statistics, no more than 2% of applicants try to solve them, and only a quarter of this number succeeds in solving at least one task correctly.

Approximate topics of DVI tasks in mathematics:

Criteria for assessing DVI in mathematics at Moscow State University

The maximum score that can be obtained on the DVI is 100 points. At the same time, the criteria for their accrual vary from year to year, depending on the total number of applicants and how the applicants generally coped with the work. After checking all the work, statistics are collected, after which a decision is made on the gradation of technical points for tasks exam papers on a 100-point scale.

Correctly solved problems have the greatest share. Tasks solved with shortcomings (for example, if the solution is correct, but an error has crept into the calculations) can earn half or a third of the point. At the same time, points for partially solved problems are not summed up (that is, if you have two solutions worth 0.5 points each, 0.5 will be added to the total number of technical points, not 1).

Usually 100 points can be obtained by correctly solving 7 tasks, and in some years maximum score even brought solutions to 6 problems. To receive a minimum positive score, you need to score 35 points (correctly solve one problem and show progress in another). For most technical faculties, with a well-passed Unified State Exam, guaranteed admission gives a DVI result of 75-80 points. Please note that no more than 5% of the total number of applicants take the exam for this assessment.

In 2017, the correspondence between technical points and grades looked like this:

DVI in mathematics at Moscow State University is taken in written form

Which faculties are required to take the DVI in mathematics at Moscow State University?

DVI is necessary for admission to technical and mathematical faculties, as well as a number of specialties in the natural sciences or even the humanities.

Full-time undergraduate programs for which you must take the DVI in mathematics at Moscow State University in 2018:

Preparation for the Moscow State University DVI in mathematics. How serious is it?

The answer to this question depends on many factors:

  1. From ogeneral level of preparation in mathematics. For example, in the MSU DVI versions in mathematics in recent years, there have almost always been assignments on geometry and stereometry, which are now taught at school rather poorly. If your school does not have a physics and mathematics specialization, you need to start “pushing up” mathematics in advance.
  2. From rUnified State Examination results. The Unified State Exam scores of specialized subjects are summed up with the DVI results, which gives the final passing score. For example, in 2017, the passing score for specialty 01.05.01 Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics at Moscow State University was 333 points. Thus, if according to three Unified State Exam subjects(mathematics, Russian language, physics) the applicant received a total of 270 or more points, then for admission he needed to get only 55-65 points at the DVI. To do this, it was enough to solve 4-5 tasks out of eight, that is, deep special preparation was not required to pass the exam. If an applicant received 250 points based on the Unified State Examination results, then he had to solve 6-7 tasks correctly, and for this intensive training was already necessary.
  3. From toselected faculty. Specific share of DVI points in passing score may vary for different departments. For example, to enroll in soil science, it is usually enough to solve the first three simplest DVI tasks. To enter the “Management” department of the Faculty of Sociology, you need to get at least 35 points in the DVI, that is, not get a bad grade (1-2 assignments). At the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and the Computer Science and Mathematics, much more serious requirements are imposed. However, the applicant has the right to apply for three different directions - that is, if the scores do not reach the VMK, you can go to the Mechanics and Mathematics.

It is better to start preparing for the DVI in mathematics at Moscow State University in advance

How to prepare?

If a graduate has sufficient perseverance and determination, he can easily prepare for the DVI on his own. Today there are many manuals on sale with tasks approximately similar to those that have to be solved during entrance tests. You can get acquainted with the assignments of the DVI for past years on the website of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and the Central admissions committee Moscow State University.

To prepare for the DVI, you can also hire a tutor or take courses at the faculty that interests you. The latter option may be more preferable, since course teachers are usually involved in developing tasks for the DWI and checking exams, so they have a good idea of ​​what skills and knowledge applicants need for admission. Depending on the faculty and department, it is recommended to start taking courses a year or even two before admission.

The preparatory departments of some faculties allow students to take a trial exam that is as close as possible to the real conditions and tasks of the Moscow State University Faculty of Foreign Studies, followed by an analysis of examples and solutions. For example, such an opportunity is offered on a paid basis by the School of Young Entrepreneurs at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University.

An additional exam in mathematics is a serious test for an applicant not only because of the complexity of the tasks, but also because of the unusual environment and a lot of stress, which can interfere with concentration and correctly solving problems. If you are afraid of failure, in a special section of our website you can choose a university and technical specialization where you do not need to take the DVI in mathematics. If you are still aiming at Moscow State University and other most prestigious universities, we recommend reading our article “How to enter your dream university: 9 stages of achieving your goal.” We wish you success!

Applicants to the Faculty of History entering the “History” direction undergo a written additional entrance test(DVI), and applicants for the “History of Art” direction have an entrance test of a creative orientation, consisting of a written and oral part.

The deadlines for entrance examinations for applicants to the Faculty of History of Moscow State University are announced after the start of the work of the admissions committee and are indicated in " Applicant's calendar"and on the website of the Central Admissions Committee of Moscow State University.

The forms for conducting the additional entrance test and the creative entrance test are established by the Central Admissions Committee of Moscow State University and become known on the day of the entrance tests.

The results of these entrance tests are summed up with points on the Unified State Examination and points for individual achievements. The final value is the total score, on the basis of which the applicant participates in the competition.

General information about DVI history

The additional entrance test (ADT) in history is held centrally at Moscow State University - on the same day for applicants from all faculties.

Each of the faculties of Moscow State University organizes a DVI on its site for those applicants for whom this faculty is the basic one. The base faculty is the faculty of Moscow State University to which the applicant applied first among all faculties with the same DVI.

Consultation before the DVI is held the previous day at 16:00 for applicants of all faculties in classrooms Shuvalovsky building of Moscow State University.

The results are assessed on a 100-point scale and are counted at all faculties of Moscow State University, where history is taken as a written exam as a DVI.

On the day of the exam, applicants to the Faculty of History should gather in advance (no later than an hour before the start of the exam) in front of the central entrance to the Shuvalovsky building (Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, building 4).

The exam starts at 10:00. Duration of the exam - 4 astronomical hours (240 minutes) .

Applicants who applied by mail must obtain an exam pass from the admissions committee of the Faculty of History in advance (at least a day or two before the exam).

The distribution of applicants to audiences is carried out by the admissions committee staff. Applicants who are late for the start of the exam will not be allowed into the classroom.

  • passport,
  • several blue or black pens (care should be taken to ensure that all work is written with the same ink),
  • being in a classroom with cell phones, pocket computers, electronic dictionaries, communication devices and other radio-electronic equipment, even if this equipment is turned off;
  • remove examination materials from the classroom;
  • talk to each other;
  • exchange any materials and objects with each other
  • randomly leave the classroom and move around the building without the accompaniment of an admissions officer
  • In case of violation of these rules the applicant is removed from the exam, and his work is not checked.

    You can go to the toilet only if accompanied by an admissions officer, no earlier than an hour after the start of the exam and no later than an hour before its end.

    On the day of the exam, parents are not allowed into the building.

Order of conduct
oral part of the additional entrance test
creative direction
for applicants to the direction " Art history"

Applicants for the History of Art major take oral part additional entrance test for creative orientation in the auditorium on the 6th floor Shuvalovsky building of Moscow State University. The exam starts at 10:00.

On the day of the exam, applicants should gather in advance (no later than 9:30) in front of the central entrance to the Shuvalovsky building (Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, building 4).

Persons who do not appear for the exam for a valid reason (illness or other documented circumstances) are allowed to take it on a reserve day.

Admissions officers first gather applicants into the auditorium to wait in line for the exam, and then, as previously arrived applicants complete their answers, accompany them to the exam auditorium.

To participate in the exam you must have the following documents with you:

  • passport,
  • pass issued when submitting documents.

In addition to the above documents, applicants can bring the following items with them to the exam room:

  • a blue or black pen for filling out the “Oral Answer Sheet”,
  • non-carbonated mineral water in a transparent plastic bottle with a volume of no more than 0.6 liters.

It is strictly prohibited to be in the classroom with cell phones, pocket computers, electronic dictionaries, communication devices and other radio-electronic equipment, even if this equipment is turned off. If an applicant violates this rule, he is removed from the examination room.

During the examination, the applicant is required to give an oral answer to one question on the history of art, indicated on the selected ticket and the accompanying envelope with illustrative material. After preliminary preparation using the “Oral Answer Sheet,” the applicant demonstrates his knowledge to members of the examination committee under a video recording recorded in the audience.

The maximum score for the oral part of the creative entrance test is 30 points. The score received is summed with the score for the written part (maximum -70 points), and on this basis the overall final score is assigned for the entrance test as a whole (maximum score - 100 points).

Announcement of results and minimum score

Dates and times of results announcement and display written works are communicated to applicants in the audience during entrance examinations, and are also published in " Applicant's calendar"on the website of the Faculty of History.

The minimum number of points confirming the successful completion of entrance examinations and entrance examinations of creative orientation conducted by Moscow State University is set at the level minimum quantity points required for admission to undergraduate programs and established by the federal authority executive power, carrying out functions of control and supervision in the field of education.

Many people know that regular Unified State Exam scores are not enough for admission to Moscow State University. Here we will talk about what “DVI” or “additional entrance tests” are. Such tests are carried out in various subjects. We are interested, of course, in mathematics.

It is taken as a DVI upon admission to 17 of 64 courses at Moscow State University. These are the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, the Faculty of Geology, the Faculty of Materials Sciences, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, direction “Applied Mathematics and Physics” at the Faculty of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Engineering, direction “Economics” of the Higher School of Public Audit, “Management” of the Higher School of Modern social sciences, all directions, except for “Political Science” of the faculty government controlled, and graduate School business and Moscow School of Economics.

In 4 hours, applicants must solve several tasks. In recent years, these are usually eight problems, the first four of which are easier, and the last four are very complex, presenting significant difficulty even for graduates of special schools; there is a competition for these problems in mathematical areas. The exam results are assessed on a 100-point scale. Moreover, 100 points can be given not only for all 8, but also for 7 (and in some years even 6) correctly solved problems. This is due to the fact that all 8 problems are solved extremely rarely; usually only a few among thousands of applicants are capable of this; these few can safely be called unique.

So that at high enough Unified State Exam results To be guaranteed admission to state-funded places in most of the named faculties, you must write a DVI for 75-80 points.

Let's consider the results of the recent DWI of Moscow State University (data taken from the website of the Moscow State University state university, pages And

Among all MSU applicants, an additional entrance examination 3,732 people took the math test. Of these: 340 people passed "2", 125 - "30", 154 - "35", 125 - "40", 134 - "45", 436 - "50", 436 - "55". 456, "60" - 801, "65" - 572, "70" - 222, "75" - 105, "80" - 85, "85" - 89, "90" - 46, "95" - 30, "100" - 12.

Those. we see that only 10-15% of applicants with high scores for the Unified State Examination, having written the DVI in mathematics, undoubtedly had a real chance of enrolling in state-funded places, and only 7% of applicants wrote mathematics with 80 or more points (with a maximum score - 0.3%).

MSU DVI results in mathematics

Now let's look at the results of the DVI among applicants to the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (VMK). People enter this prestigious faculty exclusively after special mathematical training (studying in special schools, taking courses and with tutors).

Among those entering the MSU VMK there were 128 people who received highest mark according to the results of the Olympiads, and among those 751 who wrote the DVI upon admission, the results are as follows:

"2" - 17, "30" - 5, "35" - 9, "40" - 9, "45" - 11, "50" - 47, "55" - 74, "60" - 166, "65" " - 184, "70" - 73, "75" - 45, "80" - 36, "85" - 35, "90" - 16, "95" - 16, "100" - 8 (i.e. we see that two-thirds of applicants who wrote the DVI with 100 points applied specifically to the VMC).

Thus, among especially prepared applicants, the percentage of those actually applying for the budget turns out to be only slightly higher: 15-20% (and only guys with an excellent Unified State Exam can afford 70-75 points, because the passing score on the VMK is very high). And even among such an elite, only 1% of those who passed the DVI with the maximum score.

Results of the DVI of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Mathematics of Moscow State University in mathematics

So, we see that passing the DVI in mathematics at Moscow State University is not so easy, and it requires special preparation.

Many of the “Matematushka” graduates entered selected faculties of Moscow State University based on the results of the Olympiads (victories at the “Lomonosov”, the “Conquer the Sparrow Hills” Olympiad and other mathematical competitions among those who studied at the “Matematushka” are not uncommon).

However, some of the graduates still took additional entrance tests and looked more than worthy in them. Let's take the results recent years, when the Unified State Exam and the Secondary VI were already introduced, they began to take one subject according to the current scheme.

This year, new high school students are preparing to conquer “mathematical horizons.”