GTA 5 Guide (100% Completion): Map Showing Part Location spaceship and parts of submarines.

GTA 5: Map, spaceship parts, submarine parts

To be able to collect spaceship parts, first switch to Franklin, then go to the desert with the "?" symbol. On the map - it is located next to Trevor's trailer. You will meet a specific person who will tell you a secret about the spaceship. Now you can collect them all over the map. They look like little boxes with diodes on them. In addition, they have a characteristically bright glow around them, which makes them easier to spot. Once you have collected everything, switch to Franklin and meet the man mentioned at the beginning to complete the task.

The submarine pieces will be available after the main site is completed and the property in the northwest of the island is purchased by Michael. From this point on, you will have access to the speedboat - when you reach it, sail towards the green circle on the map, which shows the approximate location of the submarine. Once you get close, the automatic sonar will activate, allowing you to locate the blue part of the boat. To get it, simply dive into the water - Michael will have an oxygen tank, so you don't have to worry about time spent underwater.

One of the most nearly impossible tasks in Grand Theft Auto 5 is getting the From Beyond the Stars achievement/trophy. To unlock it, you must complete all missions from the Strangers and Freaks category and find 50 spaceship parts. Follow our tips and you will easily complete this confusing mission.

Start of the mission

After completing the mission "Fame or Shame" (the mission in which Trevor and Michael are reunited), the mission "Strangers and Freaks" will appear in the Sandy Shores location for Franklin. Go meet Omega, the ultimate alien theorist.

Omega will ask you to find 50 spaceship parts scattered around the game map. This is where the difficulty of the task lies, because finding all 50 spare parts is incredibly difficult. Luckily for you, we've already found everything. Follow our tips and you will be an absolute success.

To make it more convenient for you to find spaceship parts, we have created an interactive map with the ability to mark already found parts. Parts on the map are numbered in the order in which they are indicated in this article (the part number of the ship can be seen by hovering over its icon on the map).

Part #1 – Grand Senora Desert

Drive southwest from the Omega encounter until you see a row of satellite dishes. The spare part lies on the road to the westernmost of the plates.

Part #2 – Grand Senora Desert

Part #3 – Sandy Shores

Head north from Omega's meeting point to a theme park in the middle of the desert. The ship's spare part lies at the top of this hill.

Part #4 – Sandy Shores

Head to the large white rocks in the Sandy Shores desert southwest of Part #3. Near the largest rock you will find another spare part.

Part #5 – Sandy Shores

Now head north to the Alamo Sea. This part must be found in the water, so you will have to dive. Follow the map in the screenshot to find this exact location. By the way, the spare part makes a buzzing sound, which will also help you in your search.

Part No. 6 – Surroundings of Mount San Chianski

Head to the beloved San Cianski mountain range in the northeast. Find a quiet spot called Catfish View. The spare part is in this hut.

Part No. 7 – Grapeseed

The next spare part is waiting for you in Grapeseed. There is a large farm in the city center (closer to the south). Look for the spare part in the center of the cow pen.

Part No. 8 – Mount Kilied

Take the road as it turns sharply and dead ends east of Mount Kilieed. Before you reach the end of the road, you will see this barn. Spare part inside.

Part No. 9 – Paleto Bay

On the border of Paleto Bay there is a family farm called Dunky Punch. In the center you will find a large barn, and inside there is another spaceship part.

Spare part No. 10 – Paleto Bay

The fire station in Paleto Bay is marked on the map. Behind the station you will find a burnt out training building. Go up to the top floor and find another spare part there.

Part No. 11 – Paleto Forest

Look for makeshift bridges on the paths east of the highway. The spare part lies under one of these bridges not far from the road.

Spare part No. 12 – Paleto Bay

There are several islands on the western coast of Paleto Bay. Go ashore on the first of them (in fact, it is a peninsula, but that doesn’t matter). The spare part lies under the tree.

Part #13 – Raton Canyon

This is probably the hardest part to pick up. She lies on a support under the Great Ocean Highway Bridge. To get to it, you will have to sit in a helicopter and squeeze into the tiny space between the support and the bridge. Good luck!

Part #14 – Cassidy Creek

Head to the railroad bridge that spans Cassidy Creek. You will see rocky shores, the spare part lies on one of them.

Part #15 – Mount Josiah

This spare part is not so difficult to pick up, it is much more difficult to notice it. Take a helicopter or climb to a multi-level mountain top. Start descending from the southwest side, inspecting every surface you drop onto. Eventually, you'll see a spare part lurking on the edge.

Part No. 16 – Zancudo River

Head to where the Zancudo River flows between Mount Josiah and the Grand Senora Desert. The spare part lies on the bank, which is closer to the railway bridge.

Part No. 17 – Zancudo River

A little south of where Part 17 was located is a covered bridge over the river. Look around the shore below.

Part #18 – Tongva Valley

In the northern area of ​​the Tongva Valley there is a large waterfall. Dive into the shallow pool at the base of the waterfall. At the bottom you will find another spare part.

Part #19 – Tongva Hills

This part is located in Marlow Vineyards. Note the separate hill to the south. Go there, find the tenth row of the vineyard. The spare part will be waiting for you there.

Part #20 – Tongva Hills

Two rivers flow through the Tongva Hills. Send to the southernmost one. Turn west. About the first third of the way along the river you will see this cave (yes, it is very difficult to notice). Inside is a spare part from a spaceship.

Part #21 - Banham Canyon

This cabin is located on the east side of Benham Canyon. Head to the backyard. The spare part is located next to the pool.

Part #22 – Richman Valley

Here is a rehabilitation center in Richman Valley. Come inside and look a big tree Zen style poolside. The spare part lies at the base of the tree.

Part #23 – Vinewood Hills

This spare part is located on the roof of the Galileo Observatory in the Vinewood Hills area. Climb the stairs and claim your prize.

Part #24 – Vinewood Hills

This spare part lies on top of the observation tower on the east of the lake in the Vinewood Hills area. You will need a helicopter or a parachute.

Part #25 – Vinewood Hills

Notice this column, which is located south of part #26. Dive into the water to the left of the column and you will find another spare part.

Part #26 - Rockford Hills

This spare part is easy to find. It lies on an island on a golf course.

Part No. 27 – Burton

To pick up this part you will need a helicopter. Fly to the roof marked on the map. Find an empty pool. Although from a technical point of view it is not completely empty, because it contains a spare part from a spaceship.

Part No. 28 – Burton

This part is easy to find. There is a small green island on the upper level of the Rockford Plaza shopping center. The spare part is in the center.

Part No. 29 – Richards Majestic

You'll have to stop by the set. Go to the southernmost building (with the orange roof). The spare part is on the balcony.

Part No. 30 – Vespucci Channels

Head to the Vespucci Canals area. See that cute sign on top of the store? Climb the stairs behind the building and take another spare part from the spaceship.

Part No. 31 – City Center

To pick up this spare part, get into the helicopter. Fly to the top of the building with the Penrice logo in the center of town to claim your trophy.

Part No. 32 – City Center

To get this spare part, you will have to be patient a little. It is located on a subway system that can only be reached through flooded canals. The screenshot shows the channel closest to the location of spare part No. 33.

In the tunnels, take a left until you reach the large depot in the center. Climb up and jump over the low orange fence to find another spare part.

Part No. 33 – Textile City

Walk along Simmett Alley in Textile City. The spare part is located next to the coffee shop.

Part #34 – Strawberry

This part can be found under the Olympic Freeway in a homeless camp. Look for a sofa with a camouflage pattern.

Part #35 – Davis

This part is on the helicopter landing pad at Davis Hospital. Yes, you'll need a helicopter to pick her up.

Part #36 – Ranch

The Ranch is home to intricate manifestations contemporary art. The spare part is right at the gate.

Part #37 – Los Santos International Airport

This part is located behind the southernmost hangar at the airport. Be careful: the police won't like you walking around here.

Part #38 – Elysian Island

The Los Santos Gas Company is located on Elysian Island. Examine the huge buildings and find a long pipe connecting them. Gather your courage and walk through the pipe to find another spare part.

Part #39 – Elysian Island

This spare part is found deep underwater near the docks on Elysian Island. Take a deep breath and get ready to dive in to find your next trophy.

Part #40 – El Burro Heights

You will have to jump down to the beach below the highway. The spare part is in the storm drain.

Part No. 41 – Pacific Ocean

To the southeast of the location of part #40 there are several rocky islands. The spare part will be waiting for you at the top of the rocks.

Part #42 – El Burro Heights

Head to the oil change station in north El Burro Heights. Find the large blue container and go through the green door behind it. Inside you will see a spare part from a spaceship.

Part #43 – Murrieta Heights

You will find this part on the dam in the Murrieta Heights area. Turn towards the city and go down a few levels. Climb over the railing to get the spare part.

Part No. 44 – State Reservoir

Drive to the reservoir and find a small wooden pier to the west. Dive into the water and swim under the pier to find another spare part.

Part No. 45 – State Reservoir

Now head to the northern area of ​​the reservoir, to the giant sewer pipes. The spare part lies at their end.

Part No. 46 – Tataviam Mountains

To the west of the Tataviam Mountains is a beach with a large natural gate at the southern end. Next to them you will see a small sandbank, on which lies another spare part from the spaceship.

Part #47 – Grand Senora Desert

And again we return to the Grand Senora desert. This spare part lies at the turn of the winding road marked on the map.

Part #48 – Grand Senora Desert

This house stands alone on a winding road in the desert. Look under the flag in the yard.

Part #49 – Grand Senora Desert

Where the Grand Senora Desert meets Great Chapel is this abandoned house (on the edge of a winding road). The part is waiting for you on the back porch.

Part #50 – Ron Alternates Wind Power Plant

To get the last spare part, find this grotto east of the power plant. Go down into the cave and swim along the eastern wall until you find the spare part.

Completing the mission

After collecting all 50 spare parts, return to Omega. This time it will be at the Ron Alternates wind farm. Yes, yes, this is where we found the last spare part.

After a quick (and quite enjoyable) cutscene, you'll receive the From Beyond the Stars achievement/trophy. Plus, you'll get access to Omega's garage... and the Space Docker rocket car!

After completing the story mission, Franklin will meet an eccentric hippie with paranoid tendencies in the Grand Senora desert, who is looking for aliens here with the help of a strange device.

Omega, which is the name of our new acquaintance, claims that he was almost kidnapped by aliens who were going (well, who would doubt it?) to conduct experiments on him, but their spaceship crashed. Now he wants to restore the crashed extraterrestrial spaceship, for which he needs to collect the wreckage of a UFO. Only bad luck - as a result of the accident, parts of the crashed spaceship were scattered throughout the state of San Andreas, and in order to repair the flying saucer, you need to find them all.

In total, you need to find 50 wrecks, and collecting parts of a crashed starship is mandatory to achieve 100 percent in the game's completion statistics. And if someone thinks that finding them will be easy, you can only wish them good luck. However, the developers took care of the players, making the search a little easier - the UFO debris has a slight pulsating glow, making it clearly visible in the dark, and makes a quiet rhythmic buzzing sound when the character approaches.

You can also go looking for spaceship parts with Chop - this will make the task even easier. Franklin's dog can search for hidden objects, including UFO debris, at a short distance, notifying the owner of the discovery with a loud bark. To increase the distance at which Chop can smell these objects, the dog needs to be trained using the iFruit mobile application by installing it on your smartphone or tablet. However, it will take a very long time to search for the wreckage in an “honest” way - it is much easier to use our and the following tips by taking a helicopter and flying around the indicated places. In this case, the search will take one and a half, maximum two hours.

You can search for spaceship debris using any of the following.

Debris No. 1 - gas company

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Like earlier games in the series, GTA5 has many collecting quests, or collecting a wide variety of items. This time we wrote for you detailed guide about how to collect all the parts of the spaceship.

So, in order for your hunt for debris to begin, you need to choose Franklin and go to the Grand Senora Desert. If you have already completed the mission “Glory and Shame”, which is marked by the reunion of Michael and Trevor, then a mission from the series “Weirds and Strangers” called “Far Out” will appear on the map. To get it you will have to talk to a certain Omega - this guy is a complete freak who is obsessed with an alien cult.

Omega tells the harrowing story of how he almost became the victim of a kidnapping extraterrestrial civilization, in order to conduct various experiments. However, by chance, the flying saucer crashed, and Omega asks Franklin to find fragments of the ship that were scattered across the map. In response to the character's skeptical statement, the hippie provides a photograph of one of the debris - from this moment you can safely begin the search.

When you get close enough to the fragment, you will hear a very strange sound, unlike anything else in the game. This will help you quickly find your bearings and find part of the ship.

  1. The first fragment of the alien ship is located in the Grand Senora desert - southwest of the meeting place with the hippies there are many antennas for receiving a satellite signal. If you go to the antenna that is located in the west, then along the way you will certainly encounter a piece of debris.
  2. Without changing tradition, we move west from the antennas and eventually come across a small trailer park, on its territory there is a boat with another fragment.
  3. Returning to the place where you talked with the hippies, go north, namely to Trevor's alma mater - Sandy Shorrs. There you need to find a park located near the center of the desert. Part of the ship is located on a hill.
  4. In the southwest of the previous location there is a series of white rocks - our goal is the largest of them. At the foot is the fourth spare part.
  5. Next, we head north to the Alamo reservoir. Then we will have to dive under water, in addition to the map, the fragment itself, which makes a buzzing sound, will help us in our search.
  6. The next stop is a small harbor called CatFish View, which is located on the territory of the San Chianski mountain range. There is a small hut there, and the item of interest to us is in it.
  7. Next, we go to Grapeseed. A little south of the city center there is a colossal farm, on which we have to find a corral for cows - that’s where the fragment is located.
  8. Then we go onto a gravel road that leads to a dead end. east of the mountain Chiliad. A little short of reaching the dead end, you will come across a barn - we go into it and take part.
  9. Near Paleto Bay there is a farm called Dunkey Punch. Just like in the previous paragraph, our goal is the barn - that’s where the spare part is located.
  10. Now we are looking for a fire station in Paleto Bay, behind it there is a training area, which, no matter how ironic it may seem, burned down. We go up to the top floor and take the fragment.
  11. We set off for the Paleto forest – we are interested in the natural bridges east of the highway, which are formed by fallen trees. Under one of these, not far from the road, lies the object of interest to us.
  12. We head to the western shore of Paleto Bay. The goal is the coast of a small peninsula - there is a piece of debris under a tree.
  13. To pick up the next spare part you will need a helicopter, which you need to fly below the Great Ocean Highway Bridge, but above its support, because it is on the support that a fragment of the ship lies.
  14. Next, you should rush to the railway track, which is located above the Cassidy River. You will see rocks, on the shore of which the required part is located.
  15. Again, using a helicopter, we climb Mount Josiah and then on foot, we begin to explore the descent from the southwestern side; on one of the steps of the multi-level mountain you will see a piece of debris.
  16. Not far from the canvas railway, between Mount Josiah and the Grand Senora Desert flows the Gulf of Zancudo, on the shore of which there is part of a UFO.
  17. To the south of the location of the previous object there is a bridge across the bay, on the shore under which you need to look for a part.
  18. In the north of the Tongva Valley there is a waterfall, at the base of which there is a small reservoir. We dive there and pick up a fragment at the bottom.
  19. Now is the time to visit Marlow Vineyards. Our attention should be drawn to a hill that stands alone in the south. There, in the tenth row, is the thing we need.
  20. The Tongva Hills are crossed by two rivers; we are interested in the one whose basin is located to the south. We head west along the current, and as one third of the way is covered, you will be able to notice a cave, inside of which there is a fragment.
  21. In the backyard of the cabin, located in the eastern part of Banham Canyon, there is a pool, which has what we need.
  22. There is a rehabilitation center in the Richman Valley, on the territory of which there is a lonely tree located near the pool, a fragment is located at its base.
  23. In Vinewood Hills there is a Galileo Observatory, the roof of which can be climbed using a ladder. This is where the next piece of the puzzle lies.
  24. Next, we go to a high-rise observation tower located on the eastern part of Vinewood Hills Lake. Up there lies our reward.
  25. To find the next spare part, head south from the previous location - as before, to Vinewood Hills. You need to find a column that comes out of the water. Under the water to the left of it is our trophy.
  26. We go to Rockford Hills, to the golf course - there, on an island, our part is located.
  27. Between Rockford Hills and Vinewood there is a building with an empty swimming pool on its roof - at the bottom of it lies a lost wreck. An important point is that you will have to use a helicopter to pick up the trophy.
  28. On mall with the name Rockford Plaza you can find an area where grass and plants grow, right here in the center lies what we need.
  29. It's time to visit the filming site, namely the balcony of the building, which is located in the south (the roof painted orange can serve as a reference point). Our trophy lies on this very balcony.
  30. In the Vespucci area there are canals, and it is there that you can find a building with a “Liquor Hole” sign on the roof. You will have to go around this building and climb the stairs; as one would expect, there is another fragment of the ship on the roof.
  31. We mount the helicopter again and go this time to the city center - we find a building with a sign on which says “Peneris”. Here you can get what you came for.
  32. To get this spare part you will have to work hard - first we head into the flooded canals, as you go through the tunnel, go left all the time until you come out to the depot. Next, it’s time to go upstairs and jump over the low fence orange color. Now you can pick up the scrap.
  33. Head to the Textile City, namely to Simmet Street. The spare part is located near the store that sells coffee.
  34. The next must-see spot is the foot of the Olympic Speedway in Strawberry, where there is a homeless camp where we are interested in a sofa with camouflage upholstery.
  35. The helipad, located on the roof of the hospital in Davis, will be glad to receive you, along with your helicopter, because there are no other ways to get there.
  36. Next, we go to the Ranch, a place where simple metal structures that embody art are exhibited. There is a piece of debris at the gate.
  37. Now it's time to visit Los Santos International Airport, namely, you need to pay a visit to the backyard of the southernmost hangar. Be on the lookout - the Los Santos Police Department really doesn't like guests walking around this area.
  38. On Elysian Island there is a small analogue of Gazprom - the Los Santos gas company, which, of course, does not fulfill the dream, however, if you find two buildings connected to each other by a pipe, which we need to climb, then you can become the lucky owner of fragment number 38.
  39. The docks located on Ellisian Island have a deep pond, at the bottom of which our trophy is located. As in the previous spearfishing, the debris makes sounds that will help you find it.
  40. El Burro Heights has a beach that is located under the highway. There, in the storm water drain, the spare part is located.
  41. Southeast of the above-mentioned highway there are islands of rocky rocks, on one of them you can get a trophy.
  42. North of El Burro Heights is an oil change place. In our area of ​​interest, there is a green door located behind the large blue container; if you go there, everything will become clear.
  43. The dam located in Murieta Heights is exactly what we need. Turn towards the city and go down a few levels, then jump over the railing and pick up the trophy.
  44. At the bottom, under a primitively put together wooden pier, which is located near the state reservoir, there is another part.
  45. In the northern part of the reservoir there are colossal sewer pipes, at the end of which you can stumble upon a spare part.
  46. To the west of the Tataviam mountain range there is a beach, in the south of which you can come across a rock arch, not far from it you can see a sandbank - here lies another fragment.
  47. The supply of spare parts is coming to an end, and we return to where we started, namely in the Grand Senora Desert - a fragment of debris is located on the road marked on the map.
  48. Continuing along the above-mentioned road, you will come across a house that, like a hermit's hut, stands all alone. Under the American flag flapping in the wind, debris can be found.
  49. On the border of the Grand Senora desert and Great Chapel you can find an abandoned house, on the porch of which, from the backyard, the penultimate part of the ship will lie.
  50. The final fragment is located east of the Ron Alternates wind farm and there is a small grotto. The goal is a cave in which you need to swim along the right wall.

    Finally, after several hours of rushing from one end of the game world to the other, and having collected fifty parts, the Omega mission becomes available to us, which is now located in the trailer parking lot at the Ron Alternates wind turbines.

    The hippie can't wait for the package that we will deliver to him, and as soon as Franklin approaches the mission start icon, he opens the barn gate and a small flying saucer opens before our eyes. As soon as she breaks away from the surface of the table on which she was lying, like a freak, maddened by such happiness, she takes off running without uttering a word.

    We, in complete bewilderment, can only get the achievement “From Beyond the Stars” and pick up the car, which is located in the same barn and, as if inviting us to try out its power.

    What’s remarkable is that the Space Docker is a unique car that we will get; most likely, it was customized by Omega for personal use by alteration.