Astronomical phenomena in January of this year are striking in their unusualness and importance. In addition to ordinary meteor showers and a unique parade of planets, we will also have an unusual guest - comet Catalina. On this matter, astrologers have their own forecast and their own individual opinion.

What is a comet

Comets are small nuclei, not exceeding several tens of kilometers in diameter. Roughly speaking, these are huge lumps of dust and ice. According to reputable cosmologists, all known comets come to us from a special Oort cloud, located 270 billion kilometers from the Sun. There are comets that a person can see only once in a lifetime, and there are those that arrive every few years.

What is most interesting about these space objects is their tail, which stretches up to 100 thousand kilometers. These are very beautiful celestial bodies, and they are extremely interesting to observe in the night sky, and this can often be done even with the naked eye.

Symbolology of comets: the opinion of astrologers

The opinion of astrologers about comets and about Catalina, which will be visible through telescopes starting around December 7, is quite ambiguous. Comet astrology largely dates back to the ancient Mayans, who paid special attention to these wandering stars. They believed that comets bring trouble and natural disasters, that is, behind the mask of charm and beauty hides the terrible face of trouble.

Modern look scientists is somewhat similar to the Mayan opinion, but it is more positive and positive. In accordance with the teachings of modern astrologers and their predecessors, comets carry a spark of the new and unknown, but not necessarily negative. This applies primarily to those comets that are clearly visible in the night sky.

Astrologers say that comet Catalina conflicts with the Fire Monkey, and therefore neutralizes its effect in some way. This means that the new year 2016 will start a little calmer. In general, the Stars are in such a position that the comet should not bring trouble this year. The combination of Capricorn and Aquarius shifts energy fluctuations in a positive direction.

We remind you that Catalina will be best visible in the night sky on January 17, so it can be observed with the naked eye in the area of ​​​​the constellation Ursa Major. We hope that the comet brings you good luck, we wish you a happy January and only positive news. May the comet bring you good luck - be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.01.2016 00:30

The entire Internet is replete with articles about the thirteenth Sign of the Zodiac, called Ophiuchus, but Vasilisa Volodina dispelled everything...

Every day of the week affects people differently. The energy of the stars and planets allows you to perform everyday duties...

NASA experts published a video of a comet flying past the Earth in March 2016. This video was compiled from radar images from the Goldstone Observatory, which were obtained from space equipment that observed the approach of comet P/2016 BA14 to our planet between March 21 and 23. Astronomers found that this celestial body approached the Earth at a distance of 3.6 to 4.1 million kilometers and rotated around its axis with a period of about 40 hours, writes Informing.

The video of a comet flying past Earth in March 2016 clearly shows that comet P/2016 BA14 has a very unusual shape, resembling a pear. The researchers were able to examine its features with an accuracy of up to 8 meters per pixel, which will allow them to make detailed analysis this celestial body, which could lead to tragedy on the “blue planet”.

Scientists, in the comments to the video of a comet flying past the Earth in March 2016, also said that the diameter of the celestial body was at least one kilometer. At the same time, this “space wanderer” was approaching our planet in company with comet 252P/LINEAR, which flew near the Earth at a distance of 5.2 million kilometers. Experts believe that 252P/LINEAR is a large fragment of comet P/2016 BA14 itself, which appeared in the near-Earth outer space excited the entire scientific world.

Comet P/2016 BA14, which flew past the Earth, was not the last cosmic threat to our planet this year. Experts announced that in April 2016 an asteroid the size of main building Moscow State University. Scientists believe that this huge cosmic body will fly from Earth at a distance of at least 10 million kilometers, which will minimize the threat to earthlings.

Comet P/2016 BA14 flying past Earth (video):

If you look at the sky, you can see stars, the light of which reaches the Earth for many years, moving planets - some of them brighter than the stars, such as Jupiter, meteors and fireballs. And if you arm yourself with optics, you can see asteroids and artificial satellites.

Eat space objects, which in due time cannot be ignored. These space wanderers are awarded with all sorts of epithets: tailed stars, flying nothing, scourge of God... We are talking about comets.

From a physical and astronomical point of view, comets are bodies with low mass but high speed. They come from deep space, have different trajectories and different orbital periods, sometimes up to two to three thousand years. Some comets are non-periodic, while others, passing near the Sun, burn up in its rays and terminate their mission.

For the Earth and its ordinary inhabitants, comets have always brought changes that a person may not immediately feel. Some comets are distinguished: they (people) are the labeled atoms of these comets - conductors. On the one hand, comets are a kind of correctors of the systems in which the virus has settled, and on the other hand, they appear as controllers: “Hello, earthlings! You are undergoing a check!”

© Sputnik / Vladimir Rodionov

An image of Halley's Comet transmitted by the Soviet space station Vega II to Earth on March 9, 1986

In the spring of 1986, Halley's periodic Comet passed closest to Earth in the constellations of Chalice and Hydra. At the moment of the lunar eclipse in Scorpio, the “hydra” broke out of the “bowl” and occurred Chernobyl accident. Some might say coincidence... Perhaps.

The technology improved, astronomers began to register a lot of low-brightness comets. In 1994, an extraordinary event occurred - open year Earlier, by the Shoemaker spouses and astronomer Levy, the comet broke up into 22 fragments and crashed into Jupiter in July from the 16th to the 23rd. So what, the skeptic will say. For ordinary earthly life - nothing, but for some people and countries significant events occurred. The projection point of Jupiter onto the ecliptic points to the year 2016. Symbolically, 22 fragments also accentuate it: 1994+22=2016.

After Comet Shoemaker-Levy, “checks” on Earth became more frequent—comet time had arrived. In 1996, we saw the amazing comet Hale Bopp, then we were visited by Hiya-Kutaki in the form of a crown, then there was Comet McNaught, then Comet Holmes unexpectedly flared up, then we were visited by comets Love Joy, Nevsky Novichenok and many others. Each comet had its own mystery, which was determined by its path across the sky and many other factors.

© AP/Alastair Grant

2016 is the final year not only of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy cycle, but also of the Deccanic 36-year cycle. The beginning of the year was marked by the conjunction of the small comet Catalina with the bright star Arcturus. Alpha Bootes is directly connected with the Slavic peoples, because one of the translations of its name is “Bear Driver”. IN New Year's Eve certain events in Europe have revealed ulcers that need to be treated.

In mid-January, a comet is discovered that will fly past no more than nine distances from the Moon, this will be a few days after the spring equinox.

Summarizing the above, we can say that 2016 will be a milestone year: all the flaws of the past will appear, the sky will correct human mistakes. It is important to understand the signs of the cosmos!

Astronomy lovers will be able to witness several interesting phenomena, which take place every year, for example, such as eclipses of the Sun and Moon, as well as quite rare ones, for example, the passage Mercury across the disk of the Sun.

Several years ago we witnessed transit of Venus across the disk of the Sun, and now it's time to observe Mercury, which will also move across the disk of the Sun from the point of view of an earthly observer. This event will take place May 9, 2016.

Expected in 2016 4 eclipses: two solar and two lunar.March 9will be observed complete, ASeptember 1 - circular solar eclipse . Observers in Russia will not see any of them in full, unlike penumbral lunar eclipses -March 23 and September 16.

One of important events in space exploration is the achievement of Jupiter by the American spacecraft "Juno", which is expected in July 2016. The device was started August 5, 2011 and to July 2016 will have to cover the distance 2.8 billion kilometers.

This calendar indicates Moscow time(GMT+3).

Astronomical calendar 2016


January 2 – Earth at perihelion (The planet is at its closest distance from the Sun)

January 3, 4 – Star Rain Peak Quadrantids. The maximum number of meteors per hour is 40. Remains of the disappeared comet 2003 EH1, which was opened in 2003.

January 10 – New moon at 04:30. Days near the new moon are most suitable for observing starry sky thanks to the fact that the Moon will not be visible, which means there will be no heavy light pollution.


February 11 364358 km from Earth


March 8 – Jupiter in opposition to the Sun. The best day for observing Jupiter and its satellites, since the giant Jupiter will be well illuminated by the Sun and at the same time will be at the closest distance from the Earth.

March 9 – New Moon at 04:54. Total solar eclipse 130 Saros 52nd in a row. It can be observed in the north and center Pacific Ocean, in the eastern Indian Ocean. In Asia, including Japan and Kamchatka, and in Australia it will be partially visible. The full eclipse can be seen from Caroline Islands. The total phase of the eclipse will last only 4 minutes and 9 seconds.

March 20 – Spring equinox at 07:30. Day is equal to night. The first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.

March 23 – Full moon at 15:01. Penumbra lunar eclipse at 14:48. Eclipse 142 Saros, number 18 of 74 eclipses in the series. Residents and guests of Eastern Asia, Australia, Oceania, Eastern Russia, and Alaska will be able to watch it. Duration of the penumbral phase – 4 hours 13 minutes. During an eclipse of this type full moon will be only partially in the earth's shadow.

Astronomical observations 2016


April 22-23 - Star Rain Lyrids. constellation Lyra. Comet remnants Thatcher C/1861 G1, which was opened in 1861. Due to the timing of this star shower coinciding with the full moon this year, it will be quite difficult to observe.

May 6-7 - Star Rain Eta-Aquarids. constellation Aquarius. Is particles Comet Halley, discovered in ancient times. Due to the fact that this star shower coincides with the new moon, all meteors will be clearly visible. The best time to watch for rain is just after midnight.

May 9 – Walkthrough Mercury across the disk of the Sun– a rare transit that can be called a “mini-eclipse” of the Sun by Mercury. This event occurs on average once every 7 years(13-14 times per century) and can be observed either in May or November. Mercury, the Sun and the Earth will be on the same straight line, so the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to see how Mercury passes against the background of the Sun's disk.

Previous time Mercury passed across the disk of the Sun November 8, 2006. Next time this phenomenon will occur November 11, 2019, and then only after 20 years - in 2039.

Mercury's transit across the solar disk will be clearly visible to observers in North Central and South America, parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. The full transit can be observed in eastern US and South America.

May 22 – Mars in opposition to the Sun. Mars will be well illuminated by the Sun and will be at its closest distance to Earth, so this best time for observing the Red Planet. With a medium-sized telescope, dark details on the planet's reddish surface will be visible.

Astronomical phenomena 2016


June 3 – Saturn in opposition to the Sun. The distant planet Saturn will be best visible this day due to the fact that it will be at its closest distance from the Earth.

June 3 – Moon at perigee: distance -361142 km from Earth

June 21 - Summer solstice at 01:45. The longest day of the year. The first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and also the first day of winter in the Southern Hemisphere.


July 4th – The Earth is at aphelion from the Sun (The planet is at its farthest distance from the Sun)

July 4th – Spaceship "Juno" will reach Jupiter.

This automatic interplanetary station must reach its goal - the planet Jupiter, covering the distance in 5 years 2.8 billion kilometers. It should enter the orbit of the giant planet and, in about 1 Earth year, complete 33 full turns around the planet. The mission of the station is to study the atmosphere and magnetic field Jupiter. It is planned that Juno will remain in orbit of the giant until October 2017, and then burn up in the planet's atmosphere.

June 13 – Moon at apogee: distance -404272 km from Earth

July 28-29 – Star Rain Southern Delta Aquarids. The maximum number of meteors per hour is 20. Radiant - area constellation Aquarius. Is wreckage comets Marsten and Kracht.


August 12-13 - Star Rain Perseids. Maximum number of meteors per hour – 60. Radiant – area constellation Perseus. Is wreckage comet Swift-Tuttle.

August 27 – Connection Venus and Jupiter. It's a spectacular sight - the two brightest planets in the night sky will be very close to each other (0.06 degrees) and will be easily visible to the naked eye in the evening sky just after sunset.

Astronomical objects 2016


September 1 – New moon at 12:03. Ring-shaped solar eclipse at 12:07 – 39th eclipse of 135 Saros. This eclipse will be visible in Africa, Madagascar and other parts of the equatorial and tropical latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. The eclipse will only last 3 minutes and 6 seconds.

September 3 – Neptune in opposition to the Sun. On this day blue planet will approach the closest distance to the Earth, therefore, armed with a telescope, it can be observed best. However, only the most powerful telescope can show any details. The planet Neptune is not visible to the naked eye.

September 16 – Full moon at 22:05. Penumbra lunar eclipse at 21:55. Refers to 147 Saros at number 9 of 71 eclipses in the series. This eclipse will be best observed in Europe, Russia, Africa, Asia, and Australia. In total, the eclipse will last 3 hours 59 minutes.

September 22 - Autumn equinox at 17:21. Day is equal to night. This is the first day of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of spring in the Southern Hemisphere.