“Belkin's Tales,” written by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, amazes the reader with its depth and relevance to this day. The destinies of poor peasants and provincial nobles, described by the author in this cycle of stories, touch the soul of every reader and leave no one indifferent. Such is the hero of the story “ Stationmaster» Samson Vyrin. The characteristics of this character require more detailed study.

Ivan Petrovich Belkin, the main narrator of all the stories in the cycle, witnessed this ordinary, unknown to anyone known history. Samson Vyrin is a poor college official of the fourteenth, the lowest class. His duties included looking after the roadside station, where he registered all travelers and changed their horses. Pushkin has great respect for the hard work of these people.

Samson Vyrin, whose characteristics and life were no different from other people, suddenly changed dramatically. His beloved daughter, Dunya, who always helped him in everyday life and was the source of his father’s pride, leaves for the city with a visiting officer.

At the first meeting of the minor official Belkin and the caretaker, we observe a rather positive atmosphere at the station. Vyrin’s house is very well maintained, flowers grow, and the atmosphere is cozy. He himself looks cheerful. All this thanks to Duna, Samson's daughter. She helps her father with everything and keeps the house clean.

The next meeting of the heroes turns out to be completely different: Samson Vyrin has changed a lot. The characteristics of the house are very different from what it was before. The caretaker is sleeping under his overcoat, now he is unshaven, there are no more flowers in the room. What happened to this good-natured man and his house?

Betrayal or?..

The characterization of Samson Vyrin from the story “The Station Agent” should be supplemented by the fact of his daughter’s departure. After another drink, he tells Belkin about the changes that have occurred in his life. It turns out that Dunya ran away from her father with officer Minsky, who lived at the station for several days by deception. Samson Vyrin treated the hussar with all the warmth and care. The characterization of Minsky as a vile person is perfectly confirmed in the scenes of the caretaker’s arrival to his daughter.

Both times the hussar drives the old man away, humiliating him with crumpled banknotes, shouting at him and calling him names.

What about Dunya? She never became Minsky's wife. Lives in a luxurious apartment, has servants, jewelry, and luxurious clothes. But nevertheless, she has the rights of a mistress, not a wife. It probably wasn’t appropriate for a hussar to have a dowry-free wife. Seeing her father, who came to visit her and find out why she left so silently, leaving him alone, Dunya faints. Ask if she was ashamed? Maybe. Apparently, she understands that one way or another she betrayed her father by exchanging poor life to a chic metropolitan atmosphere. But still he does nothing...

Little man

Belkin comes to this station for the third time and learns that our caretaker died alone, having become an alcoholic and suffering for his only child. Repentant, the daughter nevertheless comes to her father, but does not find him alive. Afterwards she will cry for a long time at his grave, but nothing can be returned...

Her children will be next to her. Now she herself has become a mother and has probably felt for herself how strong the love for her own child is.

The characterization of Samson Vyrin, in short, is positive. He is very kind person, always happy to help. For the sake of his daughter’s happiness, he was ready to endure humiliation from Minsky and did not interfere with her happiness and well-being. Such people are called “little” in literature. He lived quietly and peacefully, not asking for anything for himself and not hoping for the best. That's how he died. Almost no one knows that such an unfortunate stationmaster Samson Vyrin lived.

Image little man in the story by A. S. Pushkin “The Station Warden”

“The Station Agent” by A. S. Pushkin is one of the works included in the cycle “Belkin’s Tale”, varied in mood, composition, and theme.

The reader unfolds a story from the life of a simple man, Samson Vyrin. He is one of many minor officials, the most ordinary, unremarkable. There are many like him in Russian Empire, but Pushkin is interested in the fate of this “little” man, and not some outstanding figure, hero, bright personality. A simple person turns out to be closer and more understandable to the reader; his story cannot leave anyone indifferent.

From the very first lines, the author sets us on a dramatic note. Samson Vyrin's lifestyle and occupation evoke pity among passing travelers. After all, a stationmaster is an official of the lowest rank, forced to obey all his superiors. He receives insults from everyone and, from the point of view of others, does not deserve respect.

However, at the beginning of the story, Samson Vyrin makes an impression happy person. He is strong and healthy. The caretaker is happy with his life: after all, he has a beautiful daughter, whom he is proud of and in whom he dotes.

A few years later, everything changed. Samson Vyrin turned into a frail old man, no one needed and despised by everyone. Dunya's disappearance ruined his life. He became pathetic and unhappy. It turned out that a person like Captain Minsky could cause pain to the common man, kidnapping his daughter, and not being punished. The “little” person becomes defenseless not only from a social point of view. He is insulted, his human dignity is violated. Liter empathizes with his hero, calling him poor, poor. The caretaker becomes an alcoholic and dies.

Belkin sympathizes with the misfortune of the unfortunate caretaker.

The storyteller's heart was touched by the tragedy of Samson Vyrin. For a long time he could not forget his story. The caretaker's grief is heightened by the contrast with his daughter's happiness. She became a rich lady, she has three children. But Dunya is also unhappy: she is tormented by remorse because she did not receive her father’s forgiveness.

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  • the image of a little man in the story The Station Warden
  • essay on the topic of the little man in the story the stationmaster
  • stationmaster little man

Samson Vyrin is a little man who has been subjected to life's injustice. The events of his fate, associated with his abandonment by his daughter, who left with the officer, lead the hero to death.

Literary image

In Russian literature, quite often they turned to the image of a small man, who has a number of certain characteristics. These are insignificant people of the lower classes who are attacked by others or by fate itself. Despite all this, the image of a little man is distinguished by love for his neighbors, kindness and sincerity. The depiction of the difficult and contradictory destinies of these heroes is always tragic. In works where the image of a little man is found, there are other features: the author expresses sympathy for such a person, but also shows his limited thinking.

Vyrin as a type of little person

In “The Station Agent” the little man is Samson Vyrin. This is a grade 14 official, which is the lowest grade. The author shows the difficulty of the situation of the main character of the story. Samson has to hard work earn a living - yours and your daughter's. Passers-by “curse” Vyrin and do not value him as a person. Samson Vyrin lives in his own world, which he built for himself. His only joy in life was his daughter, an image that will become both happiness and disappointment in life for the hero.

The beginning of the work suggests that there were many people like Vyrin. This is a collective image that bears the tragic features of the time.


The most important test that Samson Vyrin must go through is the escape of his daughter with a visiting officer. This event becomes a tragedy for the hero. He tries to find his daughter, but when he sees her with the officer, he realizes that everything is lost for him. The officer tries to pay off Vyrin with money, and all attempts to meet with his daughter alone are unsuccessful. After this, the hero of the work returns home and gradually fades away, and then dies altogether.

The writer shows that life’s injustice led the main character of “The Station Agent” to death. Samson Vyrin could not understand his daughter, so he could not bear her betrayal and died.

In the story “The Station Warden” we are shown the image of one little man. We see how much the honest man was humiliated, how cruelly he was humiliated and trampled into the ground, considered low and poor in material wealth.

The poor caretaker of the postal service, Samson Vyrin, was portrayed as such a person. This man received visiting guests from other countries at his home, provided them with food, drink and warm comfort, and in the morning harnessed the horses for a long journey. This man did his work with a clear conscience and soul, he never wished harm to anyone. He received low humiliations in his address for his poor quality work. Despite everything, he did not give in to insults and was not disappointed in his work. After all, he had a meaning to life, there was something to live for. This is his own fourteen-year-old daughter Dunyasha. She reciprocated her father's feelings and did all the housework: cooking and cleaning. Samson raised her alone after the death of his wife. Duna received all the love and care of her father, Samson gives himself completely and takes care of his daughter with all his might.

On the narrator’s first visit, Samson Vyrin was full of strength, fresh and cheerful, despite his hard work. For the second time after the narrator's arrival, the mountain has changed a lot. He seemed to have lost the meaning of life, stopped taking care of himself and began to drink heavily. His only daughter Dunyasha went to live with a rich chosen one. My father was hurt by Dunya’s departure from his life; he considered it a treacherous act. After all, her father did not deprive her of anything, but she betrayed him, even old age and poverty did not break him as much as this action.

Samson understood that Dunya was in the insulting situation of being the lover of her chosen one, that other equally simple-minded ladies were seduced by wealth, and then they were thrown out into the street. But despite everything, her father was ready to forgive her everything, if only she would come to her senses and come back! But it would seem that Dunya no longer knew her father. Samson had already lost the meaning of life; he now had no one to work and live for. He began to drink and sink in his own eyes. Samson Vyrin is a man of honor and duty, for him a clear conscience and soul come first, so this knocked him off his feet.

This story ended tragically. Samson was unable to bring his daughter home and, due to grief, began to drink even more; he soon died.

Characteristics of Samson Vyrin

“The Station Agent” is one of the stories included in a series of works united by one common title “Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin.” This story talks about the plight of the most ordinary, ordinary people- station guards. The author emphasizes the point that, despite the apparent ease, the duties of these people are difficult and sometimes extremely thankless work. Often they are even accused of being on the street bad weather, or that the horses refuse to ride, etc. It's always the caretaker's fault. Many do not consider them to be people at all, but by their character and disposition they are peaceful, helpful, and modest people. And their fates are mostly difficult, filled with suffering, tears and regret.

Samson Vyrin's life was exactly the same as that of the other caretakers. Just like the others, he had to silently endure endless insults and complaints in his direction, so as not to lose the only opportunity to support his family. Samson Vyrin had a very small family: he and his beautiful daughter. At the age of 14, Dunya was very independent and was an irreplaceable assistant for her father in everything.

In the company of his daughter main character happy, and even the greatest difficulties have no power over him. He is cheerful, healthy, sociable. But a year later, after Dunya secretly left with the hussar, his whole life literally turned upside down.

Grief changed him beyond recognition. From now on, the reader is presented with the image of an aged, degraded person who is addicted to drunkenness. Being a man for whom honor and dignity are above all, he could not accept his daughter’s dishonorable act and come to terms with what happened. All this simply did not fit in his head. He could not even in his thoughts allow his own daughter, whom he loved and protected so much, to act with him, and most importantly, with herself - in this way, becoming not a wife, but a mistress. The author shares Samson Vyrin’s feelings and respects his honest, sincere position.

For Vyrin, there is nothing more important than honor, and no wealth can replace it. Having suffered the blows of fate many times, he was never broken by it. But this time something terrible and irreparable happened, something that made Vyrin stop loving life, sinking to the very bottom. The act of his beloved daughter turned out to be an unbearable blow for him. Even constant need and poverty were nothing for him in comparison with this. All this time, the caretaker was waiting for his daughter's return and was ready to forgive her. What frightened him most was how such stories usually ended: when young and stupid girls are left abandoned alone, beggars and useless to anyone. What if the same story happened to his beloved Dunya? Out of despair, the father could not find a place for himself. As a result, the unfortunate father began to drink inconsolable grief and soon died.

Samson Vyrin personifies the image of the joyless life of ordinary people, station guards, filled with grief and humiliation, whom every passer-by strives to offend. While it was precisely such people who exemplified honor, dignity and high moral qualities.

The image of the little man Samson Vyrin in the story Station Warden essay for 7th grade

Roads, crossings. Anyone who has had to travel and change horses at inns knows what it is. It’s such a shame that you can’t continue your journey because there are no horses at the station. Wow, the station guards got it for this. Especially if the traveler was in high ranks.

Out of duty, and not out of idle curiosity, I also had to travel a lot, and all sorts of things happened. At one of these transshipment points, fate brought me together with a stationmaster, Samson Vyrin. A man of low rank, responsible for his duties. His daughter Dunya helped him in his difficult task. Many knew the inn, and even came specially to look at Dunya. The caretaker understood this and, even in his heart, was proud of it.

But this couldn't go on forever. But no one imagined how life could change. Everything happened winter evening, of course, not without Dunya’s consent. The young man undoubtedly acted vilely, repaying the hospitality by kidnapping his daughter. No one began to consider the feelings of the old caretaker, not the doctor, not the officer himself, not even his beloved daughter.

Left alone, Samson Vyrin could not come to terms with loneliness and ignorance, so he took a vacation and went in search of Dunyasha. In St. Petersburg, where the traces of the fugitives led, he stayed with a friend. In an unfamiliar city, it is very difficult for one, and also without enough money and power, he had to humiliate himself in front of everyone he asked how to find Captain Minsky.

Whether Dunya was intimidated or did not want to communicate with her poor father, the caretaker was kicked out. After that, he returned to his place, terribly worried about his daughter. Does Dunya really not have a drop of love left for the man who raised her? Yes, he was not rich, but he gave all the warmth of his noble soul to his only girl. And she didn’t even want to give the news that everything was fine with her. He was advised to file a complaint against Minsky, but pride and pride did not allow him to humiliate himself in front of those who offended him. For the caretaker this was a great grief. But he was not so much worried about the insult inflicted on him as about the future of his daughter. If he knew that Dunya was doing well, he would have come to terms with his status as an outcast.

It turns out that if a person is poor and does not have a worthy rank, he is not considered anything. He is not welcome anywhere

Option 4

Samson Vyrin is the main character of Pushkin’s story “The Station Warden”. He is represented in the image of a “little man”. He lives at his station and has no wealth. He is greatly humbled by his life. He was constantly humiliated by people who came to the station. He was mistaken for a beggar. But he was honest, kind, and most importantly fair.

His work at the station was not difficult for him. He received travelers from long journeys and arranged for them to rest. Samson always let people into his house. Then he watered the horses and gave them rest. And the next day, he accompanied the travelers on their way to the next station. He will do all his work honestly and with a pure soul. He always wished those who left the station a safe journey. But no one reciprocated his feelings. After his kind words, he heard only insult and humiliation. To this Samson did not answer, but only quietly laughed in response. He did this in order not to lose his job, which he needed to raise his daughter Dunya. She helped her father, cooked and cleaned. She had to grow up without a mother. The father spent all his time on his only daughter and showered her with all his love.

The entire story is based on the story. The story is about a man who arrived at the station. Samson did good first impression of yourself. The narrator described him as a kind and cheerful person. When the narrator arrives at the station the following year, he finds Samson as a morally broken man. He stopped shaving and started drinking a lot of alcohol. The narrator also noticed that Samson had grown very old. When the narrator begins to ask Samson what happened in his life, he tells his life story. It turns out for last year Samson faced the betrayal of his own daughter. A rich landowner stopped by Samson at the station and invited Duna to go with him, and she agreed. This act turned Samson's life upside down. Even the poverty in which he lived before did not bother him more than this act.

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