On October 6, 1995 in Grozny, an attempt was made on Commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Anatoly Romanov.

The wife of the former Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Anatoly Romanov, Larisa Romanova. Photo: RIA Novosti / Oleg Lastochny

During his passage under the bridge near Minutka Square, a guided explosive device went off. Almost all the soldiers who accompanied the general in armored vehicles, and assistant Alexander Zaslavsky, died. Romanov was seriously injured - for 22 years he has been bedridden. And all this time next to him his devotee wife Larisa Vasilievna.

And here he is, so serious! So arrogant! ..

They met 47 years ago in Saratov. Larisa, after graduating from a book college, got a job at the House of Books. Anatoly Romanov, a cadet of the military command school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was on vacation.

- Friend Nina once admitted that she was meeting with two cadets, - Larisa Vasilievna recalled. - Tolya was already the sergeant major of the battalion, his friend from Ukraine Sasha Kolesnikov was a senior sergeant. And then they took turns, then together they went to her on leave. Both are good: they took her to the cinema, to museums, gave flowers and sweets. But nothing else. She says to me: help me, let me meet with Sasha, and you with Tolya.

On October 3, 1970, Nina introduced her friend to her future husband. 20-year-old Larisa had never seen either Tolya or Sasha before, and by and large she didn't care who to be friends with. Well, since a friend asked ...

- We met. And you know ... I liked Sasha more. Tolya already had a very beautiful, purely male figure of Apollo. He played volleyball, devoted a lot of time to gymnastics ... And now he is so serious! So over-me-ny! He casually smokes a cigarette ...

Sasha immediately perked up: “Oh, our regiment has arrived! Well, let's go for a walk. " And it was scary to approach Tolya. Kolesnikov is a carefree, joker, girls usually like these: you can giggle with him, play off jokes. Anatoly is the exact opposite: serious, reserved. Affected by the fact that he came to the school after serving - in his 22 many already had lieutenant shoulder straps. In addition, the eighth child in the family, the last, as the parents said, who pinned great hopes on him. His father, a disabled person of the first group, had a leg amputated - Tolya took care of him, helped. After school he worked at the Belebeyevsky (in Bashkiria) machine plant. Larisa Vasilievna still keeps a clipping from a local newspaper with a note about the young milling machine operator Romanov. Anatoly was very proud, he said: they noticed me already then ...

- We have a beautiful embankment in Saratov, and all young people usually flocked there. We walked and talked. We agreed to meet next weekend, but the guys were not released. Probably saw each other only a month later. But then preparations began for the military parade. We had to communicate in between rehearsals and snatches. Tolya, of course, became softer. And Nina's desire to establish a serious relationship with Sasha grew stronger. Although, most likely, neither one nor the other had any plans to marry at that time. Yes, and I did not think about marriage - I wanted to go to college.

However, six months later, on March 8, the "arrogant" Anatoly offered the girl his hand and heart. Gallant, he always came with flowers. He brought field workers from the camps. Or borrowed from someone in the country, making excuses: "they grow up ownerless."

- Tolya explained that being the wife of a military man is extremely responsible; he has a very secret part, almost at the level of the Kremlin: everything is controlled, questioned, you cannot make a wrong step. “This is not what you think,” he said. And I didn’t think anything. He just talked so romantically about Franz Josef Land, where only the barracks of soldiers and polar bears (what kind of girls are there?), About Svalbard that intrigued me.

Anatoly Romanov knew how to infect with his work, idea, lead. Later, many years later, Larisa Vasilievna will understand why, despite the difference in rank and age, the young guys loved him so much - he was a very good conversationalist. It will be fun, interesting, the future general promised the bride. But he did not promise mountains of gold ...

And before that, the guys declared their love to Larisa, but so seriously ?! She was moved.

Chechen mother appeals to the commander of the united group of federal forces, Lieutenant General Anatoly RomanovPhoto: RIA Novosti

- I am Gemini according to the horoscope: spontaneous, emotional. He is Libra, more balanced. I think the difference in characters brought us closer together and created that aura that allowed us to live happily ever after.

Larisa fell in love without memory. Secret troops, distant islands ... Romance! And the father reacted to the upcoming marriage of the third, youngest daughter differently. I didn't really like the military. And not because the student did not like it. Simply, having fought for ten years (he started with Finnish and ended up in the forests of Lithuania), he probably reasoned more sensibly.

Larisa and Anatoly got married only a year later.

- That study, then cholera in Saratov. Then he built a military camp and disappeared almost all summer. I would run on dates after work, in a tracksuit so that the patrol would not be spotted. We have such a Kumysnaya glade there: he had to go down 6 kilometers from the mountain and the same amount - to climb back ...

Methodically, like a cadet, he taught his wife to iron trousers

The Romanovs lived in Saratov for 12 years - as the best graduate, Tolya was left to pass on experience to the cadets. During this time he graduated from the Academy. Frunze, Larisa - an economic institute, they had a daughter, Vika. And in 1984 Anatoly Alexandrovich was transferred to the Urals.

- A completely different life began there. Much more difficult ... Of course, it was hard to get used to. You must understand: no one is waiting for the officer's wife anywhere. In addition, Tolya really had serious troops and an extremely responsible job. All the time - cadets: first a platoon, then a company, a battalion; all day on duty. And since he always treated his duties very scrupulously, everything affected us.

Larisa Vasilievna worked, and in the evenings she sat down with Vika to do her homework. She also cooked, washed, cleaned. The husband had no time for his daughter. If on a rare weekend a family managed to get out of the city, into the mountains, it was a great joy for everyone.

- The whole house was on me. But what about? Tolya is a pedant: every day there should be a fresh shirt, ironed trousers. God forbid, at the parade, one floor of the greatcoat will go one centimeter behind the other. And how it had to be steamed is a whole science! I remember the first time I stroked his trousers ... It was something! Methodically, as a cadet, he taught me to stroke so that there were no three arrows.

In what is interesting with Tolya, Larisa was convinced in the first years of their life together. As a trade union leader, she often arranged contests at work, competitions - her husband took part in them, helped with advice. And, despite all his seriousness, he turned out to be very sentimental in family life. He liked that the table was well set, that there were flowers and candles burning. For the music to play.

- Tolya spoiled us. Sometimes on Sunday we dined at the best Saratov restaurant "Volga" in those years - from an early age he taught his daughter to secular manners.

In all other respects, perhaps, the life of officer Romanov and his family was not even sentimental at all. Larisa worried about her husband, sometimes, like any woman, she was offended that he pays little attention to the family.

The Chechen mother appeals to the commander of the united group of federal forces, Lieutenant General Anatoly Romanov. Photo: RIA Novosti

- There was no particularly rich atmosphere in the house: it is unrealistic to carry headsets with you all the time. Of course, many lived better. And we have only a camp bed and the only property - a huge library, which, due to its weight, created a lot of inconvenience. The rest was constantly bought and sold. Such a life...

What was the most difficult thing about her, I asked Larisa Vasilievna, realizing that, probably, this is not moving and not even a constant feeling of temporary housing.

- The most difficult thing is to wait, said the officer's wife. First - when he comes on leave, he will return from the camp. Then - from the service, from business trips.

She is waiting now. Waiting for her husband's condition to improve ... Otherwise, how to live?

The wife took it upon herself ... She is waiting and waiting for her husband from service - he will come back tired ... She begins to calm down, slowly disposes to a normal conversation.

- Then, of course, his homework distracted him. He did everything himself, he even repaired the TV. When? And what is the night for? We painted and glued wallpaper at night ...

After the first trip to Chechnya, he became tougher, more nervous

Moving to Moscow was Anatoly's dream. He immediately said to his wife: a soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad; I will. And she would try not to believe it.

Although Larisa herself did not like the capital. She loved to come here: to crawl around museums, theaters, wander around Zamoskvorechye, in the places of Pushkin, Chekhov ... But she considered it difficult to live here.

- Probably, in the Urals it is harder in the everyday sense, in the intellectual sense, but people there are more sincere and sincere. There are more places in Moscow where you can have fun and express yourself. And the city itself is tough: everyone is secretive, there is great disunity. Remember the phrase from the movie "The most charming and attractive": "Are you from the Urals?" This is how we looked at first: gullible, naive.

Larisa Vasilievna's experiences in the capital increased. Over the years, my husband's job has become more and more difficult. At the same time, the well-being of the family probably improved. However, even here Romanova immediately got a job. And for many years she worked as the commercial director of a large bookstore.

Since 1993, the Interior Ministry troops have been increasingly used in hot spots. Anatoly Aleksandrovich became deputy commander, and more than once traveled to the North Caucasus. But as soon as the armed conflict began in Chechnya, my wife had bad thoughts. Anatoly has said more than once that he is Kulikov's “deputy for combat and fighting,” that is, for combat training. And therefore Larisa understood well: it was her husband who would go to war. And latently all the time I was waiting for this moment.

- The troops were brought in at the end of October 1994, and on the 20th of December Tolya had already returned. This was the first business trip to Chechnya. Active hostilities began on New Year's Eve, and when, after a month or two, his children began to die, he was very worried. I went there several times and returned completely different. The psyche of a person who has been to a war changes. This is immediately noticeable. Tolya became tougher, more nervous ...

Larisa Vasilievna was in anxiety all the time. One thing was shown on TV - my husband was telling the truth. The tension increased, the body was malfunctioning, but the general could not afford to get sick. He strengthened himself, began to run more, and did exercises more actively. He knew: to fall down, to leave the troops is impossible.

I dreamed of leaving for a desert island, if only without "turntables"

- On September 27, we celebrated his 47th birthday, and a day later Tolya left. Of course, he could not write. Agreed, he will call. I tried every day: alive, well ... I don't need anything else ...

After October 10, the general promised his wife to come for a couple of weeks on vacation. Larisa Vasilievna was preparing, she wanted to finish repairing the apartment by his arrival. And Romanov dreamed of going somewhere to a desert island, so as not to see anyone, not to hear ... Even to a banal dacha with roosters. If only without the "turntables".

At noon on October 6, 1995, Anatoly Alexandrovich, as usual, dialed his home number. But Larisa Vasilievna had health problems, and she went to the hospital. The master who was doing the repairs told about the call. And an hour later, Vika's daughter came. After graduation, she began teaching at the school and arranged to meet with fellow students on the weekend.

“I didn’t let her go. It was necessary to wash everything, hang it up, put it on. What are you saying, dad is coming soon - no weekends. We had a bit of an argument.

Offended, Vika went into the kitchen. She turned on the TV and heard a snippet of the announcer's phrase: "... Zaslavsky died, Romanov was wounded." She ran to her mother - she brushed it off: Come on ... But in the next news release, the information was repeated.

Larisa Vasilievna sat in a daze. I didn't cry. Tears will come later. All the time ... Even when we talked to her in the hospital, she did not hide them, but only silently swallowed

I rushed to call the Ministry of Internal Affairs - everyone is silent. Nobody wanted to say anything to the wife of the seriously wounded general. As if the unknown would make her feel better.

- He is seriously wounded, but alive, said Tolin deputy, General Shkirko... And Kulikov advised me not to go to Chechnya: you will not help him, and you should not look at all this once again. A scalpel plane was sent for Tolya ... I did not personally know his assistant, Colonel Zaslavsky. I only knew that the family had two student daughters, and they lived in a hostel. Tolya asked Kulikov to give Sasha an apartment. On that day, the colonel called his wife: "The minister signed a report, in the near future we will be given an apartment." These were his last words ...

Commander of the united group of federal forces in Chechnya, Lieutenant-General Anatoly Romanov. Photo: RIA Novosti / Podlegaev

For a month they did not know whether he would live or not

And again, for the umpteenth time, the Romanovs began a different life. Only now she was not at all like the old one. There is nothing to even compare. As there are no analogues of the general's injury, he has a severe brain concussion. Doctors wrote to Larisa Vasilyevna a whole list of reasons why her husband should not have survived. In the best case, he could hold out for 5-7 days. And after the injury ... almost 22 years have passed.

- All this iron, so to speak, fell on him ... The state was deplorable. Several operations were performed at once. But they didn’t let me into intensive care for a long time. Tolya was lying on a huge bed - all in tubes, sensors, systems. And for a month the doctors could not say whether he would live or not. They said one thing: his injury is incompatible with life.

On November 5, 1995, Romanov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia, two days later he became Colonel General. After some time, the doctors were finally convinced that Anatoly Alexandrovich had conquered death.

- For a long time he was on artificial nutrition, lost a lot of weight. Probably the best way out of Buchenwald was. They began to fatten. At first he did not react to anything. He still cannot speak. Because there are holes in the throat. But the swallowing reflex is restored ...

General's day in the hospital is scheduled literally by the minute. Three times - massage, exercise therapy, walks. He already understands everything. And he answers questions with his eyes. He is taught to read again, to distinguish colors. Together with his wife and daughter, Romanov watches old family videos, follows the events ...

- The reaction is different. It happens that he demonstratively closes his eyes, and that's it ... But we try to instill in him the reflexes that he had. Before he was wounded, he drank only vodka or good brandy. When we celebrate something, we give a little cognac - he, as before, relishes for a long time, then swallows. At one time, Tolya read all Kuprin, Chekhov, Alexei Tolstoy - we are trying to re-lay this information. There is improvement from new drugs. But how much remains to be done, no one knows. After all, he always considered himself healthy, therefore, when they are filming now, he has a complex ...

Doctors call the general's condition stable, they say there are manifestations of active mental activity, but due to large brain lesions, communication is limited. And there are many fragments left.

- I would not work ... But I will not live on his pension. It is not elevated - like all the heroes of Russia. Unfortunately, the costs are high. I have to buy a lot: the same diapers, baby food. Tolya has a strong allergy - we get out with the help of baby creams and powders. Last year, distinguished guests arrived, felt how warm it is here - they immediately brought a split-system. There is no money for this in the hospital. Even the bed is ours. The hospital broke down, I was tormented, tormented, then I asked the guys who served with Tolya - they gave a new one.

Former commander of the united group of forces in Chechnya Anatoly Romanov at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where the Gifts of the Magi are presented. Photo: RIA Novosti / Valery Melnikov

- Tired of such a life? I asked, knowing the answer.

- Oh-oh, I'm used to it. And, probably, she adapted to it ... But what to do?

Get used to everything. Even to grief, suffering. But to see the torment of a loved one and understand that you are not able to help him is unbearable. Larisa Vasilievna also revives, remembering something pleasant, not related to her husband's illness. But where will you run away from her?

- Tolya always followed the fashion: so that everything was combined, it was discreet, but stylish. He loved French perfumery, changing shirts, ties. The first among the military began to wear a wedding ring. After all, it was impossible for them, it was considered bad form. And he was not ashamed. They recognized him by the ring - he was so wounded ...

Each has its own share. Of course, says Larisa Vasilievna, it would be better if all this had not happened, and she and her husband would have lived peacefully in the Urals. Lost your posts, titles, improved living conditions. She was never greedy for them. But nothing can be returned. You have to live in this reality.

- Unfortunately, I have not been given another.

P.S. We talked with Larisa Vasilievna in the ward of Anatoly Alexandrovich in the military hospital named after N.N. Burdenko. But for several years, the Colonel-General has been undergoing treatment at the Main Clinical Hospital of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Balashikha. Larisa Vasilievna does not work now. Their granddaughter Anastasia is 12 years old. And Anatoly Romanov himself turns 69 on September 27 ... Who knows how long he would have lived after the assassination attempt in Chechnya, if there were no loving, devoted wife nearby? What Larisa Vasilievna does is akin to a daily feat. And her dedication seems to be limitless. Definitely, the general was very lucky in love ...

Faith, hope, love and Larissa

Hero of Russia, Colonel-General Anatoly Romanov turns 70 on September 27. In 1995, as the commander of the United Group of Federal Forces in Chechnya, he began the negotiation process on the disarmament of illegal formations. Taking a serious risk, he, unarmed, came to mountain villages and, in a language understandable to the elders, the language of life itself, explained what needs to be done to end the fratricidal war in the republic. And was heard and supported. As many are sure, he would have brought what he had begun to success even then, which would have avoided many, many human tragedies. But for those who prepared Chechnya for a fate separate from Russia, the unarmed military disarming the republic step by step became like a bone in the throat ...

Today, the general, who miraculously survived the assassination attempt, continues to fight for his life.

Romanov while serving in the Chechen Republic.

- This is a highly gifted military intellectual with a special, convincing character, who knows how to clearly, thoughtfully and qualitatively assume, plan and defend his point of view, which is extremely rare in a pre-battle and combat situation, - says about the hero Roman Nasonov, a graduate of the Saratov Higher Military Command school, where during his studies Major Romanov was the battalion commander. - And Romanov did it. Hence - a great affection and respect for him, including all his subordinates.

Talking about the Chechen segment of the general's service, Nasonov recalls:

- In a situation where someone demanded more, let's say formally, effectiveness, even, perhaps, more aggressiveness, Romanov independently made the decision to act, as they say, with minimal blood. This decision was his personal risk as a person who is ready, without weapons, and even without any verbal rattling, to negotiate with enemies and thereby disarm them. He visited localities where he discussed the need for disarmament with the elders in a very respectful and benevolent manner. He did it competently - he offered to consider the situation in such a way that the weapon would start firing anyway, so it was necessary to get rid of it. He said: you yourself need to remove from the village those people who do not live here, they will not bring you anything good. And he began to succeed - step by step he brought everything to a certain order. And from April to August 1995, he, in fact, acting in front of the troops, reached the point that our group almost bloodlessly reached the foothills. But those people who were unhappy with such a turn began to fear its enormous influence ...

A powerful explosion sounded on October 6, 1995 on Minutka Square, when Romanov was on his way to a meeting with Khasbulatov, who offered himself as a mediator between the federals and separatists to resolve the conflict. A radio-controlled land mine was laid under the general's car, it was scattered into pieces. No one even believed that Romanov himself would survive after such a thing - he was identified only thanks to his unique sword belt. But military doctors have done and are still doing everything possible. Then - to save his life. Today - in order to maintain it in a consistently satisfactory condition.

Anatoly Alexandrovich never learned to speak again after a severe injury, but, in the opinion of his wife Larisa Vasilievna, who has always been with her husband all these years, a lot has been achieved. After the tragedy, Romanov was seemingly in a hopeless state - his eyes, hands, head did not move at all, emotions were zero. On the advice of doctors, his wife did everything to awaken his consciousness.

We experimented a lot, because it was not clear which organs - smell, sight or hearing - would come to life in the first place. Larisa Vasilievna prepared aromatic coffee in the ward, hung up family photographs and paintings depicting her husband's native places, included audiobooks of his favorite writers. Classical music managed to knock on the memory and soul of Anatoly Alexandrovich. She gave impetus to recovery. Today Romanov can move, one hand works well for him, he understands what is happening well and even “scandals” a little with his wife - he does not hesitate to show his mood.

“We usually walk with him every day,” says Larisa Vasilievna. - And then the weather turned bad, I came to him, and he sits, frowning, upset by the cold snap, does not want me to take him out into the street.

According to Romanova, her husband needs to continue working, this will give results. Only now medicine, apparently, in this case, so far, can do little to help. A very extraordinary case.

- He still has a lot of fragments inside. How many of them, where exactly they settled, we do not know, even a tomograph is contraindicated for him, - says the spouse.

But even if they did, it would be extremely risky to operate at that age. The attending physicians act according to the principle “do no harm” - they do not use any unverified methods with an incomprehensible prognosis. Anatoly Aleksandrovich is not an experimental one; you need one hundred percent confidence in the effectiveness of each step. And so far, unfortunately, effective methods cannot be found all over the world - Romanov belongs to a small category of patients who survived and continue to live with such a destructive effect of the blast wave. Apparently, abroad it is considered that it is inexpedient to deal with such patients, it is very expensive.

- Now, if he could tell what worries him most, - Larisa Vasilievna dreams. - Then it would be possible to understand where to move on, how to make him feel better.

At the same time, according to Romanova, relatives and doctors do not give up.

“We constantly monitor everything that appears in this area,” says the spouse. - And now there was hope. Young Russian scientists suggested making a high-tech device specially for us to communicate with my husband. They are proactive, talented, they just need support ...

Anatoly Romanov has been bedridden after the 23-year assassination attempt.

In a nutshell, this is a device with the help of which Anatoly Alexandrovich could send signals with his eyes to a special neurosensitive keyboard. The words would appear on the monitor, and thus the spouses could communicate.

- What would you like to hear from your husband first of all? - I ask.

- So far I can only dream about it, - replies Romanova, - but Tolik could say that, for example, his arm or head hurts ...

Larisa Vasilievna did not even think about words of gratitude, about her husband's recognition of her feat.

- What is so heroic here? What would you do if this happened to your loved one? Would you give up? We lived together for 47 years, he is my husband, and I am his wife, - cuts off such a direction of the conversation of Romanov.

Roman Nasonov, student of the general:

- On his birthday, the commander-in-chief of the Russian Guard will give him one of the most advanced wheelchairs - with all imaginable insurance options, with the ability to sit in it as comfortably as possible. The stroller will greatly facilitate his walks. This is a very important gift for Anatoly Alexandrovich; the general's wife herself chose it. Romanov already has a bed with a special design presented to him, which allows him to avoid bedsores. All that this person has, the needs of this person are provided, all the problems that arise in him are solved.

- It is completely unacceptable that heroes, like Romanov, be forgotten. What is being done in the National Guard to ensure that his example is always in sight?

- Much is being done. In particular, in violation of the existing rules, a sculptural composition dedicated to Anatoly Romanov was installed in Saratov last year. We can say that he was immortalized during his lifetime. The Rosgvardia command also made an extremely individual decision on the annual holding of the final battles of the Rosguard troops in sambo and combat sambo on the hero's birthday. This year, on the day of his 70th birthday, a professional skill competition will also be held. The prizes will be presented to the winners by Larisa Vasilievna on his behalf.

He survived the explosion of a powerful radio-controlled land mine and has been persistently fighting for his life for 23 years. He turns 70 on September 27

In Russian history, there have been a sufficient number of cases when servicemen survived not because of, but in spite of circumstances. Many of them managed to restore their health, return to service and even, how Alexey Maresyev, perform feats of arms.

Colonel General Anatoly Romanov this failed, but the Hero of Russia, who turns 70 today, does not give up. He is fighting for his own life as best he can, overcoming the consequences of the severe injuries received as a result of a terrorist attack organized by Chechen fighters.

Life after

For almost 23 years, Anatoly Romanov has been in a borderline state. Despite the fracture of the cranial vault and very severe brain damage, he does not give up, in his own way trying to return to normal life as soon as possible.

Over the years, he had to re-learn how to recognize old friends and acquaintances, as well as understand other people's words. Although for the love of your life - to your spouse Larissa- he began to react immediately after coming out of almost three weeks of coma.

He retains his physical shape, although he is chained to a wheelchair, and thanks to the care of his wife, he often turns the pedals of the bicycle slightly, which once became a great victory. Perhaps even more significant than his victory in Chechnya.

He loves string music, and reacts negatively to the sounds of war, trying to grab a non-existent weapon with his hands. After a few years of painstaking work, I learned to read again and perfectly understands what is happening around, trying to bring back the Anatoly Romanov that he was before.

He was not jolly and was not afraid to make decisions

The future commander of the united grouping of federal troops in Chechnya, like all Soviet boys, was brought up in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland. From the Bashkir village in which his family lived, he joined the army immediately after a ten-year school. He didn’t play around and didn’t pretend to be sick. Then there was the Saratov Military School with honors, service with it, the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze- a path that was approximately the same for dozens of his peers throughout Russia.

Then there was perestroika and the collapse of a large country, which Romanov met in the post of chief of staff of the legendary 95th division of the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Then a performance on the side Yeltsin in September 1993.

That moment turned out to be decisive in the life of the lieutenant general. The country's leadership appreciated his loyalty, sending in 1994 to Ichkeria as the head of a group of internal troops in the North Caucasus. At that difficult time, they had to fulfill an important mission: behind the simple wording of "putting things in order" in those years and in those places there were hundreds of lives and a daily threat.

Accident or betrayal?

Much has been written about what happened in Grozny on October 6, 1995, but there is practically no reliable information. It is only known that the negotiator who arrived from Moscow Ruslan Khasbulatov invited Anatoly Romanov to his place for a conversation.

While driving through the tunnel under the railway bridge in the area of ​​Minutka Square, a powerful explosive device set in by the terrorists went off. Right under the commander's car. All soldiers who were with Romanov died.

The general's life was saved by a bulletproof vest and a helmet. Doctors collected it literally in parts, and Anatoly Romanov himself came out of a coma only after 18 days. The last thing he remembered was the moment he got into the car.

On the eve of negotiations with militants.

For almost a third of his life, Colonel-General Anatoly Romanov has been confined to a hospital bed. During this time, a whole generation of people has grown up, many of whom are hardly aware of the tragic fate of this person - "so, you heard something." We will tell you about it.

In 1995, Anatoly Romanov was the commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and at the same time - the commander of the United Group of Federal Forces in Chechnya. At that time, our units were actively fighting the separatists. The senselessness of human sacrifice forced Moscow to look for ways of reconciliation in Chechnya. And General Romanov was inside this seething crater. Everything went to the fact that he would be able to agree with authoritative militants to end the war. But this strongly disliked those who wanted to continue it, dreaming of the Caucasian Jamaat. They decided to eliminate Romanov ...


On October 6, 1995, Romanov was supposed to meet with the ex-speaker of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, Chechen Ruslan Khasbulatov, who offered himself to be a mediator in the peace. The general wanted to discuss the tactics of negotiations with him.

But in Grozny, in a tunnel under a railway bridge on Minutka Square, a radio-controlled land mine exploded during the passage of the convoy. "UAZ" Romanov was in the center of the explosion. The car was scattered like a cardboard one. The general was seriously wounded and fell into a coma. He was saved only by the fact that he was in a bulletproof vest and a helmet.

One of the witnesses of the tragedy, Private Roman Popov from the Rus special forces unit, said:

The guards, who could move, rushed to the crumpled cars. They dragged out the victims, laid the disfigured bodies and shouted: "Where is the general ?!"

Already in Khankala, where the wounded were evacuated, someone noticed on one of the bodies a flashing buckle with a star and the overlaid coat of arms of the Soviet Union. Only Romanov had a belt with such a buckle ...


First, Romanov was transported to Vladikavkaz, and the next day - to Moscow, to the Burdenko Main Military Hospital. There he spent 18 days in a coma, and then, in the language of doctors, "began to react to external stimuli." In July 2009 (after 13 years of treatment) Romanov was transferred to the Main Military Hospital of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Today the general still cannot speak, but reacts to speech with facial expressions. He is not emaciated (his weight is about 70 kg), the muscles are weakened, but not atrophied.


On November 5, 1995, Lieutenant General Anatoly Romanov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia. His wife, Larisa Vasilievna, when asked to accept his Gold Star medal for safekeeping, answered: “I am not a widow. The hero is alive. Give it to him! "

All these 23 years, Larisa Vasilievna has been visiting him every day in the ward, taking him out for walks, doing massage. I spoke to her on the phone.

- Larisa Vasilievna, what is it for you - to be the wife of an officer in terrible trouble?

What does it mean to be a wife in general? This is work, this is care, like any other wife whose husband is not in trouble. These are constant experiences, a desire to help your husband.

- Do you often visit Anatoly Alexandrovich?

Every day, even twice a day. When the weather is good, we go for walks, often. You know, he, too, is tired of these walls ... well, we decorated them as best we could - there are paintings, portraits of him, our photos ...

23 years have already passed after the tragedy - here you, as a person closest to Anatoly Alexandrovich, have you noticed any advantages or changes in his behavior?

Certainly. What do you mean, these are huge changes. You understand, we then got motionless eyes, a clumsy head, unresponsive hands. And now he is reacting, he is responding! He can show his mood. At night, in general, in a dream, he himself looks for a more comfortable position of the body ...

- Larisa Vasilievna, where do you get your strength? Another would have already ... And you - are fighting.

Well, I'm Romanov. The surname obliges ...

Larisa Romanova hopes that her husband, the Hero of Russia, will return to a full life. Photo: National Guard Archive


"Basayev grabbed the knife every now and then"

Colonel Vasily Panchenkov (Romanov's press secretary in September 1995) recalls:

I happened to closely observe the meetings of Romanov and Maskhadov. In the course of these negotiations, some "bearded men" from Maskhadov's entourage jumped up, waving their arms, and switched to the upper registers of the Chechen language. Among such unbalanced was the youngest of the negotiators, the younger brother of the terrorist number 1 in Chechnya Basayev - Shirvani. Demonstrating his belligerence, he grabbed a wide curved knife hanging from his belt in a scabbard decorated with ornaments along a green field. These demarches clearly disrupted the flow of negotiations, but at such moments Romanov remained calm and tactful, patiently waiting for passions to subside and everyone regained consciousness.

Romanov was ready to travel to negotiations as long as required. And it was noticeable that such a trusting relationship began to develop between him and Maskhadov. For example, Romanov entered Chechen villages, leaving guards outside the outskirts, far from the place of his meetings with the leaders of gangs and gatherings of the population, relying entirely on Maskhadov and the younger Basayev, who ensured his safety in the territory controlled by the Dudayevites. But one day, at a certain moment of revelation, Romanov complained that negotiations with Maskhadov were proceeding very slowly and difficult, because he was apparently under pressure from Dudayev, who insisted on the unconditional sovereignty of Chechnya, who believed that his chief of staff, Maskhadov, was following the federals ...


The attending physician Tatiana KLOKOVA:

No predictions, unfortunately ...

- Tatyana Mitrofanovna, how do you assess the state of Anatoly Alexandrovich?

Well, how can I tell you, thank God, it is stable, condition.

No, there will be no forecasts, unfortunately. Why would I cheat or deceive myself? ..

It was Anatoly Romanov who, back in 1995, was one of the first to begin the negotiation process on the disarmament of illegal gangs in Chechnya. Then the general took a big risk. And this risk almost cost him his life. For 23 years after the assassination attempt, Romanov has been confined to a wheelchair. Congratulations from the President of Russia to the Colonel General were conveyed by the First Deputy Director of the Russian Guard.

A symbol of endless courage and fortitude. Hero of Russia, Colonel General Anatoly Romanov. Today his relatives, friends and comrades congratulate him. For 23 years after the tragedy, his wife Larisa Romanova has not left him for a minute. Dozens of operations, the most difficult course of rehabilitation - all the time close by. They learned to understand each other anew. Communicate with eyes. They say about them: one feat for two.

“When innocent people die before your eyes, you yourself sometimes do not know what qualities are hidden in you, in your character and in your behavior. What he saw hurt him, he worried for every soldier, for everyone, ”says Larisa Romanova.

In October 1995, General Romanov's car was blown up in Grozny on Minutka Square. Severe traumatic brain injury, spinal injury, contusion. There was almost no chance of survival.

“He knew that once having sworn allegiance to his Fatherland, he would be faithful to it to the end, he was heading for this; he immediately said that he would be a general while still a cadet. A loving husband, a wonderful father, well now my grandfather, my beloved, ”continues the Hero's wife.

Brilliant career. From platoon commander to commander of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The mountain stood for his soldiers, who called him a soldier's general. For humanity.

“He, being the commander, received one of the last samples of body armor. Determining the task of one of the special forces detachments for the implementation of a combat operation, when he saw a bulletproof vest on the commander of a special forces detachment that was less comfortable, less comfortable, less protective of him, he took off his bulletproof vest and gave it to the officer who was supposed to go to the front line, ”recalls Larisa Romanova.

Not indifferent to someone else's grief. Anatoly Romanov always found himself where his help was needed. During the Chechen campaign, he was away from home for months. All the special operations that were carried out under his command were planned with great care. It was in Chechnya that Romanov's diplomatic talent was revealed. He negotiated with the leaders of the gangs. They said about him: he could take cities without a fight.

Today Anatoly Romanov continues his rehabilitation course. Every year, a combat sambo tournament is held in his honor in the Russian Guard. A book is being prepared for release - the story of his life. On the eve of the anniversary in Saratov, in a military school, where Anatoly Aleksandrovich was at first one of the best cadets, and then officers, a monument was unveiled. The Hero of Russia is called the Invincible here.