I have always been incredibly happy about summer. And this year I graduated from school, and now I’m afraid of this very summer. So many thoughts. Appreciate the holidays =)

How do you spend your holidays? - SLEEP EAT SHIT! - variety :)

Well, the time has come when you sleep until lunch, and then hang around the house waiting for the evening)) long live the holidays!! :D

Hooray!!! Holidays!!! Exams passed and now 3 months of carefree fun!!!

Eh...Some people are lucky... The school year is over, and it's all holidays. And we, in grades 9 and 11, also have to take exams... ehhehe...

Here you go!!! Hooray!! Holidays! :) Now you don't have to rush to go to bed! You can sit at the computer half the night. Finally!!

All people!!! HOLIDAYS!!! HOORAY!!! We finally got over it!!! (well, of course, except for grades 9 and 11)

People...I just now realized that EVERYTHING!! HOLIDAYS!!

Well, the long-awaited vacation has arrived... Hurray:)

I'll be leaving soon.. and we won't see each other throughout the holidays, I hope I'll forget you..

I want a vacation((- But they don’t have you!!

I was in primary school and I thought... - yay May the holidays are coming soon... And now in middle school.. - damn May has come, fucking exams =(

The only thing more important than vacations is summer holidays)))

Eternal vacation is a good definition of hell.

I love school when it’s time for second period, and even more so if it’s the holidays:D

When you are sick or on holidays, you go to bed at 2 am, you get up at 9-10 am and are cheerful... on school week No matter what time you go to sleep, you still won’t get enough sleep...

Now, when you come to school, you can write an essay “How I got drunk all holidays”

love has arrived - brains are on vacation!)))

During the holidays we will have such bullshit: “WE are against drugs!” Well, they told me to come up with something original with music. Well, I sit and ask Dima: “Any suggestions?” Dima: “Only with music do you have ideas” Me: “What kind?” Dima: “I am your drug, your nicotine, your alcohol, I am your love”

It used to be that even if you tried during the holidays, you wouldn’t read the books assigned at school. Now, just try to get them to read it.

Only my classmates can ask for answers to tests at three o’clock in the morning during the holidays)

During the holidays, a very common question is asked: what day is it today?

The second most popular question during the holidays after “How are you?” is “How are the holidays?”

The best thing about the holidays is, of course, turning off the alarm clock.

For some reason, the bed is not as attractive on vacations and weekends as it is when you have to get ready for school)))

What is it? In September I drank all Pepsi. During the holidays I was craving chocolates, I bought them all. Now I'm getting into the seeds...o_0 What awaits me during the New Year holidays, I'm very afraid?!))))

On vacation, like on desert island: you don’t know what day of the week.

Mmmm... during the holidays I really wanted to go to school, a month passed and everything returned to its place, when are the holidays))

There are only a few days left and it’s back to school.. Summer has flown by very quickly.. And I want to live at least a little more of a carefree life during the holidays..

Studying...soon I'll start coming home earlier than I woke up during the holidays..=)

NO STATUS.............he is on vacation)))))))))

Status is temporarily on vacation... please do not disturb...

It would be possible to go to school during the holidays... but not to study, and just laugh and go crazy!

Today my classmates say: “Holidays, this is the time when you need to prepare for the Unified State Exam!” Well, well, I’ll see how you prepare for it during the holidays xD

Holidays!!! Brains on a well-deserved rest: D

Two more weeks... and holidays... hurry up... :-)

A classmate calls me... VACATION! Degradation! The first thing he asked me was: are you bearded now?)

I'm waiting for you and love you very much.......vacations))

I’m sitting now and thinking: “It’s the holidays now, maybe he can decide on something after all?! After all, we won’t see each other for quite a long time!”

Starting Tuesday, contacts will have the banal status Hurray! holidays! and I’m sad that they’re even going to start.

Hello holidays, hello sleepless nights)))))))))))

I want it to be so cold tomorrow that school will be canceled for a week. And then it’s still HOLIDAYS!

I don’t want to be alone during the New Year holidays, I want to be like before - he warms his hands, scolds me for going without a hat, congratulates me on New Year’s Eve and... I’m happy

A typical answer to the question: How was your holiday? - Fine! but not enough)

Vacations, you're finally here.

The neighbors are fed up! Every evening they scream like crazy! Well, beware... The holidays have begun and now there will be every party at my house))

Hooray! The holidays have come
Which means joy is ahead,
You've all been waiting for the holidays for a long time,
Hearts are agitated in the chest!

May the holidays be with you all
Will give the sea pleasure
And they will lead you to all your dreams,
So that the mood is bright!

Vacations, holidays,
All the parents sighed
Rest awaits, days await you,
Please accept my congratulations!

I want to sleep, eat,
And listen to music for you,
I wish I could walk for a long time,
And don't sleep until late!

Hooray, holidays! Congratulations on the start of your vacation and I wish you to have a wonderful time, not be bored for a minute, not sit still for a second. May something incredibly interesting happen to you, may every day of the holidays be fun, cool, educational, bright and happy.

The holidays are here,
Accept congratulations,
It's time to fully relax,
Forget about studying.

I wish you a great rest,
Gain strength and enthusiasm,
So that you are inspired to study
Throw yourself into a pool again.

Hurray, the holidays have arrived, I congratulate you!
Now I have extra time to read books.
And have fun joyfully, walking along the streets.
And do whatever you want and get a lot done!

Let this glorious time add positivity.
And the holidays will bring a supply of goodness and strength.
May the days come warm and you will live beautifully.
May every moment and every hour bring good luck!

Lessons may not be learned
It's time to kick the bucket,
This is impressive
Congratulations on that!

It's time not to think about anything
Let life fill you with a big spring,
Everyone should stop studying,
The holidays are here!

Hooray! The holidays have come
We congratulate you on this,
Forget your lessons for a while
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
Enjoy every minute
But make good use of your time
And an interesting activity
Find something you like!

Happy holidays to me
I hasten to congratulate you,
Joy, fun
The hour is coming.

Honestly deserve it
You are a long-awaited vacation,
You can do it all day
Lounge on the sofa.

Possible in the yard
To kick a ball with friends,
To swing on a swing,
Play Tanchiki.

Vivacity, energy
I want to stock up
So that with new strength
Granite of science to gnaw.

The hour of fun is coming -
Vacations are waiting for you!
There will be school worries
Tossed to the side.

Have fun and enjoy
Let rest bring joy.
Gain strength to study,
To conquer heights.

Fresh, bright impressions,
The most interesting acquaintances -
There's time for everything
Let it give delight!

We read, we wrote
Our fingers are tired
So let's shout together:
“We really need a rest!”

Let the holidays give us
Joy, a sea of ​​positivity,
We'll sleep early in the morning,
And get up slowly.

The holidays are here,
They've been waiting for them for so long!
There are already many bold plans -
It's time to rest!

There's a little time ahead -
Make good use of it.
For vivid impressions
They lifted your spirits.

Rest well,
This is a great time.
Don't forget about yourself
Gain strength and health!

Holidays are the happiest time for schoolchildren, students, teachers and parents. A time when you don’t need to cram anything and you can devote the whole day to your favorite things. A time when you don't have to get up early to make it to your first lesson. A time that adults remember with nostalgia and children look forward to. Best Quotes about holidays from will help you plunge into a carefree period of life!

Eternal vacation is a good definition of hell.
Bernard Show

For people who have not stopped being children at heart and have retained the amazing gift of believing in miracles, New Year- it's always something special. A time of joy, optimistic plans, hopes, long, fun holidays... and a little bit of the magic that they create for themselves and others, trying to make the holiday bright and memorable for all their loved ones!
Oleg Roy

There can be no good without bad: even schoolchildren are given assignments during the holidays.
Charles Lamb

What paradise and vacations have in common is that you have to pay for them and the coin is your old life.
Joseph Brodsky

Life is not divided into semesters. You won't have summer holidays and there will be few employers who are interested in you finding yourself. Search at your own expense!
Bill Gates

Vacations are when you have nothing to do and do it all day.
Robert Orben

Vacation statuses for social networks

We wanted to come up with a plan with a friend on how to spend the summer holidays, but we didn’t have time - they were over.

No matter how long the holidays last, it’s still not enough for me...

Well, the time has come when you sleep until lunch, and then hang around the house waiting for the evening. Long live the holidays!

I don’t know who Quarantine is, but thank him for the holidays.

Vacations are when you have breakfast at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Like friends, like holidays.

Law of nature: the more fun the holidays, the faster they end.

This is what vacation means - I only found out today that yesterday was Saturday.

The holidays have begun - a time when you don’t know what the date is or what day of the week!

The most popular question from students on the last day of the holidays is: “Did they ask us anything during the holidays?”

I just came to my senses, and then, bam, it’s the holidays.

School... There is something good about it. For example, holidays.

Vacations are when you go to bed and your parents' alarm clock rings in the next room.

Life phrases on the topic of taking a break from studying

Vacations are a cool time. If I want, I clean, if I want, I wash, if I want, I iron. If I want to, I’ll freak out and go to the dacha. I will water, weed, dig.

Vacations are when you wash the dishes just before your mother arrives, wash off your makeup so you can put on your makeup again in five minutes, and put on your pajamas when you get ready to go to the club.

Vacations are when you wake up, and 2 hours later it’s already dark.

New Year's holidays are sick leave given to the people in advance.

You have to torture children at school so much that they start writing in their diaries: “Thank God, it’s vacation!”

If in the morning at 6-30 there are no online friends in contact, then it’s vacation!

Hooray! Holidays! The exams have been passed and 3 months of carefree fun lie ahead!

The holidays are over. The harsh everyday life of Chelyabinsk has begun...

I’m so lazy that during the holidays I wake up early so that I can do nothing longer...

Vacations also affect teachers: the historian, instead of “Open your diaries,” said “Open the refrigerator.”

Vacations, like any other period of life, should be tried to be spent usefully. After posting one of these statuses on your page, you should do something useful! Live communication, reading books, and sports will become a much more enjoyable pastime than sitting at the computer. It is better for parents of students to come up with an entertainment program for their children during the holidays: cultural events, watching movies together and other common hobbies will not let anyone get bored! Even the summer holidays fly by at the speed of light, so you need to make the most of them!

Beautiful statuses about the New Year holidays

I love New Year's Eve, the last week of December... The city is elegant... the children's holidays have begun... In the offices, work is already slowing down... Everyone is in anticipation of a miracle! Everyone is in a hustle and bustle looking for gifts and outfits for the New Year's Eve... But this is such a pleasant bustle, and such pleasant troubles, isn’t it?)))

Very little time will pass and we will all be completely overwhelmed by the carefree time called “vacation”. It would seem that you work, study, run around like a squirrel in a wheel, and all this time you are waiting for one thing - the holidays. And it doesn’t matter how old we are and whose vacation it is: ours or our children’s, the main thing is to have a fun, safe and unforgettable weekend.

For children the winter vacation are the most desired event during six months of schooling. After all, it is during the holidays that so many holidays and gifts associated with them take place.

New Year's holidays are a fabulous time that people look forward to.

Winter holidays are fun active games on fresh air, exciting competitions and adventures, new friends, positive emotions and a great mood!

The winter vacation - This is a time when you can get together with the whole family, have fun, and take a break from the drabness of everyday life. Recharge positive energy for the coming year.

Winter holidays are a magical time of the New Year, frosty January days, when you can play winter games outside...

School winter holidays are a good opportunity to change the environment, spend more time outdoors...

Winter holidays are an extraordinary and magical time, full of festive mood, fun, and the fulfillment of any desires.

I really love winter holidays. This is because my favorite holidays are during the winter holidays.– New Year's and Christmas.

Winter holidays are coming! It's a wonderful time, lots of snow!

Winter holidays are a long-awaited time, because at this time you can not only take a break from school, but also celebrate the New Year and Christmas.

Winter holidays are not just a couple of weeks of relaxation in academic year, this is a time of magic and miracles.

Winter holidays are a long-awaited period for every person, no matter whether you are an adult or a child, which is associated with snow and firecrackers...

Winter holidays are the best time when the whole family gets together to decorate the Christmas tree, cook delicious New Year's dishes and exchange gifts.

Winter holidays are not only about cold weather and being at home all the time. Winter holidays are a break from school, an opportunity to frolic outside...

Winter holidays are a great opportunity to revisit old good fairy tales. Especially if there is a snowstorm or severe frost outside.

I really like the winter holidays because at this time the most beautiful, most fun holiday “New Year” begins.

Winter holidays are a truly fabulous time.

Winter holidays are a great time for relaxation, especially active ones; winter is the time of New Year holidays, Christmas miracles and Epiphany frosts.

The winter vacation - it is always an expectation of an unusual and vivid impression.

Holidays are a favorite time for adults and children. Of course, for children and teenagers, summer vacations, for example, last almost several times longer than those of their parents, but winter vacations last only a few days longer. But we always look forward to their arrival with great impatience, because during this time there is a lot to be done. At a minimum, you need to go on vacation to some warm country and return from there with a sea of ​​impressions. Especially for you, we have collected on one site many interesting statuses about your favorite vacations. They will cheer you and your friends up. Just go to our resource and choose the most interesting statuses in your opinion and send them to your friends or publish them on your social network page.


The most popular question among schoolchildren on the last day of the holidays is: “Did they ask us anything during the holidays?”

For some people, the only difference between vacation and work is that they sit at a different computer.

Law of nature: “The more fun the holidays, the faster they end.”

The holidays have begun! The time when you don’t know what date and what day of the week!

Cool status about vacations: Vacations are when you walk around the house in your nightgown all day.

That's what everyone was thinking... It's vacation, now go to the skating rink, to the cinema, or somewhere else, and spend the entire vacation on the Internet!

I come home after the holidays and then the parrot screams at me: I’m cumming, I’m cumming...

Now, when you come to school, you can write an essay “How I got drunk all holidays.”

I want to have a good rest, but I’m too lazy to do it.

Vacations are when you walk around the house all day in your nightgown.

Holidays, I beg you, slow down, slow down.

The only thing more important than vacation is summer vacation...

Cool status about vacations: Vacations!!! Brains on a well-deserved rest.

This is what summer vacation means: you don’t know the date or the month, and most importantly, it doesn’t bother you at all!

Vacations are when you wake up and 2 hours later it’s already dark.

Vacations are cool. I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. If I want to, I’ll freak out and go to the dacha. I will water, weed, dig.

Vacations are when you have breakfast at three o'clock in the afternoon.

You have to torture children at school so much that they start writing in their diaries, “Thank God, it’s vacation!”

Vacations are when you wake up, and 2 hours later it’s already dark.

I'm waiting for you and love you very much... holidays...

The father asks his son: -What happened in class today? -On chemistry studied explosives. -What will you do at school tomorrow? -Which school, dad? - eternal vacation!

Each person has his own happiness... some have money, some have children, but I have a vacation.

Cool status about vacation: Typical answer to question: How was your vacation? -Good but not enough)

Insanity is when you sit on vacation... You look at the clock, and it’s 13:04 and you think: “Now the bell rings!”

That's what everyone thought... It's vacation, now go to the skating rink, to the cinema, or somewhere else, and spend the entire vacation on the Internet!

Two perfect excuses for not cleaning up: I don’t have time, I’m already tired from studying. I'm on vacation, I'm relaxing!

The schoolchildren are lucky - they are on vacation! And the students have study and practice!

I want a vacation... - But they don’t have you!!

This is what vacation means - I only found out today that yesterday was Saturday))

If in the morning at 7 o'clock there are no online friends in contact... then it's vacation!

School. There's something good about her. For example, holidays.

This is not for you to shaggy hedgehogs... during the holidays.