Technology defines the 21st century. In 2000, many were paranoid about the Millennium Challenge. This was our fear of losing what technology has given us over the past centuries. But technology is not the only thing that distinguishes the 21st century. It is also characterized by a phase of instability in both political and economic life. But in any case, every era is made interesting by people - those who leave a mark on the history and memory of mankind. Below is our list of the 10 most influential people of the current era.

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Osama bin Laden

Who would have thought that a member of a wealthy and famous family would become the world's most wanted terrorist? Osama bin Laden has changed the lives of people in the 21st century. He made us rethink the concept of national security. After September 11, 2001, no one can live as they did before that date. The level of attention to safety has increased not only in the United States, but also in other countries.

Osama bin Laden is on our list of the 10 most influential people because of his charismatic influence among Islamic radicals. He was able to convince them of the need to attack the United States and other allies.

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Craig Newmark

You will never know Craig Newmark if you see him on the street. However, this man is behind, a site that has been called the "newspaper killer." After college, Newmark worked for IBM. In the 1980s, he was a programmer. In 1993, Craig moved to San Francisco, where he later created Craigslist.

What makes Craigslist such a great idea is the concept of an internet commune. This is where people can exchange information. Over the years, Craigslist has evolved as a place for people to post information about things they want to sell. Craig Newmark is still dealing with the problem of fighting spammers. He also created Craigconnects, a website focused on charities.

In 2010, his net income was $ 400 million. He is also involved in other ventures, including funding, a website that aims to investigate stories posted on the Internet.

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Noam Chomsky

Historian, philologist, social critic and politician, Noam Chomsky made it to our list of the 10 most influential people of the 21st century for his knowledge of world politics and economics. He is the author of over 100 books and a former professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ideologically he can be classified as anarcho-syndicalist and socialist.

He criticizes American foreign policy regarding the open market and dominating the economies of weaker countries. The purpose of his research is to form in people a negative image of imperialism, which is inherent not only in the United States, but also in other countries. He also declared his rejection of such international institutions as the IMF, World Bank and GATT.

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Mark Zuckerberg

This is one of the founders of Facebook. He is also a well-known internet entrepreneur and philanthropist. Without graduating from Harvard, he was able to turn the World Wide Web.

Today, Facebook has billions of profiles all over the world. It is used not only as a communication tool, but for business as well. Over the years, Facebook has changed its algorithms to be more than just a tool with which you can connect with your friends. While some people may not like the change, Facebook is still the largest player among other social networks.

As of May 2016, Mark Zuckerberg's fortune reached $ 51 billion. He was included in the list of the most influential people of Time magazine. But, of course, there are some downsides to Facebook, especially its complaints about privacy and political issues.

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Tony Blair

Tony Blair served as British Prime Minister from 1997 to 2007. This is the only prime minister who has been elected in a row for three terms. Tony Blair is known for his decisive response to

threats of terrorism. He ordered British forces to go to war five times during his term.

Tony Blair is also known for his ties to George W. Bush after 2001. This distinguished man was a key player during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. He believed that the world was safer thanks to this invasion. The militaristic approach to leadership also led to the decline of his political career. With the increasing number of British soldiers killed, Tony Blair was forced to resign as his popularity declined as a result of these events.

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Steve Jobs

Everyone knows the name of this person. This is a cult personality. A renowned innovator and pop culture superstar, he is the face of modern technology.

Why is Steve Jobs included in the list of the 10 most influential people of the 21st century? Because his Apple company has revolutionized our daily life. He was able to introduce technology that changed our habits and daily routines.

Steve Jobs was one of the founders of Apple. He was the owner of the Pixar animation studio. Steve Jobs was renowned for his ability to create innovations that have become an integral part of everyone's life. Among the things he came up with were the very first personal computer, the iPhone, and the iPad.

But this is not the only legacy that he left us. To this day, Apple remains the technology leader. It is his culture of excellence and innovation that he brings to the company that has made him one of the most influential people in the world.

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Sergey Brin and Larry Page

Sergey Brin together with Larry Page founded Google - the largest search engine of our time. Google has changed its approach to information. Brin's fortune - $ 39 billion, Larry Page - $ 36.7 billion.

What made Google what it is today is the ability to adapt to a changing world. These people were able to update the search engine algorithm so that the order in which websites are displayed on search result pages has changed. In the past, Google's algorithm simply relied on backlinks to rank a website and rank it in the SERP. Currently, there are several factors including social media signals, grammar and backlinks. This made Google the number one search engine on which to advertise your site.

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Bill Gates

Bill Gates is known to everyone as the richest man on earth. He is one of the founders of Microsoft. It eventually became the world's largest IT company. Currently, Bill Gates' assets are estimated at $ 76.4 billion. He is also often criticized for conducting anti-competitive business practices.

The amazing thing is that Bill Gates never forgets to share and help people. He is a very famous philanthropist. Among his donations are large sums of money for various scientific endeavors. He and his wife have created the most powerful charitable foundation. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was valued at $ 34.6 billion and is the second most generous philanthropist in the United States, with $ 28 billion in charitable causes.

Their charitable foundation supports various scientific projects, including the use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture. Another amazing thing that sets Bill Gates apart is his ability to influence people like Mark Zuckerberg and Warren Buffett. Together, they signed a pledge in which they pledge to donate half of their total assets to charity.

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Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is on this list of the most influential people, as he is the only political leader in Russia. Since 1999, he has been the Prime Minister of Russia and from 2012 to the present - the President of Russia. Putin is a very colorful political player. A former KGB agent, Vladimir Putin has a black belt in judo.

During Putin's rule, Russia has significantly improved its economic situation since the early 2000s, which is largely dependent on oil and gas exports. The country has become the 7th largest economy in the world. In addition, thanks to oil reserves, Vladimir Putin was able to fully pay off the debt of the Soviet Union by 2005.

But since the beginning of 2014, with the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, for many other political leaders, Vladimir Putin has become an object of concern. Developed Western countries have imposed sanctions against the regime of Vladimir Putin, considering it a threat to the world. But this fact in no way diminishes the position of the leader of the Russian Federation in his influence in the world.

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Barack Obama

Next on our list of the 10 most influential people is US President Barack Obama. This is the first black president of the United States. Unlike other presidents, Barack Obama's election success was significant not only for the African American community, but for all minorities in the United States. He is also the first American president to be born outside the continental United States.

In 2009, Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize. He faced one of the biggest economic problems during the 2008 recession. Was able to implement laws that allowed the US economy to recover.

During his term, Osama bin Laden was killed. Re-elected for a second term in 2012, defeating Romney, Barack Obama called for an inclusive LGBT community. It is also the first US president in several decades who was able to normalize relations with Cuba.

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This was the article TOP 10 Most influential people of the 21st century... Thank you for your attention!

The last century of the second millennium can be safely called revolutionary. It was a time of major shifts in the world outlook of people, a time of breakthroughs in medicine and science. It is difficult to disagree with the fact that the 20th century has seriously influenced our lives, the world that we see now. And yet, who is the most famous person of the 20th century?

It is impossible to give an exact answer to this question. The most brilliant people of the 20th century can be called both Adolf Hitler and Coco Chanel or Albert Einstein. But first things first.

This student was Albert Einstein

Yes, it was this scientist who was officially recognized as the most famous person of the 20th century. His discoveries in mathematics, physics, and many other sciences gave an excellent start to today's technology. That only is the theory of relativity or the invention of the Bose-Einstein condensate. In total, Einstein wrote more than three hundred scientific papers and almost two hundred scientific books.

Interestingly, in his distant childhood, Albert did not express his abilities in any way. Many people doubted that he would be able to lead a fulfilling life, and the mother even considered her son a freak because of his too big head.

At school, the future scientist showed himself as a very lazy, withdrawn and incapable child. His peers loved to laugh at him, and the teachers believed that nothing good would ever come out of Einstein. By the way, Albert never finished his studies at that very gymnasium and did not receive a certificate, assuring his parents that he would easily enter the Higher Technical School in Zurich. But his plan failed.

However, on the second attempt, the admission was successful. But even there, Albert did not show himself as a brilliant student: he skipped classes in local cafes, reading scientific journals. But after he received his diploma and got a job as an expert in the patent office, he estimated the technical characteristics in just 10 minutes, devoting the rest of the time to his own theories.

The scientist possessed the unique skill of finding an unconventional approach to a problem. Albert Einstein knew how to see problems from completely different angles and selected the most unexpected solutions to them. And when he didn’t succeed, the solution to the problem would pop up in his head after playing the violin.

The face of World War II

The most famous dictator of Germany, the man who unleashed the Second World War and ruined the lives of millions of people, Adolf Hitler, has the right to be called a man of the 20th century.

Hitler did not have any particular background. His father was a customs officer and an illegitimate child, his mother was a simple peasant woman.

Adolf did not study well at school and, like Albert Einstein, did not graduate and did not receive a certificate. He tried to enter the Academy of Arts in Vienna, but twice his attempts failed due to unremarkable abilities. And after the death of his mother, Adolf decided to make a living as an artist's craft without proper education. For almost 5 years he lived from hand to mouth, earning money as a designer of advertisements or postcards, then as a street artist.

Back in 1913, Hitler decides to flee to Munich in order to escape the compulsory conscription into the army. However, a year later, he still gets to the medical board, but receives a certificate of disrepair. Interestingly, during the First World War, Adolf was unexpectedly drawn to the army, and he enrolled in an infantry regiment.

The service radically changed his outlook on life, turning him into a real nationalist. He achieved the rank of corporal and received awards four times. And after the war he joined the German Workers' Party to devote himself to the propaganda of nationalism.

The finest hour for Adolf Hitler came after 9 years of work in the party, during the global economic crisis. His party took the lead in Germany, and Hitler himself was appointed Reich Chancellor in 1933. Thus began his career as a dictator.

By the way, Adolf Hitler got married to Eva Braun on the penultimate day of his life. The next day, the newlyweds committed suicide, but Hitler's body was never fully identified.

Time of revolutions in the world of fashion

At the end of the summer of 1883, perhaps the most famous person of the century was born - Coco Chanel, a revolutionary in the fashion world, inventor of a little black dress and a real rebel.

Gabrielle Bonneur Chanel hated her own name and biography. She rewrote her life again, adding three lovely aunts, a caring father and a new nickname, at the same time reducing her age by almost 10 years. In fact, Gabrielle lost her mother early and grew up in an orphanage, and her last meeting with her father took place when she was 12 years old. In her youth, the future trendsetter often sang only two songs in pubs: "Ko Ko Ri Ko" and "Qui Qua Vu Coco". This is how her new name was born, which the whole world later knew.

The nuns at the orphanage taught her how to sew, but it wasn't enough to revolutionize the fashion world. Coco Chanel gathered all her audacity and created women's suits from jersey material, which was previously worn exclusively by men. So women felt truly free: trousers gave them comfort and freedom.

Later, Coco said that it was time for women to stop wearing the perfumes that were given to them and choose the scent themselves. This is how the legendary women's perfume Chanel No.5 was born. And even the design of the bottle challenged the patriarchal foundations: black, flat and smooth, it painfully resembled a man's bottle. Another challenge was that Chanel No.5 was not a monoperfume, while in those days ladies had the right to use perfumes that consisted of only one scent (lilac, lily of the valley, rose). The Chanel perfume consisted of more than 80 ingredients, thus overthrowing the monoperfume. Chanel No.5 remains at its peak of popularity to this day.

In addition, Chanel answers the age-old woman's question: "What to wear?" found a luxurious answer: a little black dress - clothes for every occasion in life. After some time, Vogue magazine wrote that the popularity of a little black dress can be compared to a Ford car.

Coco Chanel managed to prove to the world that a woman is not an accessory, not an incubator, and not a helpless creature. A woman is a person who is able to provide herself with her mind, talent and cunning. Chanel made all women and girls believe in themselves and their independence. And for this she can rightfully be considered a man of the 20th century.

Animation genius

It would be an insult not to mention Walter Disney as one of the most famous people of the 20th century. He was born in the city of Chicago in 1901. During his school years he was fond of painting, and later joined the Red Cross organization and worked as an ambulance driver abroad for a year. He did not like the camouflage of his car, and Walter decorated it with various designs.

After the end of the war, he returned to Kansas City and got a job as an artist in an advertising agency. It was in it that, back in 1920, he came up with his first animated film. Three years later, Disney leaves for Hollywood with a couple of drawings, his film and $ 40. There he met his brother. Together, they borrowed a small amount and built a movie camera podium in their uncle's garage. Very soon they received their first order for cartoons.

The start was very successful, but there was only enough money to pay off the debts. And the state of affairs has not improved over the years. The company has always been one step away from bankruptcy, and Walt Disney has always managed to keep it. During this difficult period, he comes up with Mickey Mouse, which literally gives Walt Disney immortality and fame. And in 1934, Walt decides to take a chance and create a full-length film, realizing what this could threaten. All fears were confirmed: "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" ruins the company, but brings overwhelming success and the Oscar.
The studio is slowly emerging from its prolonged crisis. The "golden age" for animation begins. One by one Walt Disney creates masterpieces: "Pinocchio" (1940), "Bambi" (1942), "Peter Pan" (1953). In total, the author received more than 20 Oscars, 5 Golden Globes and two stars on the Walk of Fame. Walt Disney implemented another brilliant idea - created Disneyland, which became the most famous amusement park in the world.

We can safely say that with the death of this famous person, an entire era died. Walt Disney is a true legend, a model of optimism, imagination and living proof that humans can create amazing things.

The most authoritative person

In terms of fame, only Adolf Hitler can compete with Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. The contribution made by Stalin, a famous man of the 20th century, is indisputable.

Joseph Stalin did not finish the Gori Theological School - close communication with Marxists prevented. Throughout his youth, he helped with the organization of the October Revolution, carried out many orders of the government, joined all kinds of parties (the Council of Workers 'and Peasants' Defense, the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic and many others), was the organizer of the anti-Hitler coalition.

As a military leader, he was a genius: he had all the information about operations, led the fronts at the highest level, and was well versed in even the most delicate issues. And in this, Stalin was helped by his innate inquisitive mind and intuition. He could always find the weakest link in the enemy's armor and put pressure on this very place, preventing Hitler from carrying out this or that operation. Without a doubt, he was the best military leader.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, his authority became undeniable. Stalin was respected by many leaders of Western countries: Charles de Gaulle, Roosevelt, Winston Churchill wrote letters of praise to Joseph. The complete defeat of fascism and the victory in World War II made the USSR a superpower, and Joseph Stalin the most authoritative leader of the 20th century.

Of course, this is only a small part of the famous personalities of the 20th century. And it will take more than one week to study all the people who changed the human worldview, gave impetus to technologies, made discoveries in science. After all, the 20th century is a century of great discoveries and changes.

Who do you consider the most worthy example and inspiration for yourself personally? Martin Luther King Jr., Yuri Gagarin or maybe your grandfather? Our world has been forming for several millennia, and a lot of historical figures took part in this difficult process, who made their invaluable contribution to science, culture and many other spheres of life, both in their countries and all of humanity. It is very difficult and almost impossible to select those whose influence has been the most significant. However, the authors of this list nevertheless decided to try and collect in one publication the most inspiring personalities in the history of world civilizations. Some of them are known to everyone, not everyone knows about others, but they all have one thing in common - these people changed our world for the better. From the Dalai Lama to Charles Darwin, here are the 25 most prominent personalities in history!

25. Charles Darwin

The famous British traveler, naturalist, geologist and biologist, Charles Darwin is most famous for his theory, who changed the idea of ​​human nature and the development of the world in all its diversity. Darwin's theory of evolution and natural selection suggests that all types of living organisms, including humans, descended from common ancestors, and this concept at one time shocked the entire scientific community. Darwin published Theory of Evolution with some examples and evidence in his revolutionary book On the Origin of Species in 1859, and since then our world and the way we know it have changed a lot.

24. Tim Berners-Lee

Photo: Paul Clarke

Tim Berners-Lee is a British engineer, inventor and computer scientist best known as the creator of the World Wide Web. Sometimes referred to as the "Father of the Internet", it was Berners-Lee who developed the first hypertext web browser, web server, and web editor. The technologies of this eminent scientist have spread worldwide and forever changed the way information is generated and processed.

23. Nicholas Winton

Photo: cs: User: Li-sung

Nicholas Winton was a British philanthropist, and since the late 1980s he became known primarily for the fact that right on the eve of World War II, he took out 669 Jewish children from the territory of Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia. Winton moved all these children to British orphanages, and some of them even managed to be placed in families, which definitely saved them all from certain death in concentration camps or during the bombing. The philanthropist organized as many as 8 trains from Prague and took out children from Vienna, but with the help of other types of transport. The Englishman never sought fame, and for 49 years he kept his heroic deed a secret. In 1988, Winton's wife discovered a notebook containing 1939 notes and the addresses of the families who had adopted the young Salvationists. Since then, recognition, orders and awards have fallen upon him. Nicholas Winton died at the age of 106 in 2015.

22. Gautama Buddha

Photo: Max Pixel

Also known as Siddhartha Gautama (from birth), Tathagata (who came) or Bhagavan (blissful), Buddha Shakyamuni (an awakened sage from the Sakya clan) was the spiritual leader and founder of Buddhism, one of the three leading world religions. The Buddha was born in the 6th century BC into a royal family and lived in absolute isolation and luxury. When the prince grew up, he left his family and left all his possessions to plunge into self-discovery and to search for the deliverance of humanity from suffering. After several years of meditation and contemplation, Gautama attained enlightenment and became a Buddha. Through his teachings, Buddha Shakyamuni has influenced the lives of millions of people around the world.

21. Rosa Parks

Photo: wikimedia commons

Also known as the "First Lady of Civil Rights" and "Mother of the Freedom Movement," Rosa Parks was a true pioneer and founder of the black rights movement in Alabama in the 1950s, where violent racial segregation of citizens still existed at the time. In 1955, in Montgomery, the capital of Alabama, a brave African American and passionate civil rights activist, Rosa Parks, refused to surrender her seat on the bus to a white passenger, disobeying the driver's orders. Her rebellious act provoked other blacks into what was later dubbed the legendary "Montgomery Bus Boycott." This boycott lasted 381 days and became one of the key events in the history of the black civil rights movement in the United States.

20. Henry Dunant

Photo: ICRC

Successful Swiss entrepreneur and social activist Henri Dunant became the first person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901. During a business trip in 1859, Dunant faced the dire consequences of the Battle of Solferino (Solferino, Italy), where the troops of Napoleon, the Kingdom of Sardinia and the Austrian Empire clashed under the leadership of Franz Joseph I, and was left to die on the battlefield almost 9 thousand wounded. In 1863, in response to the horrors of war and the brutality of the battle he saw, the businessman founded the well-known International Committee of the Red Cross. The 1864 Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Fate of the Wounded was also based on ideas expressed by Henri Dunant.

19. Simon Bolivar

Photo: wikimedia commons

Also known as the Liberator (El Libertador), Simon Bolivar was an outstanding Venezuelan military and political leader who played a key role in the liberation from Spanish rule as many as 6 countries in South and Central America - Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Panama. Bolivar was born into a wealthy aristocratic family, but he devoted most of his life to military campaigns and the struggle for the independence of the Spanish colonies in America. The country of Bolivia, by the way, was named in honor of this hero and liberator.

18. Albert Einstein

Photo: wikimedia commons

Albert Einstein is one of the most respected and influential scientists of all time. This outstanding theoretical physicist, Nobel laureate and public figure-humanist gave the world over 300 scientific works in physics and about 150 books and articles on history, philosophy and other humanitarian areas. His whole life was full of interesting research, revolutionary ideas and theories, which later became fundamental for modern science. Einstein was most famous for the Theory of Relativity, and thanks to this work he became one of the greatest personalities in the history of mankind. Even after almost a century, this Theory continues to influence the thinking of the modern scientific community, working on the creation of the Theory of Everything (or the Unified Field Theory).

17. Leonardo da Vinci

Photo: wikimedia commons

It is difficult to describe and list all the directions in which Leonardo da Vinci succeeded, a man who changed the whole world by his mere existence. Throughout his life, this Italian genius of the Renaissance managed to achieve unprecedented heights in painting, architecture, music, mathematics, anatomy, engineering, and many other areas. Da Vinci is recognized as one of the most versatile and talented people ever to live on our planet, and he is the author of such revolutionary inventions as the parachute, helicopter, tank and scissors.

16. Christopher Columbus

Photo: wikimedia commons

The famous Italian explorer, traveler and colonizer, Christopher Columbus was not the first European to sail to America (after all, the Vikings had been here before him). However, his voyages gave rise to a whole era of the most outstanding discoveries, conquests and colonizations, which lasted several centuries after his death. Columbus's travels to the New World greatly influenced the development of the geography of those times, because at the beginning of the 15th century, people still believed that the Earth was flat, and that there was no longer any land beyond the Atlantic.

15. Martin Luther King Jr.

Photo: wikimedia commons

This is one of the most influential personalities of the 20th century. Martin Luther King Jr. is best known for his peaceful movement against discrimination, racial segregation, and the civil rights of black Americans, for which he even received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Martin Luther King was a Baptist preacher and eloquent speaker who inspired millions of people around the world to fight for democratic freedoms and their rights. He played a key role in promoting civil rights through peaceful protests based on the Christian faith and philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi.

14. Bill Gates

Photo: DFID - UK Department for International Development

The founder of the legendary multinational company Microsoft, Bill Gates was considered the richest man in the world for almost 20 years. Recently, however, Gates has become known primarily as a generous philanthropist, rather than for his success in business and in the information technology market. At one time, Bill Gates stimulated the development of the personal computer market, thanks to which computers became available to the simplest users, which he just wanted. Now he is passionate about the idea of ​​providing Internet access to the whole world. Gates is also working on projects to combat global warming and combat gender discrimination.

William Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest English-speaking writers and playwrights, and he has had a profound influence on a galaxy of literary people, as well as on millions of readers around the world. In addition, Shakespeare introduced about 2,000 new words, most of which are still in use in modern English. With his works, the national poet of England has inspired a great many composers, artists and filmmakers from around the world.

12. Sigmund Freud

Photo: wikimedia commons

An Austrian neurologist and founder of the science of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud is famous precisely for his unique studies of the mysterious world of the human subconscious. With them, he forever changed the way we value ourselves and the people around us. Freud's work influenced the psychology, sociology, medicine, art and anthropology of the 20th century, and his therapeutic methods and theories in the field of psychoanalysis are still studied and applied in practice.

11. Oskar Schindler

Photo: wikimedia commons

Oskar Schindler was a German entrepreneur, Nazi party member, spy, womanizer, and drinker. All of this does not sound very attractive and certainly does not sound like a characterization of a real hero. However, contrary to all of the above, Schindler got on this list quite deservedly, because during the Holocaust and World War II, this man saved about 1,200 Jews, rescuing them from death camps to work in their factories and factories. Oskar Schindler's heroic story has been described in many books and films, but the most famous adaptation was Steven Spielberg's 1993 film Schindler's List (Steven Spielberg, Schindler's List).

10. Mother Teresa

Photo: wikimedia commons

A Catholic nun and missionary, Mother Teresa has dedicated almost her entire life to serving the poor, sick, disabled and orphans. She founded the charitable movement and the Congregatio Sororum Missionarium Caritatis (Congregatio Sororum Missionarium Caritatis), a women's monastic congregation that exists in almost all countries of the world (in 133 countries as of 2012). In 1979, Mother Teresa became a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and 19 years after her death (in 2016) she was canonized by Pope Francis himself.

9. Abraham Lincoln

Photo: wikimedia commons

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States and one of the most influential personalities in American history. Coming from a poor farming family, Lincoln fought for the reunification of the country during the Civil War between the North and South, strengthened the federal government, modernized the American economy, but he earned his reputation as an outstanding historical figure primarily for his contribution to the development of a democratic society and the fight against slavery and oppression. the black population of the United States. The legacy of Abraham Lincoln still has a defining influence on the American people.

8. Stephen Hawking

Photo: Lwp Kommunikáció / flickr

Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous and respected scientists in the world, and he made an invaluable contribution to the development of science (especially cosmology and theoretical physics). The work of this British researcher and ardent popularizer of science is also impressive because Hawking made almost all of his discoveries in spite of a rare and slowly progressive degenerative disease. The first signs of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis appeared in his student years, and now the great scientist is completely paralyzed. However, severe illness and paralysis did not prevent Hawking from marrying twice, becoming a father of two sons, flying in zero gravity, writing many books, becoming one of the founders of quantum cosmology and a laureate of a whole collection of prestigious awards, medals and orders.

7. Unknown rebel

Photo: HiMY SYeD / flickr

Such a conventional name is called an unknown man who for half an hour independently held back a convoy of tanks during the protests in Tiananmen Square (Tiananmen, China) in 1989. In those days, hundreds of protesters, most of whom were ordinary students, died in clashes with the military. The identity and fate of the unknown rebel remain unknown, but this photograph has become an international symbol of courage and peaceful resistance.

6. Muhammad

Photo: wikimedia commons

Muhammad was born in 570 AD in the city of Mecca (Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia). He is considered a Muslim prophet and founder of the Islamic religion. Being not only a preacher, but also a politician, Muhammad united all the Arab peoples of those times into a single Muslim empire that conquered most of the Arabian Peninsula. The author of the Quran started out with a few followers, but eventually his teachings and practices formed the basis of the Islamic religion, which has become the second most popular in the world today, with about 1.8 billion believers.

5. Dalai Lama XIV (The 14th Dalai Lama)

Photo: wikimedia commons

The XIV Dalai Lama or at birth Lhamo Thondup is a 1989 Nobel Peace Prize laureate and a famous preacher of Buddhist philosophy of peace, professing respect for all life on Earth, and calling for the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. A former spiritual and political leader of Tibet in exile, the 14th Dalai Lama always tried to find a compromise and sought reconciliation with the Chinese authorities who invaded Tibet with territorial claims. In addition, Lhamo Dhondrub is a zealous supporter of the women's rights movement, interfaith dialogue and advocates for global environmental issues.

4. Princess Diana

Photo: Auguel

Also known as Lady Di and Princess of the People, Princess Diana has captured millions of hearts around the world with her charitable work, hard work and sincerity. She devoted most of her short life to helping those in need from third world countries. The Queen of Hearts, as she was also called, founded the movement to end the production and use of anti-personnel mines, and was also active in several dozen humanitarian campaigns and non-profit organizations, including the Red Cross, London's Great Ormond Street Hospital and AIDS research. Lady Dee died at the age of 36 from injuries sustained in a car accident.

3. Nelson Mandela

Photo: Library of the London School of Economics and Political Science

Nelson Mandela was a South African politician, philanthropist, revolutionary, reformer, passionate fighter for human rights during apartheid (the policy of racial segregation) and President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He has had a profound impact on the history of South Africa and the entire world. For his convictions, Mandela spent almost 27 years in prison, but he did not lose faith in the liberation of his people from the oppression of the authorities, and after his release from prison he achieved a democratic election, as a result of which he became the first black president of South Africa. His tireless work for the peaceful overthrow of the apartheid regime and for the establishment of democracy has inspired millions of people around the world. In 1993, Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

2. Jeanne d'Arc

Photo: wikimedia commons

Also known as the Maid of Orleans, Jeanne d'Arc is the greatest heroine in French history and one of the most famous women in world history. She was born into a poor farming family in 1412 and believed that she was chosen by God to lead France to victory in the Hundred Years War with England. The girl died before the end of the war, but her bravery, passion and dedication to her goal (especially during the siege of Orleans) caused a long-awaited moral upsurge and inspired the entire French army to final victory in the protracted and seemingly hopeless confrontation with the British. Unfortunately, in battle, the Maid of Orleans was captured by the enemy, was convicted by the Inquisition and burned at the stake at the age of 19.

1. Jesus Christ

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Jesus Christ is a central figure in the Christian religion, and He had such a powerful influence on our world that He is often called the most influential and inspiring person in the history of mankind. Compassion, love for others, sacrifice, humility, repentance and forgiveness, to which Jesus called in his sermons and by personal example, were concepts that were completely opposite to the values ​​of ancient civilizations during His life on Earth. Nevertheless, there are about 2.4 billion followers of His teachings and Christian faith in the world today.

[Google Translate Translations] [Zion Truth Dot TSIYON.ORG] [Zion] [Represents] [Judaica and Christians in Babylon] [From] [Eliyahu ben David] [Voice of Eliyahu ben David] Our theme is "Judaica and Christians in Babylon". This is what happened in the second century. I think you will find this interesting. We have a timeline that I put together, and if you want a copy of this, just write to us on our website and we will send one along with you. Basically it puts in the form of a diagram for you as a timeline, much of the information we discuss in these specific posts. Let's take a look at this, now I know that you can't read all of this because it's pretty small, so I'm just trying to explain things to you. You see on the top blue timeline, and it says Israel. Well this is biblical Israel. We see that the Messiah was born in 2 BC, started his ministry at 29, was sacrificed for us at 33 and then he shows James who was the leader of the church. The church is actually an assembly of the remnant of Israel. There was a period there, as you can see in this other diagram, which is a diagram of Judea and what happens there. There was a shovel period that went on. It was a time of separation. What happened was that the Messiah made a New Testament with those who followed Him, and any who entered that New Testament, they were now part of the real Israel. So what about those that are not included in? Well, even if they were a greater number, they were in fact a split that branched off from Messianic Israel, from the Covenant Israel. So we will talk about what happened to them for a moment, but after that is what we just want to see on the timeline, is that Israel just continued. Thus, the idea that Israel has not rejected and so on, none of this is really true. Israel continued under the New Testament. We have shown you in history how it went on to be true, it went on to be true under Davidic in the fourth century. Well, basically, what happened to the great Jewish schism is that most of the people belonging to various Jewish sects did not believe in the Messiah, so this constituted their cause of schism or ramification from true Israel. There was this period in which there was a grain-cleaning effort to help any of them to get back on the right path, as perhaps many of them did not answer, many thousands in fact, and even some including leaders did not answer, but many others did not made. Finally, all the things that Yeshua said could happen happened. Was the revenge that fell on the apostates. Before it fell, all the believing Israelites there in Judea, they left the area shortly before the destruction came, having been saved from destruction through the prophecy of Yeshua. So the destruction is where we are going to start today, which happened in 70 AD. The prophecy of the Messiah said on this occasion, he said: "They will fall the edge of the sword, and there will be captivity in all nations. Jerusalem will be trampled down by the Gentiles, until the time of the Gentiles will be fulfilled." In fact, Jerusalem was trampled, it was destroyed at this time, the temple was destroyed, and this was the beginning of the period when "they", being apostate Jews, would fall on the edge of the sword and into captivity among the nations and trample. We will see that it actually started with a vengeance, literally, during this early period. Well, we talked about what happened in the 70s, and that was the total end to the entire Temple system. All this was destroyed, Jerusalem was destroyed, more than a million people were killed during the siege of Jerusalem. Many many others were taken captive, everything that Yeshua said actually happened to these people. But that was not the end of the struggle between Jews and Romans. Many people have not heard of the Kitos war. This is such an interesting revolt of the Jews against the Romans. This happened around 115 to 117. What actually happened, of course, now there were more Jews scattered in different places than there actually were in Judea. So in these various places throughout the Roman Empire, there were uprisings of the Jews. In these uprisings, they destroyed a large number of Romans and Greeks. The places are listed as Cyrene, Libya, Cyprus, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and also as Judea. In different cities in all these places, we are told: "The Jews ... waged a war on the inhabitants of all Libya in the wildest fashion, and to such an extent, the country was wasted that, having been killed by its cultivators, its land would have remained completely depopulated, was not Emporer Hadrian Collected immigrants from other places and sent them there, for the inhabitants were destroyed. " So what we see from this, according to historians, in these Jewish uprisings of the Kitos war, it was not only the military, the soldiers that the Jews rebelled against and killed. These are entire populations of people, farmers, you know? Just rubbing people straight off the ground. This made a great impact throughout the Roman Empire. The Roman historian says: "... the Jews destroyed both the Romans and the Greeks. "And it's kind of Gross, but I want to read it so that you can understand what's going on, he said," They'll cook their meat, make straps for themselves for their insides, anoint themselves with their blood, and wear their skins. They saw many of them in two, from the head down. Others they would give to wild beasts and strength still others to fight like gladiators. Two hundred and twenty thousand died. "So according to this historian, these Jewish rebels are actually very cruel and barbaric in their actions and, obviously, they were filled with vicious hatred for not only the Romans, but the Greeks, as well as their abuse of such It goes further, he says: “For this reason, no Jew can set foot on this earth ... different persons took part in the suppression of these Jews, one of which was Lusius, who was sent by Trajan. “This whole event, which is interestingly rarely mentioned. Today, I think that people are afraid to talk about it because perhaps they are afraid that they will be accused of anti-Semitism and of course I am not telling you about it for this reason. however, it is part of the historical record and if you are going to understand what happened in these first few centuries, you have to understand that these Jewish rebels behaved among the Greeks and Romans in the same way that we think ESIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) today. They were cruel, they did things that were simply unacceptable to the human conscious. So think about people in the West, for example, think that people like this. Terrorist kind of people and how it changes the concept that you have people from certain places because of this kind of action. You know the Jews were always really well thought throughout the Roman Empire, before. The temple was a very big draw, there were synagogues in every major city of Greeks and Romans. There were many image schenny, all this was quite harmonious for quite a long time. But in the Kitos War it kind of brought things to the clash of civilizations, if you will. The clash between the Greco-Roman civilization and the Hebrew civilization, not in a good way. So how can we explain this? Well the first thing we want to say about this is no, no followers of Yeshua, no believers of the Nazarene participate in any of this. They did not participate in the First Roman War, they did not participate in this, they do not participate later. They were completely pulled out of it. Thus, these people who do this are completely apostates from the true Israel. This is mainly the straw that remains after the winnowing process. So what do you expect, but is there really a junk left? That is, those people, these people who behaved like this. Well, let's get on with it. Further into the second century, 132 through 136, we have Bar Kochba and I'm not going to go too deep, there is a lot you could see about it, it is sometimes called the Third Jewish-Roman War or the Third Jewish Revolt. This man was created by the rabbis as the messiah of Israel who was going to free the Jews and liberate Jerusalem. It didn't work that way, there was a big battle that cost the Romans a lot. General Julius Severus finally brought this rebellion to an end, and put down the rebellion. As they felt at the time, this was a drag now for decades, and the Romans had it. They just had enough of this fight with the Jews. So their attitude was, "We just did with this, so we will completely crush this right out of existence." This is basically the way they approached this particular war. When the war ended in the former sanctuary of the Temple, the emperor erected two statues, one from Jupiter and the other from himself. He rebuilt Jerusalem as a Roman pagan city with a new name, "Elia Capotolina" and Jews were not allowed into the city. In an attempt to erase any memory of Judea or ancient Israel, he changed the name, literally erased her maps, replaced the name with Palestinian Syria. It came about in the English language as Palestine. So the name from the Romans is still used by many today. You can see how complete it actually was, because the whole idea was to completely change the character of this land, to turn it into something completely pagan, completely Roman, in which Jews could not function. So what happened, he says one by one Roman historian, 580,000 Jews were killed in this war, 50 fortified cities, 985 villages were burned to the ground, many more Jews died of hunger and disease. Many more Jews were reduced to a small minority in Judea. I would like to add a small hateful minority. Not only was the Torah banned, the Hebrew calendar was banned, and Jewish leaders and scholars were killed. I think one of the I think one of the main things that I have highlighted here is, "After the uprising, the Jewish religious center moved to the Babylonian Jewish community and its scholars." You see, this is very important, because before that, before 70, and then, finally, the leading before that was the remnant of the Jewish type of Jewish worship. But the Romans now put an end to Jewish worship in Judea so completely that the Jewish religious center shifted to Babylon. All together there was a large community, a Jewish community, to Babylon. This was the case since the Jews were deported to Babylon about 500 years earlier than that. So they continued, but until that point they were dependent on the Jewish community, which was in Judea for leadership in the Jewish religion. But now all this has changed. We have this quote, “Even after the Bar Cochba war, the numerical center of gravity of the Jews shifted to Babylonia, and soon after the compilation of the Mishnah in Palestine, Babylonia became a religious center too ... Reverence was shown to Judea now only to the extent that godly desire to be buried there. "So it brought about the reign of Now Babylon. This is now very important because the Babylonian Jewish community were essentially descendants of the Jews who did not return to Judea that stayed in Babylon when the remnant returned to Judea. Thus, they were the ones who felt comfortable in Babylon and thus, they were the ones, in fact, more likely to assimilate Babylonian culture. In fact they did in many ways, for example, the block of inscription that is used in Hebrew today was not the original Hebrew. They assimilated that inscriptions from Babylon when they were there in Babylon. The calendar, the Hebrew calendar that is used today, and the names for several months, are actually from the Babylonian calendar and it is the same calendar. it was in Babylon that they began to celebrate their years from the month of Tishrei, which is in fall instead of the first month, as the Scriptures say. This was the change they made. How about a month called Tammuz? They are still this month today. Tammuz of Surely was a false Babylonian god. But they adopted the name this month and this month along with the rest of the calendar system. Well there was more that came out of Babylonia besides the calendar system when it all happened. That is, when calculating the calendar. You see, they are not allowed to continue to set the calendar as they have always had for keeping the moon. Therefore, they took up this method of calculating the calendar so that the days do not fall exactly the same and that is part of Judaism today. the Babylonian Talmud is something else that came from Babylon and the Babylonian Talmud, while it retains a lot of history, which is probably useful, there is also magic there and there are many rather hateful distortions towards the Messiah, His family, and those who follow Him. So I think that you have to say that after the Bar Cochba war, when Babylonia came to dominate among the Jews, it actually introduced a period where, in a sense, they returned captive to Babylon. Adopting many of the same methods that once again the community in Babylon practiced all along and, of course, all this has been going on for centuries and is part of Judaism today and not only that, to the extent that Messianic believers follow these same customs , are they also wrong under the resettled in Babylon? So this is an important question. Well not only did this, in a sense, bring the unbelieving Jewish world into captivity in Babylon, but we have this quote. "Bar Kokhba was one of the key events in differentiating Christianity as a religion other than Judaism. Jews who believed Jesus as the Messiah did not support Bar Kokhba, but they were removed from Jerusalem along with the rebel Jews." Now let me emphasize that the point. Those Jewish believers known as Nazarian, they don't support any of this that came out. They were not associated with the revolt against Rome at all, they were completely innocent. However, they were Jews so they were bituminous with the same brush as any other Jew. I think this is very similar to what we see happening today with refugees from Syria. We are terrorist events taking place and we see, and in some cases, it is very possible that the Terrorist is coming along with the refugees. Then we have other people, no doubt that a group of people who are completely innocent. Some of them are actually Christians, leaving persecution. But when they come to our land, how do we know? We do not know the difference between Christians, persecuted by Muslims, and a terrorist, come here to kill us. So what is the population's thought here about these refugees? You see, since we do not really understand them, we do not know their culture, we do nothing about who they are, what they do not know, they come, there is a lot of anxiety and this is a broad brush. That's all we are concerned about. I think you should rightfully say. Well that's how It is here in the second century after the Bar Kokhba wars and these other wars. This is where the Roman world was. They saw a Jew and they thought, "Well, are you here to kill me? Or are you a good guy? They did not know. So this is the position that our brothers, who were followers of the Messiah, were. You can imagine what a difficult situation what was for them, they were also hated the way, by unbelieving Jews. So it was a difficult thing. So this tells us there is, at this time after this war and mainly in Rome to put an end to the uprising once and for all that it was one of the key events that differentiated Christianity as opposed to Judaism. Now here's something to think about. This is AD 136 and Christianity until that time was not yet unlike Judaism. You see how it is runs right along with what we were teaching about Gentile Christian Church? Gentile Christian Church did not exist even before that time. It was still the Nazarene movement. They are still considered a sect of Jews, a sect of Nazarenes. Only after this series of wars with Jew yami, when all this hatred was built against the Jews, that Christianity actually separated from this first movement of the Nazarene. What do you call it when there is true movement and then others stop from it? That is, a split. That is, apostasy from the truth. That is what it is. This is the very moment in history where this happens. So where is the beginning of Christianity? This is not with the apostles, it is here. i am going to show you more about this. Here, though, our diagram is again, and we will try to put this together for you. You see in the graph, we had about AD 135, the Great Pagan apostasy and this is when Greco-Roman Christianity began to emerge. It is precisely because this great hatred of the Jews actually made it possible, gave them a reason, to break away from the leadership, from the Hebrew leadership that they had been under up until this time. Here is the guy who was the first to actually document this. His name was Justin Martyr. He was born in Neapolis in Judea. This is modern Nablus. He was a heathen, and he called himself a heathen. He is believed to have possibly descended from the Roman diplomatic community that was sent there. So what does this mean? Well, that means he has very close ties to all of these wars that have been going on, doesn't it? His family was on the side of the Romans in these wars, so how will he feel about the Jews? Well there is more about him. He was an educated person, trained in all major philosophical schools of the time with pagan philosophies that were popular on the same day. He went through a period of years studying these things. study of these various pagan philosophies. When in Syria, in other words, probably Judea, he accidentally on a person who appears to be a Syrian Nazarene. This man told him about the Messiah. Justin was moved by what he heard from this man about the Messiah, so he adopted his own version of the Messiah story. I am telling his own version because I think he made the following pretense to tell us that he is still doing his own thing. Instead of becoming part of the Nazarene community, he adopted the dress of a philosopher. You know, these Greek philosophers are in a certain way that they looked the same as we have in our culture, you can tell a kind of different people by the way they dress. So he introduced himself as a philosopher, went around teaching the version of the Messiah that was woven in a large number of things, from philosophy, from Greek philosophy. He eventually went to Rome, founded a school there, taught at that school until he was beheaded. a little bit more about this guy. He believed that the seeds of "true religion" predated Christ but not among the Jews. This allowed him to claim many historical Greek philosophers, in the work of which he was well studied, as ignorant Christians. So like you and me, we could quote one of the prophets, one of the apostles, he would do that too, but then he could very easily quote these various philosophers and then just weave that right into the presentation. So it was a mixture, this is what he does, how he mixed what was in the Scripture with what he learned in these schools of thought. Well, that's an interesting quote I think. One scholar "discovered" spots "in Justin's theology that he attributed to the influence of pagan philosophers;" another Scholars admitted he was thoroughly Hellene ... in other words, he was completely Greek through and through. They say: "because he was a pagan he did not fully understand the Old Testament basis of Paul's teaching and therefore he changed the nature of his Paulism." So, in other words, because he didn't really understand the Old Testament, when he read Paul's Words, he interpreted it differently than what Paul had in mind, because Paul was speaking from the base of the Torah. Now this is a really big thing, because Justin was the first of the so-called "church fathers" to express ideas that were anti-Hebrew. He was against the Jews and of course this gave him the license to then accept a more Greek view of the Messiah. So in his writings, he will quote from the New Testament, he will quote from Paul and others, and he will use allegories, and he will interpret it according to his Greek understanding, so why do you think Christians today are so confused about Paul ? The whole tradition started with him. He began to write these things, and it really set a certain template for the so-called "church fathers" after him about how they interpreted Paul, how they are interpreted in the New Testament, and so in fact we have a lot of not only misinterpretations but miss -translations of the books of the New Testament, as they are interpreted and translated from the Greek point of view and not from the original point of the Hebrew point of view that they were written from. Well this is the effect of this, "As Christianity spread throughout the Hellenic world, more and more church leaders were educated in Greek philosophy. The dominant philosophical traditions of the Greco-Roman world for a time were Stoicism, Platonism, and Epicureanism. Stoicism and especially Platonism was easily incorporated into Christian ethics and Christian theology. " It is easy to see this as you look at the development of Christianity. You have things that clearly do equate to the New Testament, but then you have other methods of some of these church fathers. For example, some of them castrated themselves, and they did it, it would seem, to agree with the Scriptures to remove the lusts of the flesh and so on, but in fact, as you dig deeper, you find out that these ideas do occur among some of these Greek philosophers. There are other things like, in fact, women hate some of these people. Looking at what happened to Eve and then blaming all the women for what Eve did, because, you see, the underlying reason is that they came from some of these schools of thought that don't look good on women. They brought their customs with them with them. Other kinds of things like celibacy and forced celibacy, a change in the organization of churches with an authoritarian bishop in the square like that, resulting in him thinking in harmony with the Greek and Roman instead of how things were actually created according to Scripture. Well this is even worse. Secrets of secrets were included in religion. You see, long before that, the mystery of the Babylonian religion penetrated all over the Greek and Roman world, and in fact, there were many people who arose under these Babylonian religions, who were accepted as slaves by the Romans. They were very prolific, the Romans were more aristocratic, they did not want to have many children. They were very similar to Western society today, where a lot of Western society people think, “Well, 1 or 2 children is enough.” But this Babylonian slaves brought, they had many children and during a certain period of time, there were actually more and more people of this of eastern heritage than was the earlier native Roman population. So they all brought these mystical Babylonian religions with them. Of course they did not remain slaves. You know, over time they were assimilated by the population and achieved success and in some cases were even part of the aristocracy and leadership. So it was all part of the unification that entered early Christianity in the second century. Well, that was very contrary to what the Scripture says. Here is from Jude 1: 3, he says: "to strive for the faith, was once for all the time devoted to the saints." What is faith that it is once for all time delivered to the saints? Right off the bat, many people say “Christianity,” but that is not. This is a primitive Hebrew faith. It is easy to prove, even Paul himself writes about this in Romans chapter 9, he says: "Israelites; which is affirmation, glory, covenants, giving of the law, service, promises; of which are the fathers, and from whom the Messiah" is faith , which is given once at a time! In could not resist that, after that he reveals to the person all this buffet of paganism that is there. That is exactly what happened to Justin and those who followed in his footsteps. The reason it happened is, I think it's pretty easy for us to understand when we understand history. When we see what happened to the Jews and how they actually got hatred from all across the Roman Empire you can kind of understand how Justin would then say, "Oh, this is from the Jews, I don't want that." Kind of this idea. Justin wrote a work entitled "Dialogue with Tryphon", which is his main controversy against Judaism. This is very interesting in that it is presented as a dialogue with a Jew during the war of Bar Kochba, who fled from Jerusalem. So this is very close to them historical events we're talking about and, obviously, it was formative to Justin's ideas. In order to actually have a Jew who survived these wars as a person that he speaks against. In this dialogue that we find Justin makes many imaginative interpretations of Scripture rather than literal interpretations of what Scripture says he imposes this Spiritual view on everything. This is very much according to the Greek philosophers. This is what they do, they just have a lot of this kind of thing where they do spiritual things, and he brought this into his view of the Scriptures in a conversation with this Tryphon, who is probably an imaginary person. “Justins invective against Jews and Judaism entered the mainstream of Christian thought and became an ominous influence that contributed little to the development of what is known as Christian anti-Semitism.” He was in fact the first Christian anti-Semitism. All of the church fathers who followed him, they all had negative things to say about the Jews. So I think that as you look at it you can view from looking historically what things are designed in this way, and you can understand why there was aversion to Jews because of what happened in the Jewish wars. You can understand why these Pagans who came in this Greek mixture of different types of paganism would react as they did and how Justin turned out to be a person who crystallized it in such a way that then everyone could start to quote him, it could start a ball rolling for pagan Christianity ... Here are some of what he had to say in dialogue with Tryphon, "For circumcision in the flesh, which is of Abraham, it was given for a sign; that you can be separated from other countries, and from us; and that you alone can suffer that now you justly suffer; and that your land may be devastated, and your cities burned with fire; and that strangers may eat your fruit in your presence, and not one of you can go to Jerusalem. ... Accordingly, these things are happened to you in fairness and fairness ... "So that's his attitude. Again, you can understand this from the point of view of a Roman and everything that happened. You can understand why he says "Well you get what you rightly deserve" here. But in the process they say that he is also saying: "Well, the Torah, which marked you as different, has been given to you so that we will know how bad you are." And so the Torah became something bad, it became a punishment. That is how he saw it. Now here's something else goes along with it about how he reduced the Torah to punishment for the Jews. He said: "God commanded you to keep the Sabbath, and to impose on you other covenants," in other words, in the Torah. "... for a sign, on account of your unrighteousness, and your fathers ..." With these words, he is able to dismiss the authority of the Torah and completely do away with it. Here's More. He says: "We, too, will watch over your Circumcision of the flesh, your Sabbaths, and in a word, all your holidays, if we were not aware of the reasons why they were introduced on you, namely, because of your sins and cruelty. “So, again, saying,“ You are Jews you are such bad people who made God you do all these things, but we better don't have to. ”It was an attitude. Of course, this is not justified, because judging the words of a perfect God by the imperfection of His people is really a big mistake is not his? If we applied the same to Christians, what should we say about God then, right? So this is actually not a good argument. So what's the effect of this argument? Well, the Effect is to fully highlight the powers of the Torah and Scripture, and everything Hebrew. It also means to set aside the authority of the Nazarenes, the desposyni, the remnant of Israel. So it's like completely dumping the power structure that YHWH has set up that the Messiah himself was reigning again and now alone. It was actually a schism. Well, unfortunately it wasn't just Justin. As we see here, Ienaeus, who is another important figure among Christians, we are told, was well acquainted with Justin's writings and starts from Justin in many of what he says. So, in other words, he picks up on what Justin said and he takes it further. Since I speak, Justin started the ball rolling and then the other Fathers just pushed it further and further. Now let's see, for example, in the next century in The Origins of Alexandria, that's what he had to say. “Thus, it can be argued, in full confidence, that the Jews will not return to their earlier situation, for they have committed the most heinous in the commission of crimes, in the formation of this conspiracy against the Savior of the human race ... hence the city where Jesus suffered necessarily was destroyed, the Jewish people were expelled from their country, and another people were called by the God of the Bright of elections. " So how long have Christians thought that? For a very long time it also started with these early church fathers. You will notice that they completely ignore the fact that there is still a remnant of Israel called the Nazarenes who are following the Messiah. They completely ignore these people even exist. They paint all Jews with the same brush, they are all murderers of Christ. Is this the case? Of course, this is not correct. Not only did the Jews who lived in this generation, they did not kill Christ, did they? They weren't, they weren't part of it. Can you hate all these individual Jews because of something that happened now, almost 200 years ago? But that's what you find among these early church fathers. Moving well forward into the next century, that's how bad it turned out. This is Zlatoust, "The synagogue is worse than a brothel ... a refuge for robbers and libertines, and a cavern of devils. This is a criminal assembly of Jews ... a meeting place for the murderers of Christ ... a house is worse than a drinking store ... notoriety, abode of lawlessness, refuge of devils, abyss and abyss of destruction ... I would say the same things about my souls ... As for me, I hate the synagogue ... I hate the Jews for the same reason. "So this has pretty much become a common attitude of Gentile Christians. Now that they said it was about the Jews, do they forget that the Roman stuck the sword towards Yeshua? And I'm sure there wasn't a Hebrew cross that He was nailed to. Was it not a Roman cross? So you see they clung to Rome, but they attacked the Jews. It doesn't seem like a reasonable accusation when you look at what actually happened. So this was a development that happened, and it happened very quickly. You know, after Justin the change is significant what you find. As you look at it you see the roots of everything you see in Christianity today. You know, all this, then, is misleading Paul, in distorting the history of Christianity, as if he went all the way back to the apostles, which he is not. Spiritualizing the literal truths of Scripture, over and over, and then you are all including all these Greek things, all of this paganism and philosophy, and you see a lot of the same stuff. Well here is a very important part of the development of the Christian Church in "Saints and Sinners: The History of the Popes" he says: "The tradition that Peter and Paul were put to death at the hands of Nero in Rome about the year 64 AD century, and by the end of this century pilgrims to Rome were shown the trophies of the apostles, their graves ... But at all this the New Testament is silent. Later the legend would fill in the details of Peter's life and death in Rome ... "They need some way to consecrate Rome, and I think it's difficult. But they did it by inventing this myth that Peter and Paul were killed there in Rome and that the church began in Rome and that Peter had the keys to the Kingdom and those went down and so on, and made Rome a leader. He continues: “These stories were to be accepted in sober history by some of the greatest minds of the early Church — Genesis, Ambrose, Augustine. But they are pious romance, not history, and the fact that we have no reliable accounts either from Peter later life or way, or the place of his death ... everything indicates that there is not a single bishop in Rome for almost centuries after the death of the apostles. "So in another Word, this whole story is a lie, and yet it has been multiplied, which is called here," O greatest minds of the early Church, some of the greatest so-called "church fathers." Are we church fathers? Why do they call them church fathers? You know why? Because they are the church fathers. This is the reason. You know it's kind of a mystifying term that's not? Fathers of the Church. If the Christian Church has actually been from apostolic times, then who would the church fathers be? There would be apostles. So the very fact that they claim these people, as the church fathers must tell you, are the people who actually gave birth to Christianity, not the apostles. Well there are other things here. I don't know how well you can see these photographs, but on the left side you have Sol Invictus, the Roman sun god. Notice around his head, rays of light and a halo, and then on the other side you have Mithras the sun god. Notice there are rays of light around his head and a halo around his head. In the middle pit, did you recognize him? That is, the Roman "Jesus". I think that if you were a fan of Sol Invictus it would be very easy to just change his name Jesus and keep doing what you have done all together, wouldn't that? Or Mithra, as the case may be. Moreover, by coincidence, they were all born on December twenty-fifth. "The changes in the church over the first four centuries were bonds of a subtle but common theme: - ... sun worship" That is why Christians. worship for ... what day? Sunday! Have you ever heard of Easter Sunrise Service? How about Easter? The title is the name of the false god. Rabbits, how about rabbits? Lillies. What do you think comes from? How about eggs? A symbol of fertility? Do you think that the Virgin Mary had a few eggs around on Sunday morning, and that is where that comes from? All this originated from paganism and has continued today, and for the worse the part about what is, the knowledge of these things is freely known. You can loo it in the encyclopedia and does anyone really care? A little. In The Search for Early Christianity, he says that it is, “How did this massive apostasy from His teachings take place, what happened to a group of tagged Jewish Christians? "Now I really like the way he says that. Because he talks about them, he says," They are labeled Jewish Christians. " about people who are clearly called Nazarenes. In Scripture and history, they call them "Jewish Christians" and they take their name "Christian" and just expanding it back, and that's a lie. They were never "Jewish Christians" they were " Messianic Jews. "Which is a completely different matter. They are still Messianic Jews after pagan Christians worshiped the sun god. Does that make me crazy? Yes, it does." , was not founded by Jesus Christ. Now, how difficult is it really to find out? “Can you imagine Yeshua doing these pagan rites of Christianity? Do you think you could do it? Unlike Justin, Yeshua held the Torah. He would not do it.” For three hundred years, this religion became a cast the organization of the clergy lead rites taken from pagan secrets and borrowed the best elements of Greek philosophy and formed dogma by appealing to the human mind and emotions. This religious organization came to be a powerful political force in the Roman Empire. " That is, the Christian church. Well, how did this happen? How did they become such a powerful force, a political force? Good thing everyone had to do with Constantine, Emperor Constantine. "The accession of Constantine became a turning point to indicate early Christianity." meant. “... In 313, Constantine issued an Edict of Milan to decriminalize Christian worship.” They went through a period of persecution and so Constantine was a bit of a hero in achieving this goal towards the end. He then became a great patron of the Christian Church, in fact this tells us that he set a precedent for the position of the Christian Emperor in the church. Only problem he was not a Christian. Thus, he was a pagan emperor, but he essentially set himself up as the emperor of the church. What happened. I might add bishops, leadership, went along with this. This continues, "... The depiction of the concept of orthodoxy, Christianity, ecumenical councils and the state church of the Roman Empire is declared in decree 380. “So all of this is just, as a rule, towards this end, the solidification of it all into one big institution, one big state church.” In 325, Constantine summoned the First Council of Nicaea, effectively the First Ecumenical Council. The Council of Nicaea is the first major Christian effort to define orthodoxy for the entire Church. "Thus, under Constantine, in his desire, to cement his empire and bring harmony between the various religious elements, he had this large assembly, and he wanted Christians to be easier to control in this way, basically crystallizing their leadership under his control, then he is able to maintain leadership in their empire Unity between these different groups and this is clearly the reason why you see it about Christianity that they accepted Christmas for example on the birthday of them other gods. They accepted many things, just like these other gods and this is Constantine an effort here. Taking elements from things that have already been done, causing it all to merge all religions together under Christianity. If this does not foreshadow what will soon happen here on planet Earth, then I don’t know What will happen. This is exactly what will happen under Babylon the Great and we are getting closer to this. Everything is being laid and all this is a question of tolerance right? We endure you, in You bear with us and just roll it all together into one big thing, and this is what Constantine did, this is how the Christian church crystallized into an institution. “Shortly before his death in May 337, Constantine was baptized.” So he did it all, he was never a Christian until shortly before his death. So how do Christians feel it was okay? How is it good for Christians to have, as the ultimate leader, a Gentile and let him dictate what they are going to do? I think they were better when they killed in the arena. I think they were much better when they were burned on the crosses. This is what it represents, a complete surrender to the Romans. You know sometimes if you can't get what you want with a stick you use carrots. This is basically what Constantine did and his success was monumental for the kingdom of darkness. Before this happened, before the Council of Nicaea, in just a few years, according to the Irish priest Malachi Martin, someone who had access to Vatican documents that you and I would never have seen what he wrote in "decline and the fall of the Roman Church "He says:" A meeting took place between Sylvester, who was the bishop of Rome, and the Jewish Christian Leaders "This is in 318, the oldest of them he calls them" Christian Jews "they were Nazarenes. "... Spoken on behalf of Desposyni" He tells us who Desposyini is, and I am not including everything that is here, I could not fit it all in my schedule. Now I spoke about this in an earlier view, about Desposyni and who they are, they are relatives of Yeshua the Messiah, His family. These descendants of David and they have actually led the assembly substantially down to the time of Justin. Malachi Martin admits that in part of his book. Now he speaks of his demands, he says: "Desposyni demanded that Sylvester, who was now under Roman patronage, revoke his confirmation of the powers of the Greek Christian bishops in Jerusalem, Antioch, Ephesus, and Alexandria, and the desposynos bishops take their place ". Thus, he tells them, the desposyni must be those as they were in the past, who are the leaders. He also says that they have asked the practice of sending funds to Jerusalem as the mother church to be resumed. That they would get support from leading believers. But he says: "These blood relatives of Christ demanded the reintroduction of the law, which included the Sabbath and holy day of the banquet system and the new moons of the Bible." What are they really saying to this man, Sylvester, this bishop? To me it sounds like what was happening is what they were chiding him. They told him "You are on the wrong track, if you want to get on the right track, this is what you need to do." this thing. "" Sylvester dismissed their claim, "Isn't it a big surprise is it? "... And he said that from now on, the mother church was in Rome and he insisted that they accept the Greek bishops ... This was the last known dialogue with the church to maintain on the Sabbath in the east, led by disciples who descended from blood relatives of Jesus the Messiah. " Well, what Malachi Martin is not saying here is what happened after that. What happened after this, the Roman church considered these people the most dangerous people in the world to them. Because these were the people who actually have the power to bring believers. So they hunted down, they were persecuted, they were banished, into obscurity, driven underground, and they are very difficult to find after this particular meeting. So what have we got now? Well, we're back to our scale. We see what happened. We have Israel at the top, timeline Israel and note that it is still straight ahead. Yes, there are some changes, the Messiah came, the New Testament was there. He put in place of David's guide to the Davidic covenant and there are still Davidic Leaders as we have seen all the way to 318 and beyond. It was in place, all along the other events we are talking about. We saw Judaism tearing apart true Israel as a split and how everything that the Said Messiah would happen to them happened. They had these Jewish wars, they ended up being completely annihilated, they ended up being scattered all over the earth. Jerusalem was trampled by the Gentiles of those who are time ahead, and that is exactly what happened. Everything that the Messiah said. We see the effect of those that of the Roman wars that finally took place, culminating in the second century around the middle of the second century with pagan believers. By now there have been many other non-Jews who have claimed to believe in Christ. They wanted to follow Him, but many of them did not want to leave all Greek customs. You know, it's so interesting when you read Paul, writing to the Corinthians, for example, he created these congregations and he fights with them to get them to walk in the truth. He fights against all their pagan practices. He is an apostle. So it's not really a big surprise that finally in the second century the pagans split off completely. This is what happened, this is the true beginning of the Christian church. This is what you see as you follow this time chart together. You can see how the events of the story combine to make this happen. You will also see that Israel has never changed. Israel is in the New Testament with Yeshua the Messiah, Davidic had a set of guidance up to over Israel, and here's the deal, YHWH has one plan. People can try to change his plan, this is what the Christian church has to do, even tries to rewrite history, saying, "No, about the real us", when in fact it is that they are a schismatic group, a sect that has separated from the real followers of the Messiah trying to claim this apostolic background. It goes not theirs and YHWH knows that. Messiah knows that and hopes that so many of them are thinking that they are part of the church that they will be raptured away to be with the Messiah that the church will be raptured away and saved in this way these terrible Jews can be dealt with. Well guess what? None of this will happen. If you are a Christian and you live your normal life, you are going to go through the Great Tribulation. Are you ready for this? Apostasy of Constantine, Apostasy: "That fatal period when Emperor Constantine called himself a Christian; From that time onwards - Christians were no more of the Spirit of Christ than pagans ..." You know who said that? John Wesley is a very famous Christian. You know, there are many Protestants, they want to divorce themselves from the mistakes of the Catholic Church, the excesses of the Catholic Church, from Constantine onward. I do not blame them for wanting to do this, but at the same time that they completely overlooks all the paganism that came to the church before Constantine. They themselves still practice it. They make Christmas, they make Easter, they accepted all of these ideas of Justin about the Apostle Paul, about the New Testament. They have all the spiritualizations of this biblical prophecy. They have all that stuff that he did Justin. As such, they are looking back to him and the other church fathers for direction. They are not from apostasy just because for free they disavow Constantine. He did not start with Constantine, he crystallized with Constantine, this is what actually happened. In another book, Ancient and Medieval Contemporary Christianity, he says: “Christianity ... started with very simple practices, all taken from Judaism ... they were reinforced, and the gestures familiar to were added by the pagans. It is sometimes very difficult to say for sure from which pagan rite a particular Christian rite originates, but it remains certain that the spirit of pagan ritual has gradually become infused with Christianity, to the point that eventually all IT can be found to spread through its entire rites. " In fact, in many Christian churches, when you go to this Christian church and you look around, is there anything like what you read in the New Testament? You see people wearing these special clothes and saying these special kinds of prayers and so on, maybe maybe even in a foreign language. You see these sacred objects that they have and in some cases you have idols right in the church. Can you imagine such a thing among the apostles Yeshua the Messiah? Where did it all come from? Where did it all come from? will it come from? well, it tells us that it all came from paganism and most of it came during this period we are talking about. When you look at all this, no wonder But Rome is often called Babylon. Augustine said about this in his famous "City of God", "To be brief, the city of Rome was founded, like another Babylon, and, as it were, the daughter of the former Babylon, with whom God was pleased to conquer the whole world, and possess it far and wide, leading it into one communication of the government and its laws. "Now here's an interesting thing about Augustine, you know, you might think if someone says," Well, Rome Babylon, "they think that's bad, right? No, that's not what he thinks." City of God. " Rom. He says God used Rome to consolidate His Kingdom. He speaks of Rome and Babylon in a positive light. This is what thinking was. Modern day cardinal "Faith of Our Fathers" said: "The penetration of the religion of Babylon has become so common and good known that Rome was called New Babylon "This is. true. In Hebrew literature also calls Rome Babylon and Peter speaks of Babylon and many people think that he is actually talking about Rome. The Book of Revelation speaks of Babylon. I believe that it speaks. people of our day. In the book of Revelation, Revelation 17 goes on quite broadly to identify Babylon the great tribulation period and there are many identifiers that are traced in close collaboration with Rome. One of the things is that it is located on seven hills like P im located on seven hills. There are other things there and after laying all this information, he says: "The angel wept with a loud voice, saying:" Babylon the great fell, fell, and she became the abode of demons, a refuge for every unclean spirit and a refuge for every unclean and disgusting bird! “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying:“ Depart from her, my people, that you do not share in her sins, and that you do not share her sins, for her sins you have reached heaven, and God remembered her iniquities. ”There are advantages for understanding of history. One of these advantages is the ability to define Babylon the great. Because there will be a great punishment that will be on Babylon, as surely as God's vengeance fell on the first century Judaism. He will come, and it is at least deserved, I think even more deserved. We live in a time when we must answer this call to get out of Babylon. Now he says, “My people.” Those who are not His people, they are not going to get out. Nothing no you can tell them that there is nothing that you can do, you cannot drag them with a team of horses. They don’t come because they like them there. But there are those people that He calls: "My people" and they captives in Babylon, and this is what we read about. Captivity in Babylon, this is how Christianity became hostage Babylon. They turned away from the guidance that God gave them, they turned away from His Torah, which is the standard of righteousness, the way to live, and He revealed them to all of these influences that very soon brought them to this place where they were captives, literally. Babylon. There are many people who in many ways are good believers who have remained captives of Babylon. Their minds, their hearts, are prisoners of these Babylonian practices. It's time, if you are one of those people, you have to get out there before the roof falls because it is going to. Do not think, do not buy this argument, that somehow you are too good for this to happen to you. This is what will happen to Christian friends church. He is not going to be taken away, he will crystallize into Babylon the great and he will be destroyed. This is what will happen to the Christian church. Don't be in it when what's going on. This is important for us, for this whole story. I hope you have been blessed by her. If you would like to study this table a little more closely, just contact us at our website and let me know where I can send this to you and I would be happy to send you a copy of this. Judaica and Christians in Babylon, 2nd century AD. Something to think about. [Are you ready for the events that will happen in the near future? Eliyahu ben David's seminar on the book of Daniel will give you a deeper understanding of what is happening in the world today and help you develop a plan of action to prepare for the judgment that will soon take place on earth. Come sign today at and watch Eliyahu ben David's free seminar on the book of Daniel.] [Free Register] [Judaica and Christians in Babylon] [From: Eliyahu ben David] [This video was produced by: The Zion Team ] [Visit us at:] [Watch us on YouTube:] [Music used in this production: Champs Elysees by: Omri Lahav] [Fair Use Note]

The twentieth century was one of the brightest and most terrible in the history of mankind. In it lived and created history people, about whose activities there are still heated debates (Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Lavrenty Beria, etc.). Moreover, some personalities are perceived better over the years.

The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion decided to find out what personalities of the 20th century Russians consider their idols. And here is who entered the top ten.

10.Mikhail Sholokhov and Irina Rodnina

The tenth place in the Russian list of the most popular people of the 20th century is shared by the author of "Quiet Don", "The Fate of a Man", "Virgin Soil Upturned", "They Fought for the Motherland", and the Soviet figure skater, ten-time world champion. Basically, women voted for Rodnina (14% against 4% of male votes).

It is curious that in 1973 Sholokhov signed a Letter from a group of Soviet writers to the editorial office of the Pravda newspaper, opposing anti-Soviet activities and the speeches of two other Russian idols of the 20th century - Sakharov (8th in the list) and Solzhenitsyn (6th).

9. Mikhail Bulgakov

Mikhail Bulgakov's candidacy is more popular among women than among men (12% versus 8%, respectively). Whether this is because the ladies read more, or because they are more inclined towards mysticism, to which the great writer was so generous.

8.Andrey Sakharov and Andrey Mironov

Andrei Sakharov - one of the creators of the hydrogen bomb, and later an ardent fighter for peace, and Andrei Mironov, who embodied many images on the screen - from the insidious but charming Kozodoev in The Diamond Hand to the shy Mr. are unlike each other.

7. Vladimir Lenin

One can perceive in different ways the personality of one of the leaders of the October Revolution of 1917. However, it is impossible to deny the achievements that the country made during his time in power. Here is a far from complete list of them:

  • the electrification of Russia began;
  • class inequality was abolished;
  • developed aerodynamics, electrical engineering, automobile construction and a number of other scientific areas vital for the country;
  • a militia and a new army, the Red Army, were created;
  • most of the territories lost during the First World War and the Civil War returned to the state;
  • on the recommendations of Lenin in 1922 the USSR was created.

6. Alexander Solzhenitsyn

The Nobel laureate and author of the book "The Gulag Archipelago", which for some became a revelation, and for others - "terry anti-Soviet", was previously on the fifth line of the rating of Russian idols of the 20th century. Now the situation has changed, he lost 2% of the vote (14% remained). The inclusion of Solzhenitsyn in the school curriculum will probably contribute to the growth of his popularity, which will be seen in the results of the next survey.

In the meantime, in the writer's hometown - Rostov-on-Don - more than 70% of the townspeople spoke out against the appearance of his monument. It was planned to install it on December 11, 2018, on Solzhenitsyn's birthday. At the same time, people were not only indignant on Internet forums, but also took to the city streets with banners, demanding not to allow the installation of a monument to the person who "slandered the history of the country."

5. Joseph Stalin

The wind of history is slowly sweeping garbage from the grave of one of the greatest rulers of Russia, who "took the country with a plow and left it with an atomic bomb." In 1999, 14% of respondents chose Stalin as the idol of the twentieth century, while in 2018 - already 16%. Most of the fans of the secretary general are among the older age group (25% versus 15% of young respondents).

In 2008, Stalin led the project The Name of Russia, which aimed to identify the most popular characters in the country's history. The top three also included Vladimir Lenin and the last Russian autocrat, Nicholas II. However, then the vote was curtailed, and its results were canceled due to hacker attacks, and other problems. During the televised debates on December 28, Alexander Nevsky was chosen "In the Name of Russia".

4. Leo Tolstoy

Surprisingly, it was not the older generation that voted for the great Russian writer and humanist, but young people (20-21% versus 11%). What is the reason: impressions of War and Peace, watching one of the film adaptations of Anna Karenina, or a dream to study as freely as the children in the Yasnaya Polyana school - who knows.

3. Georgy Zhukov

The personality of this great man is very ambiguous. He had all the necessary qualities for a brilliant military leader: strong will, courage, determination, broad strategic outlook and rich military experience gained during the First World War, the Civil War and the Soviet-Japanese conflict of 1939.

During the Great Patriotic War, the marshal directed the most important operations, such as Operation Bagration, thanks to which Belarus was liberated.

However, the same Zhukov was accused of "embarking on the path of looting", ordering his subordinates to take out from Germany a lot of trophy valuables for personal needs, as well as of "licentiousness." He did not hesitate to live on a grand scale when the country had just gone through the worst war in its history. It is largely thanks to him that Nikita Khrushchev came to power, who later "thanked" Zhukov by dismissing him.

2. Vladimir Vysotsky

The popularly beloved Zheglov from "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed" and the genius songwriter passed away early. However, his songs still sound, and will sound for a long time. Among them there are funny, and philosophical, and piercingly sad. But all the songs have one thing in common - a combination of simple and understandable even for a child rhymes and wisdom, a strong moral message. And many singers are trying to copy Vysotsky's original style of performance, but no one succeeded completely.

1. Yuri Gagarin

Here he is, the main idol of the 20th century for the inhabitants of Russia. 35% of respondents voted for the first cosmonaut on Earth. There was a nationwide euphoria in the USSR when the first manned flight into space took place on April 12, 1961. And everyone was happy not only because they managed to overtake the main rivals - the United States. And also because a new, space era of human development began.

Gagarin instantly became a national idol, and the day of April 12 forever entered the Russian calendar as the "Day of Cosmonautics". Until now, the phrase "Let's go" uttered by Yuri during the launch of the manned spacecraft "Vostok" is winged.

There are monuments to the first Soviet cosmonaut not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world: the USA (in Houston), England (London), Montenegro, and Cyprus (in Nicosia).

Full list of idols according to VTsIOM

Choose three people who could rightfully be called “Russian idols of the 20th century? (closed-ended question, no more than 3 answers,% of all respondents)
1999 year2010 r.2018 Nov.
Yuri Gagarin30 35 44
Vladimir Vysotsky31 31 28
Georgy Zhukov26 20 27
Joseph Stalin14 16 22
Alexander Solzhenitsyn16 14 14
Lev Tolstoy16 17 13
Maya Plisetskaya7 8 13
Vladimir Lenin16 13 12
Andrey Sakharov26 12 11
Irina Rodnina7 9 11
Mikhail Sholokhov7 9 10
Michael Bulgakov7 10 9
Anton Chekhov6 8 9
Andrey Mironov20 12 8
Lev Yashin8 6 5
Fyodor Chaliapin7 5 5
Joseph Brodsky2 2 5
Lyubov Orlova10 7 4
Vasily Chapaev6 4 4
Dmitry Shostakovich3 4 4
Ilya Repin3 3 2
Mikhail Gorbachev7 3 2
Other1 2 5
I am at a loss to answer4 9 5