Parting words to first graders



On this page we have tried to collect short parting poems for 1st grade. Perfect for your pages on social networks, or for SMS or Viber.

On September 1st, all schools hold a solemn assembly dedicated to the beginning of the new school year. All students look forward to this day, but this is especially an exciting moment for the youngest first-graders, because they are taking the first step towards discovering a new life, interesting, but on the other hand, complex and responsible.

At the ceremony, a lot of parting words are said to all schoolchildren, but special attention is paid, of course, to school graduates and first-graders.

SEPTEMBER 1 is the most joyful and exciting day in the life of every first-grader. In order to set up a child for school and study, every parent must explain, give advice, and say parting words to their child. So, where to start the conversation:

Firstly: mom and dad must explain that school is the most memorable time in a child’s entire life. School is a class where people communicate, have fun, make friends, but most of all, they gain new knowledge that will be useful in everyone’s life. Parents must convey to their child that regardless of school successes or failures, mom and dad will always love and support him.

Secondly: parents need to explain that it is from school that a child’s new life very interesting and amazing, but at the same time, insurmountable difficulties may arise with which the child must fight, cope, and in case of failure, not be disappointed.

Parting words to first-graders from parents

- Children! This day is truly magical! You will remember it as the beginning of a new school life, new friendship, new knowledge. The big doors to the school are open for you, the teachers greet you with a smile, and we, parents, wish you to study excellently, delighting us not only with your grades, but also with your behavior! Good luck, have an easy and interesting study!

– Our little children, congratulations are coming to you today, because you have become schoolchildren and today a new path opens for you, called “school”. May this road be happy, easy, and interesting for you. I wish you to find true and devoted friends. Have a nice trip my dears!

– I congratulate you on the first of September, I wish you more excellent grades in your diaries and fewer difficult tasks, and let the lessons be interesting and educational for you.

You're on the doorstep today
The best school in the world,
Life here will be very bright,
Beautiful and cheerful.

Mom and Dad will be happy
And the grandmothers are delighted,
You just need to study
Well, of course, without the “tails”.

You are our first graders,
We give you parting words:
You study with straight A's
We look forward to seeing you at school!

A parting message for first graders could be something like this:

Read books, don’t offend guys,
Study for four or five.
Collect your briefcase, don’t forget anything,
Listen to the teacher, don’t draw on your desks.
And also the parting words will be:
Fighting, biting, kicking is bad,
Be friends, help, protect, respect -
This is good, keep it up!

Parting words to first-graders from the first teacher

Also not a little important role For first-graders, the words of the first teacher are played. It is the teacher who must interest and attract children to study. You can start with the following words:

– My dear first-graders, today the first school bell rings for you. And this means that you begin a new cognitive life, you become independent students. And in order for your parents, relatives, and teachers to be proud of you, you must be obedient and diligent students. I'm like yours classroom teacher I will definitely help you all strive to achieve only the best grades.

– Today, my dear, beloved first-graders, I want to congratulate you on the holiday - September 1 and wish you excellent studies, many new friends. The school will become a second home for you, since it is here that a lot of interesting, educational, and surprising things await you. This is where you will learn to write, read, count, draw, sculpt and much more.

– Finally, this long-awaited day has come for you, my beloved first-graders. Today you are standing there, such small, smart kids, with such huge bouquets of flowers. Some of you are smiling, some are frowning, joy is shining in your eyes, impatience to sit down at your desks and start learning. It is this time, the time of childhood, that is the most interesting and memorable. Appreciate every day spent at school, with teachers, with your classmates, as this moment will fly by unnoticed for each of you. And after eleven years, a new adult life with its own difficulties and victories awaits you. And today I want to wish you a good journey into your new school life, where, of course, you are loved and will always come to your aid.

– My dear first-graders, today, on this day of knowledge, allow me to congratulate you on the beginning of your first school year and wish you great luck, success in your studies, good mood, many victories and the fulfillment of all your dreams.

Parting words to first-graders from the school principal

“Our dear first-graders, this wonderful day has come in your life, September 1 - the Day of Knowledge. Let me sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. So your childhood has flown by, today you stand on the first step to a new life and are proudly called a first-grader, a schoolchild. School years– wonderful, this is the most best time in the life of every person. It is at school that you will find your first friends, get many new and interesting knowledge. School is a real miracle of knowledge. Remember that studying well and being a diligent student is the best investment in your future. Have a nice journey into the world of knowledge, dear first-graders!”


/Warmest wishes for first-graders and graduates./

September 1- this is the most important day primarily for first-graders and graduates, since some of them come to school for the first time, while for others this holiday is celebrated at school last time. The line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge goes as usual according to the script, it says a lot of wishes for first-graders, both from the school principal, from teachers, presenters, parents, and from school graduates.
Parting words to first-graders from school graduates:

– Today is a special day – the Day of Knowledge! For you, dear first-graders, this is your first holiday; you are going to school for the first time to gain a lot of new interesting knowledge. We would like to congratulate you today and, first of all, wish you success in your studies, the envy of many new friends, and the school as your second home. Bon Voyage!

– Our dear first-graders, look how smart, beautiful and a little scared you are today. Don't worry, you will really enjoy school. Your first teacher will be your second mother, who will help you and support you in everything. Listen to her and respect her. And we want to wish you to receive only 5. Well, if you couldn’t do something, then you can contact us graduates, we will definitely help you all resolve various difficulties. Happy holiday, dear students!

– A first-grader sounds great, because every student is one. Be proud of this title of “First Grader” today. Behind kindergarten and a new one begins for you, interesting life. You have become students, which means that you will soon learn to write, read, count, draw and much more, all this is very interesting and educational, and most importantly, it will be useful to you in your future life. Bon voyage my first graders!

– Happy holiday to our beloved students, today is a special day for you – September 1st. Soon you will get acquainted with notebooks, primers, learn to hold pens and write letters and numbers beautifully, I am sure you will be very interested. I wish you all a good journey in this difficult work, but you will definitely overcome it. And we will definitely help you with this.

– Dear children, today your first school bell rings for you, just as it did for us 11 years ago. Remember this moment forever, as this first call will never happen again. Now all of you will have new friends, new interests, hobbies. There's a whole lot ahead of you academic year, try to spend it with dignity, please teachers and your parents with excellent studies and diligence in your behavior, because this is the main thing that you must learn in your interesting school life.

– Hello, dear students! Today, on this wonderful holiday, I would like to wish you success in your studies, build good relationships with your first teacher and classmates. Your class is your second native home. Always be friendly, support each other and never fight. Have a nice trip, dear first-graders!

Poems from the first-graders themselves

I'm so serious
I'm not afraid of school at all
The whole family collected
I strive for knowledge.
I have a new briefcase,
It contains a pencil case and books,
I dream of going to school
And I want to sit down at my desk!
And dear teacher,
I'll give you my flowers,
The best and most beautiful!
I want to study so much!

I just studied in the summer,
I forgot about the cars
And I didn’t play on the computer,
I learned letters and numbers.
And he put on a beautiful suit,
And even a shirt, here,
And I didn’t forget the flowers,
Well, in the backpack, a sandwich.
An apple just in case
If I want to eat.
I'll be the best first-grader
Exactly, I’m telling you exactly!

White apron today,
My mother put it on me
Like on New Year's Eve
I was getting ready for school.
All kinds of pens, rubber bands,
Bright covers,
And funny pictures
And some sweets.
I already love school
I like the class
Can I come again tomorrow?

1. A first-grader is proud, with a backpack on his back
A first-grader is fashionable, simple in company
The baby is surprisingly smart and receives congratulations
He receives instruction, his eyes light up with emotion
When your cute little one goes to school first, then to university
Parents stand aside - proud and happy for their child!

2. It is a great happiness for a child to take part in his studies.
He is very, very pleased to receive all congratulations
And happy first of September, shout to friends and family
Now he will be like a big man, walking home from school on his own,
Then he will be off to class, running as fast as he can cheerfully!

3. First class, with the first initial call in my life
We rush to the right time with a huge cake
September: start of studies, you are at school
For now, but someday perhaps, student
Be happy, baby on a great journey,
I wish you to walk this path like a fairy tale!

4. Congratulations to the first class, on their first September
A photo for memory, a teacher with a pointer, a large family nearby!
The children are happy, because this is the first call in a schoolchild’s life,
Mom will cry, grandma will be nervous, so they took her to class
Interesting life will begin soon, desk, lessons, friends,
Well, then your studies will count for you, try hard, guys, not in vain!

5. To the first class, congratulations are very important,
The first of September, their day of surprise
We congratulate you and wish you good luck on your journey
Try, learn and find happiness!

6. First graders, I would like to congratulate you
Happy first important day of school, wish you
So that you can always rule through life,
Fear and success, to be in business
Punctual, smart
Sometimes, even so that you are always lucky in everything
If something doesn't work out, try
Make it better than before, to spite everyone!

7. Congratulations on the first of September,
This can be important and very prestigious
If suddenly you come from kindergarten to school jokingly
Get serious, make friends with the first book
You only come to first grade once
And the first teacher, you will remember after many years
We wish you good luck, go to first grade,
May bad weather pass you by!

8. Baby, almost quite big, with a new briefcase on his back
September is early and there is a red day on the calendar
For the baby, marked exactly, on the first number
We congratulate you, schoolboy, studying is a craft
You will learn it soon, and you will be your mother’s support!

9. Happy first of September, we congratulate the children
First class standing there, completely confused
These children were, yesterday, next to their mother
Well, now the school doors are open
She invites them, they desperately need a step
Towards new adventures
Let's support them and wish them together
Always believe in the star of luck!

10. Good luck to first graders, happy first of September!
Congratulations to mom and dad, your whole family!
Accept congratulations,
And don't be bad at studying!

11. First-grader with bows
It’s important to go to school like this,
Well, her mother is at home
She bakes a delicious cake.

You need to pamper the girl,
She is a first grader.
To sweet life with studies
Showed herself to her then!

12. Congratulations, first grader,
You are going to school now.
WITH important look, like a boss,
You realize a lot.

May you be lucky with your studies,
But be diligent yourself,
So that you are happy and pleasant
Your school journey was great!

Congratulations to first-graders

This page presents interesting wishes for first-graders and parting speeches from parents and teachers.

You are now a first grader -
And it sounds proud.
You are now a first grader -
And you walk firmly.

There's a new backpack on my back
It's pleasantly heavy.
And my hand trembles a little,
Which, of course, is understandable.

An important day in your life
Coming today.
Exciting, new
The school world awaits.

This world is full of knowledge
And wonderful discoveries,
Unusual acquaintances,
Adventures, events.

- Don’t be shy, come in...
Be open to knowledge.
Everyone will help you
All you need is desire!

Congratulations to the first grader

Today is your holiday
Our favorite first grader.
Will you sit at your desk?
Bright, clean and pleasant.

How long have you been to kindergarten?
Did you go and weren't happy?

You didn't want to sleep at lunchtime,
I didn't know how to dress
I waited for my parents all day
And I looked for friends in the garden.

And now you're great:
Finally learned
Doing everything completely without mom,
Listen, don't be stubborn.

We are all proud of you
You promise to study
On “4” and “5”,
In general, just keep it up!

Guys! Congratulations!
How can you not congratulate on this holiday!
This is the only day a year for us.
What else is there to add?

It's time for you to become disciples.
And you showed up to first grade.
And follow your dreams
You can walk with us!

We wish you on an autumn day
Realize how much is ahead.
And dispel all doubts!
After all, it’s time to find the light of knowledge!

Happy September 1st to you, first graders.
We wish you everything
What will help you become a little older.
This is the most important thing now.

We congratulate you as we let you into the school.
The new school year has begun.
To give force to a verb,
The flag of knowledge needs to fly.

Let the bonds of friendship unite,
May the years not pass in vain.
First class - everyone needs it in life.
This is for you to understand here.

The first day of September has arrived.
Congratulations on this, guys.
Each tree of knowledge has grown.
And you also need to nurture it.

Congratulations and may you forever
This day brings only joy.
Remember him, and trouble
Let him retreat, let him disappear completely.

Congratulations! Will change instantly
Your life, because you have become more mature.
Teaching has a sunny face.
Congratulations! Your year is coming!

In the window, an autumn face is visible.
He is both sad and beautiful.
Now the moment of learning has come.
After all, the face of ignorance is dangerous.

I want to study like this
So that everything in the world becomes clear!
After all, everyone here is an expert at something.
It's time for children to learn about this.

You are in first class. Such a day
Only happens once in a lifetime, kids.
And you are no longer in danger of robbery.
After all, there is a school in this world.

Guys, you are not kids anymore.
Today we will hurry to school together.
There you will learn about everything in the world,
Welcome to school, children!

The teacher will be the kindest,
And the school bench is comfortable.
We wish you to learn with ease and desire,
We greet all first-graders with adoration!

Congratulations on the first day of school,
Be children, first in everything,
And in adulthood, to build skyscrapers,
You must master what we ask you to teach.
Just do what you're told to do at home.
Just repeat the paragraphs baby,
And then you will reach any height,
You are now standing on the first step.
We wish you strength and good luck,
You have to be a diligent student,
Be a student, solve problems,
And grades, that's your reward!

Morning of a fabulous day
Everyone congratulates me
I became, I became a “student”
They know the street, my house.
This used to be a child
This used to be, I slept for a long time,
Now I have received the books,
I became a first grader.
I promise not to sleep during the day,
Raise your hand exactly
And to the main questions,
I'll try to answer.
Well, the older guys
Let them give us advice,
How to run here, where is the canteen,
And what tasty things they give.
I promise that girls
I won't offend
Better than letters in a notebook,
I'll write thinly.
That's how school is
How much noise
How many friends will there be here!
I can’t wait to get off the line,
Get to the teacher's class quickly!

Address to first-graders from a teacher, head teacher, director or other persons educational institutions. You lure them into the world of knowledge, understand their excitement and offer your help in the future (in a beautiful and kind poetic form)

Today is a very bright holiday!
Today is too important a day!
I congratulate everyone who is a first grader.
You have moved to a new stage in life.

Now you have become a little more mature.
This means you need to open up to something new.
A little scary, I know, but later
You will definitely be proud of yourself!

After all, the world, it only seems simple,
But there are so many interesting colors in it.
Let's walk through them together,
Let's find stories for new fairy tales.

Can you imagine how funny that is?
They couldn’t even find out about something they couldn’t even think about.
See, explain, then say: “How strange,
That we didn’t take this into account before!”

My friends, such stories
You will meet and cannot be counted.
Do you know how many greetings
Will you have to read new ones?

After all, on the way on the road of knowledge
It's so hard to cope alone.
Remember that in every endeavor we undertake
The advice of comrades is necessary.

And the school will help here zealously.
Whatever the sequence of events,
That friendship that is born early,
It will serve you for centuries!

I just want to say one last thing:
Yours begins today new way.
It is not so much difficult as it is strong,
I will help you not to collapse!

Parting poems-congratulations to first graders

Lush dahlias in bouquets,
The chrysanthemums have bloomed grandly,
Multi-colored asters are already in the summer,
This autumn everyone tenderly said goodbye.

Like a fairy-tale flowerbed in a school yard,
Eyes glow with delight
And among the first-graders there is an important debate,
And sparkle and beauty are everywhere!

The backpack is heavy for the first time.
A very nice student is dragging,
He is in a hurry, tired, because first class,
And the baby is not used to getting up so early.

You will learn quickly, believe me,
And wake up early and wash,
The door to knowledge is wide open,
It's a pity, but we need to say goodbye to childhood.

And the toys will wave affectionately,
Paws to you: happy journey,
And the kitten will say goodbye
You study, but don’t forget Whiskas.

You will be smart, and happy, important,
First grader - sounds so proud!
We say congratulations to you from the bottom of our hearts,
And the bell is already ringing for you!

The melody “School Years” sounds.

It's May again in this world,
On the school joyful planet.
Nature comes to life again:
It rings, blooms, smells fragrant.

Today is a fine and gentle day,
Today is not an easy day at all.
Summer already smells of flowers and colors.
The sun in the sky is like a golden ball.

And this is the last day of childhood
Every moment and glance is so precious.
And, unfortunately, there is no way back...

Today is our farewell day.
Everyone is a little sad now.
We will tell graduates:
“Goodbye, good morning.”

Not every path will be smooth for them,
Not all trials will be easy,
And life lies before them like a notebook,
In which there is not yet a line.

Presenter: Probably, it’s time to invite our heroes of the holiday to this hall.

Presenter: Dear guests, teachers, parents, students!

Meet graduates of 2003.

The melody “School Waltz” sounds. Graduates enter the hall and take their places on the stage.


On this May morning, this warm spring
Everything, as before, seems to be going smoothly.


Only us at the parade, with smiles, flowers
The hall is in a beautiful outfit and the guests are simply afraid.


We know that today we don't need a lesson
We gathered for the holiday, for the last call.


And I became a little sad,
Someone is nervously crumpling a handkerchief,
We answer verbally today,
All tests have expired.


The time has come to say goodbye to us
Happy school life,
Say goodbye to the evenings
And “hello” - free life.

Graduate: In the last century it was...

Graduate: 11 years ago, in September 1992, our mothers and fathers, grandparents, led us by the hand to this school.

Graduate: Dress and bows, suits and white shirts, slightly frightened and surprised faces...

Graduate:, flowers, flowers.

Graduate: 11 years old! Like a moment between a child’s past and an adult’s future...

This holiday is a holiday, a little sad at times,
After all, now only “graduate” is applicable to you.

But for this you need a series pass exams,
Now we will find out if you can be admitted.

The graduates act out a scene: a table, the director at the table, playing solitaire on cards.

Director: Seven here, nine here, move the king.

A group of teachers with the head teacher enters.

Head teacher: Tamara Ioganovna, we’re all thinking here...

Teacher: and we decide everything...

Teacher: so to speak, collegiately...

Head teacher: What do you think - to allow or not to allow, to release or not to release?

Director: To allow or not to allow, to release or not to release, that is the question...

Head teacher: If we graduate, then who?

Teacher: And why?

Teacher: And where?

Director: And most importantly – why?

Head teacher: But the problem is that the children have become very big.

Teacher: They look from top to bottom.

Teacher: They don’t fit at the desks.

Head teacher: They ask questions...You put the jack in the wrong place...

Teacher: And a ten on top...

Teacher: And here the ace came out...

Head teacher: So it came together... So to speak, collegiately...

Director: So we will admit and release!

Presenter: The floor for reading the order on admission of graduates to state exams is given to the Deputy Director for Educational Work.

The order for admission of grades 9 and 11 to exams is read out.

Presenter: I now allow you to give my last order.

The director knows better how to cope with this life. The director speaks.

Presenter: When leaving school, a student carries into life from the school threshold

Knowledge obtained from books and a piece of the teacher’s heart.

Presenter: Save the power of reason in yourself, and save the passion for knowledge,

On the path you have chosen, different things await you ahead.

Presenter: Even if this road is not easy, don’t rush to walk along it,

Know that the destiny of not many is the improvement of the soul!

Host: What should you take with you? Vocation. And love and the desire to go

Let your talent and wealth of knowledge become your support along the way!

Host: How did this knowledge accumulate, who was the first to discover talents in our

graduates who taught them kindness, honesty, and sincerity.

Host: Let’s remember: as if yesterday, school began to suffer.

The first bell, the first lesson of the first grade is a familiar threshold.

Presenter: In 1992, 33 first-graders came to our school and two first classes were formed.

Presenter: Natalya Vasilievna Minina took 1st “a” class.

Graduate: Natalya Vasilievna, you recognized us. Look...

Your first-graders are standing here!

Graduate: We carried large backpacks, rulers, pens, blotters.

Graduate: We remember you with love, so dear, so familiar.

Like a mother, you treated us, and we were at home with you.

Graduate: Thank you, please accept the bow from all the graduates.

And also, lovingly, teach your students!

Song to the tune of “Vernissage”: (Application)

Presenter: Natalya Vasilievna, the floor is yours! Minina N.V. speaks.

Presenter: Grade 1 “b” was taught by Zoya Aleksandrovna Krapivkina.

Graduate: How kind she is to us, how nice she is,

I just want to call her mom. And her eyes are kind and her hands are soft,

And you won’t die of boredom in her lessons. We call her Zoya Alexandrovna

She gave us her affection and warmth. She is so kind, so nice,

I just want to call her mom.

Song for us motive “Golden Heart”" : (Application)

Presenter: Zoya Alexandrovna, you have the floor! Z.A. Krapivkina speaks.

Graduate: We stand before you today at a solemn, cherished hour

And we know: again you are with us and again worried about us.

So not intrusive and modest in the flow of different school days

They gave their love exactly, they accepted everyone as “their children.”

Graduate: Our thanks to all the first teachers and this song.

Song to the tune of “The Blue Sea Never Ends”:(Application)

Host: Now your first teachers seem to have taken you back to the beginning of your school life.

Host: And it seemed to you that your first call was as if it was yesterday.

Briefcases, bows, answers and grades, bells, “A”, “D”, recess,

Lines, holidays and your evenings.

Host: Today, it’s a pity, but it’s time for you to part with childhood,

And for some it’s summer as usual.

Vacation days are always warmed with warmth, Everything is behind you, the game is over.

Presenter: And with today Indeed, the first-graders' holidays are beginning, but they have come to greet you at this solemn hour today! These are special boys: your little brothers, these are special girls: your little sisters!

Presenter: Meet first graders!

First class performance. A response from graduates.

Graduate: You came to school recently, we studied for 11 years.

And today we want to give you guys instructions and advice!

Graduate: Here is our advice:

Paragraph 1. If bad thoughts they get into your head, drive them into your neck.

Point 2. When you lose your temper, don't get lost.

Point 3. Don't grab stars from the sky. If everyone grabs stars from the sky, there will be no starry nights.

Point 4. One head is good, but two are never good.

Point 5. Have a heart, have a soul, and you will be human at all times.

Point 6. Don't go with the flow, don't swim against the flow, but swim where you need to go.


And we also wish you to be:
Smart, but not boring, proud, but not arrogant,
Affectionate, but not intrusive, strict, but not evil,
Modest but not timid, brave but not cocky,
Nice but not picky, rich but not greedy,
Slender, but not skinny, plump, but not fat,
Tall, but not long, businesslike, but not presumptuous,
Determined, but not impudent, successful and happy.

Graduate: And the most important order for you: study well, glorify our school, respect all teachers!

Graduates present first-graders with gifts and an envelope with parting words.

Host: What is a school? This is not only a building, beautiful offices, blooming geraniums on the windows and drawings on the walls, but the most important thing is the people working here.

Presenter: Teachers! Your work was, of course, not in vain,

And sometimes it was hard for you,
But how wonderful is it all?
Give yourself to your students.

Graduate: We understand, we see for ourselves how dear any of our classes are to you,

How difficult it can be for you with you and how even more difficult it is without us.

Graduate: We cannot live a day without school, we will never forget these years.

You gave us the verbs: “smile”, “love” and “be friends”.

Graduate: You will always remain with us, because we always need you.

So you will never grow old, never, never, never.

Presenter: Without changing our traditions, on last call The propaganda team of teachers would like to express their opinion about the graduates and their wishes.

Presenter: Propaganda team of teachers! The teachers' propaganda team performs.

Host: What good children have grown up! Their faces are amazingly clear!

It must be easier for them to live in the world, it’s easier for them to get through, it’s easier for them to achieve.

Host: Let’s say they say what’s more difficult: all sorts of exams, these competitions.

Perhaps this is true. Their children know better, but the children have grown up to be very good.

Host: And this is not only the merit of the teacher, but the great merit of the parent.


Well, how can we not remember today those
Who shared with us joy, sorrow, laughter.
Who collected for school every day,
And sometimes he burned with shame for us.

Graduate: Parents! We are nowhere without you! Any trouble is not a problem with you.

And joy, so full of fun! After all, we can work and study together!

Graduate: A huge “thank you” to our mothers and fathers, grandparents, and all our relatives.

Graduate: And we also want to hear from you your parental parting words before entering the big life.

Presenter: The floor is given to parents of 11th grade. Parents of 11th grade speak.

Host: Today words of farewell are heard here, and everyone around wishes you well.

The tenth grade says to you at the moment of parting: “No fluff, no feather!”

Presenter: Graduates! Your younger comrades and friends - 10th grade - congratulate you.

Performance by tenth graders. The response from the graduates is a chronicle, a mandate.

11 years flashed by - like someone’s huge wings,
Unnoticed - how you all managed to grow up.
You are no longer chicks who barely opened your eyes,
You stand on your feet and can barely fly into the sky.

Host: 11 years is a period, this is your prelude to life,

This is an important milestone and a step for everyone.

Presenter: 11th grade, it’s time to say goodbye and you have the last word.

A response from graduates. On stage are the director, the head teacher and two teachers.

Director: Dear teachers! Dear students! Graduates and parents! The day we have been waiting for 11 years has come! Today the last bell rings for our children! Dear mothers, you will no longer have to push your over-aged child aside in the morning to send him to school. Dear dads, now you will be spared the grueling task of checking their diaries! Dear grandparents, now they will braid their own hair and tie their sneakers, dear colleagues! You have fulfilled your professional and civic duty! And we all go on vacation!

Teachers: On vacation! On vacation! Hooray! Holidays!

Director: Please give the last call for our graduates!

A student runs in with a cardboard bell on his head, his mouth is taped crosswise, his hands are tied.

Director: What's the matter? So, familiar handwriting, 11th grade again! They can't even leave in peace! What's the matter?

Graduates begin to climb onto the stage, reading poetry.


For several years now they have been trying to get rid of us,
But we are always on guard and have already taken measures.


We cannot leave the school, because outside its walls
It is an unknown night with unknown days.


This will not be a reproach to us, for self-preservation,
We will not cross the threshold of our native establishment.


We became like one family, we walked the same road,
I can’t imagine life now without a teacher.


Even though you have a lot to do, leave us for another year!
We agree, even in the closet, but only next to you!

All: Tamara Ioganovna! Leave us for another year!

The director gives a response where it should sound: your song is sung.

All: But no, it’s not sung yet!

Song: to the tune of “Autumn” by Yu. Shevchuk: (Appendix)

The dialogue is quick, into the hall:

Sing? Again, just a song for everyone?

Where can I get so many songs? After all, they sing every year! - Let's have some ditties!

Was. - Let's read poetry!

Tiring. - Then the scenes...

It happened too! - Well, I do not know! Let's remake Onegin!

Not modern.

Let’s, like in “17 Moments of Spring,” collect dossiers on our teachers by walking through school classrooms and corridors!

This is where “merciless to the enemies of the Reich”? - Well, yes.

What are you doing? He twirls his finger at his temple.

Listen, why not? Only in a humorous way. This will work for every portrait.

Yep, friendly cartoon! And we still have to take exams. - But he’s friendly!

Indeed, and then, all of us are teachers with a sense of humor!

What can I really try? - Why not?!

Presenter: We invite everyone to take a tour of our school and look at everything again through the eyes of graduates.

Walk along the quiet school floors - quite a lot has been lived and understood here.
Your voice was timid, the chalk in your hand was shaking, but you ran home in victory.
And if suddenly your luck runs out, take a walk along the quiet school floors.

Graduate: On the first floor we invite you to the office of the main person of the school - this is the director’s office.

Graduate: Tamara Ioganovna!

Graduate: How many times have we seen you at work - you are always searching, always caring. Everything worries you, everything worries you, a sensitive heart will help anyone.

We wish you to remain this way and never change for anything.

Song: “My Darling” by Yu. Vizbor:(Application)

Graduate: Bobylskaya Tamara Ioganovna - loves to help people, intolerant of indifference; among the graduates, Grisha, Timur, Natasha and Kostya are especially imprinted in my memory.

Graduate: On the right hand side of the director’s office there is a workshop. Sergei Anatolyevich is the boss there.

Graduate - boy: At work we learned to plan, saw and hammer nails,

Hurry up and order pointers, mops and machines from us.

Song to the tune of “Spring Song”:(Application)

Graduate: Sharabarov Sergey Anatolyevich - kind, funny, wears a beard - probably for camouflage.

Graduate: And you’ll go to the left...

Graduate: Tatyana Georgievna!

Song to the tune of “The Top”:(Application)

Graduate: Karnaukhova Tatyana Georgievna - merciless towards laziness, to the detriment of other activities she loves to read everything, in the 11th grade I remember Nina, Sasha, Nastya, Grisha, Timur and all the rest.

Graduate: And in the neighboring rooms we were introduced to art.

Graduate: Alexander Maksimovich!

Graduate: A temple of art in a scientific temple - it was erected by your hands:

Everyone began to sing and play chess - and this is no longer a dream.
Alexander Maksimovich, your songs will last us forever,
For this we give you our hand and our eternal recognition.

Song to the tune of “Talk to me, Mom”: (Application)

Graduate: Zubchenko Alexander Maksimovich - merciless to the destroyers of nature and to the dirt on the roads in the village, sleeps poorly at night, worrying about the country, from the 11th grade he remembered Alyosha, Andrey, Kostya and Kolya Anuchin.

Graduate: The Fine Arts lesson introduced us to the world of paints and colored pencils, paintings and sculptures.

Graduate: Lyudmila Viktorovna!


Your patience and knowledge, meeting understanding,
Helped the mind to understand a lot.
And any landscape, let’s say without a doubt,
Can we confidently write “5”,
For everything you were able to teach us,
For your kind but stern eyes,
For being very patient,
I especially want to say “thank you” to you.

Graduate: Lyudmila Viktorovna was our class teacher for 3 years.

Song to the tune of “Darling”:(Application)

Graduate: Belchikova Lyudmila Viktorovna - sweet, sweet, sweet...

Graduate: Have you forgotten about the gym?! He's also on the first floor!

Graduate: Viktor Mikhailovich, excuse us for not going to physical education often,

We were lazy, clumsy, afraid of the horse, we avoided it, for which we received “bananas”!

Song to the tune of “Winged Swing”:(Application)

Two boys carry a third by the arms, stop near the teacher and sing to the tune “Esaul”(Application)

Graduate: Ermakov Viktor Mikhailovich - the most charming and attractive, a gentleman and a real man

Graduate: Oh, girls, the new exercise therapy teacher is so young and handsome!

Graduate: Sergey Alekseevich!

Graduate: Polyakov Sergey Alekseevich - loves to sleep and eat, the main quality is patience, does not recognize mental retardation.

Graduate: Guys, the bell is about to ring! We quickly run to the dining room - take the chairs!

Graduate: Our Russian cooks prepared semolina, rice, and cabbage soup for us.

Yes, and they often indulged in sweets, they would give them candy, or even a bun.

Graduate: We love our canteen, well, we love it very much, we run to the canteen like nowhere.

We’ll forget to hand in our notebooks for testing, but we’ll never eat!

Graduate: The canteen workers are the most delicious, the kindest, the most attentive - they will never leave us hungry.

Presenter: Guys, don’t be late for lesson 1 tomorrow - Irina Vasilievna is on duty.

Graduate: Usoltseva Irina Vasilievna - merciless to rudeness, lies and rudeness, fair, believes that 11th grade are very good, smart, fair children.

Graduate: Now we invite everyone to go up to the second floor.

Graduate: Vyacheslav Rudolfovich has already taught us everything,

We will be able to live without problems after the life safety course.

Graduate: Even if we are suddenly destined to end up on Mars,

Knowledge of life safety will always help you out of any trouble.

Graduate: Kvakin Vyacheslav Rudolfovich - likes to sleep after work, pick on someone, is merciless to sycophants, from the 11th grade he especially notes Nastya Usoltseva and almost everyone.

Graduate: Quiet! In this office there is method.advice. Elena Vasilievna is in command here.

Graduate: The head teacher in our school is strict and fair, he vigilantly monitors order in the school,

So that the student is not late for lessons, and, God have mercy, so that he does not play truant.

Graduate: So that I study the entire school curriculum, and at the institute so that my handkerchief does not get wet with tears.

If science is given to you, this is also a credit to the head teacher.

Graduate: And Elena Vasilievna and I also learned that the Earth is round, that we live in Siberia and that there are four sides to the world!

Graduate: A pilot, a geologist and a warrior will find land description useful,

If geography is mastered, then it is much more difficult to lose your way!

Song to the tune of “Let me go to the Himalayas”(Application)

Graduate: Ekhlakova Elena Vasilievna - believes that 11th grade is sympathetic, kind, cheerful, moderately humorous, cool and sincere, she herself is kind, but cool, merciless to cynicism, but loves to eat and kick the ball at night.

Graduate: Oh, this is a whole storehouse of knowledge! And dear Vera Albertovna meets us!

Graduate: And we came to the library, here they open our card index.

And we again receive books on it, which we will read today.

Graduate: Vera Albertovna Zubchenko - noted as a punctual and friendly person, intolerant of lies, prefers tea with something, from the 11th grade I especially remember Kostya, Natasha, Valya.

Graduate: And this office is special, there are smart machines in it - computers (though they are not working now). Two teachers taught us computer science: Liliana Anatolyevna and Andrey Sergeevich.


Your computer world, Liliana Anatolyevna,
It’s a feast for the mind, and a discovery for us...


Our dear teacher, why are you silent?
After all, you and I have gone through a lot of the program:
Texts were typed, graphics were read,
There is so much behind - there is a road ahead.
But we know, if anything happens, we are ready to repeat it:
Press Enter and do it again!

Song to the tune of “Blue Car”:(Application)

Graduate: Explaining this science without computers is just a pain, it’s hard to live in our country without money, and doubly so for the computer science class.

Graduate: Andrei Sergeevich Sharabarov - stubborn, not tolerant of those who do not act humanely, in the 11th grade I like all the guys.

Graduate: Guys, Svetlana Olegovna left for a seminar in the city!

Graduate: Oh, the test passed!

Graduate: I just learned everything yesterday!

Graduate: Svetlana Olegovna, you taught us to solve problems, to admire starry sky, now we won’t confuse a square with a rectangle and can calculate any applied force.

Graduate: The Earth through Newton’s prism is all visible in rainbow rays:

Dispersion, diffraction, what if interference? I don’t know what I see now.

And I’m not dreaming of the sound of water by the sea, or a wonderful magical spring.

And I dream of Svetlana Ankudinova standing with Newton at the window.

Song to the tune of “There is nothing better in the world”:(Application)

Graduate: Svetlana Olegovna Ankudinova - believes that in the 11th grade everyone has their own flavor, is intolerant of excessive self-confidence and arrogance, admits that she takes on many responsibilities.

Graduate: Do you know: a new science has appeared at our school - valeology.

Graduate: What is it about?

Graduate: And she means that we, young boys, should not drink, should not smoke,

They did not forget about their health, they respected a healthy lifestyle.

Graduate: Where can I find out?

Graduate: In the biology classroom, where Elena Yuryevna will tell you everything you are interested in.

Graduate: in general, you learn so much in this office...

Song to the tune of “Island of Bad Luck”:(Application)

Graduate: Elena Yuryevna Golyakovskaya – merciless to boors, but loyal to graduates. Can be rude in a good way the words “lazy”, believes that all 11th graders are good.

Graduate: Who, if not a literature teacher, touched the strings of our souls in his lessons. Each of us, in the whirlwind of the lesson, thought about time and our place in it, and looked for answers to many questions.

Graduate: All our lives we will remember how, without hiding a smile,

You returned the notebook to us without any mistakes.

How upset you were when, alas, not infrequently,

You should have given us a bad mark...

Graduate: Dmitry Valerievich Korchagin is a humorist, an easy-going person, sometimes lazy, but cannot stand the conscious stupidity and laziness of others. In the 11th grade, he celebrates everyone who knows how to think and speak out.

Graduate: And this office is the most delicious, there is always the smell of vanilla, cream, and, like works of art, cakes that melt in your mouth are cooked.

Graduate: Nina Leonidovna, there is light in your room - it’s because of your ideas.

In your upper room, as always, there is warmth - this is from the hearts of the children.

Graduate: How much beauty was created by your work,

How much knowledge you gave us - we will take it all with us.

She taught us how to bake cakes and biscuits, we will remember you in our souls

And always say “thank you” to you on behalf of yourself and your husbands!

Song to the tune of “Knots”:(Application)

Graduate: Anuchina Nina Leontyevna – fair, kind, interesting. He knows how to cook cakes that you could even dream of...

Graduate: History is a complex science, either it was like that or it wasn’t? And you can’t count all sorts of events in it, and you can’t count textbooks in it, but Nadezhda Svet Vasilievna led us through past centuries and the present.

Graduate: History will be useful to us, we would like to finally say -

It is better to learn from other people's mistakes than to break your forehead.

Graduate: Nadezhda Vasilievna Pashkova – young, cheerful, always smiling, knows history very well.

Graduate: But we still have many people working at our school that we remember.

Graduate: We want to tell you all that the secretary is busy with something else.

His work can be seen immediately from the papers: now I was filling out a certificate here,

And he wrote the class list and gave out travel cards to the kids.

Our accountant knows his job well - the calculator helps him with this.

Song to the tune of “If a friend suddenly turned up”:(Application)

Graduate: Who keeps cleanliness at our school?

People with wonderful souls work here.

And late - late in the evening, when all the children are sleeping,

They will mop the entire floor, they will wash everything in a row.

Graduate: And one more thing academic subject Let's put in a word: there is a science called chemistry, it studies the structure and says that white light is all made up of atoms and molecules. And she says that everything around consists only of chemical formulas.

Graduate: Without chemistry you can’t even take a step, without it you are unarmed today,

Still, you shouldn’t drink acid, and you shouldn’t sniff alkali either.

Graduate: Chernykh Natalya Vitalievna - loves to travel both in reality and in dreams, does not like betrayal, in the 11th grade she considers everyone unique, unique.

Graduates - to the class teacher.

The class teacher's response to the graduates.

Graduate: Our diaries have closed the last pages.

And now I am a graduate, my friends are graduates.

Look at all your hopes and expectations, don’t deceive life!

And at this hour in the silent building, ring, bell, ring, ring!

Host: So, the hour of farewell has come, we are looking closely at you,

And you, friends, look at our faces,

More than once, not twice more, you will remember our words,

You will dream about the eyes of teachers.

Song to the tune of “Yellow Leaves”:(Application)

Graduate: The lessons are over, all the assignments are done on time.

Both sad and victorious the last bell will ring, school, goodbye!

Song to the tune of “And it all ends”:(application)

Presenter: Well, friends, you were called to the last lesson.

Flying from the hall into the corridors, the cheerful and sad last call.

Host: Life without a discount for every step will ask you a lot.

The coming day is in your hands, so be brave, friends, get to work!

Host: Dear parents! The last bell has rung for your children's last lesson! Please show them to class!

Parents leave with students to the sounds of the “School Waltz” melody

The path of a new life lies before you.
Please accept our greetings, quiet but heartfelt.
Let faith and love be your endless spring
The essence of a difficult life will not be clogged.
The last bell is ringing
Familiar and unusual.
Here comes the last lesson -
Ordinary and unusual.
The teacher furtively wiped away a tear,
Holding flowers to your chest,
The tenth grader sighed enviously
Seeing you off from the line.
Lots of things to do on your way
There will be big and small
But only to everything that lies ahead,
School was the beginning.
And you will remember, believe me, more than once
On good days and in bad weather
Last bell, and eleventh grade,
And the eyes of first-graders are clear.
You will dare in life,
Difficult and interesting
I want to wish you to live it
You are restless and honest.

Dear graduates! The Last Bell is ringing for you today!
The last call is both a happy and sad holiday. On this day everything ends school life: the long-awaited wait for the break bell, progress diaries and much more. The time spent at school flies by and before the first bell rings, you are already a graduate. School years remain in the memory for life. Graduates try to spend this day as fun as possible: they walk around the city until the morning, ride on ships. After all, final exams await them.
Happiness to you!!! I wish you all to enter a higher educational institution!

Today you are a little worried,
Today I'm a little happy
And, of course, you can understand,
After all, there is a new path ahead of you!
He waits, calls, scares a little,
Great things beckon
But let the path be remembered,
That she took me to school every day!

The years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this minute of parting
You will never be able to forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And go boldly into a great life!
Believe in friendship, don’t doubt yourself -
Success and happiness lie ahead!

The sun is above the desk, summer is at your feet.
How long does it last, last call?
The universe doesn't fit in the windows,
The school looks on, but itself decreases,
Views fly over the distant helm,
With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,
And over the country, like over an assembly hall,
The day is filled with blue and scarlet,
School farewell crystal bell!

We studied, we fell in love, we shared secrets.
These ten years have flown by, the farewell bell has rung.
In September you will open the doors to completely different guys,
School, school, I don’t believe that everything has passed without return

All areas of the city were visited,
They couldn't find a better school than ours!
The last call has sounded now,
He brought us from childhood to youth.
We will remember these years more than once,
Your own eleventh grade!

11th grade, the last bell rings...
The spring was full of studies for you.
But summer has come to you,
Brought freedom
And your life is full of hope

Far from the school threshold
Your road is creeping,
And the route is difficult,
And fast.
You will see and know
That there are many events in the world
Simply amazing.

On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you don't know sadness,
Even a slight shadow of sadness,
So that your eyes always shine,
And not only on this day!

Again the month of May, and again the graduation class,
As a part of yourself, you see me off on my way.
Gratitude and deep bow to you,
Because the soul was not allowed to sleep!
There will be new classes and new days,
The whirlwind of school everyday life will spin you around again.
But we know you will remember them,
They have your soul, they have your love!
We wish you health for a thousand years,
Easy classes, bigger salaries and on time!
I wish you patience in everything, and less troubles,
We ask you from the bottom of our hearts - continue the lesson!

Official congratulations to the teacher (director)

Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on this day!
We join in with all the kind words that are addressed to you today. Your professionalism, dedication, Attentive attitude to any problems that arise, your enormous ability to work and common sense distinguish you as a talented organizer and authoritative leader. Let me wish you to maintain the reserves of health, mental strength and optimism that are so necessary in your responsible position. I wish you success and good luck in all your affairs and endeavors. Happiness, goodness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

General dedication to teachers.

What a proud calling -
Educate others -
Give a piece of your heart,
Forget empty quarrels
It's hard to explain to us,
Sometimes it's very boring
Repeat the same thing
Check notebooks at night.
Thank you for being
They were always so right.

We want to wish
So that you don't know troubles,
Health and happiness for a hundred years!
We wish you happiness and joy
For many, many years to come.

Live to a ripe old age
Knowing neither storms nor worries,
So that life always smiles at you,
She was wide and tender.
We wish you good health and happiness
For many years.

Dedication to the first teacher.

All our lives we will remember how, without hiding a smile,
You returned the notebook to us, where there was no mistake,
How upset you were when, although rarely,
You should have given us a bad mark.
We were children and sometimes, alas, we didn’t notice
In the look of your kind eyes there is care and sadness.
We thank you for everything,
We say thank you!

For us, you are always the first!

First teacher

Bow to the ground, to you, our first teacher!
Today we want to fill your monastery
Today we use heartfelt words!
You chose children's minds in life
Grow and send into the world of knowledge forever,
To become a worthy replacement in the future
We were able in practice for our fathers!
We give you many kind words,
Our Russian language is rich in which!
Even though we said goodbye to you six months ago,
After all, you were destined to become a mother.
Yes, yes, you are the mother of our class!
The whole class entered your heart with Love,
You have a whole class of daughters and sons!
In moments of spiritual rain, cold weather
Our loving class will warm your soul,
We hope he can be sympathetic in the future!
You have revealed to us that the world is full of goodness,
And your soul has an unearthly spark
I lit the fires of bright knowledge in our hearts!
So be happy from now on,
You are so young! Paths are open to you,
It’s hard to find a more sincere teacher
We can study on the road!
Walk boldly with the Wand of Good Luck,
There is no profession in life that is more necessary for you,
Not everyone becomes a teacher with love,
This kind of patience and work is needed here.
And a strong will on the school path,
Not in every teacher you can find,
What a combination of strength and affection you have!
And continue your work without fear
You can safely, because in the future you will
This is what your sincere, loving class believes!!!

Accept our bow to the very ground
Because you were able to open the doors for us
To the world of our future merits and successes!
And we believe that unsolvable problems
Life will not give us on our way,
And we promise you that we will walk the road
We can do ours very firmly and boldly,
And everyone will find the right thing in life!
For that we will say “thank you” to you today,
And may the years be destined to rush by quickly,
We will never forget the last call,
Girlfriends and friends, and, of course, a lesson,
Your lesson, which we always looked forward to!
We wish you success in your creation
And happiness, of course, in your personal life!
And only rates it “excellent”
Destiny for your work and patience in the future!
We wish you to burn forever in your work
And light a new class with a bright flame,
How you lit this fire in us!

My first teacher.

My first teacher
You are kind but strict.
You are like the captain of a ship.
You meet us at the school door in the morning.
Giving a smile and joy.
You will check your lessons with a kind word,
Slightly reprimanded for mistakes.
You open paths and paths for us
And lines from the ABC book.
The years fly by
We're getting older
But don't forget the first lesson.
He will always remain in our memory
And we will treasure it.

Congratulations to your beloved teacher,
with a great sense of humor.

(use with extreme caution!)

Our beloved......
We sincerely congratulate you
Happy last call!
We wish! Good luck in job,
The weather is pleasant,
Love pure, tender and repeated,
Obedient children
Home by nature
Neighbors in the compartment who don’t drink or smoke,
Silky hair, snow-white teeth,
Wealthy friends
Gentle sponsors,
Smart bosses
Friends in law
Mothers-in-law living in another region,
Submissive daughters-in-law,
Washed plates
Husbands who do not snore and are shaved at night,
Colleagues who are not fixated only on money,
True friends, very weak enemies,
So that your eyes shine happily
And so that parents don’t pester me.

A wish from first graders.

1 first grader.
And the sun laughs
Rushing from afar:
It's in a hurry to celebrate
Last call!

2 first grader.
From your youngest shift,
From everyone who is a little old,
Graduates of your favorite school

That's it (in unison). Our warmest greetings!

3 first grader.
How long has it been in the light school hall
Were you standing like we are now?
Have you met first graders?
Now we are accompanying you!

4 first grader.
You also sat on small desks
And my mother and I walked home from school.
Now, after only four weeks,
You must leave your native school.

5 first grader.
Yes, you are just giants
Compared to us!
But ten years will pass
We will become like this!

6 first grader.
On a sunny morning for the first time
I came to study in first grade!
I will be attentive so that I know everything,
So, there will definitely be “five”!

7 first grader.
How quickly the farewell date came,
How quickly the hour of parting came.
You were also little kids once,
But soon you will leave your bright class.

8 first grader.
And someday I will shave too,
And I’ll tie a tie like an adult.
But I have ten years left to study,
And now I’ll tell you a speech:
We wish you success and victories!
In physics - happy tickets to you!
Check back in exactly ten years -
We will give you answers to them then!

9 first grader.
We will go on hikes,
Play, decide when it’s funny - laugh!
We will love school, just like you.
And we will be sorry to part with her too!
(The song “Planet of Childhood” plays.)

10th grader.
We are special boys
Your little brothers.
first grader
We are special girls
Your little sisters.

11th grader.
You have already become big,
And once many times
We only dreamed of becoming big,
How we dream now.

12th grader.
About eleven years ago
You were taken to kindergarten.
And it was a shame for you
From the orders of your mothers.

13th grader.
Much was forbidden
Remember, friends:
Eating ice cream is harmful!
You can't have too much sweets!

14th grader.
It's time to say goodbye to the school desk,
A blackboard, a textbook and an expensive classroom.
Admit it, you're probably in pain right now.
Leave the house that has become home to you.

15 first grader.
For your last lesson
The bell will ring soon
First class wishes you -
Good luck and good luck!

School is hooligan.

- Let's talk, kents, about school, -
Suddenly Borya told the guys. —
I broke a window yesterday
What do you have?

- And we accidentally burned down the classroom,
And you?

- And we have physical education
Katya brought a gun.
And now our athlete
In the yellow house, oh my.

— But here we are in Russian on Wednesday
Loaded with dynamite
And now a portrait of Tolstoy
He squints his right eye.

- But to us from the institute
They brought in the trainees.
We accidentally found one of them
Brought to a heart attack
God send our teachers positive students.

// May 13, 2009 // Views: 51,503



1 Who, tell me, is in our school

The smartest and funniest?

Who is brave, dexterous, strong here?

Both handsome and sporty?

Who is the leader in work?

Together. Well, of course, a graduate!

2 You have become quite big:
Uncles, aunts - that's how they are!
And I’m glad to congratulate you today
First grade squad.

3 Look at us,

Remember what you were like.

Both 1st time and 1st grade

And you walked around with briefcases.

4 Don't look down on us,

You were like that in 1st grade too

You, Safronov Kirill, were as tall as me,

And you, Maxim, were even shorter.

5 And I need directly

Find out from Vdovin Artyom’s mother,

What does Artyom’s mother feed at home?

And I want to become just as strong.

6 And someday I will shave too,
And I’ll tie a tie like an adult.
But I have ten years left to study,
And now I’ll tell you a speech:

I wish to continue my studies

So that without mental anguish

Crown education

Doctor of Science title

7 How quickly the farewell date came,
How quickly the hour of parting came.
You were also little kids once,
But soon you will leave your bright class.

8 We've been coming here for ten years.
We got up at seven o'clock.
And about your future
Rarely thought.

9 And now you've grown up
And they became adults.
And a profession for yourself
We found it according to our hearts.

10 Very difficult task -
Boost the economy.
Kirill, Natasha, Kolya, Sasha
They dream of becoming reformers.

11 Prokopenko Dasha and Savelyev Pavel
We decided to become engineers.
They will graduate from college
And they will be the pride of Russia.

12 Ksyushenka will be a doctor
Will open his own clinic
We will come to her for treatment

13 What is management?
Many people don't know.
And Takhmina, Tanya and David
This is being studied.

14 Computer design -
This is what our Rasul will do.
We know that we always
He loved to draw.

15 A Diana and Vitalik
They are making big plans.
Architectural Institute
And the whole Sokol will be rebuilt.

16 We are, of course, younger,

We still have to grow, grow,

But we dream too

Bring benefits to people.

17 You have gained a lot of different knowledge,

It just sometimes seems to teachers:

You didn't finish learning something on purpose,

Performance by first-graders at the “Last Bell” holiday for 9th graders

Among the graduates, 2 first-graders make their way - a short boy and a slightly taller girl (preferably shoes with a small heel)

    - y:(Points to graduates) Soooo...big...beautiful...elegant...

    Ouch: Sooo tall... smart... ( stammers) extraordinary.

1st: Yes, you are just giants

Compared to us!

But ten years will pass

And we will become like that!

2nd: I'm almost like this already

Also smart, big -

I will subtract and add the numbers.

And I wear heels.

1st: In 9 years I will also be like this:

Shaved and wearing a tie, like an adult,

I will be just as smart and big,

Just as handsome and tall as they are.

2nd: Your shift has arrived...


Together: Hello, friends!

1st: Hurry up to meet your shift - First-graders!

(Music from "Jumble" sounds D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%87/%D0%95%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%88 , the rest of the first-graders run out from both sides to the music and imitate recess near the stage, with balloons in their hands)

3rd: (from the stage) Class, level up, attention!

March to the stage!

Stop! One-two!

Compliance with graduates:

Lower your eyebrow lips!

Why did you come - to report!

ALL: (girls) Here we are!

(boys) Here we are!

4th: You weren't expecting us?

All: And so we took it and came.

4th: We came here for business

Very important for everyone:

Speak boldly from the stage

And have success with you!

5th: We haven't eaten all week

Didn't watch TV

Didn't play, didn't walk

Wrote a farewell speech

    y: Wrote????

All: How could…….

3rd: So read it

Don't delay!

6th: The sun laughs

Rushing from afar:

It's in a hurry to celebrate

All:Last call!

7th: And now a surprise for you,

First class performing.

8th: From your youngest shift,

From everyone who is a little old,

Graduates of your favorite school

All:Our warmest greetings !

9th: Just tell me ….. How are we different from graduates?

We are intelligent?

All: Yes!

9th: Beautiful?

All: Yes!

10th: (girl) And elegant!

12th: Both tall and...

13th:( intercepts the microphone) And big, and... what's that?.. - extraordinary!...

14th: And we will soon take the OGE from the first grade.

15th:(A first-grader drags with a heavy briefcase from behind the stage, screaming)

I know how we are different!

The difference is in our portfolios!

(Takes off the briefcase, places it on the stage with a roar and, while the others are reading poetry, begins to lay out the contents on the stage)

16th: A first-grader enters school

There is a heavy backpack behind my back.

Books, juice, diary, ruler

And a battery-operated clock.

17th: Sandwich, gum, change,

Ten pens of all shades.

Ball, apple, candy,

All notebooks for subjects!

15th:(looks at the notebook and boastfully)

And in the notebooks - like from notes -

All homework!

18th: And in the boys' briefcases

Aren't the books lying around?

Are your notebooks and pens missing?

19 – th: Graduates have different procedures:

They go to school with only one notebook!

20th: And in the portfolios of graduates

You will find mascara for eyelashes.

For styling and hairstyle

There is a massage comb

21st: And to remain attractive,

A mirror is a must.

And of course there is fudge.

15th: (perplexed)

And just one notebook!?

That's the difference!

(everything laid out on stage is placed in a briefcase and goes backstage)

22nd: But that’s not true!

There's also a cheat sheet!

I wrote that cheat sheet

For those who attend lyceum (school) traded it for college

And, of course, for those

Who dreams in the 9th

Best to pass the OGE!

23rd: Well, but seriously,

Then you are all good grown-up children!

Only in our lyceum ( V our only school)

You can meet people like this!

All the boys - handsome men,

Girls - Madonnas...

24th: And there are no talkers or empty talkers among you.

You are all smart, talented,

Sports, mischievous, original...

All Wow, sooo big!...

25th:(runs up to the ninth grader with a first aid kit and checks his pulse):

1, 2, 3, 70, 80, 90…. What a pulse!..

Oh, your parents need a choice:

To college or to bio-hyo-economical-

Super-duper-complicated 10th grade...

All Will you go, our comrade?

26th: Yes, everything will work out for you,

The bad will be forgotten.

We wish you good luck,

Patience to boot

Everyone must pass the exams!

Get 100 points!

27th: May all your roads be straight,

Always remember your first lesson.

And school friends...

And their teachers...

All: And this last call at the ninth!

28th: So that you remember for a long time

My school days

From our hearts we give you

Souvenir bells!

29th: And “five” - a talisman:

Put it in your pocket.

You will need strength.

And believe me, friends,

You can't live without water!

31st: This is not ordinary water -

She is from her native lyceum.

(Each class is given a bottle of water on which to make a new label (with the inscription “ Magic water school No....")

32 – oh: And another gift for you.

Also unusual:

We give you the air of school,

It will be very useful.

(Pass balloons.)

33rd: In this anniversary, glorious year, we give you medals,

May you win all exams!

And in difficult times of your trials

First-class hearts would support you!
(chocolate medals with hearts glued to one side are awarded)

34th: Concluding our speech,

We wish you to cross the mountains,

Soar into the clouds, sail across all the oceans...

All: See you again! Bon Voyage!

A farewell song soundsAnastasia Zheng “Last Call” -%D1%87%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8 %D0%B9-%D0%B7%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BA.html- backing track; %87%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD+%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9+ %D0%B7%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BA- plus

Children who sing well perform, the rest dance to it.

    Spring turns into warm summer,
    AND school days complete their journey.
    And childhood will remain warm somewhere,
    And it will be a pity that we won’t return it.
    School gave us happy days,
    Everyone had their own favorite lesson.
    In adult life the school opened the door for us,
    Our last bell is ringing!

We will remember the school with good memories.
Let us know that there is a corner in the world,
Where we are always welcome, let's not forget school
And the last call!

2 A tear down the cheek. It will be a pity to leave

With my beloved school, with everyone who is in it.

In the whole wide world we must admit,

What's better than our no teachers!
School is over, new goals.
And there are many roads ahead of us!
As children, we really wanted to become adults,
Hear the last call!

Greeting first teacher for ninth graders

Dear Guys!

Today you are a little worried,
Today I'm a little happy
And, of course, you can understand,
After all, there is a new path ahead of you!
He waits, calls, scares a little,
Great things beckon
But let the path be remembered,
That she took me to school every day.

Nine years ago you came to our school. Looking at you now, so beautiful, smart, well-mannered, it’s hard to believe that you were once naive first-graders who asked stupid questions, rushed around like crazy during recess and cried when something happened. I noticed that the most happy people on earth these are children. Because their souls are always open to good. Because they have unlimited faith that good always wins.

I sincerely wish that you, when you become adults, do not lose this faith in goodness, do not lose faith in yourself. So that you, having diverged along different paths in life, preserve the memory of school, of your childhood.

The last bell will ring -
Cheerful, sad, daring!
Another lesson awaits you in life.
Childhood is passing away quietly.
The last bell will ring.
And youth is somewhere nearby.
The path to life is open to you today,
Have a nice journey, guys!!!