• The promotion is valid from May 1 to September 30, 2018 only for individuals when sending documents weighing up to 0.5 kg for admission to a university in the Russian Federation;
  • The price for sending a package of documents for admission to a university via the City Express express delivery service is 499 rubles;
  • The promotion applies to graduates entering universities after graduation, as well as to persons entering residency, graduate school, and master's programs;
  • This type of special tariff provides for increased liability of City Express in the event of loss or damage to a shipment in an amount not exceeding 10,000 rubles. Payment is made by City Express.
  • The specified increased amount of liability applies exclusively to a documentary investment in the event of its complete or partial loss/damage, while in the event of loss/damage to part of a documentary investment, compensation is made in the amount calculated in proportion to the missing part.
  • City Express's liability arises from the moment the shipment is received from the Sender until it is transferred to the Recipient, is valid throughout the entire shipment route and does not apply to:

    For minor damage that does not interfere with further use of the document;

    If there are damages or deficiencies in the documents being sent, available at the time of their transfer to City Express;

    For violation of delivery deadlines;

    To compensate for lost profits/indirect losses.

  • Submissions are accepted on the principle of “One envelope per university.” To take advantage of the special rate, you must present a document confirming the status of the applicant: a certificate, diploma or a copy thereof;
  • Delivery time to cities where City Express operates (list “Select a city” on the website) is in accordance with the EXPRESS tariff. Delivery in the recipient's city is carried out from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. You can check the exact delivery times with the operator when placing your order;
  • Other discounts and promotions valid during the promotion period at City Express cannot be combined and do not apply to this promotion;
  • You can find out the address of the City Express representative office in your city on the website or by calling the Unified Contact Center 8 800 100-3232, the call throughout Russia is free;
  • We recommend that you make sure in advance that the university you have chosen accepts documents delivered by express delivery service, check the deadline for accepting documents, check the availability of all documents necessary for admission and have the university address with a zip code;
  • In the “first and last name” column of the recipient, we recommend writing “Admissions Committee”;
  • The cost of the original notification is 120 rubles. upon delivery of 1 item, 50 rubles. when delivering more than 1 item, electronic delivery notification is free, on the website;
  • You can send all questions and comments about the promotion to the address or by calling the Unified Contact Center 8 800 100-3232, the call throughout Russia is free;
  • City Express is not responsible for failure to enroll in the university of your choice;
  • The list of cities participating in the Promotion is available at the link.

Without leaving home? How to do this? In our article you will find answers to these questions.

Documents can be submitted to the university via the Internet

Let's consider all possible options for submitting documents to a university.

There are several ways to submit documents:

1. Come in person to admissions committee. This is the simplest option. You arrive with a package of documents required for admission and fill out all the applications and forms yourself. If you choose this method, plan all expenses in advance. For example, the price of tickets to Moscow and back, depending on the remoteness of the region of permanent residence, will be from 4,000 rubles. The cost of living in a hostel or dormitory is from 500 rubles per day per person; in a rented one-room apartment with daily rent - from 750 rubles per person per day. In the best case, friends or relatives will shelter you. Be sure to plan two trips: the first to submit copies; the second - for submitting the originals after the competition situation has been clarified.

2. Draw up a notarized power of attorney. The authorized representative can dispose of copies and originals of your documents, as well as sign applications and perform all actions related to the execution of the principal’s instructions. To do this, a power of attorney must be drawn up indicating all the study options you are interested in: full-time, part-time or evening, on a budget or commercial basis. Be careful! If the authorized person is not allowed in the document to submit documents in the format you need, then the university simply will not be able to accept your application from the wrong hands.

3. Send by Russian Post. You download the application on the website, fill it out, attach copies of the necessary documents and send it all by registered mail with a list of attachments. Please note: you can only send copies of documents. If you live far away, this is very convenient, because you will only need to visit the university once - to submit the originals. But do not forget to take into account the speed of the Post Office; send everything as early as possible, and not a week before the end of accepting applications.

4. Submitting documents by e-mail. All necessary documents and you send the scans to the admissions committee’s mailbox. And there are many nuances here.

Some universities do not allow electronic registration.

Features of submitting documents electronically

The ability to submit documents electronically is not available at all universities. Among them are both top universities - and regional ones - and. There is no need to have all documents certified by a notary before sending.

Please note that when submitting documents by e-mail in some universities, for example, in order to sign documents, an electronic signature of a PDF file is required.

What documents are needed when filling out documents on the university website?

To submit documents electronically, you need to scan the following documents:

  • application for admission to study, in which you need to indicate the specialty, direction or programs that you have chosen;
  • consent to the processing of your personal data (the form can be downloaded on the university website);
  • passport or other identity document;
  • certificate and annex with marks to it;
  • medical certificate (if a medical examination is required);
  • 2 black and white photos measuring 3 x 4 (sometimes they may require more);
  • military ID if you are liable for military service;
  • a document confirming your individual achievements (participation in olympiads, awarding a gold or silver medal, GTO insignia, etc.);
  • documents confirming your special rights or benefits upon admission (orphan status, disability, etc.).

Each university determines the mandatory list of digital copies of documents independently. You can find it on the institution’s website in the “Applicants” or “Applicants” section with the note “Submission of documents.”

You can check whether your dream university accepts documents in electronic format using search services using key phrases:

  • submit documents by email;
  • submit an application online;
  • submit documents electronically on the website;
  • electronic digital form for submitting documents.

How to properly submit documents electronically: step-by-step instructions

Let's consider the general algorithm for electronic filing of documents:

If you did everything correctly, you will receive a response letter from the university or your data will appear in the lists of people who submitted applications (they are published on the website). If you have any questions, please call the admissions office.


Is it possible to submit the original certificate through email, and upon arrival at the university, hand over the original itself? Or is there any way to certify a copy of the certificate as the original?

Alexander Matveev, good afternoon!
If a university allows remote submission of documents, then the website usually describes all the mechanics of this process. There will also be instructions on how to confirm the authenticity of the documents. You can now go to the university website and view this information. It will not be possible to certify it as original. But the original itself can be sent by mail. This method of submitting documents is also relevant. The only thing is to try to do everything in advance.

Hello! I wanted to know how to deal with this situation. I applied to 5 universities, 4 of them full-time for Jurisprudence, 1 in absentia for History. Because I have fairly good scores + a medal, they called me today and said that admission to the budget is guaranteed and I can send the original certificate. But how about by correspondence training? Do you need the original? If yes, then what to do?

Katherine Miller, good afternoon! To help you, I need to clarify one point. Did you want to study both full-time and part-time? Is this the same university? Part-time enrollment comes later. You are enrolling full-time. Then you sign a contract for paid distance learning. Since education can only be obtained for free once. If this is the same university, then there will be no problems with the original. If the universities are different, you will need to take the original from the first university against signature and a certificate stating that you are a student at another university.

The efforts and efforts of the applicant put into admission can be completely canceled out by not going through the usual bureaucratic procedure - submitting documents. It’s a shame when, due to ignorance or inattention, an applicant has to try his luck next year. To avoid such a fate, we suggest you learn from this article what documents are needed to enter a university.

List of documents for admission to full-time study

From year to year, this list remains unchanged - for an applicant entering full-time department, you need to submit:


In some educational institutions it is printed in advance, and the applicant only needs to sign. In others, it is required to be written by hand. The content of the application usually boils down to a request to enroll a person in a specific direction, specialty, department, indicating personal and contact information. There should be no difficulties in preparing it, since the writing of the application is controlled by members of the admissions committee and checked before final acceptance.

Passport or identification document
Document on secondary general or special education:
Certificate of passing the Unified State Exam

Issued after passing the unified state exam in the subjects chosen by the applicant, indicating the points received. It can be photocopied, certified and kept for subsequent admission attempts, and a copy can be submitted to the commission.


You will need 6 pieces, size 3x4.

Certificate from a medical institution

Without form 086, you will not be accepted anywhere, and high Unified State Examination points they won't save you. This certificate can be obtained at the clinic at your place of registration or at paid clinics that help you obtain it quickly, but for a fee.

This help contains information about:

  • general health;
  • undergoing examination by specialists;
  • test results;
  • vaccinations.

This is a universal package approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 2895 dated December 28, 2011, which will be required at any university. In some cases, it may be supplemented with additional certificates, papers, etc.

What do correspondence students serve?

Prospective students for admission to correspondence department The documents are prepared the same as in the list above, taking into account the only point:

If an applicant wants to receive a second education in absentia, then instead of a document confirming secondary education, he provides a higher education diploma.

What documents do you need to collect for your master's degree?

The list again does not differ noticeably, except on two points:

  • instead of a certificate, you need to provide a bachelor's diploma;
  • Many universities do not require certificate 086 y for master's programs, so check this point before bringing documents to the university.

If you changed your last name

First of all, change your passport, as required by law - within a month. The commission will not accept a passport with an old surname.

Other documents - certificate, diploma - will not have to be changed. Just provide a marriage certificate or a certificate of change of surname along with them.

If you are a person liable for military service

Those liable for military service are males over 17 years of age, as well as some women due to their professional duties. In this case, a military ID or registration certificate must be attached to the documents.

Supplement for applicants with a referral

For those who are heading to study target places or, as people say, “in the direction” you need to present the original:

  • target direction;
  • confirmation of being on the list of targets in a specific area.

People with disabilities and people with disabilities: what to cook for them?

People with disabilities are often given the opportunity to take exams directly at a higher education institution without passing the Unified State Exam. This needs to be clarified in advance - even before registering for the session. If this information is confirmed by the university, then you do not need to provide a certificate of passing the Unified State Exam.

But still, the list will definitely be supplemented with other documents:

  • the conclusion issued by the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission;
  • certificate of disability.

The latest certificate will have to be included in the package with documents and disabled people Groups I-II, and also get a certificate from a medical expert institution stating that there are no contraindications for studying at a university.

Complete list of documents for foreigners

Foreigners collect much more documents than citizens of the Russian Federation, which is understandable - the number of pieces of paper mainly increases due to translations of original documents.

And in more detail, a foreign citizen will need to submit to the commission of a Russian university:

  • application in Russian;
  • originals or duly certified copies of educational documents;
  • its certified translation into Russian;
  • identification document;
  • a copy of the entry visa, if the foreigner entered the Russian Federation through it;
  • 6 pieces of photographs 4x6;
  • For foreign citizens who have Russian nationality - documents confirming their nationality.

Remember that after receiving these papers you must be given a receipt. After completing the entrance campaign, all documents must be returned to you if you do not enroll or refuse to study.

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