Patrick Wayne Swayze (1952-2009) is a popular American film actor and dancer who studied ballet in his youth. His filmography includes about 40 works. The general public remembers him primarily for his roles in the films “Dirty Dancing” and “Ghost”. Having started his career with action films, Patrick was able to become a versatile actor who excelled in dramatic and comedic roles.

Childhood and youth

Patrick Swayze was born on August 18, 1952 in Houston, Texas, USA. The father of the future actor was a chemical engineer by training and was passionate about rodeo. Mother was a choreographer by vocation and owned her own ballet school. Both dreamed that their children (there were four of them in the family) would follow in their footsteps. In one of his interviews, Patrick will say:

“My father wanted me to become a cowboy, and my mother wanted me to be a dancer. I decided to become both.”

Thanks to the persistence of his firm and domineering mother, the boy was passionate about dancing from childhood and graduated from ballet school. In addition to choreography, the young man had good results in studies and sports. He did gymnastics, swimming and football. At the same time, the future actor had a fatherly character - modest and completely gentle. For this, he often received punishment from his peers. One day he decided to end it once and for all and enrolled in the martial arts section. After that, no one risked dealing with him.

But high art did not become his calling, and Swayze came to dance in the Elliot Feld Dance troupe. The plans of the aspiring dancer included conquering New York, where he brilliantly played in the musical “Diamond”. At one time, Patrick performed together with M. Baryshnikov, they even planned to stage a play for them.
Fans did not give way young man, but only he knew how to dance, overcoming pain. As a result, a long-standing knee injury prevented the development of a brilliant dance career.

Film career

The doctors' verdict was not a real blow for the talented dancer. A little acting experience came to the rescue: by that time, Swayze had played in several commercials. Together with his wife, he returned to California, where he starred in a cameo role in the film Skatetown, and in 1983, Patrick played with T. Cruise in F. Coppola's film Outcasts.

Soon he was invited to work in the cult film “North-South”, dedicated to the events of the Civil War. Patrick took full advantage of the given chance, embodying on the screen the vivid image of a Confederate army general.

Despite his by no means ideal appearance, the actor always had a unique boyish charm, successfully flavored with a beautiful smile and strong physique. Just what is needed for the hero of modern American cinema. The directors quickly realized all this, and filming offers poured in like from a cornucopia.

On the wave of success

Subsequent roles cannot be called masterpieces (“Renegades”, “Red Dawn”, “The Outsiders”, “Young Blood”), but the aspiring actor was looking for his place in the sun and soon grabbed the bird of luck by the tail. This happened in 1987, when the film “Dirty Dancing” was released. His script seemed to be written for Patrick, who played the role of a young, attractive dancer who entertained rich ladies. The project turned out to be so successful that the box office receipts more than paid for all the producers' expenses, bringing them into their pockets over $200 million. As a result, the film became the first to sell a million copies on video cassettes.

In 1990, the actor starred in the film “Ghost”, where his partners were first-rate stars - D. Moore and V. Goldberg. The film was a huge success, immediately putting Swayze on a par with the most famous performers. It was here that Patrick's acting talent was revealed in a new way - the viewer saw him as a lyrical and at the same time comedic performer.

A series of new works in the films “Next of Kin,” “Steel Dawn,” and “Road House” gave rise to a real “Swayze-mania.” He explained his success on the set simply: “For me, Road House is something like an exorcism. After all, I lived in this".

Filming in the film “On the Crest of a Wave” was also not in vain - the actor was recognized as the sexiest man in the world.

Versatile actor

Later, many more films appeared in Patrick’s filmography, in which he played a variety of roles. There were banal action heroes and complex psychological characters, like the transvestite from Wong Foo, Thank You for Everything. Judy Newmar." He was never afraid to perform even the most difficult stunts that the directors prepared. During his career, the actor made parachute jumps (“Point Break”), climbed out of an overturned car (“Letters from a Killer”), and jumped from car to car. In honor of his 45th birthday, a Patrick Swayze star was unveiled on the Walk of Fame. "This is just the beginning"“, the actor said then.

In 2000, an episode occurred that almost put an end to the actor’s career. During the flight on a private plane, there were technical problems, and Swayze had to make an emergency landing in the desert. Luckily, he was helped by a local resident who took him to the nearest telephone. In the same year, he starred with S. Theron in the film drama Waking Up in Reno. In 2002, a filmed version of the play “The Last Dance” was released. The project was directed by Patrick's wife Lisa, and the actor himself produced the film and played the role of Travis McPerson.

In 2006, Swayze appeared on screen in the drama “Jump” in the image of an anti-fascist lawyer of Jewish origin. The last films of the magnificent actor were the films “Oxide” and “The Beast”, while working on them he overcame a serious illness. At the same time, he did not ask for any special preferences from directors. Patrick did not want the viewer to remember him as sick and weak.

Patrick Swayze has always been partial to music and recorded several singles for the films “Dirty Dancing” and “Roadhouse.” In 2003, he participated in the production of the famous musical Chicago, and three years later he performed on the London stage in the musical project Guys and Dolls.

Personal life

Patrick never lacked female attention, but in life he remained a monogamist. As an 18-year-old boy, he became passionately interested in the young beauty Lisa Neimi, whom he first met in a dance hall. It is interesting that when they first met, the young man pinched the girl, for which he received a fair slap in the face. A few years after they met, Patrick and Lisa entered into an official marriage. “My wife is the smartest woman...and it was after meeting her that I realized that smart women are incredibly attractive.”, - the actor will say. They lived a long time family life, but the couple’s children were not born that way.

In 2008, doctors gave Patrick a disappointing diagnosis - pancreatic cancer. At the same time, the attending physician stated that after the treatment innovative method"Cyber ​​Knife", his affairs have improved. The actor himself said that he would be happy to live another five years. At the beginning of 2009, he suffered from pneumonia, and in the spring, doctors announced the discovery of metastases in the patient’s liver. On September 14, 2009, Patrick Swayze passed away.

“Patrick had a rare combination of rugged masculinity and amazing subtlety. He was beautiful and strong, a true cowboy with a tender heart.” Jennifer Gray.

Patrick had an older sister, Vicki Lynn Swayze, and two younger brothers, Don Swayze, who, like Patrick, became an actor, and Sean Kyle Swayze.

His father, Jesse Swayze, was a chemical engineer who loved to compete in rodeos. His mother Patsy Swayze was the owner of a private ballet school. Patrick's dad was silent and very kind person, while my mother was a very strong-willed woman and a talented ballet choreographer. “Dad wanted me to become a cowboy and an athlete, but Mom believed that you cannot become a real artist without mastering your art in every way. I decided to become both,” Swayze later said in an interview.

Under the guidance of his mother, Patrick began to study dance and music professionally at an early age. We can say that he began to learn to walk and dance at the same time. His first performance was a vocal and tap dance number. He also went in for sports, swam beautifully, did gymnastics, jumped from a tower, skated and played football. At first, he was a very fragile and vulnerable young man, and could not stand up for himself during conflicts with his peers, who bullied him because Patrick studied ballet, but his mother recommended that her son go to classes at the martial arts club, after which he status in college and on the street increased dramatically. “You have to understand that growing up in Texas and doing ballet is very difficult and I had to fight a lot,” Patrick said in an interview.

After graduating from high school, Patrick was enrolled in college as a promising athlete, but never graduated, dropping out to participate in the Disney Parade show. In 1972, Patrick left the show for a while and returned home. Walking into his mother's class, he noticed a beautiful student. While the other girls in the studio were blocking Patrick's way, this girl stood back and didn't seem to pay attention to Patrick. In fact, they both fell in love with each other at first sight. Patrick was 20 years old at that time, and Lisa Niemi was 15 years old. The first thing Swayze did when he saw his future lover was to pinch her, for which he immediately received a slap in the face. Three years later they got married. “Lisa was different from the girls I was used to. If I started showing off or playing Casanova, she would just turn around and leave. My wife is the smartest woman I’ve ever met, and it was after meeting her that I realized that smart women are incredibly attractive,” Swayze later admitted.

Patrick Swayze with Lisa Niemi.

In the spring of 1972, Patrick set off to conquer New York. In this city, Swayze danced in various troupes for seven years, performing roles in large quantities ballet performances. In 1974, after graduating from school, Lisa moved to Patrick in New York. There she found a job in the second cast of the Joffrey Ballet troupe. Shortly after she moved, Patrick proposed to her and they married in 1975. Lisa made Patrick's tuxedo and her wedding dress herself, since they simply did not have the money to buy them.

In New York, Swayze graduated from the Joffrey Ballet School and studied at the San Jocinto Studio there. “Mom created me a body that can do anything. Badi gave me a sense of rhythm, flexibility and agility, so it was easy for me to master any sport. I wasn't born with it. She poured it in and beat it into me,” said Patrick.

Viewers noticed the elegant and flexible actor, and critics also did not skimp on praise. Unfortunately, Patrick soon had to end his dancing career due to a long-standing football knee injury. He underwent several operations. After leaving professional ballet, the future actor enrolled in acting courses, began dancing in the Elliot Feld Dance Company, and was lucky enough to perform on the same stage with Mikhail Baryshnikov himself. A special performance was planned for their duet, but after an urgent surgical intervention, doctors gave Patrick a cruel verdict: “You can’t return to ballet.”

He played several roles in Broadway musicals, and Patrick soon became famous after playing a role in the Broadway musical Grease. Successful experience on the theater stage led Patrick to the desire to try his hand at cinema. In 1979, Patrick and Lisa flew to Los Angeles. “It was tough for us. I worked at a factory, as a salesman in a store, as a carpenter, and even created a construction company,” Swayze said later in an interview. He once starred in a beer commercial. Previously, he had already starred in the series “M.E.Sh,” and this experience, along with excellent choreographic preparation, came in handy when Patrick played a cameo role in the 1979 film “Skatetown.” “I played the leader of a gang of roller skaters, the journalists fell in love with me. They shouted: “This guy will show this again.” They wanted to make me a teenager idol,” Patrick said in an interview.

After filming Skatetown, Columbia Pictures offered Patrick a four-film contract, but he refused to sign, contrary to the opinions of his agents. Patrick waited until he was offered an interesting role. He said: “I want to be truly respected as an actor.” He knew how to attract the attention of the audience. A charming smile never left his face, and in 1983 Swayze received an invitation to star in the youth drama “The Outsiders” directed by Francis Coppola. At the same time, the director saw in Patrick only a capable young dancer, and Swayze himself wanted to prove to everyone that he was a talented actor. Along with Patrick Swayze, Diane Lane, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez and Tom Cruise starred in this film.

In 1982, Patrick learned of the sudden death of his father. This news greatly affected him. “I didn’t hold back, giving vent to grief when my father died,” said Patrick. He went on a drinking binge. Lisa has exhausted all ways to persuade Patrick to stop drinking. But it was all in vain. Meanwhile, on March 19, 1983, the premiere of the film "Outcast" took place.

Soon, films where Patrick Swayze starred in episodes and small roles followed one after another. Swayze starred in the drama Rare Courage, directed by Ted Kotcheff, in partnership with Gene Hackman and Robert Stack, as well as in the films Red Dawn and Young Blood. Off the set, the young actor tried his best to maintain his self-esteem. Swayze said: “I went into Buddhism for six years, tea ceremonies, meditation, Scientology, tried everything, because I didn’t really like myself. I tried to crash my motorcycle. I just took the path of self-destruction.”

Soon he was offered to star in the series “Renegades”, and then he was invited to the cult series “North and South” for the role of a young man who grew up on the plantations of the South and became a general in the Confederate army. But it took several years before real fame came to him. Patrick got her role in the melodrama “Dirty Dancing” in 1987, directed by Emilio Ardolino. At first, Swayze was very suspicious of this work, believing that he was being invited to star in a frankly weak film. But everything turned out completely differently. Patrick Swayze brilliantly created a memorable image of a young professional dancer whose duties included entertaining wealthy tourists. In this lyrical film, in a rather complex role, the actor talentedly conveyed the character of the main character, once again captivating the audience with his charm.

Initially, the female lead, Jennifer Gray, who had previously starred with Patrick in the film Red Dawn, was categorically against his participation, believing that best choice actor Billy Zane will be there. The producers of the film also insisted on this. But Zane demonstrated his complete inability to dance during the auditions, and the role was transferred to Swayze.

Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Gray in the film Dirty Dancing.

The producers planned to release the film, which cost five million dollars to create, for one weekend, and then replicate it on video cassettes, because none of its creators expected that a simple love story between a girl from high society and a resort gigolo would arouse burning interest among viewers . But, despite the devastating criticism in the most reputable publications, the picture, like a magnet, attracted not a teenage, but an adult audience, which ensured its worldwide box office receipts of $170 million.

Dirty Dancing became the first film in history to sell a million copies on video cassette. The popularity of this film among female viewers was so great that it even got the nickname “ Star wars"for girls." As for Swayze, his role as Johnny Castle earned him his first Golden Globe nomination. This film became a real cultural phenomenon in 1990.

After the release of the film “Dirty Dancing”, Patrick Swayze’s life changed. “I thought that I was no longer a boy and was used to fame, but nothing could prepare me for what began after the release of Dirty Dancing,” Patrick said in an interview. He turned into a superstar and idol of millions. The real “Swayze mania” began. Friends and acquaintances of the actor noted that this process was completely uncontrollable and harmful to Patrick’s life, as fans followed Swayze everywhere, trying to touch him or tear off a piece of his clothing. But new invitations to act were not long in coming. Patrick soon starred in the films Steely Dawn, Warsaw the Tiger, Next of Kin, and the cult action film Road House in 1989. “I grew up in Texas bars, where people beaten by life come to get drunk, punch someone in the face and get punched in the face, to whom and from whom - it doesn’t matter, and all my life I’ve tried to understand - why is this? Why did I do this? So for me, Road House is like an exorcism. After all, I lived in this,” Patrick said in an interview.

Kelly Lynch, Sam Elliott and Patrick Swayze during the filming of Road House.

Meanwhile, serious problems were brewing in Patrick Swayze's personal life. Lisa was never jealous of her husband’s fame, but she was greatly offended by the fact that fans literally swept her away when they saw Patrick. In 1989, out of panic fear of female fans, Patrick even broke the furniture in his hotel room, which greatly frightened Lisa. After this, the actor stopped drinking and began treatment. Lisa helped Patrick overcome his addiction. Alcohol was over in his life. It should be noted that throughout his life Patrick did not allow himself a single romance. His wife Lisa always remained his only beloved.

Patrick Swayze dances with his wife Lisa.

In 1990, the theme of unspoken filial feelings was realized by Patrick in the film “Ghost”, where main character, who returned as a ghost to the human world, declared his love to his wife. But Patrick addressed them not so much to his on-screen wife as to his deceased father. That's what he himself said later to film critics. The role of Sam Whit in this film was offered to almost all famous actors of that time. Bruce Willis, Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks were all offered this role, but they considered the project low-grade and refused to act. While Patrick literally had to fight for the role.

In the movie "Ghost".

Having played the main role in the fantastic melodrama “Ghost” with the participation of Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg, Patrick Swayze confirmed his talent as a lyrical hero, becoming one of the most popular Hollywood actors. But, most importantly, Swayze brought to the project his own spirituality and the belief that death is not the end, but the beginning of something new. In “Ghost”, the actor, unexpectedly for everyone, also showed off his comedic talent. For her role in this film, Whoopi Goldberg received an Academy Award. At the same time, the actress noted that without Patrick Swayze she would not have succeeded.

In the movie "Ghost".

In 1991, the film Point Break was released, in which Swayze played with his Young Blood co-star Keanu Reeves. Director Kathryn Bigelow's film about a gang of surfers who robbed banks wearing masks of American presidents quickly gained cult status and became the peak of Swayze's Hollywood career. “I had to fight with the insurance company to skydive in the film. And surfing is a completely different story. I landed on coral reefs, the boards flew to pieces, several times I thought I was dead when I hit big waves,” Swayze said in an interview.

In the film "On the Crest of a Wave."

The image of the negative hero created by Swayze in this film earned the actor the title of “Sexiest Man on the Planet,” regularly awarded by People magazine.

Subsequently, Patrick Swayze played in films of various genres. In 1992, he took part in the filming of the films Amazing Stories: Book Three, The Gambler and City of Pleasure. Sincere, spontaneous Patrick Swayze looked surprisingly natural in every role; the audience was captivated by his charm and excellent coordination. Each new role, of course, brought the actor more and more fame. The actor was nominated three times for the Golden Globe Award.

In December 1994, Patrick's sister Vicky committed suicide by taking a lethal dose of medication. Swayze felt that he did not spend enough time with her, felt responsible for what happened, and was not in the best mood. But despite the problems, Swayze continued to act. In 1995, in the melodrama “Wong Fu, thank you for everything. Julie Newmar" Swayze played the role of a transvestite.

In the movie “Wong Fu, thank you for everything. Julie Newmar."

The same year he starred in the films “Three Wishes” and “Legends of the Wild West.” In 1996, Patrick Swayze began starring in the TV series “The Rosie O'Donnell Show.” Filming in this project continued until 2002. In addition to acting, Patrick Swayze wrote and performed songs.

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Patrick Swayze played his next film roles in the thriller “Letters from a Killer” and the film “Screech. Well, a very scary movie" and the action movie "Black Dog". He also played the roles of the sedate Sergeant Jim Lance in the film Green Dragon, the level-headed Frank in the film 11:14, the strong-willed Jason Monk in the film Icon, the strange Lance in the film Shut Up and the sensual Wayne Sanders in the film A million for Christmas."

Patrick Swayze wasn't afraid to perform risky stunts on set. The more difficult and dangerous the trick was, the more Patrick felt the desire to perform it himself. The actor jumped from a car racing at high speed onto another car, soared on a board onto the crest of a giant wave, made dangerous skydives in the film Point Break, and in the film Road House he made sure that his partners they beat him seriously. The actor had a particularly difficult time during the chase scene in 1997 in the project “Letters from a Killer.” Patrick had to not only get out of the broken and overturned car, but also pull out the stuck operator before the explosion.

But filming risky episodes did not always end well for the actor. During the filming of the series Letters from a Murderer, Patrick had to ride through the forest on a horse without a saddle or bridle. The horse rushed towards a huge oak tree. After the collision, both of Swayze's legs were seriously injured, and doctors implanted metal rods into him. But as soon as the plaster was removed, the artist immediately began training. After this incident, oddly enough, he developed an interest in horses. He raised them on his own ranch in Northern California, where he washed, fed and trained them himself. Patrick Swayze even took part in a desert race in United Arab Emirates. After four hours of torment by the inferno, it turned out that in the end Patrick was the only participant from Europeans and Americans to reach the finish line.

On his 45th anniversary, the actor received a gift in the form of a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. “This means more to me than you can imagine. And I'm not done yet. This is just the beginning..." Swayze said in an interview during the ceremony.

In June 2000, the actor almost died in a plane crash. He was flying his own Cessna plane from Los Angeles to his ranch in New Mexico; during the flight, problems occurred with the plane, and the actor was forced to make an emergency landing. Fortunately, Swayze was not injured. A local builder picked him up and drove him to the nearest telephone.

In 2000, actor Swayze starred with Billy Bob Thornton and Charlize Theron in the drama Waking Up in Reno, and in 2001 he starred in the film Donnie Darko. In 2002, he became the producer of the film version of the play The Last Dance. The film was directed by his wife Lisa. In 2003, in New York, he took part in the production of the musical Chicago, and in 2006 he appeared in the musical Guys and Dolls in London. In May 2006, Patrick Swayze went to Austria, where he began filming the drama “Jump,” in which he played a Jewish lawyer who fought Nazi supporters.

At the age of 55, Patrick Swayze was diagnosed with early stage pancreatic cancer. “When I first heard the diagnosis, I didn’t immediately understand what was happening, I didn’t experience anything. Only then did I get really scared,” Patrick told ABCnews in his first interview since his cancer diagnosis. “But I’ve never been one to give in to the challenges that fate throws at me.”

The course of treatment prescribed to him allowed him to hope for recovery, meanwhile the actor did not give up and continued to work. He starred as an aging rocker in the film Oxide and in the television series Beast as an FBI agent. Swayze said in an interview that he did not take painkillers during filming in order to make his character "more expressive and believable." Filming lasted 12 hours a day, but Patrick worked equally with everyone else. The actor wanted to appear before the audience full of strength, and not make people cry with pity. During the five months of filming, Patrick missed only one day.

In the series "The Beast".

The disease forced Patrick Swayze to undergo a series of painful procedures and chemotherapy courses. At the end of 2008, Swayze said in an interview that he would be happy if he managed to live at least another five years. At the same time, the actor announced his intention to write memoirs in collaboration with his wife, with whom their relationship had been very romantic throughout their entire life together.

Swayze had a reputation as a ladies' man, but Patrick always said that his wife was the most beautiful woman on Earth, his best friend and most reliable partner. Swayze admitted that being a sex symbol is not so easy, and he needs Lisa's sobering help to “stand firmly on the ground.”

Shortly before his death, Patrick said: “I understand that without Lisa my life would be incomplete. I would still have succeeded—but I wouldn’t have been able to do it as elegantly.” Until the end of his life, he regretted that he and Lisa did not have children, since both of her pregnancies ended in miscarriages.

The actor wrote memoirs, continued to care for his thoroughbred stallions and perform on television. “There’s nothing special about me. “I’m just a man who has cancer and hopes to beat it,” said Swayze. In February 2009, Patrick Swayze, through the Washington Post, asked the US Congress to vote for research into effective cancer treatments and provide financial assistance to scientists and doctors.

On January 9, 2009, Patrick Swayze was hospitalized with a diagnosis of pneumonia. On January 16, 2009, he was discharged from the hospital, and on April 19, doctors informed Swayze that metastases had appeared in his liver. Patrick Swayze died on September 14, 2009. “He was fearless and always insisted on doing all his own stunts. It’s not surprising that he fought his battle against cancer with such courage and dignity,” said actress Jennifer Gray.

The series “The Beast,” which aired on television in the United States on January 15, 2009, was extremely popular; its first season was watched by 1.3 million viewers. A total of 13 episodes were filmed. But after the death of Patrick Swayze, the A&E studio, which filmed the series, decided not to continue filming the second season.

According to Patrick Swayze's last wishes, he was buried next to his father and sister in a cemetery in his hometown of Houston.

In 2008, a film was made about Patrick Swayze documentary"The whole truth about Patrick Swayze."

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Text prepared by Andrey Goncharov

Materials used:

Text of the article “My main role is the role loving husband", author E. Bogdanova
Materials from the site
Materials from the site
Materials from the site
Materials from the site
Materials from the site
Materials from the site


2009 Oxide / Powder Blue
2009 The Beast
2007 Jump!
2007 Million for Christmas / Christmas in Wonderland
2006 Fox and the Hound II
2005 Icon
2005 Keeping Mum
2004 Dragon Ring / George and the Dragon
2004 King Solomon's Mines
2004 Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights
2003 One Last Dance
2003 11:14 / 11:14
2002 Waking Up in Reno
2001 Green Dragon / Green Dragon
2001 Donnie Darko / Donnie Darko
2000 Fellow Travelers / Forever Lulu
1998 Letters from a Killer
1998 Black Dog
1995 Legends of the Wild West / Tall Tale
1995 Three Wishes
1995 Wong Fu, with gratitude for everything! Julie Newmar / To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar
1993 Desperate Dad / Father Hood
1992 City of Joy
1991 Point Break
1990 Ghost
1989 Road House
1989 Next of Kin
1988 Warsaw, nicknamed Tiger / Tiger Warsaw
1987 Dirty Dancing
1987 Steel Dawn
1986 Young blood / Youngblood
1986 North and South 2 / North and South, Book II
1985 North and South / North and South
1985 Amazing Stories
1984 Pigs Vs. Freaks
1984 Red Dawn
1984 Grandview, USA / Grandview, U.S.A.
1983 Uncommon Valor
1983 Outsiders
1983 Renegades
1982 Renegades
1981 Return of the Rebels
1980 Prodigal Son / Comeback Kid
1979 Skatetown, USA / Skatetown, U.S.A.
1972 M.E.Sh. / M*A*S*H

“Patrick had a rare combination of rugged masculinity and amazing subtlety. He was beautiful and strong, a true cowboy with a tender heart.” Jennifer Gray.

Patrick had an older sister, Vicki Lynn Swayze, and two younger brothers, Don Swayze, who, like Patrick, became an actor, and Sean Kyle Swayze.

His father, Jesse Swayze, was a chemical engineer who loved to compete in rodeos. His mother Patsy Swayze was the owner of a private ballet school. Patrick's dad was a silent and very kind person, while his mother was a very strong-willed woman and a talented ballet choreographer. “Dad wanted me to become a cowboy and an athlete, but Mom believed that you cannot become a real artist without mastering your art in every way. I decided to become both,” Swayze later said in an interview.

Under the guidance of his mother, Patrick began to study dance and music professionally at an early age. We can say that he began to learn to walk and dance at the same time. His first performance was a vocal and tap dance number. He also went in for sports, swam beautifully, did gymnastics, jumped from a tower, skated and played football. At first, he was a very fragile and vulnerable young man, and could not stand up for himself during conflicts with his peers, who bullied him because Patrick studied ballet, but his mother recommended that her son go to classes at the martial arts club, after which he status in college and on the street increased dramatically. “You have to understand that growing up in Texas and doing ballet is very difficult and I had to fight a lot,” Patrick said in an interview.

After graduating from high school, Patrick was enrolled in college as a promising athlete, but never graduated, dropping out to participate in the Disney Parade show. In 1972, Patrick left the show for a while and returned home. Walking into his mother's class, he noticed a beautiful student. While the other girls in the studio were blocking Patrick's way, this girl stood back and didn't seem to pay attention to Patrick. In fact, they both fell in love with each other at first sight. Patrick was 20 years old at that time, and Lisa Niemi was 15 years old. The first thing Swayze did when he saw his future lover was to pinch her, for which he immediately received a slap in the face. Three years later they got married. “Lisa was different from the girls I was used to. If I started showing off or playing Casanova, she would just turn around and leave. My wife is the smartest woman I’ve ever met, and it was after meeting her that I realized that smart women are incredibly attractive,” Swayze later admitted.

Patrick Swayze with Lisa Niemi.

In the spring of 1972, Patrick set off to conquer New York. In this city, Swayze danced for seven years in various troupes, performing roles in a large number of ballet productions. In 1974, after graduating from school, Lisa moved to Patrick in New York. There she found a job in the second cast of the Joffrey Ballet troupe. Shortly after she moved, Patrick proposed to her and they married in 1975. Lisa made Patrick's tuxedo and her wedding dress herself, since they simply did not have the money to buy them.

In New York, Swayze graduated from the Joffrey Ballet School and studied at the San Jocinto Studio there. “Mom created me a body that can do anything. Badi gave me a sense of rhythm, flexibility and agility, so it was easy for me to master any sport. I wasn't born with it. She poured it in and beat it into me,” said Patrick.

Viewers noticed the elegant and flexible actor, and critics also did not skimp on praise. Unfortunately, Patrick soon had to end his dancing career due to a long-standing football knee injury. He underwent several operations. After leaving professional ballet, the future actor enrolled in acting courses, began dancing in the Elliot Feld Dance Company, and was lucky enough to perform on the same stage with Mikhail Baryshnikov himself. A special performance was planned for their duet, but after an urgent surgical intervention, doctors gave Patrick a cruel verdict: “You can’t return to ballet.”

He played several roles in Broadway musicals, and Patrick soon became famous after playing a role in the Broadway musical Grease. Successful experience on the theater stage led Patrick to the desire to try his hand at cinema. In 1979, Patrick and Lisa flew to Los Angeles. “It was tough for us. I worked at a factory, as a salesman in a store, as a carpenter, and even created a construction company,” Swayze said later in an interview. He once starred in a beer commercial. Previously, he had already starred in the series “M.E.Sh,” and this experience, along with excellent choreographic preparation, came in handy when Patrick played a cameo role in the 1979 film “Skatetown.” “I played the leader of a gang of roller skaters, the journalists fell in love with me. They shouted: “This guy will show this again.” They wanted to make me a teenager idol,” Patrick said in an interview.

After filming Skatetown, Columbia Pictures offered Patrick a four-film contract, but he refused to sign, contrary to the opinions of his agents. Patrick waited until he was offered an interesting role. He said: “I want to be truly respected as an actor.” He knew how to attract the attention of the audience. A charming smile never left his face, and in 1983 Swayze received an invitation to star in the youth drama “The Outsiders” directed by Francis Coppola. At the same time, the director saw in Patrick only a capable young dancer, and Swayze himself wanted to prove to everyone that he was a talented actor. Along with Patrick Swayze, Diane Lane, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez and Tom Cruise starred in this film.

In 1982, Patrick learned of the sudden death of his father. This news greatly affected him. “I didn’t hold back, giving vent to grief when my father died,” said Patrick. He went on a drinking binge. Lisa has exhausted all ways to persuade Patrick to stop drinking. But it was all in vain. Meanwhile, on March 19, 1983, the premiere of the film "Outcast" took place.

Soon, films where Patrick Swayze starred in episodes and small roles followed one after another. Swayze starred in the drama Rare Courage, directed by Ted Kotcheff, in partnership with Gene Hackman and Robert Stack, as well as in the films Red Dawn and Young Blood. Off the set, the young actor tried his best to maintain his self-esteem. Swayze said: “I went into Buddhism for six years, tea ceremonies, meditation, Scientology, tried everything, because I didn’t really like myself. I tried to crash my motorcycle. I just took the path of self-destruction.”

Soon he was offered to star in the series “Renegades”, and then he was invited to the cult series “North and South” for the role of a young man who grew up on the plantations of the South and became a general in the Confederate army. But it took several years before real fame came to him. Patrick got her role in the melodrama “Dirty Dancing” in 1987, directed by Emilio Ardolino. At first, Swayze was very suspicious of this work, believing that he was being invited to star in a frankly weak film. But everything turned out completely differently. Patrick Swayze brilliantly created a memorable image of a young professional dancer whose duties included entertaining wealthy tourists. In this lyrical film, in a rather complex role, the actor talentedly conveyed the character of the main character, once again captivating the audience with his charm.

Initially, the female lead, Jennifer Gray, who had previously starred with Patrick in the film Red Dawn, was categorically against his participation, believing that the best choice would be actor Billy Zane. The producers of the film also insisted on this. But Zane demonstrated his complete inability to dance during the auditions, and the role was transferred to Swayze.

Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Gray in the film Dirty Dancing.

The producers planned to release the film, which cost five million dollars to create, for one weekend, and then replicate it on video cassettes, because none of its creators expected that a simple love story between a girl from high society and a resort gigolo would arouse burning interest among viewers . But, despite the devastating criticism in the most reputable publications, the picture, like a magnet, attracted not a teenage, but an adult audience, which ensured its worldwide box office receipts of $170 million.

Dirty Dancing became the first film in history to sell a million copies on video cassette. The popularity of this film among female audiences was so great that it was even nicknamed “Star Wars” for girls.” As for Swayze, his role as Johnny Castle earned him his first Golden Globe nomination. This film became a real cultural phenomenon in 1990.

After the release of the film “Dirty Dancing”, Patrick Swayze’s life changed. “I thought that I was no longer a boy and was used to fame, but nothing could prepare me for what began after the release of Dirty Dancing,” Patrick said in an interview. He turned into a superstar and idol of millions. The real “Swayze mania” began. Friends and acquaintances of the actor noted that this process was completely uncontrollable and harmful to Patrick’s life, as fans followed Swayze everywhere, trying to touch him or tear off a piece of his clothing. But new invitations to act were not long in coming. Patrick soon starred in the films Steely Dawn, Warsaw the Tiger, Next of Kin, and the cult action film Road House in 1989. “I grew up in Texas bars, where people beaten by life come to get drunk, punch someone in the face and get punched in the face, to whom and from whom - it doesn’t matter, and all my life I’ve tried to understand - why is this? Why did I do this? So for me, Road House is like an exorcism. After all, I lived in this,” Patrick said in an interview.

Kelly Lynch, Sam Elliott and Patrick Swayze during the filming of Road House.

Meanwhile, serious problems were brewing in Patrick Swayze's personal life. Lisa was never jealous of her husband’s fame, but she was greatly offended by the fact that fans literally swept her away when they saw Patrick. In 1989, out of panic fear of female fans, Patrick even broke the furniture in his hotel room, which greatly frightened Lisa. After this, the actor stopped drinking and began treatment. Lisa helped Patrick overcome his addiction. Alcohol was over in his life. It should be noted that throughout his life Patrick did not allow himself a single romance. His wife Lisa always remained his only beloved.

Patrick Swayze dances with his wife Lisa.

In 1990, Patrick realized the theme of unspoken filial feelings in the film “Ghost,” where the main character, who returned as a ghost to the human world, declared his love to his wife. But Patrick addressed them not so much to his on-screen wife as to his deceased father. That's what he himself said later to film critics. The role of Sam Whit in this film was offered to almost all famous actors of that time. Bruce Willis, Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks were all offered this role, but they considered the project low-grade and refused to act. While Patrick literally had to fight for the role.

In the movie "Ghost".

Having played the main role in the fantastic melodrama “Ghost” with the participation of Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg, Patrick Swayze confirmed his talent as a lyrical hero, becoming one of the most popular Hollywood actors. But, most importantly, Swayze brought to the project his own spirituality and the belief that death is not the end, but the beginning of something new. In “Ghost”, the actor, unexpectedly for everyone, also showed off his comedic talent. For her role in this film, Whoopi Goldberg received an Academy Award. At the same time, the actress noted that without Patrick Swayze she would not have succeeded.

In the movie "Ghost".

In 1991, the film Point Break was released, in which Swayze played with his Young Blood co-star Keanu Reeves. Director Kathryn Bigelow's film about a gang of surfers who robbed banks wearing masks of American presidents quickly gained cult status and became the peak of Swayze's Hollywood career. “I had to fight with the insurance company to skydive in the film. And surfing is a completely different story. I landed on coral reefs, the boards flew to pieces, several times I thought I was dead when I hit big waves,” Swayze said in an interview.

In the film "On the Crest of a Wave."

The image of the negative hero created by Swayze in this film earned the actor the title of “Sexiest Man on the Planet,” regularly awarded by People magazine.

Subsequently, Patrick Swayze played in films of various genres. In 1992, he took part in the filming of the films Amazing Stories: Book Three, The Gambler and City of Pleasure. Sincere, spontaneous Patrick Swayze looked surprisingly natural in every role; the audience was captivated by his charm and excellent coordination. Each new role, of course, brought the actor more and more fame. The actor was nominated three times for the Golden Globe Award.

In December 1994, Patrick's sister Vicky committed suicide by taking a lethal dose of medication. Swayze felt that he did not spend enough time with her, felt responsible for what happened, and was not in the best mood. But despite the problems, Swayze continued to act. In 1995, in the melodrama “Wong Fu, thank you for everything. Julie Newmar" Swayze played the role of a transvestite.

In the movie “Wong Fu, thank you for everything. Julie Newmar."

The same year he starred in the films “Three Wishes” and “Legends of the Wild West.” In 1996, Patrick Swayze began starring in the TV series “The Rosie O'Donnell Show.” Filming in this project continued until 2002. In addition to acting, Patrick Swayze wrote and performed songs.

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Patrick Swayze played his next film roles in the thriller “Letters from a Killer” and the film “Screech. Well, a very scary movie" and the action movie "Black Dog". He also played the roles of the sedate Sergeant Jim Lance in the film Green Dragon, the level-headed Frank in the film 11:14, the strong-willed Jason Monk in the film Icon, the strange Lance in the film Shut Up and the sensual Wayne Sanders in the film A million for Christmas."

Patrick Swayze wasn't afraid to perform risky stunts on set. The more difficult and dangerous the trick was, the more Patrick felt the desire to perform it himself. The actor jumped from a car racing at high speed onto another car, soared on a board onto the crest of a giant wave, made dangerous skydives in the film Point Break, and in the film Road House he made sure that his partners they beat him seriously. The actor had a particularly difficult time during the chase scene in 1997 in the project “Letters from a Killer.” Patrick had to not only get out of the broken and overturned car, but also pull out the stuck operator before the explosion.

But filming risky episodes did not always end well for the actor. During the filming of the series Letters from a Murderer, Patrick had to ride through the forest on a horse without a saddle or bridle. The horse rushed towards a huge oak tree. After the collision, both of Swayze's legs were seriously injured, and doctors implanted metal rods into him. But as soon as the plaster was removed, the artist immediately began training. After this incident, oddly enough, he developed an interest in horses. He raised them on his own ranch in Northern California, where he washed, fed and trained them himself. Patrick Swayze even took part in a desert race in the United Arab Emirates. After four hours of torment by the inferno, it turned out that in the end Patrick was the only participant from Europeans and Americans to reach the finish line.

On his 45th anniversary, the actor received a gift in the form of a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. “This means more to me than you can imagine. And I'm not done yet. This is just the beginning..." Swayze said in an interview during the ceremony.

In June 2000, the actor almost died in a plane crash. He was flying his own Cessna plane from Los Angeles to his ranch in New Mexico; during the flight, problems occurred with the plane, and the actor was forced to make an emergency landing. Fortunately, Swayze was not injured. A local builder picked him up and drove him to the nearest telephone.

In 2000, actor Swayze starred with Billy Bob Thornton and Charlize Theron in the drama Waking Up in Reno, and in 2001 he starred in the film Donnie Darko. In 2002, he became the producer of the film version of the play The Last Dance. The film was directed by his wife Lisa. In 2003, in New York, he took part in the production of the musical Chicago, and in 2006 he appeared in the musical Guys and Dolls in London. In May 2006, Patrick Swayze went to Austria, where he began filming the drama “Jump,” in which he played a Jewish lawyer who fought Nazi supporters.

At the age of 55, Patrick Swayze was diagnosed with early stage pancreatic cancer. “When I first heard the diagnosis, I didn’t immediately understand what was happening, I didn’t experience anything. Only then did I get really scared,” Patrick told ABCnews in his first interview since his cancer diagnosis. “But I’ve never been one to give in to the challenges that fate throws at me.”

The course of treatment prescribed to him allowed him to hope for recovery, meanwhile the actor did not give up and continued to work. He starred as an aging rocker in the film Oxide and in the television series Beast as an FBI agent. Swayze said in an interview that he did not take painkillers during filming in order to make his character "more expressive and believable." Filming lasted 12 hours a day, but Patrick worked equally with everyone else. The actor wanted to appear before the audience full of strength, and not make people cry with pity. During the five months of filming, Patrick missed only one day.

In the series "The Beast".

The disease forced Patrick Swayze to undergo a series of painful procedures and chemotherapy courses. At the end of 2008, Swayze said in an interview that he would be happy if he managed to live at least another five years. At the same time, the actor announced his intention to write memoirs in collaboration with his wife, with whom their relationship had been very romantic throughout their entire life together.

Swayze had a reputation as a ladies' man, but Patrick always said that his wife was the most beautiful woman on Earth, his best friend and most reliable partner. Swayze admitted that being a sex symbol is not so easy, and he needs Lisa's sobering help to “stand firmly on the ground.”

Shortly before his death, Patrick said: “I understand that without Lisa my life would be incomplete. I would still have succeeded—but I wouldn’t have been able to do it as elegantly.” Until the end of his life, he regretted that he and Lisa did not have children, since both of her pregnancies ended in miscarriages.

The actor wrote memoirs, continued to care for his thoroughbred stallions and perform on television. “There’s nothing special about me. “I’m just a man who has cancer and hopes to beat it,” said Swayze. In February 2009, Patrick Swayze, through the Washington Post, asked the US Congress to vote for research into effective cancer treatments and provide financial assistance to scientists and doctors.

On January 9, 2009, Patrick Swayze was hospitalized with a diagnosis of pneumonia. On January 16, 2009, he was discharged from the hospital, and on April 19, doctors informed Swayze that metastases had appeared in his liver. Patrick Swayze died on September 14, 2009. “He was fearless and always insisted on doing all his own stunts. It’s not surprising that he fought his battle against cancer with such courage and dignity,” said actress Jennifer Gray.

The series “The Beast,” which aired on television in the United States on January 15, 2009, was extremely popular; its first season was watched by 1.3 million viewers. A total of 13 episodes were filmed. But after the death of Patrick Swayze, the A&E studio, which filmed the series, decided not to continue filming the second season.

According to Patrick Swayze's last wishes, he was buried next to his father and sister in a cemetery in his hometown of Houston.

In 2008, a documentary film “The Whole Truth About Patrick Swayze” was made about Patrick Swayze.

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Text prepared by Andrey Goncharov

Materials used:

Text of the article “My main role is the role of a loving husband”, author E. Bogdanova
Materials from the site
Materials from the site
Materials from the site
Materials from the site
Materials from the site
Materials from the site


2009 Oxide / Powder Blue
2009 The Beast
2007 Jump!
2007 Million for Christmas / Christmas in Wonderland
2006 Fox and the Hound II
2005 Icon
2005 Keeping Mum
2004 Dragon Ring / George and the Dragon
2004 King Solomon's Mines
2004 Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights
2003 One Last Dance
2003 11:14 / 11:14
2002 Waking Up in Reno
2001 Green Dragon / Green Dragon
2001 Donnie Darko / Donnie Darko
2000 Fellow Travelers / Forever Lulu
1998 Letters from a Killer
1998 Black Dog
1995 Legends of the Wild West / Tall Tale
1995 Three Wishes
1995 Wong Fu, with gratitude for everything! Julie Newmar / To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar
1993 Desperate Dad / Father Hood
1992 City of Joy
1991 Point Break
1990 Ghost
1989 Road House
1989 Next of Kin
1988 Warsaw, nicknamed Tiger / Tiger Warsaw
1987 Dirty Dancing
1987 Steel Dawn
1986 Young blood / Youngblood
1986 North and South 2 / North and South, Book II
1985 North and South / North and South
1985 Amazing Stories
1984 Pigs Vs. Freaks
1984 Red Dawn
1984 Grandview, USA / Grandview, U.S.A.
1983 Uncommon Valor
1983 Outsiders
1983 Renegades
1982 Renegades
1981 Return of the Rebels
1980 Prodigal Son / Comeback Kid
1979 Skatetown, USA / Skatetown, U.S.A.
1972 M.E.Sh. / M*A*S*H

The famous actor Patrick Swayze, who combined sexual attractiveness and the charm of a real man, quietly passed away on the night of September 14-15 at the age of 57. His whole family was with him.

What are the most striking images we will remember from the life and career of this outstanding actor?

Patrick Swayze at the Four Seasons Hotel Beverly Hills in 2002.

The actor in 1982 at the beginning of his career.

The role that really made Patrick Swayze famous was the character of dance coach Johnny Castle in Dirty Dancing (1987). In this film, Patrick Swayze shared fame with his co-star Jennifer Gray.

In 2008, the actor was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, stage 4. Doctors said he had no more than 6 months to live. Despite the fact that Patrick Swayze stubbornly fought the disease, he did not stop smoking.

He lived with his wife Lisa Niemi for 34 years. The photo shows the actor's family in full force on May 13, 2009.

One of Swaya's earliest works was his role in Francis Ford Coppola's The Outsiders (1983).

In 1984, Patrick Swayze starred in the futuristic war thriller Red Dawn alongside Charlie Sheen.

Patrick Swayze's best romantic work is considered to be the role of the ghost in the 1990 romantic supernatural film of the same name, in which he played with Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg.

In the 1989 film “Road House,” Patrick Swayze first showed himself in a completely new role - an action hero.

In 1991, Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves gave an excellent performance in the suspenseful thriller Point Break. Another talent of Swayze has been discovered - he is an excellent surfer!

In 1995, Patrick Swayze, along with Wesley Snipes and John Leguizamo, outdid themselves by portraying a trio of female drug queens in the film “To Wong Foo Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar.” .

When he wasn't playing a girl, he was great with girls. In 2002, Patrick Swayze starred with Charlize Theron in the film “Waking Up In Reno”.

The talented actor performed his best romantic role off-screen. Swayze is pictured kissing his wife Lisa Niemi at the official unveiling of his Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1987.

There were no more masterpieces in Patrick Swayze's career, but he continued to act: in the photo - a still from the film “King Solomon's Mine” (2004).

Actor Patrick Swayze best work “Dirty Dancing”

At the premiere of the second part of “Dirty Dancing”: “Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights” (2004) together with the main actor of the film Diego Luna. In the sequel to “Dancing,” Swayze had only a cameo role.

In 2006, the actor made his debut on the London stage in the musical Guys and Dolls. His partner was Claire Sweeney.

On January 15, 2009, the premiere of the television series “The Beast” took place. He managed to appear in the series, despite the fact that he was undergoing chemotherapy at the same time. “The Beast” turned out to be his last work...

Patrick Swayze considered his best work to be the romantic film “Dirty Dancing,” with which, according to the outstanding actor, he managed to leave his legacy.

Patrick Swayze is a man whose personality, talent and charisma to this day do not leave people indifferent. A stunningly harmonious actor who gave the world “Ghost”, a graceful and flexible dancer who left a memory of this facet of talent in “Dirty Dancing”, author and performer of songs in several famous Hollywood films. Nominee of the Golden Globe and Saturn awards. He passed away in the fall of 2009 after a twenty-month battle with cancer.

Childhood and adolescence: Houston - New York

The Swayze family named their second child, born in the summer of 1952 in Houston, Patrick. Patrick's older sister was Vicki Lynn, and after him two more boys were born - Don and Sean Kyle. Jesse Vane and Patsy Swayze later adopted a girl named Bora (Bambi).

The ancestors of the family were British, Irish, and Apache. Talking about his father in an interview, Patrick said that he was a foreman at the largest ranch in the world, the Royal Ranch, where at one time he worked as a shepherd:

He introduced me to this life from early childhood. My father was a truly harmonious person, completely down to earth. He was one of those in whom the energy of love was seething. Kind and affectionate by nature, but just try to contradict him. A true southerner, if you lose his favor, you better run. His tone changed abruptly.

As the actor explained, it was his father who taught him a lot about modern world seems hackneyed and banal: honesty, strong feelings in your work. Patrick lived in accordance with the principles that his father instilled in him in early childhood. It was his image that the actor later embodied on screen, playing Allan Quartermain in “King Solomon’s Mines.” Dad became a design engineer so he could implement many of his ideas for improving life on the ranch.

From his mother, a legendary choreographer, according to Patrick, he inherited a certain inner tension, passion, and belief that everything can be conveyed through art. Drive and the desire to always be the best - this side of character from the mother, who at one time led the young man along an inclined path. However, Swayze thought his parents were an amazing couple. Under his mother’s strict guidance, it was Patrick, of all the children, who studied choreography and music from an early age, especially since Patsy had her own ballet school.

The boy was the most talented of all the students, he was distinguished by his diligence in his studies, for which he earned the nickname “mama’s boy” from his classmates. Little Patrick, good-natured and obedient, often ran to Patsy in tears, complaining that he had gotten too much from the boys again. His mother decided that he needed to be taught the ability to stand up for himself and enrolled her son in a martial arts school. Only six months of classes and Patrick was unrecognizable. They began to treat him with respect because he no longer allowed himself to be offended.

He graduated from school with honors, after which he went to New York to hone his ballet skills. Having graduated from two ballet schools, Harkness and Joffrey, Swayze began working with the renowned Elliot Feld Dance Company. The public immediately noticed the graceful and beautiful dancer in the musical “Diamond,” which was on Broadway. The talent of the leading young dancer of the troupe was noted by the famous Mikhail Baryshnikov, with whom Patrick performed on the same stage.

For the time being, no one had any idea of ​​the pain Swayze endured during performances, until one day doctors insisted on urgent surgery and forbade the artist from practicing ballet if he did not want to remain disabled. The career of a professional ballet dancer did not take place. It was all due to knees injured in childhood, when Patrick enthusiastically played football. His mother again helped him overcome the shock of what happened, advising his son to try his hand at acting. And he began to study acting.

Acting career

Swayze was almost thirty years old when he, a former dancer, made his debut in the film Skatetown, USA. The roller disco fashion was at its height. Patrick as Ace Johnson immediately became a teen idol. But he did not intend to stay in this image.

When the opportunity to work in Francis Ford Coppola’s crime drama “The Outcasts” arose, he gladly agreed. In addition to him, Coppola selected completely unknown actors Tom Cruise and Matt Dillon for filming. Next, Patrick was invited to play the main role of Jed Eckert in the anti-Soviet film Red Dawn (1984).

The actor gained popularity after starring in the short series “North and South” (1985). He was immediately invited to play the leading role of Johnny Castle in Emil Ardolino’s melodrama “Dirty Dancing.” This is where Swayze's talent was fully revealed, not only as a ballet dancer, but also as a dramatic actor.

Along with his co-star, Jennifer Grey, Patrick was nominated for a Golden Globe Award. The first year of the film's release brought in more than one hundred and seventy million dollars. Gray later recalled that the actor was fearless and insistently performed all the film's stunts himself:

“Patrick had a rare combination of rugged masculinity and amazing subtlety. He was beautiful and strong, a real cowboy with a tender heart,” said Jennifer.

The success of the film contributed to further proposals, and every year Swayze appeared in new projects. In the fantastic "Steel Dawn" he played the nomad Nomad, in the drama "Tiger Warsaw" - former drug addict Chuck Varso, in the thriller "Road House" - the legendary bouncer James Dalton, and in "Next of Kin" - policeman Truman Dalton. The eighties were fruitful in terms of work, and Patrick devoted himself to it with all the passion of his restless nature.

Dirty dancing. Fragment

The nineties brought the actor perhaps his most unforgettable role - Sam White in Jerry Zucker's dramatic film Ghost. Together with Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg, Swayze created an unforgettable love story on screen.

The actor admitted that this story shocked him so much that while reading the script, he could not hold back his tears several times. Whoopi won an Oscar for her supporting role, but said that she might not have received this award if it weren’t for Patrick, who inspired her on the set.

Ghost. Fragment

And Swayze has already literally plunged headlong into the role of Bodhi, starring in Kathryn Bigelow's thriller Point Break. In the film, he is a surfer and bank robber, who is trying to catch an ambitious FBI agent, brilliantly played by Keanu Reeves. The film did not have the same box office success as “Ghost,” but viewers will forever remember the freedom-loving and fearless Bodhi, who chose to die by catching his ideal wave rather than surrender to the hands of justice.

In the nineties, Patrick starred exclusively in leading roles, embodying both positive and negative characters on the screen. But even the most inveterate scoundrels in his performances do not look so clear thanks to the actor’s charm and talent.

In almost all films, Swayze performed all the stunts himself, which sometimes ended in failure. The script for one of the films suggested that the main character was riding a horse without a saddle or bridle through the forest. Stubborn Patrick drove the horse on his own, but at some point the animal jumped out of the clearing onto a huge tree, and the actor landed on the ground, crippling himself so much that his legs were paralyzed.

The loss of a finger and a dislocated shoulder were “trifles” in comparison with the spinal injury, after which the actor underwent long-term treatment and rehabilitation. But as soon as he got to his feet, he sat back in the saddle:

There are little devils sitting inside me. If I try to suppress them, they will kill me, they need to be given free rein from time to time. That's why I skydive and ride horses.

He purchased a ranch in Northern California, where he bred horses and took part in horse racing. He attended competitions in the United Arab Emirates, where he became the only American to reach the finish line after a four-hour race through the desert. In the eyes of his Arab rivals, he looked like a hero because he managed to overcome a difficult distance, despite the fact that he finished only thirty-fifth.

The two thousand were not so brilliant in terms of roles, but even a cameo role as a dance teacher in the prequel Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights brought Swayze a fee of five million dollars.

Fans of the actor's talent were delighted with his role as a fearless cowboy in King Solomon's Mines, and then with the completely opposite character of lawyer Richard Pressburger in the biographical drama Jump, directed by Joshua Sinclair. He also played the comedic role of Lance in Niell Johnson’s crime film “Be Quiet.”

Personal life of Patrick Swayze

The woman of Patrick Swayze's life was Lisa Niemi, whom he first saw at his mother's dance school. The first thing eighteen-year-old Patrick did when he saw a beautiful 14-year-old girl was to pinch her. And then he received a resounding slap in the face.

He was struck by the fact that she, unlike other girls, paid almost no attention to him, as it seemed to him then. And the girl was afraid to admit even to herself that she fell in love with the charming young man almost at first sight, so she chose this manner of behavior.

Lisa was different from the girls I was used to. If I started showing off and playing Casanova, she would just leave. My wife is the smartest woman I have ever met. It was after meeting her that I realized that smart girls are incredibly attractive.

Patrick admitted that if it weren't for his wife, some of his problems could have dragged him downhill. At one time, fame and crowds of loving fans turned his head, but the sobering help of his wife prevented him from contracting the “star” disease. In addition, although he made Lisa jealous by flirting with his film partners, Patrick remained a faithful husband.

The only thing that saddened the actor was the absence of children in their family. Having experienced two miscarriages, the wife was never able to have them again.

When Swayze found out about his terrible diagnosis, he decided to lead Lisa to the altar again, just like back in 1975. He arrived at the ceremony on a white horse, trying to impress his wife.

Dance of Patrick Swayze and Lisa Niemi (1994)

According to the recollections of friends who knew Patrick well, he repeated all his life that his Lisa was the most beautiful woman in the world, best friend and a faithful partner. Shortly before his death in big interview to the famous American TV presenter Barbara Walters, the actor admitted that without Lisa his life would be incomplete.

Last years and death

The whole life of this unique actor is risk and overcoming. Racing car rallies, skydiving, airplane flying, desert racing. It was as if Swayze was trying to prove to himself and everyone that he could achieve anything he wanted.

With the same confidence in victory, he accepted the diagnosis that oncologists gave him in March 2008: inoperable stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He joked that he would certainly live until a panacea for cancer was invented and continued to act in films. His wife, a licensed pilot, took him to treatment on her own.

His most recent role was as undercover FBI operative Charles Barker in the drama series Beast. The actor sometimes worked up to twelve hours a day, not accepting pity. He wanted the viewer to see him as full of energy as before. At the same time, Patrick refused to take painkillers because side effect they slowed down his consciousness and interfered with his play.

In his last interview, the actor admitted that the pain on set gave him “inner rage.” During the five months of filming, Swayze missed only a day, although in order to go to the set every day, he had to gather his strength for two to three hours.

On weekends, he went to a California hospital where he underwent aggressive chemotherapy. Swayze also trusted the new method of radiosurgery and tested an experimental medicine on himself. For some period of time there was an improvement, which Patrick informed his fans about. But in January 2009, the actor was hospitalized with pneumonia, and a couple of months later metastases were discovered in the liver.

While Swayze was in a hurry to finish his memoirs with his wife, not particularly sensitive journalists from one of the Florida radio stations posted a message on Twitter about his death. Patrick was unpleasantly surprised to discover that Wikipedia even lists the date of death as May 20th. After this, his representative Annette Wolfe issued a refutation of the speculation and rumors, saying that the actor was “alive, feeling well, enjoying his life and continuing to receive treatment.”

To stop speculation about his health, Swayze gave an interview on television, where he honestly spoke about how he was struggling with the disease and how he hoped for a miraculous recovery. But he immediately noticed that he was not going to cling to life at any cost just to maintain existence.

Am I dying? Have I given up? Am I on my deathbed? Am I saying goodbye? No way! – said Patrick. – I continue to dream about the future, about a further long and healthy life, which will not be overshadowed by the shadow of cancer.

Swayze failed to overcome the disease. He died on September 14, 2009 in Los Angeles. Mikhail Baryshnikov took on part of the expenses for the funeral and cremation. The actor's ashes were scattered at his beloved Happy Days Ranch in New Mexico.

Memory and legacy

On October 5, 2009, a memorial to Patrick Swayze was opened on the territory of the Sony film studio. The monument is made in the shape of a white horse, the actor’s favorite animal. Lisa Swayze found family happiness with jeweler Albert DePrisco in 2014. In 2019, she released the book “Fighting for This,” which told about the last two years of her life with Patrick.

In 2017, Swayze’s relatives criticized Lisa’s desire to auction off all the personal belongings of the deceased (things, documents, old toys, keys, wallets, etc.), and send part of the proceeds to a cancer foundation. Previously, she refused to buy out Patrick's ranch, although the actor's relatives were going to turn it into a museum. It was reported that Lisa kicked Patrick's brother and his niece out of the ranch, although they helped her care for the sick man in the last year of his life and afterward maintained order in the house.

Patrick's close friend Charlotte Stevens told reporters that in the last month of his life, the actor often called her at night and complained about Lisa. According to the woman, the wife resorted to physical violence and deliberately isolated Patrick from his loved ones. Charlotte remained silent for many years, but could not restrain herself when Lisa remarried and began to talk about her " touching love and support." We do not undertake to judge the veracity of this information.

In 2019, the documentary film “I Am Patrick Swayze” was released, in which his relatives, friends and colleagues remembered one of the most outstanding actors of our time.