Purpose of geobotany– elucidation of the reasons that determine the patterns of grouping of plants in space and time, knowledge of the properties and qualities of the resulting groupings, patterns of their distribution on the globe, searching for ways to manage them (improving and increasing productivity, creating new groupings), developing a strategy for their protection and rational use .

To achieve this goal, geobotany as a science must solve a number of specific tasks:

1) determination of the phytocenotic composition of the vegetation cover;

2) study of the floristic composition and structure of the identified phytocenoses;

3) elucidation of the dependence of the phytocenotic composition of the vegetation cover, the floristic composition of phytocenoses and their structure, distribution and spatial relationships on climatic and topographic conditions, on biotic environmental factors and the degree of anthropogenic load;

4) study of the genesis and evolution of vegetation, dynamics of phytocenoses;

5) study of the formation, variability and changes of phytocenoses over time depending on external and internal factors;

6) analysis of phytocenotic relationships between plants depending on the conditions of existence, biological and ecological characteristics of plants and their mutual placement;

7) study of the interaction and interdependence of phytocenosis and environment;

8) clarification of the state of vegetation cover in the geological and historical past and reflection of the past in modern vegetation;

9) establishment of classification units of different ranks and systematization of types of phytocenoses, that is, classification and taxonomy of vegetation;

10) economic characteristics of vegetation forms and identification of ways to improve them, more rational placement, protection and use.

Summarizing the above, we can say in the words of A.P. Shennikov that geobotany “has one task: a full-fledged phytocenological study of plant cover; the tasks listed are only different sides, from which the subject being studied should be considered” (Shennikov, 1964: p. 15).

In order to solve the problems, geobotany uses a whole system of methods . There are several different classification options for methods used in geobotanical research. We adhere to the scheme of B. M. Mirkin (Mirkin et al., 1989), which is based on the method of biological cognition - descriptive-registration (observation) or experimental, as well as the sign of frequency of registration. In this case, three groups of methods are distinguished.

· Route methods one-time surveys along the route. They can be of different scales and cover both small areas of vegetation and entire areas, and also vary in degree of accuracy, that is, rely on both purely visual assessments and precise accounting methods.

· Stationary methods– a class of methods that are implemented by multiple re-study the same ones signs of vegetation at the same points. Stationary studies can vary in duration (from several days to tens of years) and are carried out using both visual assessments (for example, repeated visits to the same areas of vegetation to visually observe fluctuations) and using a whole arsenal of complex instruments. For the most part, such stationary geobotanical studies develop into ecological studies, since changes in vegetation parameters are analyzed in parallel, taking into account environmental parameters.

· Experimental Methods – class of methods that are implemented by active intervention into the observed vegetation and environment. Experimental studies include, for example, studying the effect of fertilizers on vegetation, creating artificial phytocenoses, including new components in natural communities (or excluding them), reducing the level of competition by pruning tree roots, and so on. A special type of experimental research is methodological experiments, which are carried out to compare different methods for obtaining initial data and processing them; Experimental methods should also include modeling of phytocenotic systems.

The study of the patterns of organization of plant communities, their dynamics and diversity is carried out under the general guidance of prof. V.S. Ipatova.

A system of vegetation cover price elements and a dynamic system of classification units have been developed, new concept competition. For the first time, the system of all relationships between plants existing in one type of forest has been revealed. In the course of studies of plant interactions in forest cenoses, the mechanism of differentiation of trees in a forest stand, the features of the formation of tree crowns under conditions of competition were revealed, and the transformation of the environment by each of the forest layers was shown. Particular attention is paid to the study of phytogenic fields of trees, which is carried out using the latest methods(research led by Associate Professor M.Yu. Tikhodeeva and senior researcher V.Kh. Lebedeva) - for example, allowing to assess changes in bacterial communities in the soil; phytogenic fields of large grasses (work under the guidance of Associate Professor M.Yu. Tikhodeeva and Associate Professor D.M. Mirin), as well as the development and age structure of subpopulations of vegetatively mobile species (I.D. Grebennikov).

Dynamic processes in vegetation cover are studied using the example of restoration successions in territories disturbed by industrial development (research under the direction of Prof. O.I. Sumina). As a result, a unified classification of vegetation of technogenic habitats of the Russian Far North has been developed; groups of species of primary succession, differing in ecological and cenotic behavior, were identified and characterized; patterns of formation have been identified spatial structure plant communities and proposed a method for typing the pattern of vegetation cover on initial stages succession; the patterns of formation of vegetation cover on an ecotopically heterogeneous territory have been established; a polyvariant model of primary vegetation succession on technogenically disturbed lands was created. Recently, complex work has been actively carried out jointly with mycologists and soil scientists from St. Petersburg State University, the purpose of which is to elucidate the mechanisms of formation (starting from the “zero moment”) of functional connections in terrestrial ecosystems.

Long-term changes in vegetation are studied in the forest-steppe (Associate Professor D.M. Mirin) and the forest zone (Associate Professor A.F. Potokin and Associate Professor V.Yu. Neshataev). A promising direction is the study of epixyl microsuccessions on the trunks of fallen trees in coniferous forests of the north-west (ass. E.V. Kushnevskaya), which makes it possible to obtain materials to substantiate the criteria for identifying biologically valuable forest areas. The method for determining biologically valuable forests (BVF) is of great practical importance, and currently work in this area is constantly in demand. A number of employees of the department (I.A. Sorokina, E.V. Kushnevskaya, D.M. Mirin, V.Yu. Neshataev, etc.) not only participate in the implementation of organizations’ applications for identifying and examining BCL, but also supervise students, specializing in this topic.

Mapping and monitoring of vegetation in protected natural areas, started at the department by the Honored Ecologist of Russia Assoc. Yu.N. Neshataev, remains an important and popular area of ​​work in practice (research by Associate Professor V.Yu. Neshataev, Associate Professor A.F. Potokin, Associate N.Yu. Natsvaladze, Associate E.M. Koptseva). Large- and medium-scale geobotanical maps, which became the basis for the development of environmental measures, were prepared by employees and students of the department for the territories of the state reserves “Forest on Vorskla” (now “Belogorye”), “Bashkirsky”, “Kronotsky”, “Far Eastern Morskoy”, “Kurgalsky” "and others. IN recent years Research is being carried out on the unique swamps of the Lapland Nature Reserve and the non-forest vegetation of the Pasvik International Biosphere Reserve.

The need to address sustainable use challenges natural resources and creating an optimal structure of tree plantations requires in-depth study laws of crown formation tree species in ontogenesis. Modern ideas about the modular organization of plants are the basis for research into the structure of crowns of woody plants (local and introduced). These works are carried out on the territory of Russia in different natural areas. The use of mathematical modeling methods in describing crowns allows one to make a forecast of the development of individuals. Based on the data obtained, a system of hierarchical units of tree crown structure has been developed, their changes under the influence of external environment(work under the guidance of Associate Professor I.S. Antonova). The obtained materials are used to assess the condition of urban plantings and suburban parks. Studying the rich heritage of Russian masters of landscape art of the 18th-19th centuries. - one of the traditional applied areas scientific activity departments.

Although some trends have already been discussed above modern development geobotany, we still consider it interesting to give a brief summary of those trends that, in our opinion, are the most significant.

Of the shifts occurring in geobotany, the most general is the change in its content and volume, the recognition by many of it as a “junction science”, standing on the border between botany, ecology and geography (especially landscape science) and being one of the parts of the science of the Earth - geonomy. Its object of study is vegetation cover as complex system with a number of subsystems, which all - from the species as a coenobiont and the plant community as the central object to the phytogeosphere - are studied to reveal the general patterns of evolution, structure, composition, geography, ecology of vegetation as a defining part of the biosphere and landscape envelope of the Earth and methods of managing it.

Exactly systematic approach opens up, in the opinion of many modern researchers, the opportunity to study different-quality objects (subsystems) of vegetation cover, taking into account their comparative integrity, on the one hand, and openness, stochastic and subordinate nature, on the other hand, and thereby characterize vegetation cover as a dynamic system.

The plant community is examined from new points of view. The difference in theoretical interpretations of the plant community emerges clearly if, for example, we compare the phytocenology of the 20-30s with its theory of plant communities as integral, cohesive units (“organisms”) with modern trends in phytocenology - with the doctrine of continuum, with the interpretation of phytocenosis with from the point of view of biocybernetics, system levels of integration, etc. Currently, phytocenosis is considered as a natural phenomenon with a three-stage organization of living things (organismal, population and coenotic levels), and therefore its structure and complex of interactions become more complex. Phytocenosis is an extremely complex phenomenon, the life of which can only be understood on the basis of a multidimensional model. The degree of determinism of specific phytocenoses is relatively low, which determines their relative instability and the possibility of the emergence of “different states of the system over the entire range of characteristics in their different stochastic combinations.” V.D. Aleksandrova (1961) writes that “phytocenosis belongs to the class of dynamic systems of a high degree of complexity. It is a very large, from the point of view of cybernetics, dynamic system with stochastic transformations and statistical effects.” In other words, the complexity of phytocenoses is manifested in: 1) a wide variety of specific floras, which are the “material” for developing the species composition of phytocenoses; 2) various types the structure of communities, the diversity of structural parts of communities; 3) diversity of ecotopes, the possibility of unlimited variation and combination environmental factors, their quality indicators; 4) the variety of interactions between the plants that make up the communities, between them and environmental conditions; 5) the diversity of ways of formation and development of communities, the diversity of the succession process in different ecotopes.

The more complex the phytocenosis as a natural phenomenon seems to us, the more advanced, diverse and accurate methods its study requires. Currently, we can already talk about entire “classes” of methods for geobotanical study of plant cover and phytocenoses. To the usual and undoubtedly superficial, but still not lost its significance in our days, reconnaissance study of plant communities by the method of simple description of their species composition, structure and ecotope were added biogeocenological, stationary-ecological, experimental, biogeophysical, production-ecological, quantitative-statistical and other research methods. The last “class” (quantitative-statistical methods) undoubtedly played a very important role in achieving the modern level of geobotany and ecology. These methods also face enormous challenges in the further development of the study of vegetation cover, because only the measurability, accuracy and statistical processing of the collected facts allow them to be objectively systematized and generalized into strictly proven conclusions.

A look at phytocenosis as a comparative open system and vegetation cover as a continuous phenomenon forces geobotanists and ecologists to pay a lot of attention to special methods for studying the plant continuum. Methods of ordination and gradient analysis have been significantly improved over the past 10-15 years, and, obviously, it is this direction that will determine in the near future success in clarifying an important question: what quality of vegetation - discreteness or continuity - is internally more characteristic of it as natural phenomenon. Of course, questions of vegetation classification retain their important place in the problems of geobotany, but it is also clear that: 1) the problem of hierarchical purely phytocenological classification is losing its former dominant importance in geobotany and 2) the problem of vegetation classification has positive prospects only in the case of the combined use of traditional phytocenological classification techniques and results of gradient and ordination analysis of vegetation. Many geobotanists and ecologists have already shown with sufficient convincing that classification and ordination are not mutually exclusive approaches to the study of vegetation, but should mutually enrich each other.

For many decades, the leading problem in geobotany was the classification of vegetation. The overwhelming majority of geobotanical literature is devoted to it, which is completely natural at a certain stage in the development of geobotany, when the primary task was considered to be the creation of a comprehensive overview of the diversity of plant communities. This, obviously, can be seen in this work - we really had to pay a lot of attention to classification issues in all chapters. But we can think that in the near future this disproportionality in geobotanical problems will be eliminated and such problems as modeling plant communities, studying the income and expenditure processes of energy resources of communities, functions and structure will come to the fore. different types communities in ecosystems, development of theoretical and methodological foundations for creating highly productive and sustainable plant communities in relation to the human-modified environment, etc.

From the above, one cannot conclude that geobotanical problems that have been studied for many years and have become, so to speak, classical (such as zoning and mapping of vegetation cover, the study of vegetation changes, etc.), are completely losing their significance. No way. But they are also being rebuilt to a new methodology and enriched with new ones. theoretical approaches. This will be the case, for example, with the mapping of vegetation cover, which will soon switch to a new technique associated with the use of spectrozonal analysis of color aerial photography and, what is especially promising, with materials coming to the disposal of scientists from space satellites. Science is already talking about space landscape science, and soon they will be talking about space geobotany. Of course, conventional mapping methods remain in service with geobotanist cartographers, since the need to work in key areas (test sites) is not removed, but ground-based materials will be combined with space materials, and as a result, greater accuracy, visibility and speed of work will be achieved.

Concluding this book, we would like to dwell on one more question - at what stage of development is geobotany?

Sciences develop according to certain internal laws. Among the latter, the most important is the staged nature of the development of science, its passage through certain stages in the process of understanding its object or solving its problem. The procedure of scientific knowledge can be divided into several stages, starting with simpler ones and ending with complex, generalizing ones. Of course, these stages should not strictly follow each other; complex interweavings and parallel development of stages may occur, but in general they reflect the logical course of the internal progressive development of science.

Let us list the main stages of this process: 1) description of a phenomenon, process, subject, object; 2) measurement, collection of quantitative data; 3) data grouping, typology and classification; 4) statistical and mathematical data processing; 5) setting up experiments; 6) interpretation of the data obtained; 7) creating a hypothesis; 8) development of theories and patterns; 9) forecasting; 10) creation of a general concept.

Taking this scheme as a basis, it is interesting to establish at what stage modern geobotany is, what stages have been sufficiently developed, and at what stage its “growth point” is located. We can say that the first three stages are almost a completed stage, in other words, they are no longer an obstacle to the further development of geobotany. Quantitative (statistical) geobotany is developing successfully; on the agenda is the creation of a special branch of biomathematics directly related to geobotany - biocoenometry with a special set mathematical methods and equipment. There have been certain successes in the field of experimental geobotany, but targeted experience has not yet penetrated into many significant unresolved problems. Starting from the sixth stage (interpretation), the picture looks less satisfactory, which is manifested in the absence of general explanatory theories of the essence of the plant community, its place in the energy chains of the ecosystem, and more broadly, in the absence of a generally accepted theory of vegetation cover as a basis for predicting its processes. Believing that science will flourish if it passes through all the above stages, we will determine that geobotany has reached the middle phase of its development, and its most complex, important and modern tasks are still awaiting their solution.

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The most significant scientific results that can be achieved in the period up to 2030 include: the creation of systems for monitoring, assessing and forecasting the state of the environment, natural and man-made emergencies; promising technologies for prospecting and exploration of mineral resources; highly effective safe methods naval intelligence and hydrocarbon production in extreme climatic conditions. Their development and implementation will lead to a more rational use of the country's mineral resource base and increase the efficiency of its reproduction, reduce the level of environmental pollution, and minimize damage from natural and man-made disasters.

In the medium term, research and development in the field of environmentally friendly materials and products will be actively carried out; software and geographic information systems; equipment and materials to improve the efficiency of mining and processing of minerals; early detection and forecasting of natural and man-made emergencies.

1. Preserving a favorable environment and ensuring environmental safety:

Study of climate change and extreme climate events using promising approaches to the analysis of climate-forming factors.

Reconstruction of retrospective and assessment of modern dynamics of the cryosphere, incl. permafrost soils and glaciers, as well as forecast of its changes.

Formation of a forecast for the transfer and transformation of pollutants in the environment, including micro- and nanoparticles.

Assessment of changes in the ecological state of the landscape and its components, erosion-bed processes, biogeochemical flows, bioproductivity and biodiversity, as well as water bodies and their systems.

Assessment and forecasting of the complex impact of natural and man-made factors on the health and livelihoods of the population in conditions of a changing climate and environment.

Development of systems for rational environmental management in cities and agglomerations, location of the economy and population.

Optimization of territorial planning schemes in accordance with landscape structure and environmental and resource potential.

Expected results: level reduction negative impact economic activity(generation of production and consumption waste, emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air, discharges into water bodies) on the natural environment and public health; development and application environmentally effective technologies world level in the main sectors of the economy.

2. Monitoring the state of the environment, assessing and forecasting emergency situations of natural and man-made nature:

Assessment of the state and dynamics of resources of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, restoration of the resource potential of areas with high anthropogenic load (soil, water and biological resources).

Environmental monitoring and forecasting of the state of the natural environment in large industrial cities and in specially protected natural areas of coastal zones, water areas and groundwater.

Technologies for instrumental monitoring of emissions/discharges of pollutants into the atmosphere, water bodies, and soil.

Technologies for obtaining, transmitting and using information about the state of the environment and its changes using ground, air, space and other means.

Technologies and systems for early detection and forecasting of natural and man-made emergencies.

Technologies for ensuring the safety of industrial and energy hazardous facilities, incl. chemical and petrochemical industries, mining enterprises, high-pressure dams and hydroelectric and nuclear power plants.

Technologies for managing environmental risks during the development of offshore oil and gas fields in water areas, incl. ice-covered areas.

Technologies for creating and updating cadastres of territories and water areas with the highest level of environmental risk.

Technologies and systems for preventing transboundary negative impacts on the environment.

Expected results: systems for monitoring, assessing and forecasting the state of the environment, natural and man-made emergencies, climate change, necessary for the subsequent introduction of modern technologies to reduce the level of negative impact on the economy and public health.

3. Subsoil study, search, exploration and comprehensive development of mineral and hydrocarbon resources, as well as technogenic raw materials:

Exploration and exploration work, incl. in new production areas that meet economic and environmental requirements, development of Geophysical methods for oil and gas exploration in unconventional geological conditions, assessment of the productivity of oil-bearing formations, methods for searching for zones of possible ore occurrence.

Methods for increasing oil recovery, including targeted changes in reservoir properties of formations, allowing to increase the recovery factor of hydrocarbons, incl. in depleted fields and low-pressure gas fields.

Utilization of associated petroleum gas.

Obtaining and using non-traditional sources of raw materials, incl. hydrocarbons, including “heavy oils”, gas hydrates, shale gas, etc.

Physical-technical and physical-chemical technologies for processing highly gas-bearing coal seams with the prevention of coal mine methane emissions, incl. for the production of gaseous and liquid synthetic hydrocarbons.

Technologies for efficient processing of solid minerals, including energy-saving integrated processing of difficult-to-enrich natural and technogenic mineral raw materials with high degree concentrations of mineral complexes.

Industrial use of waste from mining and processing of minerals.

Expected results: rational use of the mineral resource base and its reproduction thanks to modern technologies search and exploration of mineral resources, incl. ensuring an increase in hydrocarbon reserves, primarily oil.

Floristic and geobotanical research on the territory of the reserve began in 1929. student of L. G. Ramensky Maria Vasilievna Nikolaevskaya(years of work in the reserve—1929 — 1931,1936— 1950s). In the first volume of the reserve's works, published in 1938, M. V. Nikolaevskaya gives a description of "Types of soils and vegetation in the Usmanka pore area of ​​the Voronezh Beaver Reserve" and provides the first floristic list of the study area, including more than 500 species of vascular plants. The result of Maria Vasilievna's many years of work was the classification of the reserve's vegetation - a two-volume manuscript containing detailed characteristics of plant associations, including field geobotanical descriptions This work was published after his death. M. V. Nikolaevskaya, editing the material and preparing for publication in 1971. senior researcher of the ANSSSR L. N. Sobolev.

A targeted survey of the flora of the entire Usman forest and the reserve, in particular, was carried out in 1946 — 1947 Voronezh botanist Sergei Vladimirovich Golitsyn. Herbarium collections M. V. Nikolaevskaya and S.V. Golitsyn form the basis of the floristic collection of the All-Russian State Nature Reserve, later supplemented by collections L. A. Gobbe (1941— 1957), G. I. Barabash (1959— 1961), P. F. Golenkova (1970— 1991), E. A. Starodubtseva (from 1988— present time), N. Yu. Khlyzova (2011— 2013) etc. In addition to vascular plants, the collection includes mosses (main collections and determinations N. N. Popova), lichens (collections E. A. Starodubtseva, definitions E. E. Muchnik), the formation of a collection of mushrooms has begun. The herbarium of the reserve contains about 9 thousand specimens, it has passed international registration, its acronym (international index) is VGZ.

The geobotanical direction of work in the early 1960s was continued Galina Ilyinichna Barabash, and then by the staff of the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences, under the leadership V. D. Utekhina. Based on materials collected as a result of expeditionary work in 1965-1966 and 1987 — 1988, an analysis of the dynamics of the vegetation cover of the protected area was carried out.

Currently, floristic and geobotanical research in the reserve is carried out by the Deputy Director of Scientific Work, Ph.D. Starodubtseva Elena Anatolyevna. Data are collected annually on new and rare plant species in the reserve and adjacent territory; monitoring of the state of populations of species included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation is carried out; Quantitative surveys of the ground cover are carried out on permanent sample plots. This material is included in the next volumes of the Chronicle of Nature. Special studies are carried out on alien species, as well as the natural and anthropogenic dynamics of plant communities.

The reserve has a card file of species, a card file of the Herbarium, a phytocoenoteca (a collection of primary geobotanical descriptions - more than 1000 units), electronic databases of geobotanical and taxation descriptions.

Main publications on the flora and vegetation of the Voronezh Nature Reserve


1. Rtishcheva A. I. Macromycetes// Flora of the Voronezh Nature Reserve / Flora and fauna of nature reserves. Vol. 78. M., 1999. pp. 126-141.
2. Afanasyev A.A., Rtishcheva A.I., Starodubtseva E. A. Basidial macromycetes of the Voronezh Reserve // ​​Proceedings of the Voronezh State Reserve. Vol. XXIV. - Voronezh, 2007. - P. 40-60.


1. Muchnik E.E. Lichens // Flora of the Voronezh Nature Reserve / Flora and fauna of nature reserves. Vol. 78. - M., 1999. - P. 111-125.
2. Muchnik E. E. Lichenological Research on the territory of the Voronezh Nature Reserve: results and prospects // Proceedings of Voronezh. state reserve. Vol. 24. Voronezh, 2007. P.60-73.
3. Muchnik E.E. Additions to the list of lichen biota of the Voronezh Nature Reserve // ​​Proceedings of Voronezh. state reserve. Vol. 26. Voronezh, 2012. P.51-55.

1. Popova N. N. Bryophytes// Flora of the Voronezh Nature Reserve / Flora and fauna of nature reserves. Vol. 78. - M., 1999. - P. 96-111.


1. Golitsyn S.V. List of plants of the Voronezh State Reserve // ​​Proceedings of the Voronezh State Reserve. Vol. X. - Voronezh, 1961. - 101 p.
2. Starodubtseva E. A. Vascular plants // Flora of the Voronezh Nature Reserve / Flora and fauna of nature reserves. Vol. 78. - M., 1999. - P. 5-96.
3. Starodubtseva E. A. Botanical collections of the Voronezh Biosphere Reserve // ​​Scientific collection funds of the reserves of the Central Black Earth Region: Proceedings of the Association of Specially Protected Natural Territories of the Central Black Earth Region of Russia. - Tula, 2001. - Issue. 3. — P. 105— 116.
4. Starodubtseva E. A. The problem of biological pollution of protected areas (for example, the Voronezh Nature Reserve) // The role of forest zone reserves in the conservation and study of biological diversity of the European part of Russia (Materials scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Oka State Natural Biosphere Reserve) / Proceedings of the Oka State Natural Biosphere Reserve. Vol. 24. - Ryazan: 2005. - P. 456-463.
5. Starodubtseva E. A. Additions and changes to the list of vascular plants of the Voronezh Nature Reserve // ​​Proceedings of the Voronezh State Reserve. Vol. XXIV. - Voronezh, 2007. - pp. 74-92.
6. Starodubtseva E. A. Alien plant species in specially protected areas (for example, the Voronezh Biosphere Reserve) // Russian Journal of Biological Invasions. - 2011. - No. 3. - P. 36-40.
7. Starodubtseva E. A. Addition to the flora of vascular plants of the Voronezh Reserve // ​​Proceedings of the Voronezh State Reserve. Vol. XXVI. Voronezh, 2012. pp. 55-64.
8. Starodubtseva E. A. Naturalization alien plant species in the Voronezh Reserve // ​​Flora and vegetation of the Central Black Earth Region - 2013: Materials of the interregional scientific conference (Kursk, April 6, 2013). Kursk, 2013. pp. 183-188.
9. Starodubtseva E. A. Some modern trends in the dynamics of the flora of the Voronezh Reserve // ​​Flora and vegetation of the Central Black Earth Region - 2014: Materials of the interregional scientific conference (Kursk, April 5, 2014). Kursk, 2014. - pp. 91-96.


1. Nikolaevskaya M. V. Types of soils and vegetation in the pore area. Usmanka of the Voronezh Beaver Reserve // ​​Proceedings of the Voronezh Reserve. .- 1938.- Issue. 1. — P. 5— 43.
2. Nikolaevskaya M.V. Vegetation Voronezh Reserve // ​​Proceedings of the Voronezh Reserve. - 1971. - Issue. 17. — P. 6— 133.
3. Utekhin V.D. Changes in the vegetation of the Voronezh Reserve for thirty years (1936-1966) // Proceedings of the Voronezh State Reserve. Vol. XXIV. - Voronezh, 2007. - pp. 74-92.
4. Utekhin V.D., Tishkov A.A., Kashkarova V.P., Starodubtseva E.A., Savov K.P. Use Ordination methods for studying the succession of protected vegetation // Ecological Ordination in Biogeographical Research. - M., 1990. - P. 151-163.
5. Starodubtseva E. A. Main trends in the natural dynamics and anthropogenic transformation of the flora and forest vegetation of the Usman forest // Development of natural complexes Usman-Voronezhskikh forests in protected and anthropogenic territories / Proceedings of the Voronezh Biosphere State Reserve. - Voronezh, 1997. - P. 14-31.
6. Solntsev N.A., Kalutskova N.A., Tregubov O.V., Starodubtseva E.A. Structure of forest cover and catena soils in the forest-steppe zone (for example, sandy terraces of the Voronezh Nature Reserve) // Eastern European forests: history in the Holocene and modernity. Book 2. - M.: Nauka, 2004. - P. 185-194.
7. Starodubtseva E.A., Likhatsky Yu.P., Tregubov O.V. Dynamics of forest cover on sandy terraces of the Voronezh Biosphere Reserve // ​​Eastern European forests: history in the Holocene and modernity. Book 2. - M.: Nauka, 2004. - P. 200-236.
8. Starodubtseva E.A., Khanina L.G. Classification forest vegetation of the Voronezh Reserve // ​​Proceedings of the Voronezh State Reserve. Vol. XXIV. - Voronezh, 2007. - pp. 116-180.
9. Starodubtseva E.A., Khanina L.G. Classification vegetation of the Voronezh Nature Reserve // ​​Vegetation of Russia. St. Petersburg, 2009. - No. 14. - P. 63-141.
10. Starodubtseva E.A., Khanina L.G., Smirnov V.E. Dynamics of vegetation cover of the Voronezh Nature Reserve taking into account the landscape structure of the territory // Vegetation of Russia. 2013. No. 23. P. 9-21.