“Miss, miss! And he calls me names!” And the investigation of “who did what to whom” begins. As I watched this common scene, it occurred to me that a child does not immediately ask an adult to “right a wrong.” I think he wants to be comforted and understand that his feelings were hurt.

How much easier it would be if we realized what our children need most from us? support and understanding. Whether we're dealing with a hurtful comment on the playground or a more serious incident like bullying, children look to us to see what we think of them.

How can we respond if a child talks about a hurtful situation? First, we must acknowledge the situation by using phrases like, “I'm sorry Johnny called you a name. This probably offended you... But I don’t agree with him.” By allowing a child to talk about his own grief and grievances, we show him that we care about him.

This is difficult for adults who work in schools because we feel obligated to do something. Trying to get to the bottom of what really happened and finding a solution, often in the form of punishment, which then still needs to be conveyed and followed up on, takes a lot of time. There is a lot to do and not enough time. It is natural to strive to take action when a child comes with a complaint.

A teacher I know listens to all the children who come to complain about their classmates. Interestingly, when she asks the students after hearing a problem if they want her to do something, most often they say no. Sometimes she still has to talk to another student, but she feels less pressure knowing that children just want to be listened to.

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When children feel our "presence" it has a calming effect on them. nervous system. To be present, we as adults need to be confident that what we do in this moment is just as important as what we do next.

Our children need to know that they are important enough to us that we will want to listen to their concerns. They want to know what we think about them. And when they are convinced of this, it will be their support in the turbulent world of their peers. Of course, we must respond to situations that require intervention because students expect us to protect them. However, this may not be needed as often as we think.

I encourage those who work with children to try. Try this for a day or two as an experiment. Be on the same page with your child by acknowledging his feelings and hurt feelings. Tell your child a few words about how you see him (focus on his efforts and achievements). Acknowledge the injustice of what happened. Even if you are asked to do something that can be done later, continue to ask how the child is doing. I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.

It is known that having your own business is much more reliable than being hired. Many of us are not satisfied with the wages offered by employers.

In your own business there are no restrictions on earnings, while work for hire provides a fixed salary that cannot exceed a certain amount. Low, unfulfilling incomes make many people think about building a business.

What to do and how to find an idea for a business and turn it into reality. Ideas are sometimes not enough, but if there is a desire, aspiration, confidence in own strength, it’s unlikely that anything can stand in the way of creating a thriving business.

Beginning entrepreneurs are sometimes tormented by doubts about the fierce competition in the business world, doubts about the productivity and relevance of the idea itself. It happens that a person is already determined to develop his business, but he is visited by doubts due to lack of funds. Yes. Any business requires financial costs, and considerable ones.
An entrepreneur must have substantial capital to open a store, cafe, restaurant, workshop, manufacturing factory, beauty salon, private school and many other establishments. The costs will be large, funds will need to be invested in renting or purchasing premises, purchasing furniture, lighting systems, special equipment, a decent amount of money will be spent on advertising the establishment and much more.

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Desire to develop your own business

People dream of their own business, find it attractive, tempting, but extremely expensive. Not every entrepreneur has such a substantial amount of money to open the above establishments. However, if a person really has a desire to be his own master, to become successful and independent, he can continue to look for alternatives, of which there are thousands, or even tens of thousands, today. When looking for a business idea, the main thing is not to give up, not to be afraid of competition, to remember that the result comes through hard, constant work on yourself, on your thoughts and plans.

It would be foolish to believe that a business idea can arise spontaneously, like some kind of insight, enlightenment. This happens only in rare cases. A fruitful thought arises as a result of searching new information, in the process of observation, questioning others. When building a business, an entrepreneur should be interested in the needs of others for a particular product, ask them about the quality of the product, its advantages and disadvantages. The future businessman will certainly benefit from this, since he will know what types of goods the population of a given region needs, what features this product should have, etc.

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Observation and social survey

We bring to your attention observation and survey methods. For example, a future businessman has decided on the type of activity. Let this be the sale of goods. How to plan a business using a social survey? Step one. We find out the popularity of this product among the population. You can ask friends, acquaintances, work colleagues, or conduct interviews on the streets. You should find out people’s attitudes towards this product, analyze each point of view, listen to your potential customers, identify all the advantages and disadvantages of the product that you are going to introduce to the public market.

It is necessary to find out what changes need to be made to the proposed product, whether it is possible to improve or simplify it. Having learned about the level of popularity of the product, the businessman makes a conclusion about whether the population will like the product. Observation and questioning method - perhaps main idea in developing business strategy. It guides both novice entrepreneurs and successful businessmen. People whose business is thriving look every day for opportunities to improve their business, constantly work on it and strive to take into account the preferences of the potential client.

The second idea could be the introduction of a new product to the domestic market that would be beneficial, save time, and perhaps be multifunctional if we are talking about an electrical device. As an example, let’s take an ordinary food processor, which will certainly come in handy on the farm. It is known that there are now a lot of such devices, the range of brands is amazing. In this type of business, accordingly, there is considerable competition. What to do? There is a way out. You can reduce the price of a product slightly, but so that when comparing prices of goods, the difference is visible. The buyer's eye is always happy at the sight of discounts, promotions or already affordable prices. The reasonable price will not leave him indifferent. If he doesn’t buy your product, he will definitely think about buying it or recommend it to his friends, focusing on accessibility. The product you distribute must be of high quality because your reputation as a businessman depends on it.

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Advertising and its costs

Advertising plays a key role when starting a business. Remember, you will have to spend a lot of money on it. Advertising includes many aspects: from creating booklets to placing them in the media. A great idea would be to create a slogan. This matter should be entrusted to professionals who can develop the correct, competent slogan. Remember, an advertising slogan is the face of your company.

To summarize, it should be emphasized that creating and properly organizing a business is not an easy process. It requires significant effort, money, patience and endurance on the part of the entrepreneur. Owning your own business requires thoughtful, logical decisions, identifying whether the business is worth the investment and how quickly it will pay off.

Let's make a small digression from the strategy of creating your own business and consider the psychological aspects of this process. In particular, how to act with potential clients and consumers.

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One of the most important rules for successfully building a business is to not be afraid of competition! It is always there and in almost everything. Competition is a natural phenomenon that is not fought against, but rather accepted with dignity. One thing you should never do is anti-advertise your opponents. It won't make you look good. On the contrary, you need to strive for communication and interaction with each other, which can be fruitful for both parties. People can exchange thoughts, share experiences and knowledge.

When creating a business, you should objectively assess your moral stability for this type of activity, since your own business requires constant attention to all the subtleties and details. It could cost you large quantity time spent day after day, energy, strength.

It is important to take financial capabilities into account. If you don’t have enough funds for your planned business, you shouldn’t fall into despair and give up. Today they are rapidly developing alternative sources income, for example. We'll look at this option a little later.

11 ideas for your business

In principle, there are only two alternatives, namely: to come up with something yourself or to implement someone else’s idea. The second happens much more often. It can be said with a clear conscience that the first practically never happens, and any successful enterprise is the product of an already known concept.

Contrary to popular belief, your creativity- this is not the most important thing you need for your business idea.

All people and organizations have different needs that they satisfy in different ways. If you can suggest a way to better or more fully satisfy them, then you almost certainly have a chance. Ideas for your business are generated based on two approaches:

1. “I know how to do this (say, carpentry), so I’ll open my
business and will sell the results of my work."

2. “What do people need, and can I offer it to them?”

Theoretically, both approaches can be translated into a real business, however, and you will probably agree with this, the second option is more attractive, since it is an attempt to solve the problem of the consumer, not the manufacturer. The same carpenter, for example, having learned that there is a need to install high-strength doors in private apartments, can organize such production.

So, you have a few ideas. However, you will probably want to work on others that are more suitable for you, say, in terms of resources. The following 11 options will help you decide.

Option 1: Research your current job

If you are currently working somewhere, then you have every opportunity to study your enterprise. And this can help you generate your own ideas. Such ideas can be divided into three main categories:

A. Duplication of activities of your enterprise.

B. Entering a market that has not yet been explored by your company.

B. Development of a new product based on existing products or
type of services during the period of work at this enterprise.

In this case, the advantage is that you use the knowledge, experience and qualifications gained in your work.

In Russia, there is a slightly different way of implementing such ideas, namely: the team simply privatizes its enterprise.

Option 2: Copying and improving goods and services offered by other businesses

Take a close look at any enterprise and ask yourself: “Do I have enough resources to do the same?” and, more importantly, “can I do this better?” And if you think so, then this is your chance.

This approach has its advantages:

Someone else checks the demand for the product, and you simply copy what others are doing and make improvements where possible.

This operating enterprise has already made a lot of mistakes in the process of formation, and you just have to learn the lessons for yourself.

Option 3: Research the needs of other people and organizations

If you understand what people really need, you will have a real chance of creating a profitable business. There is no need to wait for a revolutionary discovery in science or technology, you just need to notice what people lack - and ideas will come. Everywhere we need qualified painters, carpenters, and plumbers who can do high-quality apartment renovations. We also need stores with a wide range of goods at various prices, open at convenient times and located close to home.

Option 4. Study current trends in society

Needs can also be determined by analyzing trends: looking at the state of affairs in some area, comparing it with the past period and trying to make a forecast for the future. For example, in Russia, more and more families are inclined to stay at home in the evenings instead of going to the cinema or theater. Therefore, they need more entertainment and forms of service at home, such as rental of video equipment, delivery of the same pizza to their home.

Social change often opens up new opportunities for your business. For example, over the past few years, many private kindergartens have appeared in England to look after the children of working parents. Of course, there are also public kindergartens, but there are not enough of them, and the private sector saw this need and filled the vacuum.

Option 5. Use your specialty

It is very likely that your knowledge, experience and skills acquired on the job will be useful to you, whether you are a carpenter or a lawyer. This is a completely obvious circumstance, however, it must certainly be kept in mind. For example, if you worked as an electrician, then who will need you without your workshop and special tools? You may have to master some narrow specialization, say, installing anti-theft devices.

Option 6. Intermediation in the sale of other people's goods

The range of such entrepreneurship can vary from selling someone’s handicrafts on the corner or trading in your own store to agency operations on behalf of some large companies selling their goods to other companies.

Option 7. Hobbies and entrepreneurship

This is the case when your business is built on the skills acquired as a result of a hobby. Tennis lessons, training foreign languages, handicrafts - anything.

Option 8. Licensing

Licensing occurs when the owner of an enterprise agrees to assist another person in organizing a similar or exactly the same business for a certain share of the profits. This is a common practice in the West, and such an agreement is called "franchising".

Option 9. Inventions

Most Western business experts agree that starting a business with an invention is almost impossible. After all, its implementation requires such huge capital investments that only big business can afford them. However, if the invention promises clear commercial benefits, some large companies may invest in the implementation of your invention and purchase a patent from you for its subsequent use. An inventor in the West, in the most favorable scenario, can work on his idea for years and at great expense before it can be said that the invention has been “brought to fruition.”

Option 10. Publications as a source of ideas

Ideas can arise from reading various newspapers and magazines, both domestic and foreign, or special commercial publications, and even simply from what they saw on TV. Since you, as a future entrepreneur, must constantly keep up to date with developments in the business world, such interest should never wane!

Option 11. Acquisition of a company

There is another way that does not require an idea to create a new enterprise, namely: simply buy a company from someone. In the West, the acquisition of someone's store or company is in the order of things, since the owners may wish to retire, start a new business, or retire. This is a common occurrence in the trade and service industries, particularly in the hotel and restaurant business.

This way of starting a business has both its pros and cons. The advantages are as follows:

An operating enterprise most likely has a stable market.

He probably has reliable and knowledgeable suppliers, an experienced team and established business practices.

Typically, such a business also has a steady clientele.

Disadvantages include the following:

Customer confidence may be shaken by the departure of the current owner.

Perhaps the business was poorly placed and the owner realized it.

Contrary to possible assurances, his financial position may not be so stable.

The team may not want to work with you and leave or, even worse, later become your competitor.

Assessing the value of an existing enterprise is a difficult matter, and financial statements reflect only the state economic activity in the past. Some British businessmen who acquire companies make a large down payment with the condition that the balance be paid at a certain date in the future, when it is finally determined by the results of the business activities of the company. Others, especially if it is a large company, require the owner to continue working for a few more months and share his leadership methods. Still others hire accounting firms to evaluate the company.

Whatever idea you choose for your business, remember that your business will require constant attention from you - in physical sense, V psychological aspect and socially - and he doesn’t care when this happens: in working hours or after work.

The material was prepared from the book “Advice to Those Who Want to Start Their Own Business” by Lawrence Hibbert.

The modern market is oversaturated with various goods and services, so many novice entrepreneurs find it difficult to choose a line of activity. If you want your business to bring good profits, you need to find an idea that will be in demand in any economic conditions. We will tell you in this article what is in demand among the population in 2019.

In-demand products

First, let's talk about goods that are in great demand among the population. First of all, these are, of course, food:

  • Meat and sausages;
  • Fish;
  • Dairy products;
  • Cereals;
  • Pasta;
  • Vegetables and stuff.

Household chemicals and personal hygiene items should also be mentioned separately. Such products are in high demand among the population even in conditions of economic instability. It never disappears from the market basket, which is why many experienced experts recommend that beginners open their own business in the food industry.

Regardless of income, people continue to buy:

  • Washing powder;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Detergents and cleaning products;
  • Shampoos;
  • Soap;
  • Cosmetics, etc.

When thinking about what product is in great demand among the population during a crisis, we should also mention alcohol:

  • Vodka;
  • Cognac;
  • Wine;
  • Beer;
  • Ready-made alcoholic cocktails.

Such a product attracts the attention of buyers, not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. Don't forget about tobacco products. Despite the fact that recently the state has been actively fighting smoking, many citizens regularly buy cigarettes, thereby bringing huge profits to tobacco manufacturers.

The production or sale of seasonal goods can bring enormous success to a small enterprise:

  1. Chilled juices;
  2. Ice cream;
  3. Hot drinks;
  4. Fuel briquettes;
  5. Seasonal clothing, etc.

When forming your own business model, pay attention to “impulse demand” goods. Many consumers do not perceive small things like candy, chewing gum or small chocolate bars as a purchase. But from the sale of such goods, which are in great demand among the population, you can make a good profit.

What is profitable to sell?

If you are planning to open a store, you first need to find out. The most important thing is to correctly determine what is currently in demand among the population. In this case, the business will flourish and bring excellent profits. So, let's try to figure out what sells well during a crisis:
  1. Equipment and electronics - phones, laptops, tablets, video cameras. This . Such a business will require you to have certain knowledge and significant financial investments;
  2. Products. If you open a grocery store in a good location, it will bring in a decent profit all year round. To increase the profitability of your enterprise, you can create a household chemicals department in your store;
  3. Shoes and clothing. Buy inexpensive, high-quality goods in bulk and sell them at retail at attractive prices. You can also offer consumers luxury products, but they are rarely purchased in small quantities;
  4. Stationery. Such a product is in great demand among the population at the beginning of the school year;
  5. Sporting goods. Many modern people trying to lead healthy image life, so recently the demand for various sports equipment, clothing and exercise equipment has begun to grow. If you are interested in what products are in great demand during a crisis, be sure to pay attention to this market segment;
  6. Fabrics and accessories. During the crisis, many citizens sew their own clothes, so the demand for high-quality inexpensive fabrics, threads, needles, buttons, etc. begins to grow;
  7. Flowers. People celebrate weddings, anniversaries and other special occasions in all economic conditions. As you know, the best gift for any occasion is flowers. The cost of bouquets is sometimes several times higher than their cost, so such a business brings a decent profit;
  8. Children's toys. Parents try not to deny their children anything, so the demand for children's products remains consistently high even during a crisis. In addition to toys, the assortment can include strollers, cribs, clothes, diapers and hygiene items.
  9. We figured out which products are in demand during the crisis. Now let's talk about what services will be in demand in conditions of economic instability.

    Most popular services

    To determine what services are in demand among people in your region, you need to carefully analyze the market. This will allow you to assess the level of competition, as well as determine the profitability of the business and its approximate payback period. At first, you can provide services yourself, without hiring employees. Once you have created your own client base, you can hire qualified personnel.

    The most popular services in demand by the population:

  • Minor repairs (husband for an hour). This business idea is perfect for beginners who are looking for... The "husband for an hour" agency offers clients a wide range of services - repair of household appliances, installation of plumbing fixtures, replacement of electrical wiring, sockets and switches. Before you begin, you need to complete paperwork, purchase tools, and place advertisements in local media. Such activities will bring monthly 30–50 thousand rubles of net income;
  • Freight transportation. This is a fairly popular area of ​​activity, since recently both legal entities and individuals have begun to use the services of transport companies;
  • Service and repair of household appliances. If you hire qualified specialists and conduct an effective advertising campaign, you can earn 50–60 thousand rubles monthly. To increase your revenue to 100–150 thousand rubles, you need to constantly promote your business and expand the range of services;
  • Hairdresser, cosmetologist. According to experts, this is a fairly promising type of commercial activity that can bring excellent profits. In order to open a small beauty salon, you will need approximately 300 thousand rubles. If the location of the establishment is successfully chosen, monthly revenue can reach 100 thousand rubles. The success of such a business also largely depends on the intensity of promotion and professionalism of the craftsmen;
  • Shoe repair. Such a business will require minimal financial investments from you - for paperwork, purchasing tools and raw materials. If you work independently, without hiring employees, you can earn 40–50 thousand rubles a month;
  • Organization festive events. Services for weddings, birthdays, corporate parties and other celebrations are in greatest demand among the population in major cities. If you provide an effective advertising campaign, the business will generate 50–150 thousand rubles of net income per month;
  • Funeral services. If you include the production and installation of monuments in the list of services, you can earn up to 200 thousand rubles per month;
  • Delivery of environmentally friendly products to your home. This business idea is perfect for rural residents who do not know. Many modern people care about their health, so they try to eat only natural, environmentally friendly food. If you organize regular delivery of fresh vegetables, milk, meat and other products to your regular customers, such a business will bring in 50-80 thousand rubles of net profit every month.
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To whom. Razg. Express About someone who is overly proactive, active, unstoppable in any business or event. “Take care of yourself, don’t poke your nose where you shouldn’t, don’t get in front of bullets and bombs. You're some kind of a catechumen, you always need more than anyone else. And the careful one... ... Phrasebook Russian literary language

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NECESSARY, meaning. tale., with indefinite, whom (what) or what. The same as needed (see needed in numbers 3 and 4). N. work. His concern n. understand. N. money. Most of all N. who n. (about someone who is too active, interferes in everything; colloquial ind.). So to him... ... Dictionary Ozhegova

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

NEED 1, in value. tale., with undefined, someone, what or what. The same as needed (see needed in numbers 3 and 4). N. work. His concern n. understand. N. money. Most of all N. who n. (about someone who is too active, interferes in everything; colloquial disapproved). So he... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

NEED 1, in value. tale., with undefined, someone, what or what. The same as needed (see needed in numbers 3 and 4). N. work. His concern n. understand. N. money. Most of all N. who n. (about someone who is too active, interferes in everything; colloquial disapproved). So he... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

NEED 1, in value. tale., with undefined, someone, what or what. The same as needed (see needed in numbers 3 and 4). N. work. His concern n. understand. N. money. Most of all N. who n. (about someone who is too active, interferes in everything; colloquial disapproved). So he... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

NEED 1, in value. tale., with undefined, someone, what or what. The same as needed (see needed in numbers 3 and 4). N. work. His concern n. understand. N. money. Most of all N. who n. (about someone who is too active, interferes in everything; colloquial disapproved). So he... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Nar., used. max. often 1. More is a form of the words “big” and “many”. My boots are bigger than yours. | They began to earn more money. | I'm much more interested in the future. | Andrey likes you the most. 2. You use the word... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary


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